Thank you for sharing this, girl! Awesome interview!!! I forget sometimes that we have and are succeeding. I needed to hear that today💜

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Thanks Brook! Love to you and family :)

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Brook, I was involved as an employee of the target of a "reverse" whistleblower lawsuit against my [honest] FHA contractor company, which in the 90s served as the lead financial advisor to the FHA just as billions of dollars were about to go missing from HUD. Our lawsuit lasted about 10 years and, of course, there was no wrongdoing found (we were forced out of business early on by govt. leaks that we were under criminal investigation, which was false, but prevented us from getting any other business or raising equity). Our case was sealed for several years and several of the transcripts of the sealed hearings "disappeared." We had four judges, if I remember correctly. Being the target of a false whistleblower suit is a career-destroyer, believe me (I'm an attorney). Yours is, of course, a real whistleblower case, and I applaud you for your efforts. Given my experience, I'm not surprised at the court fraud, or "influence," in your case or at the despicable behavior of the attorneys for the government. Keep up the good work, honey. Having sacrificed my lucrative career for the common good, and having struggled for many years financially, I will tell you I would not change my decision to be on the right side of history, although I didn't at the time know what was at stake. I'll continue to pray for you.

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Thanks for standing up and for standing strong.

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While I appreciate you taking the trouble and making the effort to try and do something, I could have told you up front that it would be in vain. The judicial system is just as corrupted as the rest of the government. It's by design. There is no such thing as a "good government". Some reading that might wake you up:




Perhaps better spend time and energy in educating people that viruses don't exist, so next time they cannot be coerced again into letting brainless government trolls poison them with toxic chemicals.

Much love.

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Unfortunately, it’s baby steps!! I hope you appeal on all of this as it’s ABSURD! The longer this drags the better for us anyway. Please appeal!! I believe it will succeed in the end!!🙏

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Love ❤️ you hun! You are an amazing warrior! This just shows you that corruption runs deep and we still have a long way to go to fight. Keep your head up and we have your back!

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"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." -Thomas Jefferson.

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"“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."


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“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” ― Benjamin Franklin

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"Du skal ikke tåle så inderlig vel

den urett som ikke rammer degselv."

(You shouldn't tollerate so very well

the injustice that doesn't affect yourself.)

- Arnulf Øverland -

Norwegian poet

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The government sided with Pfizer. I'll try and contain my amazement. "Follow the money" is not just a pithy saying.

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Of course. That's called fascism. It's what "the state" does, it is what is created for.


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Brooke is a super strong woman, I met her the summer of 21 in Bkyn. I pray for this case to make a difference, but in my gut..

as always Sasha, beautiful art work. You are so gifted. 🙏❤️

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"Neither have provided any coherent explanation about why exposing fraud in the clinical trials would be contrary to United States public health policy."

Well that's an easy one! Exposing fraud and dangerous injections would promote vaccine hesitancy! We can't have that now, can we?

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"Neither have provided any coherent explanation about why exposing fraud in the clinical trials would be contrary to United States public health policy."

Unless it is the obvious explanation that Warner Mendenhall gives in the interview, that killing and maiming in fact IS part of United States public health policy. I can't see how it can't be.

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There is no protection for whistleblowers, ask me how I know. I blew the whistle on the lies and COVID corruption in Hawaii and they immediately retaliated against me. They made false allegations and put me on admin leave for two months. Then when they brought me back they changed my job duties without notice. A short time after that they discharged me from my position claiming I posted on social media things that contradicted the narrative.

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Operation Warp Speed + national health emergency = fascism. The retaliation meted out to you, Jennifer, is typical of the fascist state the U.S. became on December 23rd, 1913, when Congress abdicated its constitutional mandate over to a central bank. Thank you for standing up to this atrocity. And I'm sorry you must pay such a heavy penalty for taking the right action.

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I’m so sorry to hear your story Jennifer. I have to believe that standing up and telling the truth will be rewarded here in this life, but greatly in the Eternal one to come. God bless your efforts at standing up for the truth. Your story touched my heart and I’m amazed at your fortitude! My prayers for your success and blessings today. ❤️🙏🏻

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In your soul, you KNOW you are on the right side of history.

Pray God makes a better way for you in a better job working with people with integrity .

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"Neither Judge Truncale nor DOJ took any notice of this evidence. Neither have provided any coherent explanation about why exposing fraud in the clinical trials would be contrary to United States public health policy."

Because that would go against the official health policy aka democide.

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Exactly. Democide IS the actual official policy of our Ruling Psychopathy and has been for many, many years.

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Right, it's called "eugenics".

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Indeed. For the Greater Good (of the ,01%).

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It’s very covert though isn’t it. You are the disease they are “controlling”.

