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Thank you Sasha. This is a truth bomb most will not be able to swallow right away. I am sharing it nevertheless with those I hope will grasp the significance.

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I was just thinking along those lines today. It has taken me 3 years to turn my beliefs about the medical system and the US government totally upside down. Bit by bit my former beliefs have been challenged by facts on the ground and grudgingly abandoned.

But once you know, you cannot un-know. And once you know you cannot remain silent. We have a duty to speak up, to communicate the truth. I started with my own sister. She just doesn't want to hear it. Any of it. I've gone off the rails, she says. I'm being a radical, she says. What I'm saying is simply unbelievable.

Sadly, some people are just not ready. But we must soldier on with that duty to speak up.

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You are not alone. Many of Us have woke up to the lies in the last 3 years. We must each one>reach one. My own mother will not speak to me for the last year so I understand about your sister. But we press on. I am looking for like- minded people in Southeast Michigan to form thinktank/ networking type groups to discuss & plan things like community organic gardens, how to wake others up gently, stategies/ modalities for healing those vax injured , etc. The hard task is how do we start conversations to find our local tribe of awake people? It is much easier to find solidarity on these type of forums but locally??? How does one go about this? Just some thoughts. Mainly wanted to let you know that you definitely are not alone. I will continue to pray for more & more people like us to wake up. It's uncomfortable at first, but like you said. Once you realize the Truth, you cannot go back to believing the lies. Peace!

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Hi Michelle, perhaps here you can find locally some like-minded people, it seems and interesting and vital project: https://freedomcells.org/

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A fellow traveler in more ways than one. I grew up in Detroit and spent my first 30 years in the metro area. Thanks for your response, and have a great day!

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What a small world! Are you still here in MI? I grew up in Milford, moved to the Eastside ( Groose Pointe Woods) for many years & have relicated to Keego Harbor for the last 6 years surrounded by many lovely lakes! Thinking seriously of downsizing by 2024 and going a bit more rural to Shiawassee County, lots of fertile land there. Peace!

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I'm long gone from Michigan. Moved first to Colorado, raised a family there, now in Utah where our daughter and the grandchildren are. "Simplify" is our current mantra. Best of luck to you.

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@Russ, @Michelle, If you can kindly forgive the interruption in your mini exchange... God bless both of you for uncomfortably clawing your way up and out of old, entrenched ideas. Yep, the battlefield is pretty horrific. Takes courage to get to your feet and engage. You are both to be commended. So grateful each of you took the time to speak aloud, keyboard generated ЁЯШЖEvery new awakening is heartening for old warriors to hear. Blessings of strength, inner peace and expanding heart to both. Amen.

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Heterdox Introvert

Wow! Very kind of you to pop in and share your encouragement! I had seriously began questioning things post 911, then moreso with Julian Assange & Edward Snowden incarcerated for warning us on a variety of topics. With the Covid Criminal Conspiracy I went down into rabbit holes examining hundreds of years of history with new, opened eyes and have officially put on my tin foil hat, and of course am labeled a "conspiracy theorist", A Conspiracy refers to a criminal enterprise, those in cahoots to commit, aid, abet & cover up crimes. I'm a Conspiracy EXAMINER these days and as you know, once you know the truth, you can't unknow it. Again, thank you for taking the time to welcome me to your tribe! Blessings & Peace! Michelle

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Thank you and to you and all that you love, as well!

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Michelle, Australia has My Place (& Our Place) community groups of individuals all over the country which are doing what you want to promote. Support local businesses, community gardens, food swaps, knowledge sharing etc.

If you cannot find a suitable 'freedom cell', just copy the My Place approach.


the Wiki summary is hilarious really. They are so far behind conspiracy facts - wow!


Fact check! I met Jimmy Wales in the 90's and this site originally had good intentions. Ashamed that I actually donated many years ago. Now it is controlled BS and one of the biggest purveyors of actual lies and accusations online. ugh

God Bless and good luck!

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Yes, some people are just not ready. It's regrettable; but we have to accept and respect that. Hearing information for which one is just not ready can do more harm than good, both to the person and to the cause/battle. Care is required.

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