I don't like the guy, and particularly what he has been saying most recently. I consider him a very poor choice as VP. So much so that I have decided not to vote in the next election. He's one plane crash away from the presidency, and I can't see him as the President at all. This sentiment is in no way an endorsement of Democrats or Demented Joe. Trump just missed a bullet in head and has ended up shooting himself in the foot.

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I suspect J.D. Vance is front-and-center for a reason.

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No doubt.

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You're not voting? No, you just think you're not voting.

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You and millions of dead people and fictitious people.

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Thiel is working through Vance

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Theil is invested in many many companies that is not a secret he is a multi-Billionaire, and yes some with Gov. contracts.

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Marcus, yeah, sounds right. Good on you for spotting that. I've not heard anyone else put it that way.

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Come on, you have to show up. I plan on just writing something like Mighty Mouse for President. But that's just me, I love mocking the mockers.

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I wrote in Vladimir Putin on my primary ballot lieu of my Democrat Representative. I'm a registered Independent and got to choose one of the two ballots in the primary.

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Good one! I often will change party affilliation and vote for the other team but it's more fun to write in another candidate. I think it's important to send the message that we know it's a sham!

Yosemite Sam may be my next vote.

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I was serious

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I like it. If you don't mind, I may use that one.

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When is Mickey Mouse going to get the POTUS endorsement?

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Since that's a deviant disney character I'd not be for that. Not sure who Might Mouse is affilliated with? I'll go with Vladimir this time.

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I'm also an Independent and opted for the Republican ballot. Didn't like anything I saw on it, so I tore it up today.

Next time I'll try the Democrat ballot and vote for the worst candidate.

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Isn't that what happened this month... the worst candidate is the person of choice?

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Aug 14Edited

It's amazing, that do nothing Harris could end up as one of essentially two choices. RFK Jr. is very bad news in my opinion. If he was the real deal, he would have run as an Independent from the outset. But he's a hard core Democrat suffering from delusion confusion. Now NY State has kicked him off the ballot for false residency claims.

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He's also a "climate change" Nazi. I think he'd try to lock us down because he's a true believer in it. Amazing how some otherwise intelligent people can't seem to tell the difference between ACTUAL pollution and CO2 which is only plant food perfectly built into nature, but for underlying nefarious purposes is misnamed "greenhouse gas." No, RFK, Jr. wouldn't be a good pick for that reason alone.

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I'm sorry RFK, Jr., is wasting himself on all this. He should have stuck to and enhanced his original calling which he was so knowledgeable and effective about . . . helping children and writing books.

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I would think that RFK Jnr is stating that he is a true Democrat re his values principles etc., and that he does not change those - esp., as your other candidates seem to have a big problem with "changing with the mood of the day" at least you know where you stand with him,, and he is a person who shall listen, discuss and weigh up before opening his mouth.

You seem to be so readily swayed by all sorts of influencers

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what about your independent candidates. I do not know your votring system, but did some research on it a lonmgtime back and decided it was a lot of hoo haa and so much money wasted.

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Putin is my pick. Russia is lucky!

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Too bad Russia got him first!

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That's a good one for sure!

Xi Jinping might be another good joke write in vote too?

He already owns most of the government that Israel doesn't already own.

Or BiBi might be a good joke write vote too?

He's probably looking for a new gig since his days in Israel might be numbered.

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Just vote Trump if you want Putin.

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why do you have to show up? It's all theatre, and dangerous. This is an excellent audiobook on how we're brainwashed from infancy to accept government thugs and embrace the system. Has really changed my perspective https://archive.org/details/larken-rose-the-most-dangerous-superstition-iron-web-publications-2011/MP3/Most+Dangerous+Superstition+%5BB0886CC7JX%5D+-+03+-+Part+1+-+The+Most+Dangerous+Superstition.mp3

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wise plan. otherwise your ballot will end up going toward whoever they are working for - not you!

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Ok so genuinely asking, who would have been a better choice? Please don't tell me Flynn because he has skeletons too.

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The predictions were favoring Tulsi, and while she also has skeletons, she might have been a better choice. It's still choosing the less bad one. I'm wondering why Vance was chosen over Tulsi.

