My own comment on this interview: I disagree with Debbie that mRNA vax was not deliberately made to kill people, because it is deadly by design. Any professional designing a weapon knows how to make it deadly, and also knows how to make it slower-killing and deniable, too. So, not just the vaccines, the entire operation, including psychological operation was designed to kill and injure as many people as possible. We agree to disagree on this, as respectful adults should.

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100% accurate Sasha! Keep spreading the repetitive truth! We're counting on you to teach the world what's really been going on! (Unjabbed Mick (& Family). We'll live longer!

Covid was man-made ('Fauci-modified' by GoF).

Many of our 'Friends' have abandoned us because we have interpreted most of the Covid & Vax nonsense as total B/S. We've now deviated so far from 'the narrative' that we actually believe Covid might have just been a Flu derivative which was deliberately modified in order to panic the world into accepting a POISONOUS jab!

Here's my story - in brief;

Yes! We've lost many of our 'friends' because of our strange Conspiracy Theories, like;

Realising Big Pharma are mercenary murderers who pretend to have a 'vaccine' that could deal with Covid. In reality, these concoctions are designed to destroy humanity,

World Economic Forum has an agenda that intends to render the majority of surviving humanity (particularly vax participants) as their dehumanised SLAVES!

Pfizer, Moderna, etc, create supposedly SAFE and EFFECTIVE injections, which are really poisons to depopulate the planet!

The 'pretend vaccines' are actually 'poisonous mRNA dehumanising chemical poisons' which are just 'EXPERIMENTAL' and that these injections actually destroy natural human immunity.

Manufacturers of these POISONOUS INJECTIONS still enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for their intentional Vax-related DEATHS and serious, sometimes permanent injuries.

Regulatory bodies, like the FDA, CDC, NIH, NHS, etc, supposedly oversee these deadly injections but are totally CORRUPT and controlled by Big Pharma.

These bizarre conclusions which we reached have caused many of our 'FRIENDS' to avoid talking or associating with us. No loss there then!

Being Unjabbed, we believe we are far healthier than our 'ex-friends', some of whom have experienced some of the serious health issues which we tried to warn them of! Se la vie!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer by disbelieving everything the Governments, corrupt medics and Big Pharma tell us!

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...., and thank you for pointing that out, Sasha.

San Fransisco was beautiful 43 years ago, and your interpretation is too.

When I got off the Greyhound back then I went to the toilet and saw the following written inside a stall, and it still makes me laugh to this day: "If God does does not destroy San Fransisco and Los Angeles He owes Sodom and Gomorah an apology." LOL

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I kinda quake for the American people and others.

If a nuclear bomb obliterated the country, the survivors would probably think they did not deserve the holocaust.

Tell that to the millions who have suffered and died under brutal US & Co covert empire building "regime changes" is the name of supporting democracy and opposing terrorism.




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That said, I already know where you stand on the subect. I just stopped the video and made this comment.

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Re-reading Stephen King's 1978 hyper-bestselling (4.5M copies) epic novel, "The Stand," I'm struck by how his fictional apocalypse--a radically depopulated America, strewn with rotting corpses in the wake of an accidentally released super-fast-acting bio-war pathogen--may have informed the bad guys' *actual* thinking in subsequent decades. B/c his set-up *closely* echoes narratives they played on us in 2020, but at a radically faster horror-genre tempo.

One can imagine ordinary folks reading it, storing away the lessons, and then, later, as they got into positions of power, riffing on his ideas for real.

Essentially: Great story, Steve. Let's just slow it down. 15 days to kill everyone off may be great for a page-turner, but we need to keep stuff boring; stave-off the backlash; blunt everything with plausible deniability so folks won't all notice at once.

How about 15 years to flatten the *mortuary* curve? Yeah, that'll do nicely.

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More likely Stephen King received a friendly little nudge from the CIA:).

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What of Huxley and Orwell?

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What indeed?:).

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How many 'coincidences' are accepted as being coincidence before the penny drops?

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Most are too busy checking their Instagram and trapped in the Zuckerverse to ever figure it out:).

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problem with Steve King's book is that it's pure nonsense. Pandemics don't exist. But now the CIA is happy that he misrepresented the situation and frightened and confused everyone so they can get on with additiona; mass killing with vaccines

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Yes a lot of people still want to believe our govts wouldn't do such horrific things.

Despite the mounting no of death and injury cases, one would wonder why our govts wouldn't intervene rather than ignoring concerns and continuing to push the dodgy shots by promoting the safe and effective narrative. To me that's a first clue.

Wish you happy holidays.

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After 5 years I'd like to see people talking about "covid" as a crime scene instead of a science project.

To that end I think it would be great if somebody 🙏 would come up with a chart where the columns are the big yes/no questions like <believes viruses exist>, <believes covid is a military op>, <believes covid is a depopulation operation>, etc. (there must be hundreds of them but maybe the top dozen or two to fit on a chart), and the rows are prominent people and their answers. Would save everybody time.

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Why is the mantra now no such thing as viruses?

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why not? The intention of the mantra is to remind everyone not to take vaccines.

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Search the etymology of virus. I would like to know how it affects you, develops and behaves in you semantically speaking, especially.

It would really be worth it to make a casual survey of the initial outcomes after people's brief research on the etymology of virus. Just a few finger taps away.

