So, far, there’s been too little mention that not only was there no pandemic, no public health emergency nor a new illness, instead, deliberately mischaracterised existing illnesses, medical murder, a persistent and pan media lying campaign, culminating in mass administration of obviously superfluous, useless and intentionally harmful injections.

I know little to nothing about how these materials for injection got made, but I know this, after 30y+ working with teams engaged in rational design of new medicinal entities, then evaluating them pre clinically, through toxicology and into early clinical trials: these injections were designed to harm recipients.

No other outcome is built into their designs. Toxicity is always a question of dose, persistence, distribution, clearance, susceptibility etc. So, not everyone was harmed. Those who were harmed were not always harmed immediately, because there were built into them multiple, independent, unnecessary and obvious mechanisms of toxicity.

I make these claims based on training in biochemistry and mechanistic toxicology, respiratory pharmacology and several decades in biopharmaceutical R&D.

Dr Malone is a biologist with good knowledge of immunology and toxicology. Was he unaware of the expected consequences of mass administration of materials of their publicly stated design and composition? (I’m aware that what people were injected with was not identical to the stated designs, not that this is any better).

If you’ve not yet heard from me, this is a good introduction. I’ve been languishing under extraordinary levels of censorship since mid-2020. I expect those who would prefer me to β€œSTFU” aren’t pleased that they haven’t yet succeeded in shutting me up.

Best wishes


Ps: in case it isn’t clear, I’m a big fan of Sasha and Katherine and share no credit whatsoever for what their sleuthing has uncovered. I do claim to have been among the earliest, qualified people to have called out what I expected to happen from mass administrations of these intentionally harmful materials. Unfortunately, it’s not the end, possibly the end of the beginning, for monsters are going to scare & coerce many more people to roll up their sleeves yet. There’s no benign interpretation of the build-out around the world for products of this kind & the capacity to manufacture tens of billions of doses annually.


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The Spike Protein is a Swiss Army Knife of weaponized segments to harm humans, most of them long known and previously well studied.

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It's been toxic way before spike protein or mRNA.

Blaming it on spike protein only pumps up the "engineered virus" narrative. Yeadon knows there was no pandemic!


There's also a link to a relatively recent study that found myocarditis risk in a non mRNA LNPs shot.

It's like the "traditional" vaccines which are dangerous not from the "virus" but the toxic preservatives and adjuvants.

The "virus" explanation is a distraction and the whole idea of vaccination is as idiotic as bloodletting. Injecting something directly into the body, even peanut oil for example can kill you. So how exactly are ANY of the vaccines safe?

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"The "virus" explanation is a distraction and the whole idea of vaccination is as idiotic as bloodletting."

Except, bloodletting would be found less harmful. If we conducted a proper blind study for long-term all-cause mortality and morbidity of people who took the jab vs unjabbed people who donated blood, I would bet a shiny silver dime that the blood donors would fare better by orders of magnitude. Bleeding would not prove effective against the pestilence, but done as it is for donors, it would have an astonishingly better safety profile.

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It took him two years to admit it.

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That’s because I was too stupid to realise that fact, having spent the previous 62 years of my life immersed in lies that I’d not realised were lies.

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A very rude awakening, dear Dr. Yeadon.

You, are not alone…so many good (truly, GREAT) doctors also were nudged into β€˜realty’.

I am consistently a β€˜glass half full’ reactor, and so, in my view the Covid psyop had a profoundly positive effect on many.

Like any war (and this is indeed a war of good vs evil), there were many casualties, but also, there are many more β€˜new warriors’ in this battle for bodily autonomy/sovereignty, for, simply, FREEDOM.

Soooooo many GREATS, like YOU are awake and speaking up.

I’m 10 years older than you, and I will never back down…my grandchildren, all children deserve FREEDOM.

G-d Bless you, Dr Yeadon & your beloved family. πŸ’πŸ™πŸ»

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The truth was often bent slowly, like training a tree, too fast and it snaps. review the materials of the past and see how post ww2, the world was bent via the media and the government. The 1st rule of manipulation is to control the information available, the 2nd is to make the available information incomplete or untrue, or biased in a certain direction.

