JD Vance’s arrival into the national consciousness at a warp speed (pun intended) peaked my interest in his background - a venture capitalist investing into biomedical research among other favorite technocratic obsessions. I have written an article on my initial analysis based on a hit piece published in 2022 by Rolling Stone magazine:
Factchecking the Rolling Stone's 2022 hysterical take on JD Vance. Mostly true.
The Rolling Stone article highlighted one of the particularly gruesome animal experiments that Vance’s company, AplifyBio was involved in - injecting new “chimeric Nipah-virus vaccine” directly into the brains of mice, hamsters and monkeys. I decided to investigate what scientific inquiry justified this insane level of animal cruelty?
Just to be upfront about this issue: I am in principle not against studying toxicity of medicines in animals before human testing. The main reason for animal studies is to avoid harm to humans, especially to the volunteers in clinical trials. The goal of animal research is to characterize and exclude major risks before a drug can be studied in well controlled clinical trials. However, ethical considerations apply to animals, too. We are not allowed to torture them unnecessarily, nor use their tissues for designing substances primarily aimed at harming people, such as biological or chemical weapons. For non-human primate research, a study must be signed off by an animal review board (yes, most of these are captured by the same institutions that captured all other scientific research, but still).
To be upfront about another massive anxiety in the “freedom community”: I will be using the word “virus” throughout this article. Mostly with a lot of sarcasm. This is not an endorsement of virology (which is a junk science). I am simply showing what these people do (and what Vance invests in). While virology is a fake science, the biological and chemical poisons are very real and can be made in labs. Synthetic molecules that mimic naturally occurring toxins have always been around, many of them are in your medicine or utility cabinet right now. The biologics are large chemical molecules that mimic aspects of bacterial toxins and other toxins derived by poisoning of animal tissues (e.g. brain). They do not self-spread and don’t cause epidemics or pandemics, but can be involved in a localized poisoning incident (usually in the same labs that work on them). The reason I am spending so much time on this point is that I am tired of the obtuse “virus-no-isolated” trolls that swarm the comment space triggered by the word “virus”, start posting links to Sam Bailey and in general behave like lunatics. I typically tell them to fk off. Synthetic biology is a metaphor, but synthetic chemistry is real. I want you to understand what is really going on in these “biolabs”, so that they can’t scare you with “self-spreading bioweapons” and “pandemic preparedness” BS.
The study in question was conduced by several contractors including AmplifyBio and was funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) via Batelle Institute, and the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). The paper was published in PLOS Pathogens.
The study substance:
It is described as a “chimeric vaccine (PHV02) composed of recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) expressing the envelope glycoproteins of both Ebola virus (EBOV) and NiV. PHV02 is identical in construction to the registered Ebola vaccine (Ervebo) with the addition of the NiV G gene”:
What this means is they added the “Nipah virus gene” (whatever that is, i.e. a large synthetic chemical sequence designed on a computer and constructed by cDNA cloning) to the Merck Ebola vaccine that is on he market under EUA/PREP Act. In reality, there is absolutely no way to tell what’s ultimately in this substance. What we know for sure, it’s toxic, and probably causes poisoning presenting with features of the Ebola disease at sufficient exposure. So, now this new combo causes both types of poisoning, a hemorrhagic fever and neurological damage/encephalitis associated with what is claimed to be the “Nipah virus”.
The authors refer to the same substance (PHV02) as both a “vaccine” and a “virus”. The toxic brew is declared to be based on a “live, replication competent viral vector”, and they also admit it falls into the genetically modified organism (GMO) classification. The authors are saying this is ok, because everybody is doing it already:
There are now several vaccines approved for human use based on live, replication competent recombinant viral vectors, including rVSV-EBOV (Ervebo) [5,6], recombinant yellow fever (YF) 17D-dengue (Dengvaxia) [7], and YF 17D-Japanese encephalitis (ImoJev) [8], and development of other viral vectors remains an area of wide research interest [9–20]. In all cases, a challenge for vaccine development is to confirm safety of a novel genetically modified organism (GMO) having virulence, tropism, and persistence characteristics derived from both the parental virus and the incorporated transgene(s).
Does Ebola-Nipah chimeric virus exist in nature? No. Well, who cares. Dr. Vance’s team is making it in monkeys.
