Frankly, I hear too many narratives and don't have any personal knowledge, so it's hard to determine. Either way, I don't believe war brings peace. Let's learn to talk through things and be tolerant of neighbors.
That spoken by a peace loving, peace seeking person, keeping my own sovereignty in tact, but respecting people as children of God.
You aren't the problem, "livinsimply" and I suspect, neither am I: I'm 64, I'm tired, all my family's dead, I just want to do my job I can't afford to retire from and be left in peace. It's the parasites and plutocrats in charge of this horror show that are the problem -- and the morons keeping them there. ЁЯдФ
You might be wrong.
You been paying attention to what's been going on in Occupied Palestine lately? In the grim words of Max Igan:
"The way of Palestine is the way of the World."
Frankly, I hear too many narratives and don't have any personal knowledge, so it's hard to determine. Either way, I don't believe war brings peace. Let's learn to talk through things and be tolerant of neighbors.
That spoken by a peace loving, peace seeking person, keeping my own sovereignty in tact, but respecting people as children of God.
You aren't the problem, "livinsimply" and I suspect, neither am I: I'm 64, I'm tired, all my family's dead, I just want to do my job I can't afford to retire from and be left in peace. It's the parasites and plutocrats in charge of this horror show that are the problem -- and the morons keeping them there. ЁЯдФ