"Nobody is coming to save you, your survival and that of your children is in your hands only. Do not comply."

God I wish more people understood this. (Thank you Sasha).

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There is a way out, but requires WORK:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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Politics will not get us out!

(1) The elections are thoroughly rigged.

(2) The Sheeple population is too frightened and brainwashed by MSM to be able to employ critical thinking or discernment.

(3) The Sheeple tend to believe the government and "authority".

(4) Those who took the shots cannot bear to face reality and acknowledge that they could be the next one to fall over dead. To maintain their sanity, they are compelled to deny reality and pretend the shots are "safe and effective" at all costs, encluding having them given to their children and coercing others to get them just to increase the number of those injected so that they are surrounded by the injected, to make themselves feel "safe".

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This is why, my friend, the greatest obstacle to humanity are those that need to be "governed"

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Oh, not anymore. They are waking up. "Not by strong armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lord's decision for those who deserve it.."

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I entirely agree, prayers first!

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I don't agree, not for a nanosecond. This is delusional, in the extreme.

It took several generations for us to get to this point; it may take as many (but hopefully less) to get us back out, and we're not getting out of this by making the same mistakes that got us into it. Don't expect one word solutions to be anything more than the mental masturbation that they are.

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As Einstein said, we cannot solve a problem by using the same thinking that got us into it. The Globalists have completely rigged to system for their own benefit. All of the checks and balances, AND our very Constitution have been subverted or nullified. This is "Unrestricted Warfare", (and COVID and the bioweapon shots are just a part of their arsenal), but the problem is that the Masses living in their sleepwalking/dream state/illusion are still naívely believing that government is the "good guys" doing things for our benefit ("civil servants")! The reality is that our government has been completely captured by Evil foreign (even Alien) forces who DO want to exterminate us and will enjoy doing it!

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And they say it out loud!

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I was only agreeing with “ ... after prayers”, ergo prayers first. If you read/follow Latypova, Kingston, Mihalcea, Watt among many others, you are aware that the survival of humanity (as we know it) is tenuous at best (a very long shot). More than anything else, it will take the intervention of the Creator ... prayers first.

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I still don't agree - w.r.t. the "Creator," and prayers - as emphatically as I didn't before.

"you are aware that the survival of humanity (as we know it) is tenuous at best (a very long shot)"

Yes, of course. The fact that we're even here is simply the consequence of all human history having played out during a rather untypical period of geological quiescence. When these processes and natural cycles resume their more usual rates of activity, then at the very least our technological society will be destroyed, and perhaps even us entirely as well. I have no delusions about human permanence, or speciality, nor especially that a "Creator" will rescue and preserve us.

But if it helps you, then have at it. Just don't bore us with your delusions.

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Me thinks thou dost protest too much! Your agitation betrays you.

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Philip Edwards is making a valid point, IF one understands the nature of our Quantum Universe and its apparent phenomena of quantum entanglement, non-locality, action at a distance, etc. The problem here is that the average person was schooled too thoroughly into the limited viewpoint from Newtonian physics and has no understanding of the larger and much, much stranger Multidimensional, Holographic Universe that we exist within. Perhaps you are not familiar with scientific investigations into psychic phenomena, research such as Princeton University's "EGG" project, medical research such as into the energy pathways of the body as described in the Acupuncture tradition, or the well documented healing abilites of Qi Gung masters. Another fascinating area of research is that of Near Death Experiences and people observing and accurately reporting on events that they witness while out-of-body, including what loved ones are doing who live thousands of miles away.

Bottom line: we live in a universe literally made of Conscious Energy, and the Rules are not anywhere nearly as hard and fast (and limited) as uneducated people typically believe!

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I suppose there were those who said that to Moses also, as he led God's people out of the hands of captors. Too much proof. Just pray w an honest heart, and God WILL reveal himself to you.

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Jun 12
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That's silly and ridiculously archaic bullshit. GTFOH with your fairy tale "creator" bullshit!

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Thank you for your well written, well researched, scholarly, respectful, counterargumentation-refutation.

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The only way...

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"It took several generations for us to get to this point; it may take as many (but hopefully less) to get us back out . . . "

We DON'T HAVE multiple generations to get out of this mess! This is "make or break" time for humanity! The Transhuman, brain-chipped, poisoned, dumbed-down, undernourished slave population the Globalists are pushing us into becoming, (what few that survive the Great Culling of their Great Reset) will be utterly incapable of escaping their hellish state of existence.

