
Brook Jackson's 2nd Amended Complaint v Pfizer Dismissed.

Discussion with Brook's attorney Warner Mendenhall.

Jackson v. Pfizer 2nd Amended Complaint was dismissed at the District Court on August 9, 2024. Brook is going to the appellate court, and I wanted to hear from her attorney about the status of the case and the future strategy.

Note - there were some technical difficulties recording this video (poor internet connection) as Warner was traveling in the area affected by a recent hurricane.

Full court document here.

As I reported previously, the US government has repeatedly sided with Pfizer against Brook who has been trying to obtain justice under False Claims Act since she was fired from Pfizer’s clinical trial site for noticing and reporting numerous violations of clinical trial protocol and procedures.

The US Government’s argument in siding with Pfizer was, ludicrous - stating that the cost and time of the court discovery was unwarranted and was contrary to the US public health policy. I have reported on the government motion to intervene and dismiss here:

Since Brook has filed her case 3 years ago, it has become increasingly clear that indeed, it is the United States public health policy to poison, kill, disable and sterilize people by products that are forced onto the population under false pretenses of “prophylactic vaccines”. The history of this intentional poisoning program repeats the same patterns of lies, fear mongering, poisoning and subsequent denial and cover-up.

The remarkable worldwide private sector science and crowd sourced document review and data analysis exposing DNA contamination, vaccine ingredients, genetic effects, and other adverse events has been compiled and has been introduced in court filings by Brook’s legal team. Neither Judge Truncale nor DOJ took any notice of this evidence. Neither have provided any coherent explanation about why exposing fraud in the clinical trials would be contrary to United States public health policy.

Previous reporting on Brook Jackson’s case:

Art for today: Portrait with Hollyhocks, oil on linen, 24x30 in.