We discuss the regulators violating their own rules, then re-writing their rules to match the violations for their “preferred” mRNA companies, while also simultaneously holding back any other aspiring mRNA pharma developers.
I agree but if he knew this why did he wait until now to speak about it. It appears as if he is riding on you and Katherine's thunder. I am glad he is talking about it but I find it hard to believe he didn't know about this before or is he breaking this news based on your research? He needs to say that as many others have done. They acknowledge the work of both you and Katherine. If he does not state that he did his own research after your research exposed the DOD and HHS agreement then that means to the public he knew all along but waited for someone else to break the ice.
The more provable litigation lies in what is already demonstrable and on the record in regards to the hospital protocols.
Why does RFK's team and Bigtree's team avoid this?
A lot of people are under the misconception that RFK and Bigtree are against vaccines. They are not- they stake their ground on wanting "safe vaccines" an oxymoron if ever there was one.
Here's a snippet from a Q&A with RFK:
Q: Rates of childhood infectious diseases have plummeted over the past half-century or so. Are you out to return us to the dark ages?
Kennedy: "I am for vaccines. I have been tracking mercury in fish for 30 years and nobody has called me antifish. I am pro-vaccine. I had all my kids vaccinated. I think vaccines save lives. But we are also seeing an explosion in neurodevelopmental disorders and we ought to be able to do a cost-benefit analysis and see what's causing them. We ought to have robust, transparent science and an independent regulatory agency. Nobody is trying to get rid of vaccines here. I just want safe vaccines."
I agree that all of these injections from the 19th century onward have never been (nor can they be) safe and effective. RFK, Jr is a politician by inclination. You no doubt know the characteristics that embodies. He and Bigtree are speaking poli-speak. Nothing to do with science or certainly not the truth. As of late he's shown disdain regarding those who have researched the matter and come up with a clear verdict: there's no pathogenic virus - EVER. It's the emperor's clothes, and the injection is toxic with all kinds of junk running through the bodies of those who succumbed.
Kennedy has evolved under this massive psy-op as a gatekeeper of sorts. He wants nothing to do with the fact that no pathogenic virus has been found using the premises of the scientific method. The scale of the psy-op is 1,000 fold anything encountered before. Once people grasp what this really is than we can stop playing games about "spike proteins".
Fauci is a front, as are all the regulatory bodies such as FDA, CDC (as we see in Ohio including EPA, in transportation FAA, FCC 5G rollout, etc. etc.).
Operationally this does seem to be a military ops regarding the jab following the likes of the so-called anthrax injection campaign.
The entire system is privately owned and ruled. The president is just an order taker - the Office of the President was captured long ago - the office that has some authority to issue proclamations, executive orders, and oversee military (domestic and foreign).
RFK is a very smart and able man and has been working in our defense for a very long time. Look at all his environmental legislation. He spoke out all over europe and elsewhere during the lockdowns putting his life at risk. That's way more than 99 % of us ever did. I am so sick of the attacks on him. He and his cohorts came up with strategies when everyone else could only talk about fleeing the country. He has shown great leadership, courage and intelligence. Most people think they are being courageous by weighing in on the internet. I suggest that there are being out on the street, talking to people in person, organizing etc are far more important and I hope that people will follow RFK's courageous lead.
I saw a cartoon of a couple of guys in white coats. One has a manic expression of excited discovery on his face, the other looks quizzical. They are standing in front of a blackboard that has two furious storms of mathematical symbols which resolve at the bottom with a triumphal, underlined =0!! Between the two dense paragraphs of math there is a little phrase in parentheses that says: (then a miracle occurs...) The unconvinced one is pointing at it and saying, “Uhhh, can you go into a little more detail explaining what happens between step one and step two?”
Cowan, Kaufman, and Lanka have performed great service in helping the lay person understand their challenges to “virology” but Dr. Sam Bailey breaks it down really well also. The problem as I see it now is that there are some black boxes labeled “then a miracle occurs” that are being accepted by some practitioners in the field as solid indications of causality between steps and they are not. The black boxes are hidden in the jargon that is bandied about by the “experts” unquestioningly, giving each other dispensations from the rigors of actual scientific inquiry, probably because they are getting paid anyway for research based on presumptions that are not true... But hey, who is to say that in an eleven-dimensional realm, a train built of playing cards that gets derailed CAN’T just bounce back on the tracks and continue and score a touchdown, in silico?
Discerning smoke and mirrors from reality. Some of it is the rigorous use logic/reason and some is sensibility.
I think the "nuclear" bombs said to have hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki was really the white coats attempt to claim a victory when they couldn't perfect such a bomb in the lab or field, and so staged events which were than perpetrated on Japan. The threat was thus born and sustained to this day.
Virology is just an example of what happens when failure cannot be admitted, and when funding requires it be covered up for other purposes. (I suspect science's inquiry has led us down strange cul de sacs. (The nefarious Nobel Prize awards are complicit.)
Who said the following? In what setting and on what date?
Bonus points for providing context.
"Okay, so let me push back on you.
Yeah. You know, I think most people are going to recommend here, which is that the reason that you had these huge number of deaths in Paris and New York and for example, in northern Italy, which you did not mention in Tuscany, the same time as earlier, actually, than the spikes that I was mentioning.
I'd love to hear your explanation for that. Because that seemed to be I mean, that's where we all got the idea that this virus was galloping through and killing lots and lots of people. And they didn't have remdesivir in Italy at that time, so oh, something was killing people.
And couldn't it be that the virus landed in those places, you know, it lands in big cities, it spreads in big cities much more quickly, because there's denser populations. And of course, there's 35 states that just don't have dense populations where the virus didn't reach or infect large groups of people for a long period of time."
Part of the reason for people dying were certain protocols that were followed in those countries: Intubate them while the oxygen saturation is still around 90 or above. Due to protocol early intubation was to protect the doctors and nurses at a time when the viral load of that allegedly highly lethal pathogen was allegedly lower. This is all nonsense. In Germany lung doctors saw that that protocol that was applied in Italy was an overreaction, and decided that this was nonsense, and so they did not intubate those people and instead would just give patients oxygen as they had previously done with respiratory diseases. Also in Northern Italy, Lombardy, they have a huge asbestos problem from occupational asbestos exposure in 1960s and 1970s. By the way: a lot of asbestos was also used in the ship manufacturing in New York, New Orleans. And France also has that occupational asbestos exposure particularly of males. There is a study that predicts a rise of malignant mesothelioma (MM) in Lombardy until approx 2019. "This study documented a high burden of MM in both genders in the Lombardy Region, reflecting extensive occupational (mainly in men) and non-occupational (mainly in women) exposure to asbestos in the past. Incidence rates are still increasing; a downturn in occurrence of MM is expected to occur after 2019."
There is furthermore a Harvard study that there is a clear link between long-term exposure to PM2.5 particles (for example from garbage incinerators, air pollution in general) and Covid-19 deaths.
This causal connection between air pollution and dying of respiratory diseases has been known for decades.
I doubt whether Sasha Latypova's observation that there must be an extra neurotoxin exposure of some sort that would cause loss of smell and taste is correct. As some physicians have pointed out respiratory diseases such as flu also cause loss of smell and taste. Plus it is known that anxiety can have a similar effect on your nervous system, i.e. loss of smell and taste. Plus nocebo effect is also at work here. Tell people again and again on TV and newspapers over several months continiously that Covid goes along not only with common cold symptons such as cough, fever, runny nose, diarrea but also with loss of taste and smell, and a lot more people will report a loss of smell and taste. I know people who in the absence of a positive PCR test, and even in the presence of a negative PCR test claim that they must have had Covid since they lost their smell and taste. I realize that the latter observation could in fact support Sasha's hypothesis that the government sprayed some unknown neurotoxin on people, however, I personalky would not want to go down that rabbit hole. I furthermore found Denis Rancourt's line of argumentation quite persuasive that the Covid crisis caused people a lot of extra stress, and so mainly people died who are already under severe strain due to physical and mental disaility and due to poverty and old age. They are simply less stress resistent. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/denis-rancourt-militaristic-medicine-excess-deaths-rfk-jr-podcast/ We probably as a society tend to greatly underestimate mental factors when it comes to physical health.