Curiously, despite having “live replicating Ebola-Nipah pathogen” in their hands, the work is done in a standard biosafety environment, no mention of a BSL3 or BSL4 is made, yet the authors claim they made a dangerous novel 3-headed pathogen. This is convenient material for bioweapons fear-porn acolytes to later point to and screech that if this dangerous research “leaks”, it will be worse than a nuclear holocaust (Rand Paul on RFK Jr podcast. I will address this in another article shortly). In any case, while Vance’s lab is working on this near-nuke, they don’t seem to worry about the explosion…
One thing I would like to know - how does this NOT violate the Biological Weapons Convention? Oh, silly me, I forgot! When the production is advertised as “vaccine development”, it is ok to manufacture the super-duper “Ebola-Nipah live replicating GMO viruses” in labs. It is especially ok, since these viruses are “rescues” by the NIH (like your adopted dog or cat from the animal shelter):
The authors are especially grateful to Drs. Emmie de Wit and Heinz Feldmann, Laboratory of Virology, Division of Intramural Research, NIAID, NIH for providing the rescued rVSVΔG-EBOV GP-NiV G and rVSVΔG-NiV F/G viruses and supporting documentation.
Notice, this happened NOT in China, and NOT in Ukraine, but right here at home, in Ohio, Texas and DC! And, you won’t believe this, but the CIA-DOD-Scott Gottlieb’s baby, National Resilience, is the place where these “vaccines/viruses” were manufactured:
The team at Ology Bio Inc (now a subsidiary of National Resilience Inc.) under the leadership of Dr. Sara Terpening, manufactured the research and cGMP vaccine stocks used in the nonclinical studies.
I told you so:
Thank you, NIH, DTRA, CEPI, and the CIA, for making America great by bringing the bioweapons manufacturing jobs back home!
Thank you, Trump, for picking JD Vance as VP, and for promising to warp speed all drugs once elected. We will have so much of this goodness produced in every hillbilly place that was previously poisoned by warp speeded oxycontin…
Thank you Biden, for announcing the Cancer Moon Shot! After JD Vance and DTRA are done injecting everyone with monkey poison we will sure need it!
I digress…
Monkey brains were injected with: 1)the PHV02 Ebola-Nipah chimera, 2) a yellow fever vaccine approved in 1937 ((YF) 17DD) or a “placebo”. Note that the “yellow fever vaccine” is a poison brewed by the US gov without any regulations, approx. 35 years before the FDA started fake-regulating vaccines. It was selected to be a comparator to the Ebola-Nipah chimeric brew for reasons of saying - see, at least ours doesn’t do that! The “placebo” was a Tris buffer solution + human recombinant albumin (a drug, which is a synthetic version of a protein found in human blood). I have no idea why synthetic albumin is added. Post in comments if you know. In any case, true placebo is impossible in this pointless exercise in poisoning monkey brains, as injecting anything directly into the brain will cause brain damage.
First some mice and hamsters got tortured by injecting poisons directly into their brains. The results were “inconclusive”. This, somehow, scientifically “justified” injecting live monkeys directly into the brain for purposes of a “neurovirulence test” (i.e. brain poisoning test that they claim “simulates” what happens with an intramuscular injection). Why is it not sufficient to inject the product intramuscularly and look at the biodistribution/safety/toxicology like normal drug studies do? Well, we don’t want to do THOSE studies, because they always turn out bad for us. Vaccines are different, you see!
Because of the inconsistency of neurovirulence patterns in the rodent models, a monkey neurovirulence test (MNVT) was performed, using YF 17DD as the active comparator because it has a well-established profile of quantifiable microscopic changes in brain centers and a known reporting rate of neurotropic adverse events in humans.
The stated purpose is to poison the animal brains. Since the yellow fever vaccine is known to predictably cause structural brain damage and neurotoxicity in people, the authors decided it was a valid comparator. They also claimed that while their PHV02 concoction is chemically nearly identical to the currently marketed Ebola vax, somehow the Ebola vax was not a valid comparator. Of course it is always best to compare your new vaccine product to the bat soup that was made by witches during the middle ages, duh! We can’t set the bar low enough…
The published result of this pointless animal cruelty project was the result that the distinguished team of NIH, CEPI, CIA, DTRA and private pharma bros like Vance were going to get no matter what experimental set up! They tortured a bunch of animals, poisoned their brains, then concluded that their new chimeric Ebola-Nipah concoction is probably not neurotoxic to people if injected intramuscularly (unclear based on what data as there was no experimental set up to determine that).
Finally they stated that even though using totally unrelated toxic products to study new categories of other toxic products as controls has not been allowed before (“unprecedented to use heterologous comparator”), the FDA should allow this in the future, because it is “promising”:
The findings are important because they illustrate the complexities of phenotypic assessment of novel viral vectors with tissue tropisms determined by transgenic proteins, and because it is unprecedented to use a heterologous comparator virus (YF vaccine) in a regulatory-enabling study. This approach may have value in future studies of other novel viral vectors.