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A one generation or less turn-around will require great violence, devastation on a massive scale, bloodshed and death, and likely could entirely wipe-out the human species. The Globalists are not playing for sport, and they have already shown beyond a shadow of doubt that the rest of us are beneath their contempt.

Were it possible to direct a resolution to the vast problems the human species finds itself beset with, that solution may also entail a reduction in the human population of the planet which is and has been driven to the present levels by the Globalists themselves, their diabolical rapaciousness and infernal schemes.

Ironic, is it not, that a keystone of the Globalists programme is the culling of the human population that they consider too great, which is a problem they themselves created through their over-exploitation of petroleum and their orchestrating of a petroleum-propelled metastatic growth world economy that generated this prosthetic incubator environment for all these eight billion human lives?

Accordingly, if such a large human population is a problem (and besides the irritation of not having a clear line of sight any longer that isn't interrupted by some kind of human contrivance, I'm not certain that the present level of human population can be sustained without fossil fuel exploitation) I'd rather prefer a slow, multi-generational gradual tailing-off, where over the next several generations people choose to procreate less for uncontrived reasons. If/when more people need to grow their own food rather than have the option of going to the supermarket, and when human activity is defined by natural environmental forces and cycles rather than artificially by exploitative technologies, it's quite conceivable that this could bring about a gradual depopulation, rather than a rapid one like the Globalists, as well as the alarmists seem to believe is written in stone.

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I think we see the hopeful direction the same, voluntary population reduction as much as possible with informed consent with actual real reasons communicated why 0-2 kids per couple is a noble act and not a punishment. I too believe humanity cannot sustain current population with wasteful fossil fuel but cannot justify wide-scale culling of humans (or animals in general) simply for the benefit of the globalists convenience. If the global leaders who knew all this since about 1970 at least (Club of Rome, Limits to Growth) had instead said no promotion of population growth at all while one person is hungry. Free contraception and small family planning available to all multi-generational living in owned houses to manage care of the aged and tax free generational asset transfer would have been possible and beneficial to the world. The situation now is that there are real and artificial resource scarcity and this usually ends in war, famine and pestilence and the trend is holding unfortunately.

The thing that upsets me is that all the globalists from the moment they are ready to do anything in the world all seem to be as deeply bereft of morals and ethics as the worst we see operating. This is a real puzzle to me, how can one brainwash, condition, bribe, blackmail or threaten your own clan into obedience on the scale required for them all to support the same agenda.

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Aug 16, 2023
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What if most all that we wring our hands about can be attributed to the seemingly appropriate responses that people give to the imperatives of money as presently conceived? What if that very conception is wrong?

I am writing to ask if you can take a moment to use your systems analysis capabilities and, hopefully, find that our conceptual base for money itself needs to be corrected if we are going to stop all that it produces…..

I am hoping that this conversation between Marc Gauvin and the Perplexity AI will give some clarity to the subject:


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I do. As they DEW. The rescue never came, so I'm my own hero, lol. Sasha is so fearless, and working so hard to expose real hypocrisy, corruption, and malfeasance. Enormous respect 🙏 and props to her.

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Yes, you are correct!!

But, not enough people are engaging with the system and holding these government officials accountable to their oath and duty. If i were to guess, its less than .1 percent of the population that is attempting to make change.

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Hello Billy: Government officials have been padding their pockets with their own printing presses for over a century. See: 1913... The Federal Reserve is about as Federal as Federal Express. > Federal Reserve Board of Governors - Dun&Bradstreet # 001959410 --- US Department of the Treasury - Dun&Bradstreet # 026661067 --- US Securities & Exchange Commission - Dun& Bradstreet # 003475175

The government of the United States was completely hijacked prior to the opening days of the "civil" war. The "civil" war was funded by bank cartels such as Barclays Bank - United Kingdom, Rothschild's - London, and other vested interests in Europe. ALL are incorporated, as well as the US Department of Defense - Dun&Bradstreet # 030421397

Revocation of these corporate charters and seizure of all associated assets and physical properties is the only way out of the quagmire...

