When you break a leg or need a surgery, or need a tooth fixed, or have a hypertensive or hypotensive crisis, or spiking fever, or a UTI/kidney infection, etc etc, get this stuff attended to/fixed without any drugs! You know, all of those drugs are just poisonous, you can have some vodka for courage and get your broken bones set bush style. we can't be cruel to animals. We can test a bunch of on you, why bother with mice, they are precious...
Speaking of kidneys, how many animals had to be tortured in order to develop remdesivir or vancomycin?
My brother in law almost died from sepsis compliments of remdesevir.
My former coworker was treated with vancomycin in a hospital, and both of his kidneys stopped working. His daughter donated her kidney to him, and saved his life.
My mother was treated with avastin for her liver carcinoma. It took them only one dose to murder her. She was dead in 2 weeks after the first treatment.
So, why do they need to torture and kill animals first, and maim and kill people later? Let them shove their drug research up their ass really deep.
Are you familiar with this substack and it's position on vaccines (all), remdesivir, cancer treatments and hospitals in general? Seems like no.
If you are against all drugs, even for accidents and emergency, you are entitled to your position. I am not, I am just against all drugs that are pushed without actual need. And often times the push is successful because people trust their doctor, and, as we have seen, won't listen to any advice to the contrary of what that government drone is pushing on them, and will never investigate the information for themselves. Chances are, your mother's cancer was diagnosed by some "cancer screening" test, right? Well chances are, it was a false diagnosis, initially, then she was given cancer by everything that followed. Would she have listened and NOT gone to the doctors, except in dire emergency? No! Most women, especially past certain age are obsessed with going to the doctors and hanging on their every word.
There are drugs that are good, valuable and necessary and can be life saving. And if you advocate to abolish animal research, well, then you are advocating for killing and injuring more people. Nice ethics you got.
Now, please go and subscribe to a substack where you are told what you want to hear. Bye.
Sasha, I am well familiar with your substack. If you dislike me so much, I will unsubscribe. Keep in mind, that for our overlords, we are just lab rats. I would imagine they justify culling us in the same way you justify animal testing.
From Wikipedia:
For livestock and wildlife, culling often refers to killing removed animals based on their characteristics, such as their sex or species membership, or as a means of preventing infectious disease transmission.
If you are familiar with my substack, then why do you come to the comment section to write nasty crap to me, misrepresenting my positions? I don't dislike you because I have no idea who you are. You are clearly looking to pick a fight, that's why I am telling you to peacefully disengage. And if you are so outraged about my opinion on this matter (which I have clearly explained and will not fight with you over, as that's a waste of time) - there are many other places that will be more comfortable for you.
I am not writing nasty crap to you, but I don't want animals tortured in the name of science. Dr. Tom Cowan feels the same way, and I imagine that you respect him. There are many people who feel the same way and they are not your enemies. I respect you very much, but you are not a deity. I was assuming that you allow plurality of opinion on your substack, but if you are beyond criticism, just let me know, and I will unsubscribe.
I heard your position! You are against animal studies. I am not against animal studies, because I don't want to hurt people. People are more valuable to me than animals. We can agree to disagree, but that's somehow not enough for you! Every time I publish an article, I have half a dozen offended people. I have no idea who they are, but they come here enraged by something I said, saying they respect me and are my fans. Typically they misinterpret or twist what I said (like you are doing). Then they write some more rude and obnoxious crap. Then start appealing to authority - "but Tom Cowan thinks that way too!" Well, good for him! When that fails, they start saying I am a controlled opposition, pharma shill, work for Malone, I am a Khazarian princess (yes, that happens), I am a filthy immigrant, and that I am a CIA asset. I might have forgotten some things.. Seriously, just go away in peace.
What an excellent objective morally balanced repartee!Sasha...no one has to tell you..but..we do..you have every right to your vision excellent priorities..stellar mental clarity..but fact is..folks on the internet love to seek out pretexts to explode into microaggressed virtue signalling hissy fits ..... Actually they hoist themselves on their own petards revealing how little humanity they have but they just might be be antiChristian animal rights activist fanatics...yup...drugs and occult false religions will do that to you...to many dumb phone zombie addicts..they don't know when to stop.an
all....** Dont. Ever stop...we get it..it's easy to SAY don't be oversensitive after 28 clowns throw rocks at one innocent value difference...
Typo...they don't know when to stop and all..*but they love to find a secondary issue ..off point and enjoy to attack . warp factor 9..man the photon torpedo s...etc
did you read where it says I am kidding? please, no need for pearl clutching here
Sasha why do you promote animal cruelty? Their drugs are all poisons. No vaccine has ever worked.
It’s not the case that the animals are being tortured to create a good drug, that is not the case.
