Viviane Fischer? I don't want to see her. I want Reiner Fuellmich released from prison and cleared of all charges. Fischer is involved in his being arrested.

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Reiner never invited me to speak when he was running that program, even though he knew very well about my work. I am sorry he is in prison, but I don't want to be involved in their disputes, as I know nothing about it. The minute Reiner left CIC, Viviane and Wolfgang invited me to speak. So, I would appreciate if you refrain from badmouthing people. If you don't like me, my work, or what I have to say, please unsbscribe. Thank you.

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I'm in it for the content. The social distractions are a waste of time.

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JJ Couey concurs with you, specifically on the PREP Act abolishment, is there a reason you are not coordinating/collaborating with him?

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He publicly smeared me several times. I have never said anything against him, but he still felt the need to make fun of an extremely distressing situation when a NY hospital tried to murder my relative and I reported on it. He has me as a "possible enemy" in every single one of his live streams. That part is funny.

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Stay clear of treacherous people... Stay close to allies... You need them.

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Ditto Mr. Saive…. May I suggest we read the “Desiderata” and find some relevance in terms of taking a stance to ongoing inquiries, assumption, presumptions, speculations and conclusions about anything.

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FYI, the "Desiderata" was a fake ;-)

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Sasha, I personally met and spoke at length with Dr. Fuellmich at the Crimes Against Humanity event in Irvine, California in May of 2022. I was part of the VIP group after the event where we were able to talk with all presenters including Dr. Mikovits, Patrick Wood, and Dr. Peter Fleming. I found Dr. Fuellmich to be sincere. You can read Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's personal statements on his imprisonment and how it came about here:


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He is a nice guy, but, as I said, never wanted to have any of my material on his show. Viviane invited me immediately after he left.

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And that's a good thing. Thee's nothing that requires everyone to interview the same people, and great to hear different questions from different voices and a different perspective!

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Excellent. Stay above the fray. Great work and greatly appreciated.

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Here is presentation in Idaho where Commissioners published declaration against shots https://www.bitchute.com/video/D9g8zKIMij2u/

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And here's more about the Idaho Commissioners resolutions (many thanks to Sasha for testifying in the counties that made these resolutions -- just an awesome achievement!): https://eolson47.substack.com/p/idaho-county-commissioners-advise

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I really didn't like the conflict between Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer (with the rest of the team standing on her side), because it devided the new party "dieBasis" that was the only party with a real innovative, truly human program, but after Füllmich got trapped an arrested it turned out, that Viviane Fischer was not involved in his prosecution. She published an open letter explaining who did it and that she was not involved in all of that.

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Thank you for clarifying... we should not jump to conclusions maybe.. Reiner is a voice they'd love to silence.

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Trust the Silenced

I don't know who first said this but it's brilliant. And TRUE.

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What happened to Dr Fuellmich has nothing to do with the dispute over donations. People don't get locked up without a trial for financial crimes.

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"People don't get locked up without trial for financial teials."

A very naive statement...

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Perhaps my phrasing was not precise. In this case, an alleged financial crime appears to have been the basis for Fuellmich's arrest, but is really a cover to silence him.

If it truly were a financial crime, he would have been released on bail pending a trial.

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To Martin: may I suggest that rather than "basis," even though "alleged," that the word pretense better fits this circumstance? For, as you acknowledge, the "alleged . . . crime . . . is really a cover to silence him."

Silencing him is the goal. In my mind, "basis" speaks too strongly of fact as opposed to pretext, which connotes deception.

I plead over zealousness in calling out abusive government for intruding here.


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I personally met and spoke at length with Dr. Fuellmich at the Crimes Against Humanity event in Irvine, California in May of 2022. I was part of the VIP group after the event where we were able to talk with all presenters including Dr. Mikovits, Patrick Wood, and Dr. Peter Fleming. I found Dr. Fuellmich to be sincere. You can read Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's personal statements on his imprisonment and how it came about here:


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I heartily agree. There is just soooo muuuuch backbiting going on it's a real turn-off. Including here. Much of that is being done ON PURPOSE. And then we have touchy virtuosi writing these substacks. The ones I trust most are not the mean, clawing rabid wild-cat pussy rioters who think anyone who disagrees with their Holy Point of View should be publicly humiliated, while not understanding that you also need to respect your readership, even if they don't have five Ph.D.s and three Gold Medals from the Tchaikovsky Competition ;-).

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Yes, I agree with this. When I occasionally stumble on Maloney-baloney page, I am like wooooah, that PhD-ed chest is holy. I think he is a fan of Tchaikovsky too, you know what I mean...

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Here we go again with your Most Holy Sunday SlanderFest, while calling your ass a "christian.." Why don't you crawl out from that hole in the ground where you hide your venomous self and meet your "nemesis" for a real match, above board-- little chicken shit :-)

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Is the letter linked anywhere?

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They just needed an excuse to get rid of an uncomfortable truth teller. Think of Julian Assange who do you want to blame for his incarceration?

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Mimi, I agree. Did not know Fuellmich was in prison but I had heard Viviane and her group were accusing him of absconding with funds from the organization when he left. That did not sound right to me.

