This whole ugly nasty sorrowful experience with the COVID bioweapons attack operation and all the ugly nasty revelations dumped on many formerly trusting "good compliant citizens" has been enough to make one seriously consider becoming a Christian Scientist ... or whichever group it is that categorically refuses all medical interventions. Not that I'd seriously do that. But whatever group it is that follows that path does not sound so crazy anymore.
You don't expect to be knowingly murdered at the business end of a coerced "Safe and Effectively" promoted needle rape intervention. Nor do you expect to be knowingly sent off to a ventilator vacation with a with a few other gassing chamber inmates topped off with a supply of Run Death is Near Remdesivir applied to help your kidneys fail while you get to drown/suffocate all alone in a room of other ventilator victims to sound of the gas chamber pumps pushing the ventilation
Yes it has been a rather harsh wakeup call. For some reason the idea of grandma and grandpa Safe and Effectively dying all alone to the sound of ventilators particularly haunts me. The idea that a lot of it was unnecessary and willfully indifferent enrages me. If you are going to drown people for no reason at least let someone hold their hand.
One surely does not (or did not) expect ANY of that but now we know that that and oh so much more is done for fun and profit. I can see why some groups CATEGORICALLY refuse all medical interventions.
For me? I like to say "I've reached Peak Soviet" because now I am like many of my Eastern block neighbors who enrich this area of the USA and who are great citizen neighbors. They don't trust ANYTHING related to government. All those years of Stalin has a way of leaving a mark.
Never thought I, as a good old trusting semi apolitical moderate USA kid from a more innocent era would end up right there with them. I no longer trust ANYTHING government or medical. Your government and other systems trying to kill you has a way of doing that.
During the poison pandemic, the hospitals went full creep. Each of my parents were admitted to two different hospitals for different conditions in a major city's medical center. They were abused and one nearly starved to death and the other given a stage 4 bed sore down to the sacral bone plus unneeded intubation and toxic pharma (I suspect Remdesivir.)
When I tried to visit my father and after standing in line outside the lobby, for further entry they insisted upon putting their app on my phone which I refused and had to fill out a long form. Then a nurse from hell insisted I wear their medical blue toxic mask, instead of my fabric one, and that I smear the toxic sanitizer all over my hands which I tried to wipe off. They told me to proceed down the hall into the admissions area, but a robotic voice then demanded I stop and an automatic picture was taken of me without permission or posted notice.
In the other hospital, gendarmes patrolled the entry point and we had to sign in with names and any symptoms we had, they pointed laser thermometers at us which I tried to deflect to my wrists, instead of forehead and pineal gland. There was a roving surveillance robot taking film of everyone in the lobby.
The treatment of the patients they discouraged family from visiting was far worse. The whole Covid lie scene was Kafkaesque. The hospitals and doctors were doing everything they could to earn their bonuses from government by giving poison to patients and offing them which was being rewarded with bigger "Covid" death bonuses.
There were no patient or family "rights" or compassion, only inappropriate control and abuse for blood money and satanic pleasure.
The mad rush to robotics and AI and hired gun temporary gig medical labor is not for nothing. They're not going to care about your or my grandma and the natives are increasingly indoctrinated that "that stuff is beneath us". So one day we wake up at the mercy of totally checked out medical (and other) public service labor just working for an inflated hired gun pay check and wonder why no one speaks up when it is obvious to the trainees that grandma is being shipped off to the ventilation gas chamber to die (be killed actually) and harvest the death harvest bonus.
By the way. I may steal the phrase "full creep":) Wish I thought of it
If only emojis for tears and ironic smiles were easy to find.
This is a holocaust in full view for us to see how few in the system speak up, while life goes on. We are being shown how many people, without complaint, accept the moral and medical irrationality of their own and others' loved ones being killed off, along with humanity at large.
All of this is happening in plain view which is easy for some to see, and simultaneously murky and insufficiently important for others to bother with or to believe the evidence. The times feel synthetic and incomprehensible.