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just a chart of peoples beliefs in yes/no form, to see at a glance and maybe group some together

doesnt say whether those beliefs are true

not normally done but these are not normal times

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I would add that no one in their right mind would move ahead at warp speed to inject every man, woman, child and even zoo animals with a technology that has been nothing but an epic failure for the prior 20 years, wake up one morning and say "oh, it's all good now". By itself, that shows intent to harm. None of us want to accept that this level of evil exists but it clearly does.

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Its the biggest problem we face, getting people to accept the enormity of what has been done, how could such evil possibly exist, but Satan does exist.

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The jab turns your body into a machine to create a protein that is non human, so they knew it would cause an autoimmune response.

All the manufacturer's chose the same protein, suggesting collusion.

Mike Yeadon discovered (with help from other scientists) that the different drug companies colluded to cary out lethal dose testing.

There is no doubt this is an attempt at genocide.

What astonishes me is most people still don't get it, and the more letters they have after their names the more thick they are.

Myself and my family are unjabbed and will remain so.

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Totally agree with you on the mRNA vaccine. Secondly, that Trump was not part of the COVID operation Is for Trumpist naiveté. I watched It because of the Military discussione bit the two points I do not agree with takes away the validity of the rest of the discussion. In fact Sweden did not comply because It Is already a fully lobotomized society. Many are ready to be chipped and they have a big population of the Soros financed 'immigrants'.

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Have you been to Sweden? Lobotomized?? Soros sponsored immigrants-I hesitate to ask, but why?

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A work colleague of mine who is Swedish felt their policies were different because they were set by doctors and health care professionals, as opposed to politicians and bureaucrats.

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covid had nothing to do with public health. It was a global military operation. Sweden was let to not do lockdowns as a "test" and then the vax was pushed there, just like everywhere less. While the deaths were not as high, the fertility went down, meaning Sweden was shipped a "special formula."

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So sad - deliberate destruction - special formula - you can’t make this up.

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too many blonds

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Yeah, how are we to truly find motive? Are these people psychopaths or totally stupid and incompetent?

A shield from product liability is wrong.

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Thanks for clarifying your position at the outset of comments. I too believe it was deliberate and will remain deliberate - EVIL gets no pass - this was an intentional war on many levels and we are the collateral damage. Read and weep.

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My thoughts exactly. It seems to me she is one of many people who simply cannot bring themselves to believe that their leaders and those in authority are so evil that they would concoct a plan to murder citizens. Also, in terms of the shots being used for depopulation, she missed the fact that the nanoparticle coating used for the MRNA shots specifically targets the reproductive system of young women, so a major part of the depopulation program would be achieved indirectly by making it difficult for women to conceive in the future. The future will tell how successful they were or not.

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Sasha, I agree with your disagreement. And when enquiring further as to who is instructing the military-intelligence apparatus, I believe Catherine Austin Fitts has the best explanation. The military (NATO) is simply the enforcement arm for the central banking warfare model. The central bankers' ponzi scheme is coming to a head, and the covid plandemic a way to slow it down. I always love CAF's quote: "What is it about 'they want to kill you and steal your stuff' that you don't understand?" Hopefully Debbie will eventually dig deeper and come around.

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I accept the premise that "mRNA vax was [...] deliberately made to kill people, because it is deadly by design." It did take a lot of "Yeadon", a lot of personal research and a great deal of reflection to accept it. I work in the pharma field, and this is a malice v. incompetence issue, with malice apparently taking the driver's seat in this case (you cannot have this amount of incompetent people all at once!). My take: "the 'pandemic' [problem] created the reason [crisis] for the launch of the mRNA inoculation [solution]". In one hand, it's a freaking racket. On the other, a bioweapon. The perpetrators may be damned either way. Sad.

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Jan 17
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Earl, you are so-so screwed! You have been connected to all the Wi-Fis in the neighborhood, in 300 mile radius, and you got all the nanocooties from all the nanotwatts. You are doomed, man. IVM will do jack shit for your condition, and vitD is a known rat poison. No options left, Earl. So sad for you. Peace.

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Jan 17
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your needle got stuck

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Jan 15
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So, your sis in law is biodigitally converted now? Can she call ET for us? Can you plug-unplug her and reboot?

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Jan 16
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what question?

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Nanobots got you, Earl. And they stuck your caplocks, too.

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Jan 17
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I dunno. I am not Monsef, ask him

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Jan 17
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The nanobots got you Earl, got you real good, man. Take IVM it will clear the graphene and the 5G thingy from your colon.

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Jan 16
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wow, I am so impressed you talk to ET through your graphene5G connection. Super. Please tell him I said hi, I am a fan.

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“If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

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Why are so many beating around the bush. This was and till is a DEMOCIDE run by the DoD/NATO. No one held accountable so they will try the same playbook again, and why not?

What is wrong with us.

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My wife often says that she’s not persuaded that even i would have noticed what was going on if I’d still been working stupidly hard in a corporate job or helming a biotech.

What is wrong with us includes having never even got around to contemplating if there’s anything amiss at all.

As for the rest, those who did notice that something was wrong early in 2020, mostly exhibited herd behaviour. They looked around and saw that most people weren’t doing anything, so they did that, too.

The rest were unable to compute the possibility that was a systemic attack upon them. The rest were simply cowardly.

A psychologist said to me in 2021 that “Many people would rather die with the herd than leave the herd”.

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I did my small part in June 2020:



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Good insight from your wife.