We are all programmed, and so many people say, I'm aware, they can't manipulate me, but they can in ways we don't see or don't know of. One cannot verify every iota of data one receives, certain prerequisites become necessary to function in life. One can however walk away from a position or nature of trust, to instead one of scrutiny and sceptisism.

good on you for contemplating your inputs being corrupted and questioning your programming. so many accept the world at face value and so happy to be cell phone internet zombies, newer,better,faster, consume,consume,consume. a life left uncontemplated..

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Dr Yeadon, an admittance of stupidity is certainly not deserved! To be able to see that the 'science' as told to be lies after being immersed for so long in the industry speaks well to your intelligence, being able to admit your mistake talks to your morality, and to talk out loud against your peers' demands talks to your courage! I don't know any other in my life of that calibre..... you are truly a legend. On something to levitate the soul - I heard that Dr Science-Fauci choked on a toilet roll.

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I doubt anything even remotely close to spike protein is coded for by what’s found in so called vaccines… That’s why Shizer and Murderna had to fake their western blots.

Eukaryotic cells have multiple layers of protection against foreign invaders. Anything foreign gets inside and the cell is marked for destruction.

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I believe that is just another fairy tale and phantom to chase. No virus, no spike protein.

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you can beleive whatever you like, but it doesn't make it true. that is the fallacy of confirmation bias..

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Forever grateful that I heard you first speak out in June of 2020. I’ve followed and loved you (gentle-warrior) ever since. G-d bless πŸ’πŸ™πŸ»

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I and many many others feel exactly the same way about our much respected and esteemed Dr. Yeadon! Thank you for writing this about him!

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Michael, I am a physician who was in Los Angeles during the SCAMdemic. Science was shunned. Doctors profited from vaccinating their patients and ignored the vaccine injured. My hospital administration was part of the scam. Our hospital was EMPTY during the "worst pandemic ever."

Now that I am aware of "Whole of Government" mechanism

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrJhQpvlkLA ), it all makes sense to me.

The University of California system,

The California Board of Medical Quality Assurance,

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health,

The City of Los Angeles,

The City of Santa Monica,

The County of Los Angeles,

The AMA,

The New England Journal of Medicine,


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I split up from my physician partner over these things .. so i'm a bit out of the medical loop now. Did drs manage to evade their own jabs and toxic meds do you think ?? or were they forced/lulled into compliance too ?

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My doctor was initially against the CLOT SHOT as we discussed the failed mRNA experiments with ferrets which was already known for about a decade or more. He was subsequently pressured to inject his patients and staff by BIG MED and died about 2 months later due to a personal injection or shedding from these contaminants. Sad.

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Or feeling bad about the whole thing. It must be stressy times for medics :(

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the strange thing, that made me understand it was mass hysteria, was the offering of "tokens" to take, an untested potion, as an injection that could not be undone as surely as a cake cannot be unbaked.

a donut for an injection is science, is medicine, or simple madness. I've never seen this in the swine flu, or AIDS or any other public health emergency.

One doesn't need inducements to do what is right and proper, one needs inducements to commit errors in judgement, crimes and actions not in one's best interests.

The fees for intubating a patient and venilating them were said to be 35,000$ - these were inducements to the hospital from the government. These were not to the benefit of the patients, these were inducements to revenue numbers of the health care providers.

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People were kind of mad not to spot those things indeed :(

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Thank you for your integrity. The entire Medical Industrial Complex is designed to continually make you sick for profit. This profit thus enables Big Pharma to find governments and the Military Industrial Complex. Hence, if you reveal any secrets that bypass their poison, they will go after you.

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Thanks for speaking out. We'd heard that hospitals were actually empty and I know of at least one nurse who'd been working here in my neck of the woods who said the same thing. There was another outspoken nurse in Santa Rosa (Sonoma county, CA) who'd appeared in interviews on VSRF (I think that's where I saw her) who also said clearly that the hospital she worked in was empty-- wwt?? And since we were all locked down and not "allowed" out, there was really no way of knowing the truth of the situation except from reports of first-hand accounts. Never again!!

