This is more logical than the official story. I've long wondered why those cities are booming today when they should be uninhabitable by radioactivity.
Interesting. Conversely, some of the elite seem to believe the survivability of nuked cities puts these weapons on the table for more casual use. It's an advantage to know nuclear winter is just a thing your enemy thinks "everyone knows".
Right. So they are no longer useful as a deterrent against the future use of nukes then. Their efforts to stop the proliferation of nukes are going into a bin :-P
(Japanese folks are officially explained why currently residual radiation is low.)
John Pilger documentary "Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned - True Story Documentary Channel". For those of you who think Nuclear War will be a cake walk.
Nukes are fake. Explosive nuclear bombs do no exist. You don’t need nuclear bombs to make war horrendous. I do not watch earnest reports on impossibilities.
Is it really more logical? The presentation does raise questions, however it fails to explain so many things.
1. First of all, to address your concern, a small nuclear (fission) warhead does not make a place uninhabitable for long. A nuclear power accident can disburse MUCH more material, and create worse contamination than an air-burst warhead that largely blows away in the wind. (The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were detonated 2,000 ft in the air.)
2. Napalm and mustard gas do not create a strong uniform shock wave, yet windows over 2 km from hypocenter were blown out and many buildings damaged (not due to fire). The witness in the testimony below (and dozens, if not hundreds of others) reported ONE huge explosion that lifted her off the ground -- shortly after ONE blinding flash of light.
3. A VERY large formation of aircraft would be needed to destroy most of a city with napalm and mustard gas. (All?) Hiroshima witnesses report a clear day, with only ONE aircraft, and NO air-raid siren or alert -- which would be understandable for only a single plane.
4. The reports of radiation sickness are too numerous to be dismissed, as is the large number of cancer deaths, for decades following the events. "Bleeding from the gums" weeks after exposure (as reported below) does not sound typical of mustard gas.
5. There are multitudes of personal hibakusha (bomb survivor) testimonies; I have even reviewed/edited the translations of some of them for an anthology. Please read a few and see if you think the information is more consistent with napalm or an atomic bomb. The Hiroshima Peace Museum has also recorded many video testimonies, which are posted on YouTube. Here is one that I just finished watching; tell us where you think she is mistaken:
Yes, and I have spoken to Hiroshima eye witnesses too, back in the mid 1970's. Everyone spoke of a single plane and a cloudless sky. I think the fake story is a bit far-fetched, and serves little purpose anyway. These events happened a very long time ago.
I can address some of this going from my own research regarding how everything is done now with the multitude of staged, fake shooting events and other goings on. These people are the masters of all official narratives and they pay armies of collaborators to create false testimonies to back it all up. In the case of what goes on now many of these "victims" and "witnesses" turn out to all be from certain families when you do the actual genealogy and often even fairly closely related to one another. That is the world as it actually is. The US military was controlling 100% of the narratives reaching the West from Japan for years after the end of WW2. Anyone trying to refute those narratives would have been completely ignored and if they kept on, "dealt with". There ARE people who have tried to refute these narratives but they are always ignored and relegated to the CIA catch all of " conspiracy theorist". I 100% disbelieve any narratives the US military ever push on the face of it. They aren't to be trusted.
1. This is correct -- a fission bomb would release less radioactivity than a reactor meltdown. But the fallout on the ground in both cities is still far too little in relation to the alleged bombs. In particular, the large amount of unfissioned uranium-235 from the Hiroshima bomb is nowhere to be found. And that small amount of fallout which IS found in Hiroshima came from nuclear reactors, not fission bombs. This is evident from the occurrence of plutonium -- yes, there is plutonium in the Hiroshima fallout, and what is more not only Pu-239 but also a high proportion of Pu-240. The latter simply cannot be squared with the story of the bomb detonation.
2. There is no evidence of a uniform strong shock wave -- in fact, the available evidence clearly disproves it. The eyewitness testimony is best explained by multiple local air bursts. The flash of light may have been blinding, but only transiently so -- a proper nuclear flash should have been permanently blinding.
3. The US bombing survey estimated, to reproduce the observed extent of destruction using conventional means, 220 planes would have been needed at Hiroshima, and 125 planes at Nagasaki. There are witness reports of multiple planes. Once the big mushroom clouds had been created early on in the attack using assorted fireworks, these would have served as smoke screens for other planes.
4. The video explains that the distribution in time and space of "radiation sickness", as well as some of its peculiar symptoms in the H/N victims, points to mustard gas rather than radiation. Mustard also causes cancer and leukemia.
5. Sorry, you have to be more specific. What factual claims in whose testimony do you claim to disprove which aspect of my hypothesis?
1. 4,000-degree air can can lift and carry a lot of radioactive debris. Very little of it may have settled on the blast site; prevailing winds moved the cloud away from the city. We should also check the timing and source of your measurement; there may be others with different results.
2. There is massive evidence of a huge shock wave; see the personal testimonies in section 5, below. One of the main exhibits in the Hiroshima Peace Museum is a map which shows a central red area -- destroyed by blast and fire -- and a surrounding yellow area, where the blast damaged buildings, but without fire. All the survivors below (except one, at 1.8 km) were more than 2 km from the hypocenter, where most of the fire destruction ended.
Only those looking directly at the fireball (2,000 ft. up) during the first few seconds of detonation would be permanently blinded, and it takes that long just to recognize something unusual going on; few would keep staring. Testimonies describe many blind people, but most died within hours or days.
3. Please share the witness reports of multiple planes; this explanation seems very weak.
4. Physicians have treated the radiation victims as such for nearly 80 years, with none of them (unless you can show otherwise) recognizing symptoms of gas poisoning. No physical evidence (ordnance) of a gas attack has ever been found, as far as I know. Mustard gas was not used anywhere in WWII; is it reasonable to think old shells or new bombs (if any existed) were shipped overseas for this kind of effort? Not likely...
5. Testimonies:
"...could see a beautiful plane coming towards Mt. Futaba, behind Ome station."
"...and the next moment I looked, pi-kaaa... (huge flash)"
"...mother came out with glass shards all over her body..."
-- Okada Emiko
"Suddenly, a bluish white light flashed like an electric welding spark... The world went white." < Napalm never casts blue-white light >
"...houses levitated a little and then crushed down to the ground like domino pieces. It was just like a white wave head coming toward me while standing on the beach. This was later called blast shock wave."
-- Terao Takeharu, "A Personal Record of A-bamb Survival
"Well, the school was completely destroyed, but it wasn't burned down."
-- Kirioke Chieko
"I looked at the house. The house was already slanted and flattened, and the roof and windows were all blown away.
-- Takeoka Chisako
"...and all the houses collapsed all at once..."
"I... was thrown six meters behind the entrance."
-- Yahata Teruko
"...the entire sky flashed..."
"...was blown away by the blast and got a serious head injury."
-- (elderly news interviewee, recounting her experience)
"...all the skin that came out of my clothes < was exposed > had been burned." < Apparently not the covered parts. >
-- Lee Jeongun
Napalm does none of these things.
All these testimonies are consistent with an air-burst nuclear warhead. There are:
No references to multiple airplanes
No references to fire bombs
No references to sticky, burning oil/napalm
No references to incendiary canisters that remain after a firebombing attack
No references to gas canisters or similar ordnance
Few, if any references to noxious gas, although nearly everyone describes atrocious smells
For those wishing to argue government suppression; it's been almost 80 years, with no contrary testimony appearing; including lots of opportunities for deathbed confessions.
1. The question is not whether it can lift a lot of debris, but whether it will lift virtually ALL of it. But aside from the improbably low absolute amount of fallout, we also have its isotopic composition, which neither in Hiroshima nor in Nagasaki agrees with the official story. This is all documented in detail in the book, and I will not go into more detail here.
2. There is massive evidence of LOCAL shock waves. One Japanese explosives engineer experienced "the bomb" at 13 km out from the alleged hypocenter. Inspecting the damage, he muses: "why did the blast come from a direction at right angles to the flash?"
"Only those looking directly at the fireball (2,000 ft. up) during the first few seconds of detonation would be permanently blinded" -- indeed. But there are many witnesses who report having looked straight at the flash, yet not a single case report of retinal burns.
