Trump was installed to carry out the plandemic. The plans go back years, and he would have had full knowledge of this. He's an award-winning actor, and a sadistic, malignant narcissist. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. It's kabuki theatre.
*I am editing my post to remove my comment about the baby boomers because it is definitely offending people. I believe that my comment was misinterpreted due to me phrasing it badly. My fault entirely. What I was meaning was that in my circle of friends, it's the people of a certain age that seem to be his most ardent supporters and cannot see Trump's roll in all of the mess we are in. I did not mean it to say that ALL baby boomers support him. My poorly phrase comment was actually very immaterial to my comment in general so it is now edited out.*
I go back and forth between whether I think Trump was in on the planning of this whole thing, or if he just said, “tell me what I need to do/say” as his ‘fee’ to becoming the president. He is much smarter than he appears, either way. He looks ignorant of all the corruption swirling around him but once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
I just had a friend send me this absolute garbage ad for Trump and how he is the hope of America. And all I can wonder about my friend is, ‘were you not there when Trump destroyed the country?’ Millions of American Republicans still can’t see it. Trump knows how to talk to them and his campaign is absolutely brilliant. The baby boomers worship him.
It’s the corporate media’s specialty to drive up the dem vs repub wrestling match every four years. I used to fall for it too so I can empathize, but couldn’t ignore the fact that the Covid scam was coordinated first under a republican president. Once you know, you know.
Honestly, those who don’t know are probably happier than those of us who know how bad things truly are. It was kind of nice thinking that the next election might solve all the problems.
If you put yourself into the shoes of the pandemic planners, one of their first objectives would be to silence and discredit vaccine hesitant doctors or general public.
First order of business is to round up the anti-vaxxers into the MAGA camp. Trump played coy talking about vaccines injuring people before he was elected and while on tour. Once elected he had RFK jr and Del Bigtree up to his office to create a vaccine safety committee, which ended up being crushed shortly after being started. A political performance on Trump’s part.
He also denounced the pandemic as fake before taking full credit for rushing the killer vaccines to market as some sort of hero. He got a lot of his base jabbed because they trusted him as being an outsider (there’s no bigger insider).
If RFK jr is elected, I expect the same thing to happen again. Remember: Bill Gates said another pandemic is coming and that if Covid didn’t get our attention, the next one will. Having the king of the anti-vaxxers telling you to get vaccinated will work well on a lot of people.
Of course, that’s just my opinion about RFK Jr and I really, really hope I’m wrong.
Kennedy, like Trump, passes my litmus test as being sincerely outside the Beltway Pandemic Planning Committee: Both are roundly hated by the government/media. To me, that's a sign that they're not involved, and can be (mostly) trusted. No way are the establishment string pullers smart enough and meta enough to pull off a sophisticated psyop like that.
Now, as far as Trump being willing to cut a deal with them? That's perfectly plausible.
RFK Jr has been absent from the media. Trump is featured hourly. They pretend to hate Trump but he is the bread and butter of both liberal and conservative corporate media. The liberal media has been withering without him. I’m sure they have been anxious for this election to revive their ratings.
If RFK Jr becomes prevalent in the media as the election nears, I will immediately become suspicious that he is the chosen candidate. We shall see.
Exactly, he literally is their “golden goose” and drives up profits for them. Especially the liberal media. He is the man they love to hate. He is the man they want to appear to be the opposition, so that he will be elected again, so that they can once again enjoy record levels of viewership.
They seem like bumbling idiots yet here we are and they are winning. The mRNA technology is still being circulated and no one has been held accountable and nothing has been done to stop all the atrocities. And the two prominent candidates are both in favor of one thing, mRNA technology. It’s so much more important than people realize, in my opinion. It’s the gateway to the transhuman agenda and a total control grid. They cannot allow it to be stopped.
I completely agree with everything you stated about Trump.
What was so interesting is that Trump would talk about things, and then do the exact opposite “because the mean democrats” or some such drivel. But republicans couldn’t see it. They just loved that he was “trying” and give him 100% credit for his rhetoric.
I actually think that he was encouraged to say (and tweet) horrible things in order to drive democrats into a sort of madness. I witnessed many of my friends go absolutely irrational because of their hatred for him. But, his horrible comments didn’t bother republicans because they liked his policies and his comments that aligned with their beliefs. So you essentially have democrats hating him over nothing burgers and republicans loving him over a few policies but ignoring the fact that he basically coordinated, or at least went along with, all the pandemic fraud. It’s completely bizarre.
I was super excited about RFK Jr at first. I do believe he’s sincere about the vaccine issue. You might be right that he would switch last minute. But, I’ve been getting a gut feeling that something else will happen. I wonder if he’s being set up to introduce digital currency, and get the public used to the idea. Then, some emergency will emerge (disease x, war, food shortage?) and we will all be incentivized to sign up for *central bank* digital currency. Then, someone else will use those to force the next injections or whatever it is they want to force.
Who knows what the plan is. Maybe the plan is flexible and they just adjust as needed. They can probably work with whatever candidate or party is selected. Whatever plan they have, I’m sure it will include controlling the internet and the roll out of CBDCs. I was originally thinking it would be Trump rolling them out but I’m now wondering about RFK Jr.
Well, I think we could discuss a lot of issues in depth and find a lot of nuances. I agree that he’s generally liberal but he was speaking out against the pandemic response and the Covid vaccines from pretty early on. Is freedom a conservative issue or a liberal issue? If it’s a conservative issue, he out-conservatived most republicans. If it’s a liberal issue, maybe I’m a liberal?
I’m glad he cares about the environment because we are all being poisoned incrementally by industrial pollution and we are eating toxic food. Is climate change caused by carbon dioxide? I don’t think so. Even if it is, do carbon credits help anything? Or just subsidize green energy companies?
One thing I like about Kennedy is that he has real conversations about these things and he’s sincerely trying to understand them. That is a place where people can actually come together and find solutions.
And he wants to completely clean out the regulatory agencies, which Trump has absolutely no intention of doing. Liberal? Conservative? Just common sense after what happened.
There are definitely things I have issues with. I just think most of the issues that I would have with his candidacy are small compared to the fact that the economy was destroyed, children’s lives were ruined, people died due to regulatory capture, and we are on the precipice of it happening again and Trump hasn’t apologized for any of it.
If RFK Jr is actually a good person that would make meaningful changes in the government, he probably won’t be allowed to progress in the election. So I don’t feel very hopeful either way. But, one thing is for sure. Trump was president and he failed to drain the swamp horribly and the United States citizens suffered and continue to suffer due to his actions. It’s not a question anymore about what Trump will do under pressure. He now has a track record.
It’s too bad the Republican Party didn’t choose someone who actually stood up for freedom during our time of “crisis”. To me, this shows that the pharmaceutical controlled media chooses the candidates, not the people. Who would choose Biden or Trump? No rational people would, yet there they are.
I think RFK-J is sincere in his beliefs. I appreciate his stance on the scamdemic & Fauci, etc. But he has stances on other things that are bad, he said once that climate deniers should be locked up & his pick for VP is appalling.
JFK and RFK were instrumental in first mandating vaccines, Ted signed off on the PREP act.
Fauci was given the Robert F. Kennedy “ripple of hope” award in Dec 2020. The page has since been deleted but press releases are still online. His sister, Kerry, who runs the foundation, sounds like a proper psychopath, so that could be the reason.
Does any of that have to do with RFK jr’s advocacy of children’s health and trying to challenge the current corruption around the childhood schedule? Those are his family members that you mention but most of them were unaware of the dangers of vaccines and they have all passed away now? So I’m not sure what you are implying.
RFK Jr has been trying to expose the dangers of the childhood vaccine schedule for over a decade. Once he became aware of the fraud surrounding the pharmaceutical industry and vaccines, he has done everything in his power to bring awareness and to cultivate changes in order to protect children. He has done this at great personal cost, as many of his family members have not been willing to look at the evidence and come to the logical conclusion that vaccines are not safe. So he is opposed by even some of his closest friends and family members. This speaks to RFK jr’s intellect, his integrity, and his humanity.
"Does any of that have to do with RFK jr’s advocacy of children’s health and trying to challenge the current corruption around the childhood schedule?"
Please stop this nonsense? He loves it. He wants to *mandate* childhood & adult vaccines fer crissakes. Think about that.
What are you referring to? Thin air? What you *want* to believe?
"I was super excited about RFK Jr at first. I do believe he’s sincere about the vaccine issue."
Why? RFK JR has stated this (below) many times over a decade +. Not only what he says about how fantastically safe and effective all vaccines are but also the group he is directing this b.s. towards. Notice this? Think about it. Straight out of Saul Alinsky's playbook.
And, listen to JR. about *mandated* vaccines. He's all for them. Again, not just a whoopsie, he's stated this over and over again. Why do most tune out his words?
That first link is a garbage hit piece of propaganda. RFK Jr was clearly cut off so that you couldn’t hear the whole idea he was expressing. If you can find the whole clip, which would include the second part of the idea he was in the middle of expressing, I will be more interested in taking it seriously.