We should also not underestimate the effect of financial incentives. Apparently lots of people in New York and elsewhere were intubated who would have been better treated without intubation. A lot of nurses where questioning why their patients were intubated. They found that their patients would have survived had they not been intubated so vigourously. In UK there has been a debate that they put Covid patients who could have recovered from Covid on end of life treatment which included giving them drugs such as Morphium and too high doses of midazolam, both of which cause respiratory depression which may have actually killed quite a few people in UK (and similar end of life protocols I believe where followed in Sweden where a lot of elderly died in care homes during the first wave).
It seems that certain medical protocols caused more harm than good.
In Italy they also tested Hydroxychloroquine. Accidentally, they sometimes administered far too much (medical mistake) probably leading to heart arrythmyias and death.
Or to the wrong people. What many don't know is that hydroxychloroquine should not be administered to people with G6PD-deficiency (also known as favism) since it can cause severe hemolysis. G6PD-deficiency mostly affects people of mediterranen origin. https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m2018/rr-2
It is clear that Italians and French used initially a lot of hydroxychloroquine (4000 per cent increase in Italy, https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/studies-highlight-surges-touted-drugs-early-covid-19) which can really lead to heart arrythmyias and heart failure especially when people have heart problems to start with, plus cause the above-mentioned problem in people with G6PD-deficiency.
Altogether there are many different causes for the rise in exessive all cause mortality in certain counties. The fact that some countries had no substantial increase in all cause mortality whereas others had a very substantial increase shows that there are quite specific reasons. In Germany we had actually far less people hospitalized and a lower number of people intubated in 2020 than in 2019, also not a higher number of hospitalizations for severe respiratory diseases. Yet like other countries Germany had their fair share of Covid cases, although some of those clinical Covid cases had a negative PCR test (about two thirds during the first Covid wave and still half during the 2nd wave according to an analysis of the Initiative Qualitätsmedizin which drew on data from one third of German hospitals). In Germany, according to the data Analyst, Tom Lausen, being a country with a very high number of ICU beds, hospitals had apparently problems filling those ICU beds when many avoided hospitals due to fear of catching Covid and being intubated, and so they seem to have kept the elderly (and partly dying) people from care homes longer inside the ICU because the hospitals needed the money. One ICU bed can bring 3000 to 5000 Euro per day, and hospitals can simply not afford to leave too many ICU beds empty.
It should also be noted that Wuhan citizens have been criticizing authorities for not doing enough against air pollution. They have several garbage incinerators in Wuhan, partly in close proximity to residential areas that were known to cause a lot of deaths before the Covid crisis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4515677/
LOL! I find it amazing that you can still speak, at this point, as though the government and hospitals were playing it straight and actually trying to help, and that you can wade into the churn of phony “data” as though it makes sense and come up with statements like “hospitals simply cannot afford to leave too many ICU beds empty.” The PCR testing is a charade. The sudden disappearance of “influenza” cases while “covid” was breathlessly megaphoned in the mass media was a charade. The hatchet job on Ivermectin/Hydroxychloroquine and the doctors who tried to proscribe it was a charade to push the phony Emergency Use Authorization for rolling out the injections. The intubation drama was a charade that never needed to happen. It is as though you have agreed to wear a blindfold in a duel while your opponent is swinging a sword. You have agreed to try to dodge the blows by listening for the sword whooshes only. The opponent proceeds to cheat by playing a ghetto-blaster at 90 decibels and you want to appeal to the judges and argue that they should only get to turn it up to 50 to preserve their freedom of speech but still give you a “fair chance.” Meanwhile, you can hear the judges are taking out life insurance policies you in the background, as well as placing bets with each other on which of your limbs will be severed first.
Well, I still give it a try from time to time to argue logically and coherently. However, you are right that it does not seem to make that much of a difference.
At the very end of the program Jesse speaks to the point that there was no unique viral or biological event whatsoever in Spring 2020 (Rancourt also speaks to this).
You mention that "the repertoire is much wider than virus" which I believe to be true and then go on to say that you believe that they have done is (probably) is applied some sort of toxins probably chemicals in certain areas.
I don't believe this to be the case- beyond the regular mass poisoning that we are subjected to on a daily basis.
Do you have any evidence to support this? I have not seen evidence of this anywhere.
You say "select agents were applied in select areas that generated a unique set of symptoms."
The only evidence you cite in that interview is illness and loss of taste and smell which is not unique at all- loss of taste and smell (interconnected) is a symptom for many common illnesses.
The spike in deaths that you speak to geographically and time wise (rapidly up and down) is a direct artifact of the "health protocols" primarily those that took place in the hospitals (but also the impacts of lockdowns) that killed substantial numbers of already fragile and mainly insitutionalized people.
Everybody early in 2020 died all at the same time regardless of region. Only Neglect doesn’t do this, only fear doesn’t do this, only pathogens don’t do this.
What will do this is a nationally coordinated campaign.
Those dying were vulnerable people put at increased risk by curtailed healthcare, social isolation and stress. People were killed en masse via hospital protocols and other measures. There were many tools and techniques used and they were enacted administratively and knowingly.
Unprecedented new health protocols, like intubation accompanied by heavy sedatives and respiratory inhibitors and harsh anti-virals, were rolled out, inappropriate use of DNR orders, starvation and dehydration, deprivation of necessary procedures etc.
The protocols coincide exactly with localized hotspots of excess mortality throughout the world.
These mortality hotspots were centered around healthcare institutions, and included mostly vulnerable, institutionalized people, who were at the frontline of the rollout of virus fear and pandemic protocol.
In fact, the ONLY provable thing to spread around the globe in a month was WHO pandemic protocol and media-driven fear.
There is no need for a purportedly new virus or chemical agent or biological attack any of the other to explain why people were dying in the way they were dying in Spring 2020 in N Italy, NYC, London, Brussels, Madrid, etc. All places were in lockstep with the same protocols.
Any excess deaths in Spring 2020 were from induced mass hysteria, lockdown impacts and mainly medical murder of the already fragile.
Commend you for saying that pandemics don't exist.
I remember one of the ICU nurses saying at Sen Ron Johnson's roundtable that she never saw a patient die of covid. She saw them die of harmful treatments.
Certainly the new quadrivalent flu vaccines were and are very toxic and did impair immune systems.
However there is no need to look for explanations as they are out in the open for everyone to see. They killed the elderly and disabled in hospitals. Iatrogenic death was already #3 causal factor in the US and certainly high elsewhere- it wouldn't take much to kick it up to #1 and they did more than enough.
Thanks very much for your insight, Sasha. I believe you are absolutely correct about the spread of toxins/chemicals in select areas. I was quite ill with Covid in Fall 2020. The hypoxia was main symptom that made me think it was some sort of poisoning. Other members of my family, who don’t live near me or in polluted areas, were also very ill (with positive Covid tests) prior to vax rollout.
Based on Dr David Martin’s patent data our governments and the moneyed elite were investing in the new pharm technology several years prior to our non-pandemic. I suspect similar investments for similar attacks on humanity are on-going. Why stop when the method is working? If they can manage WHO supremacy; global CBDC; and the attendant surveillance passports then there will actually be plenty of demand for the products. It’s just that those products will be forced on people vs an ability to walk away.
RussCR5187, yes absolutely, my teenage daughter went to a theme park today for a friend’s birthday (Knott’s Berry Farm in Southern CA, USA), & I was shocked to learn that they wouldn’t accept cash ANYWHERE in the park! I couldn’t believe it, it is really getting scary how fast they are walking us into this digital enslavement system.
Agreed. We also need to stop all the tribal bickering and stop allowing ourselves to be distracted by the endless crises of the day as presented by the traditional media. All pale in comparison to the horrendous step-by-step march toward world-wide technocratic totalitarianism.
Thank you for acknowledging the lack of a 'virus' and where the virus narrative has taken us. Insanity. This is a brilliant, well articulated discussion. I've sent it out to 100 people today!
