The more I find out, the more horrified I become. I work in early childhood education. I have seen a steady increase of autism and serious allergies in children. I have seriously questioned the vaccine schedule and processed foods for years. Many of my colleagues see nothing wrong with vaccines. I am in Canada in the province of Ontario. Our Ministry of Education requires children to have vaccination to enroll in childcare or public school. What the Minister of Education neglects to tell parents that they can still opt-out, yet it is a process. I am personally tired of the garbage. I am also tired of big pharma and UN dicates influencing medicine. I am also tired of the central banking system.

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When working with disabled children, I came across new age gurus saying these children (namely children on the spectrum and ADHD) are 'indigo and crystal children' and I wondered about that narrative.

Maybe there are some cases like that, but now the more I know about the so called vaccines, the more I wonder if the narrative was a cover up to sugar coat the side effects and to make ppl stop questioning the root causes.

I also came across parents who didn't wanna know the root cause as they believed it was too late to do anything (the child was already born with disabilities).

So the saga continues....

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I know of a psychology professor who was pushing the idea of indigo and crystal children, and her students, of course, thought that this idea was backed by some kind of evidence because it was coming from a college professor.

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Maybe it was part of woke agenda then....

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Tonya, I am curious about your ideas on indigo and crystal children?

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I take the view that the whole "5D Ascension", "3 Waves of Children" and the idea of this new generation being "special" as one huge propaganda push. Part of it is another Operation Trust to keep people away from the politics, the New Tyranny and the One World religion, while the other is to keep the medical control grid covered up (until it is ready to be fully revealed) and that means that we should get no hints of their ongoing genocide or damage already done. The thing is that the larger this crime becomes, the less we are going to be able to hold these people to account so they might as well go all-in! Which is what they have so obviously done.

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I think 🤔 there are too many children on the spectrum, have ADHD, have autoimmune disfunction, or severe allergies. There has got to be reasons for the increase. In the past, I took the explanations at face value. Yet, I still had questions. One thing that the plandemic forced me to do was to look deeper. I have forced myself to not just think differently, but act differently and speak out. I am very skeptical of what influence outside sources have on childcares all the way to colleges and universities. I am researching, learning and thinking critically. I just feel poorly that I was Kate to the ballgame.

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Just to add. Back then when I was working w disabled children, one prominent hypothesis was it was more likely to happen to old parents (indicating their eggs or sperm were not as functional as young parents').

Ones on the severe end of the spectrum were having a hard time as they grew older. The health professionals didnt know what to do with them and only ended up focusing more on the mgt of their self harming or harm to others behaviour such as head banging and being aggressive to others and objects. Thus prescribing sedative type of medication. And endless useless psychological assessments....

I wont go in there any more.

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Lisa, could I persuade you to write a full article on what you have witnessed, pretty please? People love to hear IRL testimony from those working with children.

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There is an old saying in Japan (although it is unclear when it originated) that says, "Be careful not to get stung twice by a bee." Even in an age without medicine, people had wisdom.

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yes, true!

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That's an adage found it probably every culture, even that of criminals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ6N-sb7SVQ

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I really liked your closing statement. And it becomes more and more obvious that the goal of what is behind the eugenics etc. movement is not just to kill people, but to suppress human intelligence and development to create a miserable slave society that will do all of the work, while at the same time providing them with literal human energy. Humans are amazing and our potential is much greater than we realize now.

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The warlords will poison themselves too, so what will they accomplish

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They are tools of an evil force; you can read about it in Nicolai Levashov's books at Levashov.info. He defined this force as social parasitism at all levels, which kills the best/strongest part of a species (rather than biological parasitism, which kills the weakest). This type of evil can't evolve and cannot create, despite being ubiquitous. Humans have tremendous evolutionary potential to develop to a level where we can use the power of thought to create.

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Or do they make you think they are ’poisoning’ themselves. I guarantee the elites do not vaccinate their children. The videos of elites receiving vaccines is fake. They are receiving saline, most likely.

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One bite or injection….followed by another bite or injection…. No wonder the symbol of medicine is often depicted with two serpents. Coincidence? Since Eden the serpent has always deceived…

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Thank you for this article and your painting is beautiful!

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I kept this because both UK and USA scientists were discussing the necessity to notify folks who carry an epipen never to take the covid shots. Why? Those scientists had access to the Pfizer clinical trial data showing high level of anaphylaxis.

"...scientific world seems to continually ignore the work of Nobel scientist Charles Richet which demonstrated a persistent form of anaphylaxis in the human body (of some, but not all) when foreign proteins are entered into the blood stream directly without first passing through the intestine, as explained below in the type 3 response:

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1913

Charles Richet, Nobel Lecture: Anaphylaxis

…Phylaxis, a word seldom used, stands in the Greek for protection. Anaphylaxis will thus stand for the opposite. Anaphylaxis, from its Greek etymological source, therefore means that state of an organism in which it is rendered hypersensitive, instead of being protected.