I also am for safe vaccines, and my children and myself were all vaccinated. BUT, that was before I figured out it was a complete scam. Thanks to RFK Jr exposing that no vaccines currently on the market are safe, and they are not even tested against a true placebo, my grandchildren are completely unvaccinated. I owe that to RFK Jr and his extensive work in trying to expose vaccine fraud.
He has had an entire organization that seeks to educate people on the dangerous nature of the current childhood vaccine schedule. It’s called Children’s Health Defense or CHD for short. There is a website with numerous links to important information that has helped to save thousands of children and adults from the harms of vaccines.
Either you have been duped by journalistic frauds, or, you are intentionally spreading lies about RFK Jr because you have a vested interest in him not becoming president. The largest industries in the world want him to shut up about how there are currently no safe vaccines available- the medical industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the corporate media, government, public health agencies etc. you could be tied to anyone of those industries or more. I can’t tell. But I do know that the first link is trash and whoever put it together knows it’s trash. You don’t cut someone off mid-sentence and play “gotcha” if you have any integrity.
Even if he went on to recommend multiple vaccines, which I doubt is the case, he was obviously younger in that video clip so it’s possible that he just wasn’t aware of how bad things were. We have all been lied to, it just takes time for us to learn the truth. RFK Jr has been a hero trying to save people since he figured out that the pharmaceutical industry is a big fraudulent scam.
I’m not going to waste my time looking at the second link because I can rest assured it’s the same kind of intellectually dishonest garbage as the first link. Hopefully you and your fraudulent comments are not able to succeed in deceiving people. RFK Jr is the ONLY candidate that cares about how horrible the vaccines have been on human health.
He talked about not masking, and then pushed masks. He talked about not shutting down the economy and then he shut down the economy. He talked about early treatments and then he signed operation warp speed. He talked about good financial principles and then passed a 2.2 stimulus bill.
Well, you are not wrong. Sadly, he was surrounded by evil advisers. I was able to figure out things on my own, though I am not sure if I would while being surrounded by “experts.”
Clinton was literally raping women and democrats couldn’t care less. They loved him. But some stupid teenager like ccomment from Trump sent democrats over the edge. I do not support Trump OR Clinton, because they are both sexual predators and/or scum bags and there’s evidence that Biden has a history as well. So I’m consistent. And Hillary was in charge of getting rid of the sexual assault and harassment scandals of her husband. So, if anyone voted for either Clinton or Biden, and then went into a fit of convulsions over Trumps crotch comment, yeah, I say it’s a nothing burger according to their support of worse people.
Again, I think Trump is a very bad person. But I’m consistent. Democrats who voted for any of the three that I mentioned, not so much.
And if a woman were to press charges against Trump for harassing them, and it was credible, let’s have a trial. If not, it’s kind of just talk. Trump says a ton of stupid stuff.
Well, under no scenario but now we see if he played his cards right and is allowed to reform everything under HHS. It will be a miracle if he is even confirmed but he's closer to making changes than he was before.
So. We're still of the mindset that the election of leaders really matters in this denouement of the American constitutional republic experiment? I think not if what we saw Saturday (the passage of the Ukraine funding, FISA reauthorization, failure to close the border, addition of another $1.5tt to the debt, etc. etc.) gives us more context.
Trump's focus was world PEACE AND economic PROSPERITY. Successful on both, re-election a given. Then covid hit taking everyone by surprise. Trump already had several impeachments tried on him, & would likely have been brought up on impeachment and murder charges if he was accused of denying the decades long scientific 'experts' at the time that were hailing life saving, state of art medical treatment.
RIGHT TO TRY (Trump's goal) WAS TO SAVE LIVES BY MAKING ALL OPTIONS, INCLUDING THOSE THAT HAD NOT GONE THRU CORRUPT FDA APPROVAL, BE MADE AVAILABLE AS CHOICE. ~ Trump's goal was always to have ALL options available & let individuals decide. Trump's goal was FREEDOM OF CHOICE in medical care. Listen as Trump advocated for HCQ ~ RFIK JR has made his living as a commie, eco fascist, who also thinks vaccines shouldn't be approved. He may indeed be right on vax, but he's a believer in BIG GOVT, failing schools, rising crime who agitates for slavery reparations & wants those opposing his eco fascism locked up. Oh, and he doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning at anything.
Trump failed complete when the country needed him to be a leader. If he was worried about what would happen to himself for doing the right thing, he definitely should not run again in my opinion. He is week, and easily manipulated, or he was in on it. I know what I think.
But, there were many ways in which he could have done the right thing and ended the pandemic without having charges brought up against him, like signing a bill to find early treatments, instead of funding experimental mRNA gene therapies. He could have done that within weeks. But he worked with Fauci daily and they were never going to let early treatments get in the way of the mRNA technology debut.
But even if all that you say is true, curious that the whole country has figured out that the “vaccines” are dangerous but somehow Trump still can’t quite figure it out… his supporters make fantastic explanations for why he still brags about them even though he knows, they know he knows, and he knows that they know that he knows. The explanations get very creative.
It’s just ridiculous. But his campaign is excellent at side stepping the part where he trashed the economy and signed Operation Warp Speed, which essentially lead to millions of deaths. Yes, great idea, let’s elect him again.
Would RFK be worse? Worse than doing something that caused millions of deaths worldwide and destroyed the economy? I doubt it. But who knows. Republicans should have elected someone during the primary who was not trying to kill people with mRNA technology. We are stuck with a known liar who gave Fauci a presidential award at the end of the pandemic (and then pretended that he didn’t know how that happened). It’s not an accident that he is the only Republican choice. The media made that happen with their political persecution and spotlighting him endlessly. The liberal media relies on him for their bread and butter and so does Fox. He draws viewers on both sides.
Gangs that break the law and harm people are bad. But most of them will never reach the level of crimes that our government commits. The amount of money the politicians steal from the citizens is counted in trillions and the number of people who die because of their illegal laws is in the millions. They are both bad.
He had Scott Atlas. Scott Atlas was bringing in data and real information. He had Dr Paul Alexander. He could have brought in anyone from the Great Barrington Declaration. He could have consulted with many of the doctors who were testifying in DC. He could have consulted with the Governors who opened up their states. DeSantis figured it out pretty early.
And I certainly understand that things were confusing for a time. Everyone was confused. But as time passed, he actually seemed to become less aware of what was actually happening.
And certainly things are not that confusing now and there has been plenty of time for him to learn about the horrible covid "vaccines" and he has had MANY people tell him what is going on (in their own words), but he still refuses to acknowledge the harms caused by them. He is either somehow ignorant still, or lying, neither of which are good scenarios.
In the beginning, I wasn't sure if he was genuinely trying to do the right thing and just getting pushed into doing the wrong things. When he gave Fauci the presidential award and as he has continued to sing the praises of the covid "vaccine", it has solidified in my mind that his participation was not an accident.
I honestly don't personally believe the presidents get to make that many decisions so it's kind of a moot point. Does anyone think Biden is running the country? Obviously not. It seems logical to conclude that most likely all the presidents are mainly symbolic.
There are many good people who support Trump just like there are many good people who support Biden (the man who takes inappropriate showers with his daughter). People do not understand the power of the PSY-Op coming from their tvs. I think the boomers just aren’t equipped to know how advanced technology is and so they cannot understand how their mentality is being controlled and directed by what they hear and say on TV. And younger generations are being controlled by social media experts. I don’t want to disparage people who can’t see what’s going on. I feel sorry for them. And I since hope they will see what’s happening but I don’t hold out much hope because people are trapped in the PSY-OP and can’t seem to get out.
I think I will respectfully disagree with you main point about ‘people can’t see a lie because they harbor lies within themselves’. While this certainly may be true for some people, there are many people who are good and hinest and they can’t see lies because they literally can’t even imagine that some humans are so evil that they would intentionally harm others so brazenly. I know several people who are truly good and cannot see that they are being deceived.