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Wasn't Tulsi associated with WEF ?

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Yes, she was, but when that was pointed out she denied any connection to them, and said it was not true. So there is another investigation to be done...

They will all distance themselves from the WEF, so just prove that connection, and that case is closed.

Follow their money donors and donations.

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Jul 17Edited

Tulsi was a Democrat and supported Trump''s first impeachment. I sort of like Tulsi but she isn't actually trustworthy. Kim Iverson played a lot of JD Vance clips last night, and he seems very wrong on many issues. At what point do you say enough is enough?

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Tulsi was always horrifyingly

anti 2A rights***

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Yet she goes to war.

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Here's a quote: "Joe Biden will govern with the spirit of aloha". Sure, Tulsi.

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Oh my God! Her canoe has no paddle.

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Ben carson

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Yeah...he was on the shortlist

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Kari Lake!

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I would have preferred Tulsi

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I don't want to vote for either presidential candidate, but I do want to vote for other offices. The ultimate goal is for everyone to think voting is useless and when people stop voting, we will FOR SURE have no choice. Show up, even if its to select one candidate on the ballot.

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It's tough. Computerized voting can be programmed as easily as Las Vegas slot machines which are audited more carefully. Paper ballots a meaningless when a fake batch can be run through the machines multiple times. Once a mail in ballot is removed from it's mailing envelop there is no longer any way to trace the ballot.

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Agreed,. But I think it's better to participate in a way you can observe as much as possible. The riggers are over confident and are counting on our collective discouragement to double down on all that they do. Well, they'll double down regardless. My point is, if we stop voting they win immediately.

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Thats only if it was real. Which it wasn't. It actually looked like a high school play being actrd out. It definitely wasn't an AR, trust me I know. There's a million other red flags, in particular the bandage. When you read the medical reports it appears there was significant trauma. The bandage looked like an envelope hanging on his ear. Have you ever been to the dr or er for a cut, stitches, etc.? There's a gauze, bandage, tape, external wrap. By the time they are done his ear would have been as big as a softball. Most limely a symbol of "piercing his ear," as a sign of allegiance. It's in the Bible even. And his VP pick is more deep state than pence. He's either the dumbest guy, or just another guy...in the swamp.

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Tim Walz is one crash away from the vice presidency ...

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Aug 14Edited

I have two thoughts on him: First he reminds me of Humpty Dumpty, and secondly I believe he could be a pedophile. Would a normally oriented male want tampons placed in an elementary school boys bathroom? Are they even in the girls' room?

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Any who have volunteered in helping industries are very aware that the cost of necessary paper products (diapers, pads, tampons) is a major burden for many. Why are these products unaffordable in oil and wood-plenty North America? If they can put tampons in male washrooms, they can make these products affordable and available for those women who have need.

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I'm not an expert on Tampons.

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"Trump just missed a bullet in head and has ended up shooting himself in the foot"....my sentiments exactly!!!

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Have heard he is Trump's insurance ticket since he is thought of as a mini-Trump.

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I really don't know. Trump would have been better off with Tulsi, even though she is suspect.

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At this point, I’m surprised he can walk on his Swiss Cheese feet.

He does set an example for not being a Quitter, despite his adversaries, including himself. I do believe that is admirable.

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There is no perfect candidate. Some are just a lot worse than others. Joe Biden was never legitimately elected yet, the great majority allowed him to destroy the country from day one. He should have been blocked form carrying out all the destruction. Not many are talking about RFK Jr. In my opinion, his is extremely bad news who could mess things up as much as an assassin.

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Tulsi Gabbard is being put on media spots so we can get used to her. Who is paying the bill? She has appeared on Bill Maher’s show, etc. Between her WEF background which she now distances from, and her religion, please spare us the patriotic, military themes.

Americans are suckers for physical attractiveness. Just look at Trudeau for where that gets you.

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She looks better on TV than in person. I was up front at one of her public meetings in Hawaii. They actually kicked her out of the Hawaii Democrat Party. She's not trusted in Hawaii. I think she emphasizes her military service too much. Again, she's better than many Democrats, but just like RFK Jr. she sill carries their baggage.

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Being kicked out of the Democrat party is a plus in my book!

