I am soon to be 77 years old, and as I think back to my own childhood (as do other baby boomers) there was no such thing as "peanut allergies" -- every kid I knew brought peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for their school lunch. We never heard the word "autism" or our friends having any kind of illness other than the usual chickenpox, measles and mumps. We had smallpox vaccinations (I was 5 years old) and polio vaccinations - pink liquid on a sugar cube -- in 1957 (we were 10 years old), but it was one and done -- NEVER multiples of anything! I'm thoroughly convinced that the multiple vaccinations being given to kids from birth onward is a major cause of all this. I read a recent article that said today's children are the sickest population of kids ever! Yet, they just keep pushing this junk! I was told, after my kids were born, to wait until they were two years old before taking them to the country health department to get any vaccinations as they needed time for their immune systems to develop. Whatever happened to that "scientific" and "medical" advice?

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The brain barrier is not a gate or a checkpoint, but rather the bonds between the endothelial cells of the brain's blood vessels are stronger than in other parts of the body, preventing foreign substances from entering the brain cells and nerves through the gaps. In other parts of the body, the bonds between the endothelial cells are said to be somewhat looser to allow immune cells and other things to enter and exit the blood vessels and tissues. (However, the molecules of metal toxic compounds such as AL and Hg are much smaller than immune cells and can pass through the brain barrier.)These are thought to be in place at around the age of two. Public health doctors in every country are ignoring medical knowledge. They are probably being bribed by the pharmaceutical industry.

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Hello Masaki Fujii. All too true. Medical doctors in every country have reduced themselves to insurance brokers, whilst insurance peddlers practice medicine without a licence... That said: The inclusion of nano-scale Graphene Oxides in dental anesthetics, 'vaccines' and other alleged medications, are leading human and animal populations over the proverbial cliff... These oxides easily pass through cellular membranes and alter inter-cellular signal processing.The pharmaceutical industry has reduced to creating mass graves for profit.

There have been no indictments for International Terrorism, nor civil arrests for mass Genocide.

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Do you know of any dental anesthetics that are free from GO?

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I don’t know of any evidence that GO is in dental anaesthetics.

I’m not asserting anything beyond that.

My dentist is wide awake and he doesn’t know of any evidence of contamination either.

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Hello Mike Yeadon. You may find this Abstract informative. >>> Graphene oxide: A new direction in dentistry >>> Available online February 4 2020


The references section above is extensive. Also this: >>> Lidocaine-loaded reduced graphene oxide hydrogel for prolongation of effects of local anesthesia: In vitro and in vivo analyses >>> January 24, 2021 >>> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33487069/

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February 2020 huh...

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I had dental analgesic injections in 2023 which resulted in damaged muscle in my face. I have had plenty of dental procedures to know this is new and not normal.

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Hello Luzzie. I have no information regarding Graphene free anesthetics. It appears many medical products are in transition or being renamed due to Patent expiration. It is difficult for the layman to find medicinal ingredient data... You may find my reply to Mr. Yeadon of interest. Best regards.

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Patent expiration huh...

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Hello Robert. The US Patent and Trademark office provides inventors and manufacturers with monopoly "Royalties" on Patented products. It is not in any way a regulatory body, and products are not vetted in terms of public or environmental safety. Ingredient and product function are carefully described in the Patent application, yet the public rarely refers to this Patent office resource. There are millions of toxic products that *should have* been BANNED from production right from the get-go. Why do we allegedly need FDA, EPA, CDC, etc. approvals of product manufacture, when the entire process could be vetted via Patent right? The issuance of Patent exploits civil populations for the benefit of a select few... Patent rights are stylized on the previous "Letters Patent" scam run by British royalty and other vested interests.

Generally, Patents contain a sell-by date, at which point a new or modified Patent is issued to continue the monopoly game. Few persons recognize this as a "situational" problem...

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There was a joke in the 18th c, and probably earlier:

'Where can I find the town doctor? '

'Try right by the town graveyard'.

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Thank you for that information, Masaki! I will pass this information along to my young friends who are having babies and don't know the truth about vaccines -- although some are learning!