The truth about the war in Ukraine was coming out on alternative media from a USA exPat living there married to Ukraine woman. The man was recently imprisoned, tortured and killed. Gonzalo Lira was his name.

Go to 21:06 on this video re Gonzalo Lira.


(The controllers of the U S State Department including Victoria Nuland and PNAC gang are much responsible for many wars and other genocidal eugenics endeavors.)



The world is in the "end times"


John 14:6

Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.

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Yes, Fuellmich has been imprisoned in Germany for many weeks now. He was arrested in Mexico while getting his German passport renewed. I think they are treating him well and he has good attorneys.

The Gonzalo Lira story is incredibly sad. I wonder how his wife and kids are doing?

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4:35 video runtime

Victoria Nuland Plan To Destroy Nuclear Power Plant And Blame Russia

The US State Department’s relentless plan to control Russia

Greg Reese

Jan 23, 2024


As a traditional "sedevacantist" Catholic, I appreciate the balance and truth about Victoria Nuland in this video.

As a USA patriot under the schooling of Dr. Stan Monteith and Alex Jones I learned about Victoria Nuland about 25 years ago. She is married to Robert Kagan, and the Kagan family were arch neocons. Their PNAC organization wrote position paper...

Rebuilding Americas Defenses : Project for the New American Century


(Read the part about using "genotypes" to kill off certain ethnic peoples for political purposes.)

"...and these are the same "effin" neocons that are related to the communists who were doing the Holodomor...you look at Kagan and Kaganovich...they're the same "effin" people..."

quote C. Weinert, Need to Know News Jan 22 2024


Jesus Christ crucified is the Truth and the only way to the Father.

John 14:6

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It was a different person with same name 'Fischer'!

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Sasha I love your work and for this reason and only this reason will I watch your discussion with Viviane Fischer. I no longer as many others do watch the Corona Investigative Committee. Dr. Fuellmich is in jail as a result of Fischer's actions.. As we all know, Fuellmich was the lead lawyer for the Corona Investigative Committee. Reiner helped people connect the dots and was instrumental in exposing the PCR fraud. Fuellmich must be released as he is instrumental in this fight. Will pray for his release.

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Reiner did nothing, made many promises, raised a lot of money, and hasn't filed a single lawsuit. So please stop this. I don't know why he is in prison, and he needs to explain that himself.

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Fuellmich filed lawsuits in Germany against the PCR. The German legal system is compromised so he planned to file lawsuits in the US because he wasn’t getting anywhere in the German legal system. He has a license to practice here with a home in CA but US prevented his reentry. This explains why he was in Mexico and continuing the fight under ICIC. I think one of his last interviews was with Andrew Bridgen. Understand you don’t want to get involved in their dispute but it seems tragic and unjust to not mention these concerns. Bottom line this man should not be in prison for a petty dispute.

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I was on several calls with him promising lawsuits "in a couple of weeks" which never came.

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Eaxcty that: soon, in a couple of weeks... etc.

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You just lost me as a matter of character. I sure hope the movement doesn't resort to cannibalism out of ego.

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what movement? I am not in any movements, you can please go back to your movement. Bye.

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you too. go lead the revolution someplace already, comrade. Do you need a copy of Alinsky or Marx?

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Perfect summary of Reiner. I have yet to find out why he is in prison. I assume because he didn't answer the court in the charges claimed against him for misusing funds. It didn't help that he was in Mexico for quite a while during that. But a "world class lawyer" would know not to avoid answering the court, right?

My girlfriend always didn't trust him, said he sounded like a used car salesman. I was still thinking he was going to do something.

I guess the same reason why people still think Ladapo and the Texas AG are really fighting, when they constantly not use their actual powers in order to stop the democide.

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As if they could. That's The Problem. We got a whole bunch of "Echo chamber" entities infiltrating the substacks of what should be truth tellers, egging them on by insinuation, into biting, scratching, kicking, attacking. It's here, too.

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I know where you can go! Join the UNITY project by Bob Malone. That's where all the cool united freedom comrades hang out. Why are you here other than getting smacked by my massive ego, IDK.

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Yes. The information has been very sparse.. Few updates from attorneys who could provide them. Too many unanswered questions. I have no time for the drama

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He did explain. He explained that there was no point in filing to a corrupt system. Any other portrayal is shockingly naive. As a warrior for truth he put himself out on point to bring attention to what was going on well before you started. And now you glibly throw him under the bus. I think that it is a matter of character. Very disheartened to hear you speak so callously while he is being punished for his work. The work for the rest of humanity. I you are not aware of this, what have you done to research it? You could report on this where the issue could be given light. I sure hope that after both of your work that the warriors don't start fighting amongst yourselves. Divided we fall!

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Did he return the money that he raised for the lawsuits?

"callously" what? I said I am sorry he is in prison. I didn't put him there. I'd like him to be free.

Regarding your "unity" BS - Divided we do not fall. Divided we are free. United we are in a GULAG. So, please, anonymous internet person, push your narrative of unity-humanity on someone else.