Biden just signed us up for the WHO's total control over pandemic declaration and methods of dealing with it so we could have a one world response just like the Davos group is hoping for. All they have to do now is declare an emergency including climate hysteria, & they get to dictate whatever measures they like according to the WHO including lock downs, mandated vaccines, get on a ventilator, take Remdesivir, etc. That should take care of the lack of popularity of the vaccines or anything else. Totalitarianism has just been approved by the Biden administration in a very crafty way to bypass the courts and Senate which are suppose to be our checks on power plays. Silly you thinking that you better watch out for those evil Conservatives-they want to tell you what to do. My sarcasm is due to my severe depression over what the leftists are doing to us while calling us all of the horrible names they can think of and successfully brainwashing anyone listening to the MSM. And yes vaccines will become mandatory like it or not by authority of the WHO. Pharma knows and supports this wonderful business model. Modeled after the CCP methods of governing. Tedros (President of the WHO) is a big fan of the CCP.
Malaysia or Indonesia and a few other countries put together a repeat of Biden's own ...specifically including vax status, one health passport and all the other things Biden wanted.
They are trying to put it in there, along with this is not a treaty language doesn't need approval...they are caling it an executive action.
Epoch Times is my main source of info. I just read it again and he is "preparing" to sign after final terms are negotiated Feb. 27. Since he helped draft the treaty (reportedly, which means I forgot where I saw that), Biden is all on board with it. The Democratic party leadership/control is all on board with anything that will lead to one party, one leader, one voice totalitarian government so this is no surprise to many. The Epoch Times article has a fairly complete description of what this portends for the world if it is not stopped and some detail about how hard stopping it will be. Epoch Times gets a little ahead of their skis at times, but by and large vet their info well, and are rarely off track of truth-never intentionally. The article is on their front page (on line). The hard copy might be quite different. Very few news sources track the really important things in my view. If you do not subscribe the link likely won't work, but here is the link to the article:
JZ alas spoke too much! Interestingly, here in France, the most damaging virus health-wise was Marseille 4 whose origin was traced to heavily-populated mink farms both in France and Denmark causing millions of these creatures to be culled! The famous Didier Raoult often spoke about this. Also in september 2019, Wuhan experienced one of its worst flu epidemics according to a chinese guide who showed an australian couple around the city. The woman fell sick with breathing problems during their stay and they managed to find a flight back to Australia in order for her to be quickly taken care of. Most folks here have moved on and try to forget the INSANE C-19 lockdowns and confinements, masks, testing, the persecution of the minority of EVIL unvaxxed and things uncomfortably pushed up folks noses:(( The unnecessary confinements distanced huge numbers of old and fragile people from their doctors and appropriate medical treatments. This lack of care and treatment caused many hospitals to be overrun with this category of people, many of whom perished!! Of course, the medias pounced on these deaths and stupidly attributed them ONLY to the terrible Wuhan coronavirus. During this period of PANIC, Agnès Buzin, France's health Minister banned Hydroxychloroquin and Azytromycine which would've rendered null and void the much-vaunted jab cures! Through constant fear and propaganda, the government pushed the NON-CONFORM 'safe' inoculations in France's many vaccinodromes managed by McKinsey. Apparently in 54 other nations too!! All the national Yellow Jacket protests and demonstrations were halted and the government breathed a huge sigh of relief. C-19 statistics were deliberately manipulated to maintain government control and restrictions and the medias constantly pumped their FEARPORN, without which the C-19 story would've died a quick death. Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt are almost completely unheard of in Europe because if it's not talked about by the government and privately financed media empire, it simply doesn't exist. On twitter, I've spread the news of these courageous 2 women to the principal Movers and Shakers only to be greeted by a Deafening Silence. Ignorance REIGNS in oh so many nations and France is no exception. Personally speaking, I feel that those behind this global scandal will NOT be arrested, tried, convicted and jailed. The dice are loaded and the predators will get away with devouring their frightened and brainwashed prey! On TV, we only hear about Ukraine and the contested retirement at 64 reform. C-19 is simply water under the bridge until the next 'crisis' will be thrust upon the Great Unwashed:(( Nothing new under the midnight sun!
The fact that so many mRNA treatments are already in the pipeline is a testament to this experiment. That 5% batch that killed and maimed people was crucial data necessary to further this technology. “They” saved 10-15 years of trials and billions of dollars by forcing this experiment, not to kill people on purpose, but to refine the tech to make more money and refine the treatments the elite expect so they can live healthily into the 150’s
there are no "mRNA treatments" as it is not possible to manufacture what they claim it to be. One can only be injured or killed by this method. People should stop believing in alchemy, magic wands and "secret cures". I know it is seductive as urban legends, but there is no possibility that the mRNA can be manufactured as a medicine. Zero.
Completely disagree with you that "they" were "not (trying) to kill people on purpose."
There's more than enough evidence to prove that people worldwide have absolutely been killed intentionally through the use of mRNA jabs.
They've been trying to "further the ( mRNA )technology" for over a decade. The animal trials always fail. It's been established that this technology cannot be used without injuring or killing the recipient.
The DOD, pharma, the alphabet agencies, and the entities funding mRNA tech are all fully aware of this.
The greedy bastards behind this death program have more money than they'll ever need. They also have the technology, available only to themselves, for life extension.
What we're witnessing is the steady, purposeful depopulation of the world - something they've been working on for decades.
There are too many of us "useless eaters" for their liking.
I do agree with your statements yet not everyone is sick and dying. Did they not give mRNA to everyone then? We’re they counting on the ability to give endless shots? I’m not vaccinated. I’m divorcing my wife for vaccinating our 3 daughters(21,19 ,16) without my consent. It is far too difficult for me to feel that they’ve been sentenced to die for her mistake. So until I see everyone who took the shot is sick or dead, I need to have faith that they will be ok. Fantasy? Maybe, but it gives me something to go on
If you look into Brook Jackson's explanations of what did/didn't happen in the mfg process, you'll understand as other's have reported that the batches were not consistently processed correctly. Some had more mRNA and other ingredients, and some were weaker. Jessica Rose also talks about this fact. This could be the reason why we're not seeing more people injured or dying, yet. Those who keep taking the jab are playing Russian roulette. I hope that you can influence your children to not take any further shots. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I wish you and your daughters well.
I have seen the presentation yet it created more questions for me. It is up for debate whether these differences were intended from the outset or a function of poor oversight. The presentation, to me, cannot prove one way or the other whether it was intended, only that this did happen. For this to have been as meticulously planned for such a long time does lend credence to doubting a screw-up at that level. I’m well aware of the failed animal studies. I was very sick for 2 weeks in March 2020, NYC area, and began researching as soon as I was upright. The first red flag that chilled my spine was a peer-reviewed study out of Columbia U from 2018, explaining how all animals died from mRNA treatments. As I referred back to this article a few times, I noticed only a month later there was a retraction by a pre-print out of a university in Wuhan. It seemed so obvious that this was complete bs, I knew instinctively to never get this shot.
I hope I’ve convinced my daughters to not get anymore shots.
At this point, I’ve mentally fast forward to where the true liability lies, and the desired outcomes.
The true legal liability lies at the feet of the US government, and therefore, the US taxpayer. Riots are guaranteed when the rug gets pulled. The US will be sued by every nation who signed these agreements. The US taxpayer will owe the world trillions of dollars. Of course the taxpayers will not stand for this and you will see martial law in US cities and highways and small towns. Then NATO/UN troops. It’s the end of the United States and that has been one of the main goals the whole time. There is no NWO while the US stands. No one can defeat the US militarily, but World Court is another story. It’s obviously my opinion, but it’s where I see all of this leading
I hate to say it but I share your pessimism. All indications point to this very scenario. So sorry about your daughter; I have just one, whom I homeschooled so should know better but she took it, or them; I've no idea how many.
I also have a son and a daughter that believed the lying Norwegian government when they said the gene-injection would stop spread of the (non-existing) virus. In addition to impair the physical condition, the injections also might impair the spiritual abilities. I contacted a medical doctor that also is highly skilled in "alternative" medicine/ traditional medicine. He recommended me to go in the forest and find red-belted polypore/red-banded polypore/red-belted conk. At least in Norway these can be found on old pine. He suggested that I make tea of this material and let them drink this tea for one month. So at least I will try...