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Public health "doctors" don't have to be bribed. All that is needed is to be told it's so by a phama sales rep or on their mind control screen.. And that's that.

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Bribes are certainly not necessary, although they do occur.

The fundamental problem is that medical training itself makes them complacent about side-effects.

And like all professions, they are apt to be blind as to their own faults, at best, and adept at covering up, at worst.

The 20thc deified physicians, due largely to the wonders of anti-biotics which do indeed save many lives.

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And it will never stop until the parents wake up and say NO MORE. And people are inherently lazy and uninformed and until an adverse reaction happens to their kid or themselves, they will remain oblivious.

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Many younger parents are waking up. My friend's granddaughter had a baby about two years ago and she absolutely said NO to any vaccines being given to her baby. She finally relented when the infant was 3 months old, and allowed him to get an MMR and a polio - but none of the others. The infant broke out in a rash, so she called the pediatrician's office to report it, but they said it wasn't from being vaccinated. This young gal said that it absolutely was because of the vaccination. She's never been back to any pediatrician since! She is however, worried about Child Protective Services as there have been cases in the state in which we live of CPS taking children from parents who refuse vaccinations for their babies, labeling it "child abuse" to let their children to remain unvaccinated! We're in a terrible situation in this country!

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Yes, you have to be an expert navigator. If she fears CPS retaliation she should simply quietly move to a different doctor, and if she has a choice, one that she knows in advance will not report her for refusing poison. If you keep moving around you have a better chance of escaping the noose.

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Thank you, AL -- So far she hasn't moved to any other pediatrician. She believes that these so-called "well baby" visits are a scam and way to sell more vaccines. They really don't care about anything but the money. She's a pretty smart young lady!

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That is exactly what ‘well baby’ visits are for.

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I went to see the physical therapist for vertigo last week. HIPPA records were available to him and he started asking me about my cardiologist.

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Now that so many doctors use Electronic Medical Records, it might get trickier.

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Access to info includes agreeing to TOS for that access, including verbiage exempting the provider from civil litigation on the breach of your data.

Beware: this agreement to arbitration rather than other legal means is part of the "click here to accept being screwed" small print in more and more apps and e-access accounts.

Caveat Emptor.

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How horrible to have to include that moving around in one’s lifestyle to escape a noose. I get it, though.

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Clare - which state?

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It's a one-sided war with an well-educated, well-armed propaganda apparatus against the average prol. The amount of full-court press from K-12 is forced on the parents, and few have the ability to mount a cogent defense against it, the Nuremburg Code be damned. It really takes an act of faith to oppose the pressure as good "opposing" data is never presented by which to make a rational decision. You might call it laziness......but I call it a one-sided coercive war on parents.

Even if one suffers an adverse reaction, is it automatically due to some vaccination? I strangely developed an allergy to macadamia nuts well into my 20's,and yes, I took "unknown" vaccines around 18 years of age. Are they responsible? Difficult to know with any confidence. Of course if I could do it all over again, I would error on the side of prudence trusting in God's immune system and not have any of my children vaccinated, but that ship has sailed. At least my wife and I were weary enough to space them out to the greatest extent we could, but the coercive system is not set up to tolerate this, and our pediatrician is telling us to not listen to the anti-vaccine "nutcases". He went to med school. Neither my wife or I did.

The tide is turning especially since the koof-vaccine failure, and i suspect more and more parents will not have their children vaccinated. But the coercion will remain, and I suspect if we keep voting in the party of mandates, the pressure will only become more formidable.

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They are both the party of mandates. Trump authorized Operation Warp Speed, remember? Everyone needs to stop voting. Voting is consenting to someone else making decisions for you. That is the Con.

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Puppies and other animals shouldn’t get any vax either until their immune systems can handle them. We’re seeing the same allergies in our pets too because of yearly vaccinations. Plus cancer. Damn the vets who knew vax were causing it, but instead of stopping them they switched from giving them under the neck to the legs because they can be amputated if the pet gets cancer. They all know!

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No vax for pets. Ever.

