@Russ, @Michelle, If you can kindly forgive the interruption in your mini exchange... God bless both of you for uncomfortably clawing your way up and out of old, entrenched ideas. Yep, the battlefield is pretty horrific. Takes courage to get to your feet and engage. You are both to be commended. So grateful each of you took the time to s…
@Russ, @Michelle, If you can kindly forgive the interruption in your mini exchange... God bless both of you for uncomfortably clawing your way up and out of old, entrenched ideas. Yep, the battlefield is pretty horrific. Takes courage to get to your feet and engage. You are both to be commended. So grateful each of you took the time to speak aloud, keyboard generated 😆Every new awakening is heartening for old warriors to hear. Blessings of strength, inner peace and expanding heart to both. Amen.
Wow! Very kind of you to pop in and share your encouragement! I had seriously began questioning things post 911, then moreso with Julian Assange & Edward Snowden incarcerated for warning us on a variety of topics. With the Covid Criminal Conspiracy I went down into rabbit holes examining hundreds of years of history with new, opened eyes and have officially put on my tin foil hat, and of course am labeled a "conspiracy theorist", A Conspiracy refers to a criminal enterprise, those in cahoots to commit, aid, abet & cover up crimes. I'm a Conspiracy EXAMINER these days and as you know, once you know the truth, you can't unknow it. Again, thank you for taking the time to welcome me to your tribe! Blessings & Peace! Michelle
@Russ, @Michelle, If you can kindly forgive the interruption in your mini exchange... God bless both of you for uncomfortably clawing your way up and out of old, entrenched ideas. Yep, the battlefield is pretty horrific. Takes courage to get to your feet and engage. You are both to be commended. So grateful each of you took the time to speak aloud, keyboard generated 😆Every new awakening is heartening for old warriors to hear. Blessings of strength, inner peace and expanding heart to both. Amen.
Heterdox Introvert
Wow! Very kind of you to pop in and share your encouragement! I had seriously began questioning things post 911, then moreso with Julian Assange & Edward Snowden incarcerated for warning us on a variety of topics. With the Covid Criminal Conspiracy I went down into rabbit holes examining hundreds of years of history with new, opened eyes and have officially put on my tin foil hat, and of course am labeled a "conspiracy theorist", A Conspiracy refers to a criminal enterprise, those in cahoots to commit, aid, abet & cover up crimes. I'm a Conspiracy EXAMINER these days and as you know, once you know the truth, you can't unknow it. Again, thank you for taking the time to welcome me to your tribe! Blessings & Peace! Michelle