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What's wrong with us?

Most of us are vaccine injured and otherwise poisoned along with being subjected to brainwashing in schools, at work and via corporate media. We've also been infantized and only a few even have a clue.

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Your questions are perhaps the most salient on the page...

The story lines were and still are, NATO/Department of Defense planned trajectories. Your "What is wrong with us?" question would make a great stocking stuffer... Better not shout...

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Can we name a single head of a hospital, a medical university, a university of any sort who has stood to denounce this? Has a single charge of murder, manslaughter, criminal malfeasance ever been lodged anywhere on the planet concerning this truly Pan-democidal operation? It's a real mass media terror lockdown we're in.

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No university or hospital executive or administrative personnel, have filed ANY charges because they are Accessories both Before and After the Fact. See: 18 U.S. Code § 3 - Accessory after the fact >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3

Also this: Biden Admin Accused of ‘Murder,’ ‘Treason,’ ‘Genocide,’ and Use of ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ with COVID-19 Shots, 5G, Chemtrails, Mosquitos: Texas Lawsuit >>> JON FLEETWOOD >>> October 22, 2024 >>> https://jonfleetwood.substack.com/p/biden-admin-accused-of-murder-treason

There have been no criminal arrests...

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I don't mean to be petty, but the quite new word, democide, functions excellently when describing the dynamics involved between a single nation's people and their direct rulership, descriptively cropped along the contours of ancient city-state/polis archetypes. Yet an even newer coinage, pandemocide, speaks to the situation when the governments of all nation's effectively act in unison at the same time right across the globe.

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Parted ways with Trump when he promoted the Vax, then said he'd send the military to give 💉's. He's a scripted actor as well as all the compromised Congressionals Trans National criminals posing as politicians. Just a lay person's observance, opinion.

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"A military operation is NOT a public health event"

Well, if you think twisted, it is, because it kills public health and brings suffering, disease and death in return, which is exactly what the military of the psychopath elite is for.

I wish you, Alexandra, and all readers a blessed Christmas.

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The focus of All military operations revolve around death and killing, period. Civil populations create these sadistic goons in their bedrooms, feed them at their kitchen tables, educate them in their schools, and support them with false liberties. Liberties which are dictated by the monstrosities they created in their bedrooms... My belief is that military constructs are *indeed* a health event. A mental health event...

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That is putting it bluntly Paul.

One might ask what the real purpose of the military is anyhow.

But we do not want to displace too many rocks - our whole "civilisation" might come crashing down on our heads!

That might happen anyhow.

And that might not be a bad thing.

We might then be able to build a civilised civilisation.

Or not.

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The rocks don't need to be displaced, they just need to be put back in their rightful place

as for "our whole "civilisation" might come crashing down on our heads!" Have a look around you, our civilisation is already crashing down on our heads

If people can't see this, I think they best be getting out from the cave they live in and having a look beyond the end of their nose...

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I agree with you Mark.

I meant that if we lift up too many rocks to see what is under them, we may be forced to realise the real state we are in.

People may begin to truly understand that our "civilisation" is crumbling, with help from those with vested interests.

Many are still blind to the real situation, and for whatever reasons will probably not take accountability until forced to do so.

Regardless, I think there is always hope, because light inevitably conquers darkness.

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Perhaps I have lifted one-too-many rocks because I am in total realisation of the mess we. as a collective of earth bound people, are in; Mankind's immediate future looks very bleak from where I stand; Particularly in so-called 'western civilisations' yet 'we' are allegedly the most informed and most educated peoples on earth...

"People may begin to truly understand that our "civilisation" is crumbling, with help from those with vested interests"

And what is the problem with that? I don't comprehend this point of view; Are we that have come to some very frightening realisations born from evidenced facts supposed to sit back, not inform others, and sit waiting for the inevitable to happen as 'civilisations' everywhere slowly but surely turn into a dog eat dog shit fight?

"probably not take accountability until forced to do so"

Are we to hedge our bets that when these people finally are 'forced' to face the facts that they will only take their anger and frustrations out on those that have caused the mess and not just take their frustrations out on anyone and everyone?

I can pretty much guarantee that none of us will be out of the firing line when push comes to shove

If you want a clear example of what I am alluding to, take a look into the very recent past with many of the 'protest' rallies and the like; No shop, no car, no people are spared the rod of peoples anger and frustration yet the very Ones who cause the peoples problems remain unscathed.

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I basically agree with you Mark.

For clarification: our civilization is crumbling with help from those who have vested interests in its destruction, because this will make their control of the masses easier.

We do need to realise that many people can easily become our enemies in a crisis, as history clearly shows.

Those creating the problems are not untouchable.

Clearly they are afraid of what will happen if the masses turn on them.

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An event is an event, good, evil, long, short, late… an event.

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Yep... the very definition of 'Defence Force' has been turned on it's head; The military should change its moniker to 'Attack Force' or perhaps more apt, 'Attack Dogs'

I comprehend completely that offense is sometimes the best defence but the Military Industrial Money Laundering Complex and it's propaganda machine conjures 'enemies ready to attack' out of thin air as they go to foreign soils to drop bombs of 'diplomacy and democracy' on people who have no intention or desire to invade any foreign lands;

No, how these people are viewed as enemies is more often than not their refusal to be bullied into submission by 'US Foreign Policy' and even more so with 'US Monetary Policy" that Needs the entire worlds population subservient to its Debt Based, Fiat Economy model so that it might survive and continue prospering a select few while the masses huddle around fires out on the streets or in the parks while still being forced to pay for the monetary debts that they did not sign up to, consent to nor does it benefit them

People of the world have allowed the servants to become the masters and this Needs to be reversed if we are to have any hope of finding justice for the harms caused and for there ever being a real chance at world peace

In a nutshell, the Lunatics have been given the keys to the asylum, the medicine cabinets, the gun cabinets and the front doors of every home on this earth... they've even been handed the keys to nature herself

Hello, is there anybody paying attention yet?