Of course it is promising! It’s promising to make more money to Vance’s investment fund and other military-industrial backers of this product.
If by now you figured out that this entire study is not science, but an exercise in poison making by a bunch of psychopaths funded by some other psychopaths, you are correct!
History Repeats?
In fact while reading the mice and monkey torture story, I was reminded of the book “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” by Edward Haslam. This book is semi-autobiographical, and it details how the investigation of JFK’s assassination by then District Attorney of New Orleans, Jim Garrison, in the late 1960’s revealed the CIA and private mafia perpetrators. The assassination plot and the people behind it also had ties to the CIA making biological weapons, i.e. substances to induce cancer in humans.
I highly recommend this book, even though I believe several opinions of the author to be erroneous. It also appeared to me that the book had influence of censorship or self-censorship due to some inconsistent and/or implausible conclusions proposed by the author at times. The factual history appears to be accurate and credibly sourced. Ignoring some of the author’s beliefs, it is possible to get a reasonably accurate picture of what transpired back then, and see with greater clarity how the same thing continues today. If you are planning to read the book, stop reading this article and skip to the artwork as there will be some spoilers.
The CIA biowarfare cancer-making operations had a stated goal of assassination of Fidel Castro, and shuttled in New Orleans between “dirty” underground/home based animal labs, and the highest echelons of academia and medicine, i.e. American Cancer Society leadership (Dr. Alton Ochsner and Dr. Mary Sherman). The latter doctors worked under secret contracts from the military using advanced radiation equipment installed at the US military hospital/research facility.
Shannon Joy, a podcaster journalist from Rochester NY, collaborated on a documentary covering a part of this story. She traveled to New Orleans and interviewed Judy Baker for this film. In the 1960’s Judy was Lee Harvey Oswald’s girlfriend. She and Oswald had cover jobs at a coffee company, but were also employed at a “dirty” CIA-funded animal lab, under direction of David Ferrie, a gifted pilot, defrocked priest and an amateur “scientist”, but, by many accounts, also a pedophile degenerate. In the documentary, Judy discussed some of the procedures that she was directed to perform to make the cancer-inducing extracts from mice.
The disgusting process included inducing cancer in a set of mice, typically by injections of various toxins into their brains, then harvesting tumors, selecting the worst ones, making extracts from them, and injecting that into another set of animals. The blenderized tumors were stored in David Ferrie’s home refrigerator together with his beer. That’s how dangerous viruses are stored, folks! Ferrie’s fridge wasn’t (and isn’t) the only one! OMG, what if they leak? (Quick, someone, please contact James O’Keefe so we can discuss the world ending potential of mutating viruses in labs!)
I digress. Subsequently, these cancer smoothies would be sent to the “clean” research lab, where Dr. Sherman under direction of Dr. Ochsner would use a linear particle accelerator (a secret 3-story installation in a military hospital with 5 million volts of power) to expose them to radiation in hopes of “mutating” the “cancer viruses”. My personal opinion, these psychos were hoping to animate the blenderized tumors and make them “alive replicating”, kind of like the Frankenstein story. That didn’t work. The experiments also include monkeys with skulls sawed open, fitted to the apparatus to infuse these poisons into their brains. It was believed that monkey carried lots of viruses deadly to humans, and were particularly useful to induce cancer in people, due to similarities with humans. My personal opinion - monkeys do not carry any particular large variety of viruses. The reason for the belief in “monkey viruses” is because monkeys are very smart animals. Much smarter than rats, mice and hamsters. They know what people are doing, and they can anticipate that they will have their skulls sawed open. So, they fight - bite, scratch, throw feces and scream bloody murder at their handlers. Monkeys also look like little people, in some ways like children. The prospect of sawing off a scull of a little human-like creature to pour poison into it, while the creature KNOWS what you are about to do terrorizes the abusers of monkeys and they get prone to mistakes - needle sticks, getting bit and getting the bite infected with monkey feces, and so on. That’s how the myth of “monkey viruses” came to be in the “science” field.
Judy Baker revealed that at some point Dr. Ochsner used the toxic cancer extract on a mentally ill person, and the man died in 28 days. There were other human victims, but Judy knew only of that one person. At that point Judy rebelled and lost her position in the lab as well as prospects for career in cancer research and had to leave/go into hiding.