I often think about the sorely missed Far Side cartoons
He frequently had cartoons featuring predators and prey and it was funny but also so real
One theme that would recur in various forms would be a pride of lions wolfing down an elk or something and in the background would be the other ruminant deer or elk. There would always be one curious prey animal looking with curiosity at its brethren being ravenously eaten by the hungry pride. No time to worry that "I might be next". There were also other prey comrades, perhaps the aforementioned one in the next frame that would passively go back to grazing with the "Welp, glad that wasn't me" attitude.
No time to over think about the inevitable if you're gametically evolved to be prey. You must accept your role in the food chain else there'll be no such thing as a moment's peace or happiness.
As humans we are the prey by political machinations or by grooming. Every day we are trained and indoctrinated to view the abominations going on in front of us as "nothing to see here, it's normal, not to worry"
THAT'S the dead brain mindset they want to install.
Perhaps the guy in front of you at the clot shot queue has a seizure and all the prey go
"Welp, glad that wasn't me. The good thing is that it shortens my wait time to get MY Safe and Effective injection"
We are the prey. And if we don't think of ourselves that way they are doing their DOD Military-Grade DARPA-researched best to train us into thinking we are prey and to adapt a prey mentality. Ruminants by breeding just accept their place in the food chain and don't think about it too much. If they worried too much about it they'd be too anxious to reproduce. If the pride takes one of them out not too much angst can be wasted on it because too much energy required to harvest and convert cellulose to energy so "Bambi is dead but I gotta keep eating" is their hard wired mantra.
We as humans aren't BORN to be prey but we can be if we allow it to happen.
Almost everything we see is designed to make us complacent conformist docile prey. I'm not advocating that we should all be pain in the ass contrarians and there is something to be said for going along to get along when it really does not matter. But it is a fine line between going along to get along and losing sight of personal and herd survival. When people stand in clot shot lines watching the guy in front carried away after a seizure with no worry about it, time to reassess and ponder, perhaps we've gotten too passive and complacent.
They did everything they could to ramp up the fear to coerce people into accepting that mass vaccination was the only way out of the "pandemic" and a return to normalcy. The major science deployed in the scamdemic was behavioral: psychology not biology. There has never been any effective let alone safe vaccine for any cold or flu virus. But that didn't stop them injecting a trillion dollars worth of something into people.
We should have been following THE SILENCE rather than the "follow the science" scam perp'd on us. Had we listened intently to the silence about the harm happening before our eyes our guts would have told us what we needed to know.
Always gets quiet when they're trying to hide something. "We'll get back to you on that data request in 75 years" . Meanwhile "we are the science you should follow us"
We were led down the disingenuous follow the science rabbit hole which has a sad but real lies dam lies and statistics component to it. By the time mere normies could sort out the science from the dam lies and statistics it was almost too late to see what THE SILENCE had been telling us from the beginning.
Hello RAY FALCIOLA. Your portrayal of elderly dying alone to the sound of ventilators is indeed haunting. My eldest brother 'died' in such a situation. There were no visitors allowed in his last days, and his death was obviously injection related.
I grew up in a very conservative and trusting environment. Perhaps that's why I never trusted any military or governmental anything. The heavy indoctrination of my family alienated me completely. It wasn't easy for me to turn out this way... Best Regards.
I forgot to acknowledge your brother. Sorry about that. My eldest brother died young and I always thought it was probably the stress and trauma of having a severely handicapped kid. Damages the whole family including the well siblings. When you start to realize the anonymous ripple effect life agony of child injury it becomes impossible for you to take an "oh well, shit happens" attitude about all the everyday AVOIDABLE AND KNOWN injury that occurs every day to both children and adults at the hands of profiteers.
I can't say my brother's kid's issue was vax related or just an "act of God" but I am virtually certain that at least some of the injured kids I am aware of and the agony of the families that you witness is due to pharma/government policy that no one seems to be in any particular rush to fix. Just brush it all aside and go "glad that wasn't me" just like the prey animal does when the sibling is taken out by the wolves. As humans we weren't evolved to be prey to it is not so easy to dismiss random unnecessary harm.
Once you have seen the despair up close and listened to the suicidal ideation of people in despair about what has happened to their families because of a avoidable medical oops it is hard to just go "welp, not my problem". Long after you've took a walk to shake it off THEY are still in the wheel chair trying to survive. The thing that makes the crimes possible is the ease with which the media and propaganda machines can brush it in to anonymity because after all, that pharma stock in your 401k is looking really juicy isn't it?