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Exactly. Did he return the $ so many people sent him because he led people to think he had hundreds of attorneys preparing a lawsuit - or even better - did he FUND any lawyers or groups actively trying to sue, because he said he could not sue since he was only licensed in Ca and Germany? Why not take the funds and sue outside where he was licensed? His concept of suing in really effective cases to target the PCR test 1st and foremost somehow morphed into a "sovereign Maori" trial which has no police power and is useless... just sayin

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Turns out that he didn't return the money. In his court statement he said that he "had living expenses" and that he could return the money easily by selling his house. Absolute LOL. That's what every embezzler since Ponzi and before Ponzi claimed, too.

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I actually believe Reiner's recent statement. He was in fear of bank being frozen with OUR donations. So he got gold and locked it away with only his and Vivienn's signatures to get it out. then he set about to sell his house, and use that for the running of the Committee and related expenses. Just after that he got arrested in Mexico, after being refused access into US. Three people who were involved temporarilly in the Committee, set up the arrest. if they can win they stand to gain 5million (pounds or Euros), Elsa, Truthsummit on Substack is sharing his videos. Its clear authorities would try to bring him down, and I'm amazed you think anyone might try embezzlement after conducting such long investigations. His video talk recently is totally convincing. He also thinks the case will be thrown out. He did much to expose the whole thing. Yes, its odd if he didnt ask to interview you.

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Great! Just what the world needs. Bye.

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yes, the world needs more comments from anonymous trolls on Substack. Totally, freedom fighter.

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It all comes down to how you define "divided.." never mind "united..." Some people have egos so v-e-e-r-y L- A - R - G - E that they need and entire MULTIVERSE to feel "free," whatever THAT means... P.S.: Freedom fighters don't always make the best journalists, notably the ones who need subs. Hard to find the "off" switch-- Better stick to the Kalashnikov.

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Fuellmich came out post-arrest and explained what he thought occurred with Viviane & a few others on the committee. The way I understood it was that they turned on him. Period! Hell, he ended up in jail over accusations VF made against him. It's been hinted that she and one or two others (names escape me), were possibly plants in the CIC from the get-go.

I don't know how anyone else feels, but I didn't trust Ms VF in the beginning and I feel no different today. Anyone else wonder who she could be working for, or to whom she may be reporting to? As I recall, Simone Gold met a very similar fate. She was forced out of her position in the organization she founded, AFLD's, over misappropriation of funds claims. Literally tried to RUIN her. She also went to jail. Later it was said to have been an attempted, DS take down, as she did return to her position. I'd almost bet that the case against Fuellmich was orchestrated in the same fashion. It's just the way the enemy rolls.

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Nobody gets imprisoned over "accusations" only. He raised a lot of money and has never done anything he promised to do.

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You can read Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's personal statements on his imprisonment and how it came about here: https://thewhiterose.uk/personal-statements-from-dr-reiner-fuellmich-on-his-imprisonment/

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I pretty much understand the odious issue with Viviane Fischer, however many people still tune-in and Sasha's opportunity to get the word out in English and German (translations) is more important than personality issues. Focus on Sasha and learn and tune-out the noise.

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Yes, until I discover otherwise, Frau Fischer is Persona Non Grata for her Judas role with Reiner.

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As a guy from Germany I am quite astonished not to say almost shattered about the defamations against Viviane Fischer here in several comments.

All three of them Fuellich, Fischer and Wodarg did a great work and are still doing.

Some comments here appear to me as kind of hate speech. What is that good for? Absolutely nothing.

There is one thing I want to emphasize: the struggle will not be won on the field of justice (primarly). So this field should not be overrated.

Of course in some cases attorneys can be of quite great importance.

There happened to be one lawsuit in Berlin. I suppose it was in 2021. A shopkeeper had sued Mr Drosten (the German Fauci) on compensation because he had a complete loss of income because of false measures being based on Drosten's false PCR-Test. Attorney to the shopkeeper was Reiner Fuellmich. Things looked quite promosing to me. But guess what happened at the court?! The judge ordered Fuellmich to wear a mask. Fuellmich refused to do so. The judge sent him off the hall. The client lost the cause because of formal reasons (no attorney present). The factual situation by this way was no at all clarified by the court.

Reiner Fuellmich later on declared it was not his fault the case got lost. For he could not be expected to wear a mask as masks being counterfactual.

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thank you!

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That is stupid. I understand his reaction but I’d have put on the mask. I think so, anyway.

The worst of this is that iirc three similar cases were settled for the plaintiffs, one in Portugal, another in Germany and one other.

For reasons I don’t understand, these outcomes appeared not to create a legal precedent, a case & outcome others can refer to with expectation that the same ruling can be anticipated.

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If this story is true - which we have no idea - its almost like sabotoge. -Put the damn mask on Reiner and save us. HELP!

Totally stupid to stand in a hall rather than go inside and challenge the wicked PCR scam heart of the fraud!!!! OMG duh - seems obvious that Reiners mask excuse is not a good excuse to drop a case the client had that could have won & literally saved the world! If we were the client we would sue him for breach of duty to drop our case as we make it to the judge and finish line. Sorry to say that, but Reiner had a duty to his client more than his duty to himself and his own "integrity" of not wearing masks which are counterfactual. PCR is also counterfactual and needed an attorney to prove it and apparently - if true - he dropped the ball. Sad to hear that.

