Thank you Sasha. This is a truth bomb most will not be able to swallow right away. I am sharing it nevertheless with those I hope will grasp the significance.

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I was just thinking along those lines today. It has taken me 3 years to turn my beliefs about the medical system and the US government totally upside down. Bit by bit my former beliefs have been challenged by facts on the ground and grudgingly abandoned.

But once you know, you cannot un-know. And once you know you cannot remain silent. We have a duty to speak up, to communicate the truth. I started with my own sister. She just doesn't want to hear it. Any of it. I've gone off the rails, she says. I'm being a radical, she says. What I'm saying is simply unbelievable.

Sadly, some people are just not ready. But we must soldier on with that duty to speak up.

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You are not alone. Many of Us have woke up to the lies in the last 3 years. We must each one>reach one. My own mother will not speak to me for the last year so I understand about your sister. But we press on. I am looking for like- minded people in Southeast Michigan to form thinktank/ networking type groups to discuss & plan things like community organic gardens, how to wake others up gently, stategies/ modalities for healing those vax injured , etc. The hard task is how do we start conversations to find our local tribe of awake people? It is much easier to find solidarity on these type of forums but locally??? How does one go about this? Just some thoughts. Mainly wanted to let you know that you definitely are not alone. I will continue to pray for more & more people like us to wake up. It's uncomfortable at first, but like you said. Once you realize the Truth, you cannot go back to believing the lies. Peace!

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Hi Michelle, perhaps here you can find locally some like-minded people, it seems and interesting and vital project: https://freedomcells.org/

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A fellow traveler in more ways than one. I grew up in Detroit and spent my first 30 years in the metro area. Thanks for your response, and have a great day!

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What a small world! Are you still here in MI? I grew up in Milford, moved to the Eastside ( Groose Pointe Woods) for many years & have relicated to Keego Harbor for the last 6 years surrounded by many lovely lakes! Thinking seriously of downsizing by 2024 and going a bit more rural to Shiawassee County, lots of fertile land there. Peace!

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I'm long gone from Michigan. Moved first to Colorado, raised a family there, now in Utah where our daughter and the grandchildren are. "Simplify" is our current mantra. Best of luck to you.

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@Russ, @Michelle, If you can kindly forgive the interruption in your mini exchange... God bless both of you for uncomfortably clawing your way up and out of old, entrenched ideas. Yep, the battlefield is pretty horrific. Takes courage to get to your feet and engage. You are both to be commended. So grateful each of you took the time to speak aloud, keyboard generated 😆Every new awakening is heartening for old warriors to hear. Blessings of strength, inner peace and expanding heart to both. Amen.

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Heterdox Introvert

Wow! Very kind of you to pop in and share your encouragement! I had seriously began questioning things post 911, then moreso with Julian Assange & Edward Snowden incarcerated for warning us on a variety of topics. With the Covid Criminal Conspiracy I went down into rabbit holes examining hundreds of years of history with new, opened eyes and have officially put on my tin foil hat, and of course am labeled a "conspiracy theorist", A Conspiracy refers to a criminal enterprise, those in cahoots to commit, aid, abet & cover up crimes. I'm a Conspiracy EXAMINER these days and as you know, once you know the truth, you can't unknow it. Again, thank you for taking the time to welcome me to your tribe! Blessings & Peace! Michelle

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Thank you and to you and all that you love, as well!

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Michelle, Australia has My Place (& Our Place) community groups of individuals all over the country which are doing what you want to promote. Support local businesses, community gardens, food swaps, knowledge sharing etc.

If you cannot find a suitable 'freedom cell', just copy the My Place approach.


the Wiki summary is hilarious really. They are so far behind conspiracy facts - wow!


Fact check! I met Jimmy Wales in the 90's and this site originally had good intentions. Ashamed that I actually donated many years ago. Now it is controlled BS and one of the biggest purveyors of actual lies and accusations online. ugh

God Bless and good luck!

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Yes, some people are just not ready. It's regrettable; but we have to accept and respect that. Hearing information for which one is just not ready can do more harm than good, both to the person and to the cause/battle. Care is required.