This process of injecting and harvesting is what is referred to as “passaging viruses” through animals with claims of “gain-of-function”. There was no reliable way to make anything “transmit” between animals back then, and there is no such method now. The most reliable method of inducing cancer is still by injection. That’s why the Blob is hellbent on vaccinating everyone continuously.
The book covers Dr. Alton Ochsner extensively. He was a leading figure in the science and medical field of cancer in the US and internationally, a famous cancer surgeon. He was widely celebrated in academia and medicine and had an extremely successful and lucrative business operating on cancer patients, including on heads of state and other powerful people, especially from Latin America. There were rumors that he was a Nazi sympathizer, involved in “Paperclipping” Nazi scientists. In any case, he seemed to know a lot of rich people in Latin America after WWII. When he perceived a threat to his cancer business interests from the rise of communism in the region (which would potentially eliminate the rich and powerful people’s ability to fly to his clinic for cancer treatments), he financed a propaganda operation called INCA, the Information Council of the Americas. A typical INCA production interviewed Cuban exiles. From these interviews, INCA produced and distributed “Truth Tapes” to 120 radio stations throughout Latin America.
Dr. Ochsner had powerful government connections in the US, too. In the early 1960, ex-Vice President Richard Nixon called on Ochsner in New Orleans, supposedly to discuss his political plans. Nixon and Ochsner shared not only politics, but medical experiences, too. The Salk polio vaccine was “contaminated” with cancer causing SV-40 and pushed on driven-mad-with-fear public by the NIH during Nixon’s Vice Presidency (1953-61). Within days numerous children were paralyzed, fell ill with polio and many died. Lawsuits erupted. Dr. Ochsner famously killed his own grandson and crippled his granddaughter with this vaccine. Does this remind you of Peter Hotez who poisoned his own daughter with vaccines? There are numerous examples of medical psychopaths killing and injuring their own children and grandchildren, sacrificing them to their death cult.
The bad publicity generated by the polio vax at the time caused a political crisis, removing the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare and some of the leadership of the NIH. Entering the office of President in 1969, Nixon promptly declared “War on Cancer”, quadrupled the budget of the National Cancer Institute, converted the Army’s biological warfare center to a cancer research laboratory, and financed the NIH’s “Viral Cancer Program”. Did you notice what he did? Renamed a biological weapons facility into “viral cancer program”! Ta-da!
Meanwhile, the person who brought attention to the polio vax causing polio and cancer, an NIH employee Dr. Bernice Eddy, had her lab shut down, was put under a gag order and otherwise professionally smeared and destroyed.
During the 20 years of the “War on Cancer”, $22B+ of taxpayers’ money was spent on research. For reference, the Salk polio vaccine was pushed on the deceived public because of 33K cases of polio/year at its peak. Neither the original poison (Salk), nor the newer versions of the polio vax prevent polio. This is stated on the product label. The polio shots “contaminated” with SV-40 and who knows what else by the 1980’s resulted in an epidemic of cancer that dwarfed anything that can be called an epidemic of polio. For a long time asbestos was used for filtration of vaccines. Today, I believe graphene oxide might be used for the same purpose, as “legal” asbestos. All cancers went up by 20%, but specifically soft tissue cancers, skyrocketed: breast (+200K cases/year), prostate (+200K cases/year), skin and lung cancers (+500K cases/year).
With mRNA injections we have seen an enormous rise in cancers, among numerous other deadly conditions, some immediate, some more long term.
Truly, when the government investigates itself and finds itself guilty, it rewards itself with greater budgets to commit same crimes under different labels.
Other interesting connections that are mentioned in Edward Halsam’s book - there were numerous Gottliebs associated with with a variety of CIA/DOD medical and biowarfare projects. Dr. Sidney Gottlieb was the medical director of the program of advancing the death of Fidel Castro by use of various poisons. Dr. Michael S. Gottlieb “discovered AIDS” at UCLA in 1981. Dr. A. Arthur Gottlieb was the editor of the US Army Biological Warfare (Ft Detrick) book in 1972. While familial relationship, if any, is unclear, Scott Gottlieb, former commissioner of the FDA under Trump, a Pfizer board member is also a board member of the National Resilience, the manufacturer of the Ebola-Nipah virus concoction for Dr. Vance’s Monkeys torture experiments.
Art for today: Morning in Carson Valley, watercolor, 9x12 in.
The painting is really nice. JD Vance not so much. But consider the alternative, Tampon Tim. 🫤
We’re circling the drain…
It might be J.D. Vance's monkey but Peter Thiel, Bilderberg steering committee member, is the organ grinder.