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Almost like that old saw about how the criminal wants to return to the scene of the crime, Malone can't let go of his boasting about how great he is at extracting money from the government, even to the point of nearly admitting complicity in the remdesivir mass murder scheme. Imagine the level of hubris required to overwhelm all good sense and prudence to such a degree!

I guess we really can't expect more from someone who desperately wanted to be credited as the inventor of a failed technology recycled to con marks and mass poison the world population.

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I do not see any of that. He seems like a humble guy to me, but trying to lead and make a living like the rest of us.

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Yes, I know a lot of humble fellows who use their wealth to file defamation suits against people in order to intimidate them into silence. After all, the Breggins, by questioning Malone's advancement of the theory that the public were 'asking for it [lockdown]' by being afraid when the government propaganda told them to be afraid, were potentially inhibiting the future of Malone's lucrative career extracting government funds to promote wonderful cures like remdesivir, which did such fine work in culling the population of vulnerable, hospitalized people.

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Humble bragging can be hard to spot. Malone is a master of it, and clearly can't help but continue to dig himself into a deeper hole: I did it, I didn't do it. Sorry, not sorry. Many thanks to Sasha.

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He is a wind bag w/ a 5 yr old mentality.

He accused Witt and Sasha of cyberstalking in that piece .

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Money, Murder and the Mafia and other books by Paul L. Williams indicts the Roman Church as a CIA Masonic Jesuit

Undertaking which is all about world domination and control. Williams a devote Catholic at an earlier point in life sadly chronicles the history of the modern church right up to present times in various publications- meticulously researched and well written it is a chronicle that will make you weep.

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but not jewish... thank g_d for that / sarcasms

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Me too, but hey, at least half the time this is a "smear" substack devoted to demonizing Robert Malone and if you raise objections you will likely be hunted down by the paranoid, vindictive author, a former Soviet Union survivor, who really doesn't "get" the United States, whole profiting mightily by it. The kind of paranoia and bludgeoning verbal, emotional and psychological abuse is absolutely typical of a number of these former FSU survivors. I played her like a cheap fiddle just to see how far she'd run with the schtick. To her credit, she does dig up a lit of useful stuff that needs to be brought up but all the personal vitriol reserved fir Mslone and any subs that disagree nearly negates the actual good.

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Oh baby, you are so hurt. Did you speak with your therapist? Do you need some Xanax? I think that's the United States way, isn't it, to calm down? But what do I know, I am just an ignorant immigrant... Lmao. The problem you are having, sweetheart, is that I understand the United States too well.

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"Oh, jyess, behbee, "The Grrrrate Amerikansyi, Latypohvah," yoo pooohhr leetel chelpless behbeee, yoo are sooooo chuuurt!" Time to take your sh!t show and hit the road back to your cunt-ry of origin.

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I see that you did take, Xanax. Good boy.

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Troll Hunter, hunt thyself.

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Hi Bob, how's the wife?

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Ask The Grrrrate Latypovhvaah, I am chure sheee knowwzzz..

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Did Jill beat you up? Confess, she did, didn't she?

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Hah hah-- roflmao-- talking to "The Latypovah" again, eh?

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Yeah, hey Bob.

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Shhh, don't spook him... 😂

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Zee drrrahgon, eet eez coming for yoo, too, dahhhlink ;-)

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oh, you are so much better when you are on drugs....

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yeh, just because these Draculas are in charge of the blood bank, I mean with all the cameras and internet research these days, it's hard to make an honest buck ... without lying.

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Erm... Humble persons don't brag about their humility...

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" I am the light and the truth, none shall enter the gates of heaven but through me" .. though I think Jesus Christ earned his bragging rights. mostly by being humble. though as Lenny Bruce said, the jews crucified him because he would not become a doctor.

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