Mike - As far as the PCR cases outcomes not making precedent, in reality they did create a legal precedent that the PCR sucks and is not a diagnostic - the problem is the question before the Lisbon or any court was not structured in a way as to affect anything outside their personal case. The question before the Lisbon court was WAY TOO NARROW TO HELP US ALL: "is the PCR test good enough to QUARANTINE my clients" - answer no because its useless... They won that single case about their own illegal quarantine.

We can use their precedent to parlay a new wider precedent. Their rulings make our job easy and prima facie to expand their rulings into a new ruling..

For instance, had the question been something to the effect of: Is the WHO recommended diagnostics PCR test really able to classify as a diagnostic whilst being unable to tell active infections? If not, will the court please rule WHO recommended unscientific and useless diagnostics to declare the emergency in an unscientific arbitrary way which violates international law we may have a different result - working on it...

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Go Sasha Go!! Will come back and watch. I consider you one of the sharpest points on the spear! It’s always Nice reassuring to see you here!

God Bless! ⚡️❣️

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concur James... I see much alignment between Sasha (and Katherine Watt) and JJ Couey’s assessment, with respect to the abolishment of the U.S. PREP Act... I am hopeful that they find additional common ground and unite in this fight against the decades-long planned tyranny through the bastardization of our laws, executive orders, and federal department reorganization that has quasi-legalized the murder of millions.




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I just listened to the interview just now. Took copious notes. Nice to get to understand the train that just RAN us all over.

How deep and twisted and long planning this event.

Oh thanks for the links.

Read what Katherine watt put out today ..

Bill melinda gates and who are in the bioterrorism headings.

I had a question but think it’s all about money.

I’ll tap into your links

Catching up at moment

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Unfortunately it’s not driven by money, though copious amounts of our money is being used to incentivise and lubricate the process. Senior stakeholders in this conspiracy stand astride the money creation apparatus in private & central banks worldwide. It’s definitely about installing a totalitarian control system. I believe that will be used inter alia to depopulate the earth substantially.

Those who’ve followed by peregrinations over the last four years - all the way from normie world central - will know why I’ve reached that conclusion.

It wasn’t necessary to harm & kill tens to hundreds of millions of innocent men, women and children to have reached this point of control.

They designed the injections to cause multiple, predictable toxicities, including death, then “calibrated” the materials using people’s deaths as endpoints.

I’ve not heard or read a single thing in three years from Sasha that I didn’t either agree with or come to understand. This is true for me of very few people.

Sasha is the bravest of us.

People like her, and me, are always at risk of termination with extreme prejudice.

She won’t stop because the risks, to our children more than to ourselves, of doing nothing are so severe that there’s nowhere to run to safety anyway.

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Dr Yeadon, thank for responding.

Sasha is one of the sharpest knives in the drawer. I try reading everything she writes. I read everything you write as well. My question was regarding how on earth does bill gates get to be part of these organizations, that was the money question and answer.

I’ve been reading about the jesuits, the masons and understand this is about totalitarianism control. This is all out war

On the people, who for the most part have not realized these ugly facts..

I also understand Sasha and you are put

Into harms way for exposing evil. Ephesians 5:11-14

Thank you Dr Yeadon for your comments, I have come to accept your

Candid accurate assessments.

This is about total control. Which one would think they own most the banks,

The medical community, governments, education, conducting human, sex trafficking, drinking the blood of innocent children, one would think they might be content with all of this. Evil has an insatiable appetite that never is satisfied. Total control and on that journey create as much heartache as possible.

The only thing in their way are people brave enough to shed light on their techno twisted tyranny. May we live to see the day where these soulless creatures are terminated with extreme prejudice.

Thank you for speaking out risking your life! Both you and Sasha could enjoy a quiet life and yet have taken the charge to be lights in a very dark world. Your words and actions are appreciated!

God Bless!

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I believe Gates is where he is because he was placed in position by his parents and other powerful people half a century ago.

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Bred for the role

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JJ Couey is extremely hostile to both me and Katherine. You should ask him why he has been on a smear campaign against both of us. It is extremely strange, as before he started attacking me, and especially my teenage daughter (!) I never said anything against him, in fact agreed in general with his analysis. He is definitely not being truthful.

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Sasha... My view of Denis Rancourt's study is there was no signal of a virus in the pre-vaxx era. I promote Rancourt's studies since he proves "no-virus" via a granular approach to all-cause mortality that others have missed or ignored. -- FICTIONAL PANDEMIC: Landmark Study - Dr. Denis Rancourt's All-Cause Mortality Study Reveals the Truth - https://tinyurl.com/28n79ra3

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I had it; started 29 February 2020. Don't think it was psychosomatic or electromagnetic radiation, though unsure of actual vector. It was not "flu" - amantadine had no effect, and I've never known flu to cause choking, bronchial spasms.