To make this plain,..."

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Interesting word study! And notice that 'healthcare' doesn't mention phylaxis but pushes all of their prophylaxis interventions.

Phylaxis: The active defense of the body against infection.

Prophylaxis: The medical term for preventive care, or the care you receive to stay healthy and reduce your chances of getting sick. <=== marketing definition because of the $$$

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Yes have to always call to mind my high school Latin I and II. Words do have meaning. And even more if a distant relation with the original Polish name Wiercinski is studied with his deep dive into Hermeneutics.

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Also in this regard note that our evolutionary biological being is now very sensitive to stuff not being in the right place. Dr. Lawrence D Kerr studied the upregulation of NF-kB that specifically occurred when rats were injected with Endotoxin e-coli interperoneally. Gee didn't take to long to go to main organs. LNP's allowed for a great way to fo the same via a vax shot. In fact one researcher as I recall (ask Geoff Pain on Substack) said it goes to all organs, everywhere.

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I truly believe that the flu shot is what gave me food allergies. The flu shot made me so sick that my life was a living hell. This was years ago. No jabs of any kind for me.

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Beautiful flowers.

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DOD 1969 appropriations hearings for 1970 used $10 million on the development of immune-system destroying agents for biological warfare followed by House Bill 15090 (1969). It was anticipated that such an agent could be developed in 10 to 15 years. By 1984 AIDS occurred.

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Dear Ms Latypova, I would like to see your entire collection of oil & watercolor art....is there a website that I can do that ?

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This is my art website: https://sashalatypova.faso.com/

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Excellent video!! You wrapped it up so beautifully at the end.

I do hope you’ll be able to get this most important research out on more podcast.

Big shout out to Dr. Jane. Thank you 💐💐

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I agree Sasha. It is already rampant. And, I have seen SO MANY new mothers, "trained" in university, in social work maybe, and maybe working as a PSW for example, assume that they are experts somehow, (in everything), and buy into every dumb ass farce they are sold by pharma, main stream medicine, main stream media, and pop psychology. One young woman stated... "all children with any defect should be euthanized at birth". Another Ferberized her two son's, leaving them crying their eyes out for hours on end...and eventually was devastated when Ferber was said to have apologized for the huge mistake. Yet another insists that ALL vaccines should be taken as quickly as possible, as young as possible...and "don't you know better than to criticize doctors and the health care system?" More than one of these mothers cannot feed her children normal food due to "allergies". The common denominator?...multiple vaccinations of any and every kind, whatever is out there, they gave it to their little children...demonstrating "how good they are as mothers", fully "educated" (in their minds), multitasking, taking instruction from no misogynistic, paternalistic, global warming denying, right wing Bible thumping, gun loving, vaccine denying, MAGA Trump lovers. The ignorance of these self proclaimed genius's, (products of their "education,") is frankly appalling.

They have consented, in ignorance, to the multiple frauds perpetrated on the immune systems of the helpless babes, saddling the youths with life-long problems, including the very real risks of anaphylactic shock and death. How much do we hate scientific fraud and social engineering? Way more than can be numbered on the six fingers and toes on each of the limbs of all the chimeras born to them in the next twenty years...if conception and full term carriage is even possible any more, after the vaxx mandates. I'll go have a nice soothing cup of tea now...

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Once someone has been injected, do you think there's any way to neutralize the reaction? I'm thinking about how many people do have peanut allergies, etc. Is there any way to "reset" the body once it's been triggered or does the person keep the sensitizing reaction forever?

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I am not aware of any interventional methods to fix this damage. Only time and hope that God's creation will heal itself.

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I’ve always heard there is no way to unvax. Sure hope we can find a way to neutralize if not reverse damages.

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Firstly, to thank Sasha for her brilliant research and beautiful art-work. The antidote you seek is apparently listed in 'their own' patent. Have just listened to an interview conduced by US Lawyer Todd Calender with Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea on Vaxx Choice (Rumble).

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Wow! And if the second doesn't do it, the third, fourth or fifth will ensure their success with plausible deniability.

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As scary as all this is, it is so important to report on it for people to know. I love the work that you do Sasha and I love your paintings. I hope to purchase at least one of them if not more when I move. Thank you to Dr. Ruby, too.

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Sasha, I have wondered if ALS is, or is related to, polio. I have suspected chemicals and pesticides and vaccines as being related. When I learned more about the symptoms of polio, it sure sounds the same as ALS.

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probably. I did not look into this specifically

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