When he was still firmly in-character as a dissident and questioner of the "American Project," (his impulse control has since collapsed - perhaps it's his age - and this lack of inhibition has, for the past few decades, revealed a more establishmentarian persona) Noam Chomsky made this very revealing statement:
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views.
That gives people the sense that there is free-thinkng going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate."
That's your Joe Rogans and your RFK Jrs. Be very wary of any media personality or celebrity, even though that may be alternative media. Our hope lies only with ourselves - average ordinary people who decide to think and act for themselves, their families and friends, and their immediate communities. Celebrity has always been exploited by the oligarchy to swindle the proles.
Hey, no problem. As I said, Chomsky's heydays are long past, and his performance during COVID-19 disgusted me, quite frankly. I suppose he, too, is a celebrity, even if an intellectual one, so I should have exercised the same caution with him that one should for all these "bright lights." Even so, Chomsky is the source or author of some powerfully reality-adjusting notions, as I take it you appreciate and value as well.
Yes, well I corresponded with Chomsky (he is or was an old friend) and he came off pretty well. I said he was rich, he must be "in the club," but eventually I had no more to say to his emails. So I am neutral on this issue. I was not convinced he had "joined the club." I tried to apologize to him, but it was too late and I just need to think about what I said and what he said. As I say, the guy really came off as a pretty honest man, despite it all.
Hello Jacob. I can't speak to that, as I have never met the man, and I almost certainly never will. As a consequence, I can only go by his public statements - or, by the statements made public that are attributed to him, either correctly or falsely. I have almost no way to verify anything that is attributed to him, or anyone else for that matter. It is with this same skepticism/doubt that I view all public statements by public figures: how much are they genuine, and how much are they deceptions?
With this caveat in mind, as I alluded to above, his public statements regarding COVID-19 "vaccination" and his shocking demonization of those who exercised what should be an inviolable right of medical freedom of choice destroyed a large part of my respect for the man as it was diametrically opposed to the spirit with which his other writings and statements were worded. Earlier, I had read much from Chomsky that was enlightening to me, and his cogency and articulation of some notions that are central to my own thinking, meriting my admiration. The quotation above is but one example. Over the past few years, however, to put it mildly, I have been greatly disappointed.
Absolutely agree here. My rabbit holing began with primers from ChomskyтАЩ s great early writings. Other than some external threat I can only surmise he may be suffering the normal effects of an aging brain.
It's disturbing, and disheartening as well, that someone who ostensibly was so acutely aware of propaganda and the pernicious influence of power-issued and steered intelligence and messaging, could have fallen for and allowed himself to be seen to emphatically espouse the propaganda and thereby so vigorously present himself as an instrument in the COVID-19 psy-ops.
Again I find myself agreeing with you. I too saw Chompsky as an intellectual in opposition to corruption but something seems to have blinded him almost totally to the current scam.
Worst case is that he was a deep cover agent ready to support his handlers when the time came, that is how bad it looked from what little I saw of his words after 2019.
Best case is that a irresistible blackmail threat was made to him such as very possible threat to family or some such.
Chomsky also says we who create culture, shape society. So which carries more water: interviews on Rogan? or telling people they- and their inspirations- are redundant
What do you think she's been doing??
Yes but would particularly like to see her on Joe Rogan. Over 70 million saw Robert Kennedy Jnr interview.
What?! Are you serious?!
Tell me why not?
When he was still firmly in-character as a dissident and questioner of the "American Project," (his impulse control has since collapsed - perhaps it's his age - and this lack of inhibition has, for the past few decades, revealed a more establishmentarian persona) Noam Chomsky made this very revealing statement:
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views.
That gives people the sense that there is free-thinkng going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate."
That's your Joe Rogans and your RFK Jrs. Be very wary of any media personality or celebrity, even though that may be alternative media. Our hope lies only with ourselves - average ordinary people who decide to think and act for themselves, their families and friends, and their immediate communities. Celebrity has always been exploited by the oligarchy to swindle the proles.
This is what I try to tell everybody that cheers for all these celebrities.
Thanks for adding Chomsky's citation to it!
Hey, no problem. As I said, Chomsky's heydays are long past, and his performance during COVID-19 disgusted me, quite frankly. I suppose he, too, is a celebrity, even if an intellectual one, so I should have exercised the same caution with him that one should for all these "bright lights." Even so, Chomsky is the source or author of some powerfully reality-adjusting notions, as I take it you appreciate and value as well.
Cannot agree more!
Yes, well I corresponded with Chomsky (he is or was an old friend) and he came off pretty well. I said he was rich, he must be "in the club," but eventually I had no more to say to his emails. So I am neutral on this issue. I was not convinced he had "joined the club." I tried to apologize to him, but it was too late and I just need to think about what I said and what he said. As I say, the guy really came off as a pretty honest man, despite it all.
Hello Jacob. I can't speak to that, as I have never met the man, and I almost certainly never will. As a consequence, I can only go by his public statements - or, by the statements made public that are attributed to him, either correctly or falsely. I have almost no way to verify anything that is attributed to him, or anyone else for that matter. It is with this same skepticism/doubt that I view all public statements by public figures: how much are they genuine, and how much are they deceptions?
With this caveat in mind, as I alluded to above, his public statements regarding COVID-19 "vaccination" and his shocking demonization of those who exercised what should be an inviolable right of medical freedom of choice destroyed a large part of my respect for the man as it was diametrically opposed to the spirit with which his other writings and statements were worded. Earlier, I had read much from Chomsky that was enlightening to me, and his cogency and articulation of some notions that are central to my own thinking, meriting my admiration. The quotation above is but one example. Over the past few years, however, to put it mildly, I have been greatly disappointed.
Absolutely agree here. My rabbit holing began with primers from ChomskyтАЩ s great early writings. Other than some external threat I can only surmise he may be suffering the normal effects of an aging brain.
It's disturbing, and disheartening as well, that someone who ostensibly was so acutely aware of propaganda and the pernicious influence of power-issued and steered intelligence and messaging, could have fallen for and allowed himself to be seen to emphatically espouse the propaganda and thereby so vigorously present himself as an instrument in the COVID-19 psy-ops.
Again I find myself agreeing with you. I too saw Chompsky as an intellectual in opposition to corruption but something seems to have blinded him almost totally to the current scam.
Worst case is that he was a deep cover agent ready to support his handlers when the time came, that is how bad it looked from what little I saw of his words after 2019.
Best case is that a irresistible blackmail threat was made to him such as very possible threat to family or some such.
I never trusted him. He spoke with no emotion, his tone was as if he was in a trance.
He is a very responsible person. He answered every email I sent.
Chomsky also says we who create culture, shape society. So which carries more water: interviews on Rogan? or telling people they- and their inspirations- are redundant
He doesn't have the balls for that.