I get emotional some times thinking about the anonymity of injury because I saw what it did to my brother and his poor kid. When you live as we all did through the COVID thing we are expected to just "brush off" the abominable crimes against us. Not going to happen. At least not while some of us are still alive and remember what they did.
The ventilators and the pics of old people hugging their loved ones through the equivalent of shower curtains or waving while weeping from behind glass while you know that scene is probably their exit memory. It haunted me and has left me REALLY angry which probably why I rant a bit too much.
When you realize it was all done INTENTIONALLY with meticulous planning using BILLIONS of our extorted trust and dollars. Not something you can ever get over easily
The blessing is those things did not happen to me personally. Most of my family is long gone through the natural progression of time. What got me viscerally was the sheer casual bully nature of it. Faceless corporate and national orgs conspiring to silently safely and without accountability colluding to do grievous massive harm and never called to task while they steal lives and assets. Worse than the school yard bully. At least you have a chance to scratch their eyes if they start punching you rather than the whole "Trust us" act perped on us by the state hiding behind EUA and "follow the science" shields.
Ray Falciola: Mary Baker Eddy, the originator/creator of Christian Science, received high quality guidance and inspiration from Highly Evolved Beings. Secondly, her revelations (to the best of my knowledge) have not been changed and therefore retains the original guidance. There is so much more to life than the physical world. Expand your horizons and consider study of all things beyond the physical. Christian Science would be an excellent start.
Thanks for filling me in. Just in case I seemed accidently dismissive that was not my intent. Just noting that in the world we live in even remotely challenging or questioning modern medicine is considered fringe. Not saying I agree. It is like all the other sacred cow 3r rails like claiming to be anti-vax. My god that's equivalent to being anti-science. We are often not even allowed to express doubts or curiosity without being put on a kook watch Lot of awkward conversations between lots of friends and family of long standing merely for saying, "Nah. No clot shot for me"
At any rate. I think I need to read up on them a bit.
I pray that this passes and that it spreads to every single state! So many people working so hard to stop this poison! Thank you, Sasha and all involved!!
I heard Doug Cameron speak in Spokane last fall. He is a humble, beautiful soul who has borne a terrible injury with grace and dignity. I pray this bill passes so that others won't suffer a similar misfortune, and pray that the attention passage of such a bill brings will help focus and energize research efforts to find effective cures for those horribly injured by the jabs. Hardly rare, unsafe, and not effective.
250 words? That's an outrage. It's barely enough for an introduction. Who made this rule about 250 words? I would hope for better than that from our Idaho legislators. Ugh!
That said (and vented), go get 'em, Sasha! Thank you for all you are doing!
I'm screwed. I lack the brevity gene. Is there an mRNA to fix it? They say mRNA can fix anything. Allegedly because it can alter your genes. The very stuff of life. You can't win if you don't enter the lottery. It can possibly even alter your empathy and soul genes. So you can be a better mRNA sales person
Yes. I followed James Roguski for many months during the World Health Organization's *alleged* treaty debates. I concluded that the discussions were simply business contract negotiations, and had nothing at all to do with civilian health.
FanTASTIC work, Sasha, Laura, and Doug!!! Yay!! You are a formidable champion of health freedom, Sasha, and you are fulfilling a soul purpose so well with all you do, including your lovely art. I posted the hearing notification on X and I will rearrange my schedule to attend the S1036 bill hearing on 17Feb in Boise. I would love to meet you, if possible! You and all in this fight have so much love and support from Idahoans like me and countless others, with mega-prayers on full blast in continuous perpetuity for good/love/light/God/Universe/Source to win permanently over evil/greed/suffering/fear.
Covid was a massive act of worldwide terrorism committed by our own governments, or more accurately the "imperium in imperio" deep state cabal which controls them. Who needs SPECTRE? Sadly, James Bond is not on our side:).