3. This is indeed a weak point. The best bit of testimony is one I did not keep tabs of, unfortunately, because at the time I was focused on gathering the "hard" evidence. If I remember correctly, it was on the BBC website. A woman in Nagasaki who was at the time working with the air defence in Nagasaki saw multiple planes approaching and tried to get her superiors to raise an air alarm, but failed at that. This points to collusion of the Japanese authorities.
Another bit is this, from "The Rising Sun" by John Toland, who relates the impressions of a witness from Hiroshima: "In her confusion she had the illusion that vast numbers of planes were roaring over the city, dropping bomb after bomb without cessation."
4. It's all in the book. Mustard gas WAS used by the Japanese themselves in China. The Japanese sure would have recognized the signs of its use. This is another argument that points to Japanese collusion.
5. None of these statements prove anything re. conventional or nuclear bombings.
Look. The key point of the book is the medical and physical evidence. This factual evidence alone, is enough to clearly prove that no atomic bombs were detonated, and that mustard gas, napalm, and reactor waste were used to fake the nukes.
Based on that conclusion, I then propose
a) a hypothetical scenario as to how the bombings were faked,
b) a hypothetical motive for the entire thing.
The scenario and the motive are necessarily more speculative, and I am all for people trying to poke holes into them and trying to improve on them. But doing so will not suffice to resurrect the official story. For that, you actually have to address the physical and the medical evidence. You have not provided any substantial arguments that would do so.
Regardless of the source, there were obviously huge fires involved, and many people were horribly burned. Any use of mustard gas would be completely superfluous and pointless. It's an absurd proposition on the face of it. (Why didn't they do the same thing to Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and other cities?)
You have not offered proof -- only evidence, as I have. It is up to readers to assess what is presented (gathering more info themselves, if they wish), and then formulate their own conclusions, based (we hope) on sound logic and a preponderance of evidence.
One closing point, though, for good measure: It seems reasonably certain that aerial photos of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki mushroom clouds are real, not faked. (There was no Photoshop in 1945, and fraudulent photos like Stalin's were easy to detect and discredit.)
I've never seen comparable pictures from the dozens of Japanese cities that were simply firebombed. Is that because conventional fires do not create the massive concentrated temperatures produced by an atomic explosion?
From this and other comments of yours, it seems that not only did you not read the book, but you even did not watch the video at the top of this page. Having arrived at this conclusion, I consider it pointless to continue this discussion.
Regarding the claim that retinal burns were not observed, please watch the testimony starting at 49:00 of this documentary film. He states "The retina burn had a hole in the left eye."
Firstly, both of his eyes should have been affected, not just one. But let's assume he squinted, and on of his eyes was fully closed. Then, the retinal scar should have left a scotoma -- a blind spot. If he looked at the sun at the appropriate angle, or at anything else for that matter, he should simply see nothing at all. The "arrow through his brain" he claims to experience is not explained by such a scar.
In my book, I discuss a few more anecdotes that suggest that some retinal burns had occurred. I contrast this with the actual medical literature, which contains not a single such case.
It really is impossible for me to take you seriously -- you simply don't know what you are talking about.
I don't claim to be a medical expert, but it requires no medical training at all to identify assumptions that are uninformed or erroneous. You describe a "Normal" situation, but know nothing of this man's background or physical situation. What if the blast occurred to one side or the other, not in front of him? What if there was an obstruction, blocking part of his view? What if he is near-sighted or has astigmatism in one eye, and the image does not focus? Do retinal burns always have identical effects, or do they vary, based on severity and location? I submit that many of your assumptions are uninformed and/or incorrect, and that without direct physical evidence and personal testimony of alternative ordnance being used, the overwhelming preponderance of evidence still points to atomic bombs being deployed in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
It is OK to not be a medical expert, but it is not OK to fail at basic reasoning. You adduced this case as evidence of an atomic flash. I pointed out that it fails at that -- it does not show the signs one should expect of a typical retinal burn, and its description as "a whole in the eye" by the alleged victim that causes piercing headache when exposed to light sounds like fiction.
This does not oblige me to prove that THIS ONE CASE is sufficient evidence AGAINST an atomic flash. Such evidence, however, is found in the circumstance that the medical literature contains NOT A SINGLE CASE REPORT OF RETINAL BURNS ON PEOPLE DEAD OR ALIVE after the supposed atomic flashes. You have chosen to ignore this startling fact, as well as a whole raft of others. You shut your eyes and ears, and you keep repeating your mantra of "overwhelming evidence."
You seem to be invested somehow in the official story. As Mark Twain put it, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."
Yes, and the sea of solid glass they claim was there post detonation is now just small fragments tossed here or there. It has been that way since being opened to the public. The same effect can be achieved with enough conventional explosives. They even admit they did a test using conventional explosives a few days before.
And they didn’t let the mob setting up the dynamite pile communicate the mob setting up the “nuclear bomb.” both teams piled up dynamite and were told the other guys were doing the nuke. Haha. So funny.
Also, very interestingly, the San Jacinto Monument outside Houston, which has the Trinity River and Trinity Bay at its back was intentionally oriented to align exactly with the Trinity Site in New Mexico BACK IN THE 1930's, before anyone ever knew these weapons would allegedly exist. They knew then this site was going to be something significant. The monument is a giant Egyptian/Masonic Obelisk. Need I say more.
Everything seems like "Close Encounters of The Third Kind" now. Where they gassed all the animals to scare people away. I always thought that was an interesting part of the movie.
There's no telling how many things have been fabricated over the years.
The evidence is everywhere now. Especially now that we're in the Internet age. Censorship is "required" in order to keep people from knowing what's really going on. If they're doing it now -- right out in the open. Why would we ever believe that there was a time that they weren't doing it? 🤔
It's not that we are living in strange times, it's that we're starting to SEE that we HAVE been living in strange times all along!
Question everything! That's what I do, and it's worked pretty well so far. Me and my family are unvaccinated as a result, and we're doing just fine. 😉👉
Now I learn that nukes can be and possibly were faked at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is a new one on me and I've been around a while.
I know it is important to consider all possible alternative perspectives of all of the false events thrust upon and used on the people throughout world history. The deceivers USE everything. When they don't create the evil deception, they will USE it. We only know what THEY tell us about events, we know they lie and deceive in crafty ways about everything. All we know is that THEY want to own and rule over us but we have already been purchased at the cross.
We have been set up and sold out by all of the leaders we thought we could trust and rely upon.
Judge them by their fruits. Follow reason and truth and the way of the One Who is Truth.
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Indeed. "By their fruits you shall know them", Matthew 7:16, 20. Perhaps this is off-topic, but I feel moved to share it.
The globalist sponsored war on humanity is relentless and pervasive/universal. There has never been anything like it in recorded history which is reminiscent of ‘…there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, (exceedingly terrible), and it shall devour the whole earth, trample it down and break it to pieces’, Daniel 7:23. ‘At that time shall arise Michael the great prince, who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble (Great Tribulation) such as never has been since there was a nation till that time…’ Daniel 12:1. ‘For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved: but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened’, (Matthew 24:21-22. Mark 13:19-20, According to the prophet, Daniel, truth will be replaced by deceit, ‘The truth was cast down to the ground and the horn (antichrist) acted and prospered’, Daniel 8:12.
In our day, truth is reviled and deception reigns as a governing principle. The Devil ‘...was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies’, as spoken by Jesus Christ in John 8:44.
Yes, they were, without a doubt, "faked", if you can say that just dropping a larger amount of the same napalm bombs they had been using against Japan for months previously and combining them with mustard gas to simulate radiation symptoms is more than basically an over grown hat trick. The damage sustained was indistinguishable from photographs of just plain napalm carpet bombing. Most of these cities were composed of very old timber construction buildings that napalm went through like a hot knife through butter. The damage to the very few masonry and steel buildings was entirely consistent with the temperatures achieved with napalm. No melted steel. You can see this very clearly in photos.
Interesting. I lived for two years and some months (1965-67) in Misawa in Northern Honshu -- I was an Air Force brat in high school. In 1966 I watched from our house, some blocks away, while a goodly portion of the central downtown area burned down, largely to the ground as I recall, starting from a gas heater according to the story below (I remembered it as from a cooking fire). What you say about the construction is true.
There are also researchers who have been poring over the historical flight logs and records from the days these bombings allegedly occurred. There are huge discrepancies in the hours leading up to Nagasaki and Hiroshima that aren't present anywhere else. It appears as if many B29 bombers were being diverted from where they were allegedly actually headed. The numbers just don't add up on those days. It has also come out in recently declassified material that one of the scientists, might have been Oppenheimer, was admitting weeks before the alleged Trinity Test that it was going to be 2 more years before there was enough highly enriched material to make a bomb. It was in a letter that got declassified and they didn't catch it.