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Hello Mark. I've read and appreciate your comments on this thread. The presence of human thuggery seems intrinsically based on chimpanzee behavior. My belief is that Charles Darwin had (at least) a partial understanding of Nature and evolution... Of course persons believing the poof theory of creation will cringe at any such observation. That said:

Other primates such as Orangutan, Great Ape, or Gorilla, do not display clan or territorial aggression for no particular reason. The random aggression behavior seems limited to Chimpanzee and some other smaller primate monkey species.

There was an excellent documentary regarding these differences in primate behavior years ago, but I have no idea what title or author prepared it.

We're just monkey's with car keys... Best regards.

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One: I am not a person; I am not a Fiction at Law and nor should anyone ever claim to be 'the person'; I am not a Citizen, a Person, a Subject nor a Human... it may behoove you to conduct some investigations into the 'LEGAL' definitions of these words

We are not Humans and we are not collectively Humanity; We are Man or Woman or Boy or Girl; Together we are a people and collectively we are Mankind

I care not to enter into discussion about 'evolution vs creativity' but I believe even the first atom and molecule came from somewhere; Big Bang 'poof' theory... how did all these atoms and molecules form into living matter that mankind apparently evolved from? Makes no more sense than a single man being placed here before a woman was formed from his spare rib; Nope, the factual truth lays somewhere in the middle if anyone was to ask me

I agree totally with the observation regarding primates versus man; Man seems hell bent on destroying himself and his living space (earth) while those with alleged 'primitive' minds cause no harm to one another without good reason...and man, just like primates do when they encounter man, love throwing crap at each other for no apparent reason; At least the monkeys have valid reason to throw shit at man...

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Splendid reply Mark. Thank you. I am well versed in many aspects of Lawful terminology. 'Legal' practice consists of myriad definitions intentionally obscuring true justice. The legal BAR is a complete fraud... Alas...

Interesting that you've considered the reality of Universe. Atoms, molecules, lipids, proteins, cells, and all manner of quantum communication have had trillions of years head start on homo-sapience. The mind of man is a projection of biological systems embraced within an infinite continuum... Unfortunately; most of our specie is dissociated from that reality.

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I'm glad you enjoyed the reply and I'm happy to read you know what the 'LEGAL' and its controlling BAR are all about...hiding behind colour of law 'LEGALESE' designed to obscure actual Law

So I have to ask, being that you are apparently "well versed in many aspects of Lawful terminology" why are choosing to conflate Lawful with Legal?

Why did you choose to use the words 'persons' and 'humans'?

I am what many would label an 'existentialist' and have been for as long as I can remember and as such, I question many things that 'the system' tries (succeeds in most) to indoctrinate us with from the first day we enter a 'state curriculum' classroom

some of my thinking is 'out there' Brother but oddly enough, a lot (well some) of my 'out there' thinking proves Factual later on; It might be weeks, months or years later but eventually some of what I think of comes to fruition; I often used to have friends ask; "how the fuck did you know that"? back when I had a group of so-called friends

"infinite continuum" right up my alley Paul; I believe, from observation, that mankind is evolving into something other than what we have come to accept as 'the norm'; Is it just me or do the current crop of 'younguns' (say 5-30 years) look different? They appear to be much taller with a much elongated skinny frame; There seems to be a lot less muscle density covering the frame yet they still have reasonable strength; It's unusual to see a 'well-built' or 'solid' young men these days; They are either fat or skinny

More interestingly, they seem to be much smarter than me and my school friends were at the same age, especially the very young; They are also very eloquent with their speech yet somehow their basic math skills suck; Probably due to reliance on computers and calculators and not being taught the basics at school with a pen/pencil and a piece of paper

They are much more demanding than children were back in my day; And when they don't get their way, look out; There's also the not-so-small matter of every other child having some form of autism or 'learning disability' as the current crop of mums like to say

I'd go as far to suggest that Our Species is changing faster than it ever has; Not a thing we can do about it; It's just an observation I have had as I walk the infinite continuum of this thing we call life.

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it was a bio wepon

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it wasn't. It was a computer sequence uploaded to Genbank.

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This is a crucial point that Debbie and virtually everyone in the Brownstone orbit refuse to look into or even discuss.

That doesn't dismiss the worthwhile information that Debbie discusses in this interview and I think overall she is further along on this specific point than most of the individuals who write for Brownstone.

It's a shame the Brownstone/CHD folks won't get into this in greater detail. It need not be confrontational, just evidence based discourse.

I will say that from my perspective one doesn't even need to discuss "lab leak" or "no GoF lab leak" but just focus on what happened INSIDE the hospitals and nursing homes which reveals the alleged "covid" illness/death portion of the Covid con to be a straightforward case of mass medical murder that was executed via administrative diktats by the same forces that planned out the entire operation.