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I gave my pup four or five vaccines when she was three months old. Scare stories about parvo and distemper made me do it. I’ll redo my research for my next pup.

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I agree. I also worry about the push for flea/tick and heartworm prevention medicine. Is this OK? The flea/tick prevention is essentially a pesticide, isn't it? Rabies shots are required here for a dog license, so we do that. We do live in and visit tick-prone areas, so I'm not sure. Anyone have ideas?

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Ivermectin works on fleas, ticks and heart worms. The other products are poison.

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Thank you for that info!

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I live in Maine. My dog and I have had hundreds of tick bites. No reaction other than an itchy bump that lasts a month.

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I kept my bird dog out of undergrowth in tick season, and had no problems. Perhaps frustrating for it, but avoidance is better than applying poisons.

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I agree, thanks!

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So true, Sam -- Cancer in pets -- dogs especially -- is rampant. Watch some of the Vet shows on TV (Dr. Pol, Dr. Jeff, Dr. Oakley, Dr. Dee) and they have many dogs brought in with cancers of various types. Given what we now know about the immune system and the onset of these horrible turbo-cancers in humans, it shouldn't surprise us about our pets. The key should be "one and done" -- like it was in the old days! Giving myriad vaccines over and over is a path to terrible diseases like cancer.

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"The key should be "one and done""

I'll take none and done, thank you.

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Good idea! It always used to be "one and done" when I was a kid -- there weren't many vaccines then but we had one smallpox and one polio. Today, they jab until people drop dead, which is totally unnecessary. I agree that there's no reason for any of these jabs -- especially the mRNA platform which is so deadly.

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Pet vaccines are a very important and regular income stream, obviously.

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Read Puka’s Promise, the quest for longer lived dogs by Ted Kerasote. He spent five years researching everything ‘dog’ across the country.

The most fascinating dog book I’ve ever read. Burnt brown balls, (dog food), vaccines, how and when spaying is done, breeding, vet$$, etc

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Thanks for the suggestion. I will look for it.

I haven’t given my dogs many vax, but 2 of my lab/springers got cancer in their nose…ugh.

All 6 of my dogs died of cancer of various types.

Now it’s the rabies once and done. I wish I could find a non vax vet in my area, but most clinics are being bought out by hedge funds.

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I just got refused to adopt a cat because I don’t have a vet. That was the only reason. I’ve had 20+ animals (dogs and cats) throughout my life and all lived long, healthy lives, mostly avoiding vets. Apparently, the long history I gave wasn’t enough for the pet agency folks to reason it out with common sense.

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That’s so idiotic. If you didn’t have a pet why would you have a vet?

I can’t adopt pets because my heart breaks looking at all the sad ones I can’t rescue.

I think getting one from people who sell them is just as rescuing them as from an adoption place, but I’m not on their radar.

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Where I live dogs have to be current on vaxxes or vets can't treat them. An all inclusive data base.

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Yeah that’s why I want to find a holistic vet, but I have no idea where to find one.

Titers should be acceptable for rabies, but then we’re dealing with people who work for the state and they are authorities.m

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In short, it's a Vaccination Passport for getting vaccinated.

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Wow I wasn’t aware of that connection

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The Federation State Medical Board happened. It's the head of the medical octopus. What they say is law throughout the English-speaking world and beyond. Even if doctors in Europe can't speak English they must still read the latest health gimmick in English and apply it.

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No doubt vaccines harm/kill the microbiome, I’m 73 and in my time we never ate peanut butter, no snacks, no happy hours, no cocktails and no junk that fills you up. Things have changed all over the world but as the US is ranked 42(?) in health and Medicare, the food kids and adults eat are of the same category, no more nutrition in the food.

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Exactly, Im 66 & I never knew anyone who had a peanut allergy, let alone gelatin? Thats a new one, gelatin.

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According to reports from Children's Health Defense, there have been NO proper studies on the effects of injecting babies and children with multiple vaccines in a single doctor visit. This can overwhelm a child's immune system with catastrophic consequences. I begged my daughter to only allow a single injection at a time for her children. It's difficult for her because the pediatricians are pushing this stuff, whether because the CDC says so or due to financial incentives. I fear for the next generations.