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I absolutely agree! Corporations that survive multi-generationally, were given legal status as independent entities, and that have more rights and power than human beings MUST be abolished! They are "turning around and biting us"! Yes, they were fantastic for vastly increasing the wealth of a handful of the rich and powerful, but for humanity as a whole they have become terrible Masters, and the primary source of subjugation and horrific tyrrany. We must go back to sole proprietorships or limited partnerships, and find other, less toxic ways for businesses to gain financing. The owners need to be legally and personally accountable for harms they cause to customers and others, not be able to financially and ecologically "rape" humanity and the planet and then get away with hiding behind the impersonal shield of a corporation.

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Hello Faith: Few persons ever comment to my critiques of corporate racketeering, as most are invested in the "system"... Your comment is right on. > Here's one of many articles - written by persons who knew the score. > Ending Corporate Governance - We The People

Revoking Our Plutocracy



Refusal to allow corporate Charter barristers to take over the American Republic, was the intent of the Original 13th Amendment (also known as: (the "Titles of Nobility" Amendment).

The civil Republic has been operating under the rule of treasonous leadership since the days of Abraham Lincoln....

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Oh my goodness! I missed your comment of July 3rd. I just went to that link you provided. THAT'S AMAZING! I never heard about that stuff before — that originally corporations operated under very limited charters, and:

"In exchange for the charter, a corporation was obligated to obey all laws, to serve the common good, and to cause no harm."

To "obey all laws, to serve the common good, and to cause no harm."!!!!! What a novel idea! (Sadly!) But that kind of an arrangement is the ONLY thing that makes any sense! How can we possibly put up with these vicious, evil, dangerous, self-serving, often-deadly, miserable excuses for businesses? Boy, did the Supreme Court ever SCREW UP by changing their status! I had no idea that things actually started out differently, with some measure of sanity. I just assumed that the big (horrible/ghastly) corporations were always like this!

So NOW what can we do about it? That Supreme Court ruling was obviously not legit: somebody or somebodies exerted undue influence— bribed or blackmailed the Court! It OBVIOUSLY was NOT in the best interests of We The People! When a Supreme Court decision turns out terribly badly, isn't there some recourse — a way to initiate a "do-over"? It is so blatantly obvious that they made a horrible mistake, and the outcome of that mistake is our current trajectory leading us down the path of Fascism and totalitarianism.

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Hello Faith: There was good reason the forefathers provided Original 13th Amendment text detailing a prohibition against "Titles of Nobility". What exactly is an Esquire? And why do most American Bar members utilize the BAR Association designation?

The definition of "Legal Fiction" can be applied to many cases of law, wherein there is no jury of peers to create argument within the court. This obscuration of Lawful debate within courts has been intentional. >>> Legal fiction - Wikipedia >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_fiction

The above is a long text, but worthy of study...

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"The government of the United States was completely hijacked prior to the opening days of the "civil" war."

True. In fact most folks would be shocked to realize that the vaunted "US constitution" itself could be and has been reasonably regarded as a "coupe d'etat" and I have my suspicions about the "American" revolution as well.

“The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.

“It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)

Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle


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Take everything off them maybe they will squawk.

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I started looking up DUNS numbers the other day and saw that they switched over to "unique entity identifiers" on SAM.gov. https://www.gsa.gov/about-us/organization/federal-acquisition-service/technology-transformation-services/integrated-award-environment-iae/iae-systems-information-kit/unique-entity-identifier-update

I didn't have any luck finding any of the DUNS numbers associated with the CDC. Do you know what I need to do to find the info? I want to learn more about the corporation aspect of the United States.

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Hello Billy: Here's a list I downloaded years ago. >

Dun & Bradstreet registered Agencies and numbers:

United States Government - 052714196

US Department of Defense (DOD)-030421397

US Department of the Treasury-026661067

US Department of Justice (DOJ)-011669674

US Department of State-026276622

US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)-Office of the Secretary-112463521

US Department of Education-944419592

US Department of Energy-932010320

US Department of Homeland Security-932394187

US Department of the Interior-020949010

US Department of Labor-029536183

US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)-Office of the Secretary-030945779

US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)-931691211

US Transportation Security Administration (TSA)-050297655

US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-056622429

Bureau of Customs & Border Protection (CBP)-796730922

Federal Bureau of Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE)-130221646

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-057944910

National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)-003259074

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-079933920

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)-364281923

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-037751583

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)-020309969

US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)-003475175

US Public Health Service (USPHS)-039294216

National Institutes of Health (NIH)-061232000

US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)-927645465

US Food & Drug Administration (FDA)-138182175

US Internal Revenue Service (IRS)-040539587

Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Fed)-001959410

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)-878865674

National Security Agency (NSA)-617395215

US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-167247027

Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms & Tobacco (BAFT)-132282310

Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM)-926038563

I'm not sure you'l find this link helpful. > https://www.dnb.com/duns-number/lookup.html

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Thank you!