But I appreciate your comments and thoughts. And, I agree with your last point that courage demands a base of honesty. So we can agree on that point. Cheers
Please don’t paint all boomers as mindless morons. I am 65, didn’t buy into this shit from day 1, am furious that this started under Trump & that he still won’t acknowledge the societal, educational, medical, psychological, economic damage he did to the country (much less the death & destruction caused by his “beautiful vaccines” that he laughably claims “saved millions of lives”). I will never vote for him
Yes I agree with you. I'm 69, if you ask me it was the 18 to 59 yrs that were so quick to get jabbed, nit us older folks. The older people who did were mostly pushed by their kids and grandkids causing fear . I had one daughter telling me , mom you should get it because you have health issues. I told her straight up, that's one if thr very reasons I SHOULD NOT GET IT! I also told her trump or no one can have a safe/ effective vaccine or medication created in 9 mo. I haven't lived for 69 yrs and learned nothing. In fact everyone I know my age Said, no,hell no I'm not getting it. The ones I knimow who dud get it are in their 20's to 40's and the parents who had and still having their babies and children jabbed with this poison. So o agree it's not us older folks who were deceived, foolish enough or feared it was those 25 yrs and more younger than us. I knew the minute trump announced operation warp speed this was wrong no matter how you looked at it. He opened the door wide to tyranny and Biden picked up where he left off. Truth hurts for many of trumps still supporters but they best get over it! I saw where someone commented under one of my other post, asking me, " so is Biden my savior" what total ignorance. I refuse to vote for any of these tyrants and I unlike many trump supporters have one Savior, Jesus Christ. I haven't voted since I was a dumb 21 yr old. I will not ever vote unless I know in my soul it's a man of God. A man that holds the standards by which a leader should hold. These standards have been made clear by Gid and our Founding Fathers and not once has any president even come close to the standards of our Founding Fathers.Govt is done! Elected presidents by THE PEOPLE is over, done and honestly has been done for many many many yrs but rest assured unless this Gov't is abolished as the Declaration of Independence states we the people should do when Gov't steps out of bounds of the Constitution or becomes tyrannical, we will never see the proper role of Gov't . A Govt for the people by the people. Tyranny will continue to burst until we are under full communism. For those to believe Trump is the answer, the Savior of this Nation are only aiding in the destruction imof this Nation. If selected as president again he will be the proud creator of more bioweapons and more harsh demands. The only way to endure what's coming is repentance, faith in our creator.
*editing this comment to remove my statement about boomers... I should win most terrible communication award for this thread. haha! Oops.
I do not think all boomers support Trump. It is in my circle of friends of a certain age group that resonates with Trumps rhetoric. Obviously since the election swung towards Trump heavily, more than one demographic supported him. And looking at the situation, one can hardly blame Trump supporters. The choices were grim indeed.
I did not mean all boomers support him. I was meaning that in my circle of friends and acquaintances, people of a certain age group really resonate with his kind of rhetoric (if they are republicans). I did not in any way mean to imply that 100% of boomers support Trump, even though it appears that this is what I said. It was a miscommunication. Clearly, I have stepped in a bees nest. Will edit my comment to remove that statement because it is not what I was meaning.
This is the least important discussion topic. Many people of all age groups support him, I’m sure. To their detriment, in my opinion.
In my circle of friends and acquaintances, it’s the boomers. I’m sure other people have different experiences. I didn’t know this was such a sensitive topic but now I know. Apologies.
It’s definitely true that not ALL boomers have been duped. My apologies if my generalization doesn’t fit you or others reading this. I was meaning on average, his most enthusiastic supporters seem to be boomers, which are my parents and many of my friends. But it’s true that people of all ages support him. And people of all ages support Biden. And who knows, maybe RFK Jr is a wolf in sheep’s clothing as well and will fool the younger voters (generally speaking of course). The levels of deception are many and are trying to ensnare and pacify us all.
I don’t think the mess we’re in can be solved by some saintly or even flawed “white knight” because it is government & politicians who have done this to us, directly &/ or as useful idiots for the real powers that be. People (lots of boomers but other ages too) are appalled when I say I won’t vote because not doing so is “a vote for” LGB-FJB. So what? It’s a Uniparty anyway. I think the whole everything will need to be burnt to the ground & something better rising from the ashes after. But that’s going to be tremendous upheaval, damage & death before that happens.
I never thought I would even consider not voting but I’m close to that too. It seems an impossible situation we are in. Burning it down will result in a lot of death and destruction so I’m not sure that’s a good option either. What’s the chances something better would be built in its place after all that? Chances seem low. Especially with all the technology available today that can easily make some people more powerful than others. I think human nature is dooming us to tyranny no matter what.
I feel like the anarchists (volunteerism) are roght in general and that there is no truly good form of government because it always becomes corrupted. But anarchy is just not a viable option because some people will always want to rule other overs and many people want someone to rule over them (for the illusion of safety and security) so a power structure will just take shape, simply because we are human. And then the psychopaths step in and take the reins. It’s a historical pattern that seems inevitable. But what do I know?
I agree w/ most of what you say, Brandy. But the current trajectory is absolutely unsustainable & ushering in anarchy anyway. When the economy, supply chains & everything collapses & people are desperate (not to mention nefarious multitudes of illegals w/ bad intent or just overwhelming all of our systems) what is going to happen? Law of the jungle / survival of the fittest. So yeah, as I said in the 1st post, lots of damage & death is surely coming. There is no fixing what is in place right now because the corruption runs so deep. Something good will arise from the bad (the pendulum always swings) & in a couple hundred years it will be completely corrupted again by power & control-mad psychos as is always the case throughout history. Wash-rinse-repeat. It’s the fallibility of mankind.
"I think human nature is dooming us to tyranny no matter what. "
Sums it up. It's always been so. The flourishing of the West recently is an unsustainable anomaly because of human nature. I'm not saying give up. But the odds favor a long, dark era. If we survive at all, what with nukes, gene editing, and our penchant for spreading poisons which have already diminished us.
This is the least important issue that I can think of to discuss at this time. It is not very relevant. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. The topic at hand is more important.
When a person speaks out of both sides of their mouth, it’s easy to see they’re working out their own ISSUES. Let’s be positive-minded instead of serving up hatred an division
Guess what, wide awake boomer morons every country in the world developed and it inject these toxic vaccines into their citizens as well. You act as if you think Trump was an all knowing God. You really think highly of your God and his abilities. I was never brainwashed into thinking he was an all knowing Superman. He is a man, capable of making mistakes in judgement like every other world leaders has done throughout history. There is no one more sincere than Trump.No one who cares more about the American people than Trump. He didn't have to run again, he could've sailed off into the sunset without having to face hundreds of years of prison time, assassination attempts, financial ruin etc and live happily ever after. But nooo... Do I really need to explain ? Think people, think!
Read to see how it is*president quack speed* who needs to be hauled before Congress and then a Nuremberg trial. He was happy to debate Biden so that the dementia could distract from Trump's rape of the GOP platform.
So you'll either vote for the party of psychopaths - negate your vote writing-in or RFK, or abstain while sitting home and complaining. I guess you're perfect.
AMEN AND AMEN !! I hate thus strong hand of tyranny is upon us but it brings joy to my soul to see you know these truths. Too many still support, make excuses for Trump and without knowing it are aiding I'm the destruction of our Natiin and likely they will not endure the tribulations soon to be upon us. If by now they are deceived by Trump, likely they too will be deceived by the anti christ that will perform miracles deceiving many many people.
It’s so hard to come to the conclusion that the politicians are not going to save us. It’s very depressing. I see why people fall into that mindset but this passification by rooting for either the red team or the blue team is one of the things that is allowing all the corruption to continue.
After losing my job of 23 years for non-CONvid compliance, I was already awake. Then I started going down the rabbit hole big time. This caught my eye…
I am a big fan of TLAV. I really appreciate his take on most issues. Sorry you lost your job. That stinks. I hope there is some sort of justice for the people who perpetrated this fraud. But I'm glad you stood for your principles. If everyone had done what you did, it would have ended immediately. Maybe it will be harder for them to pull off in the future.
“I just had a friend send me this absolute garbage ad for Trump and how he is the hope of America. And all I can wonder about my friend is, ‘were you not there when Trump destroyed the country?”
What do you mean? What exactly are you talking about?
BTW, I wrote that comment that you quoted several months ago, early in the campaign. Just mentioning in case that was not clear.
What I meant by 'Trump destroyed the country' was that in 2020, Trump declared national emergency powers over a virus that had roughly the IFR of the seasonal flu. These declaired emergency powers essentially made the constitution obsolete, which is why he and all the other politicians/public health agencies were able to shut down the economy, permanently destroy many small businesses, shut down schools, shut down churches, suspend property rights, limit travel and commerce etc. Trump appointed a former big pharma guy to HHS secretary, who then declared a public health emergency, thus triggering the PREP ACT. Very lucky for big pharma.
Trump then signed Operation Warp Speed and handed over billions of dollars to the pharmaceutical companies to develop military technology (mRNA gene therapies), which they (big pharma) then sold back to the government for more billions of dollars, this time for pure profit and they had complete liability protection.
Signing Operation Warp Speed essentially ensured no early treatments would be allowed to be used and at the same time made mRNA gene therapy roll out a guarantee (due to the fact that there were no standards for safety or efficacy thanks to the PREP ACT).
Trump spent 2.2 Trillion dollars in stimulus (CARES ACT) to pay people who weren't working and to shovel money to big industries (and to who knows who else - this kind of stimulus money is never accounted for). This started the gigantic ball rolling for massive inflation when people were finally "allowed" back out of their homes, which home values were massively inflated over the duration of the "emergency" leading to higher property taxes and huge challenges for lower and middle class first time purchasers, or anyone who wanted to buy a home who wasn't rich.
It would be one thing if Trump suddenly had a moment of clarity and he realized that he had been duped and if he started disavowing Operation Warp Speed or talking about how to reverse it or something. Most republicans figured out what was going on by the end of 2020. Trump did not. And he has never apologized for it, he brags about it to this day, and he gave Fauci a presidential award at the end of his first term.
Lots of people suffered and died due to Trumps poor decisions during the "pandemic". If a democrat had done what he did, republicans would be calling for that democrat to be put in jail or worse. And Trump isn't even sorry.