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I am at the point where I look at everything now with a high degree of skepticism. On one side, there is the 'no such thing as a virus exists,' while on the other, mutant upon mutant variations of said virus. Is this all 'allowed' by design to distract, deflect and DIVIDE? I stumbled onto your work only within the last couple of weeks, and much more becomes CLEAR. I admire your integrity, your strength, and your indomitable courage, Sasha. Thank you so much for your voice, and for calling this what it truly is: a crime. And, a crime, specifically against humanity. This is truly amoral and disgusting.

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Fyi: I am in Canada, a formerly 'socialist' country. It has become increasingly apparent to me, since 9/11, that I now live in a fascist country. Speaking from experience in a corporate and 'professional' environment that I needed leave after 20 years just for my own sanity. My opportunities for work outside that environment seem to be unjustifiably curtailed since...however, I could just be paranoid :-)

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Is it paranoia when "They" are really after one?

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Sue, I too abide in Canada (Southern Ontario). I lived in Virginia for 25 yrs and returned to my hometown in 2012. I recall before leaving in the late 80s how people were being fed the line that Canada was a 'democratically social' country in an attempt to 'soften' the communistic bent people were concerned about. I was appalled upon returning 11 yrs ago to see how bad things had digressed into the deplorable state the last few years have revealed. I don't assess your observations as paranoid, if they are, then mine must be as well. :-/

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It's pretty crazy. Not only have bank accounts been frozen, and funds raised seized (trucker convoy), but now dissidents are being 'debanked' in Canada. Jeremy Mackenzie, a Canadian veteran, has been in a fight with the government, and now he can no longer find ANY bank in Canada that will do business with him: https://jeremymackenzie.substack.com/p/enemy-of-the-state. People have been trying to get their money out of Scotiabank to switch to other banks, and Scotiabank will not release their funds. Seriously messed up, if you ask me. The last three years have brought things shockingly to light, like a giant boil that has been festering for a very long time about to burst it's toxic sludge to the surface. I will not, nor will I ever, comply. So, paranoid it is then! It's probably not a negative trait if it keeps you questioning everything and smelling when something is off. I was born in Ontario, and have a cousin there who sees what I do, and has kept me strong(er) through all of this as I have he. My immediate family in Vancouver (I'm in the Cariboo) fell for the BS hook, line, and sinker, and refuse to open their eyes. Be well, and stay strong!

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however, there are not just the two sides...there seem to be a myriad of scenarios that exist. You can discount right away anyone that says "no virus". Something was released...or multiple some things as I tend to believe.

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nothing would surprise me any more...

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Saying no virus, does not mean no release. The easiest way to poison is with regular old poison. Saying no virus, just means the poison was not virus. Plus, most who died from coof, were simply murdered by their caregivers the old fashioned way.

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most covid deaths were absolutely due to remdesivir and vents in hospitals. systemic medical murder occurred on a scale not seen since WW2.

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the proof is overwhelming that there was a bio-engineered virus; i think there were several released given that the "mutations" did not follow the expected timeline so to speak. that's not to say that a poison was also circulating at the same time. i think the depths of all of this are more than most of us will ever know.

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Feb 27, 2023
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Wonderful that your talk and the whole conference was videotaped and is available to all.

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Thank you so much for your courage, bravery and integrity!! There aren’t many left!!

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Magnificent talk, Sasha ! Thank you so much !

When you showed the BARDA slide I also saw the name Emergent Biodefense and that reminded me of RFK Jr.'s book The Real Fauci, where he writes about the father and son El Hibri, who were Libanese Weapon dealers, who realized that you can make MUCH more money with vaccin production / selling. So they did [ and with the help of their friends in govt. / DoD / Private schmuck ] and at one time they even got the deal to make 'vaccins' for ( with ?) Johnson and Johnson !!

So somebody who had the J&J "vaccin" had a jab made by Libanese weapon dealers !! OMG!

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From reading 40+ substacks over the past 18 months, I've been led to believe the simplistic explanation of regulatory capture by industry.

It was only recently that I learned of your work. And after listening to your presentation, it's clear that the real story is industry capture by DOD....while the regulators are playing regulatory charades.

So why aren't the likes of Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone, Bobby Kennedy, Del Bigtree informing their millions of followers what is really going on? Are they intentionally misleading us with their Pfizer/Fauci/Walesky focus? Are they afraid...or just ignorant?

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I was interviewed by RFK Jr some months ago (about Moderna), and more recently on this topic - this should be coming out soon.