On a more mundane note just the fact that the average age of a "covid death" exceeded normal life spans and those deaths were comprised of predominantly institutionalized elderly and disabled (putting aside new death certificate guidelines for COVID-19 and new ICD code for COVID-19 deaths) renders the entire discussion about "lab leak" moot.

I would like to see interviewers bring up this point every time someone props of the GoF narrative and ask them why we should be worried about such GoF programs.

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I agree. The Gain of Fiction ploy is pretty lowbrow to say the least. Brownstone Institute and Children's Health Defense seem willing to avoid he truth so they don't alienate readership. Here's a bit of reality: >>>

COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive program >>> December 1, 2021 >>> https://providernews.anthem.com/kentucky/articles/covid-19-vaccine-provider-incentive-program-9502

"Anthem" Provider... Provider of -----

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30 Jan 2025


Focus remains a little skewed here.

I only just recently took a look at Brownstone. Who are they working for really? I'm tired of talking shit especially to its institutionalized forms, if that may suffice.

Injectable bioweapons are for killing, let us say [children]. Full stop.


This is all about (bio)weaponry engagement.

Let me open a research unit for fellow defenders by precisely posing the following broad question:

Could anyone strategically imagine a way of calculating past, present and future weapons production rates, production site locations, storage facilities and inventory counts, logistics facility routes, together with the teams of human facilitators involved in all of this, [full documentation safely uploaded], and destroying them?

For starters, Donald Operation Warp Speed Trump touted openly five years back on the White House lawn that he was 'ordering the DoD to produce injectable bioweapons in the hundreds of millions of doses and deliver them.'

To ground our perspective, folks have already speculated and published numbers of deaths caused by these injectables of all sorts over the past five years.

Warm up question:

How many kill shot doses new or old might presently exist in the world?

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Hello sritantra project. In answer to your first question: The Department of Defense is not a singular entity by any stretch. The DoD consists of hundreds of compartmentalized agents and affiliates. Partial List of United States defense contractors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_defense_contractors

After pursuing the identity of *listed* agencies and companies, perhaps observe these additional references:


Keep in mind that these are short lists of publicly "acknowledged" entities, and these companies employ thousands of persons with *agenda*. That said: Tracking transportation routes, storage facilities, and areas of deployment would take *accurately* answered FOIA to Departments of Commerce, Departments of State, and Departments of Transportation. *None* of these agencies are even on the radar when it comes to organizations such as Brownstone Institute or Children's Health Defense. It's all Kabuki theater.

My reference to the "Anthem" provider news simply highlighted the complicit behaviors of the public at large. Our current 'civil' construct is a polluted landscape filled with dead bodies and fallen souls. Sorry if that's not what you were looking for. Best regards.

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All an evil ruse to get the true bioweapon into bodies - from US DOD.

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People still seem unable to grasp the fact that anything man made is not biological or anything that is (was) biological being artificially changed in any way by man is no longer biological

Take rubber for example; Sure, there was a time when it was sourced from nature (biology) but then man manipulated it into something different by adding various chemical compounds (synthetics) and strands of wire etc to make tyres; Are tyres or even a 'simple' pencil rubber (eraser) biological?

Are we happy to call a Chemical (Chemistry) Concoction a Bioweapon because it attacks biology? This makes no sense to I

Was 'agent orange' labelled a bioweapon or a Chemical Weapon?

The shots are a synthetic substance that apparently contains small fragments of Biology embodied within many chemical compounds; Does this seem biological to anyone?

Bioweapon infers a weapon made from a biological substance does it not?

What we have in fact and definition is a Chemical Weapon that attacks biology which makes it a ChemWeapon if people choose to make one word out of Two

Why do I make an issue out of this? Well, if I have learned nothing else these past few years it is that words matter more than most care to think about and in the "LEGAL' realm even more so; Our word is our bond and our bond is our word

Using the word 'bioweapon' when accusing someone (agent for entity) for launching an attack on mankind could be viewed and argued as a falsity when in fact and definition a Chemical Weapon was used to attack the biology of man

Am I the only one who sees this?

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correct. that's why I always said that chemical weapons were deployed, and re mRNA shots, the only reason they can be called "biologics" is the artificial division of chemical entities into "drugs" (<900 Da) and "biologics" (>1kDa)

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Relieved to know you agree Sasha; I feel so alone in my thoughts at times;

There are way-too-many so-called 'experts' out there who argue black and blue that I "take it all out of context" even as I am trying to put it into grammatically defined context

Just because a chemical compound is introduced into biological material (in this case peoples blood) does not make it a Biological Weapon; It is a harmful attack of Chemical Cocktails on biology

I feel 'Experts' are deliberately putting the effect before the cause by stating 'bioweapons' instead of Chemical Weapons (used to attack biology)

Is this a deliberate effort to railroad the narrative away from International Law Chemical Weapons conventions that banned the use of such weapons in times of war (and peace)?

I mean, we all know that 'operation warp speed' was a US DoD lead world wide military campaign and that each individual (allied) 'nation state' used it's military to oversee 'vaccine rollout' while 'lockdown' was just a 'nice' way of introducing Martial Law

Methinks the powers-that-ought-not-be are more than happy to let the 'bioweapon' narrative continue as any accusations of such being thrown at them in the 'LEGAL' realm will absolve them from International Law conventions against the use of Chemical Weapons because once accused of using 'bioweapons' one cannot them come back and change the accusation to 'Chemical Weapon' attack when 'bioweapon' has been (rightfully) proven to be a falsity which no doubt all the 'LEGAL' types are well aware of; The 'LEGAL' will play this card when the chips start falling against them;

We can clearly see (hear, read) this already happening in the worlds governments 'inquiries' and 'hearings' into 'covid response' and 'vaccine' injuries.