My dilema is convincing adult child she and her friends took a bioweapon just to go on holiday and calling me crazy! No immediate adverse reactions but it keeps me worrying.
MargaritasattheMall, I kind of understand how you feel, the burden of not knowing, the burden of worrying about your jabbed loved one. I warned my 20 year old son incessantly since summer of 2020, & I recently learned he did not heed my warnings, & he caved & got two moderna jabs in 2022. I was so devastated & mad & now worried. I thought he believed me & trusted me, guess he thought I was being overreactive. It’s so disappointing on a personal level. However, I still feel partly to blame because for 18 years, I religiously went to the doctor’s offices & took him & his sister to get their annual vaccines, thinking I was doing the right & best thing. 🤦🏼♀️🤯 Now since Covid, I’ve been blown away about all the truths I’ve learned. But sadly, I raised my kids with the inaccurate belief that vaccines were safe, effective, & good for health! Now I know how wrong I was! So, I got my kid trusting in the system & believing vaccines were good instead of believing they were harmful. & I can’t erase that impression. Now I’m treating him with bromelain, NaC, serrapeptase, nattokinase, & activated coconut charcoal. & I ordered Ivermectin. & I’m praying! 😞
Not everyone died ............yet. A 20-year-old relative of mine, mandated to the vaccine by her university, is 2% away from menopause. What has died is her hope to ever have children.
It would've been too obvious to have made all the shots so lethal that everyone who received one died immediately or soon thereafter. Even those who were true vax believers, would have caught on to that very quickly. The worldwide vax program would have come to an abrupt halt early on.
Craig Pardekooper's amazing study demonstrated that the effects of the vaxxes from batch to batch varied. Pfizer, Moderna and one other vax manufacturer coordinated their efforts to test the "results" - injuries and deaths - of the various batches. Absolutely chilling, but explains why some people suffered immediately, and why some 2 years out still show no ill effects.
Many researches also believe that a good percentage of the shots were saline and completely harmless.
The scamdemic has caused immeasurable suffering and heartache. Sadly, there's now a new reason for people to end a marriage. I'm truly sorry your family fell victim to the insanity.
You've probably already done this, but there are protocols to help people who've gotten vaxxed so please research that. I think America's Frontline Doctors may have information on it. There are definitely others.
The inventors of mRNA, who worked under the order of the US Military, thought they were developing it for the 'repair of gene faults'. I wonder how they feel today seeing that they were 'used' and contributed to the long-term plan of the destruction of humanity.
A prototype project carries high risk, as I understand it, allowing room for failure, as I've seen it stated. So, if all this was funded as a prototype, everybody saying that it is not an experiment is a liar. Basically, a prototype IS an experiment, understood to possibly fail. This has been an exercise in mass production and distribution of what looked like a great idea on paper, and the risk of failure has been an accepted part of the process from the beginning, I think.
Regulatory laws and good manufacturing requirements were always on the books, but actually following and enforcing these went all to hell, seemingly to EXPERIMENT with the prototype manufacturing and distribution exercise.
It has been an insidious, sneaky way to conduct an experiment on the entire world population. I cannot fathom all the angles of how it is wrong.
And joining that with the One Health Certificate they are pushing worldwide, we do not seem to stand a chance. Going to the Dr. for annual check up tomorrow...if they ask me about Jab status?
They asked me at a clinic and I told her I was disappointed by the question. Nothing more of it was said. In US we have the ability to refuse one healthcare worker at an office/clinic/hospital until we're comfortable with another.
Depends on who is demanding the product. We have lots of enemies and haters And lots of government officials and experts. Take the koolaid folks. No do not take. Agape
Now Canada and large food markets in U.S. are bringing up apps you have to use to buy food. Albertsons is one. Connected to your health and v. status. Not sure about this story but the creep keeps creeping.
Who are "they"? I always like to know who is making such claims. Since there is no evidence of the "pathogenic virus" (SARS-CoV-2), how is it possible that a spike protein could be created from "it" (even a facsimile)?
Art Costa, I’m not sure. Karen Kingston believes that the graphene molecule in the hydrogel/PEG is actually the spike. She feels they lied to us about the mRNA narrative. If she’s right, I guess that would be good news bcuz then, that should mean it doesn’t change one’s DNA (altho that one study about the liver cells proved it does in fact get taken up by the genome, so ?? 🤷🏼♀️)...however, it would still be bad news, as then the graphene molecule (being a spike) would still need to be detoxed from the body. Does anyone really know the absolute truth??
Art Costa, I hope you’re right, because my 20 year old son foolishly took two jabs! I will watch & read your link. But I’m wondering though, why are they finding in autopsies people that have so much spike in them & that the spike has lasted for many months after? It is a worry.
No, I don't think so either. From what I've read so far, these mRNA gene therapy treatments done to try to rid cancer cost millions of $ and are very fragile too, meaning not suitable at all to be made in bulk. As they are EUA, the "secret ingredients" can remain so to protect manufacturer. Adam Curtis made some short films which are on BBC iplayer about how too much information, both true and untrue, from sublime to ridiculous, was projected on to Russian population to completely undermine any possibility of discerning facts. Not just Russan gov either! I think this is their MO right now.
After learning how supposedly esteemed medical journals go about their business, it is difficult to believe studies whether peer reviewed or not. Can they not use the ones generated in their computer genebank?
I've raised the issue that most (all) of science, specifically life sciences, are based on hypotheses, claims, and fewer are actually theories that have followed some degree of verification through independent variables and control procedures and independent reproduced results.
As you note we have little to go by since so much because dogma and the above method is, particularly in "virology" not used at all. Much of it is funded by pharma and DARPA/government grants. The academy is soaked in such funding.
Regarding "gene theory" and DNA, I suggest a reading of the critical review that takes you from early conceptualization to the present, raises important questions, followed by a conclusion. A critical review should be assigned to every theory which has been floated a "fact" or "proven" when in fact it has not.
It's a formula developed from a computer simulation. Those who have tested vials find some pretty nasty stuff - nanoparticles. These can be manufactured and included. I think these can along with whatever concoctions they mixed in cause some real damage. You don't want this in your body.
The idea that these launch "spike proteins" to combat a specific pathogen that's never been discovered to exist and cause "COVID-19" is science fiction - Fantastic Voyage II.
Art Costa, I’d have to look back in my files, but I recently read that a publication just came out where coroners (I’m assuming) performed autopsies on c19 jabbed patients & found their bodies to be riddled with spike proteins...the patients organs were filled with spike. This worries me, as my 20 year old son also took it!
You know, lots have seen these spike proteins on autopsy pics. But as we are repeatedly told, a virus is so small that complete isolation in literal sense is not possible. So how are these parts of a virus being actually seen? I know they are synthetic as opposed to the alleged real virus spike. My children took them too so I know what you are going through.
Sasha.....did you see that now RFK Jr. is on the same page with you and Katherine? https://www.newswars.com/covid-vaccine-a-pentagon-project-says-robert-f-kennedy-jr/
Yes, I know, RFK Jr is a great man, one of the few unafraid.
I agree but if he knew this why did he wait until now to speak about it. It appears as if he is riding on you and Katherine's thunder. I am glad he is talking about it but I find it hard to believe he didn't know about this before or is he breaking this news based on your research? He needs to say that as many others have done. They acknowledge the work of both you and Katherine. If he does not state that he did his own research after your research exposed the DOD and HHS agreement then that means to the public he knew all along but waited for someone else to break the ice.
I'm far less enamored of RFK, Jr. He probably likes, as a litigator, the legal angle.
Perhaps he should pick up Katherine Watt's challenge given all she's uncovered.
The more provable litigation lies in what is already demonstrable and on the record in regards to the hospital protocols.
Why does RFK's team and Bigtree's team avoid this?
A lot of people are under the misconception that RFK and Bigtree are against vaccines. They are not- they stake their ground on wanting "safe vaccines" an oxymoron if ever there was one.