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I trust that you were very ill when you "had it". (whatever it was) but I know for sure it was not caused by a virus.

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How can you know anything for certain? I thought that all the greatest minds the world has ever known concluded that such a thing, aside from internally consistent abstract concepts, was impossible. I'm darn sure I myself don't know anything about reality for certain.

If you were to qualify your statement by suggesting that you felt it *unlikely* to have been caused by a virus then I would agree with you :-)

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The onus is on those claiming viruses exit and cause dis-ease of any kind. Read Dr Mark Bailey’s review of all scientific research over the past 100+ years. It’s 29,000 words and can be downloaded for free at Dr Sam Bailey’s website. It’s called “A Farewell to Virology.” It’s time to overthrow the superstitious belief in contagious particles. If we’re going to defeat the gangsters, we have to stop fearing each other.

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You can prove the error of any no-virus claim by presenting a peer-reviewed study that alleges to prove viruses exist. If you believe you had Covid, you might want to know if there was appropriate science behind the diagnosis. You probably know the PCR test was a fraud. So what remains? I posted this today - German Supreme Court Rules Measles Virus Does Not Exist. Virologist, Stefan Lanka Vindicated and Claims All Viruses are a Myth - http://tinyurl.com/yhrcae97

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I agree that the evidence for viruses is insufficient, and I myself strongly suspect they don't exist.

Still - that's a long way from certainty.

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I know nothing about that virologist or the court ruling, but when I was a baby my mom's neighbor called and said that she thought her child had measles. My mom took me upstairs and had a look at the child who had red spots. I came down with red spots too. What is the explanation for something like that?

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There are many possible explanations.

It is the case that many diseases have been suspected to have been caused by contagion and later discovered to have been caused by entirely different factors. I believe scurvy is one example of such a disease (although there is a more commonly cited example which I cannot recall right now).

It is also the case that viruses may exist (I don't think so, but am not certain) and measles may be a disease caused by a virus while at the same time other diseases which are claimed to be caused by viruses (e.g. AIDS, covid, polio) are not caused by viruses.

If measles (or any other disease) were indeed contagious and caused by a virus it should be easy to show contagion in a controlled experiment. However I believe that contagion has never been successfully shown for any disease supposedly caused by a virus despite a number of attempts. And the fact that this has not been shown when it should have been easy to do so, is very suspicious.

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Resonance -

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Quit lying about supposed psychosomatic delusions! (sarc) We know for certain the vaccines did not cause people to die suddenly or suffer whatever. (/sarc) Are you a planted agent?

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"died suddenly" is part of The Psyop.

The Kooks always control every angle of the psyops.

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Makes no sense.

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"Makes no sense"

why no sense? you were tricked, no? You believed all those stupid TikTok videos of athletes collapsing on the field due to "myocarditis"?

Big Brother is measuring the nocebo effect of voodoo jabs on a global scale and meanwhile also learning to get better at tricking you.

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My detailed, mechanistic explanations of several toxicities, which Dr Wodarg & I wrote about in detail BEFORE any gene based injection received their fraudulent EUA, we rapidly validated (sadly) by reports from injured people and their deceased, jabbed relatives.

I stake my formal training in mechanisms of toxicity (1981-85, first class joint honours with biochemistry major), my PhD & over 30 years leadership of R&D against your arm-waving.

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Wish you hadn't chosen this schizer geyser comment thread to join.

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Wishing aside, a rebuttal would be interesting.

Or an apology.

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Listen to Karen Kingston Report and Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea. Get educated on this topic before making such unfounded comments.

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You can call Gardasil, Hep-B, MMR, etc. whatever you like. Doesn't matter whether made from mRNA or Merrick the dog's shit; they're all detrimental.

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No, but quite clear for all here to see, YOU are. Typical of your ilk, you do your bullshit and then accuse others of doing exactly what YOU are doing, "Karl Marx." Too bad for you, the ruse doesn't work any more and your jig is UP ;-).

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Troll the Schizer is muted and blocked. But probably just generate additional trolls.

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..and about all YOU, have, "Saab Story," is a load of bullshit ("Troll the Schizer is muted and blocked--" yeah, as if you somehow could perform that "magic" trick here) wrapped in a rotting see-through veil of reeking ad hominem "argumentation," a.k.a. name-calling, right out in the open for all to see, a regular "pro" at so-called "argumentation" ;-).

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Jan 22, 2024
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As many as you like!

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Jan 22, 2024Edited
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Spike protein invented in a U.S. institution of higher learning, exported to China then sprayed all over the entire planet in a few short days. How the HELL else did COVID19 break out in 85 countries over a 4-day time period?? I know, let's ask BILL GATES, and his "greatest teacher," KEN CALDERA, just down the road at The Farm (Stanford University), where All Things Policy get cooked up then served to you shortly thereafter.

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there is no such "spike protein"

all fake

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There’s a polypeptide which has become known as “spike protein”.

I have no idea where they got the sequence from, but it wasn’t from a pathogenic, submicroscopic, contagious organism.