It looks the government has shifted away from DUNS as its no longer “required”. We need to find the Unique Entity Identifiers that they have transitioned to on SAM.GOV.

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Jan 23, 2024
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Well. Erm... For one thing, there ain't enough bullets. Also: If chaos begins to rule, you will someday become the unfortunate target...

Jis' sayin'

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Aug 16, 2023
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Yes. Real peaches... No arrests for Seditious Conspiracy are forthcoming. because asshats have been allowed into judicial and governmental positions. Thank the American Bar Association, and don't forget to tip your hat as they pass...

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You're not getting anywhere by "engaging with the system and holding these government officials accountable to their oath and duty." Forget it! These are platitudes. The system has always been about and for exactly what it is doing to us now. Government is/operates as John Perkins described in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Understand that, and you might get a better handle on the situation. You can engage all you damn well want, it's still pointless.

My own paraphrastic anamorphosis of Cato the Elder's famous phrase:

Gubernacula delenda est

Government must be destroyed

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Would you say all of Congress knows this.

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If that was a question, you omitted the question mark.

I suspect that congress - government - works like any crime syndicate. The bosses know the score, through-and-through, while most of the foot soldiers will believe they're working in insurance of a kind.

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…..and we are tired.

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Do Not CONSENT! There is a difference between comply and consent. Compliance has to do with agreement ... Consent has to do with your right to DENY! They have no power over us other than what we CONSENT to! We hold the power. Words have power and they know that. It's how they cast their spells and strike FEAR into humanity.

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Our survival is in our collective hands with millions of other humanitarians, working together to beat the Democide and bring justice to the perpetrators. Everyone in the resistance has a role to play.

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Amen Bro, and Nobody is getting out of here alive, just stand tall !!!!

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"heart" ( I still cannot heart)... The MHRA didn't review the covid vaccine in the UK, Matt Hancock delivered it directly to the jabbers. Stupid fool was too busy slamming his secretary.

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Jun 26, 2023
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Jul 16, 2023
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Aug 7, 2023
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You might be wrong.

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You been paying attention to what's been going on in Occupied Palestine lately? In the grim words of Max Igan:

"The way of Palestine is the way of the World."

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Frankly, I hear too many narratives and don't have any personal knowledge, so it's hard to determine. Either way, I don't believe war brings peace. Let's learn to talk through things and be tolerant of neighbors.

That spoken by a peace loving, peace seeking person, keeping my own sovereignty in tact, but respecting people as children of God.

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Oh boy ....this is just the best, most essential compendium of undeniable facts, perfect for referring on to people who have no inkling of what is happening.

Thank you for your relentless efforts Sasha !

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And, of course, Katherine, too!!

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Hear hear. Great stuff.

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Sasha - You are doing wonderful things in true service to humanity and to God. To get your important message out may I suggest that you do what RFK Jr has been up to. Get on every podcast, speak to every honest journalist and most of all keep the pressure on these treasonous murderers who you have to wonder if they are even human. The more people who are aware the better are our chances to stop them. I wish we could put them all on a spaceship and send them as far away from earth as possible.

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What do you think she's been doing??

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Yes but would particularly like to see her on Joe Rogan. Over 70 million saw Robert Kennedy Jnr interview.

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What?! Are you serious?!

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Tell me why not?

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When he was still firmly in-character as a dissident and questioner of the "American Project," (his impulse control has since collapsed - perhaps it's his age - and this lack of inhibition has, for the past few decades, revealed a more establishmentarian persona) Noam Chomsky made this very revealing statement:

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views.

That gives people the sense that there is free-thinkng going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate."

That's your Joe Rogans and your RFK Jrs. Be very wary of any media personality or celebrity, even though that may be alternative media. Our hope lies only with ourselves - average ordinary people who decide to think and act for themselves, their families and friends, and their immediate communities. Celebrity has always been exploited by the oligarchy to swindle the proles.