I understand why people support him and why they have hope that he is going to save us from all the corruption. I just don't think that's what's actually going on. I think Trump is being used for specific purposes that are not in our favor. I think Democrat presidents are used in a similar way. The candidates just push their stance on a few important social and financial issues to keep their base happy and to keep their voters mad at the other party, but they all spend the money into oblivion and pass horrible, illegal legislation in the meantime.
That's my opinion. Hope that helps explain my comment.
I understand your point. Disagree, but then, who knows who is right? Besides the leftists, of course. To them, anyone off their leftist policies of the moment is right, which is not wrong. Being off the murderous leftist ways is not wrong, right ))
It's not just Trump. So much propaganda since WWII. Each one of us is responsible for learning and knowing the "Truth" outside of the media. This is the Apocalypse - Revelation and if we don't wake up to the Truth of who and what we are as Divine Conscious Beings having a hue-man experience ... we are doomed.
"Only those who consciously acknowledge God as the Source and Essence of their Being as LOVE will survive the Apocalypse that is to come!" A message given to me at the onset of 4 separate lengthy astral visions over 8 years, of all that has occurred and all that is yet to come. The first vision was January 1, 1971, following a close encounter with 5 Pleiadean ships in Niagara Falls, ON.
I agree with everything you say, except for the baby boomers comment. You're just wrong on that. I'm a baby boomer, and most of my friends are. We can't stand Trump, and we certain don't worship him at all.
I find that a lot of people of all ages are worshiping Trump, and they're not baby boomers. You need to stop centering us out. We're not the bad guys here.
Like you, some of us very briefly thought, during Trump's 2016 campaign that he might be able to do some good for this country, but let's say, with caution. For me, just a couple of weeks in the WH and I was already pissed a him, and it just got worse from there. That man simply cannot be trusted. He's the snake he keeps reading that poem about.
I apologies if my comment offended. That has been my experience in my circle of friends. And while I do not think *all* baby boomers support Trump, that is the demographic in my reach of friends and acquaintances that has gotten sucked in the most. He seems to speak the language that captures many people's support of all ages and he is certainly more appealing than the alternative candidate was, so I understand how this happened. But people of all age groups support as well as do not support him. I should definitely have left that out because it's just not that important and it has really offended some people. It was just a careless side comment when I thought about the people that I know. He was the chosen one to win by those in charge of running the psy-ops and it worked really well for them.
I think enough people have caught on that they won't be able to do the same thing twice... Probably. But I do think something will happen and that it will follow a similar pattern of 1. emergency (real or perceived) 2. lip service to doing the right thing 3. giving in to the pressure to do something detrimental to our freedoms and rights (shut down the economy again? cashless society and digital currency only? Online digit ID? Who knows.).
There is also the possibility that Trump has a different task, such as creating a single state for a certain Middle East government. War with governments opposed to this direction perhaps? Guess we find out soon.
The problem with Trump is that he is not the “saviour” that so many think he is. If anything, he could be the opposite. He has not walked back “my beautiful vaccines” or OWS narratives. He never “drained the swamp”. There are one or maybe two good picks in his current nominations but I see most are deep state or pro-lockdown/mask/vax shills. They are not pro-freedom with very few exceptions. I find that Mike Yeadon is very perceptive and rarely wrong. Under Trump and with Musk at his right hand, a digital gulag is a real possibility.
The problem is, they both do very, very bad things and we just point our finger at the "other" party saying that they are worse.
I look back at Reagan's 1986 vaccine act that protected vaccine companies from liability while they were maiming and killing children. And I think about all the spending that took place during his presidency that put us further in debt and devalued the dollar. Bush's Dessert Storm. Then there was Bush W's Patriot Act and 'war on terror', TSA, etc and more inflationary spending. Bombing Middle East countries for bogus reasons. And also the PREP ACT, which allowed the Covid fiasco to happen decades later. And then Trump appoints a pharma guy to head HHS (do big pharma guys drain the swap? no), Trump shuts down the entire economy, and allows children to be forced out of schools, suspends property rights. And then he signs Operation Warp Speed that not only ended any chance of early treatments but it also killed people from a dangerous experimental gene therapy. And he handed billions of dollars to the pharmaceutical companies to develop that thing, which they can never be sued for. And he's proud of it. And he awarded Anthony Fauci with a presidential award at the end of his presidency.
I don't have to list the terrible things the democrats do because we can all see them. It's just for some reason, we excuse what the republicans do because they "aren't as bad". But we always end up in the same place. They all steal money from the economy and oppress the people. Trump lowered taxes on the rich right before he shut down the economy for the middle class. Did Mark Zuckerberg suffer from the lock downs? Did Jeff Bezos suffer from the lockdowns? How about the owners of Google? big Pharma? No. They all got filthy rich under Trump. But republicans are like, "Trump was good with the economy! Don't talk about his fourth year, that doesn't count because the media was mean to him." Basically when a democrat does it, it's because they are evil, when a republican does it, it's because the democrats are evil too.
Years ago, I actually thought the republicans would save the day from all the horrible things that the democrats did while in office. Now I see that it's a good cop/bad cop scenario. We think they (republican presidents) are on our side but they aren't. They just say what we want them to say, do a few things we like, and then when it counts, they betray us. That's how the democrat party operates too. Both parties put in the SAME financial hucksters.
Peter Thiel created JD Vance. Ramaswamy got rich starting a pharmaceutical company. Musk is a transhumanist who makes most of his money from government contracts. Trumps chief of staff is a former pharmaceutical lobbyist. I have no doubt good things will happen for a while, until they don't.
The lobbyists/big industries are too powerful. The power and money is too tempting. Three letter agencies are clearly more in charge than the president.
And in case you hadn't thought this through...They are smart enough to steel the election in 2020 but not four years later? Seems unlikely. It was not an accident that they waited until it was too late to hold a democratic primary to reveal that Joe was senile. Everyone knew for the last 2 to 3 years yet they acted surprised. They waited because they wanted Kamala to be the competition. You don't install Kamala to be the candidate because you want her to win. You instal her because she cannot win. Thus the reason they didn't need to do much to influence the election results. It was the intended result.
And now we wait to see what the plan is during the next four years. They will not repeat the same fraud because people caught onto it so it will be something different. I have ideas of what the plan is but it's just a guess at this point. We will know soon.
Trump's focus was world PEACE AND economic PROSPERITY. Successful on both, re-election a given. Then covid hit taking everyone by surprise. Trump already had several impeachments tried on him, & would likely have been brought up on impeachment and murder charges if he was accused of denying the decades long scientific 'experts' at the time that were hailing life saving, state of art medical treatment.
Trump talked about early treatments, but under his administration, almost all early treatments were prevented from being used in the medical industry. Fauci directed the NIH recommendations, which were not to use any early treatments and then to administer remdesivir and to use ventilators. These NIH recommendations were adopted by hospitals because there were monetary incentives for following the NIH recommendations, as well as liability protection.
Trump met with Fauci almost daily to strategize the government’s response. Trump thought Fauci did such a great job during the pandemic that he gave him a presidential award. (And then pretended like he didn’t know who gave Fauci the award)
Trump could have signed a bill to fund early treatment research, but instead he signed Operation Warp Speed, which essentially gave billions of dollars to big pharma to develop a new novel gene therapy injection that was labeled as a vaccine. And then big Pharma sold this products back to the government. Wow! Very profitable for big pharma. And, the pharmaceutical companies got complete liability protection. Double wow!
When he signed Operation Warp Speed, he essentially guaranteed that no early treatments would ever be allowed because it would interfere with EUA of a Covid “vaccine”.
Almost everyone in the US has stopped taking the injections because they have figured out that they don’t work and they are dangerous. Yet Trump is still pushing the “vaccine” and bragging about it saving millions of lives. The evidence shows that it actually cost millions of lives.
His rhetoric sounded good but his actions were not.
You’ve got a whole lot to say on this thread, but it mostly reflects an angry and negative attitude. Are you being paid to spread negativity or do you just get a lot of jollies doing so?
I wasn’t blaming everything on Boomers. I was pointing out that they are the age group that is the most ardent Trump supporters. He speaks to them in a way that they love. At least the conservative boomers. That is my experience in my circle of friends.
Maybe I am wrong and he is loved more by gen x or z? I haven’t looked at research into what age group is supporting him the strongest so it was more of my best guess.
My dad was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and was willing to sacrifice his life for what he perceived to be a war against evil. I love my dad and his bravery and will always be grateful for his example in my life. He is literally the best person that I know and would do ANYTHING for anyone who needed his help and often spends hours a day, everyday, helping others. But it makes me sad that he voted for Trump. Why did he vote for Trump? Not because he is a bad person. It is because he is a trusting person. Because he is unable to perceive that his TV was controlling his mentality and FOX news painted Trump to be a hero. Just like all the liberal media paints Biden as a hero to their viewers. It’s a powerful PSY-OP and they can’t perceive it.
My apologies for offending. I should have worded my comment to not be offensive as other people have been offended by it as well.