That's an interesting theory (and anomaly), one that should be relatively easy to verify or reject. What do the witness reports at Hiroshima and Nagasaki claim, regarding large numbers of aircraft over the cities, at the time of destruction? The damage claimed by Dr. Palmer would have required a very large formation of aircraft.
Sorry, just skimmed over it because there didn't seem to be anything in it I hadn't already heard about. Its why I said MIGHT have been Oppenheimer. I read about this a while back and can't claim to have a photographic memory. I'm curious if you saw my comment above about the San Jacinto monument in Texas, built in the 1930's, that has symmetry that aligns exactly with the Trinity Site. There is a long walkway approaching the front side of it from the NW. If you go to Google Earth and shoot a line through the middle of that walk it goes right through the Trinity Site. The Trinity River and Bay are directly behind this Monument. No way its a coincidence. A guy on YouTube with a channel called Seven7One1 found this alignment in 2018 and demonstrated it in a video. What it means is this site had been chosen for something big long before the US entered the War. I think surveying for the San Jacinto Monument took place in the early to mid 1930's. This alignment and occult stuff is what always fascinated me about everything THEY do. There is also occult numerology out the wazoo surrounding everything having to do with the Trinity Site. I started digging at that back in 2017.
Allen Dulles, the fifth and longest-serving Director of Central Intelligence, took a personal interest in the construction of the Original Headquarters Building (OHB). At the dedication ceremony for OHB, Dulles included a quotation in his speech: “And Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free” – John 8:32. Dulles insisted that the quotation be fixed in stone in the OHB Lobby.
Because you are made in the image and likeness of God you are able to see the irony.
We do not go by this world's definition of being "free."
But we look for new heavens and a new earth according to his promises, in which justice dwelleth. 2 Peter 3:13
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill. Mathew 5:6
So, what you're indirectly suggesting is that big institutions - such as the government, C.I.A., the U.N., etc. - tell big lies, and their declarations are unreliable.
Yes, agreed. This is beyond a doubt.
But then other big institutions - the Catholic Church, who determined the canon of the bible - should be trusted as being reliable, maybe because they assure us they were guided by "the holy spirit"?
Saul of Tarsus (a Judaean who was "Romanised" becoming Paul) appealed for a canon of the bible to the churches he had founded during the 50s AD, decades after the crucifixion of Jesus, but the gospels were not physically recorded and the new testament compiled until the 70s-90s AD. Later still, in 382, the Council of Rome convened under the leadership of Pope Damasus and promulgated the 73-book scriptural canon. The biblical canon was reaffirmed by the regional councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397), and not definitively reaffirmed until the ecumenical Council of Florence in 1442. Finally, because this still wasn't, oh I dunno, water-tight?, or because Martin Luther must've called their bluff, the ecumenical Council of Trent solemnly defined this same canon in 1546. So even though they were guided by "the holy spirit," it still took several rounds before they could get it right. But that's okay, they finally did, so this one's the real deal and we should trust it implicitly.
Ditto. Thanks for the links. I've never before encountered this thesis. After red pilling in 2015, studying, and going down myriad rabbit holes (sometimes simultaneously) with everything I could get my hands around, I have no trouble following Dr. Palmer's arguments. I only marvel at our underestimation of the enemy and how effectively they use human nature to create panic and fear within our minds. "Shock and awe" was a tell (in plain sight) we didn't pick up when they began their assault on the Middle East. We are like children enthralled in front of the movie screen never daring to breathe through the dangerous scenes. Alas! The dangerous scenes are now contiguous reality.
btw "shockinawe" (approximate translation) is an occult technique that involves a step in Kabalist ritual black magic to shock and terrify the victim in order to deeply bind/ embed/ imprint the intended narrative
- later adopted by the Nazis in MKUltra techniques then carried over /refined by CIA MKUltra trauma based programming.
How interesting! I'm aware MKUltra uses/has used this technique. I read also in the past some writers asserting that the members of the 13 Families who are chosen to head their operations (not visible to the public) are also raised with similar techniques. If they arise from occultism, I definitely see the connection. They probably jack them up with occult rites and so forth. If some reports are true (because who knows really?), they take great pride in their superiority to the average human so I could understand that both the birth of a new Illuminati royalty + occult rituals would/could develop a level of consciousness they need for their domination.
yes they train their own using these techniques because they are extremely effective.
Occult ritualistic practices abound within the families; subjecting their own children to misgendering, ritualized trauma, incest , pedophelia, ritual sacrifice and torture are all part of the elite upbringing. Psychopathy is distilled, cultivated, refined. Empathy is bred out, discouraged. They literally identify the humane, sensitive empathetic ones to be culled - typically in a ritualistic violent manner. The "world leaders" are chosen by bloodline as well as their potential character traits that will ensure their success in fulfilling their designated roles. Some are cast as villains- like Harrari or Scwab, others are the white hats; Clinton, Obama- others are cast to play the rebel genius (Musk) the nerd tech billionaire(Gates) - they all are cast to fill specific roles in the stage production. I found a lot of compelling evidence that most (if not all) of the actors on the world stage were selected at birth. All the names I mentioned, for example (exception is Harrari, only because I haven't looked into his /it( although right off the bat I will say I doubt he is a "male") history other than a summary overview), have family histories- and bloodlines that are consistent with this concept.
thank you for sharing this is great stuff. yes cutouts - cultivated select actors for us to vilify and rage against -protecting the castle keep, as Sage Hana says. Both layers in this case are absolute monsters- we cannot fathom their mindset, it is not human.
I don't know. I believe the story about dropping atomic bombs was a fake. But I'm not sure about mini-nukes/modern nukes. I think some researchers said they used mini-nukes on 9/11, which caused all the cancers. But maybe all of those cancers was just from breathing in that toxic air. At this point, I just study one event at a time.
The 911 nuke narrative is straight out of the script writing cubicles at Langley and designed to cloud and discredit the actual truth of the buildings just being demolished in the same fashion as nearly all intentional demolitions. There are vids and photos where you can see the thermite charges going off floor by floor. The buildings pancaked down from the initial damage toward the top of the buildings, not from "nukes in the basement". Anyone saying this is a paid agent or not too bright.
They make up really, incredibly dumb stuff that no one with half a brain would believe then they have thousands of agents they pay to push these things on platforms like this. It has the effect of making the entire truth movement look ridiculous to the masses. They have been doing the same thing with "flat earth" for about 10 years. The newest one is that DNA and genetics don't exist; aimed to discredit people who question the vax narratives. They target us but the real end target is the unquestioning masses. They have to be kept in that state you see.
Yes, I followed 9/11 truther researchers closely and it was quite noticeable when one of these theories was a govt op because there would immediately be a huge "following" that would aggressively promote the new theory all over the alt media.
Sorry collected debris from tests affirm fallout is quite real. There are time related issues with the fission products. Ingesting things that emit alpha can be quite dangerous, beta the same. Low levels of radiation might be fine in that most DNA mutations won't persist but some do and may account for changes to the human genome over time.
I was about to check, glad you did. Being careless can be tragic. I've worked in hazardous places but was always aware of the risks. That deluge shower was tested monthly. Those eye wash stations were there for reason. At least the eye wash stations were easier to test!
Some people have been already the victims. I'm pretty sure you're aware of the military personnel or the civilian witnesses who were exposed to radiation. I do listen to them. Besides there are other dimensions attached to this topic.
Yeah, with all the lies they've told, I know longer believe anything from the govt or media. I question everything and do my own research. I woke up after 9/11 and started going down endless rabbit holes. So far I've concluded that all of the history we have been taught are lies.
I'm quite surprised that Dick Feynmann didn't debunk this, after he had won his Nobel, of course.
1. If a radioactive nuclear bomb exploded in Hiroshima/Nagasaki, what would be the expected decay curve for radioactivity (alpha, beta and gamma rays) over a period of 80 years in the absence of specific clean-up initiatives?
2. If those levels simply have not existed the past 78 years, what clean up technologies were used to remove such radioactivity from the scene to explain the lack of radioactivity which must remain had the bombs being detonated in 1945?