Thanks to those living in Idaho. Please speak out if just by email. I'm 76 years old and moving, by myself--no family--to Idaho this year for the sole reason that I want the remainder of my life lived in a state which will most likely never abrogate my bodily sovereignty. I think anyone who has followed the "Covid Pandemic" knows full well that seniors were targeted. I lost a friend, at the time 76, who always called me her sister (and I felt likewise) early in the "pandemic" because she accepted the injection. I urged her again and again not to do so...but she lived in senior citizen housing, and I suspect she was easily pressured...a facility I couldn't visit because I remained unvaccinated.
Hey Sasha, Let me know if you or any of your colleagues need hardware developed for medical devices. I am the designer of the KFx Medical Bone SUture Anchor as one example. I designed the 4mm version in a weekend and prototyped it in 4 weeks. KFx Medical converted to a Litigation only firm due to the success of my Bone SUture Anchor design. They won all suits for infringement and were in court with Stryker the last I saw. Visit to learn more.
Sasha, and also Laura Demaray and Doug Cameron, and the many others involved, I thank you so much for your efforts.
If anyone reading this doesn't know Doug Cameron's story, he tells it here:
Source video:
Doug Cameron, Idaho Farm Operations Manager, Paralyzed After J & J Jab
US Senator Ron Johnson Holds Expert Panel On Federal Vaccine Mandates - Nov 2 2021
* *
PS You can find transcripts of testimonies of many other people with similar injuries, and also many testimonies of bereaved family members, here:
It is unbelievable that persons in the "medical" profession are still injecting this swill into new born human children (or any other living being).
Quoted from the Idaho State Department of Commerce lead page: "No matter where you start, we’re here to help." >
I guess if you're dead or crippled for the rest of your life, the invitation is canceled...
There are signs up at Costco and Rite Aid for Covid-19 shots and everything else. This dog and pony show has a while to play out.
I like and am even a member of the Costco cult. But never realized membership got me a death lottery discount.
Oh Goodie.
You can sell anything with consumerism
Just tell people "20% off for the death lottery".
They'll focus on the discount.
Sheez. I guess if you don't win the death lottery you can spend that 20% you saved on an artery clogging donut
Sounds like a great deal
And, according to T Renz, Costco “organic” beef is Mrna injected.
In the age of fluidity the meaning of words & truth just like gender and vaccine can be updated
Stuff means whatever you want to say it means
Isn't tolerance great?
Organically speaking, of course
Sick evil corporations.
Get 10 Covid shots and have the 11th free! What a deal:).
This whole ugly nasty sorrowful experience with the COVID bioweapons attack operation and all the ugly nasty revelations dumped on many formerly trusting "good compliant citizens" has been enough to make one seriously consider becoming a Christian Scientist ... or whichever group it is that categorically refuses all medical interventions. Not that I'd seriously do that. But whatever group it is that follows that path does not sound so crazy anymore.
You don't expect to be knowingly murdered at the business end of a coerced "Safe and Effectively" promoted needle rape intervention. Nor do you expect to be knowingly sent off to a ventilator vacation with a with a few other gassing chamber inmates topped off with a supply of Run Death is Near Remdesivir applied to help your kidneys fail while you get to drown/suffocate all alone in a room of other ventilator victims to sound of the gas chamber pumps pushing the ventilation
Yes it has been a rather harsh wakeup call. For some reason the idea of grandma and grandpa Safe and Effectively dying all alone to the sound of ventilators particularly haunts me. The idea that a lot of it was unnecessary and willfully indifferent enrages me. If you are going to drown people for no reason at least let someone hold their hand.
One surely does not (or did not) expect ANY of that but now we know that that and oh so much more is done for fun and profit. I can see why some groups CATEGORICALLY refuse all medical interventions.
For me? I like to say "I've reached Peak Soviet" because now I am like many of my Eastern block neighbors who enrich this area of the USA and who are great citizen neighbors. They don't trust ANYTHING related to government. All those years of Stalin has a way of leaving a mark.
Never thought I, as a good old trusting semi apolitical moderate USA kid from a more innocent era would end up right there with them. I no longer trust ANYTHING government or medical. Your government and other systems trying to kill you has a way of doing that.
We are all soviets now.