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In hope to see you on the "High Wire" from Del Bigtree someday. I even suggested to them that you would make a marvelous guest to be interviewed.

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I submitted you as a great guest for Joe Rogan's podcast. That's currently the single biggest audience you can get.

You should reach out to him as well. Ask Dr. Malone to put a word in for you.

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Insider Trading & Ownership - Moderna Inc. (MRNA)


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Yeow. Thanks for link.

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In reality it was both: first we got the decades of creeping regulatory capture and disease mongering by the profit-driven PharMafia and the investors behind the machine. When the system was properly updated/corrupted it was then weaponized via industry capture by the DOD, or rather by the Malthusian eugenicists and NWO protagonists who now own most governments, bureaucratic institutions, universities, mainstream media.

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Cautious, strategic, and without access to information? Fauci is a key player in the US DOD Biosecurity apparatus that did this thing. He approves the cash for the (mis) deeds. He also runs the science coverups. He is DOD essentially. Putting pressure on Walensky could lead her to crack and rat, although she seems rather sociopathic. Pressure on Pfizer is working. They are ratting out the government and implicating themselves.

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Yes, I recall reading somewhere that a significant portion of Fauci's income came from DOD, which is why he was the highest paid federal employee. And no doubt in my mind that he is a sociopathic criminal. Walensky strikes me as a useful idiot that they can easily control and blame.

Some of the prominent critical voices do seem strategic in their approach. Others reckless in wanting to be the first to report. Some seem to be basking in the spotlight. For the past two years, I've been trying to read everything I can on this subject. But I've reached the point where several have led me astray and given limited time have decided to limit my reading to just a few. Sasha, Katherine, RFK, and Del are on the list.

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I'm not sure I've seen anything proven reckless by the early to report. Maybe the octopus creature in the jabs from Aug 2021. Most of what was reported by the first to the post group, more than 50% certainly, is now commonplace. The rest remains unproven but plausible. Very little has been out and out wrong. I have seen the measured and strategic do nothing but attack that group, which I call the harbingers, only to adopt their reports a year later while suing them. It was a harbinger who gave Sasha her first followers, though now her replies are filled with the 5th gen army boosters of a man who likes to dress up in costumes of a defunct Masonic military order while riding his 50 rare horses, who always is talking about things outside of his expertise as if he is an expert on them. A man who threatens to sue, claims to sue, but never actually serves people, for saying he's Intel, while giving speeches on 5th gen warfare, which is intel warefare. He beclowns himself before the law. If he actually ever serves anyone,, they can dismiss with a video of his 5th gen speech alone. Which is why he never actually served anyone and never will, instead he has his randos here attacking poor old Breggin again as if he were a monster--unlike George Webb, I don't call his ability to get people to rabidly hate those he others doing a mass formation psychosis on them, nope, it is standard cult leader/follower behavior. He'd make a great Scientologist.

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Birx was military too.

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Dr Robert Malone was one of the invited speakers to Läkaruppropet.

His speech had the title: 'Fifth Generation Warfare and Sovereigtny'.

He is not afraid!

Video, via his substack:


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Hmm, so the man pretending to sue people for claiming he's Intel, is now globetrotting as an Intel expert? Funny how he never speaks from his own expertise, which is secuuring govt grants for vaccine development. First, he claims to be an expert on mRNA and genomics, but he is not, his role was minor, a lab tech, and it is not at all what he did for a living; then he was an expert in psychology pushing Mass Formation nonsense; now he is an expert on 5th gen intel op warefare. He does have his little army of 5th gen boosters, but he should talk to Greg Braden, because his understanding is very 1990s. Turns out it only works if you silence the lightworkers, who counter your lies simply by disbelieving in them, unless what you say is true, which is why they always mix truth with lies. A very small number of people are lights, the masses always follow the lights in the endt, often never even having a clue who the light is or that they exist even, regardless of the number of shadow spiewers. 5th gen doesn't work unless you capture or douse the lights. Lights are resilient though and they don't know who they are. Lights are the spot light, they do not seek it. The battle going on is bigger than pompous pettityrants like Bob. Believe me, he is terrified. You don't pretend to sue Breggin and Ruby from a place of confidence.

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I have been following Steve Kirsch since mid 2021, reading his articles very frequently, I really don’t think he will intentionally mislead people.