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Thank you. How I wish like Hell that the fake science-- one and the same as Science in Pursuit of Domineering and Killing us "useless eaters" (may you roll over in your grave, "Hank" Kiss-my-whatchamacallit-er ;-), as well as its pernicious Echo Machine infesting decent substacks, would s.t.f.u... that said, that does it: After a career as a music professional, I'm now going back to school to study math, chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology and yes, for all you Eedjots comprising the Propagandemic Echo Machine, virology, so you can put that in your damnable echo machine pipes and smoke it, while I play you a little traveling music on the subject, by J.S. Bach, and put your bullshit to rest, alongside your Daddy, Henry K. Pension contribution gratefully accepted ;-)

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I am with you and DR since his first papar in 2021. But Sasha said repeatedly that Rancourt does not know statistics hence speaking nonsense. :)))

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Sasha is on the no-virus side. So far there have been no formal challenges to his data. Someone could write a peer-reviewed paper showing why Rancourt's data is wrong but nothing yet, That's how we do science. Not by rumor,

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Yes Sasha quietly transitioned to the no virus side, after attempting to create her own definition of virus :)))

I agree re challenging DR's analysis and conclusions. Some should at least try to replicate it.

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Challenging Rancourt would bring attention to the topic with debates, etc.... The gatekeepers would rather stay silent as long as possible. But Rancourt's "no virus" data perfectly agrees with the "No proof of virus isolation" group like Bailey,, Kaufman, Cowan etc, So when you already agree with them, the Rancourt data simply verifies what you already know.

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"No proof of virus isolation" - nor of Transmission!

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I am of the opinion there was no new pathogenic thing, certainly not a contagious thing, because there was no pandemic.

I think Denis has deliberately stuck to his data and chosen not to opine on the many implications.

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I think we all got sprayed with "something" via drone-controlled tanker jets. Bill Gates has been very open in calling geoengineer Ken Caldera his "greatest teacher," Satan, tutoring Lucifer-- hah!!

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Everyone has their own pace of learning. You seem to be witnessing that Sasha has changed her mind on some stuff. Before Covid I had no interest and virology even after 30 years in Cardiovascular and surgical technology. I would read scientific papers on those topics but never turned the page to research virology. Now I have a dozen books on virology and even purchased a small microscope.

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Sorry hit send early,p.

Same here!

I found Sasha's past pronouncements on DR and the no virus "team" distasteful and condescending.

And, I watched her insulting everyone who dared to point out that no virus has ever been isolated.

And she said that Denis doesn't know statistics.

I started to think that she was a gatekeeper too.

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She is a gatekeeper and so is Wolfgang.

They're all in on it.

Ultimately, CovidHoax is a 'white hat' operation.

I'm glad she pointed out that the war in Ukrainia is fake. I wish she had pointed out further that 'the explosions' are pyrotechnics and CGI.

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Search here. to see possible conflicts of interests. https://dpl003.substack.com/p/the-gatekeepers-club

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Just out of interest, what is the purpose to which you applied the microscope?

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Spend some time searching here to tease out conflicts of interest,. https://dpl003.substack.com/p/the-gatekeepers-club

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I follow it, thanks. And I read this one. For me the jury is still out for quite a few on this list, but I keep an open mind (I have no allegiance or emotional attachment to any of the freedom celebrities) especially in light of what I learned from my own biases on 9/11.

Have you seen the post on Mullis? BTW, they are going to look into Sasha too...

should be interesting :)

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Ha! Coincidence is not "causation"

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Jan 22, 2024
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I agree. This pre-vaxx democide has to be added to the 17 million on the vaccine death side. Rancourt gets very granular to report this. Nobody died of the fake SARS-Cov-2 computer hack

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Where are the bodies?

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Where are the bodies?

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Jan 23, 2024
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Actually Sasha is not on the no-virus side. She has commented to this effect a bit further down.

I don't think she knows any of the details, I don't think she's read any of the work on it (I don't see any signs of this in her). But hey, one has only 24 hrs in a day and her output is already astronomical so, it is what it is, and I don't blame her much, at least so long she does no smear and insulte those and that she does not know anything about!

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I like Mr Rancourt's work as well, however I think another possibility exists. Many have testified to the Covid illness as being different to other cold/flus in distinct ways including myself. It came out that the IFR for it was not much different from a typical flu. It appears to me part of what happened was that Covid displaced some flu and cold illnesses. I don't think Rancourt's work proves "no-virus," he just shows all-cause mortality was not significantly changed. I don't have a strong opinion about what Covid is, be it modified or synthetic virus, bioweapon of some kind or what have you.

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Jan 23, 2024
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You might know about this. Or if not, might be interested


Sadly, looks like Kory stinks too.

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In most place where detailed investigations have been undertaken, iatrogenic causes (mass murder by the medical profession, frankly) are an adequate explanation.

There are no gaps requiring something with the properties claimed for viruses to explain them. None.

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Jan 31, 2024
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I agree NYC is a stand out.

Jessica Hockett has been in dogged pursuit of explanations.

I suggest you follow her. No one has more evidence on this than she does. Other than the crooks, of course.

Because all of this, every single piece of it, is a long planned crime scene.