Big time
During the poison pandemic, the hospitals went full creep. Each of my parents were admitted to two different hospitals for different conditions in a major city's medical center. They were abused and one nearly starved to death and the other given a stage 4 bed sore down to the sacral bone plus unneeded intubation and toxic pharma (I suspect Remdesivir.)
When I tried to visit my father and after standing in line outside the lobby, for further entry they insisted upon putting their app on my phone which I refused and had to fill out a long form. Then a nurse from hell insisted I wear their medical blue toxic mask, instead of my fabric one, and that I smear the toxic sanitizer all over my hands which I tried to wipe off. They told me to proceed down the hall into the admissions area, but a robotic voice then demanded I stop and an automatic picture was taken of me without permission or posted notice.
In the other hospital, gendarmes patrolled the entry point and we had to sign in with names and any symptoms we had, they pointed laser thermometers at us which I tried to deflect to my wrists, instead of forehead and pineal gland. There was a roving surveillance robot taking film of everyone in the lobby.
The treatment of the patients they discouraged family from visiting was far worse. The whole Covid lie scene was Kafkaesque. The hospitals and doctors were doing everything they could to earn their bonuses from government by giving poison to patients and offing them which was being rewarded with bigger "Covid" death bonuses.
There were no patient or family "rights" or compassion, only inappropriate control and abuse for blood money and satanic pleasure.
The mad rush to robotics and AI and hired gun temporary gig medical labor is not for nothing. They're not going to care about your or my grandma and the natives are increasingly indoctrinated that "that stuff is beneath us". So one day we wake up at the mercy of totally checked out medical (and other) public service labor just working for an inflated hired gun pay check and wonder why no one speaks up when it is obvious to the trainees that grandma is being shipped off to the ventilation gas chamber to die (be killed actually) and harvest the death harvest bonus.
By the way. I may steal the phrase "full creep":) Wish I thought of it
If only emojis for tears and ironic smiles were easy to find.
This is a holocaust in full view for us to see how few in the system speak up, while life goes on. We are being shown how many people, without complaint, accept the moral and medical irrationality of their own and others' loved ones being killed off, along with humanity at large.
All of this is happening in plain view which is easy for some to see, and simultaneously murky and insufficiently important for others to bother with or to believe the evidence. The times feel synthetic and incomprehensible.
I often think about the sorely missed Far Side cartoons
He frequently had cartoons featuring predators and prey and it was funny but also so real
One theme that would recur in various forms would be a pride of lions wolfing down an elk or something and in the background would be the other ruminant deer or elk. There would always be one curious prey animal looking with curiosity at its brethren being ravenously eaten by the hungry pride. No time to worry that "I might be next". There were also other prey comrades, perhaps the aforementioned one in the next frame that would passively go back to grazing with the "Welp, glad that wasn't me" attitude.
No time to over think about the inevitable if you're gametically evolved to be prey. You must accept your role in the food chain else there'll be no such thing as a moment's peace or happiness.
As humans we are the prey by political machinations or by grooming. Every day we are trained and indoctrinated to view the abominations going on in front of us as "nothing to see here, it's normal, not to worry"
THAT'S the dead brain mindset they want to install.
Perhaps the guy in front of you at the clot shot queue has a seizure and all the prey go
"Welp, glad that wasn't me. The good thing is that it shortens my wait time to get MY Safe and Effective injection"
We are the prey. And if we don't think of ourselves that way they are doing their DOD Military-Grade DARPA-researched best to train us into thinking we are prey and to adapt a prey mentality. Ruminants by breeding just accept their place in the food chain and don't think about it too much. If they worried too much about it they'd be too anxious to reproduce. If the pride takes one of them out not too much angst can be wasted on it because too much energy required to harvest and convert cellulose to energy so "Bambi is dead but I gotta keep eating" is their hard wired mantra.
We as humans aren't BORN to be prey but we can be if we allow it to happen.
Almost everything we see is designed to make us complacent conformist docile prey. I'm not advocating that we should all be pain in the ass contrarians and there is something to be said for going along to get along when it really does not matter. But it is a fine line between going along to get along and losing sight of personal and herd survival. When people stand in clot shot lines watching the guy in front carried away after a seizure with no worry about it, time to reassess and ponder, perhaps we've gotten too passive and complacent.