Convincing the Jews to walk willfully with consent into the showers to get clean and feel better after the cruel cattle train ride,

was easier than saying “we’re going to gas you and mass murder you in a minute.”

People trusted people, (with guns of course),

not believing that ORGANIZED evil exists at such a frightening capacity.

The program was “THE FINAL SOLUTION”.

And I recently read that the gas they used was purchased from the USA .

.I still cannot wrap my mind around that.

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My wife and I own ukrainian linen clothing (vyshetia) like the one you painted Sasha. A great investment in our health, as our clothing is our second skin against all the toxins out there.

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I have a collection of hand embroidered clothes. I used to do it myself when I was young and had excellent eyesight :)

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Wow! Impressive. Bohdanna (my wife) has a collection herself, although never embroidered them.

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As quoted from the article: "Since Brook has filed her case 3 years ago, it has become increasingly clear that indeed, it is the United States public health policy to poison, kill, disable and sterilize people by products that are forced onto the population under false pretenses of “prophylactic vaccines”. "

I know it's rather gauche to make lite of the situation, but when I read the term "prophylactic vaccines" I think of retroactive birth control... Erm...

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You too? "Sterilization" is the word that comes to my mind.; a countermeasure to population growth.

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You know it was Hitler who first used HEALTH as a means of murder.

He made the Jews the problem of disease spreaders.

Just like the Unvaxed were made to be a problem…with c o vid.

He cruelly experimented on them in the camps (through Dr Joseph Mengeler )

Then the USA through “Operation Paperclip” hired many of Hitlers boys to come work over here …in fact NASA was led by one.

Our history has been hidden. What is being done is no different now to back then.

Hitler learned about Eugenics from British and US elites.

The queens husband (Prince Phillip) has been quoted saying when he dies he wants to come back as a virus to reduce the worlds population. Just lovely isn’t it.

He died just a few years ago…

Checkout the strange LONDON 2012 ? Olympics with covid crown shape , and dancing nurses and sick children creep show the royals sat watching. Then forward to 2020 dancing nurses and you think

Was it an advert for what was to transpire in 10 years time?

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Your painting is beautiful!

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An other piece of our failed history.

United States of Apartheid, and not just medical apartheid, as the same ones which set up the judges in the court rooms and brought us into their digital and medical apartheid dystopia, are cheering and giving standing ovations in congress to their Genocidaires partners, arming a Genocide turned Holocaust, and attacking the people which stands for Justice and Peace.

Any how good point, the longer they postpone the trial, the more will be the incriminating evidences provided.

Thank you for sharing Sasha.

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This is to be expected when one deals with a bankrupt country that only deals in debt based instruments known as federal reserve notes....and corporations that poses as governments. It is 100% "de facto" and is NOT a representative "de jure" law form of government. You can look at Cornell law for the definition under 28 USC 3002 paragraph 15. It reads as follows:

(15)“United States” means—

(A)a Federal corporation;

(B)an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or

(C)an instrumentality of the United States.

Every time that an individual enters a registered corporate court - they are doing so as "minor wards of the state"....or basically "incompetent"...as "dead entities on paper" with their names in ALL CAPS (based on the Birth Certificate)..which is why they need to be "re-presented" by a BAR attorney (aka...NOT a "lawyer").....this law form is only for contract law between corporate entities (which are dead entities) and when one's name appears in ALL CAPS in court filings (just like this one) there are not rights or Constitutions involved and one does not enter these courts as living men and women. The only remedies are contractual in nature with those remedies only in the form of worthless federal reserve notes that are NOT money.

It will continue to be this way until this de facto law form is "no more".....

This applies to every corporate de facto government - all branches and agencies....local to fed

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Dang! I should have written that! But you did a better job than I would have anyway, Patrick.

Roger Sherman described fiat "[irredeemable] paper" money as "a medium of fluctuating value" (always diminishing to the holder) so that debtors (taxpayers) must repay in the (no choice here) medium of declining value compared to when it was borrowed (assuring exponential several and collective debt servitude for all).

Congress delivered the nation up to this indefinitely expanding usury on December 23rd, 1913. Since then IMO the Federal Reserve became our de facto government - pure unadulterated fascism.

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Government is the root of the problem. Without that, the bankers would not have any power.


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...... which reminds me of this quote:

"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin . . . Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again . . . Take this great power away from them, and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. . . . But, if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit."

- Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England, 1927

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Thanks Sasha. Thanks Brook and Warner and your whole team. Indeed, this is a repeat of history. Since 1996 I have been aware of vaccine injury corruption and experienced the wrath directed towards anyone who tries to research the truth. When this whole charade of covid began I saw the cycle continuing. The only reason they were able to succeed in injecting so many people is because of the sacred status that vaccines hold in society. This concept needs to be crushed once and for all. What you are doing to facilitate this is invaluable!!! I am not a religious person but I have to say you are all saints!! Bless you all 💖🙏🏼

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Thanks, Sasha for posting this that dude got a real good attitude. I can use some of that sometimes I get pretty discouraged with society..