3. If the answer to 2 is 'None', then the hypothesis that nuclear bombs exploded over Japan in 1945 is falsfied.
Note that biodynamic farmers were able to remove radioactivity from their fields post Chernobyl by repeated spraying with dedicated biodynamic sprays. The removal of the radioactivity was confirmed by national inspectors, who were bemused by how this could have occurred, but did not deny the reality of the data. the assumption would be that micro-organisms capable of chelating heavy metals must have propagated to help to localise the radioactivity, which was then transported underground through such organisms being ingested by worms etc. Note that no testing of such hypotheses has yet been reported....
That was, of course, done 40+ years after 1945, so whether such attempts were made in 1945 in Japan has to be robustly questioned....
You have too much respect for Richard Feynmann. Physicists' hands are tied. How many have said that a building cannot fall as fast as twin towers, unless it has been prepared for demolition? Not many.
I was stationed at Cannon AFB in New Mexico. After I was discharged the first Apollo mission was staged in 2 hangars on the base -
Yes, and Stanley Kubrick handed them the same front projection technology he had perfected for 2001 A Space Odyssey to use for this fakery. Kubrick later dropped clues about it in The Shining and other films.
Due to the draft, I enlisted in the USAF to avoid combat in a wrongful war in Vietnam war.. I tested my way into having a choice of permanent stations and chose New Mexico and Cannon AFB. Most of us who pay IRS taxes may be an involuntary supporter of the Military Industrial Complex even as civilians.
Because we have never had the ability to get past low orbit. All of the "Big Blue Marble" photos allegedly taken from high orbit have been proven to be fraudulent. If these photos are frauds then all the rest of it is as well. I don't believe it is possible to put any manned device through the intense radiation of the Van Allen Belts. Even technology of any kind would be problematic.
Excellent questions! Not having graduated beyond toilet humour (something, Freud, something, something..), I'm stuck on the quandary of how they kept all that solid and liquid waste under control and in place in in zero-G (assuming no one had to go while taking off), curving trajectories during traverse, 0.166 ɡ on lunar surface, etc., for the 6 days 22 hours and 49 minutes round trip from Earth to the Moon and back, hmm? Inquiring minds want to know.
Come on, people, this is way too much. The vast majority here don't know squat about nuclear physics, and it shows. I'm no expert either, but do know the rudiments, and small-yield nuclear warheads do NOT make a place uninhabitable for extended time frames. The radioactive debris from a large damaged power plant (Chernobyl or Fukushima, using 100 tons or more of enriched uranium) is very different than the fission by-products of a small tactical 10-20 kiloton weapon, most of which go "Up in smoke." (See: )
Speculation is fine, but it seems people in this conversation are completely neglecting the realities of massive scientific programs, huge industrial efforts, hundreds of nuclear tests witnessed by thousands of people all over the world -- and all of this over decades of time. Please put on your thinking caps and give some serious thought to the matter before jumping on the latest revelation bandwagon.
Chernobyl area however is very inhabitable. All the wild life has been thriving quickly after the people left the area, even the wolves came back after centuries of absence. Some locals who moved back in are also doing just fine, growing gardens and some cattle.
Apparently there are reports of Russian soldiers having issues after digging trenches and foxholes at Chernobyl. Disturbing the soil can release pathogens that might be harmful. Long lived alpha isotopes in the lungs could be an issue. We can see the worries about exposure to buried sick cattle in those Ukrainian flood areas.
Yes the half life is that long. What must be considered is the CONCENTRATION left after the explosion. Is there enough active material to cause damage. Many areas of the earth have radioactivity and are safe to live because it is not CONCENTRATED enough.
The pandemic hoax, once properly seen, gives us clear eyes with which to look back through the historical narrative we all have been conditioned to believe. It is all lies. Once you begin to look you will be blown away by how far back it goes, and how extensive the coverup and reshuffling of the cards really is. And like the "the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki" the truth is more often than not even more horrific, more unforgivably heinous than the fictionalized account. Lots of false flags and ambush events. Fake heroes and fake conflicts. People living in peace for thousands of years suddenly at each other's throats. It was typically completely optional. All the trauma, the agonizing deaths, the destruction and poisoning, the manipulation and deception- ALL of it was not even neccessary. And they KNEW it wasn't. Oppenheimer and Einstein, up to their elbows in the shenanigans with their misdirects and lies- the former patent clerk turned into an icon of Jewish intellectual superiority (with a satchel of stolen ideas from others) and the pipe smoking leather arm patch nutty professor prattling on about becoming the destroyer of worlds- actors on a stage. Now they shine us on with fawning CIA mockingbird hollywood movies, like 'oppenheimer'. The ruling little cartel of ruthless mass murderers- racist, unrelenting, scheming monsters.
Honored. Again, thank you sir, for your courageous decision to share your critically important research. And thank you, Sasha, for choosing to share Dr. Palmer's presentation as well. It moves us forward to begin to map out an overview of the machinations of evil afoot.
Ok... I am now officially in the conspiracy camp on everything. JRK assassination. 911. All of allopathic medicine, with narrow exception for trauma care. Pandemics. Shit!
My initial reaction to Sasha's post was, "Yeah, sure!" But I decided to watch the clip anyway. I'm not thoroughly convinced, but am now more open to the possibility. It's something I believe I should look into. I downloaded the PDF and uploaded it into my Kindle library for later reading.
Just a few weeks ago Mark Crispin Miller wrote about it. First I heard.
Funny thing, I remember something firsthand from that time. I was just a kid, but my older brother was laughing at an interview of a former slave, who was well over 100 at that time. The former slave was denying that anyone had gone to the moon. Turns out he was right! Would be great if someone could dig up that interview.
Given that the pervasive narrative that RFK jr is nuts for questioning the childhood vaccines, we have a lot of work to do to wake people up to the fact that DoD is killing it’s own citizens. Now throw in that nuclear bombs aren’t real, the moon landings were fake and viruses aren’t real we will be easy to dismiss. I’m not talking about the merits of those 3 things but we KNOW they have the power and money to spin these “conspiracy theories”. Heck they run the NYT which is THE rag promoting conspiratorial memes. The next thing we will see is vast back-up materials saying the earth is flat! Oh, you’re telling me it’s been done already?
We know this is what they do, infiltrate and destroy from within, we should be thinking ahead about their capability to make us dismissable
This is more logical than the official story. I've long wondered why those cities are booming today when they should be uninhabitable by radioactivity.
Interesting. Conversely, some of the elite seem to believe the survivability of nuked cities puts these weapons on the table for more casual use. It's an advantage to know nuclear winter is just a thing your enemy thinks "everyone knows".
Right. So they are no longer useful as a deterrent against the future use of nukes then. Their efforts to stop the proliferation of nukes are going into a bin :-P
(Japanese folks are officially explained why currently residual radiation is low.)
Fake nukes are not a deterrent to fire bombing of mega cities. 😟
Then a real nuke will need to be exploded in order for war mongering stupid humans to learn ?
There are no real nukes.
Hi John,
Please consider the following;
John Pilger documentary "Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned - True Story Documentary Channel". For those of you who think Nuclear War will be a cake walk.
Nukes are fake. Explosive nuclear bombs do no exist. You don’t need nuclear bombs to make war horrendous. I do not watch earnest reports on impossibilities.
Hmmm... I wonder why aliens are so concerned about them... ;-)
(Oops the govts say aliens don't exist so that must be true)
Is it really more logical? The presentation does raise questions, however it fails to explain so many things.
1. First of all, to address your concern, a small nuclear (fission) warhead does not make a place uninhabitable for long. A nuclear power accident can disburse MUCH more material, and create worse contamination than an air-burst warhead that largely blows away in the wind. (The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were detonated 2,000 ft in the air.)
2. Napalm and mustard gas do not create a strong uniform shock wave, yet windows over 2 km from hypocenter were blown out and many buildings damaged (not due to fire). The witness in the testimony below (and dozens, if not hundreds of others) reported ONE huge explosion that lifted her off the ground -- shortly after ONE blinding flash of light.
3. A VERY large formation of aircraft would be needed to destroy most of a city with napalm and mustard gas. (All?) Hiroshima witnesses report a clear day, with only ONE aircraft, and NO air-raid siren or alert -- which would be understandable for only a single plane.
4. The reports of radiation sickness are too numerous to be dismissed, as is the large number of cancer deaths, for decades following the events. "Bleeding from the gums" weeks after exposure (as reported below) does not sound typical of mustard gas.