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Dec 11Edited

Mike as a Toxicology expert you should be able to comment on what injecting small amounts of Gallium, Arsenic, Cadmium, Thorium, Uranium will do to a person no doubt. See https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/111

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Link broken

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Funny how that happens to the important stuff. Try backing out the /360 in the path, then load that link and then download the PDF. If that fails search for "At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in COVID-19 Vaccines".

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Thanks. Recently I have become concerned that my favourite sources are being erased from the internet. Sinister. Need to download useful stuff.

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"Among the undeclared chemical elements were detected 11 of the 15 cytotoxic lanthanides used in electronic devices and optogenetics. In addition, among the undeclared elements were all 11 of the heavy metals"

Try Ecosia as search engine: https://www.ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/111

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Yup. Got it. πŸ‘

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A lot of very good 9/11-related information has been disappearing, and same for Convid information, even archive.org is iffy now.

If these mass murderers win, we will soon see history scrubbed and re-written Γ  la Orwell.

Over the past 3 years I've been saving everything, and I'm now drowning in info.

Clipcache and Everything go a looong way in helping me sort through all the material.

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I've warned people for so long that once we rely on computer data it will be rapidly gamed to delete our past and control our present. We needed laws to prevent that years ago I'm afraid.

Store books, store backups.

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Archive is back online.

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and burn to dvd, and only use a read only cd reader (not writer) to look at it. make new backups every 5 to ten years.

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Thanks again Dr. Yeadon for standing up and being counted...like a real man. I am grateful to you for your intrepid responses since this macabre scheme was implemented, and wish you the best. Hopefully we will meet one day and I will thank you in person. I am doing and will continue to do what I can to prosecute this fight against these God-hating miscreants. The gloves are off...

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There is a "Bob Malone" in every country these things were rolled out in.

His counterpart exists in every nation. This is not just a USA DoD thing.

People need to find the other "Bob's".

#wheresBob #follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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At the council of Robs, we have excommunicated Mr Malone.


(The council of Ricks from Rick and Morty)

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Heh, heh... The old saying "Bob's your uncle." comes to mind...

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Robber Barrons. half the kids in Australia got two or more jabs.

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Dr. Mike Yeadon summed up the "Covid" 5 year journey beautifully. The "Silver Bullet" speech explains the whole nightmare. He brings expertise and a heart for health.

It cost him and yet he spoke out. He did quick work exposing the Medical Lies. Thanks.

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Yes he certainly did. I remember when he first came out and spoke. He showed a genuine heart for humanity. I'll never forget that.

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If anyone's attempting to pin the creation of the actual vax formulations that were forced into arms onto Dr. Malone, pls understand that Dr. Malone's on record having objected to the actual formulation as it used pseudouridine, not uridine, and most of us understand the fact that quality control was basically absent. I have no idea why he took the shots other than his statement that he'd heard that the ConVid vax "could be" helpful in mitigating long Covid. Doesn't make sense to me. DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT IN ANY WAY A VACCINE APOLOGIST. I DID NOT, WOULD NOT AND WILL NOT TAKE ANY "VACCINE" AS THERE IS LITTLE EVIDENCE THEY PREVENT ILLNESS AND ALL OF THEM WILL HENCEFORTH BE FORMULATED WITH mRNA.

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It is just as poisonous with uridine, as with pseudouridine. and he was very proud to tell everyone he invented it. So please. He is only upset about pseudouridine because the two dumb clowns who got the Nobel for it, and he didn't. He really thought he would get the Nobel prize.

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And yet he would have had to have been aware of the poisonous nature of the LNPs and he would also have had to have been aware that the LNPs were going to distribute the mRNA everywhere, throughout the body.

I can't see how he could not have known these two things considering all the years of his playing around with that technology.

And add to that the cancers and auto-immune complications, the animal models had been revealing these problems for a long time, which is why transfection was never before approved for use on humans.



Ths is not for Sasha, as I'm quite certain she is well aware of these issues, but for those of you that are newer to the issues, the above information might be of interest.

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What bothered me the most, watching & listening to "Bob," especially when he was the initial speaker day one of CHD's first conference, was that he never apologized, at all, to the women of this world for helping to initiate the creation of this genetic toxin delivery system, which is wrapped in the clever little Lipid Nano Particles, & then crosses every membrane in the human body & bio-accumulates in the OVARIES.

