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And yet he would have had to have been aware of the poisonous nature of the LNPs and he would also have had to have been aware that the LNPs were going to distribute the mRNA everywhere, throughout the body.

I can't see how he could not have known these two things considering all the years of his playing around with that technology.

And add to that the cancers and auto-immune complications, the animal models had been revealing these problems for a long time, which is why transfection was never before approved for use on humans.



Ths is not for Sasha, as I'm quite certain she is well aware of these issues, but for those of you that are newer to the issues, the above information might be of interest.

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What bothered me the most, watching & listening to "Bob," especially when he was the initial speaker day one of CHD's first conference, was that he never apologized, at all, to the women of this world for helping to initiate the creation of this genetic toxin delivery system, which is wrapped in the clever little Lipid Nano Particles, & then crosses every membrane in the human body & bio-accumulates in the OVARIES.

Vast numbers of women suffered terrible menstrual problems, miscarriages, infertility, & "decidual uterine casts," & later gave birth to children with birth defects or Autism thanks to "his" discovery.


If I had invented this shit, say for terminal cancer patients, where there might possibly be some tiny bit of reason for it's deployment, but instead it got rolled out on the whole world, & particularly on women of child bearing age, & God forbid, on pregnant women & then on children too?!

Yea Gods. I would be so, so, so horribly repentant and sorry, to the depths of my soul.

But this guy? Not one word, ever, have I heard from him on that subject. If I've missed it, I'm sorry, but somehow I don't think I have. I did listen, a lot.

Something doesn't smell right here, & all the intelligent & seemingly thoughtful posts aside, he has no remorse. That should tell us everything we need to know...don't you think?

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Yes, of course, but then, he is going to rationalize it by saying that he was developing this technology so that it could one day be used to deliver therapeutics in a "targeted manner" to any part of the body, thereby curing cancers and any other malady... Yay! Saving the sick!

All fine and dandy as a pretext, sure, but as I was pointing out in the links in my previous post above, this technology was fraught with many, many safety issues that are as yet insurmountable, and someone as deeply rooted in this "research" (I would rather call it "bioweapons fine-tuning", but that's just me...) would most certainly be aware of all these safety/danger issues and it makes absolutely no sense at all that anyone conversant with these problems would have willingly had themselves injected with any of this genetic therapy tech... ESPECIALLY not twice injected.

He cannot possibly be telling the truth when he claims to have been injected with this poison twice.



I am not concerned about any smear job anyone might have conjured up on Couey, I don't know if he has some character defects or not, all that aside, are the general principles he outlines (links above) correct?

I believe they are, and I believe that Malone would have been cognizant of these deadly hazards to the transfection therapies that these injections supposedly represent.

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I wasn’t jabbed but had bleeding in menopause 3 days after my ( elderly) mom & companion took the first one.

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My recollection is that the patients that were given this kind of gene therapy (mRNA delivered) for cancers had a high risk of SAEs, including death, and that was known before someone got the idea that everyone "needed" to have these mRNA-based vaccines.

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or Yeadon now saying no contagious viruses given his top level at Pfizer research. must have been deprived of electron microscopes and sick monkeys.

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