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Well said !!!

Rush Limbaugh use to make that very point all the time.


Words mean things and when the meaning is changed it changes the complete narrative.

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Thanking Mark Hills for casting light on details worthy of revealing.

The following is my response to two of Mark's questions.

1) "The shots are a synthetic substance [...] contain[ing] small fragments of Biology embodied within many chemical compounds. Does this seem biological to anyone? "

Yes, it's partially biologic(al), certainly.

Mark does well to mention "bio protein fragments" that are likely to appear in a range of injectable inoculants that many of us here are focused on. Research colleagues characterize such bio protein fragments more simply as 'food ingredients,' bits of peanut, milk, wheat, egg, soy, etc. that parallel and indeed cause common food allergies. These materials taken from natural proteins act as toxins to the body when injected into the blood stream causing serious, possibly fatal anaphylactic allergic reaction, known as early as 1913, Charles Richet.

In this way, the prepared inoculants may be described as injectable biological weapons containing bio matter fashioned to target bio persons. This is the picture I've drawn largely from research partners. Pardon me if I'm getting things wrong, thank you for your patience.

It may be helpful, even timely at this moment to establish that the mere laying of our eyes upon the biological realm functions to colonize all things and areas that come into our vision.

Mark inquires again from a slightly altered angle:

2) "Bioweapon infers a weapon made from a biological substance does it not?"

Yes, it certainly does (as above), but only in part.

All the same, straight up natural microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, snake venoms and many other 100% natural potentially poisonous substances produced by, or within living organisms may definitely be weaponized to gravely torment human and animal persons. Think about the neolithic forest dweller's poisonous blowgun... Such a [weapon] is more than its toxic substance alone, neither is it just the venom-touched dart. It's the whole ensemble, the bio-toxin plus its delivery system.

This is more than inferred. This is direct valid 'in your face' knowledge (pratyaksha pramana).

By way of closing, it seems to me that any bio, chemical, or purely synthetic bio-chemical material, injectable, eatable, breathable, touch-able, sprayable, that affects the bodies of living beings and causes them harm may in some layered or extended literary sense be regarded as a bioweapon.

[Chatter from the street ...]

"Hey, are 5G towers bioweapons?"

"Sure, they aim to kill us. Whadya think? Our governments are monstrous bioweapons writ large!"

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WoW... such a heavily edited version of your original reply required some deal of thought yet you still seem unable to quantify actual definition away from and beyond what you 'think' it 'should' mean according to Your twisting of words

Nowhere did I mention anything like "vegetable contents, the "bio protein fragments"... You are attempting to put words where they don't exist in an effort to change my over-all comment; Despite your edited effort, you have again Failed

You are also trying to change the tune of this entire thread with "the "bio protein fragments" that are likely to appear in a range of injectable inoculants, which many of us here are focused on" No! it appears that is only You that is focused on this... the rest of us appear to be focused on the entire chemistry involved; Failed at redirecting the narrative again!

You seem incapable or unwillingly to accept the Scientific Fact that once anything artificial is mixed with anything biological that matter is no longer considered biological; You can try complicating the definition with as many words as you want to but nothing can change widely accepted Scientific Facts;

In science, Majority consensus becomes Fact until someone proves it to be a falsity with demonstrable evidence; Unsupported theories from long dead scientists or other learned scholars proves nothing in the physical realm

It seems we accept to agree on the Fact that Biology is natural, is of nature or is derived from nature; You agree with this; Yes or No? No word salad please; A simple Yes or No is all that is required; Both the word Yes and the word No are also clarifying statements when used to answer a question

Now might be a good time to point you to another Overwhelmingly accepted Fact by the Scientific, Engineering and Inventions communities and that is the first rule of registering patents

It is worded something like this: "anything that is from nature, is of nature or is a natural occurrence cannot be patented"

This then leads us to this Well- Documented and Evidenced Fact;

Many 'gene sequences' of SARS2-Cov19 are US Patents office registered; Some of these 'gene sequencies' are registered patents (dating back as far as 2009 )in other nations (Canada, Australia) patents offices; The Entire SARS2-Cov19 is a US registered patent which alone proves that 'the virus' is not and has never been from nature, of nature or a natural occurrence

Then we get to the 'vaccines' which are also registered and recorded US Patents; some 'sequences' date back to 2013;

Do I need to repeat the first rule of Patent Registrations to You?

Again, this well-documented and evidenced Fact proves beyond any doubt that the 'vaccines' are not in any way legally or scientifically deemed as biological product(s) therefore the claim of 'biological weapon' is also proven to be a falsity

The 'vaccines' are not in any way even remotely anything like a naturally derived poison blow dart and to try conflating the two as being the same is either dutiful and intentional deception or it comes from a place of (willful) ignorance where beliefs over-ride Fact and Definition

If a litter of K-9 puppies is born in a cat enclosure with a few living and friendly cats, does that make the k-9 puppies cat kittens? Perhaps the puppies will be raised by a nurturing cat which in your world will mean the puppies are now defined as cats...