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This is what I try to tell everybody that cheers for all these celebrities.

Thanks for adding Chomsky's citation to it!


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Chomsky also says we who create culture, shape society. So which carries more water: interviews on Rogan? or telling people they- and their inspirations- are redundant

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He doesn't have the balls for that.

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Sasha. Thank you for your interview with American thought leaders. That’s how I found you. !!!!!!!!

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It reads like the opening of a dystopian novel. Sasha you write and speak very well. You got the 10 second elevator pitch down pat.

"Overall characterization of what is going on: the federal and most of the state governments are gone and captured. Whatever is running the federal gov agencies (e.g. HHS) really intends to kill you, or at least substantially injure you, damage your reproductive capacity and repossess your assets in the process. The aim is to reduce the population and terrorize the survivors enough to establish a totalitarian control over much of the world’s territory. Nobody is coming to save you, your survival and that of your children is in your hands only. Do not comply."

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Thank you so much Ms Latypova. You are a beacon of sanity and light in a very, very dark world and are in every sense a Saint in my humble opinion.

I might add that amongst my circle of acquaintances who are awake to this nightmare, those of the female gender predominate, although there are still many males, but they are outnumbered by the female warriors, again in my humble opinion

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They are mothers!

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1) I like Daniel as I did before. It is important that he is with lions, not "lying down with dogs", as the saying goes.

2) This reference is ideal for those who seek to become educated, but don't know where to start.

I am recommending it to the group Meryl Nass MD is forming to combat the W.H.O. portion of the "Great Reset" plan I know that you and Katherine Watt ar very busy in this same work. Some coordination of reference resources is in order. There is another Zoom meeting at 3PM eastern time today (Monday).

(I will seek to raise the question of coordination, though you may already be engaging with some allies you already know. Thank You, again for risking your life for this work against evil.)

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Thank you for making all this vitally important information so readily available and accessible. Your work is absolutely invaluable ~ a sorely needed light in the darkness. <3

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By the way, keeping Katherine Watt on my prayers. It's not easy to jump into the jungle, and I myself, due to current circumstances, tread very lightly. What I can do is support some of these warriors financially, and, even in doing so, I recall the heavy hand of the Canadian government freezing bank accounts and making impossible for peaceful demonstrators to access donates funds. It is a war.

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Your talents are quite obvious in your artwork and your explanation to all of us in your summary of everything!

May God continue to bless you and yours and all who read your words and see your works! 🙏🏻

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Excellent. Thank you!

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Thanks for organizing this and putting it in one place.

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Many doctors, scientists and truthers trying to wake people up, but you just have a soft-spoken, non-pushy confidence of truth...you are my favorite. Daniel the kitty pacifier...again, beautiful subtle colors.

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Do you have proton mail? I have some information which may support your efforts against the HHS and others.

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great to have this, Sasha. you and KW are genuine soul sisters.

blown away by daniel's calm amid his new furry friends. you always cut straight through to the essentials.

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I've asked friends to rate their beliefs from 0 = government is on your side to 100 = government is "out to kill you or at least substantially injure you, damage your reproductive capacity and repossess your assets in the process." I'm at 110. This is an excellent and much needed summary of the facts, with supporting evidence and logic.

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I know you are at 110. And I know that I've been at 112.53 for far too damn long.

But, how did your friends rate your good question? Are they still your friends? :-)

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Haha, I admit I only asked those prone to the hundred side. But everyone thinks they don't trust the government. For those still living with pink-tinted glasses, I sometimes envy them. Reality's gonna crash down soon enough, methinks.

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I say that too, sometimes. Life was so much easier. You can't unknown things, for sure

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But if I'd stayed ignorant, I never would have found all of your good company. It's a cozy little circle of people who've faced up to layer after layer of deception stripped away. Definitely worth it!

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I was being a bit facetious...I'm glad to be able to share with some people. Others largely still in shock or disbelief. They'll get past it. So will we :)

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At times I also envy 'them'. For short, very brief, a second or two type times.

Yes, Ithinks that your methinks is correct.


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... all for money , greed , avarice and the great reset ... they were all complicit, God forbid, they get left behind . Sold their souls to the devil. No thank you, stand up and don’t comply.

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