Here's a snippet from a Q&A with RFK:
Q: Rates of childhood infectious diseases have plummeted over the past half-century or so. Are you out to return us to the dark ages?
Kennedy: "I am for vaccines. I have been tracking mercury in fish for 30 years and nobody has called me antifish. I am pro-vaccine. I had all my kids vaccinated. I think vaccines save lives. But we are also seeing an explosion in neurodevelopmental disorders and we ought to be able to do a cost-benefit analysis and see what's causing them. We ought to have robust, transparent science and an independent regulatory agency. Nobody is trying to get rid of vaccines here. I just want safe vaccines."
Putting anyone on a pedestal is dangerous business.
I agree that all of these injections from the 19th century onward have never been (nor can they be) safe and effective. RFK, Jr is a politician by inclination. You no doubt know the characteristics that embodies. He and Bigtree are speaking poli-speak. Nothing to do with science or certainly not the truth. As of late he's shown disdain regarding those who have researched the matter and come up with a clear verdict: there's no pathogenic virus - EVER. It's the emperor's clothes, and the injection is toxic with all kinds of junk running through the bodies of those who succumbed.
Kennedy has evolved under this massive psy-op as a gatekeeper of sorts. He wants nothing to do with the fact that no pathogenic virus has been found using the premises of the scientific method. The scale of the psy-op is 1,000 fold anything encountered before. Once people grasp what this really is than we can stop playing games about "spike proteins".
Fauci is a front, as are all the regulatory bodies such as FDA, CDC (as we see in Ohio including EPA, in transportation FAA, FCC 5G rollout, etc. etc.).
Operationally this does seem to be a military ops regarding the jab following the likes of the so-called anthrax injection campaign.
The entire system is privately owned and ruled. The president is just an order taker - the Office of the President was captured long ago - the office that has some authority to issue proclamations, executive orders, and oversee military (domestic and foreign).
What an excellent and astute comment. Thank you.
RFK is a very smart and able man and has been working in our defense for a very long time. Look at all his environmental legislation. He spoke out all over europe and elsewhere during the lockdowns putting his life at risk. That's way more than 99 % of us ever did. I am so sick of the attacks on him. He and his cohorts came up with strategies when everyone else could only talk about fleeing the country. He has shown great leadership, courage and intelligence. Most people think they are being courageous by weighing in on the internet. I suggest that there are being out on the street, talking to people in person, organizing etc are far more important and I hope that people will follow RFK's courageous lead.
Just out of curiosity, what does Ms Latypova say about there being "no pathogenic virus -- EVER"?
I saw a cartoon of a couple of guys in white coats. One has a manic expression of excited discovery on his face, the other looks quizzical. They are standing in front of a blackboard that has two furious storms of mathematical symbols which resolve at the bottom with a triumphal, underlined =0!! Between the two dense paragraphs of math there is a little phrase in parentheses that says: (then a miracle occurs...) The unconvinced one is pointing at it and saying, “Uhhh, can you go into a little more detail explaining what happens between step one and step two?”
Cowan, Kaufman, and Lanka have performed great service in helping the lay person understand their challenges to “virology” but Dr. Sam Bailey breaks it down really well also. The problem as I see it now is that there are some black boxes labeled “then a miracle occurs” that are being accepted by some practitioners in the field as solid indications of causality between steps and they are not. The black boxes are hidden in the jargon that is bandied about by the “experts” unquestioningly, giving each other dispensations from the rigors of actual scientific inquiry, probably because they are getting paid anyway for research based on presumptions that are not true... But hey, who is to say that in an eleven-dimensional realm, a train built of playing cards that gets derailed CAN’T just bounce back on the tracks and continue and score a touchdown, in silico?
E=MC squared.
Discerning smoke and mirrors from reality. Some of it is the rigorous use logic/reason and some is sensibility.
I think the "nuclear" bombs said to have hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki was really the white coats attempt to claim a victory when they couldn't perfect such a bomb in the lab or field, and so staged events which were than perpetrated on Japan. The threat was thus born and sustained to this day.
Virology is just an example of what happens when failure cannot be admitted, and when funding requires it be covered up for other purposes. (I suspect science's inquiry has led us down strange cul de sacs. (The nefarious Nobel Prize awards are complicit.)
Who said the following? In what setting and on what date?
Bonus points for providing context.
"Okay, so let me push back on you.
Yeah. You know, I think most people are going to recommend here, which is that the reason that you had these huge number of deaths in Paris and New York and for example, in northern Italy, which you did not mention in Tuscany, the same time as earlier, actually, than the spikes that I was mentioning.
I'd love to hear your explanation for that. Because that seemed to be I mean, that's where we all got the idea that this virus was galloping through and killing lots and lots of people. And they didn't have remdesivir in Italy at that time, so oh, something was killing people.
And couldn't it be that the virus landed in those places, you know, it lands in big cities, it spreads in big cities much more quickly, because there's denser populations. And of course, there's 35 states that just don't have dense populations where the virus didn't reach or infect large groups of people for a long period of time."
Part of the reason for people dying were certain protocols that were followed in those countries: Intubate them while the oxygen saturation is still around 90 or above. Due to protocol early intubation was to protect the doctors and nurses at a time when the viral load of that allegedly highly lethal pathogen was allegedly lower. This is all nonsense. In Germany lung doctors saw that that protocol that was applied in Italy was an overreaction, and decided that this was nonsense, and so they did not intubate those people and instead would just give patients oxygen as they had previously done with respiratory diseases. Also in Northern Italy, Lombardy, they have a huge asbestos problem from occupational asbestos exposure in 1960s and 1970s. By the way: a lot of asbestos was also used in the ship manufacturing in New York, New Orleans. And France also has that occupational asbestos exposure particularly of males. There is a study that predicts a rise of malignant mesothelioma (MM) in Lombardy until approx 2019. "This study documented a high burden of MM in both genders in the Lombardy Region, reflecting extensive occupational (mainly in men) and non-occupational (mainly in women) exposure to asbestos in the past. Incidence rates are still increasing; a downturn in occurrence of MM is expected to occur after 2019."
There is furthermore a Harvard study that there is a clear link between long-term exposure to PM2.5 particles (for example from garbage incinerators, air pollution in general) and Covid-19 deaths.
This causal connection between air pollution and dying of respiratory diseases has been known for decades.
I doubt whether Sasha Latypova's observation that there must be an extra neurotoxin exposure of some sort that would cause loss of smell and taste is correct. As some physicians have pointed out respiratory diseases such as flu also cause loss of smell and taste. Plus it is known that anxiety can have a similar effect on your nervous system, i.e. loss of smell and taste. Plus nocebo effect is also at work here. Tell people again and again on TV and newspapers over several months continiously that Covid goes along not only with common cold symptons such as cough, fever, runny nose, diarrea but also with loss of taste and smell, and a lot more people will report a loss of smell and taste. I know people who in the absence of a positive PCR test, and even in the presence of a negative PCR test claim that they must have had Covid since they lost their smell and taste. I realize that the latter observation could in fact support Sasha's hypothesis that the government sprayed some unknown neurotoxin on people, however, I personalky would not want to go down that rabbit hole. I furthermore found Denis Rancourt's line of argumentation quite persuasive that the Covid crisis caused people a lot of extra stress, and so mainly people died who are already under severe strain due to physical and mental disaility and due to poverty and old age. They are simply less stress resistent. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/denis-rancourt-militaristic-medicine-excess-deaths-rfk-jr-podcast/ We probably as a society tend to greatly underestimate mental factors when it comes to physical health.
We should also not underestimate the effect of financial incentives. Apparently lots of people in New York and elsewhere were intubated who would have been better treated without intubation. A lot of nurses where questioning why their patients were intubated. They found that their patients would have survived had they not been intubated so vigourously. In UK there has been a debate that they put Covid patients who could have recovered from Covid on end of life treatment which included giving them drugs such as Morphium and too high doses of midazolam, both of which cause respiratory depression which may have actually killed quite a few people in UK (and similar end of life protocols I believe where followed in Sweden where a lot of elderly died in care homes during the first wave).