They did everything they could to ramp up the fear to coerce people into accepting that mass vaccination was the only way out of the "pandemic" and a return to normalcy. The major science deployed in the scamdemic was behavioral: psychology not biology. There has never been any effective let alone safe vaccine for any cold or flu virus. But that didn't stop them injecting a trillion dollars worth of something into people.
Operation Covid Clotshot - successful.
We should have been following THE SILENCE rather than the "follow the science" scam perp'd on us. Had we listened intently to the silence about the harm happening before our eyes our guts would have told us what we needed to know.
Always gets quiet when they're trying to hide something. "We'll get back to you on that data request in 75 years" . Meanwhile "we are the science you should follow us"
We were led down the disingenuous follow the science rabbit hole which has a sad but real lies dam lies and statistics component to it. By the time mere normies could sort out the science from the dam lies and statistics it was almost too late to see what THE SILENCE had been telling us from the beginning.
Hello RAY FALCIOLA. Your portrayal of elderly dying alone to the sound of ventilators is indeed haunting. My eldest brother 'died' in such a situation. There were no visitors allowed in his last days, and his death was obviously injection related.
I grew up in a very conservative and trusting environment. Perhaps that's why I never trusted any military or governmental anything. The heavy indoctrination of my family alienated me completely. It wasn't easy for me to turn out this way... Best Regards.
I forgot to acknowledge your brother. Sorry about that. My eldest brother died young and I always thought it was probably the stress and trauma of having a severely handicapped kid. Damages the whole family including the well siblings. When you start to realize the anonymous ripple effect life agony of child injury it becomes impossible for you to take an "oh well, shit happens" attitude about all the everyday AVOIDABLE AND KNOWN injury that occurs every day to both children and adults at the hands of profiteers.
I can't say my brother's kid's issue was vax related or just an "act of God" but I am virtually certain that at least some of the injured kids I am aware of and the agony of the families that you witness is due to pharma/government policy that no one seems to be in any particular rush to fix. Just brush it all aside and go "glad that wasn't me" just like the prey animal does when the sibling is taken out by the wolves. As humans we weren't evolved to be prey to it is not so easy to dismiss random unnecessary harm.
Once you have seen the despair up close and listened to the suicidal ideation of people in despair about what has happened to their families because of a avoidable medical oops it is hard to just go "welp, not my problem". Long after you've took a walk to shake it off THEY are still in the wheel chair trying to survive. The thing that makes the crimes possible is the ease with which the media and propaganda machines can brush it in to anonymity because after all, that pharma stock in your 401k is looking really juicy isn't it?
I get emotional some times thinking about the anonymity of injury because I saw what it did to my brother and his poor kid. When you live as we all did through the COVID thing we are expected to just "brush off" the abominable crimes against us. Not going to happen. At least not while some of us are still alive and remember what they did.
The ventilators and the pics of old people hugging their loved ones through the equivalent of shower curtains or waving while weeping from behind glass while you know that scene is probably their exit memory. It haunted me and has left me REALLY angry which probably why I rant a bit too much.
When you realize it was all done INTENTIONALLY with meticulous planning using BILLIONS of our extorted trust and dollars. Not something you can ever get over easily
The blessing is those things did not happen to me personally. Most of my family is long gone through the natural progression of time. What got me viscerally was the sheer casual bully nature of it. Faceless corporate and national orgs conspiring to silently safely and without accountability colluding to do grievous massive harm and never called to task while they steal lives and assets. Worse than the school yard bully. At least you have a chance to scratch their eyes if they start punching you rather than the whole "Trust us" act perped on us by the state hiding behind EUA and "follow the science" shields.
Ray Falciola: Mary Baker Eddy, the originator/creator of Christian Science, received high quality guidance and inspiration from Highly Evolved Beings. Secondly, her revelations (to the best of my knowledge) have not been changed and therefore retains the original guidance. There is so much more to life than the physical world. Expand your horizons and consider study of all things beyond the physical. Christian Science would be an excellent start.