5. There are multitudes of personal hibakusha (bomb survivor) testimonies; I have even reviewed/edited the translations of some of them for an anthology. Please read a few and see if you think the information is more consistent with napalm or an atomic bomb. The Hiroshima Peace Museum has also recorded many video testimonies, which are posted on YouTube. Here is one that I just finished watching; tell us where you think she is mistaken:
Yes, and I have spoken to Hiroshima eye witnesses too, back in the mid 1970's. Everyone spoke of a single plane and a cloudless sky. I think the fake story is a bit far-fetched, and serves little purpose anyway. These events happened a very long time ago.
I can address some of this going from my own research regarding how everything is done now with the multitude of staged, fake shooting events and other goings on. These people are the masters of all official narratives and they pay armies of collaborators to create false testimonies to back it all up. In the case of what goes on now many of these "victims" and "witnesses" turn out to all be from certain families when you do the actual genealogy and often even fairly closely related to one another. That is the world as it actually is. The US military was controlling 100% of the narratives reaching the West from Japan for years after the end of WW2. Anyone trying to refute those narratives would have been completely ignored and if they kept on, "dealt with". There ARE people who have tried to refute these narratives but they are always ignored and relegated to the CIA catch all of " conspiracy theorist". I 100% disbelieve any narratives the US military ever push on the face of it. They aren't to be trusted.
1. This is correct -- a fission bomb would release less radioactivity than a reactor meltdown. But the fallout on the ground in both cities is still far too little in relation to the alleged bombs. In particular, the large amount of unfissioned uranium-235 from the Hiroshima bomb is nowhere to be found. And that small amount of fallout which IS found in Hiroshima came from nuclear reactors, not fission bombs. This is evident from the occurrence of plutonium -- yes, there is plutonium in the Hiroshima fallout, and what is more not only Pu-239 but also a high proportion of Pu-240. The latter simply cannot be squared with the story of the bomb detonation.
2. There is no evidence of a uniform strong shock wave -- in fact, the available evidence clearly disproves it. The eyewitness testimony is best explained by multiple local air bursts. The flash of light may have been blinding, but only transiently so -- a proper nuclear flash should have been permanently blinding.
3. The US bombing survey estimated, to reproduce the observed extent of destruction using conventional means, 220 planes would have been needed at Hiroshima, and 125 planes at Nagasaki. There are witness reports of multiple planes. Once the big mushroom clouds had been created early on in the attack using assorted fireworks, these would have served as smoke screens for other planes.
4. The video explains that the distribution in time and space of "radiation sickness", as well as some of its peculiar symptoms in the H/N victims, points to mustard gas rather than radiation. Mustard also causes cancer and leukemia.
5. Sorry, you have to be more specific. What factual claims in whose testimony do you claim to disprove which aspect of my hypothesis?
1. 4,000-degree air can can lift and carry a lot of radioactive debris. Very little of it may have settled on the blast site; prevailing winds moved the cloud away from the city. We should also check the timing and source of your measurement; there may be others with different results.
2. There is massive evidence of a huge shock wave; see the personal testimonies in section 5, below. One of the main exhibits in the Hiroshima Peace Museum is a map which shows a central red area -- destroyed by blast and fire -- and a surrounding yellow area, where the blast damaged buildings, but without fire. All the survivors below (except one, at 1.8 km) were more than 2 km from the hypocenter, where most of the fire destruction ended.
Only those looking directly at the fireball (2,000 ft. up) during the first few seconds of detonation would be permanently blinded, and it takes that long just to recognize something unusual going on; few would keep staring. Testimonies describe many blind people, but most died within hours or days.
3. Please share the witness reports of multiple planes; this explanation seems very weak.
4. Physicians have treated the radiation victims as such for nearly 80 years, with none of them (unless you can show otherwise) recognizing symptoms of gas poisoning. No physical evidence (ordnance) of a gas attack has ever been found, as far as I know. Mustard gas was not used anywhere in WWII; is it reasonable to think old shells or new bombs (if any existed) were shipped overseas for this kind of effort? Not likely...
5. Testimonies:
"...could see a beautiful plane coming towards Mt. Futaba, behind Ome station."
"...and the next moment I looked, pi-kaaa... (huge flash)"
"...mother came out with glass shards all over her body..."
-- Okada Emiko
"Suddenly, a bluish white light flashed like an electric welding spark... The world went white." < Napalm never casts blue-white light >
"...houses levitated a little and then crushed down to the ground like domino pieces. It was just like a white wave head coming toward me while standing on the beach. This was later called blast shock wave."
-- Terao Takeharu, "A Personal Record of A-bamb Survival
"Well, the school was completely destroyed, but it wasn't burned down."
-- Kirioke Chieko
"I looked at the house. The house was already slanted and flattened, and the roof and windows were all blown away.
-- Takeoka Chisako
"...and all the houses collapsed all at once..."
"I... was thrown six meters behind the entrance."
-- Yahata Teruko
"...the entire sky flashed..."
"...was blown away by the blast and got a serious head injury."
-- (elderly news interviewee, recounting her experience)
"...all the skin that came out of my clothes < was exposed > had been burned." < Apparently not the covered parts. >
-- Lee Jeongun
Napalm does none of these things.
All these testimonies are consistent with an air-burst nuclear warhead. There are:
No references to multiple airplanes
No references to fire bombs
No references to sticky, burning oil/napalm
No references to incendiary canisters that remain after a firebombing attack
No references to gas canisters or similar ordnance
Few, if any references to noxious gas, although nearly everyone describes atrocious smells
For those wishing to argue government suppression; it's been almost 80 years, with no contrary testimony appearing; including lots of opportunities for deathbed confessions.
1. The question is not whether it can lift a lot of debris, but whether it will lift virtually ALL of it. But aside from the improbably low absolute amount of fallout, we also have its isotopic composition, which neither in Hiroshima nor in Nagasaki agrees with the official story. This is all documented in detail in the book, and I will not go into more detail here.
2. There is massive evidence of LOCAL shock waves. One Japanese explosives engineer experienced "the bomb" at 13 km out from the alleged hypocenter. Inspecting the damage, he muses: "why did the blast come from a direction at right angles to the flash?"
"Only those looking directly at the fireball (2,000 ft. up) during the first few seconds of detonation would be permanently blinded" -- indeed. But there are many witnesses who report having looked straight at the flash, yet not a single case report of retinal burns.
3. This is indeed a weak point. The best bit of testimony is one I did not keep tabs of, unfortunately, because at the time I was focused on gathering the "hard" evidence. If I remember correctly, it was on the BBC website. A woman in Nagasaki who was at the time working with the air defence in Nagasaki saw multiple planes approaching and tried to get her superiors to raise an air alarm, but failed at that. This points to collusion of the Japanese authorities.
Another bit is this, from "The Rising Sun" by John Toland, who relates the impressions of a witness from Hiroshima: "In her confusion she had the illusion that vast numbers of planes were roaring over the city, dropping bomb after bomb without cessation."
4. It's all in the book. Mustard gas WAS used by the Japanese themselves in China. The Japanese sure would have recognized the signs of its use. This is another argument that points to Japanese collusion.
5. None of these statements prove anything re. conventional or nuclear bombings.
Look. The key point of the book is the medical and physical evidence. This factual evidence alone, is enough to clearly prove that no atomic bombs were detonated, and that mustard gas, napalm, and reactor waste were used to fake the nukes.
Based on that conclusion, I then propose
a) a hypothetical scenario as to how the bombings were faked,
b) a hypothetical motive for the entire thing.
The scenario and the motive are necessarily more speculative, and I am all for people trying to poke holes into them and trying to improve on them. But doing so will not suffice to resurrect the official story. For that, you actually have to address the physical and the medical evidence. You have not provided any substantial arguments that would do so.
Regardless of the source, there were obviously huge fires involved, and many people were horribly burned. Any use of mustard gas would be completely superfluous and pointless. It's an absurd proposition on the face of it. (Why didn't they do the same thing to Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and other cities?)
You have not offered proof -- only evidence, as I have. It is up to readers to assess what is presented (gathering more info themselves, if they wish), and then formulate their own conclusions, based (we hope) on sound logic and a preponderance of evidence.
One closing point, though, for good measure: It seems reasonably certain that aerial photos of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki mushroom clouds are real, not faked. (There was no Photoshop in 1945, and fraudulent photos like Stalin's were easy to detect and discredit.)