Vast numbers of women suffered terrible menstrual problems, miscarriages, infertility, & "decidual uterine casts," & later gave birth to children with birth defects or Autism thanks to "his" discovery.


If I had invented this shit, say for terminal cancer patients, where there might possibly be some tiny bit of reason for it's deployment, but instead it got rolled out on the whole world, & particularly on women of child bearing age, & God forbid, on pregnant women & then on children too?!

Yea Gods. I would be so, so, so horribly repentant and sorry, to the depths of my soul.

But this guy? Not one word, ever, have I heard from him on that subject. If I've missed it, I'm sorry, but somehow I don't think I have. I did listen, a lot.

Something doesn't smell right here, & all the intelligent & seemingly thoughtful posts aside, he has no remorse. That should tell us everything we need to know...don't you think?

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Yes, of course, but then, he is going to rationalize it by saying that he was developing this technology so that it could one day be used to deliver therapeutics in a "targeted manner" to any part of the body, thereby curing cancers and any other malady... Yay! Saving the sick!

All fine and dandy as a pretext, sure, but as I was pointing out in the links in my previous post above, this technology was fraught with many, many safety issues that are as yet insurmountable, and someone as deeply rooted in this "research" (I would rather call it "bioweapons fine-tuning", but that's just me...) would most certainly be aware of all these safety/danger issues and it makes absolutely no sense at all that anyone conversant with these problems would have willingly had themselves injected with any of this genetic therapy tech... ESPECIALLY not twice injected.

He cannot possibly be telling the truth when he claims to have been injected with this poison twice.



I am not concerned about any smear job anyone might have conjured up on Couey, I don't know if he has some character defects or not, all that aside, are the general principles he outlines (links above) correct?

I believe they are, and I believe that Malone would have been cognizant of these deadly hazards to the transfection therapies that these injections supposedly represent.

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I wasn’t jabbed but had bleeding in menopause 3 days after my ( elderly) mom & companion took the first one.

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My recollection is that the patients that were given this kind of gene therapy (mRNA delivered) for cancers had a high risk of SAEs, including death, and that was known before someone got the idea that everyone "needed" to have these mRNA-based vaccines.

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or Yeadon now saying no contagious viruses given his top level at Pfizer research. must have been deprived of electron microscopes and sick monkeys.

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If it were such a great invention, why didn’t Malone publish the results, so that others could try to replicate his invention? Because it didn’t work?

You know what I think? I think his whole invention is just fake as the rest of the so-called vaccines and scamdemic…

I already had my suspicions Malone was a fairy-teller when he was bluffing in an interview with Geert Vanden Bosche about his vaccinology skills… GVB looked stunned. However, even GVB didn’t pass the fundamentals test in his vaccinology skills as he absolutely doesn’t understand population genetics.

Simply put, both RM and GVB seem to be lacking fundamental knowledge in their fields of expertise…

They both believe that if SARS-Cov2 hadn’t evolved, it must have been engineered.

No third opinion allowed…

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Did he tell you that?

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yes, in his whiny articles about this. He is still pissed that his marvelous invention didn't get the glory.

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reminds me Al Gore saying he invented the internet (true to some extent)

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unless Al, is actually DARPA, no Al didn't invent squat, he even stole global warming, his other money making scam he sold from his private jet, burning kerosene all over the 1st world.

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I don't believe for a second that he let himself get injected with the poison.

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No way on earth.

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he could have gotten saline and would never know...

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"True Believers," All..


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the AI eucharist, the blood of the AI god must go in everyone's veins. The church of the Holy Electron, thus began the holy war, castigating non beleivers and bringing the digital inquistion.

Special sauce cooked up by your friends at the Wellcome Trust since the Rothschilds funded them into existence



what was next door to Wellcome's farm that grew the test animals and housed the labs? British Intelligence HQ.

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Thank you Dr Yeadon for keeping the drum beat going. They must not get away with this, three of the people I love most in this world played Russian roulette. One already had a cancer spring up overnight...

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And I'm a big fan of yours, despite the fact that I have no doubt there was Gain-Of-Function virus, or some other virus running about, making some people quite ill, some of whom, myself included, suffering with afterwards with "Long Covid."