I find “intentionally mislead”, “afraid” and “ignorant” are all very strong words to use on someone, especially on someone who has devoted so much to help and share with everyone what they know.

There are other possibilities to explain why haven’t they covered Sasha’s angle, and you’d have to closely follow them to get a feel for their personality, style and heart.

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Stop with that crapulous 'they are all controlled opposition' shyte..... no one in this struggle is ever completely right. The names you drag into your mud are all honorable, and highly valued, warriors. Just stop, OK?

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No, you stop. Stop telling people what they can say and do and think. Almost none of the people in the opposition side are honorable, no more so than the mainstream side, most are highly checkered and appeared out of nowhere 3 years ago. Both sides are playing their parts in the dialectic, since you don't know, can't know, who really is trustworthy, you should trust no one.The only smart tack is to take anything of value they say for what it is worth, and leave the rest, keep them at a distance. These people, none of them, are your friends. And if you ever need them, really need them, they aren't going to come. They'll walk free like all of the Stop the Steal people, while the poor saps who believed in them are disappeared. They are already doing a real life version of the Stalin photo, that in each iteration had someone else erased, to each other, they won't hesitate to hand over your email address, which is basically all Substack is, a email address farm.

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where is your saucer parked ? We need to meet ........

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These are all honorable people who you are trashing. You now sound like Dr. Breggin with your "controlled opposition" slanderous statement. Shame on you!! For your information not everyone can cover every issue regarding this tyranny we are experiencing. Otherwise perhaps Sasha would be covering what those you mention are covering.

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I'm not trashing anyone. I am genuinely puzzled and trying to make sense of conflicting pieces of information as I am new to Sasha's work and wondering why others are not covering this angle. Really surprised to receive such a hostile reaction from you and Henry. You both need to chill.

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What do you call accusing someone of "controlled opposition" who is anything but that? I call it trashing someone(s). So does Henry, so why are you only responding to me? If you are genuinely puzzled then I am worried about your critical thinking skills. People who are "genuinely puzzled" don't make these kinds of accusations. Don't try to gaslight me - it won't work.

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It sounded like a genuine question when I read it:

"Are they intentionally misleading us with their Pfizer/Fauci/Walesky focus? Are they afraid...or just ignorant?"

No one mentioned controlled opposition. I think "chill" is an appropriate comment.

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He didn't have to say the words "controlled opposition" to mean that. Asking if they are "intentionally misleading" just because they haven't covered every bloody issue is a ridiculous accusation. Neither, nor Henry, felt it was genuine. All of the things Alex said were accusations. Never any benefit of the doubt. As I said if he is questioning why all these others have not written about what Sasha has written then why not complain about Sasha not bringing up all the points others have? Maybe the "chill" should have started with Alex.

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Benefit of the doubt and blind trust is what convinced people to take the jab.

Asking questions is what gets us out of this. You sound over-the-top defensive just because I'm asking questions.

I heard Sasha say in another interview that her information has been distributed broadly to lawmakers, attorneys, and I would assume, to those previously mentioned. My question is why are they not broadcasting this. Sasha responded that RFK Jr has interviewed her. Why not the others?

It is not farfetched to consider there is great danger in speaking out against the DoD. Right now, Sasha is under the radar of most. Those that I have named are not. It is not farfetched to consider they would be threatened with their lives if they did. That is not "controlled opposition,."

Study up, Betty. And perhaps stop reading too much from RM's echo chamber of a substack.

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Thank you for your important work. Such a clear and powerful presentation. Bravo!

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Brilliant presentation.

Even after 3 years of being awake to this covid scam my head still spins when considering the extent of the fraud and cover up.

And let's not forget Blackrock and the Federal Reserve, amongst other global monetary chieftains, who planned and implemented the greatest transfer of wealth in human history under the guise of the "novel coronavirus pandemic". All of this flows through them.

As you say this is what fascism looks like, or "unprecedented public-private partnership" as it was described at Event 201.

Thank you for your outstanding contribution to this most critical discussion, Sasha.

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OMGOSH...Brilliant. Latypova and Watts are GENIUS, DETERMINED AND GIFTED with faith, fortune and a fantastic future they themselves are forming out of the ashes of the DISTRACTION/GENOCIDE. Who would ever guess it was DOD Countermeasures as FDA and HHS Vaccines causing chaos/crises beginning at the Bank of International Settlements .and the eight families OWNING the world's CENTRAL BANKS NOW PERPETRATING MODERN DAY COLONIZATION THROUGH ECONOMIC SLAVERY OF THE WORLD'S PEOPLE. Must marvel at the Criminals Against Humanity in the diabolic nature of their 120 yr. plan and at the same time feel viscerally loathing; held in abhorrence and contempt.