I've never seen comparable pictures from the dozens of Japanese cities that were simply firebombed. Is that because conventional fires do not create the massive concentrated temperatures produced by an atomic explosion?
From this and other comments of yours, it seems that not only did you not read the book, but you even did not watch the video at the top of this page. Having arrived at this conclusion, I consider it pointless to continue this discussion.
Regarding the claim that retinal burns were not observed, please watch the testimony starting at 49:00 of this documentary film. He states "The retina burn had a hole in the left eye."
It would be a good idea for everyone to watch the entire film, as well. (1 hour)
Thank you for pointing out this bit of nonsense.
Firstly, both of his eyes should have been affected, not just one. But let's assume he squinted, and on of his eyes was fully closed. Then, the retinal scar should have left a scotoma -- a blind spot. If he looked at the sun at the appropriate angle, or at anything else for that matter, he should simply see nothing at all. The "arrow through his brain" he claims to experience is not explained by such a scar.
In my book, I discuss a few more anecdotes that suggest that some retinal burns had occurred. I contrast this with the actual medical literature, which contains not a single such case.
It really is impossible for me to take you seriously -- you simply don't know what you are talking about.
I don't claim to be a medical expert, but it requires no medical training at all to identify assumptions that are uninformed or erroneous. You describe a "Normal" situation, but know nothing of this man's background or physical situation. What if the blast occurred to one side or the other, not in front of him? What if there was an obstruction, blocking part of his view? What if he is near-sighted or has astigmatism in one eye, and the image does not focus? Do retinal burns always have identical effects, or do they vary, based on severity and location? I submit that many of your assumptions are uninformed and/or incorrect, and that without direct physical evidence and personal testimony of alternative ordnance being used, the overwhelming preponderance of evidence still points to atomic bombs being deployed in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
It is OK to not be a medical expert, but it is not OK to fail at basic reasoning. You adduced this case as evidence of an atomic flash. I pointed out that it fails at that -- it does not show the signs one should expect of a typical retinal burn, and its description as "a whole in the eye" by the alleged victim that causes piercing headache when exposed to light sounds like fiction.
This does not oblige me to prove that THIS ONE CASE is sufficient evidence AGAINST an atomic flash. Such evidence, however, is found in the circumstance that the medical literature contains NOT A SINGLE CASE REPORT OF RETINAL BURNS ON PEOPLE DEAD OR ALIVE after the supposed atomic flashes. You have chosen to ignore this startling fact, as well as a whole raft of others. You shut your eyes and ears, and you keep repeating your mantra of "overwhelming evidence."
You seem to be invested somehow in the official story. As Mark Twain put it, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."
You can go to the Trinity test site today.
Many many eyewitnesses.
Yes, and the sea of solid glass they claim was there post detonation is now just small fragments tossed here or there. It has been that way since being opened to the public. The same effect can be achieved with enough conventional explosives. They even admit they did a test using conventional explosives a few days before.
And they didn’t let the mob setting up the dynamite pile communicate the mob setting up the “nuclear bomb.” both teams piled up dynamite and were told the other guys were doing the nuke. Haha. So funny.
That's v interesting. I wonder what happened in Mohenjo-Daro...
Also, very interestingly, the San Jacinto Monument outside Houston, which has the Trinity River and Trinity Bay at its back was intentionally oriented to align exactly with the Trinity Site in New Mexico BACK IN THE 1930's, before anyone ever knew these weapons would allegedly exist. They knew then this site was going to be something significant. The monument is a giant Egyptian/Masonic Obelisk. Need I say more.
Oppenheimer was deep state secret society scion.
Unholy Trinity
A whole lot of psycho went on
Have they been lying to us all along?!!!!
Whether people like it or not, we must question everything now. Learning to think properly is a matter of life and death now.
You're dead right!
Everything seems like "Close Encounters of The Third Kind" now. Where they gassed all the animals to scare people away. I always thought that was an interesting part of the movie.
There's no telling how many things have been fabricated over the years.
The evidence is everywhere now. Especially now that we're in the Internet age. Censorship is "required" in order to keep people from knowing what's really going on. If they're doing it now -- right out in the open. Why would we ever believe that there was a time that they weren't doing it? 🤔
It's not that we are living in strange times, it's that we're starting to SEE that we HAVE been living in strange times all along!
Question everything! That's what I do, and it's worked pretty well so far. Me and my family are unvaccinated as a result, and we're doing just fine. 😉👉
The old saying "Question Authority" still applies.
Now I learn that nukes can be and possibly were faked at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is a new one on me and I've been around a while.
I know it is important to consider all possible alternative perspectives of all of the false events thrust upon and used on the people throughout world history. The deceivers USE everything. When they don't create the evil deception, they will USE it. We only know what THEY tell us about events, we know they lie and deceive in crafty ways about everything. All we know is that THEY want to own and rule over us but we have already been purchased at the cross.
We have been set up and sold out by all of the leaders we thought we could trust and rely upon.
Judge them by their fruits. Follow reason and truth and the way of the One Who is Truth.
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32
Indeed. "By their fruits you shall know them", Matthew 7:16, 20. Perhaps this is off-topic, but I feel moved to share it.
The globalist sponsored war on humanity is relentless and pervasive/universal. There has never been anything like it in recorded history which is reminiscent of ‘…there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, (exceedingly terrible), and it shall devour the whole earth, trample it down and break it to pieces’, Daniel 7:23. ‘At that time shall arise Michael the great prince, who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble (Great Tribulation) such as never has been since there was a nation till that time…’ Daniel 12:1. ‘For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved: but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened’, (Matthew 24:21-22. Mark 13:19-20, According to the prophet, Daniel, truth will be replaced by deceit, ‘The truth was cast down to the ground and the horn (antichrist) acted and prospered’, Daniel 8:12.
In our day, truth is reviled and deception reigns as a governing principle. The Devil ‘...was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies’, as spoken by Jesus Christ in John 8:44.
Yes, they were, without a doubt, "faked", if you can say that just dropping a larger amount of the same napalm bombs they had been using against Japan for months previously and combining them with mustard gas to simulate radiation symptoms is more than basically an over grown hat trick. The damage sustained was indistinguishable from photographs of just plain napalm carpet bombing. Most of these cities were composed of very old timber construction buildings that napalm went through like a hot knife through butter. The damage to the very few masonry and steel buildings was entirely consistent with the temperatures achieved with napalm. No melted steel. You can see this very clearly in photos.
Interesting. I lived for two years and some months (1965-67) in Misawa in Northern Honshu -- I was an Air Force brat in high school. In 1966 I watched from our house, some blocks away, while a goodly portion of the central downtown area burned down, largely to the ground as I recall, starting from a gas heater according to the story below (I remembered it as from a cooking fire). What you say about the construction is true.
I was rather surprised to find this story in the NYT archives!
There are also researchers who have been poring over the historical flight logs and records from the days these bombings allegedly occurred. There are huge discrepancies in the hours leading up to Nagasaki and Hiroshima that aren't present anywhere else. It appears as if many B29 bombers were being diverted from where they were allegedly actually headed. The numbers just don't add up on those days. It has also come out in recently declassified material that one of the scientists, might have been Oppenheimer, was admitting weeks before the alleged Trinity Test that it was going to be 2 more years before there was enough highly enriched material to make a bomb. It was in a letter that got declassified and they didn't catch it.
That's an interesting theory (and anomaly), one that should be relatively easy to verify or reject. What do the witness reports at Hiroshima and Nagasaki claim, regarding large numbers of aircraft over the cities, at the time of destruction? The damage claimed by Dr. Palmer would have required a very large formation of aircraft.
The scientist in question was Compton, not Oppenheimer -- as stated in this video.
Sorry, just skimmed over it because there didn't seem to be anything in it I hadn't already heard about. Its why I said MIGHT have been Oppenheimer. I read about this a while back and can't claim to have a photographic memory. I'm curious if you saw my comment above about the San Jacinto monument in Texas, built in the 1930's, that has symmetry that aligns exactly with the Trinity Site. There is a long walkway approaching the front side of it from the NW. If you go to Google Earth and shoot a line through the middle of that walk it goes right through the Trinity Site. The Trinity River and Bay are directly behind this Monument. No way its a coincidence. A guy on YouTube with a channel called Seven7One1 found this alignment in 2018 and demonstrated it in a video. What it means is this site had been chosen for something big long before the US entered the War. I think surveying for the San Jacinto Monument took place in the early to mid 1930's. This alignment and occult stuff is what always fascinated me about everything THEY do. There is also occult numerology out the wazoo surrounding everything having to do with the Trinity Site. I started digging at that back in 2017.
