A military operation is NOT a public health event - Debbie Lerman's discussion with Dr. Kat Lindley

Republishing an FLCCC podcast

For those of you who are tired hearing me repeat the same thing, sometimes it is helpful to hear it in another person’s voice and interpretation. Debbie Lerman is the journalist who originally discovered that the “covid pandemic” was operated by the military-intelligence apparatus (waging war), and had nothing to do with public health.

Since that discovery, and both of us and Katherine Watt speaking and writing about this, the military-spook state actors got spooked and have re-written their own documents to pretend that the public health was always a national security matter. It has never been. Don’t fall for their CYA tactics.

Subscribe to Debbie’s Substack.

Wishing Merry Christmas and a great holiday break to all my readers and to all your families! I am grateful for your support.

Art for today: from my sketchbook - view of San Francisco, watercolor.