What you are explaining is my exact experience. My husband’s grandparents and parents watch liberal corporate media all day long. My parents watch FOX news all day long. All of those people are the salt of the earth. But none of them suspect that they are being lied to endlessly. While not all boomers fall for corporate media, the majority seem to. They still believe that the MSM is doing their job and exposing corruption but the MSM IS the corruption. Or at least they are one of the most essential parts of the current corruption spreading across the globe. I actually chalk it up to the fact that most boomers are really good people that can’t fathom the depth of depravity throughout large industries.
My apologies are sincere and directed at those who misunderstood my comments because I did not do a good job explaining what my meaning was, as you have done so here. So thank you.
There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. Not every Boomer (left or right) is still dependent upon corporate media for their news. Kennedy does have plenty of Boomer supporters who are fully awake to the Uniparty grift and stopped following corporate media long ago. But they tend to be people who’ve been independent thinkers all their lives, those who always questioned authority.
Trump’s base is, unfortunately, comprised of many who are blindly loyal to party. They’ll only vote red no matter how much evidence they’re shown that both blue and red are controlled by the same masters. Perhaps I see it clearly because I was once a loyal blue voter, who became a loyal red voter when I discovered blue was corrupt beyond repair. Imagine my dismay to discover the same is true of the red party after I fell for Trump’s “drain the swamp” shtick.
In short, I listened to FOX too before I woke up to their controlled op role.
I’m now voting for Kennedy and nothing I’ve heard from the “he’s part of the cabal too” propagandists has made a dent in my enthusiasm for him. It’s all ad hominem attacks and flat out lies about his positions. Kennedy is more pro Constitution and pro 2A than Trump, who unconstitutionally locked us down, bankrupting millions of businesses without due process, banned bump stocks, sought red flag gun laws, wanted to raise the age for buying long guns, and more.
Anyone who’s listened to Kennedy, who knows the personal hell he survived and all he’s accomplished to date, can see he’s the real deal. Those who can’t are still hypnotized by the left-right WWE show.
The main thing that keeps me from believing this theory is the fact that every bureaucrat in Washington and "every orifice of the mainstream media" hates him with undying passion. It's one thing to believe that Trump is an "award winning actor", but quite another to imagine the government/media being possessed with anything resembling talent.
I think you're right. One of my friend's best friends was a very high-ranking official in Trump's WH. I had the opportunity to spend time with both. The former Trump official regrets getting vaccinated and is very well aware of the devastating side effects. He is very alarmed at the Democrats' descent into unreality. Trump was snookered.
And for four years…and still currently duped… not buying it. No one is that stupid for that long. And many of his close advisers have informed him of the disaster it’s been. He knows. He has known for a long time. He’s lying to his constituents faces.
Agree. To me, a defining moment of Trump was when I watched live as he touted hydroxychloroquine. I immediately though "I hope he's ready for the tsunami that's coming his way from Pharma and their minions in the media". Any moron knew that would be coming. But no, he seemed caught flatfooted, never had an effective response. For a long time I thought that was evidence of his lack of depth and intellect. I've changed my mind. It makes more sense that was orchestrated, with him as the star, to discredit hydroxychloroquine, and set up the takedown of anything similar, like Ivermectin. As you say, he CAN'T be that stupid, and his advisors too.
Yes, completely agree. Same with masking, lockdowns, basically, everything. He would first give a weak protest and then fold on it. Every. Single. Time.
Why didn’t he sign an Operation Warp Speed that looked for early treatments instead of a novel gene therapy? The pandemic would have been over in a heartbeat. But that was never in the plans to end the pandemic before they had the chance to roll out mRNA technology. So here we are. And he’s still bragging about it, even though the crowd boos him for it. Everyone in the United States knows except him? Give me a break.
He was as naive as the rest of us. We had no idea that the swamp was as corrupt, evil, and ruthless as it is. Trump, to his credit, exposed a lot of that.
Naive as the rest of us? Speak for yourself. Naivete is a sign of weakness and stupidity. We're all somewhat susceptible to it (human nature, herd instinct), that's obvious, so to not be aware of one's OWN susceptibility and on guard is just dumb. I recognized as a teenager in the 60's the authorities can never be trusted. Why so many think otherwise I find strange. The founding documents of the USA are based on that timeless truth - our founders were not naive at all, resulting in almost 250 good years. I agree Trump deserves credit for a lot. I'll be voting for him and I hope desperately that he wins. That doesn't change the fact that everything he did COVID related was a huge fail. He's our best choice, but to trust him is just more unwarranted naivete.
I think you missed the Debra Birx power play article. It’s quite compelling to understand how he was snookered by Dr Birx amid a full court press against him by a highly coordinated MSM and the Democrat leadership.
I've ready plenty about Birx, not sure what article you're referring to. How is that an excuse? Just because Pharma, and the deep state is very good at what they do is supposed to make it OK to be "snookered" by them? Of course they have some effective techniques, why would anyone expect otherwise? As far as the MSM and Democrat leadership, I wouldn't say they're good at misleading, at all. Their BS is transparently ridiculous - to be fooled by them would be cause for great shame.
Looking more like it all the time to me. Either way, the verse that's quoted so much in these times "By their fruits so shall you know them" or something like that, should be kept close.
It’s the boomerang effect or Streisand effect—take your pick. Western Democracy is falling, and people’s trust in elected officials is basically at zero right now. When the bureaucrats and MSM are all holding hands to point out what an awful person he is, it only makes him more popular and strengthens his political base. It’s a legitimate political tactic in troubled times, and keeps the same families in power for good.
Trump was installed to carry out the plandemic. The plans go back years, and he would have had full knowledge of this. He's an award-winning actor, and a sadistic, malignant narcissist. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. It's kabuki theatre.
*I am editing my post to remove my comment about the baby boomers because it is definitely offending people. I believe that my comment was misinterpreted due to me phrasing it badly. My fault entirely. What I was meaning was that in my circle of friends, it's the people of a certain age that seem to be his most ardent supporters and cannot see Trump's roll in all of the mess we are in. I did not mean it to say that ALL baby boomers support him. My poorly phrase comment was actually very immaterial to my comment in general so it is now edited out.*
I go back and forth between whether I think Trump was in on the planning of this whole thing, or if he just said, “tell me what I need to do/say” as his ‘fee’ to becoming the president. He is much smarter than he appears, either way. He looks ignorant of all the corruption swirling around him but once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
I just had a friend send me this absolute garbage ad for Trump and how he is the hope of America. And all I can wonder about my friend is, ‘were you not there when Trump destroyed the country?’ Millions of American Republicans still can’t see it. Trump knows how to talk to them and his campaign is absolutely brilliant. The baby boomers worship him.
It’s the corporate media’s specialty to drive up the dem vs repub wrestling match every four years. I used to fall for it too so I can empathize, but couldn’t ignore the fact that the Covid scam was coordinated first under a republican president. Once you know, you know.
Honestly, those who don’t know are probably happier than those of us who know how bad things truly are. It was kind of nice thinking that the next election might solve all the problems.
If you put yourself into the shoes of the pandemic planners, one of their first objectives would be to silence and discredit vaccine hesitant doctors or general public.
First order of business is to round up the anti-vaxxers into the MAGA camp. Trump played coy talking about vaccines injuring people before he was elected and while on tour. Once elected he had RFK jr and Del Bigtree up to his office to create a vaccine safety committee, which ended up being crushed shortly after being started. A political performance on Trump’s part.
He also denounced the pandemic as fake before taking full credit for rushing the killer vaccines to market as some sort of hero. He got a lot of his base jabbed because they trusted him as being an outsider (there’s no bigger insider).
If RFK jr is elected, I expect the same thing to happen again. Remember: Bill Gates said another pandemic is coming and that if Covid didn’t get our attention, the next one will. Having the king of the anti-vaxxers telling you to get vaccinated will work well on a lot of people.
Of course, that’s just my opinion about RFK Jr and I really, really hope I’m wrong.
Kennedy, like Trump, passes my litmus test as being sincerely outside the Beltway Pandemic Planning Committee: Both are roundly hated by the government/media. To me, that's a sign that they're not involved, and can be (mostly) trusted. No way are the establishment string pullers smart enough and meta enough to pull off a sophisticated psyop like that.
Now, as far as Trump being willing to cut a deal with them? That's perfectly plausible.
RFK Jr has been absent from the media. Trump is featured hourly. They pretend to hate Trump but he is the bread and butter of both liberal and conservative corporate media. The liberal media has been withering without him. I’m sure they have been anxious for this election to revive their ratings.
If RFK Jr becomes prevalent in the media as the election nears, I will immediately become suspicious that he is the chosen candidate. We shall see.
It’s all theater
Nothing sells media like Donald Trump; that's why media nearly died after he left office.
Exactly, he literally is their “golden goose” and drives up profits for them. Especially the liberal media. He is the man they love to hate. He is the man they want to appear to be the opposition, so that he will be elected again, so that they can once again enjoy record levels of viewership.
Very good point, Brandy. I'm just having trouble believing that they're that smart.