Your turn... no doubt you have yet another word salad conjuring to be used as an attempted rebuking of stated, documented, evidenced and registered Facts.

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You are one of the many whom are unable to grasp the scientific Fact that once anything natural is mixed with something synthetic it is no longer Biological; It is now a Synthetic substance; Not Natural; Not Biological

What the 'neolithic' used in blow darts and potions was/is indeed biological; It was/is a Natural substance and whilst it is poisonous to man (and many other biological creatures) it is not a Weapon until man makes it a Weapon; Naturally, it is a plants or animals defence mechanism against an alien attacker... When man takes this substance and uses it as Weapon against another man, It is indeed a Biological Weapon as there is nothing synthetic added to the poison....even the poison carrying darts and blow tubes/pipes themselves are biological; Powered by the breathe of man which is also Biological; This example of yours fly's in the face of you trying to conflate an article substance as being biological simply because it attacks biology

What about a lead projectile fired from a gun that harms biological man? A bomb dropped from an aircraft onto man that causes mass harm to biology? Are these 'Bioweapons' as well? Surely they must be according to your logic...

I don't know what school you went to but I'd be asking for a do-over if I were You; Perhaps You went to or are of the school of CYA because your rebuttal, whilst chock-block full of words, makes no logical or definitive sense at all

Try again because this rebuttal of yours has Failed to convince anyone here of anything other than your education being a waste of time

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You are so right! I will change my language from now on.

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this can't be repeated often enough because gain of function is still coin of the realm and the overwhelm.

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Yes - we are still derailing here among other places.

We need to keep our train solidly on track, not diverging here, there and everywhere there is a distraction.

We need to concentrate our fire on the real enemy, not the fake decoys placed all over the place to distract us and diminish our resources.

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Who/what is the real enemy?

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The facts, as presented by SL and KW and many others, are our real weapons. The real enemy stronghold is always on top of the hill. There are myriad enemy entrenchments all around the hill to prevent access to the top. However, the real enemy is usually not at the top of the hill, but directing the war from a safe position off the battlefield. We need to focus on the real enemy behind the big lie. Not all the little enemies behind all the little lies. We concentrate our firepower on the stronghold of the real enemy, by constantly firing volleys of the real facts on our enemies. Not by firing ineffective volleys of facts mixed with lies at enemy camps, designed to draw our fire and reduce our resources, by keeping us engaged in peripheral battles, not the real war. Promoting the real facts constantly, causes great concern at command central, because light inevitably overcomes darkness.

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Do you find lapses, flaws or elements that could be imporved upon in the immediately above text you you sent on 26 Dec 2024?

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A.) We grow up trapped in a simplistic paradigmatic metaphysic, God Mono sitting at the top of his pyramid.

B.) Why are we now envisioning in this fifth year of WWC such a radically lateral distribution of force?

C.) It's not at all one country or bloc against another country or bloc.

D.) It's more like prison planet.

E.) There is nearly no discussion along the lines of legacy oppositional politics.

F.) Practically no body articulates a realistic diagnosis, prognosis, or scenario.

G.) Mass media terror occupies the whole upper echelon of this paradigmatic metaphysic.

H.) This top heavy design cannot sustain its projected state of affairs.

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🤔🙃!!?? I don't understand what this short sentence is supposed to really mean!

Could you go a little further so I can obtain a greater understanding?


Charles Young🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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1. What is this new WWC paradigmatic metaphysic that has overcome our thinking?

2. We grow up getting trapped in simplistic paradigmatic metaphysics.

3. God Mono sitting at the top of his pyramid metaphysic

4. On the earthly base of the pyramid we have kings and everybody else challenging each other, kingdom over kingdom, country over country.

5. At home relaxing we indulge ourselves in attending competitive sports events, rooting for your favorite team, the one you support, team against team.

6. Politics competes similarly, greatly invested in simplistic Hero and Villain, Protagonist vs Antagonist tragic stage paradigmatic metaphysic, our party candidate against their party candidate.

7. He gave the whole world injectable poison and won their votes.

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A lab leak? You've seen too many Hollywood movies.

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20:10 "Public private partnership, that is the enemy." Yes, it is, Debbie.

Public private partnership = Fascism. It really is that simple.

"Fascism should rightly be called corporatism. It is, after all, the merger between corporations and the government."

- Benito Mussolini -

Why is that so hard for people to wrap their heads around?

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Heh, heh... "Why is that so hard for people to wrap their heads around?"

Because their portfolios are so stuffed with bonds and derivatives it's pouring out their asses...

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Nah the real enemy is within.

Pandemic declared, the rats and mice scramble into their bigotry mobiles, running down anyone who does not agree with the "official narrative".

Of course they do not really agree either, how can they, they never looked at the facts or did any research!

Yeah but we trust "the experts" like every responsible person does!

Only irresponsible people do not trust the experts!

Bigots are people with covert fascist tendencies!

There are many of them around.

They enable holocausts, because they do not think for themselves, they just become rabid herd creatures.

They keep firing on designated enemies, helping to eliminate the opposition, until they realise that they are the only ones left.

Too late!

Closed minded bigots, with covert fascist tendencies, are very dangerous people.

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San Francisco... so sad what has happened to that city.

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I am an old lady. I remember my parents going on a trip there when I was small. Imagine, once a vacation destination, now they publish a poop map.

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Not the only city going under by far.