I saw Brooks story when it first came out in 2020 I think, was in Houston at the time. I think I saw a video anyway I suffered some physical damage even though I never got the vaccine. I got poisoned somehow When I was visiting in Houston 2022.

Something wrong with my circulatory system and my heart. And of course, the doctors are baffled. I’ve given up on them.

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The jabs are self-spreading.

Clean diet and clean your system.

Some have found relief with EDTA, Ivermectin, Vitamins C, D

Do your research

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Do you have links to research that proves this self-spreading?

Why are you promoting big pharma poison like ivermectin and synthetic supplements?


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Yeah, vaccine is self spreading just like they’re doing a chicken fucking coop and now I’m not taking ivermectin and all that other shit you said I did that and I’m worse off not doing anything anyone says anymore just eat and clean food good air remember to breathe

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Vaccines are not self-spreading. On what research is this based?

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Agree that it is shocking that the judge wasn't aware of safety issues brought forward by Kevin McCernan re sb40 and frame shifting. So much info has been suppressed - it is not just the general public who are ignorant, but judges, attorneys, and policy makers. Even more disturbing is the willful lack of interest in these matters after being presented in a court of law by experts. It is as if the judge wasn't willing to try to gain an understanding, rather much easier to dismiss based on a vague basis of the interests of public health policy - while wrongfully believing public health is best served by jabbing up everybody whether they drop dead or not.

Nobody with a favorable bias towards "vaccines" and the belief that the COVID jabs are indeed "vaccines" will ever be brought around upon the first time hearing about the dangers. They need to be shown and told in many separate ways before the dim light in their brain begins to go on. Please DO NOT give up, I believe justice will eventually prevail.

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In passing the name Dr. Alton ochsner was mentioned in relation to those who promulgated bad medicine having ill fortune visited on them and their families. I happen to have read the book "Lee and Me" by Judith Vary Baker and Dr. Ochsner features prominently in that book. He was spearheading an effort in the early '60s to come up with, not a cure for cancer but a means for inducing turbo cancers as an assassination tool, specifically to be used against Fidel Castro. The "Lee" referred to in the title is none other than the purported Kennedy assassin Oswald. Ms. Baker-the author was working for Dr. Ochsner on this secret project with Oswald and in the process fell in love with him, how romantic! Another book that covers this relationship and predates the Baker book is "Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses Are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, ... Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics " by Edward Haslam. This story has relevance to all kinds of nefarious historical happenings.

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I know. I published on Judy last year, and I have a post scheduled on the Oswald, Oschner history of SV40 and connection to JD Vance coming up shortly.

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Now that I think about it, I probably found out about it from you. Funny how when I just searched for the good doctor all I could find was glowing tributes and no controversy. He did 20,000 surgeries and 7 on his last day before retirement!

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yup. They forget to mention he killed his own grandson and crippled his granddaughter with the Salk vaccine. He also railed against Dr. Spock (actually popular in the Soviet Union even when I was growing up), because Dr. Spock promoted loving your children and being kind to them. These people are true genuine demon-possessed psychos.

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This right here, Sasha, is the Gestalt:



demon-obsessed psychopaths

When viewed from the proper angle it makes sense why the evil doing is ignore by judges, DAs, politicians, etc. b/c to them it is perceived as a means to power and influence.

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I figured they took out Kirsty Alley.

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Edward T. Haslem has an excellent website, doctormarysmonkey.com with more info subsequent to his book. Haslem's father was a Dr. and colleague of Dr. Mary Sherman. The cancer bioweapon was tested on a prisoner in a penitentiary, I think in Jackson, Miss. and Judyth was involved in that and rebelled from Dr. Ochsner. David Ferrie also worked on the bioweapon project... Jack Ruby, also knew Oswald and Ferrie in New Orleans. When Oswald left New Orleans in late Sept. 1963, he had two thermoses of cancer bioweapon and left one with an someone in Houston... Most likely, Jack Ruby was injected with the cancer bioweapon and they x-rayed him a lot and he subsequently died from cancer.

John Armstrong has an incredible website "Harvey and Lee'' https://harveyandlee.net. and documents that there were two Oswald's, one he terms HARVEY who was framed for the murders and LEE, who grew up in the real Oswald family. This was a CIA project...

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There are no bioweapons, just chemical weapons, as viruses don't exist and bacteria don't make you sick. Make sure to realize this difference.




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