If it were such a great invention, why didn’t Malone publish the results, so that others could try to replicate his invention? Because it didn’t work?
You know what I think? I think his whole invention is just fake as the rest of the so-called vaccines and scamdemic…
I already had my suspicions Malone was a fairy-teller when he was bluffing in an interview with Geert Vanden Bosche about his vaccinology skills… GVB looked stunned. However, even GVB didn’t pass the fundamentals test in his vaccinology skills as he absolutely doesn’t understand population genetics.
Simply put, both RM and GVB seem to be lacking fundamental knowledge in their fields of expertise…
They both believe that if SARS-Cov2 hadn’t evolved, it must have been engineered.
If it were such a great invention, why didn’t Malone publish the results, so that others could try to replicate his invention? Because it didn’t work?
You know what I think? I think his whole invention is just fake as the rest of the so-called vaccines and scamdemic…
I already had my suspicions Malone was a fairy-teller when he was bluffing in an interview with Geert Vanden Bosche about his vaccinology skills… GVB looked stunned. However, even GVB didn’t pass the fundamentals test in his vaccinology skills as he absolutely doesn’t understand population genetics.
Simply put, both RM and GVB seem to be lacking fundamental knowledge in their fields of expertise…
They both believe that if SARS-Cov2 hadn’t evolved, it must have been engineered.
No third opinion allowed…