Doug Cameron Act to ban mRNA injections in the State of Idaho to be heard on February 17, 2025.
Readers from Idaho - please support this effort.
I have testified with several colleagues in front of county commissioners, state legislators and AG Raul Labrador numerous times about the dangers and non-regulation of the mRNA shots, urging them to do their job and protect the public in the state of Idaho:
The tireless coordinator of these testimonies is Laura Demaray and she deserves a huge credit for her leadership in Idaho. Our team lead by Laura has been successful in the creation of an Idaho state bill, sponsored by Senator Brandon Shippy, honoring the mRNA injured and disabled rancher Doug Cameron, aka “Doug Cameron Bill”. The bill will be heard in Idaho State Senate on February 17. I am going to be one of the testimonies in favor of the bill. We are allowed only 250 words each. I urge all Idahoans who read my stack to attend this session and call your representatives to support this bill. There will be a formidable pharma lobby set against us. Link to the bill included below.
Here is a message from Laura Demaray:
We have approval to have a hearing for our Idaho bill S1036 The Doug Cameron Act. 🙏🙂 This bill is a moratorium of gene therapies for infectious diseases indication. This will include the covid shot and any new up and coming gene therapy immunization such as the flu shot hitting the market.
The date for the Senate Health and Welfare committee hearing is Monday February 17th 3-5 pm Mountain. (4-6 pm Central) (5-7 pm Eastern) (2-5pm Pacific).
We do have permission to zoom for subject matter experts.
Here is the link to the bill:
This moratorium will not pass without you. This is an opportunity to bring the real scientific data and dialogue that the media has hidden from the nation. This is an official legislative forum that will give us an opportunity to share the science, contamination, risk and harm with the world. This is our chance to share the real and not rare injuries that have occurred to countless precious people. This is the time to pass this with the new administration and while the medical industrial complex is focusing on DC.
This is the public forum we've been waiting for... I hope to get every bit of science out there in the public as possible. The narrative against us so far is only the cdc/fda talking points and the press says the covid vaccine is not gene therapy. If we get a hearing, we have a real chance of halting the genetic shot and others like it. This would make shockwaves and encourage other states and nations.
I ran the analysis of the VAERS reports for Janssen lots, including only serious adverse events and deaths. The single shot that disabled Doug Cameron came from Janssen’s lot #1805020 which looks “average” by comparison to all known Janssen lots. There were much more toxic lots distributed. None were recalled, for any manufacturer, regardless of the death and injury toll clearly documented and known to all members of the “pandemic preparedness” global military cartel. The variability lot-to-lot is completely out of control, showing that there was no manufacturing control at all, as none is required or enforceable for vaccines in general or for the EUA countermeasures under Public Health Emergency. Total AEs for this lot are 1333, including 36 deaths. Serious AE+deaths = 474:
To put this in perspective, here is the data for all covid shots manufactured and released by end of 2021 (here Janssen is in orange):
This doesn’t mean that ANY vaccine lot or vaccine dose is safe. They are all dangerous because they are not the same. This is a death/disability lottery - the more you play, the more likely you are to be severely injured or killed. And, as Doug Cameron’s case shows, one shot from an “average” lot may be all it takes.
Please support Doug Cameron Bill in the State of Idaho, and similar bills introduced in other states.
Art for today: Harvest 2, watercolor, 12x16 in.
Sasha, and also Laura Demaray and Doug Cameron, and the many others involved, I thank you so much for your efforts.
If anyone reading this doesn't know Doug Cameron's story, he tells it here:
Source video:
Doug Cameron, Idaho Farm Operations Manager, Paralyzed After J & J Jab
US Senator Ron Johnson Holds Expert Panel On Federal Vaccine Mandates - Nov 2 2021
* *
PS You can find transcripts of testimonies of many other people with similar injuries, and also many testimonies of bereaved family members, here:
It is unbelievable that persons in the "medical" profession are still injecting this swill into new born human children (or any other living being).
Quoted from the Idaho State Department of Commerce lead page: "No matter where you start, we’re here to help." >
I guess if you're dead or crippled for the rest of your life, the invitation is canceled...