They seem like bumbling idiots yet here we are and they are winning. The mRNA technology is still being circulated and no one has been held accountable and nothing has been done to stop all the atrocities. And the two prominent candidates are both in favor of one thing, mRNA technology. It’s so much more important than people realize, in my opinion. It’s the gateway to the transhuman agenda and a total control grid. They cannot allow it to be stopped.
Thank you so much; that’s important information.
I appreciate your comment.
I completely agree with everything you stated about Trump.
What was so interesting is that Trump would talk about things, and then do the exact opposite “because the mean democrats” or some such drivel. But republicans couldn’t see it. They just loved that he was “trying” and give him 100% credit for his rhetoric.
I actually think that he was encouraged to say (and tweet) horrible things in order to drive democrats into a sort of madness. I witnessed many of my friends go absolutely irrational because of their hatred for him. But, his horrible comments didn’t bother republicans because they liked his policies and his comments that aligned with their beliefs. So you essentially have democrats hating him over nothing burgers and republicans loving him over a few policies but ignoring the fact that he basically coordinated, or at least went along with, all the pandemic fraud. It’s completely bizarre.
I was super excited about RFK Jr at first. I do believe he’s sincere about the vaccine issue. You might be right that he would switch last minute. But, I’ve been getting a gut feeling that something else will happen. I wonder if he’s being set up to introduce digital currency, and get the public used to the idea. Then, some emergency will emerge (disease x, war, food shortage?) and we will all be incentivized to sign up for *central bank* digital currency. Then, someone else will use those to force the next injections or whatever it is they want to force.
Who knows what the plan is. Maybe the plan is flexible and they just adjust as needed. They can probably work with whatever candidate or party is selected. Whatever plan they have, I’m sure it will include controlling the internet and the roll out of CBDCs. I was originally thinking it would be Trump rolling them out but I’m now wondering about RFK Jr.
RFK is still a flaming liberal (& worse) on everything else, though.
Well, I think we could discuss a lot of issues in depth and find a lot of nuances. I agree that he’s generally liberal but he was speaking out against the pandemic response and the Covid vaccines from pretty early on. Is freedom a conservative issue or a liberal issue? If it’s a conservative issue, he out-conservatived most republicans. If it’s a liberal issue, maybe I’m a liberal?
I’m glad he cares about the environment because we are all being poisoned incrementally by industrial pollution and we are eating toxic food. Is climate change caused by carbon dioxide? I don’t think so. Even if it is, do carbon credits help anything? Or just subsidize green energy companies?
One thing I like about Kennedy is that he has real conversations about these things and he’s sincerely trying to understand them. That is a place where people can actually come together and find solutions.
And he wants to completely clean out the regulatory agencies, which Trump has absolutely no intention of doing. Liberal? Conservative? Just common sense after what happened.
There are definitely things I have issues with. I just think most of the issues that I would have with his candidacy are small compared to the fact that the economy was destroyed, children’s lives were ruined, people died due to regulatory capture, and we are on the precipice of it happening again and Trump hasn’t apologized for any of it.
If RFK Jr is actually a good person that would make meaningful changes in the government, he probably won’t be allowed to progress in the election. So I don’t feel very hopeful either way. But, one thing is for sure. Trump was president and he failed to drain the swamp horribly and the United States citizens suffered and continue to suffer due to his actions. It’s not a question anymore about what Trump will do under pressure. He now has a track record.
It’s too bad the Republican Party didn’t choose someone who actually stood up for freedom during our time of “crisis”. To me, this shows that the pharmaceutical controlled media chooses the candidates, not the people. Who would choose Biden or Trump? No rational people would, yet there they are.
I think RFK-J is sincere in his beliefs. I appreciate his stance on the scamdemic & Fauci, etc. But he has stances on other things that are bad, he said once that climate deniers should be locked up & his pick for VP is appalling.
“… Trump hasn’t apologized for any of it.”
JFK and RFK were instrumental in first mandating vaccines, Ted signed off on the PREP act.
Fauci was given the Robert F. Kennedy “ripple of hope” award in Dec 2020. The page has since been deleted but press releases are still online. His sister, Kerry, who runs the foundation, sounds like a proper psychopath, so that could be the reason.
Does any of that have to do with RFK jr’s advocacy of children’s health and trying to challenge the current corruption around the childhood schedule? Those are his family members that you mention but most of them were unaware of the dangers of vaccines and they have all passed away now? So I’m not sure what you are implying.
RFK Jr has been trying to expose the dangers of the childhood vaccine schedule for over a decade. Once he became aware of the fraud surrounding the pharmaceutical industry and vaccines, he has done everything in his power to bring awareness and to cultivate changes in order to protect children. He has done this at great personal cost, as many of his family members have not been willing to look at the evidence and come to the logical conclusion that vaccines are not safe. So he is opposed by even some of his closest friends and family members. This speaks to RFK jr’s intellect, his integrity, and his humanity.
"Does any of that have to do with RFK jr’s advocacy of children’s health and trying to challenge the current corruption around the childhood schedule?"
Please stop this nonsense? He loves it. He wants to *mandate* childhood & adult vaccines fer crissakes. Think about that.
What are you referring to? Thin air? What you *want* to believe?
“…but ignoring the fact that he basically coordinated, or at least went along with, all the pandemic fraud…”
"I was super excited about RFK Jr at first. I do believe he’s sincere about the vaccine issue."
Why? RFK JR has stated this (below) many times over a decade +. Not only what he says about how fantastically safe and effective all vaccines are but also the group he is directing this b.s. towards. Notice this? Think about it. Straight out of Saul Alinsky's playbook.
And, listen to JR. about *mandated* vaccines. He's all for them. Again, not just a whoopsie, he's stated this over and over again. Why do most tune out his words?
RFK JR: 20 second video.
Here's Trump trying to outdo RFK JR's insanity. It's neck and neck as to who's the most corrupt:
That first link is a garbage hit piece of propaganda. RFK Jr was clearly cut off so that you couldn’t hear the whole idea he was expressing. If you can find the whole clip, which would include the second part of the idea he was in the middle of expressing, I will be more interested in taking it seriously.
I also am for safe vaccines, and my children and myself were all vaccinated. BUT, that was before I figured out it was a complete scam. Thanks to RFK Jr exposing that no vaccines currently on the market are safe, and they are not even tested against a true placebo, my grandchildren are completely unvaccinated. I owe that to RFK Jr and his extensive work in trying to expose vaccine fraud.
He has had an entire organization that seeks to educate people on the dangerous nature of the current childhood vaccine schedule. It’s called Children’s Health Defense or CHD for short. There is a website with numerous links to important information that has helped to save thousands of children and adults from the harms of vaccines.
Either you have been duped by journalistic frauds, or, you are intentionally spreading lies about RFK Jr because you have a vested interest in him not becoming president. The largest industries in the world want him to shut up about how there are currently no safe vaccines available- the medical industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the corporate media, government, public health agencies etc. you could be tied to anyone of those industries or more. I can’t tell. But I do know that the first link is trash and whoever put it together knows it’s trash. You don’t cut someone off mid-sentence and play “gotcha” if you have any integrity.
Even if he went on to recommend multiple vaccines, which I doubt is the case, he was obviously younger in that video clip so it’s possible that he just wasn’t aware of how bad things were. We have all been lied to, it just takes time for us to learn the truth. RFK Jr has been a hero trying to save people since he figured out that the pharmaceutical industry is a big fraudulent scam.
I’m not going to waste my time looking at the second link because I can rest assured it’s the same kind of intellectually dishonest garbage as the first link. Hopefully you and your fraudulent comments are not able to succeed in deceiving people. RFK Jr is the ONLY candidate that cares about how horrible the vaccines have been on human health.
“ Trump would talk about things, and then do the exact opposite “because the mean democrats” or some such drivel. But republicans couldn’t see it. ”
Could you provide an example, please?
He talked about not masking, and then pushed masks. He talked about not shutting down the economy and then he shut down the economy. He talked about early treatments and then he signed operation warp speed. He talked about good financial principles and then passed a 2.2 stimulus bill.
Well, you are not wrong. Sadly, he was surrounded by evil advisers. I was able to figure out things on my own, though I am not sure if I would while being surrounded by “experts.”
Clinton was literally raping women and democrats couldn’t care less. They loved him. But some stupid teenager like ccomment from Trump sent democrats over the edge. I do not support Trump OR Clinton, because they are both sexual predators and/or scum bags and there’s evidence that Biden has a history as well. So I’m consistent. And Hillary was in charge of getting rid of the sexual assault and harassment scandals of her husband. So, if anyone voted for either Clinton or Biden, and then went into a fit of convulsions over Trumps crotch comment, yeah, I say it’s a nothing burger according to their support of worse people.
Again, I think Trump is a very bad person. But I’m consistent. Democrats who voted for any of the three that I mentioned, not so much.
And if a woman were to press charges against Trump for harassing them, and it was credible, let’s have a trial. If not, it’s kind of just talk. Trump says a ton of stupid stuff.
Yeah, he's bought and sold
Hmmm...Bill Ghate$.....king rat.
I think some skepticism is better than one hundred percent hero worship.