It seems that certain medical protocols caused more harm than good.
In Italy they also tested Hydroxychloroquine. Accidentally, they sometimes administered far too much (medical mistake) probably leading to heart arrythmyias and death.
Or to the wrong people. What many don't know is that hydroxychloroquine should not be administered to people with G6PD-deficiency (also known as favism) since it can cause severe hemolysis. G6PD-deficiency mostly affects people of mediterranen origin. https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m2018/rr-2
It is clear that Italians and French used initially a lot of hydroxychloroquine (4000 per cent increase in Italy, https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/studies-highlight-surges-touted-drugs-early-covid-19) which can really lead to heart arrythmyias and heart failure especially when people have heart problems to start with, plus cause the above-mentioned problem in people with G6PD-deficiency.
Altogether there are many different causes for the rise in exessive all cause mortality in certain counties. The fact that some countries had no substantial increase in all cause mortality whereas others had a very substantial increase shows that there are quite specific reasons. In Germany we had actually far less people hospitalized and a lower number of people intubated in 2020 than in 2019, also not a higher number of hospitalizations for severe respiratory diseases. Yet like other countries Germany had their fair share of Covid cases, although some of those clinical Covid cases had a negative PCR test (about two thirds during the first Covid wave and still half during the 2nd wave according to an analysis of the Initiative Qualitätsmedizin which drew on data from one third of German hospitals). In Germany, according to the data Analyst, Tom Lausen, being a country with a very high number of ICU beds, hospitals had apparently problems filling those ICU beds when many avoided hospitals due to fear of catching Covid and being intubated, and so they seem to have kept the elderly (and partly dying) people from care homes longer inside the ICU because the hospitals needed the money. One ICU bed can bring 3000 to 5000 Euro per day, and hospitals can simply not afford to leave too many ICU beds empty.
It should also be noted that Wuhan citizens have been criticizing authorities for not doing enough against air pollution. They have several garbage incinerators in Wuhan, partly in close proximity to residential areas that were known to cause a lot of deaths before the Covid crisis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4515677/
LOL! I find it amazing that you can still speak, at this point, as though the government and hospitals were playing it straight and actually trying to help, and that you can wade into the churn of phony “data” as though it makes sense and come up with statements like “hospitals simply cannot afford to leave too many ICU beds empty.” The PCR testing is a charade. The sudden disappearance of “influenza” cases while “covid” was breathlessly megaphoned in the mass media was a charade. The hatchet job on Ivermectin/Hydroxychloroquine and the doctors who tried to proscribe it was a charade to push the phony Emergency Use Authorization for rolling out the injections. The intubation drama was a charade that never needed to happen. It is as though you have agreed to wear a blindfold in a duel while your opponent is swinging a sword. You have agreed to try to dodge the blows by listening for the sword whooshes only. The opponent proceeds to cheat by playing a ghetto-blaster at 90 decibels and you want to appeal to the judges and argue that they should only get to turn it up to 50 to preserve their freedom of speech but still give you a “fair chance.” Meanwhile, you can hear the judges are taking out life insurance policies you in the background, as well as placing bets with each other on which of your limbs will be severed first.
Well, I still give it a try from time to time to argue logically and coherently. However, you are right that it does not seem to make that much of a difference.
Hi Sasha,
Excellent interview.
At the very end of the program Jesse speaks to the point that there was no unique viral or biological event whatsoever in Spring 2020 (Rancourt also speaks to this).
You mention that "the repertoire is much wider than virus" which I believe to be true and then go on to say that you believe that they have done is (probably) is applied some sort of toxins probably chemicals in certain areas.
I don't believe this to be the case- beyond the regular mass poisoning that we are subjected to on a daily basis.
Do you have any evidence to support this? I have not seen evidence of this anywhere.
You say "select agents were applied in select areas that generated a unique set of symptoms."
The only evidence you cite in that interview is illness and loss of taste and smell which is not unique at all- loss of taste and smell (interconnected) is a symptom for many common illnesses.
The spike in deaths that you speak to geographically and time wise (rapidly up and down) is a direct artifact of the "health protocols" primarily those that took place in the hospitals (but also the impacts of lockdowns) that killed substantial numbers of already fragile and mainly insitutionalized people.
Everybody early in 2020 died all at the same time regardless of region. Only Neglect doesn’t do this, only fear doesn’t do this, only pathogens don’t do this.
What will do this is a nationally coordinated campaign.
Those dying were vulnerable people put at increased risk by curtailed healthcare, social isolation and stress. People were killed en masse via hospital protocols and other measures. There were many tools and techniques used and they were enacted administratively and knowingly.
Unprecedented new health protocols, like intubation accompanied by heavy sedatives and respiratory inhibitors and harsh anti-virals, were rolled out, inappropriate use of DNR orders, starvation and dehydration, deprivation of necessary procedures etc.
The protocols coincide exactly with localized hotspots of excess mortality throughout the world.
These mortality hotspots were centered around healthcare institutions, and included mostly vulnerable, institutionalized people, who were at the frontline of the rollout of virus fear and pandemic protocol.
In fact, the ONLY provable thing to spread around the globe in a month was WHO pandemic protocol and media-driven fear.
There is no need for a purportedly new virus or chemical agent or biological attack any of the other to explain why people were dying in the way they were dying in Spring 2020 in N Italy, NYC, London, Brussels, Madrid, etc. All places were in lockstep with the same protocols.
Any excess deaths in Spring 2020 were from induced mass hysteria, lockdown impacts and mainly medical murder of the already fragile.
Commend you for saying that pandemics don't exist.
I remember one of the ICU nurses saying at Sen Ron Johnson's roundtable that she never saw a patient die of covid. She saw them die of harmful treatments.
Agree RussCR5187
Certainly the new quadrivalent flu vaccines were and are very toxic and did impair immune systems.
However there is no need to look for explanations as they are out in the open for everyone to see. They killed the elderly and disabled in hospitals. Iatrogenic death was already #3 causal factor in the US and certainly high elsewhere- it wouldn't take much to kick it up to #1 and they did more than enough.
If the flu injections were any good they would not provide them free to old people.
Thanks very much for your insight, Sasha. I believe you are absolutely correct about the spread of toxins/chemicals in select areas. I was quite ill with Covid in Fall 2020. The hypoxia was main symptom that made me think it was some sort of poisoning. Other members of my family, who don’t live near me or in polluted areas, were also very ill (with positive Covid tests) prior to vax rollout.
Based on Dr David Martin’s patent data our governments and the moneyed elite were investing in the new pharm technology several years prior to our non-pandemic. I suspect similar investments for similar attacks on humanity are on-going. Why stop when the method is working? If they can manage WHO supremacy; global CBDC; and the attendant surveillance passports then there will actually be plenty of demand for the products. It’s just that those products will be forced on people vs an ability to walk away.
If WHO supremacy and global CBDC actually come about, the game is over. Full stop.
RussCR5187, yes absolutely, my teenage daughter went to a theme park today for a friend’s birthday (Knott’s Berry Farm in Southern CA, USA), & I was shocked to learn that they wouldn’t accept cash ANYWHERE in the park! I couldn’t believe it, it is really getting scary how fast they are walking us into this digital enslavement system.
Yes. My point. In we need to expend all of our energy to stopping this. THEN we can go back and clean up the pharmaceutical mess.
Agreed. We also need to stop all the tribal bickering and stop allowing ourselves to be distracted by the endless crises of the day as presented by the traditional media. All pale in comparison to the horrendous step-by-step march toward world-wide technocratic totalitarianism.
Thanks Sasha for your courage and wonderful insights. I had a 6th sense saying don't do the jab.
The guilty must be bought to justice!!
Kevin in Australia
Thank you for acknowledging the lack of a 'virus' and where the virus narrative has taken us. Insanity. This is a brilliant, well articulated discussion. I've sent it out to 100 people today!