But the really important truths- there was no "pandemic" other than a world wide attack on ill people with lethal medical Nihilism, lies about safe & very effective treatments like HCQ, Zinc & Zithromax or Ivermectin & Tetracycline, or Aspirin, Steroids, Budesonide, or TCM, etc., etc., and then there were the Lethal Lockdowns with Businesses Being Bankrupted, Freedom of Speech intensively destroyed, Schools Closed, Kids Force Masked, on & on & on, until the intentionally harmful & highly contaminated gene therapies mislabeled "vaccines" were rolled out and functionally forced upon an unwilling population.

That was the end game & I agree completely, everything that went before was created to ensure the success of the injection campaign.

Humanity is under attack, we are being "GMOed" sterilized, and given cancer, heart disease, & pages & pages of diseases....

That looks to me to be the plan all along....

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There's also too little mention about the non-existence of viruses. ;)

Btw.: have you seen https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/germ-theory/is-immunity-a-scientific-concept/ on immunity? This puts the whole "immunology science" in a different perspective. If there are no pathogens to be immune from, then why would an "immune system" even exist?

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To fund the vaccine.

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Great point - if more people actually looked into the non-scientific processes used to identify pathogenic viruses they would realize this is just a fear-porn marketing scam for pharma and a more nefarious way to destroy humanity - deeply demonic. The Baileys along with Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, Mike Stone, and others have shed light on this darkness.

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In order to determine any virus, you need to "isolate" the Benjamins.

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Isolate in large quantities, otherwise the motiviation is lost..

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Your last point is extremely important Dr Yeadon, and seems to be somehow generally neglected: huge capacity is being built, everywhere, and, to my mind at least, surely indicates the show isn't over yet , and that they intend to resort to extreme coercion ti get all of those shots into humans and, most probably, livestock.

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I’m not sure why you keep repeating the same thing over and over again.

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In view what we now know, there is every reason to believe that Dr. Malone’s β€˜good knowledge of immunology and toxicology’ is only as good as he claims and not as it really is. Malone is absolutely clueless about the supposed mechanics of how dead particles called viruses perform functions of the living organisms, like bacteria.

However, he had known that his experiments with gene therapies were toxic and killed people but I doubt he really knows the mechanisms. As you know, I doubt anything found in so called vaccines can be coded for into anything useful or even misfolded proteins. So, the so called vaccines are toxic but the mechanism is still unclear to me. Recently I came across a case of a vaccinated family member who was diagnosed with stage 2 testicular cancer without the source of cancer in testis. What I believe is happening is the so-called vaccines cause enlargement of lymph nodes and mimic cancer by altering cancer markers. People get diagnosed with cancers without identified sources of cancer.

Naturally, some people develop cancers after vaccines by yet unknown mechanisms. Since I know that 85% plus of all cancers don’t have genetic bases but rather metabolic, there have to be other mechanisms leading to cancer in those vaccinated by so-called mRNA vaccines that very unlikely work as claimed.

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Maloney's odious self-incrimination and self-aggrandizement as deep state leader of the controlled health freedom opposition has been apparent and clarified in detail by Charles Wright, Paul Alexander, Sage Hana, Outraged Human, Katherine Watts, you and others for years. To me the real tell was Maloney suing the Breggins for $25 million. That made no sense for anyone actually supporting medical freedom. The truly sad thing is that RFK Jr (who thanked Maloney for advising him on his Fauci book) and OWS Trump just had dinner with Big PhRMA last week figuring out how to increase mRNA jabs for all the cancer cases they've already caused with Covid mRNA and all the crap they are putting in food air and water. Meet the new boss, same as the old!

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full disclosure: in 2022, i was asked to do a hit piece on malone for a website which at first seemed to support his work but would later do a 180.

i demurred,

i don't usually turn down a gig but i turned down this one because i didn't see the point. by then it was obvious that he was fake op (tessa lena makes the important point that controlled op and fake op are two different things). and besides, other people had already done the work. see diana west's foundational reporting





i also remembered malone's debut on the highwire when he had not yet been media trained and groomed as the eminence grise of plandemic "whistleblowers." at the time he came across as nebbishy and weasely and everything about him screamed "CYA."

despite his lack of self-awareness malone is extremely bright and crafty and his article tells me that he believes he has protection. but sasha's little piece of artwork at the end here might be a more accurate indication of what awaits him

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His suit against the Breggins was also a key indicator for me.