When you break a leg or need a surgery, or need a tooth fixed, or have a hypertensive or hypotensive crisis, or spiking fever, or a UTI/kidney infection, etc etc, get this stuff attended to/fixed without any drugs! You know, all of those drugs are just poisonous, you can have some vodka for courage and get your broken bones set bush style. we can't be cruel to animals. We can test a bunch of on you, why bother with mice, they are precious...
Speaking of kidneys, how many animals had to be tortured in order to develop remdesivir or vancomycin?
My brother in law almost died from sepsis compliments of remdesevir.
My former coworker was treated with vancomycin in a hospital, and both of his kidneys stopped working. His daughter donated her kidney to him, and saved his life.
My mother was treated with avastin for her liver carcinoma. It took them only one dose to murder her. She was dead in 2 weeks after the first treatment.
So, why do they need to torture and kill animals first, and maim and kill people later? Let them shove their drug research up their ass really deep.
Are you familiar with this substack and it's position on vaccines (all), remdesivir, cancer treatments and hospitals in general? Seems like no.
If you are against all drugs, even for accidents and emergency, you are entitled to your position. I am not, I am just against all drugs that are pushed without actual need. And often times the push is successful because people trust their doctor, and, as we have seen, won't listen to any advice to the contrary of what that government drone is pushing on them, and will never investigate the information for themselves. Chances are, your mother's cancer was diagnosed by some "cancer screening" test, right? Well chances are, it was a false diagnosis, initially, then she was given cancer by everything that followed. Would she have listened and NOT gone to the doctors, except in dire emergency? No! Most women, especially past certain age are obsessed with going to the doctors and hanging on their every word.
There are drugs that are good, valuable and necessary and can be life saving. And if you advocate to abolish animal research, well, then you are advocating for killing and injuring more people. Nice ethics you got.
Now, please go and subscribe to a substack where you are told what you want to hear. Bye.
Sasha, I am well familiar with your substack. If you dislike me so much, I will unsubscribe. Keep in mind, that for our overlords, we are just lab rats. I would imagine they justify culling us in the same way you justify animal testing.
From Wikipedia:
For livestock and wildlife, culling often refers to killing removed animals based on their characteristics, such as their sex or species membership, or as a means of preventing infectious disease transmission.
If you are familiar with my substack, then why do you come to the comment section to write nasty crap to me, misrepresenting my positions? I don't dislike you because I have no idea who you are. You are clearly looking to pick a fight, that's why I am telling you to peacefully disengage. And if you are so outraged about my opinion on this matter (which I have clearly explained and will not fight with you over, as that's a waste of time) - there are many other places that will be more comfortable for you.
I am not writing nasty crap to you, but I don't want animals tortured in the name of science. Dr. Tom Cowan feels the same way, and I imagine that you respect him. There are many people who feel the same way and they are not your enemies. I respect you very much, but you are not a deity. I was assuming that you allow plurality of opinion on your substack, but if you are beyond criticism, just let me know, and I will unsubscribe.
I heard your position! You are against animal studies. I am not against animal studies, because I don't want to hurt people. People are more valuable to me than animals. We can agree to disagree, but that's somehow not enough for you! Every time I publish an article, I have half a dozen offended people. I have no idea who they are, but they come here enraged by something I said, saying they respect me and are my fans. Typically they misinterpret or twist what I said (like you are doing). Then they write some more rude and obnoxious crap. Then start appealing to authority - "but Tom Cowan thinks that way too!" Well, good for him! When that fails, they start saying I am a controlled opposition, pharma shill, work for Malone, I am a Khazarian princess (yes, that happens), I am a filthy immigrant, and that I am a CIA asset. I might have forgotten some things.. Seriously, just go away in peace.
OMG, finally you put a smile on my face! As a Khazarian princess, you must be worried about Prophetic Oleg ravaging your kingdom ☺
Как ныне сбирается вещий Олег
Отмстить неразумным хозарам,
Их селы и нивы за буйный набег
Обрек он мечам и пожарам;
Please, be advised that I am not working for Prophetic Oleg, and never held a lance or spear in my hand. I am going away in peace, as you requested.
thank you for understanding
What an excellent objective morally balanced repartee!Sasha...no one has to tell you..but..we do..you have every right to your vision excellent priorities..stellar mental clarity..but fact is..folks on the internet love to seek out pretexts to explode into microaggressed virtue signalling hissy fits ..... Actually they hoist themselves on their own petards revealing how little humanity they have but they just might be be antiChristian animal rights activist fanatics...yup...drugs and occult false religions will do that to you...to many dumb phone zombie addicts..they don't know when to stop.an
all....** Dont. Ever stop...we get it..it's easy to SAY don't be oversensitive after 28 clowns throw rocks at one innocent value difference...
Typo...they don't know when to stop and all..*but they love to find a secondary issue ..off point and enjoy to attack . warp factor 9..man the photon torpedo s...etc