The more provable litigation lies in what is already demonstrable and on the record in regards to the hospital protocols.
Why does RFK's team and Bigtree's team avoid this?
A lot of people are under the misconception that RFK and Bigtree are against vaccines. They are not- they stake their ground on wanting "safe vaccines" an oxymoron if e…
The more provable litigation lies in what is already demonstrable and on the record in regards to the hospital protocols.
Why does RFK's team and Bigtree's team avoid this?
A lot of people are under the misconception that RFK and Bigtree are against vaccines. They are not- they stake their ground on wanting "safe vaccines" an oxymoron if ever there was one.
Here's a snippet from a Q&A with RFK:
Q: Rates of childhood infectious diseases have plummeted over the past half-century or so. Are you out to return us to the dark ages?
Kennedy: "I am for vaccines. I have been tracking mercury in fish for 30 years and nobody has called me antifish. I am pro-vaccine. I had all my kids vaccinated. I think vaccines save lives. But we are also seeing an explosion in neurodevelopmental disorders and we ought to be able to do a cost-benefit analysis and see what's causing them. We ought to have robust, transparent science and an independent regulatory agency. Nobody is trying to get rid of vaccines here. I just want safe vaccines."
I agree that all of these injections from the 19th century onward have never been (nor can they be) safe and effective. RFK, Jr is a politician by inclination. You no doubt know the characteristics that embodies. He and Bigtree are speaking poli-speak. Nothing to do with science or certainly not the truth. As of late he's shown disdain regarding those who have researched the matter and come up with a clear verdict: there's no pathogenic virus - EVER. It's the emperor's clothes, and the injection is toxic with all kinds of junk running through the bodies of those who succumbed.
Kennedy has evolved under this massive psy-op as a gatekeeper of sorts. He wants nothing to do with the fact that no pathogenic virus has been found using the premises of the scientific method. The scale of the psy-op is 1,000 fold anything encountered before. Once people grasp what this really is than we can stop playing games about "spike proteins".
Fauci is a front, as are all the regulatory bodies such as FDA, CDC (as we see in Ohio including EPA, in transportation FAA, FCC 5G rollout, etc. etc.).
Operationally this does seem to be a military ops regarding the jab following the likes of the so-called anthrax injection campaign.
The entire system is privately owned and ruled. The president is just an order taker - the Office of the President was captured long ago - the office that has some authority to issue proclamations, executive orders, and oversee military (domestic and foreign).
RFK is a very smart and able man and has been working in our defense for a very long time. Look at all his environmental legislation. He spoke out all over europe and elsewhere during the lockdowns putting his life at risk. That's way more than 99 % of us ever did. I am so sick of the attacks on him. He and his cohorts came up with strategies when everyone else could only talk about fleeing the country. He has shown great leadership, courage and intelligence. Most people think they are being courageous by weighing in on the internet. I suggest that there are being out on the street, talking to people in person, organizing etc are far more important and I hope that people will follow RFK's courageous lead.
Every body can't do everything. But every body can do something.
I gave up on saviors a long time ago. His org has garnered millions.
Do you know, for example, that the US has, combined local, state and federal 300,000 laws on the books regarding gun control and yet....
Laws haven't gotten us clean drinking water, soil, air. We have roughly 1,000 rail derailments, some like Ohio's and Detroit's are emitted tons of toxins. What did the EPA do about this?
What RFK, Jr. misses is that it's the system that's the underlying problem not more laws or regulations. The entire system and its institutions are thoroughly captured and corrupted.
In this interview Jess is clearly and unequivocally a virus skeptic - to put it mildly. Sasha will have to speak directly to this. She seems to lean in that direction, but as I've has some back and forth with her, she seems the jab manufacturing process along with Katherine Watt's legal findings seem to be her focus. (I get the sense she's coy about this. Perhaps she doesn't want to "burn bridges???)
Personally, I agree with Jess and those who claim there's no scientific proof of a pathogenic virus. The "spike protein" was manufactured in a computer along with the assemblage of a "virus".
I would say that this combined with a catalog of specimens (again never proven to come from nature) were used to provide the basis of the scam, and used in some fashion to create the jab formula. Like Sasha I do think the manufacturing of these billions of vials are highly contaminated and lack sufficient quality checks (based on DARPA specs). So the shots can cause all kinds of bad effects (including death) depending on the roll of the dice.