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amen. in june 2020 peter breggin was providing expert testimony against the lockdown and in support of sherri tenpenny, who was being persecuted by the state of ohio. where the hell was malone?

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And Dr Jane Ruby. He is still stalking her btw. Man he is pointless.

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I sure hope RFK and Trump will stay clear of the creeps and liars.

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Yup. I 'knew' Mr Malone would some day hang himself whilst watching his January 2022 interview with Joe Rogan >>> https://youtu.be/_NpW-FvWkRE?t=71

Heh, heh... Mr Malone said a lot of things in early interviews... I figured his flatulent self-aggrandizement would eventually lead to self-incrimination. Spend a few minutes listening...

It must be difficult for him to ultimately acknowledge his very exotic, yet quite competent display of self-disaster and idiocy...

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" flatulent self-aggrandizement"!!! Such skill with words! How you made me chuckle in the midst of a very serious discussion! Thank you!

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Glad you enjoyed the humor. A lot of people are taking this jerk too seriously. Here's a wonderful quote from Voltaire. >>> β€œI have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it." >>> FranΓ§ois-Marie Arouet (In a letter to Γ‰tienne NoΓ«l Damilaville, May 16, 1767) - Voltaire - (November 21, 1694 - May 30, 1778)

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Malone should know better than to call anyone looking into this massive crime against humanity a β€œconspiracy theorist.” That ALONE sets off alarm bells against him in my opinion. And indicates to me that you and Katherine are very close to the truth.

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most of modern history since the 20th century has been conspiracy theory proven to be not theory but fact. Pearl Harbor pre knowledge by FDR, jfk/cia etc. The CIA became a government agency in 1947 they co-opted the media very early but even before them the OSS and british intelligence were influencing world news.

Anyone who beleives what they see on tv et al is being programmed, hence the term media programming.

Conspiracy Theorist is now an empty term bereft of meaning and meant only as a character slur, problem is to most conspiracy theorist it isn't a slur, it just means you are over the target.

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Speaking of Pearl Harbor I just read this article on it and how Roosevelt knew his actions towards Japan would cause them to attack us. Plus he knew damn well that they would attack the Pearl.


Plus it details all the Americans and American that supported Hitler…

I recommend reading this because we were never taught any of this treasonous stuff in school. The truth has been hidden from us for too long.

Please share and get the truth out.

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"I recommend reading this because we were never taught any of this treasonous stuff in school." True. In fact, we were taught the opposite of the truth.

"The truth has been hidden from us for too long."

It's much worse than that. The truth has been subverted and perverted since about forever.

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Exactly Sam. Japan was baited and sabotaged into attacking Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt was cover.

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The legitimate Japanese leadership were against war with the US despite our century long meddling in the Far East. There were a handful of Japanese militarists who ran around terrorizing and assassinating the good guy leadership until they got their way.

I now suspect that those goons were funded by the global banking mafia to help instigate the war. We see a lot of that sort of thing today, most obviously in the Ukraine. In fact, it's a near certainty that FDR, Stalin's buddy, played that role right here in the USA.

The history we've been taught is 100% grade AAA baloney. Covid should have taught us all that we can trust nothing coming from "officials."

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The British Crown, would love to get their colony back. They drug the US into WW1 and WW2, they infested our government and James Jesus Angleton gave Israel (a British invention via the Rothschilds) the Atomic Bomb. Angleton was CIA since the OSS days. There are many forces at work, its not as simple as FDR just ignored the warnings he knew were correct, or that they pushed Japan into striking.

There is an effort to destablize the world so that a new way can be implemented.

order out of chaos, Ordo Ab Chao, to create a NEW WORLD ORDER.

The phrase Novus ordo seclorum is one of two Latin mottos on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States.

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Both the Brits and the USA are merely vassals of a much larger group of thugs well described as the globalist banking mafia.

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I've never met a conspiracy theory I did not like.