Biden just signed us up for the WHO's total control over pandemic declaration and methods of dealing with it so we could have a one world response just like the Davos group is hoping for. All they have to do now is declare an emergency including climate hysteria, & they get to dictate whatever measures they like according to the WHO including lock downs, mandated vaccines, get on a ventilator, take Remdesivir, etc. That should take care of the lack of popularity of the vaccines or anything else. Totalitarianism has just been approved by the Biden administration in a very crafty way to bypass the courts and Senate which are suppose to be our checks on power plays. Silly you thinking that you better watch out for those evil Conservatives-they want to tell you what to do. My sarcasm is due to my severe depression over what the leftists are doing to us while calling us all of the horrible names they can think of and successfully brainwashing anyone listening to the MSM. And yes vaccines will become mandatory like it or not by authority of the WHO. Pharma knows and supports this wonderful business model. Modeled after the CCP methods of governing. Tedros (President of the WHO) is a big fan of the CCP.
I am as down in the dumps as you are. And even more, most American's DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT.
Tom, where did you see this news? Did Biden sign us up for the treaty or the amendments? They are distinct from each other.
Malaysia or Indonesia and a few other countries put together a repeat of Biden's own ...specifically including vax status, one health passport and all the other things Biden wanted.
They are trying to put it in there, along with this is not a treaty language doesn't need approval...they are caling it an executive action.
Epoch Times is my main source of info. I just read it again and he is "preparing" to sign after final terms are negotiated Feb. 27. Since he helped draft the treaty (reportedly, which means I forgot where I saw that), Biden is all on board with it. The Democratic party leadership/control is all on board with anything that will lead to one party, one leader, one voice totalitarian government so this is no surprise to many. The Epoch Times article has a fairly complete description of what this portends for the world if it is not stopped and some detail about how hard stopping it will be. Epoch Times gets a little ahead of their skis at times, but by and large vet their info well, and are rarely off track of truth-never intentionally. The article is on their front page (on line). The hard copy might be quite different. Very few news sources track the really important things in my view. If you do not subscribe the link likely won't work, but here is the link to the article:
JZ alas spoke too much! Interestingly, here in France, the most damaging virus health-wise was Marseille 4 whose origin was traced to heavily-populated mink farms both in France and Denmark causing millions of these creatures to be culled! The famous Didier Raoult often spoke about this. Also in september 2019, Wuhan experienced one of its worst flu epidemics according to a chinese guide who showed an australian couple around the city. The woman fell sick with breathing problems during their stay and they managed to find a flight back to Australia in order for her to be quickly taken care of. Most folks here have moved on and try to forget the INSANE C-19 lockdowns and confinements, masks, testing, the persecution of the minority of EVIL unvaxxed and things uncomfortably pushed up folks noses:(( The unnecessary confinements distanced huge numbers of old and fragile people from their doctors and appropriate medical treatments. This lack of care and treatment caused many hospitals to be overrun with this category of people, many of whom perished!! Of course, the medias pounced on these deaths and stupidly attributed them ONLY to the terrible Wuhan coronavirus. During this period of PANIC, Agnès Buzin, France's health Minister banned Hydroxychloroquin and Azytromycine which would've rendered null and void the much-vaunted jab cures! Through constant fear and propaganda, the government pushed the NON-CONFORM 'safe' inoculations in France's many vaccinodromes managed by McKinsey. Apparently in 54 other nations too!! All the national Yellow Jacket protests and demonstrations were halted and the government breathed a huge sigh of relief. C-19 statistics were deliberately manipulated to maintain government control and restrictions and the medias constantly pumped their FEARPORN, without which the C-19 story would've died a quick death. Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt are almost completely unheard of in Europe because if it's not talked about by the government and privately financed media empire, it simply doesn't exist. On twitter, I've spread the news of these courageous 2 women to the principal Movers and Shakers only to be greeted by a Deafening Silence. Ignorance REIGNS in oh so many nations and France is no exception. Personally speaking, I feel that those behind this global scandal will NOT be arrested, tried, convicted and jailed. The dice are loaded and the predators will get away with devouring their frightened and brainwashed prey! On TV, we only hear about Ukraine and the contested retirement at 64 reform. C-19 is simply water under the bridge until the next 'crisis' will be thrust upon the Great Unwashed:(( Nothing new under the midnight sun!
The fact that so many mRNA treatments are already in the pipeline is a testament to this experiment. That 5% batch that killed and maimed people was crucial data necessary to further this technology. “They” saved 10-15 years of trials and billions of dollars by forcing this experiment, not to kill people on purpose, but to refine the tech to make more money and refine the treatments the elite expect so they can live healthily into the 150’s
there are no "mRNA treatments" as it is not possible to manufacture what they claim it to be. One can only be injured or killed by this method. People should stop believing in alchemy, magic wands and "secret cures". I know it is seductive as urban legends, but there is no possibility that the mRNA can be manufactured as a medicine. Zero.
I do not disbelieve this, yet Moderna is plowing forward with this tech, to be tested on desperate people no doubt
Completely disagree with you that "they" were "not (trying) to kill people on purpose."
There's more than enough evidence to prove that people worldwide have absolutely been killed intentionally through the use of mRNA jabs.
They've been trying to "further the ( mRNA )technology" for over a decade. The animal trials always fail. It's been established that this technology cannot be used without injuring or killing the recipient.
The DOD, pharma, the alphabet agencies, and the entities funding mRNA tech are all fully aware of this.
The greedy bastards behind this death program have more money than they'll ever need. They also have the technology, available only to themselves, for life extension.
What we're witnessing is the steady, purposeful depopulation of the world - something they've been working on for decades.
There are too many of us "useless eaters" for their liking.
I do agree with your statements yet not everyone is sick and dying. Did they not give mRNA to everyone then? We’re they counting on the ability to give endless shots? I’m not vaccinated. I’m divorcing my wife for vaccinating our 3 daughters(21,19 ,16) without my consent. It is far too difficult for me to feel that they’ve been sentenced to die for her mistake. So until I see everyone who took the shot is sick or dead, I need to have faith that they will be ok. Fantasy? Maybe, but it gives me something to go on
If you look into Brook Jackson's explanations of what did/didn't happen in the mfg process, you'll understand as other's have reported that the batches were not consistently processed correctly. Some had more mRNA and other ingredients, and some were weaker. Jessica Rose also talks about this fact. This could be the reason why we're not seeing more people injured or dying, yet. Those who keep taking the jab are playing Russian roulette. I hope that you can influence your children to not take any further shots. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I wish you and your daughters well.
I have seen the presentation yet it created more questions for me. It is up for debate whether these differences were intended from the outset or a function of poor oversight. The presentation, to me, cannot prove one way or the other whether it was intended, only that this did happen. For this to have been as meticulously planned for such a long time does lend credence to doubting a screw-up at that level. I’m well aware of the failed animal studies. I was very sick for 2 weeks in March 2020, NYC area, and began researching as soon as I was upright. The first red flag that chilled my spine was a peer-reviewed study out of Columbia U from 2018, explaining how all animals died from mRNA treatments. As I referred back to this article a few times, I noticed only a month later there was a retraction by a pre-print out of a university in Wuhan. It seemed so obvious that this was complete bs, I knew instinctively to never get this shot.
I hope I’ve convinced my daughters to not get anymore shots.
At this point, I’ve mentally fast forward to where the true liability lies, and the desired outcomes.
The true legal liability lies at the feet of the US government, and therefore, the US taxpayer. Riots are guaranteed when the rug gets pulled. The US will be sued by every nation who signed these agreements. The US taxpayer will owe the world trillions of dollars. Of course the taxpayers will not stand for this and you will see martial law in US cities and highways and small towns. Then NATO/UN troops. It’s the end of the United States and that has been one of the main goals the whole time. There is no NWO while the US stands. No one can defeat the US militarily, but World Court is another story. It’s obviously my opinion, but it’s where I see all of this leading
I hate to say it but I share your pessimism. All indications point to this very scenario. So sorry about your daughter; I have just one, whom I homeschooled so should know better but she took it, or them; I've no idea how many.