The more provable litigation lies in what is already demonstrable and on the record in regards to the hospital protocols.
Why does RFK's team and Bigtree's team avoid this?
A lot of people are under the misconception that RFK and Bigtree are against vaccines. They are not- they stake their ground on wanting "safe vaccines" an oxymoron if ever there was one.
Here's a snippet from a Q&A with RFK:
Q: Rates of childhood infectious diseases have plummeted over the past half-century or so. Are you out to return us to the dark ages?
Kennedy: "I am for vaccines. I have been tracking mercury in fish for 30 years and nobody has called me antifish. I am pro-vaccine. I had all my kids vaccinated. I think vaccines save lives. But we are also seeing an explosion in neurodevelopmental disorders and we ought to be able to do a cost-benefit analysis and see what's causing them. We ought to have robust, transparent science and an independent regulatory agency. Nobody is trying to get rid of vaccines here. I just want safe vaccines."
Putting anyone on a pedestal is dangerous business.
I agree that all of these injections from the 19th century onward have never been (nor can they be) safe and effective. RFK, Jr is a politician by inclination. You no doubt know the characteristics that embodies. He and Bigtree are speaking poli-speak. Nothing to do with science or certainly not the truth. As of late he's shown disdain regarding those who have researched the matter and come up with a clear verdict: there's no pathogenic virus - EVER. It's the emperor's clothes, and the injection is toxic with all kinds of junk running through the bodies of those who succumbed.
Kennedy has evolved under this massive psy-op as a gatekeeper of sorts. He wants nothing to do with the fact that no pathogenic virus has been found using the premises of the scientific method. The scale of the psy-op is 1,000 fold anything encountered before. Once people grasp what this really is than we can stop playing games about "spike proteins".
Fauci is a front, as are all the regulatory bodies such as FDA, CDC (as we see in Ohio including EPA, in transportation FAA, FCC 5G rollout, etc. etc.).
Operationally this does seem to be a military ops regarding the jab following the likes of the so-called anthrax injection campaign.
The entire system is privately owned and ruled. The president is just an order taker - the Office of the President was captured long ago - the office that has some authority to issue proclamations, executive orders, and oversee military (domestic and foreign).
What an excellent and astute comment. Thank you.
RFK is a very smart and able man and has been working in our defense for a very long time. Look at all his environmental legislation. He spoke out all over europe and elsewhere during the lockdowns putting his life at risk. That's way more than 99 % of us ever did. I am so sick of the attacks on him. He and his cohorts came up with strategies when everyone else could only talk about fleeing the country. He has shown great leadership, courage and intelligence. Most people think they are being courageous by weighing in on the internet. I suggest that there are being out on the street, talking to people in person, organizing etc are far more important and I hope that people will follow RFK's courageous lead.
Every body can't do everything. But every body can do something.
I gave up on saviors a long time ago. His org has garnered millions.
Do you know, for example, that the US has, combined local, state and federal 300,000 laws on the books regarding gun control and yet....
Laws haven't gotten us clean drinking water, soil, air. We have roughly 1,000 rail derailments, some like Ohio's and Detroit's are emitted tons of toxins. What did the EPA do about this?
What RFK, Jr. misses is that it's the system that's the underlying problem not more laws or regulations. The entire system and its institutions are thoroughly captured and corrupted.
Just out of curiosity, what does Ms Latypova say about there being "no pathogenic virus -- EVER"?
In this interview Jess is clearly and unequivocally a virus skeptic - to put it mildly. Sasha will have to speak directly to this. She seems to lean in that direction, but as I've has some back and forth with her, she seems the jab manufacturing process along with Katherine Watt's legal findings seem to be her focus. (I get the sense she's coy about this. Perhaps she doesn't want to "burn bridges???)
Personally, I agree with Jess and those who claim there's no scientific proof of a pathogenic virus. The "spike protein" was manufactured in a computer along with the assemblage of a "virus".
I would say that this combined with a catalog of specimens (again never proven to come from nature) were used to provide the basis of the scam, and used in some fashion to create the jab formula. Like Sasha I do think the manufacturing of these billions of vials are highly contaminated and lack sufficient quality checks (based on DARPA specs). So the shots can cause all kinds of bad effects (including death) depending on the roll of the dice.