Thanks for filling me in. Just in case I seemed accidently dismissive that was not my intent. Just noting that in the world we live in even remotely challenging or questioning modern medicine is considered fringe. Not saying I agree. It is like all the other sacred cow 3r rails like claiming to be anti-vax. My god that's equivalent to being anti-science. We are often not even allowed to express doubts or curiosity without being put on a kook watch Lot of awkward conversations between lots of friends and family of long standing merely for saying, "Nah. No clot shot for me"
At any rate. I think I need to read up on them a bit.
They are paid handsomely
I pray that this passes and that it spreads to every single state! So many people working so hard to stop this poison! Thank you, Sasha and all involved!!
Thank you Doug Cameron and all involved!!! 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏
I heard Doug Cameron speak in Spokane last fall. He is a humble, beautiful soul who has borne a terrible injury with grace and dignity. I pray this bill passes so that others won't suffer a similar misfortune, and pray that the attention passage of such a bill brings will help focus and energize research efforts to find effective cures for those horribly injured by the jabs. Hardly rare, unsafe, and not effective.
You are a Christian Warrior like no other…Fight On! God Bless You & Your Efforts 🙏
North Idahoan here. Will do what I can to spread the word. We need to be the first state.
Great. I may move to Idaho if they are bold and fight this genocide.
250 words? That's an outrage. It's barely enough for an introduction. Who made this rule about 250 words? I would hope for better than that from our Idaho legislators. Ugh!
That said (and vented), go get 'em, Sasha! Thank you for all you are doing!
250 words!?
I'm screwed. I lack the brevity gene. Is there an mRNA to fix it? They say mRNA can fix anything. Allegedly because it can alter your genes. The very stuff of life. You can't win if you don't enter the lottery. It can possibly even alter your empathy and soul genes. So you can be a better mRNA sales person
Lot 201A21A put me in the hospital. No one believed this was the cause of the high troponin. by James Roguski is the most complete compilation of mrna shot info I know of.
Yes. I followed James Roguski for many months during the World Health Organization's *alleged* treaty debates. I concluded that the discussions were simply business contract negotiations, and had nothing at all to do with civilian health.
Here's another James Roguski page with big teeth. >>> Evidence of Military Control >>> December 30, 2024 >>>
The analyses and linked articles are familiar to many coming to this page. Mr Roguski's assertions are well founded. Thank you for posting.
Thank you so much! Idaho thanks you as well.
FanTASTIC work, Sasha, Laura, and Doug!!! Yay!! You are a formidable champion of health freedom, Sasha, and you are fulfilling a soul purpose so well with all you do, including your lovely art. I posted the hearing notification on X and I will rearrange my schedule to attend the S1036 bill hearing on 17Feb in Boise. I would love to meet you, if possible! You and all in this fight have so much love and support from Idahoans like me and countless others, with mega-prayers on full blast in continuous perpetuity for good/love/light/God/Universe/Source to win permanently over evil/greed/suffering/fear.
I will likely be testifying by zoom, but we want the supportive audience, because the pharma lobby will be out with all their big guns.
Perhaps a read of the article would be a good place to start👍🤝
Covid was a massive act of worldwide terrorism committed by our own governments, or more accurately the "imperium in imperio" deep state cabal which controls them. Who needs SPECTRE? Sadly, James Bond is not on our side:).
Thanks to those living in Idaho. Please speak out if just by email. I'm 76 years old and moving, by myself--no family--to Idaho this year for the sole reason that I want the remainder of my life lived in a state which will most likely never abrogate my bodily sovereignty. I think anyone who has followed the "Covid Pandemic" knows full well that seniors were targeted. I lost a friend, at the time 76, who always called me her sister (and I felt likewise) early in the "pandemic" because she accepted the injection. I urged her again and again not to do so...but she lived in senior citizen housing, and I suspect she was easily pressured...a facility I couldn't visit because I remained unvaccinated.
Hey Sasha, Let me know if you or any of your colleagues need hardware developed for medical devices. I am the designer of the KFx Medical Bone SUture Anchor as one example. I designed the 4mm version in a weekend and prototyped it in 4 weeks. KFx Medical converted to a Litigation only firm due to the success of my Bone SUture Anchor design. They won all suits for infringement and were in court with Stryker the last I saw. Visit to learn more.