I also have a son and a daughter that believed the lying Norwegian government when they said the gene-injection would stop spread of the (non-existing) virus. In addition to impair the physical condition, the injections also might impair the spiritual abilities. I contacted a medical doctor that also is highly skilled in "alternative" medicine/ traditional medicine. He recommended me to go in the forest and find red-belted polypore/red-banded polypore/red-belted conk. At least in Norway these can be found on old pine. He suggested that I make tea of this material and let them drink this tea for one month. So at least I will try...
My dilema is convincing adult child she and her friends took a bioweapon just to go on holiday and calling me crazy! No immediate adverse reactions but it keeps me worrying.
MargaritasattheMall, I kind of understand how you feel, the burden of not knowing, the burden of worrying about your jabbed loved one. I warned my 20 year old son incessantly since summer of 2020, & I recently learned he did not heed my warnings, & he caved & got two moderna jabs in 2022. I was so devastated & mad & now worried. I thought he believed me & trusted me, guess he thought I was being overreactive. It’s so disappointing on a personal level. However, I still feel partly to blame because for 18 years, I religiously went to the doctor’s offices & took him & his sister to get their annual vaccines, thinking I was doing the right & best thing. 🤦🏼♀️🤯 Now since Covid, I’ve been blown away about all the truths I’ve learned. But sadly, I raised my kids with the inaccurate belief that vaccines were safe, effective, & good for health! Now I know how wrong I was! So, I got my kid trusting in the system & believing vaccines were good instead of believing they were harmful. & I can’t erase that impression. Now I’m treating him with bromelain, NaC, serrapeptase, nattokinase, & activated coconut charcoal. & I ordered Ivermectin. & I’m praying! 😞
yes we got our kids used to vaccines since the had so many when they were young. We didn't know the truth
Not everyone died ............yet. A 20-year-old relative of mine, mandated to the vaccine by her university, is 2% away from menopause. What has died is her hope to ever have children.
It would've been too obvious to have made all the shots so lethal that everyone who received one died immediately or soon thereafter. Even those who were true vax believers, would have caught on to that very quickly. The worldwide vax program would have come to an abrupt halt early on.
Craig Pardekooper's amazing study demonstrated that the effects of the vaxxes from batch to batch varied. Pfizer, Moderna and one other vax manufacturer coordinated their efforts to test the "results" - injuries and deaths - of the various batches. Absolutely chilling, but explains why some people suffered immediately, and why some 2 years out still show no ill effects.
Many researches also believe that a good percentage of the shots were saline and completely harmless.
The scamdemic has caused immeasurable suffering and heartache. Sadly, there's now a new reason for people to end a marriage. I'm truly sorry your family fell victim to the insanity.
You've probably already done this, but there are protocols to help people who've gotten vaxxed so please research that. I think America's Frontline Doctors may have information on it. There are definitely others.
Use brave.com to search.
God bless you and your daughters.
Can't disagree. It was blatant.
The inventors of mRNA, who worked under the order of the US Military, thought they were developing it for the 'repair of gene faults'. I wonder how they feel today seeing that they were 'used' and contributed to the long-term plan of the destruction of humanity.
GerdaVS, excellent point.
I fully agree.
A prototype project carries high risk, as I understand it, allowing room for failure, as I've seen it stated. So, if all this was funded as a prototype, everybody saying that it is not an experiment is a liar. Basically, a prototype IS an experiment, understood to possibly fail. This has been an exercise in mass production and distribution of what looked like a great idea on paper, and the risk of failure has been an accepted part of the process from the beginning, I think.
Regulatory laws and good manufacturing requirements were always on the books, but actually following and enforcing these went all to hell, seemingly to EXPERIMENT with the prototype manufacturing and distribution exercise.
It has been an insidious, sneaky way to conduct an experiment on the entire world population. I cannot fathom all the angles of how it is wrong.
And joining that with the One Health Certificate they are pushing worldwide, we do not seem to stand a chance. Going to the Dr. for annual check up tomorrow...if they ask me about Jab status?
What do you say?
I do not go to the Drs connected to the system. I have a private physician whom I pay directly and who is not going to follow the government orders.
They asked me at a clinic and I told her I was disappointed by the question. Nothing more of it was said. In US we have the ability to refuse one healthcare worker at an office/clinic/hospital until we're comfortable with another.
"What are they investing in?..." Probably Blackrock. Certainly not US.
Depends on who is demanding the product. We have lots of enemies and haters And lots of government officials and experts. Take the koolaid folks. No do not take. Agape
Now Canada and large food markets in U.S. are bringing up apps you have to use to buy food. Albertsons is one. Connected to your health and v. status. Not sure about this story but the creep keeps creeping.
Who's discovered mRNA in any human patient? Or the synthetic spike protein?
DARPA have proof? I've seen none. It's smoke and mirrors to get this poison repeatedly in as many bodies as possible.
They have found spike protein still circulating in people with myocarditis.
Who are "they"? I always like to know who is making such claims. Since there is no evidence of the "pathogenic virus" (SARS-CoV-2), how is it possible that a spike protein could be created from "it" (even a facsimile)?
Art Costa, I’m not sure. Karen Kingston believes that the graphene molecule in the hydrogel/PEG is actually the spike. She feels they lied to us about the mRNA narrative. If she’s right, I guess that would be good news bcuz then, that should mean it doesn’t change one’s DNA (altho that one study about the liver cells proved it does in fact get taken up by the genome, so ?? 🤷🏼♀️)...however, it would still be bad news, as then the graphene molecule (being a spike) would still need to be detoxed from the body. Does anyone really know the absolute truth??
Monica M whether it's graphene oxide or some other toxin, I think it's becoming clearer that they cannot penetrate cells.
You may want to watch and read this from Dr. Stefano Scoglio:
Art Costa, I hope you’re right, because my 20 year old son foolishly took two jabs! I will watch & read your link. But I’m wondering though, why are they finding in autopsies people that have so much spike in them & that the spike has lasted for many months after? It is a worry.
No, I don't think so either. From what I've read so far, these mRNA gene therapy treatments done to try to rid cancer cost millions of $ and are very fragile too, meaning not suitable at all to be made in bulk. As they are EUA, the "secret ingredients" can remain so to protect manufacturer. Adam Curtis made some short films which are on BBC iplayer about how too much information, both true and untrue, from sublime to ridiculous, was projected on to Russian population to completely undermine any possibility of discerning facts. Not just Russan gov either! I think this is their MO right now.
After learning how supposedly esteemed medical journals go about their business, it is difficult to believe studies whether peer reviewed or not. Can they not use the ones generated in their computer genebank?
I've raised the issue that most (all) of science, specifically life sciences, are based on hypotheses, claims, and fewer are actually theories that have followed some degree of verification through independent variables and control procedures and independent reproduced results.
As you note we have little to go by since so much because dogma and the above method is, particularly in "virology" not used at all. Much of it is funded by pharma and DARPA/government grants. The academy is soaked in such funding.
Regarding "gene theory" and DNA, I suggest a reading of the critical review that takes you from early conceptualization to the present, raises important questions, followed by a conclusion. A critical review should be assigned to every theory which has been floated a "fact" or "proven" when in fact it has not.
Truncated mRNA I believe it does not stop apparently! Could be likely causing all kinds of Shiite!
It's a formula developed from a computer simulation. Those who have tested vials find some pretty nasty stuff - nanoparticles. These can be manufactured and included. I think these can along with whatever concoctions they mixed in cause some real damage. You don't want this in your body.
The idea that these launch "spike proteins" to combat a specific pathogen that's never been discovered to exist and cause "COVID-19" is science fiction - Fantastic Voyage II.
Art Costa, I’d have to look back in my files, but I recently read that a publication just came out where coroners (I’m assuming) performed autopsies on c19 jabbed patients & found their bodies to be riddled with spike proteins...the patients organs were filled with spike. This worries me, as my 20 year old son also took it!
You know, lots have seen these spike proteins on autopsy pics. But as we are repeatedly told, a virus is so small that complete isolation in literal sense is not possible. So how are these parts of a virus being actually seen? I know they are synthetic as opposed to the alleged real virus spike. My children took them too so I know what you are going through.
Thanks for your reply - yes, I would be happy to chat some more!