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When you leave voluntarily it's a plus. When you are kicked out it's not healthy. RFK Jr. still claims to be a hard core Democrat. He's a very confused person. He doesn't even know in which state he resides.

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That is why I still believe Gavin and Big Mike will be installed at some point!

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I believe the plan to draft Big Mike has been in the works for a very long time. About a year ago Costco had a large stack of Big Mike biography books with the tittle of "Becoming Michelle," or something similar. Has anyone ever seen a photo "her" with two toddlers?

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People are going to find out pretty quickly who Peter Thiel and David Sacks are.

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I'm familiar with Thiel for a while now but not Sacks

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It's becoming much clearer now who the members of that "big club" are that we aren't in. It's a much bigger club than even George Carlin might have imagined.

Although, it is probably more like several clubs at several different levels.

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Leon black...Vadim lepinsky...Amos hockstein...ballmer Geffen Ellison..Schumer geveer..pollard Gina HASPEL...Mandy Cohen..Laura and John Arnold...Soros...Alex Soros....*Susan Rosenberg..hilly Rosenberg clinton

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Peter Thiel, co-founder of Palantir which is deeply connected to CIA, enabled Vance's investor career, introduced him to Trump, and supported his political career in Ohio. Lots of deep-state connections there. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/17/technology/jd-vance-tech-silicon-valley.html

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Around this same time Vance was undergoing a series of "conversions."

Who are we to say that spiritual, moral, ethical epiphanies can't be sincere just because they align with massive amounts of cash?

No need for the /sarc insignia right?

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Thanks for explaining how a poor Ohio hillbilly was somehow able to finance a VC investment firm, since I was wondering that already.

Ya gotta love those high value connections!

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FLU WORLD ORDER: Trump Hires Thiel’s Palantir to Track Americans with Chinese-Style Surveillance App


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who would have predicted this...

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Ben Horowitz

Bill Ackman

Cameron Winklevoss

Doug Leone

Elon Musk

Eoghan McCabe

Ken Howery

Kyle Samani

Marc Andreessen

Jacob Helberg

Joe Lonsdale

Palmer Luckey

Peter Thiel

Shaun Maguire

Trevor Traina

Tushar Jain

Tyler Winklevoss

Come on in, the water’s warm.


"When billionaires come together to purchase the presidency of the United States, the only question you should ask yourself is…What are they getting in return for their investment?"

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My guess - plenty! 😀

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More on Peter Thiel here:


Gay billionaire Peter Theil who hand selected J.D Vance with a $15 million dollar donation… is partly responsible for the deaths of over 20,000 Palestinian children through his AI technology that is used by the IDF to target homes in Gaza…

(I'm assuming that the tech they are using over there will eventually used against the rest of this)


Peter Thiel has been working w US intelligence for decades to privatize many of its worst projects and ops. Companies he cofounded and funds are at the heart of the surveillance police state/war on domestic terror to come. Why won't more in alt media expose him?

With Trump's VP pick being a protege of Peter Thiel, you can kiss critical reporting from alt media on his campaign goodbye, since Thiel funds most of the big names. (not that there was really any to begin with)

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I think we should be trying a lengthy disconnect from all tracking systems. So many reasons! Especially, the health type.

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Regardless of political affiliation, they are all in on this. Ask Bill Ghate$ the puppet master.

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Good find! Why am I not surprised?

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Good commentary, Sasha. Trump's choosing this baby-faced Vance guy for his VP confirms that he's going to load his 2nd administration with the same old hucksters and corporate shills that he did the last time. Snake fillet, anyone?

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Appears that way, indeed. :/ Not a good look from the get go. I keep everyone and our world in prayer, hoping that we each make the necessary changes to transform our own lives, in order to be in a better position of health, freedom, love~ happiness. Stay strong and safe.

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Vonu…Am I reading a type-o or is opposing the mistreatment and torture of animals like the moron Fauci’s Beagle Sand flea ‘funded experiment’ your basis to then test on humans that oppose this juvenile, sadistic behavior? Maybe these poor cretins have merely exchanged wetting the bed for harming animals, exported the lab setting and defined their experiments as medically necessary?