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You are right, Tracey -- I once heard Dr. Sherry Tenpenny give a talk about this and if she has parents who want vaccines for their children she recommends waiting until the age of at least 6 months, and then giving only 1 vaccine at a time space by a few weeks -- not multiples of vaccines all at once which can cause dramatic reactions as the immune system goes into overload. It's difficult for many people to believe this because we've been brainwashed into believing that the doctors are always right. Money is a big driver for the medical industry too, as you mention.

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🎯with you 100% Clare G. Boggles my mind .

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Leaky gut & “gluten sensitivity “ I think is really glyphosate allergy. Laundry list of autoimmune issues. Thanks for your work.

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Glyphosate maybe involved, but my money is on anaphylaxis by vaccines as the primary vector, because it is a gastrointestinal reaction of vasodilation, i.e. GI tract becomes permeable (leaky) and then glyphosate adds toxicity. Gluten allergy is definitely because of injected albumins.

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Wheat itself has been transformed through various breeding techniques such as exposing seed to radiation to generate mutations. It is obvious that industry's objective is to increase yield or profit rather than healthful grain. This ratcheted into high gear with GMO techniques - which contrary to stated objectives, have only achieved greater chemical dependencies and vast monopoly power (a case can be made that expanding this monopoly relates to the war in Ukraine).

Anyway the amounts of various proteins within grain has likely changed significantly, which may have transformed mildly allergic reactions to grain to something of greater severity.

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My experience. Manipulated into getting the shingles vaxx. Three weeks later my first ever experience with vertigo. Fought it for a couple of years in total misery. Quite by chance decided to omit wheat products from diet. Vertigo went away. Months later when I started eating wheat products again vertigo came back. Quit wheat, vertigo left. Did this a couple more times with same results. So, one day I put it to test. I reasoned if I eat wheat again it will probably give me vertigo, but it won't kill me, just make me miserable, beside they have pills for it. Ate the wheat stuff, got vertigo. As long as I don't eat wheat stuff- no vertigo.

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I went through that “leaky gut,” gluten sensitivty issue. I agree, now knowing of it, about the anaphylaxis reaction. As Rosalind said, “Thanks for your work.”

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I couldn't get a definitive answer from my friend the gastro in Ventura about how to fix leaky gut. However, what happened to me is that something, and I suspect the graphene oxide, compromised the epithelium, causing the blood vessels (doctors are finding shrinkage of the diameter of the common left iliac vein that feeds the inferior vena cava, thus causing shortness of breath and suffocating symptoms, which cardiologists commonly mistake for coronary small vessel disease. Once a stent is placed in the vessel, which has shrunk from 18 mm to 4mm, the blood and oxygen returns to the heart and the problem gets fixed. Jordan Vaughan at U of AL is doing it, as well as Pierre Kory now too.

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Please look on YouTube-Australias Judy Carman PHD on Inadequate GMO Testing

She did a five and a half month blind study of piglets one half fed only GMO corn and soy and the other half non GMO corn and soy. Veterinarian evaluated organs at time of slaughter showed uterus weight of females fed GMOs to be 25% higher. Male pigs fed GMOs had 4 times greater stomach inflammation and female pigs had 2.2times stomach inflammation compared to those fed non GMOs.

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I came to that conclusion too, and they changed the name from glycophosphate to glyphosate to confuse the issue.

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Thank you so much!!!! I could have sworn that in years past I read label on Round Up as Glycophosphate. Then all of a sudden it was pointed out to me that the word is glyphosate. I thought Wow! Could I really have been misreading that word wrong all these years? Guess so. But now I know. No I wasn't. Might have had something to do with Monsanto's patent on Round Up not being renewed around 1993.

PS The word Glycophosphate is underlined in red as misspelled. Spell check offers glyphosate as the only option for correct spelling.

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You don't need to have a glyphosate allergy, it is already a poison to various cells.