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I do not agree with flat Earth believers.

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they do not qualify as theories, theories need some data.

also, I do not agree with amrna harm/design/weapon deniers, of which our esteemed host here is one.

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Oh yeah. And Conspiracy Theory by Jesse Ventura had a woman on his show that told him that the PTB were going to kill people with the vaccine.

I think she has been interviewed since the Rona scam broke.

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Dr Rima Liabow said this in 2009 on Jesse Ventura show. Jesse Ventura said he took the vaccine in 2021 that he warned the world about in 2009. He was publicly Boost happy in 21-22.

The Matrix is deep

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Thanks for providing the name. I enjoyed his show because it made me look into what I was taught in school and what the truth was.

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Jesse definitely got the call.

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and if he is lucky, a Willy Wonka ticket to the Dr Strangelove Tunnels of Love. and his choice of 50 of the best women who lost their children to the jab, or miscarried. Good luck down there for 5-50 years.

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Probably Catherine Austin Fitts, l.o.l.-- she'd only been saying this since her 2009 blog post titled "Swine Flu: What I Believe" Last time I looked it's still up on the internet but you have to dig.

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Does that mean I have to take my tinfoil hat off?

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Almost like that old saw about how the criminal wants to return to the scene of the crime, Malone can't let go of his boasting about how great he is at extracting money from the government, even to the point of nearly admitting complicity in the remdesivir mass murder scheme. Imagine the level of hubris required to overwhelm all good sense and prudence to such a degree!

I guess we really can't expect more from someone who desperately wanted to be credited as the inventor of a failed technology recycled to con marks and mass poison the world population.

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I do not see any of that. He seems like a humble guy to me, but trying to lead and make a living like the rest of us.

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Yes, I know a lot of humble fellows who use their wealth to file defamation suits against people in order to intimidate them into silence. After all, the Breggins, by questioning Malone's advancement of the theory that the public were 'asking for it [lockdown]' by being afraid when the government propaganda told them to be afraid, were potentially inhibiting the future of Malone's lucrative career extracting government funds to promote wonderful cures like remdesivir, which did such fine work in culling the population of vulnerable, hospitalized people.

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Humble bragging can be hard to spot. Malone is a master of it, and clearly can't help but continue to dig himself into a deeper hole: I did it, I didn't do it. Sorry, not sorry. Many thanks to Sasha.

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He is a wind bag w/ a 5 yr old mentality.

He accused Witt and Sasha of cyberstalking in that piece .

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Money, Murder and the Mafia and other books by Paul L. Williams indicts the Roman Church as a CIA Masonic Jesuit

Undertaking which is all about world domination and control. Williams a devote Catholic at an earlier point in life sadly chronicles the history of the modern church right up to present times in various publications- meticulously researched and well written it is a chronicle that will make you weep.

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but not jewish... thank g_d for that / sarcasms

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Me too, but hey, at least half the time this is a "smear" substack devoted to demonizing Robert Malone and if you raise objections you will likely be hunted down by the paranoid, vindictive author, a former Soviet Union survivor, who really doesn't "get" the United States, whole profiting mightily by it. The kind of paranoia and bludgeoning verbal, emotional and psychological abuse is absolutely typical of a number of these former FSU survivors. I played her like a cheap fiddle just to see how far she'd run with the schtick. To her credit, she does dig up a lit of useful stuff that needs to be brought up but all the personal vitriol reserved fir Mslone and any subs that disagree nearly negates the actual good.

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Oh baby, you are so hurt. Did you speak with your therapist? Do you need some Xanax? I think that's the United States way, isn't it, to calm down? But what do I know, I am just an ignorant immigrant... Lmao. The problem you are having, sweetheart, is that I understand the United States too well.

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"Oh, jyess, behbee, "The Grrrrate Amerikansyi, Latypohvah," yoo pooohhr leetel chelpless behbeee, yoo are sooooo chuuurt!" Time to take your sh!t show and hit the road back to your cunt-ry of origin.

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I see that you did take, Xanax. Good boy.

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Troll Hunter, hunt thyself.

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Hi Bob, how's the wife?

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Ask The Grrrrate Latypovhvaah, I am chure sheee knowwzzz..

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