It seems to me, the “coin-operated” morality slugs of these industries are the ones to be assigned having their faces eaten off after cutting their vocal cords, burned extremities and holes bored into their own involuntary skulls to directly inject the worst excuse for ‘science’???

As for Vance, what another freaking disappointment, and Trump probably needs to vet his appointees thru the Rolling Stone “rag”, as whomever he’s hiring to make his historically flawed decisions, has no idea how to investigate and recommend.

Tired of the smoke and mirrors and little boys running this world.

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Vonu was joking.

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I hope so. This information is not helping me digest breakfast. I feel furious about the almighty dollar directing humanity, with no consequences but a glamorous glory shot on some magazine, for more Lost to aspire to.

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ha ha ha. that was a funny joke. you two are funny as a barrel o monkeys he he. tortured monkeys ho ho.

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I am not the one hehehahahohoing here..

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well somebody is and it ain't me.

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Well, it was a bad joke!

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Think of the numerous employees all around the country who are engaged in these "experiments." Unless they went in as sociopaths or psychopaths whose inhumane inclinations found an "acceptable" outlet, the "normals" who were able to remain were gradually being desensitized to suffering for a paycheck. This example, the desensitization/derealization that can accompany kiddos who play hours of violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto or who listen to rap music glorifying evil of all kinds, etc., has left us with a cultural milieu that's almost unrecognizable to me. And increasingly UNSAFE. 🥺

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Rolling Stone lost it’s good staffers and excellent reporters around 2013. Right after Edward Snowden released the charts that shows domestic spying.

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Medical testing on animals should be replaced by testing humans that oppose testing on animals.

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agree! (I am kidding) I am in principle not against animal testing, just against wasting the animal lives for cruel and pointless stupidity that has now consumed most of the medical research: the likes of experiments that the biodefense racket likes to do.

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That is one of the most vile, evil things ever posted here. Serial killer vibes. No Sasha, one doesn't kid around like this. Sick..

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And 10 people liked it. I could not imagine that this scum has so many admirers.

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Humans, who oppose torture, are against any cruel experiments on humans and animals alike. Apparently, you want to torture people opposing torture. Good for you! I am really surprised that Sasha liked your comment, I used to think she is a human, may be not.

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did you read where it says I am kidding? please, no need for pearl clutching here

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Sasha why do you promote animal cruelty? Their drugs are all poisons. No vaccine has ever worked.

It’s not the case that the animals are being tortured to create a good drug, that is not the case.

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When you break a leg or need a surgery, or need a tooth fixed, or have a hypertensive or hypotensive crisis, or spiking fever, or a UTI/kidney infection, etc etc, get this stuff attended to/fixed without any drugs! You know, all of those drugs are just poisonous, you can have some vodka for courage and get your broken bones set bush style. we can't be cruel to animals. We can test a bunch of on you, why bother with mice, they are precious...

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Speaking of kidneys, how many animals had to be tortured in order to develop remdesivir or vancomycin?

My brother in law almost died from sepsis compliments of remdesevir.

My former coworker was treated with vancomycin in a hospital, and both of his kidneys stopped working. His daughter donated her kidney to him, and saved his life.

My mother was treated with avastin for her liver carcinoma. It took them only one dose to murder her. She was dead in 2 weeks after the first treatment.

So, why do they need to torture and kill animals first, and maim and kill people later? Let them shove their drug research up their ass really deep.

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Are you familiar with this substack and it's position on vaccines (all), remdesivir, cancer treatments and hospitals in general? Seems like no.

If you are against all drugs, even for accidents and emergency, you are entitled to your position. I am not, I am just against all drugs that are pushed without actual need. And often times the push is successful because people trust their doctor, and, as we have seen, won't listen to any advice to the contrary of what that government drone is pushing on them, and will never investigate the information for themselves. Chances are, your mother's cancer was diagnosed by some "cancer screening" test, right? Well chances are, it was a false diagnosis, initially, then she was given cancer by everything that followed. Would she have listened and NOT gone to the doctors, except in dire emergency? No! Most women, especially past certain age are obsessed with going to the doctors and hanging on their every word.