Quite the gals to unravel a gruesome tapestry to provide the beauty of global culture through glorious artworks. Sometimes, seems as though you're both wiping away the UGLINESS of a fraudulent work from a master's portrait to reach the clean authenticity of TRUE TREASURES always there within.

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You have correctly identified the true reasons behind this multiple attack on humanity. Their plan came from way back and worked well after WW2 to maintain the pre-existing global financial system until 2008. Using QE they pushed the final day of failure another 11 years until the Repo crisis in Sept 2019.

Then the Fed took BlackRock's programme of 'Going Direct' and instigated the Covid scam closing down western economies and allowing the space to inject multiple trillions of dollars into the failing banking system. I wrote an explanation a while ago: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/a-perfect-storm-the-money-crisis?s=w

The Banksters are always in control as Nathan Rothschild said many moons ago. Always follow the money - there is no other significant motive within the human psyche - just examine your acquaintances' actions ("by their works you will know them"). Money offers power, control, fun and games, greed, hubris and not forgetting sex available at all times. History tells the sad story of humanity's weaknesses and loss of 'spiritual spine' (quoting Laura Dodsworth - States of Fear)

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I believe excitement sits alongside greed. This pandemic thing was very exciting for a lot of people that need to feel powerful and significant. Others were playing out their roles obediently. Some people were entirely committed to virtue acting, many were fearful, many just go along because disruption is not in their natures. Many just plain hated Trump and this was a way to get him. There were lots of motivations here.

There were also many people that just believed the PSYOP and thought they were doing the right things. The majority are probably in this category.

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A good broad view of the disaster and as you say many enjoyed a ride into the limelight from obscurity - a great aphrodisiac - 15 mins of celebrity, or much longer for some, and very addictive. I thought this counsellor captured some important lessons: https://steverosephd.com/what-drives-human-behaviour/

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That was terrific. Self-determination theory explains much of what we have seen during this COVID era. It is why I have railed against the "evil people" explanations and the "sheep" explanations. Significance autonomy, belonging, contribution explain things much better. Great stuff. Each of these people is trying to do something significant.

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Yes indeed and some are trying really hard but in the wrong direction. This is my bag which I try to encourage others to embrace:


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I want to see you on Tucker Carlson.

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That was a brilliant ending: ‘Pfizer legal defense: “We did not defraud the government; we gave the government the fraud they asked for”


And yet Pharma kept quiet, raking in the billions for participating in the fraud.

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Wow, dynamite job on the presentation! I've watched many of your interviews (the one with Katherine Watt was wonderful), but I think this was the most succinct and impactful yet. I really like your deep dives, but this presentation is perfect for getting through to people with shorter attention spans, who, not surprisingly, are the ones who still need to wake up.

Thank you so much for your critical research Sasha!

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Fantastic presentation that helps so many of us to understand how treacherous our government (US) truly is. I wonder who is behind the DOD perpetrating these horrible crimes? I don't think the DOD just up an decided to invent these atrocities on their own.

Basically, I now feel that my government wants me dead. They want me to make the choice to get injected and take my chances. There is simply no other health related reason for the existence of mRNA injections. These things are pure poisons.

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This might be a worldwide thing. Some other Nation leaders may have opted-out it? But, "Bite Me" have been "elected" as our leader..... hmmm...

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Sasha I have one question. Why is nobody looking into Moderna the same way that they are Pfizer? I mean they were both doing essentially the same thing.

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Awesome! I commented there as well. You are literally THE ONLY person I've seen cover anything to do with Moderna. It seems the focus is solely on Pfizer.

Did Moderna not have the same types of contacts with foreign governments that Pfizer did. It seems only Pfizer stuff gets leaked.

Like they don't want people looking at Moderna.

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Moderna has the same contracts, and it's not just Moderna and Pfizer - there are hundreds of companies involved in covid murder scam, all through DOD contracts.

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DOD involvement is probably why so much of what is "leaked" is incomplete.

