I wrote in Vladimir Putin on my primary ballot lieu of my Democrat Representative. I'm a registered Independent and got to choose one of the two ballots in the primary.
Good one! I often will change party affilliation and vote for the other team but it's more fun to write in another candidate. I think it's important to send the message that we know it's a sham!
It's amazing, that do nothing Harris could end up as one of essentially two choices. RFK Jr. is very bad news in my opinion. If he was the real deal, he would have run as an Independent from the outset. But he's a hard core Democrat suffering from delusion confusion. Now NY State has kicked him off the ballot for false residency claims.
He's also a "climate change" Nazi. I think he'd try to lock us down because he's a true believer in it. Amazing how some otherwise intelligent people can't seem to tell the difference between ACTUAL pollution and CO2 which is only plant food perfectly built into nature, but for underlying nefarious purposes is misnamed "greenhouse gas." No, RFK, Jr. wouldn't be a good pick for that reason alone.
I'm sorry RFK, Jr., is wasting himself on all this. He should have stuck to and enhanced his original calling which he was so knowledgeable and effective about . . . helping children and writing books.
I would think that RFK Jnr is stating that he is a true Democrat re his values principles etc., and that he does not change those - esp., as your other candidates seem to have a big problem with "changing with the mood of the day" at least you know where you stand with him,, and he is a person who shall listen, discuss and weigh up before opening his mouth.
You seem to be so readily swayed by all sorts of influencers
I guess that's why he stated that he would put all people who don't believe the climate change myth in concentration camps. By the way I do believe in climate change it has been going on for 4.5 billion years. The most serious recent event was the Younger Dryas Boundary.
what about your independent candidates. I do not know your votring system, but did some research on it a lonmgtime back and decided it was a lot of hoo haa and so much money wasted.
Come on, you have to show up. I plan on just writing something like Mighty Mouse for President. But that's just me, I love mocking the mockers.
I wrote in Vladimir Putin on my primary ballot lieu of my Democrat Representative. I'm a registered Independent and got to choose one of the two ballots in the primary.
Good one! I often will change party affilliation and vote for the other team but it's more fun to write in another candidate. I think it's important to send the message that we know it's a sham!
Yosemite Sam may be my next vote.
I was serious
I like it. If you don't mind, I may use that one.
When is Mickey Mouse going to get the POTUS endorsement?
Since that's a deviant disney character I'd not be for that. Not sure who Might Mouse is affilliated with? I'll go with Vladimir this time.
I'm also an Independent and opted for the Republican ballot. Didn't like anything I saw on it, so I tore it up today.
Next time I'll try the Democrat ballot and vote for the worst candidate.
Isn't that what happened this month... the worst candidate is the person of choice?
It's amazing, that do nothing Harris could end up as one of essentially two choices. RFK Jr. is very bad news in my opinion. If he was the real deal, he would have run as an Independent from the outset. But he's a hard core Democrat suffering from delusion confusion. Now NY State has kicked him off the ballot for false residency claims.
He's also a "climate change" Nazi. I think he'd try to lock us down because he's a true believer in it. Amazing how some otherwise intelligent people can't seem to tell the difference between ACTUAL pollution and CO2 which is only plant food perfectly built into nature, but for underlying nefarious purposes is misnamed "greenhouse gas." No, RFK, Jr. wouldn't be a good pick for that reason alone.
I'm sorry RFK, Jr., is wasting himself on all this. He should have stuck to and enhanced his original calling which he was so knowledgeable and effective about . . . helping children and writing books.
I would think that RFK Jnr is stating that he is a true Democrat re his values principles etc., and that he does not change those - esp., as your other candidates seem to have a big problem with "changing with the mood of the day" at least you know where you stand with him,, and he is a person who shall listen, discuss and weigh up before opening his mouth.
You seem to be so readily swayed by all sorts of influencers
I guess that's why he stated that he would put all people who don't believe the climate change myth in concentration camps. By the way I do believe in climate change it has been going on for 4.5 billion years. The most serious recent event was the Younger Dryas Boundary.
what about your independent candidates. I do not know your votring system, but did some research on it a lonmgtime back and decided it was a lot of hoo haa and so much money wasted.
Putin is my pick. Russia is lucky!
Too bad Russia got him first!
That's a good one for sure!
Xi Jinping might be another good joke write in vote too?
He already owns most of the government that Israel doesn't already own.
Or BiBi might be a good joke write vote too?
He's probably looking for a new gig since his days in Israel might be numbered.
Just vote Trump if you want Putin.
why do you have to show up? It's all theatre, and dangerous. This is an excellent audiobook on how we're brainwashed from infancy to accept government thugs and embrace the system. Has really changed my perspective https://archive.org/details/larken-rose-the-most-dangerous-superstition-iron-web-publications-2011/MP3/Most+Dangerous+Superstition+%5BB0886CC7JX%5D+-+03+-+Part+1+-+The+Most+Dangerous+Superstition.mp3
wise plan. otherwise your ballot will end up going toward whoever they are working for - not you!