The letter could have been cover. That's the trouble with "possibilities".
Allen Dulles, the fifth and longest-serving Director of Central Intelligence, took a personal interest in the construction of the Original Headquarters Building (OHB). At the dedication ceremony for OHB, Dulles included a quotation in his speech: “And Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free” – John 8:32. Dulles insisted that the quotation be fixed in stone in the OHB Lobby.
Because you are made in the image and likeness of God you are able to see the irony.
We do not go by this world's definition of being "free."
But we look for new heavens and a new earth according to his promises, in which justice dwelleth. 2 Peter 3:13
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill. Mathew 5:6
So, what you're indirectly suggesting is that big institutions - such as the government, C.I.A., the U.N., etc. - tell big lies, and their declarations are unreliable.
Yes, agreed. This is beyond a doubt.
But then other big institutions - the Catholic Church, who determined the canon of the bible - should be trusted as being reliable, maybe because they assure us they were guided by "the holy spirit"?
Saul of Tarsus (a Judaean who was "Romanised" becoming Paul) appealed for a canon of the bible to the churches he had founded during the 50s AD, decades after the crucifixion of Jesus, but the gospels were not physically recorded and the new testament compiled until the 70s-90s AD. Later still, in 382, the Council of Rome convened under the leadership of Pope Damasus and promulgated the 73-book scriptural canon. The biblical canon was reaffirmed by the regional councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397), and not definitively reaffirmed until the ecumenical Council of Florence in 1442. Finally, because this still wasn't, oh I dunno, water-tight?, or because Martin Luther must've called their bluff, the ecumenical Council of Trent solemnly defined this same canon in 1546. So even though they were guided by "the holy spirit," it still took several rounds before they could get it right. But that's okay, they finally did, so this one's the real deal and we should trust it implicitly.
Thanks for posting on this. I've been suspicious of this for a while. Here are some additional links I've collected on this:
Death Object Exploding The Nuclear Weapons Hoax By Akio Nakatani (z
NUCLEAR WEAPONS DON’T EXIST The New Documentary By Edmund Matthews
THE NUCLEAR SCARE SCAM by Galen Winsor (1986)
My Atomic Bomb Findings: The grand manipulation 1945-2023 Anders Björkman M.Sc. Naval Architect and Marine Engineer
The €1,000,000:- Anders Björkman Challenge # 3 I pay anyone Euro 1 million proving me wrong since many years!
The Atomic Bomb was a Hoax
Inventing 'A-Bombs': Flash, Blast, Heat, Radiation, Mushroom Cloud
Nuke Lies forum
Ditto. Thanks for the links. I've never before encountered this thesis. After red pilling in 2015, studying, and going down myriad rabbit holes (sometimes simultaneously) with everything I could get my hands around, I have no trouble following Dr. Palmer's arguments. I only marvel at our underestimation of the enemy and how effectively they use human nature to create panic and fear within our minds. "Shock and awe" was a tell (in plain sight) we didn't pick up when they began their assault on the Middle East. We are like children enthralled in front of the movie screen never daring to breathe through the dangerous scenes. Alas! The dangerous scenes are now contiguous reality.
Try another link!
btw "shockinawe" (approximate translation) is an occult technique that involves a step in Kabalist ritual black magic to shock and terrify the victim in order to deeply bind/ embed/ imprint the intended narrative
- later adopted by the Nazis in MKUltra techniques then carried over /refined by CIA MKUltra trauma based programming.
How interesting! I'm aware MKUltra uses/has used this technique. I read also in the past some writers asserting that the members of the 13 Families who are chosen to head their operations (not visible to the public) are also raised with similar techniques. If they arise from occultism, I definitely see the connection. They probably jack them up with occult rites and so forth. If some reports are true (because who knows really?), they take great pride in their superiority to the average human so I could understand that both the birth of a new Illuminati royalty + occult rituals would/could develop a level of consciousness they need for their domination.
yes they train their own using these techniques because they are extremely effective.
Occult ritualistic practices abound within the families; subjecting their own children to misgendering, ritualized trauma, incest , pedophelia, ritual sacrifice and torture are all part of the elite upbringing. Psychopathy is distilled, cultivated, refined. Empathy is bred out, discouraged. They literally identify the humane, sensitive empathetic ones to be culled - typically in a ritualistic violent manner. The "world leaders" are chosen by bloodline as well as their potential character traits that will ensure their success in fulfilling their designated roles. Some are cast as villains- like Harrari or Scwab, others are the white hats; Clinton, Obama- others are cast to play the rebel genius (Musk) the nerd tech billionaire(Gates) - they all are cast to fill specific roles in the stage production. I found a lot of compelling evidence that most (if not all) of the actors on the world stage were selected at birth. All the names I mentioned, for example (exception is Harrari, only because I haven't looked into his /it( although right off the bat I will say I doubt he is a "male") history other than a summary overview), have family histories- and bloodlines that are consistent with this concept.
thank you for sharing this is great stuff. yes cutouts - cultivated select actors for us to vilify and rage against -protecting the castle keep, as Sage Hana says. Both layers in this case are absolute monsters- we cannot fathom their mindset, it is not human.
Do you believe that modern nukes are real?
I don't know. I believe the story about dropping atomic bombs was a fake. But I'm not sure about mini-nukes/modern nukes. I think some researchers said they used mini-nukes on 9/11, which caused all the cancers. But maybe all of those cancers was just from breathing in that toxic air. At this point, I just study one event at a time.
The 911 nuke narrative is straight out of the script writing cubicles at Langley and designed to cloud and discredit the actual truth of the buildings just being demolished in the same fashion as nearly all intentional demolitions. There are vids and photos where you can see the thermite charges going off floor by floor. The buildings pancaked down from the initial damage toward the top of the buildings, not from "nukes in the basement". Anyone saying this is a paid agent or not too bright.
Yeah, that "nukes in the basement" theory never made sense and didn't fit with what you could see visually (charges going off floor by floor).
They make up really, incredibly dumb stuff that no one with half a brain would believe then they have thousands of agents they pay to push these things on platforms like this. It has the effect of making the entire truth movement look ridiculous to the masses. They have been doing the same thing with "flat earth" for about 10 years. The newest one is that DNA and genetics don't exist; aimed to discredit people who question the vax narratives. They target us but the real end target is the unquestioning masses. They have to be kept in that state you see.
Yes, I followed 9/11 truther researchers closely and it was quite noticeable when one of these theories was a govt op because there would immediately be a huge "following" that would aggressively promote the new theory all over the alt media.
Here is one that denies it -- The Myth Of nuclear War, Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Radiation, Radioactive Fallout, & WW3
Sorry collected debris from tests affirm fallout is quite real. There are time related issues with the fission products. Ingesting things that emit alpha can be quite dangerous, beta the same. Low levels of radiation might be fine in that most DNA mutations won't persist but some do and may account for changes to the human genome over time.
Good catch. Galen Winsor (in the video) died from radiation-induced leukemia.
I was about to check, glad you did. Being careless can be tragic. I've worked in hazardous places but was always aware of the risks. That deluge shower was tested monthly. Those eye wash stations were there for reason. At least the eye wash stations were easier to test!
You need to experience a real one. Then you can judge if the a bomb was hoax or real...
Tell me how it works out for you....😎
Some people have been already the victims. I'm pretty sure you're aware of the military personnel or the civilian witnesses who were exposed to radiation. I do listen to them. Besides there are other dimensions attached to this topic.
Of course they are.
I’m wondering if any major world event was even real? We are truly living in a Truman Show! Wtf?
Yeah, with all the lies they've told, I know longer believe anything from the govt or media. I question everything and do my own research. I woke up after 9/11 and started going down endless rabbit holes. So far I've concluded that all of the history we have been taught are lies.
Yes, absolutely, tons of historic documentation show that Hiroshima and Nagasaki did never see any atomic bomb!
History has always been written by the predatory class. And, most of history as we learned is untrue.
RIP Dr B. He did seem frail the last time I saw him presenting :(
Take care, Sasha, may an "army" of angels follow your footsteps.