Glyphosate, long ago patented as an antibiotic, clearly is toxic to some microorganisms, so it should be expected to have various impacts on the myriad populations comprising our microbiome. We have a symbiotic relationship with many of the microorganisms within our bodies as many of these populations help breakdown and digest foods to make various nutrients available required for our vital functions. We cannot live without this functionality.

That said, glyphosate is pervasive in our environment and should be expected to appear in trace amounts whenever foodstuff is included as part of a vaccine adjuvant, other makeup, or simple contamination.

Now that the truth (or should I say lack thereof) about formulation, safety, and oversight in vaccine production, it would come as no surprise if it turns out that this compound has been intentionally tried or included in some vaccines by the maniacs who devise them. While this may sound farfetched, reflect on the fact that this shit is jammed down throats of people around the world and around the clock. All of us...

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Indeed. This is discussed in William Davis' book Super Gut.

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Hello Rosalind. You may find this article somewhat helpful. >>> The History of How Wheat Became Toxic >>> July 5, 2011 >>> https://maninisglutenfree.wordpress.com/2011/07/05/the-history-of-how-wheat-became-toxic/

The use of Glyphosate and POEA surfactants (Polyethoxylated tallowamines) have destroyed multiple Biome on former planet Earth. >>> A classic paper from decades ago. >>> http://www.i-sis.org.uk/DMPGR.php Read carefully...

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Before vaccines, we used to enjoy a packet of peanuts given free upon being seated in a aircraft! Now, peanuts are banned because its just another of 1000+ adverse reactions useless injections cause.

It's time to rethink ALL vaccines. Before 1960, we had few injections and, in general, we trusted the science. Since then, the number of injections (called VACCINES) has risen to ridiculous numbers and Big Pharma think this is just the start! They'll soon have a DEADLY mRNA vax to stop you farting!

'NO LIABILITY' is the first reason to stop taking these dangerous invasive jabs. No LIABILITY means Pfizer et al, do nit trust their injections and other medicines - So you can be their Guinea Pigs!

We have lost trust in our Doctors because they denied patients knowledge of Adverse Reactions and DEATHS caused by these injection - making therm complicit in mass-murder by medical injection!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) No jabs until 'LIABILITY' is reintroduced for 'experimental injections'!!

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It would be nice if "they" cared what we think

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To misquote the widely seen meme slightly: They keep doing it because we haven't hung them for it yet.

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Mick- Guinea Pigs or cash cows?

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Big Pharma - along with their close friends at the FDA have just agreed to use poor, orphan kids as Lab Rats with injected poisons. Any kid who doesn't live with parents is fair game - providing they're on WELFARE. Even 'Free school meals' qualifies them as prey!

This is a recent piece of unbelievable FDA legislation - in case you missed it! Unjabbed Mick (UK)

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Great! Another Conspiracy Theory proven accurate! Also, this news fits nicely into the New World Order's 'Mis-' or 'Disinformation' because it denigrates the myth that 'VACCINES' cause HARM and DEATH! Mick (UK).

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Do you have a link to this regulation?

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I just noticed that my 'comment' had a picture of Sasha Latipova shown as the author. Can't be sure, but if you look up her stories over the past few days you may find proof! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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No, but it was shown in two separate articles. I have little doubt of it's authenticity and if I stumble on it again, I'll send you the link! Unjabbed Mick (UK)

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Well said, and your comment about a vaccine for farts made me lol

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👏 👏

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The gut and microbiome are there to down regulate the immune response. If it sees peanuts or gelatin first, there will be no subsequent problems. Giving vaccines first bypasses that crucial step and will cause anaphylaxis with a subsequent oral challenge. When the number of vaccines exploded, children received massive inoculations of peanut oil before they had a chance to consume it.

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That’s a very interesting point. So maybe parents should introduce nuts and gelatin to their children before any vaccines. Gelatin will be easy via jello, but for nuts you’d have to make some kind of extra smooth peanut paste.

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The flu shot caused my food allergies. Shouldn’t have taken mom’s advice on that. I didn’t have any food allergies before that

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Thank you for such clear concise writing on this topic. I appreciate the summary. Allergies did not exist before vaccines.

