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obviously there are plentiful who don't mind being guinea pigs for any thing at all. And if you are sick, especially terminally ill, I think most people will grasp at the last straw. A friend with cancer that did not react to anything, did just that, until she was so sick she no longer could participate.

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I suspect that most of those who don't mind being guinea pigs believe that the regulations that control medical testing protect them more than they do, especially in the wake of the EUA "vaccines."

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the people I have tried to warn think, that the govt rigorously checks on every med that comes to market. I think hundreds of thousands have found out the hard way there is no protection at all, unless you count the few dimes that are thrown at a handful of lucky ones. I still see the pic of the lady in Canada who after the jabs, is now paralyzed and in a wheel chair, and the doc offering to euthanize her.

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thanks ! ( I recently read several docs dying in their specialty. An oncologist from cancer, a heart specialist from heart attacks etc. This morning I read a 93 year old doc 's bit, thinking, now there is probably a good one as he died of old age)

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Data shows that doctors have the highest mortality.


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Dentists, actually.

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You can say that twice*. But "they" believe the moon is made of green cheese too..

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We reply to Ingrid's excellent comment with. a true anecdote..check it out folks..right in the "begining..almost 3years ago we met a very pretty Brazilian doctor lady..she began gently arguing with our revulsion to* Itralian* fauci ..and the New Jew Kung Flu scamdemics..preplandemics..casedemics in full tilt at the time..""she loved fauci!We tried . sorry to be real but..in a Christian wat---tocwarn her but she said..**I want to be a test subject on the Covid quackzine because I Believe in it*..I k..she said vaccine..We said Quackzine...we never saw or heard from the poor thing ever again* For those who may not understand American slang.*...Itralian.*.....means Jewish Italian or Isreali Italian..yup...that s a thing and all*...

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Typo s we tried in a Christian way...to warn. her..**OK..she said vaccine...we said Quackzine...

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