If you disagree, that’s fine, but after four years, I’m no longer interested in discussing what scores see clearly is a long planned deception and no natural phenomenon involved beyond human responses to deliberate stressors.

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Jan 31, 2024
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Why are YOU sitting down with Viviane Fischer after her allegations against Reiner Fuellmich have landed him in jail?

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I don't know Reiner and he never invited me to speak at his show. It was a show, he never filed a single lawsuit like he promised to and raised money for.

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I agree. He spoke about it earlier as if he was assembling a legal network. Then he would deny he ever claimed he was assembling lawyers. This is not an indictment but a fact never reconciled.

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What is important, is this information Sasha is presenting gets out to public. ESP medical community. Understanding the regulatory process is necessary, most practitioners would not have pushed a product that went through this insane military countermeasure process

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Oh, I’m not so sure.

I briefed my wife’s family physician personally, just before the jabs were rolled out.

Three years later, that doctor continues to inject others.

Last seen driving a nearly new, German SUV.

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Thanks Sasha! That was informative!

I live in Washington state. There’s a bill introduced to take state control over the sheriffs. Going to go talk to my local constitutional sheriff about this.

Seems to me they are closing the resistant loops that pose a threat.

Also I suspect censorship will become more intense.

Back to general fuckery:

These people are robbing us blind. Paying their own cronies all the while traumatizing the 8 billion people on 1 man’s diagnoses of a pandemic.

Of a dangerous virus no one has isolated.

EUA measures when drugs are in place effects and cheap to use

Then their shell lawfare game of following

The rules

Ok I am no legal scholar:

But doesn’t fraud vitiate everything

Simplest terms

No pandemic

No emergency

No vaxxines needed

No no no no

God almighty sounds like round two


I’ll follow up w sheriff

Report back we live in a blue state

Idaho is red.

But sheriffs who follow the constitution

Are great sources to help.

God Bless Sasha

Sorry to hear your family friends in Ukraine

Are truly at the ugliest edges of man gone

Mad. Sounds apocalyptic this whole 4 years

Feels like Revelations. 7 Seals are being opened

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If one reads "one Nation Under Blackmail" by Whitney Webb, then it will become clear how control is administered, and how much the US "intelligence" apparatus operates just like the traditional Mobs, and uses, blackmail as a means of total control. They entrap people in real heinous activities, and if that does not work, they of course threaten to harm their families. In the digital age with the advancement of CGI and AI, blackmail files can be created even where no crime exists.

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Excellent fact-filled presentation. You and Katherine have done invaluable work.

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That committee grifted the world over.

Probably the biggest nothing burger seen.

Selling hopium like a heroine gang

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Excellent overview and strategic action that can be pursued at local levels. Take the power AWAY from centralized Feds! (They've proven over and over that they will abuse all powers we allow them to have). You are one of the greatest heroes of this fight (to bring awareness to the people), Sasha Latypova! May God bless you and protect you and your family! 🙏

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Yes. Good on ya for seeing the futility of Federal court actions. Local or Municipal actions are needed. An example: >

Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly >>> NOTICE OF LIABILITY >>> Filed certified mail: 9/12/2023 >>> https://orsja.org/2023/09/13/notice-of-liability/

Cease & Desist Order and Claim of Conusance by this Civilian Court of Record

Notice to: Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Dept of Human Services (OHS), Children's Protective Services (CPS), et alia Oregon Supreme Court. including Civil & Municipal Courts on Oregon, Law Enforcement Officers on Oregon

Filed certified mail 10/12/2023 >>> https://orsjaorg.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/10062023-osja-cease-desist-cofc-ohadhscps-et-al-1.pdf >>> These Civil Actions can be used as valid templates...

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Keep preaching it Sasha. I never get tired of hearing how they use acts and declarations to deploy deadly countermeasures against their own population. It explains everything and one can only conclude its an attempt to depopulate the world to a size that is able to be totally controlled. You are the best. My prayers are with you.

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For what it’s worth when contemplating the why of evil despicable acts carried out in recent times I would say that “they” tolerated us and our pesky desire for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness “ only so long as we had something to offer them. We have reached the point where in their narrow technological view of things that no longer is the case, thus we are expendable. I think there is a good chance that it is just that simple.

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Sasha: I like Reiner as an advocate (lawyer doing his job) don’t know enough about the details to call him a grifter, also don’t know enough about his arrest to say if it’s due to fraud or if he’s run up against the New Normal Reich like CJ Hopkins. Bottom line, you interview whoever tf you want to and don’t worry about it.

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Reiner never explained what he did with the money he raised, or why he is in prison.

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I understand, I’m trained on the whole presumption of innocence thing but agree it’s not passing the smell test

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In a statement after Day 2 of his trial in Germany, Reiner Fuellmich reaffirms that HE is innocent, while his ACCUSERS are the guilty ones

He is wholly confident that he'll be vindicated


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I read it. Maybe because it is an auto translation from German it is a bit jumbled and confusing to read. Also, he says "I had enough money to pay back the [foundation] if I could sell my house". That's a statement confirming he embezzled money. Every Ponzi schemer since Ponzi made the same statement.