There are drugs that are good, valuable and necessary and can be life saving. And if you advocate to abolish animal research, well, then you are advocating for killing and injuring more people. Nice ethics you got.

Now, please go and subscribe to a substack where you are told what you want to hear. Bye.

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You're pro choice right?

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There are very few humans in the west that oppose torture, judging only by Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, and Assange. How do you demarcate cruel from not cruel if there is no difference in the experimental procedures involved?

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obviously there are plentiful who don't mind being guinea pigs for any thing at all. And if you are sick, especially terminally ill, I think most people will grasp at the last straw. A friend with cancer that did not react to anything, did just that, until she was so sick she no longer could participate.

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I suspect that most of those who don't mind being guinea pigs believe that the regulations that control medical testing protect them more than they do, especially in the wake of the EUA "vaccines."

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the people I have tried to warn think, that the govt rigorously checks on every med that comes to market. I think hundreds of thousands have found out the hard way there is no protection at all, unless you count the few dimes that are thrown at a handful of lucky ones. I still see the pic of the lady in Canada who after the jabs, is now paralyzed and in a wheel chair, and the doc offering to euthanize her.

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thanks ! ( I recently read several docs dying in their specialty. An oncologist from cancer, a heart specialist from heart attacks etc. This morning I read a 93 year old doc 's bit, thinking, now there is probably a good one as he died of old age)

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Data shows that doctors have the highest mortality.


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You can say that twice*. But "they" believe the moon is made of green cheese too..

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We reply to Ingrid's excellent comment with. a true anecdote..check it out folks..right in the "begining..almost 3years ago we met a very pretty Brazilian doctor lady..she began gently arguing with our revulsion to* Itralian* fauci ..and the New Jew Kung Flu scamdemics..preplandemics..casedemics in full tilt at the time..""she loved fauci!We tried . sorry to be real but..in a Christian wat---tocwarn her but she said..**I want to be a test subject on the Covid quackzine because I Believe in it*..I k..she said vaccine..We said Quackzine...we never saw or heard from the poor thing ever again* For those who may not understand American slang.*...Itralian.*.....means Jewish Italian or Isreali Italian..yup...that s a thing and all*...

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Typo s we tried in a Christian way...to warn. her..**OK..she said vaccine...we said Quackzine...

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Who says they don’t. What do you think clinical trials are about.

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Which clinical trials are you imagining?

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Well let’s say we believe in the fda’s process.

You could say phase 1 and phase 2 trials are about how a drug reacts in a human, especially a “first time in man study.” Phase 1 studies are almost always done in a clinic, and a FTIM phase I is done with a doctor and EMTs present. Obviously there’s a reason for that. If you pin down a toxicologist long enough, they will admit their animal models are fallible, and don’t always screen out compounds problematic for humans. Animal models don’t tell you human a PK profile so it has to be measured. Assuming nothing untoward happens, you move to phase 2. By the end of large scale phase 2 studies in target populations, there is supposed to be a decent safety profile, enough to conduct larger efficacy studies.

So you can make an argument at least some human studies are experimental, even by fda’s standards.

To me all human trials are experimental, done under the illusion the animal studies screened all the issues. In my years in this field, I saw enough studies to see weird shit happen, well into phase 3. In spite of the “glory” of population statistics, there’s never a large enough group studied to reveal truly bad side effects, especially for a new drug class. These effects don’t show up until millions are dosed over time. Moreover, humans are always Guinea pigs for drug interactions, as any honest researcher will tell you the can only study the interactions of maybe 3 different metabolites in humans, yet when in practice, folks, especially elders are often getting 5 to 10 drugs.

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Clinical trials weren't needed to issue Emergency Use Authorizations for all the Covid "vaccines." The trials for the most recent boosters used less than a dozen lab rats.

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Yes. This is true. The fda can and will circumvent regulations when politically expedient to do so. The EUA is one of many. Cancer drugs get a pass on placebo testing because, cancer. The medical community claims it would be “unethical” to give a placebo to a cancer patient, so they test one poison against another.

A lot of folks are confused about the purpose of the fda and clinical trails. It is not science and certainly not research. It’s the business of getting drugs approved. Period. And if the drugs “they” need approved can’t be accomplished following standard rules, they change the rules. They give these bypasses cute names like “orphan drug status” or “EAU” but it’s always a legal justification to not do the rigorous testing.