The destruction of "western civilisation" (if you could call it that) is underway.

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Wishing you & loved ones a wonderful Christmas & New Years! Thank you for all you do!

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We know, they executed the plan and many died and even more are maimed.

As this unfolding crisis matures millions more will die from this and “preventable death illnesses “. This is the real killer.

The fog of war..

Also, thanks greatly for You and KW discovering the allergy syndrome circa 190x.

May we stand United in prayer as a star emerges over Bethlehem.

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Sasha! Don't stop repeating your thoughts and suspicions. If we take the heat off the perpetrators they will think they can release the next SCAMDEMIC! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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No need to apologise for repeating the truths you espouse as repetition is needed in the face of monumental daily propaganda.

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While most are busy & distracted w/Xmas, a common time politicians like to slip garbage in, Trump just announced some very concerning choices for key positions. His choice for Office of Science & Tech Policy .. raised to a cabinet position in '21 when Biden put Eric Lander (of major concern) in that position ... Michael Kratsios. In prior admin. Launched the Drone Pilot Program "for a neighborhood near you." In fact, Trump signed a Presidential Memoranda on 2017 - Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program. Trump knows well about integrating drones into everyday life. Kratsios was P. Thiel's "chief of staff." A WEF Young Global Leader.

Another choice: "Dr. Lynne Parker will serve as executive director of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology" ... she's a roboticist. Also in prior admin.

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Nice research by mentioning Michael Kratsios and drones. It connects some dots and shows Trump never intended to drain the swamp. Thanks for posting.

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Of course not! He Is part of the swsmp creatures! Any 'expert' conforming Trump Is an accomplice...and Debbie Is no doubt. You cannot not see that.

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I keep stumbling across more "dots." Seems during Covid the DoD was given, through the CARES Act, 13+ mill. "to support the domestic small unmanned aerial system (sUAS) industrial base." At least one of those companies specializes in thermal imaging on its drones.


We saw funding used for social distancing control purposes as well as for expanding 5G.


To monitor symptoms, as well: https://www.techtimes.com/articles/249059/20200422/connecticut-police-flies-pandemic-drone-to-monitor-covid-19-symptoms-and-social-distancing.htm

Drones as a "backup" transport system during plandemics: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33846672/

"In March 2017, the Trump administration gave the CIA new authority to launch drone strikes against suspected terrorists without permission from the Pentagon or the White House.... Trump also removed the Obama-era rules that required a “near certainty” of no civilian deaths for drone strikes launched outside of official war zones. On top of that, Trump recently removed, via executive order in 2019, the U.S. government’s reporting on civilian deaths by drones."


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Crashing drones ... in the news this eve. Reported that a 7 y.o. had to have open heart surgery. Notice the child in the video ask, "Are they supposed to do that?" when seeing the drones fall.:) Amazing how the FAA could ID the drones that crashed but can't seem to figure out where all of the other mysterious drones across the nation are from.


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What answer is better than love?

Love them back.

Pray for those who seek to deliberately seek to ruin lives.

I see no other answer.

Love them back.

They SO need it.

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Remember how JC "loved" the money changers...

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Love may be the answer for those who are completely deceived.

But satan and committed satanists who commit evil acts of unimaginable violence, are another category.

The sacred history is clear that at some point love leads to war.

Evil people will go on killing unless stopped.

Peace is the fruit of righteousness.

Hence, sometimes the only path to peace is through war.

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Covid was a next-level psychological operation without a shadow of a doubt, but let's remember the whole "pandemic" was a hoax from start to finish. The virus, the tests, the masks, the lockdowns, the cases and media dashboards, and lastly the reason for it all - the "vaccines". All bogus. A covert worldwide coup and a multi-trillion dollar bio-extortion racket masquerading as a "disease".

Holy smokes is all I can say. A spectacular success for the instigators. Most people fell for it and cannot seem to grasp they were duped. Like the saying goes, go big or go home. The Covid perps went YUGE. 😀

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Sheer god awful piracy. Everybody duped into a state of un-self recognizable mass psychosis. We called it day one news from Wuhan (we were in Malacca): "This is mass media hysteria." Day two: "This is mass media terror." We knew there was no evil virus on the loose. It took a few weeks to see through the fakery of virus itself. But the mass formation of fear was so palpable and then people started lining up. We'd shifted back to Singapore by this time. Sheep. There was never any lockdown, per se, just the whole island city state. Commissars, they were called in old East Berlin. Such creatures emerged in Singapore, street level monitors of behavior. Watch out. Be like a gecko my friend

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I'm guessing even the stone lions in Singapura were masked:).

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A law-abiding people.

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Pharmaceutical products have been killing, maiming and weakening us for generations now, and the current crop of injectables are just continuing the same process.

I think the main goal of the 'Covid' operation however, was to pave the way for worldwide CBDC's and digital ID, which are both coming very soon now due to the ascendancy of Trump.

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The shots have killed, injured and sickened massive numbers of people worldwide.

This is proven and undeniable.

Yet the shots are not being stopped, as they would have been in the past.

The writing on the wall is very, very clear.

This is war.

There is no room for denial.

We have to deal with the obvious facts.

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Thanks for your succinctness and clarity.

I have an interest in [MOTIVE]. Just money?

Coming off that we wander through your ["This is war..."].

This needs to be tested.

Time availability and transection with well-considered discussants fall rare if periodic.

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