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You can't even put a number on the amount of suffering caused by the vax cartel crimes. Most of it borne silently by the victims & the victims' family. All of it, the suffering, the truncated dreams, the thousands perhaps millions of dollars lost or looted out of pocket, borne anonymously by the victims and the victims' family and circle.

Meanwhile pharma get their multimillion golden parachutes and pharma portfolios return shareholder value... making most of us willing or unwilling participants in the crime because our 401k's etc typically have a lot of blood money in them

I remember pulmonary doctors characterizing smoking harm in "pack years" as a way to assess the potential harm of that ill advised vice. We should come up with an index like that for the vax harm and vax crimes. Something like "anonymous person suffering years" or "vax'd person loot years". Come up with a plausible global index to give an idea of scale. I don't know, get creative. We need better ways to rip the anonymous suffering bandage to illustrate to people what is going on all around us, probably right on our own block, maybe our own families. Everyone keeping a smile best they can while silently trying to deal with the consequences of these coerced mandated crimes.

All I know is how many people all of us know who have peanut allergies, autism, gut problems, seizure disorders, all sorts of mystery auto immune issues, many of which can plausibly but often not provably attributed to vax crimes.. The refuge of criminals is always plausible deniability. Whatever the malady most are life attenuating and limiting. Many victims are pushed towards the "hysterical" side of society because you often can't know for sure if an alleged disorder is real. Marginalized and forced to bare the consequences in silence while pharma with the help of the government gestapo says "do it for the greater good and to protect granny"

And of course we get to fund it all with our taxes because it is the least we can do to "do our part".

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Good comment.

It is no accident that 401ks, corporate public pensions, and other publicly traded corporations have some non-private ownership. This is to cultivate some favorable public sentiment tying corporate financial well-being to the finances of the general public. When a newscaster effervescently gushes about growth in stock indices, it is also part of the gaslighting that killing industries are to our benefit. But all you need to do is follow the smoke map to see that we are in big trouble. Fuel derived from the tar-sands regions of Canada are the epicenter of environmental disaster. The isolated incidences of large portions of our countries being immersed in toxic smoke that we have begun to experience in recent years testifies that the fossil fuel industry may not be very good for our future - no matter how much money it generates. I think we have ample evidence that the same can be said of pharma...

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You articulate my position to a T (cell)!

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UK approved Astra Zeneca flu mist nasal spray for self administration

Side effects of Guillain Barre and wheezing are apparently acceptable risks ...acceptable to the company sharehders I assume.

Normalising self delivery ...

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Always love the florals in the glass containers! Lovely 💐💐

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We are told "A pregnant woman never drinks alone", but pregnant women are pushed five vaccines. Flu, Dtap, and Covid (not a vaccine, but a bio weapon).

If the child and mom survive that onslaught, within 24 hours of birth, infants are pushed 3 things (1) the eye goop (2) the Hep B filled with aluminum and (3) the "Vit" K shot which has an FDA blackbox warning.

Try and deny them as a new mom.

Good luck with that.

The Vit K shot, as.well, has been linked to peanut allergies.

I honestly do not know how kids survive these day.

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I've been thinking about this idea of nearly all allergies coming from injections. My mother didn't want to believe her numerous allergies could have come from vaccines because she hardly remembered receiving any but I realized she was born after they started the DPT shots.

In recent years, we discovered my wife has a severe allergy to cochineal aka Red 40 (an insect-derived food dye). When she was a child, she had a bad reaction to a vaccine and her mother made sure she never got other vaccines. We did foolishly decide to get one round of flu shots (before covid) and she also got RhoGAM shots on the advice of her OB/GYN when she was pregnant. Now I wonder how she became sensitized to the exotic insect protein. Food dye shouldn't be in any of those injections. Was it an analogous protein in one of those? The RhoGAM shots seem to contain actual antibodies from donors, could that have transferred an allergy from the donor to her? This particular allergy has shown up sufficiently in recent years that there was an effort to require the particular dye to be on food labels.