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And vaccines are a real crock of shit. They have had a special pass since the 1986 law giving manufacturers indemnity. I learned this when we were contracted to run trails on a flu vaccine 20 years ago. No tox screening, no efficacy, just a quick phase 2 trial, and a load of excuses from the medical community about why it has to be that way. No room to question any of it, years before social media shaming was possible. So yeah, a rat study on a reformulated booster widely distributed is no surprise.

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If Christians believe that God will provide them with anything they pray for, why do they pray to the government instead?

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Are you Jewish?No real Christian prays to any government**

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Praying to any government is a waste of time and effort, especially religious ones.

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Who is a Christian? A person who claims to be, or a person whose life shows their actual devotion to and reliance on God?

Not perfect, but humble, willing to confess sins, gradually aligning more and more to God's will.

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I'm not a Christian, I am a Christian atheist.

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I am a born again Christian. Not so sure I am "conservative". Maybe I am "libervative"? Or "conseral"? I am not moderate. I'm usually radical rather than lukewarm. I just don't agree with some things that conservative presently means.

Anyway, I am radically conservative in believing dedicated born again Christians do not marry Hindus.

We're not so into diversity we brush aside the first commandment in worship of a diversity of gods.

I think (and it is a conspiracy theory) that Trump is the negotiator for the devil calling on Christians to give up all their creeds and conviction to worship him as their Savior.

Trump is just another antichrist.

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Stentorian..magisterial..erudite..fabulous comment..Thank you Lady Victory.

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And my Indian friend res is the wife appears to be a sincere Hindu.

Would a sincere person marry someone like him?

I think Trump made a deal with the devil.

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Only one deal?:).

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My favorite Vance is Laurence Vance, one of those libertarian jurists who always argue against any piece of legislation ever written, saying the Constitution does not allow it.

Here, his latest article:


Laurence should be both vice president and speaker of the house, and control everyone's speech. He would always say "No, you don't have the floor because you want to create unconstitutional legislation, be silent now. Now let's move to the repealing part of this session: all those in favor of repealing this legislation say 'aye' and those against say 'aye' too."

It would be epic!

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agree! They should all have the Austin Powers evil guy type chairs, where if they peep about any "new law", poof, they disappear into the floor.

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Lawrence Vince sounds like a very good man!

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Forget animal testing... the World needs to come to grips with human testing via the expimental Covid vax...

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After reading your article it reminded me of this quote.

"When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear."

Thomas Sowell

To me this sounds like what we are dealing with here.

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I feel like there would be stuff to hate about anyone chosen. The choice has been made so here we go. I hope there’s been an epiphany but if not, can anyone be really surprised since Trump handled WuFlu so badly & is (or was) so proud of “warp speed”? 🤷‍♀️

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I used to pay CLOSE attention to politics. Now I just know what I know if you know what I mean. But one thing I noticed is that the Republican field for the 2024 nominee was the weakest I have ever seen for conservatives and libertarians. Also, there are a LOT of frauds who talk the talk but do NOT walk the walk coming out of the shadows. Like Vance who is talking about conservative values to his audience, but implementing all kinds of DEI initiatives, Vivek R. did the same thing when he was at Roivant. But you wouldn't know that when he was out on the campaign. Vivek came across as Mr. Anti-Woke MAGA culture warrior. Both went to Yale Law School together and THAT is telling...

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OMG. I'm so done with this world. So done.

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Bad new cats and kittens, they all test on animals. Can’t just throw a chemical into a human without some idea of its effects in mammals. Demanding “safe” drugs (ha ha ha) means demanding relevant testing. Blatant hypocrisy to consume any pharmaceuticals while whining about it.

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They do their big biggest testing on human animals. In the past on both willing and many unwitting human subjects who suffered all manner of adverse effects and death.

But, just recently, they foisted experimental "C-19" modRNA injections and nose swabs of undisclosed ingredients on as much of the world's population that they could manage, and they aren't finished by a long shot. Again, the human cattle are experiencing terrible "side effects" which are likely the primary purpose of the secret serums.

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