Under what scenario is RFK elected?
Well, under no scenario but now we see if he played his cards right and is allowed to reform everything under HHS. It will be a miracle if he is even confirmed but he's closer to making changes than he was before.
So. We're still of the mindset that the election of leaders really matters in this denouement of the American constitutional republic experiment? I think not if what we saw Saturday (the passage of the Ukraine funding, FISA reauthorization, failure to close the border, addition of another $1.5tt to the debt, etc. etc.) gives us more context.
Trump's focus was world PEACE AND economic PROSPERITY. Successful on both, re-election a given. Then covid hit taking everyone by surprise. Trump already had several impeachments tried on him, & would likely have been brought up on impeachment and murder charges if he was accused of denying the decades long scientific 'experts' at the time that were hailing life saving, state of art medical treatment.
RIGHT TO TRY (Trump's goal) WAS TO SAVE LIVES BY MAKING ALL OPTIONS, INCLUDING THOSE THAT HAD NOT GONE THRU CORRUPT FDA APPROVAL, BE MADE AVAILABLE AS CHOICE. ~ Trump's goal was always to have ALL options available & let individuals decide. Trump's goal was FREEDOM OF CHOICE in medical care. Listen as Trump advocated for HCQ ~ RFIK JR has made his living as a commie, eco fascist, who also thinks vaccines shouldn't be approved. He may indeed be right on vax, but he's a believer in BIG GOVT, failing schools, rising crime who agitates for slavery reparations & wants those opposing his eco fascism locked up. Oh, and he doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning at anything.
Trump failed complete when the country needed him to be a leader. If he was worried about what would happen to himself for doing the right thing, he definitely should not run again in my opinion. He is week, and easily manipulated, or he was in on it. I know what I think.
But, there were many ways in which he could have done the right thing and ended the pandemic without having charges brought up against him, like signing a bill to find early treatments, instead of funding experimental mRNA gene therapies. He could have done that within weeks. But he worked with Fauci daily and they were never going to let early treatments get in the way of the mRNA technology debut.
But even if all that you say is true, curious that the whole country has figured out that the “vaccines” are dangerous but somehow Trump still can’t quite figure it out… his supporters make fantastic explanations for why he still brags about them even though he knows, they know he knows, and he knows that they know that he knows. The explanations get very creative.
It’s just ridiculous. But his campaign is excellent at side stepping the part where he trashed the economy and signed Operation Warp Speed, which essentially lead to millions of deaths. Yes, great idea, let’s elect him again.
Would RFK be worse? Worse than doing something that caused millions of deaths worldwide and destroyed the economy? I doubt it. But who knows. Republicans should have elected someone during the primary who was not trying to kill people with mRNA technology. We are stuck with a known liar who gave Fauci a presidential award at the end of the pandemic (and then pretended that he didn’t know how that happened). It’s not an accident that he is the only Republican choice. The media made that happen with their political persecution and spotlighting him endlessly. The liberal media relies on him for their bread and butter and so does Fox. He draws viewers on both sides.
Brandy, speaking about destroying the country, hard to match this:
Gangs that break the law and harm people are bad. But most of them will never reach the level of crimes that our government commits. The amount of money the politicians steal from the citizens is counted in trillions and the number of people who die because of their illegal laws is in the millions. They are both bad.
“ But, there were many ways in which he could have done the right thing and ended the pandemic without having charges brought up against him, …”
The ONLY sad thing is that Trump did not have YOU as his advisor … or … better yet … as the President.
If only …. If only ….
He had Scott Atlas. Scott Atlas was bringing in data and real information. He had Dr Paul Alexander. He could have brought in anyone from the Great Barrington Declaration. He could have consulted with many of the doctors who were testifying in DC. He could have consulted with the Governors who opened up their states. DeSantis figured it out pretty early.
And I certainly understand that things were confusing for a time. Everyone was confused. But as time passed, he actually seemed to become less aware of what was actually happening.
And certainly things are not that confusing now and there has been plenty of time for him to learn about the horrible covid "vaccines" and he has had MANY people tell him what is going on (in their own words), but he still refuses to acknowledge the harms caused by them. He is either somehow ignorant still, or lying, neither of which are good scenarios.
In the beginning, I wasn't sure if he was genuinely trying to do the right thing and just getting pushed into doing the wrong things. When he gave Fauci the presidential award and as he has continued to sing the praises of the covid "vaccine", it has solidified in my mind that his participation was not an accident.
I honestly don't personally believe the presidents get to make that many decisions so it's kind of a moot point. Does anyone think Biden is running the country? Obviously not. It seems logical to conclude that most likely all the presidents are mainly symbolic.
There are many good people who support Trump just like there are many good people who support Biden (the man who takes inappropriate showers with his daughter). People do not understand the power of the PSY-Op coming from their tvs. I think the boomers just aren’t equipped to know how advanced technology is and so they cannot understand how their mentality is being controlled and directed by what they hear and say on TV. And younger generations are being controlled by social media experts. I don’t want to disparage people who can’t see what’s going on. I feel sorry for them. And I since hope they will see what’s happening but I don’t hold out much hope because people are trapped in the PSY-OP and can’t seem to get out.
I think I will respectfully disagree with you main point about ‘people can’t see a lie because they harbor lies within themselves’. While this certainly may be true for some people, there are many people who are good and hinest and they can’t see lies because they literally can’t even imagine that some humans are so evil that they would intentionally harm others so brazenly. I know several people who are truly good and cannot see that they are being deceived.
But I appreciate your comments and thoughts. And, I agree with your last point that courage demands a base of honesty. So we can agree on that point. Cheers
Please don’t paint all boomers as mindless morons. I am 65, didn’t buy into this shit from day 1, am furious that this started under Trump & that he still won’t acknowledge the societal, educational, medical, psychological, economic damage he did to the country (much less the death & destruction caused by his “beautiful vaccines” that he laughably claims “saved millions of lives”). I will never vote for him
Yes I agree with you. I'm 69, if you ask me it was the 18 to 59 yrs that were so quick to get jabbed, nit us older folks. The older people who did were mostly pushed by their kids and grandkids causing fear . I had one daughter telling me , mom you should get it because you have health issues. I told her straight up, that's one if thr very reasons I SHOULD NOT GET IT! I also told her trump or no one can have a safe/ effective vaccine or medication created in 9 mo. I haven't lived for 69 yrs and learned nothing. In fact everyone I know my age Said, no,hell no I'm not getting it. The ones I knimow who dud get it are in their 20's to 40's and the parents who had and still having their babies and children jabbed with this poison. So o agree it's not us older folks who were deceived, foolish enough or feared it was those 25 yrs and more younger than us. I knew the minute trump announced operation warp speed this was wrong no matter how you looked at it. He opened the door wide to tyranny and Biden picked up where he left off. Truth hurts for many of trumps still supporters but they best get over it! I saw where someone commented under one of my other post, asking me, " so is Biden my savior" what total ignorance. I refuse to vote for any of these tyrants and I unlike many trump supporters have one Savior, Jesus Christ. I haven't voted since I was a dumb 21 yr old. I will not ever vote unless I know in my soul it's a man of God. A man that holds the standards by which a leader should hold. These standards have been made clear by Gid and our Founding Fathers and not once has any president even come close to the standards of our Founding Fathers.Govt is done! Elected presidents by THE PEOPLE is over, done and honestly has been done for many many many yrs but rest assured unless this Gov't is abolished as the Declaration of Independence states we the people should do when Gov't steps out of bounds of the Constitution or becomes tyrannical, we will never see the proper role of Gov't . A Govt for the people by the people. Tyranny will continue to burst until we are under full communism. For those to believe Trump is the answer, the Savior of this Nation are only aiding in the destruction imof this Nation. If selected as president again he will be the proud creator of more bioweapons and more harsh demands. The only way to endure what's coming is repentance, faith in our creator.
*editing this comment to remove my statement about boomers... I should win most terrible communication award for this thread. haha! Oops.
I do not think all boomers support Trump. It is in my circle of friends of a certain age group that resonates with Trumps rhetoric. Obviously since the election swung towards Trump heavily, more than one demographic supported him. And looking at the situation, one can hardly blame Trump supporters. The choices were grim indeed.
Can you provide the evidence, please?
I did not mean all boomers support him. I was meaning that in my circle of friends and acquaintances, people of a certain age group really resonate with his kind of rhetoric (if they are republicans). I did not in any way mean to imply that 100% of boomers support Trump, even though it appears that this is what I said. It was a miscommunication. Clearly, I have stepped in a bees nest. Will edit my comment to remove that statement because it is not what I was meaning.
You haven't been paying attention.
This is the least important discussion topic. Many people of all age groups support him, I’m sure. To their detriment, in my opinion.
In my circle of friends and acquaintances, it’s the boomers. I’m sure other people have different experiences. I didn’t know this was such a sensitive topic but now I know. Apologies.
