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concur James... I see much alignment between Sasha (and Katherine Watt) and JJ Couey’s assessment, with respect to the abolishment of the U.S. PREP Act... I am hopeful that they find additional common ground and unite in this fight against the decades-long planned tyranny through the bastardization of our laws, executive orders, and federal department reorganization that has quasi-legalized the murder of millions.




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I just listened to the interview just now. Took copious notes. Nice to get to understand the train that just RAN us all over.

How deep and twisted and long planning this event.

Oh thanks for the links.

Read what Katherine watt put out today ..

Bill melinda gates and who are in the bioterrorism headings.

I had a question but think it’s all about money.

I’ll tap into your links

Catching up at moment

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Unfortunately it’s not driven by money, though copious amounts of our money is being used to incentivise and lubricate the process. Senior stakeholders in this conspiracy stand astride the money creation apparatus in private & central banks worldwide. It’s definitely about installing a totalitarian control system. I believe that will be used inter alia to depopulate the earth substantially.

Those who’ve followed by peregrinations over the last four years - all the way from normie world central - will know why I’ve reached that conclusion.

It wasn’t necessary to harm & kill tens to hundreds of millions of innocent men, women and children to have reached this point of control.

They designed the injections to cause multiple, predictable toxicities, including death, then “calibrated” the materials using people’s deaths as endpoints.

I’ve not heard or read a single thing in three years from Sasha that I didn’t either agree with or come to understand. This is true for me of very few people.

Sasha is the bravest of us.

People like her, and me, are always at risk of termination with extreme prejudice.

She won’t stop because the risks, to our children more than to ourselves, of doing nothing are so severe that there’s nowhere to run to safety anyway.

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Dr Yeadon, thank for responding.

Sasha is one of the sharpest knives in the drawer. I try reading everything she writes. I read everything you write as well. My question was regarding how on earth does bill gates get to be part of these organizations, that was the money question and answer.

I’ve been reading about the jesuits, the masons and understand this is about totalitarianism control. This is all out war

On the people, who for the most part have not realized these ugly facts..

I also understand Sasha and you are put

Into harms way for exposing evil. Ephesians 5:11-14

Thank you Dr Yeadon for your comments, I have come to accept your

Candid accurate assessments.

This is about total control. Which one would think they own most the banks,

The medical community, governments, education, conducting human, sex trafficking, drinking the blood of innocent children, one would think they might be content with all of this. Evil has an insatiable appetite that never is satisfied. Total control and on that journey create as much heartache as possible.

The only thing in their way are people brave enough to shed light on their techno twisted tyranny. May we live to see the day where these soulless creatures are terminated with extreme prejudice.

Thank you for speaking out risking your life! Both you and Sasha could enjoy a quiet life and yet have taken the charge to be lights in a very dark world. Your words and actions are appreciated!

God Bless!

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I believe Gates is where he is because he was placed in position by his parents and other powerful people half a century ago.

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Bred for the role

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JJ Couey is extremely hostile to both me and Katherine. You should ask him why he has been on a smear campaign against both of us. It is extremely strange, as before he started attacking me, and especially my teenage daughter (!) I never said anything against him, in fact agreed in general with his analysis. He is definitely not being truthful.

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