It does seem though that Pfizer is taking the fall for everything, while Moderna is skating free. There has to be something to that.

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We will get all of them or none. Hospitals too. It's the same cartel, just different pizza-laundromat store fronts.

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I adore all your analogies.

-Pizza/ Laundromat storefronts!!!

-Helicopters dropping $$ from the sky

-The ' " you buy a beer brand today, it isn't the same beer brand next day ( on good manufacturing practices/ lack thereof)


Your analogies make this rather abstruse, complex contractual legal speak much more understandable and bearable!

Thanks! You Rock!

Also, very glad to see new people via the comments discovering you and Katherine's work!

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Sasha nails it! The branding is critical, because it's part of the licensure.

You can't retroactively "approve" a product, that was produced outside of a cGMP environment. And there's good reason for that!



The Biologics License Application (BLA) is a request for permission to introduce, or deliver for introduction, a biologic product into interstate commerce (21 CFR 601.2). The BLA is regulated under 21 CFR 600 – 680. A BLA is submitted by any legal person or entity who is engaged in manufacture or an applicant for a license who takes responsibility for compliance with product and establishment standards. Form 356h specifies the requirements for a BLA. This includes:

* Applicant information

* Product/Manufacturing information <--

* Pre-clinical studies

* Clinical studies

* Labeling <--


I covered this as well. The vials are labeled for a reason, and that's so that you can back-track if needed. These aren't price stickers at a grocery store, it's stuff that's going to be injected into someone, it has to be right!


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Dr. David Martin does as well but focuses mostly on patents.

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I have the same question.

Insider Trading & Ownership - Moderna Inc. (MRNA)


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I have been wondering the exact same thing for over a year. I have never heard anything about fraudulent Moderna trials or lawsuits or liability. I remember reading somewhere that Fauci owns part of their patent and I have been assuming that may be why.

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Also remember they had never successfully brought a single Product' to commercial use prior.

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These astonishing presentations are likely historic. I am in awe at how Sasha keeps her composure and calm in presenting the greatest set of crimes against humanity the modern world has ever seen. And explaining in plain simplicity the racketeering practices to accomplish them. With attributions to the dedicated and impressive Katherine Watt and her legal research.

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I wish I knew what to do to help people see this truth. Thank you to all of you who are fighting the good fight.

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This pattern of behavior by public health officials and the pharmaceutical industry is at least 40 years old and some of the very same people who were operatives 40 years ago were operatives in the CoVid era, most notably, but not limited to, Fauci.

Was there an intent to harm back then? It sure looks like it.



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Fauci was getting geared up to ram a smallpox vaccine down the throats of Americans (post 911) and there was talk about door-to-door compulsory vaccinations carried out by National Guard. Military involvement in US vaccine policy has a long history. They backed off because the catastrophic effect on trial subjects were too extreme and obvious to ignore.

Military involvement in vaccine promotion flows from early attempts to to reduce battlefield casualties from infectious diseases. (See the joint Pentagon-Rockefeller Institute race to create and rapid deploy vaccines for troops in WW I and then the public ) Then as biowarfare became a "thing" during WW II and biowarfare weapons were deployed afterwards (largely by the US), the need for developing g "countermeasures" of biological attacks came to the fore. https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/the-long-suppressed-korean-war-report-on-u-s-use-of-biological-weapons-released-at-last-20d83f5cee54

I think you will find that the idea of the military bypassing normal testing and manufacturing standards in vaccines "partnership" with commercial interests has a long history. WW I could be held up as an early example. The mass vaccination of troops heading to Iraq during the first Iraq war, which had catastrophic results and about which news was suppressed, is another.

IF Fauci & Co. believed the Wuhan virus was one of their weaponized viruses (which apparently they did until they shut down all conversation on the subject), the *logical* response (if you are a scientific idiot) would be to launch a massive countermeasure program. Of course, you'd have to lie about why you were doing it - which is how the Pentagon and Fauci & Company do everything . Also, once these interlocking bureaucratic machines is set in motion, they are formidable and hard to stop because they involve aggressive information suppression and propaganda (which is what the military uses expertly to "sell"every war.)

Finally, I think the "appeal" of mRNA is that an aggressor can create a bioweapon, rapidly develop and manufacture a countermeasure for your own troops and people, and get a temporary advantage on your opponent before they can develop countermeasures of their own. It's the dream of madmen.

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