So, NASA never landed a man on the Moon and now Einstein is guilty of bad math. 😂
I'm quite surprised that Dick Feynmann didn't debunk this, after he had won his Nobel, of course.
1. If a radioactive nuclear bomb exploded in Hiroshima/Nagasaki, what would be the expected decay curve for radioactivity (alpha, beta and gamma rays) over a period of 80 years in the absence of specific clean-up initiatives?
2. If those levels simply have not existed the past 78 years, what clean up technologies were used to remove such radioactivity from the scene to explain the lack of radioactivity which must remain had the bombs being detonated in 1945?
3. If the answer to 2 is 'None', then the hypothesis that nuclear bombs exploded over Japan in 1945 is falsfied.
Note that biodynamic farmers were able to remove radioactivity from their fields post Chernobyl by repeated spraying with dedicated biodynamic sprays. The removal of the radioactivity was confirmed by national inspectors, who were bemused by how this could have occurred, but did not deny the reality of the data. the assumption would be that micro-organisms capable of chelating heavy metals must have propagated to help to localise the radioactivity, which was then transported underground through such organisms being ingested by worms etc. Note that no testing of such hypotheses has yet been reported....
That was, of course, done 40+ years after 1945, so whether such attempts were made in 1945 in Japan has to be robustly questioned....
Correct me if I'm wrong but Feynman also kept his mouth shut on the fake moon landing.
You have too much respect for Richard Feynmann. Physicists' hands are tied. How many have said that a building cannot fall as fast as twin towers, unless it has been prepared for demolition? Not many.
Feynman's first job was working in the Manhattan project. He was highest paid physicist at Cal Tech. You could say he was gagged with moolah.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Stanley Kubrick has some atomic explosion videos in his oeuvre.
You might want to watch the cut outs (whatever they are called) from the filming of the moon landing. Wiki leaks have published them.
So you think NASA really landed a man on the moon?
No I don't. It was staged in Nevada.
I was stationed at Cannon AFB in New Mexico. After I was discharged the first Apollo mission was staged in 2 hangars on the base -
Yes, and Stanley Kubrick handed them the same front projection technology he had perfected for 2001 A Space Odyssey to use for this fakery. Kubrick later dropped clues about it in The Shining and other films.
Yes, I remember Jay Weidner talking about the clues dropped in The Shining.
Were you part of the military industrial complex?
Due to the draft, I enlisted in the USAF to avoid combat in a wrongful war in Vietnam war.. I tested my way into having a choice of permanent stations and chose New Mexico and Cannon AFB. Most of us who pay IRS taxes may be an involuntary supporter of the Military Industrial Complex even as civilians.
but why?
Because we have never had the ability to get past low orbit. All of the "Big Blue Marble" photos allegedly taken from high orbit have been proven to be fraudulent. If these photos are frauds then all the rest of it is as well. I don't believe it is possible to put any manned device through the intense radiation of the Van Allen Belts. Even technology of any kind would be problematic.
It is 250º F on the Moon and there is no oxygen. How did they keep their Tang from turning into steam? How did they make their oxygen?
Excellent questions! Not having graduated beyond toilet humour (something, Freud, something, something..), I'm stuck on the quandary of how they kept all that solid and liquid waste under control and in place in in zero-G (assuming no one had to go while taking off), curving trajectories during traverse, 0.166 ɡ on lunar surface, etc., for the 6 days 22 hours and 49 minutes round trip from Earth to the Moon and back, hmm? Inquiring minds want to know.
Man on the Moon
A Stanley Kubrick Film
The radioactivity should have prevented rehabitation for at least 100 years.
Come on, people, this is way too much. The vast majority here don't know squat about nuclear physics, and it shows. I'm no expert either, but do know the rudiments, and small-yield nuclear warheads do NOT make a place uninhabitable for extended time frames. The radioactive debris from a large damaged power plant (Chernobyl or Fukushima, using 100 tons or more of enriched uranium) is very different than the fission by-products of a small tactical 10-20 kiloton weapon, most of which go "Up in smoke." (See: )
Speculation is fine, but it seems people in this conversation are completely neglecting the realities of massive scientific programs, huge industrial efforts, hundreds of nuclear tests witnessed by thousands of people all over the world -- and all of this over decades of time. Please put on your thinking caps and give some serious thought to the matter before jumping on the latest revelation bandwagon.
Chernobyl area however is very inhabitable. All the wild life has been thriving quickly after the people left the area, even the wolves came back after centuries of absence. Some locals who moved back in are also doing just fine, growing gardens and some cattle.
Apparently there are reports of Russian soldiers having issues after digging trenches and foxholes at Chernobyl. Disturbing the soil can release pathogens that might be harmful. Long lived alpha isotopes in the lungs could be an issue. We can see the worries about exposure to buried sick cattle in those Ukrainian flood areas.
It's good to hear that. Nature can remediate almost anything, given some time.
Funny how organizations exist specifically to detect nuclear events going on since 1947
Could they have been lying to us?
More. The "half life" of U-235 is 700 million years.
Yes the half life is that long. What must be considered is the CONCENTRATION left after the explosion. Is there enough active material to cause damage. Many areas of the earth have radioactivity and are safe to live because it is not CONCENTRATED enough.
Radiation might be beneficial. Longer lifespans of those living at higher altitudes exposed to cosmic radiation. The survival of "good" mutations?
The pandemic hoax, once properly seen, gives us clear eyes with which to look back through the historical narrative we all have been conditioned to believe. It is all lies. Once you begin to look you will be blown away by how far back it goes, and how extensive the coverup and reshuffling of the cards really is. And like the "the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki" the truth is more often than not even more horrific, more unforgivably heinous than the fictionalized account. Lots of false flags and ambush events. Fake heroes and fake conflicts. People living in peace for thousands of years suddenly at each other's throats. It was typically completely optional. All the trauma, the agonizing deaths, the destruction and poisoning, the manipulation and deception- ALL of it was not even neccessary. And they KNEW it wasn't. Oppenheimer and Einstein, up to their elbows in the shenanigans with their misdirects and lies- the former patent clerk turned into an icon of Jewish intellectual superiority (with a satchel of stolen ideas from others) and the pipe smoking leather arm patch nutty professor prattling on about becoming the destroyer of worlds- actors on a stage. Now they shine us on with fawning CIA mockingbird hollywood movies, like 'oppenheimer'. The ruling little cartel of ruthless mass murderers- racist, unrelenting, scheming monsters.
Excellent summary.
Honored. Again, thank you sir, for your courageous decision to share your critically important research. And thank you, Sasha, for choosing to share Dr. Palmer's presentation as well. It moves us forward to begin to map out an overview of the machinations of evil afoot.
Anymore, the history of the world cannot be taken for granted or trusted.
Ok... I am now officially in the conspiracy camp on everything. JRK assassination. 911. All of allopathic medicine, with narrow exception for trauma care. Pandemics. Shit!
My initial reaction to Sasha's post was, "Yeah, sure!" But I decided to watch the clip anyway. I'm not thoroughly convinced, but am now more open to the possibility. It's something I believe I should look into. I downloaded the PDF and uploaded it into my Kindle library for later reading.
Some people were suspecting it in 1945:
Dr. Burkhardt died oh no no no what the hell is going on
Wow, news to me. But then I thought the moon landings were real too.
I genuinely laughed out loud at this. Not sure why.
When did you begin suspecting the Moon landings? It still seems too weird to me that people would lie so much.
Just a few weeks ago Mark Crispin Miller wrote about it. First I heard.
Funny thing, I remember something firsthand from that time. I was just a kid, but my older brother was laughing at an interview of a former slave, who was well over 100 at that time. The former slave was denying that anyone had gone to the moon. Turns out he was right! Would be great if someone could dig up that interview.
Given that the pervasive narrative that RFK jr is nuts for questioning the childhood vaccines, we have a lot of work to do to wake people up to the fact that DoD is killing it’s own citizens. Now throw in that nuclear bombs aren’t real, the moon landings were fake and viruses aren’t real we will be easy to dismiss. I’m not talking about the merits of those 3 things but we KNOW they have the power and money to spin these “conspiracy theories”. Heck they run the NYT which is THE rag promoting conspiratorial memes. The next thing we will see is vast back-up materials saying the earth is flat! Oh, you’re telling me it’s been done already?
We know this is what they do, infiltrate and destroy from within, we should be thinking ahead about their capability to make us dismissable