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Some new questions from Uwe Alschner

Reiner Fuellmich claims he did not know what Scientology was

In a video which was recorded shortly after the CIC blew up in September of 2022 he was asked whether he had any conncections to Scientology. Fuellmich: "No! I didn't even know what it was"


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Now that they've smeared, kidnapped & falsely imprisoned Reiner Fuellmich, the legal "case" against him is COLLAPSING in a German court

Two videos make clear how far they've gone—in full collusion with his quisling "partners"—to shut down Nuremberg 2.0


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There was no Nuremberg 2.0, it was/is a podcast.

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That was Mark Crispin Miller's headline. I'm still undecided about Fuellmich but the recent post by Uwe Alschner doesn't make him look good.

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,Information new to me (as of 4/11/24):

WOLFGANG JESCHKE'S THE FUELLMICH CONSPIRACY. Significant presentation and analysis of what has happened with Reiner Fuellmich.


"Extended analysis:

There is a serious concern that Reiner Fuellmich's efforts to influence political processes or gain exposed political office could undermine the foundations of our democratic society. His activities are not only to be classified as potentially illegal, but also pose a threat to internal security. The awarding of or the possibility of obtaining politically exposed offices must be prevented by all means within the rule of law." -from an apparent German security services dossier.

If this leak is genuine then this raises serious questions.


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The Illegal Kidnapping and Persecution of Reiner Fuëllmich


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I don't know the facts, but as far as I understand it from his statement, when he sold his house the money was embezzled by the same people accusing him.

There seem to be some red flags. He was held without trial for some time in a financial case which I think is unusual. I think the extradition from Mexico was unusual. He says he was secretly investigated for a year without a chance to respond.

He's innocent until proven guilty.

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Nobody could have taken proceeds of his house sale unless there was a lien on it (because he owed money to those people/organizations). And it is not OK, definitely not ethical (and maybe illegal in Germany) to take money from individuals for a law suit and then spend it on non-lawsuit (his own expenses), and then claim "if I sell the house it's ok". He wasn't inexperienced person, he was fundraising and that comes with fiduciary responsibilities, which he clearly violated.

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[COPY] Reiner Fuellmich, German Political Prisoner, Gives Us an Update in His Own Words. Read. Share. Consider the Implications

Assistant DA worked + 3 shills entrapped, illegally kidnapped Reiner. The judge says he will convict regardless of the evidence. His crime? Revealing the truth about the Propagandemic.


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In the video I think he says a notary who handled the funds embezzled them. I don't know how house sales work there so I don't know if that's possible. I think he also said that papers were drawn up so the partners would divide up the funds and keep them separately where they couldn't be wrongly "attached" or taken, as apparently happened with another organization working to expose government wrongdoing.

I still don't know the facts, but from what I can tell, there are some red flags here and it merits special attention, because if it does turn out that he was framed then we have here the German government putting what was and maybe still is one of the most widely known investigators of the covid genocide in prison under false pretenses, not to mention the possibility that some of those involved are still posing as honest investigators.

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I have a question and might as well post it here or I could have posted it on other DD&A posts. Do the “covered persons “ under the terms of PREP or whatever include the CEO or human resource department or whoever at any business concern that requires the shot? If not do they and indeed the corporation they represent become liable for what they required their employees to do if injuries result from compelling them under threat of termination.

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Yes, these people are covered persons under PREP as long as they toe the government line.

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I'm not a legal scholar, but I assume all the camp guards as Auschwitz concentration camp were acting legally under German law as long as they were following orders.

I asked my AI pal, who knows more about this than I do, and it told me: "Under German law at the time, following orders was generally considered a valid defense for individuals accused of committing acts that were otherwise illegal. This concept was known as the "Befehlsnotstand" or "superior orders defense." According to this defense, individuals who committed atrocities under orders from higher-ranking officials could argue that they were not personally responsible for their actions."

The AI concluded: "In summary, while the camp guards at Auschwitz may have operated within the framework of German law at the time, their actions were in clear violation of fundamental moral principles and international law. The defense of "just following orders" does not absolve individuals of their responsibility for participating in war crimes and crimes against humanity."

If this line of reasoning holds, then I assume that the PREP act will only shield order followers while the current system or regime lasts. If the system collapses or the regime falls, then the "just following orders" defense may lose a lot of its Teflon.

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Yes, it was legal for the concentration camp guards and staff to do what they did, that's why no meaningful prosecution happened for the Nazis.

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Unfortunately the point is moot because there’s no neutral court to take the cases.

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I beg to differ. A true civil rights lawsuit has not been tried. Here’s what everyone needs to know. Even if the courts refuse to hear such a case, we can say with confidence that what college admins, employers both private and governmental, and public health officials have done is illegal and not protected by the PREP Act in their discriminatory actions. Details:


Examples of using these laws effectively on arguments: https://howtosee2020.com/discrimination/letters/

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Was the vaxx administer at facility you are speaking of? If so then, I believe they are covered.

If it is a business, not health related nor administered or had someone come on site and administer, then I believe they are not covered persons

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