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Thanks for posting on this. I've been suspicious of this for a while. Here are some additional links I've collected on this:

Death Object Exploding The Nuclear Weapons Hoax By Akio Nakatani (z Lib.org)


NUCLEAR WEAPONS DON’T EXIST The New Documentary By Edmund Matthews


THE NUCLEAR SCARE SCAM by Galen Winsor (1986)



My Atomic Bomb Findings: The grand manipulation 1945-2023 Anders Björkman M.Sc. Naval Architect and Marine Engineer http://heiwaco.com/bomb.htm

The €1,000,000:- Anders Björkman Challenge # 3 I pay anyone Euro 1 million proving me wrong since many years! http://heiwaco.com/chall3.htm

The Atomic Bomb was a Hoax https://theunexpectedcosmology.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/The-Atomic-Bomb-was-a-Hoax-1.pdf

Inventing 'A-Bombs': Flash, Blast, Heat, Radiation, Mushroom Cloud


Nuke Lies forum


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Ditto. Thanks for the links. I've never before encountered this thesis. After red pilling in 2015, studying, and going down myriad rabbit holes (sometimes simultaneously) with everything I could get my hands around, I have no trouble following Dr. Palmer's arguments. I only marvel at our underestimation of the enemy and how effectively they use human nature to create panic and fear within our minds. "Shock and awe" was a tell (in plain sight) we didn't pick up when they began their assault on the Middle East. We are like children enthralled in front of the movie screen never daring to breathe through the dangerous scenes. Alas! The dangerous scenes are now contiguous reality.

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btw "shockinawe" (approximate translation) is an occult technique that involves a step in Kabalist ritual black magic to shock and terrify the victim in order to deeply bind/ embed/ imprint the intended narrative

- later adopted by the Nazis in MKUltra techniques then carried over /refined by CIA MKUltra trauma based programming.

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How interesting! I'm aware MKUltra uses/has used this technique. I read also in the past some writers asserting that the members of the 13 Families who are chosen to head their operations (not visible to the public) are also raised with similar techniques. If they arise from occultism, I definitely see the connection. They probably jack them up with occult rites and so forth. If some reports are true (because who knows really?), they take great pride in their superiority to the average human so I could understand that both the birth of a new Illuminati royalty + occult rituals would/could develop a level of consciousness they need for their domination.

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yes they train their own using these techniques because they are extremely effective.

Occult ritualistic practices abound within the families; subjecting their own children to misgendering, ritualized trauma, incest , pedophelia, ritual sacrifice and torture are all part of the elite upbringing. Psychopathy is distilled, cultivated, refined. Empathy is bred out, discouraged. They literally identify the humane, sensitive empathetic ones to be culled - typically in a ritualistic violent manner. The "world leaders" are chosen by bloodline as well as their potential character traits that will ensure their success in fulfilling their designated roles. Some are cast as villains- like Harrari or Scwab, others are the white hats; Clinton, Obama- others are cast to play the rebel genius (Musk) the nerd tech billionaire(Gates) - they all are cast to fill specific roles in the stage production. I found a lot of compelling evidence that most (if not all) of the actors on the world stage were selected at birth. All the names I mentioned, for example (exception is Harrari, only because I haven't looked into his /it( although right off the bat I will say I doubt he is a "male") history other than a summary overview), have family histories- and bloodlines that are consistent with this concept.

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Jun 4, 2023
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thank you for sharing this is great stuff. yes cutouts - cultivated select actors for us to vilify and rage against -protecting the castle keep, as Sage Hana says. Both layers in this case are absolute monsters- we cannot fathom their mindset, it is not human.

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Do you believe that modern nukes are real?

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I don't know. I believe the story about dropping atomic bombs was a fake. But I'm not sure about mini-nukes/modern nukes. I think some researchers said they used mini-nukes on 9/11, which caused all the cancers. But maybe all of those cancers was just from breathing in that toxic air. At this point, I just study one event at a time.

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The 911 nuke narrative is straight out of the script writing cubicles at Langley and designed to cloud and discredit the actual truth of the buildings just being demolished in the same fashion as nearly all intentional demolitions. There are vids and photos where you can see the thermite charges going off floor by floor. The buildings pancaked down from the initial damage toward the top of the buildings, not from "nukes in the basement". Anyone saying this is a paid agent or not too bright.

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Yeah, that "nukes in the basement" theory never made sense and didn't fit with what you could see visually (charges going off floor by floor).

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They make up really, incredibly dumb stuff that no one with half a brain would believe then they have thousands of agents they pay to push these things on platforms like this. It has the effect of making the entire truth movement look ridiculous to the masses. They have been doing the same thing with "flat earth" for about 10 years. The newest one is that DNA and genetics don't exist; aimed to discredit people who question the vax narratives. They target us but the real end target is the unquestioning masses. They have to be kept in that state you see.

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Yes, I followed 9/11 truther researchers closely and it was quite noticeable when one of these theories was a govt op because there would immediately be a huge "following" that would aggressively promote the new theory all over the alt media.

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...just like the crowd here saying nukes don't exist. ;-)

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Here is one that denies it -- The Myth Of nuclear War, Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Radiation, Radioactive Fallout, & WW3


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Sorry collected debris from tests affirm fallout is quite real. There are time related issues with the fission products. Ingesting things that emit alpha can be quite dangerous, beta the same. Low levels of radiation might be fine in that most DNA mutations won't persist but some do and may account for changes to the human genome over time.

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Good catch. Galen Winsor (in the video) died from radiation-induced leukemia.

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I was about to check, glad you did. Being careless can be tragic. I've worked in hazardous places but was always aware of the risks. That deluge shower was tested monthly. Those eye wash stations were there for reason. At least the eye wash stations were easier to test!

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You need to experience a real one. Then you can judge if the a bomb was hoax or real...

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Tell me how it works out for you....😎

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Some people have been already the victims. I'm pretty sure you're aware of the military personnel or the civilian witnesses who were exposed to radiation. I do listen to them. Besides there are other dimensions attached to this topic.

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Of course they are.

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