I personally had an allergy to some molds from a young age. I wonder if I received a mold contaminated vaccine? At any rate, I now have numerous allergies that I developed during adulthood that I am nearly certain came from the military vaccine schedule.

Judging by my family, there seems to be a considerable genetic component to how likely a person is to develop allergies. No one should be getting vaccines but especially no one who has a parent that has any allergies should get an injection of any sort if possible.

EDIT: I wonder if dentist's anesthesia injections can sometimes cause an allergy to develop despite their lack of something like adjuvants to aggravate the immune system? Certainly that would be a candidate for introducing a food dye into the bloodstream.

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According to research, allergens are:

(1) foreign (amino acids, peptides, proteins, bacteria, fungi, pollen, drugs, etc.)

(2) even if allergens are different, if there are similar parts (molecules), cross-reactions can cause allergy or anaphylaxis.

(3) If a substance similar to the internal chemicals involved in the onset of allergy enters the body, it can cause a reaction similar to allergy.

(4) Haptens are substances that do not directly produce antibodies but bind to proteins and become antigen-like, reacting with existing antibodies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hapten

Anyway, even researchers have a lot of unknowns, so I think it's better not to put unnecessary things into the blood unless they are related to immediate life.

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Sasha, it’s shocking to me to appreciate how long ago this was recognised in Japan.

Of course injecting people with non-self proteins induces a state of hypersensitivity to subsequent exposures to the same & closely related proteins. That it was ever done must classify as intentional harm. It’s not an arcane mystery that this happens. Nobel prizes have been awarded for characterising the phenomenon & for elucidation of the mechanism(s).

Folks: you should assume that the same phenomenon is occurring in our children in USA and U.K. (& elsewhere). Can you construct a benign interpretation of this whole thing?

I cannot yet I’m no longer even slightly reluctant to call it out as intentional and certainly knowingly.

Ps: I clasp my head in embarrassment and frustration that, through my career in pharma, the incidence of allergies manifest as illnesses as diverse as asthma, allergic rhinitis & eczema ramped up remorselessly. I was occasionally asked “Why do you think this is?” Of course, i didn’t know. There were theories such as “the hygiene hypothesis”, whereby living in almost sterile conditions deprived children of normal stimulation by bacterial products at a time when their immune systems were developing their homeostatic mechanisms and set points. Bacterial products often prompt immune responses classified as “Th-1”. Since it was theorised that “Th-1” & “Th-2” types of immunological set pieces were in equilibrium, inadequate Th-1 stimulation would tend to result in excessive Th-2 immune responses. It’s interesting to note that Th-2 type immune responses are typical of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema.

In truth, it never occurred to me that it was even in scope that I should work out what might be causing the increase in allergic diseases in children, let alone that, if I did come up with answers, that anything could or would be done about it.

In that narrow sense, I wasn’t wrong.

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I used to love almonds and almond butter, and after getting a covid shot, I was having almond butter and I couldn't breathe after ingesting the butter. I ended up calling the ambulance and they brought my breathing back to normal. It was quite an unnerving event.

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There are a lot of proteins in covid shots, and they could be from the usual collection of food proteins that are in all other vaccines.

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Wow. The all consuming hate that these monsters must have for humanity. We have to remove them permanently from society before we are completely erased.

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Developed Gluten sensitivity and colitis decades ago. I dutifully took every vax recommended by my primary care docs. Changed my diet and solved both issues. I’m done with any vaccine.

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They say that Medicine isn't a science, it's an art. I say, it's a religion and the dogma is indoctrinated into them in med school by the representatives of Big pharma, otherwise know as professors. It's not much different in the educational industrial complexes where we are All indoctrinated in whatever the current dogma is. Our natural curiosity and critical thinking suppressed while they Tell us the opposite because you couldn't have the stratified society with a tiny elite in control over the lumpenproletariat plebs. Of course, the ruling classes have an officer class, 10% or so to do important stuff and keep the plebes in line. This has been going on for millenia. At least, in China, they do make everyone's life better and here, they make the lumpenproletariats lives worse as the transfer of wealth upwards continues and accelerates.

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