I kept this because both UK and USA scientists were discussing the necessity to notify folks who carry an epipen never to take the covid shots. Why? Those scientists had access to the Pfizer clinical trial data showing high level of anaphylaxis.
"...scientific world seems to continually ignore the work of Nobel scientist Charles Richet wh…
I kept this because both UK and USA scientists were discussing the necessity to notify folks who carry an epipen never to take the covid shots. Why? Those scientists had access to the Pfizer clinical trial data showing high level of anaphylaxis.
"...scientific world seems to continually ignore the work of Nobel scientist Charles Richet which demonstrated a persistent form of anaphylaxis in the human body (of some, but not all) when foreign proteins are entered into the blood stream directly without first passing through the intestine, as explained below in the type 3 response:
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1913
Charles Richet, Nobel Lecture: Anaphylaxis
…Phylaxis, a word seldom used, stands in the Greek for protection. Anaphylaxis will thus stand for the opposite. Anaphylaxis, from its Greek etymological source, therefore means that state of an organism in which it is rendered hypersensitive, instead of being protected.
Interesting word study! And notice that 'healthcare' doesn't mention phylaxis but pushes all of their prophylaxis interventions.
Phylaxis: The active defense of the body against infection.
Prophylaxis: The medical term for preventive care, or the care you receive to stay healthy and reduce your chances of getting sick. <=== marketing definition because of the $$$
Yes have to always call to mind my high school Latin I and II. Words do have meaning. And even more if a distant relation with the original Polish name Wiercinski is studied with his deep dive into Hermeneutics.
Also in this regard note that our evolutionary biological being is now very sensitive to stuff not being in the right place. Dr. Lawrence D Kerr studied the upregulation of NF-kB that specifically occurred when rats were injected with Endotoxin e-coli interperoneally. Gee didn't take to long to go to main organs. LNP's allowed for a great way to fo the same via a vax shot. In fact one researcher as I recall (ask Geoff Pain on Substack) said it goes to all organs, everywhere.
I kept this because both UK and USA scientists were discussing the necessity to notify folks who carry an epipen never to take the covid shots. Why? Those scientists had access to the Pfizer clinical trial data showing high level of anaphylaxis.
"...scientific world seems to continually ignore the work of Nobel scientist Charles Richet which demonstrated a persistent form of anaphylaxis in the human body (of some, but not all) when foreign proteins are entered into the blood stream directly without first passing through the intestine, as explained below in the type 3 response:
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1913
Charles Richet, Nobel Lecture: Anaphylaxis
…Phylaxis, a word seldom used, stands in the Greek for protection. Anaphylaxis will thus stand for the opposite. Anaphylaxis, from its Greek etymological source, therefore means that state of an organism in which it is rendered hypersensitive, instead of being protected.
To make this plain,..."
Interesting word study! And notice that 'healthcare' doesn't mention phylaxis but pushes all of their prophylaxis interventions.
Phylaxis: The active defense of the body against infection.
Prophylaxis: The medical term for preventive care, or the care you receive to stay healthy and reduce your chances of getting sick. <=== marketing definition because of the $$$
Yes have to always call to mind my high school Latin I and II. Words do have meaning. And even more if a distant relation with the original Polish name Wiercinski is studied with his deep dive into Hermeneutics.
Also in this regard note that our evolutionary biological being is now very sensitive to stuff not being in the right place. Dr. Lawrence D Kerr studied the upregulation of NF-kB that specifically occurred when rats were injected with Endotoxin e-coli interperoneally. Gee didn't take to long to go to main organs. LNP's allowed for a great way to fo the same via a vax shot. In fact one researcher as I recall (ask Geoff Pain on Substack) said it goes to all organs, everywhere.