It’s definitely true that not ALL boomers have been duped. My apologies if my generalization doesn’t fit you or others reading this. I was meaning on average, his most enthusiastic supporters seem to be boomers, which are my parents and many of my friends. But it’s true that people of all ages support him. And people of all ages support Biden. And who knows, maybe RFK Jr is a wolf in sheep’s clothing as well and will fool the younger voters (generally speaking of course). The levels of deception are many and are trying to ensnare and pacify us all.
I don’t think the mess we’re in can be solved by some saintly or even flawed “white knight” because it is government & politicians who have done this to us, directly &/ or as useful idiots for the real powers that be. People (lots of boomers but other ages too) are appalled when I say I won’t vote because not doing so is “a vote for” LGB-FJB. So what? It’s a Uniparty anyway. I think the whole everything will need to be burnt to the ground & something better rising from the ashes after. But that’s going to be tremendous upheaval, damage & death before that happens.
I never thought I would even consider not voting but I’m close to that too. It seems an impossible situation we are in. Burning it down will result in a lot of death and destruction so I’m not sure that’s a good option either. What’s the chances something better would be built in its place after all that? Chances seem low. Especially with all the technology available today that can easily make some people more powerful than others. I think human nature is dooming us to tyranny no matter what.
I feel like the anarchists (volunteerism) are roght in general and that there is no truly good form of government because it always becomes corrupted. But anarchy is just not a viable option because some people will always want to rule other overs and many people want someone to rule over them (for the illusion of safety and security) so a power structure will just take shape, simply because we are human. And then the psychopaths step in and take the reins. It’s a historical pattern that seems inevitable. But what do I know?
I agree w/ most of what you say, Brandy. But the current trajectory is absolutely unsustainable & ushering in anarchy anyway. When the economy, supply chains & everything collapses & people are desperate (not to mention nefarious multitudes of illegals w/ bad intent or just overwhelming all of our systems) what is going to happen? Law of the jungle / survival of the fittest. So yeah, as I said in the 1st post, lots of damage & death is surely coming. There is no fixing what is in place right now because the corruption runs so deep. Something good will arise from the bad (the pendulum always swings) & in a couple hundred years it will be completely corrupted again by power & control-mad psychos as is always the case throughout history. Wash-rinse-repeat. It’s the fallibility of mankind.
You know a lot. This:
"I think human nature is dooming us to tyranny no matter what. "
Sums it up. It's always been so. The flourishing of the West recently is an unsustainable anomaly because of human nature. I'm not saying give up. But the odds favor a long, dark era. If we survive at all, what with nukes, gene editing, and our penchant for spreading poisons which have already diminished us.
This is the least important issue that I can think of to discuss at this time. It is not very relevant. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. The topic at hand is more important.
Blue Electric hater,
How about your own labeling of Trump supporters?
When a person speaks out of both sides of their mouth, it’s easy to see they’re working out their own ISSUES. Let’s be positive-minded instead of serving up hatred an division
Guess what, wide awake boomer morons every country in the world developed and it inject these toxic vaccines into their citizens as well. You act as if you think Trump was an all knowing God. You really think highly of your God and his abilities. I was never brainwashed into thinking he was an all knowing Superman. He is a man, capable of making mistakes in judgement like every other world leaders has done throughout history. There is no one more sincere than Trump.No one who cares more about the American people than Trump. He didn't have to run again, he could've sailed off into the sunset without having to face hundreds of years of prison time, assassination attempts, financial ruin etc and live happily ever after. But nooo... Do I really need to explain ? Think people, think!
Read to see how it is*president quack speed* who needs to be hauled before Congress and then a Nuremberg trial. He was happy to debate Biden so that the dementia could distract from Trump's rape of the GOP platform.
So you'll either vote for the party of psychopaths - negate your vote writing-in or RFK, or abstain while sitting home and complaining. I guess you're perfect.
This Boomer is WIDE AWAKE!
Good for you!
AMEN AND AMEN !! I hate thus strong hand of tyranny is upon us but it brings joy to my soul to see you know these truths. Too many still support, make excuses for Trump and without knowing it are aiding I'm the destruction of our Natiin and likely they will not endure the tribulations soon to be upon us. If by now they are deceived by Trump, likely they too will be deceived by the anti christ that will perform miracles deceiving many many people.
It’s so hard to come to the conclusion that the politicians are not going to save us. It’s very depressing. I see why people fall into that mindset but this passification by rooting for either the red team or the blue team is one of the things that is allowing all the corruption to continue.
Well said Brandy!
After losing my job of 23 years for non-CONvid compliance, I was already awake. Then I started going down the rabbit hole big time. This caught my eye…
I am a big fan of TLAV. I really appreciate his take on most issues. Sorry you lost your job. That stinks. I hope there is some sort of justice for the people who perpetrated this fraud. But I'm glad you stood for your principles. If everyone had done what you did, it would have ended immediately. Maybe it will be harder for them to pull off in the future.
“Honestly, those who don’t know are probably happier than those of us who know how bad things truly are.”
Why don’t you tell us, who want to know and don’t, “how bad things truly are,” please?
“I just had a friend send me this absolute garbage ad for Trump and how he is the hope of America. And all I can wonder about my friend is, ‘were you not there when Trump destroyed the country?”
What do you mean? What exactly are you talking about?
BTW, I wrote that comment that you quoted several months ago, early in the campaign. Just mentioning in case that was not clear.
What I meant by 'Trump destroyed the country' was that in 2020, Trump declared national emergency powers over a virus that had roughly the IFR of the seasonal flu. These declaired emergency powers essentially made the constitution obsolete, which is why he and all the other politicians/public health agencies were able to shut down the economy, permanently destroy many small businesses, shut down schools, shut down churches, suspend property rights, limit travel and commerce etc. Trump appointed a former big pharma guy to HHS secretary, who then declared a public health emergency, thus triggering the PREP ACT. Very lucky for big pharma.
Trump then signed Operation Warp Speed and handed over billions of dollars to the pharmaceutical companies to develop military technology (mRNA gene therapies), which they (big pharma) then sold back to the government for more billions of dollars, this time for pure profit and they had complete liability protection.
Signing Operation Warp Speed essentially ensured no early treatments would be allowed to be used and at the same time made mRNA gene therapy roll out a guarantee (due to the fact that there were no standards for safety or efficacy thanks to the PREP ACT).
Trump spent 2.2 Trillion dollars in stimulus (CARES ACT) to pay people who weren't working and to shovel money to big industries (and to who knows who else - this kind of stimulus money is never accounted for). This started the gigantic ball rolling for massive inflation when people were finally "allowed" back out of their homes, which home values were massively inflated over the duration of the "emergency" leading to higher property taxes and huge challenges for lower and middle class first time purchasers, or anyone who wanted to buy a home who wasn't rich.
It would be one thing if Trump suddenly had a moment of clarity and he realized that he had been duped and if he started disavowing Operation Warp Speed or talking about how to reverse it or something. Most republicans figured out what was going on by the end of 2020. Trump did not. And he has never apologized for it, he brags about it to this day, and he gave Fauci a presidential award at the end of his first term.
Lots of people suffered and died due to Trumps poor decisions during the "pandemic". If a democrat had done what he did, republicans would be calling for that democrat to be put in jail or worse. And Trump isn't even sorry.
I understand why people support him and why they have hope that he is going to save us from all the corruption. I just don't think that's what's actually going on. I think Trump is being used for specific purposes that are not in our favor. I think Democrat presidents are used in a similar way. The candidates just push their stance on a few important social and financial issues to keep their base happy and to keep their voters mad at the other party, but they all spend the money into oblivion and pass horrible, illegal legislation in the meantime.
That's my opinion. Hope that helps explain my comment.
I understand your point. Disagree, but then, who knows who is right? Besides the leftists, of course. To them, anyone off their leftist policies of the moment is right, which is not wrong. Being off the murderous leftist ways is not wrong, right ))
I think you got me there...I do not understand your meaning at all. haha! But it's been fun
It's not just Trump. So much propaganda since WWII. Each one of us is responsible for learning and knowing the "Truth" outside of the media. This is the Apocalypse - Revelation and if we don't wake up to the Truth of who and what we are as Divine Conscious Beings having a hue-man experience ... we are doomed.
"Only those who consciously acknowledge God as the Source and Essence of their Being as LOVE will survive the Apocalypse that is to come!" A message given to me at the onset of 4 separate lengthy astral visions over 8 years, of all that has occurred and all that is yet to come. The first vision was January 1, 1971, following a close encounter with 5 Pleiadean ships in Niagara Falls, ON.
I agree with everything you say, except for the baby boomers comment. You're just wrong on that. I'm a baby boomer, and most of my friends are. We can't stand Trump, and we certain don't worship him at all.
I find that a lot of people of all ages are worshiping Trump, and they're not baby boomers. You need to stop centering us out. We're not the bad guys here.
Like you, some of us very briefly thought, during Trump's 2016 campaign that he might be able to do some good for this country, but let's say, with caution. For me, just a couple of weeks in the WH and I was already pissed a him, and it just got worse from there. That man simply cannot be trusted. He's the snake he keeps reading that poem about.
I apologies if my comment offended. That has been my experience in my circle of friends. And while I do not think *all* baby boomers support Trump, that is the demographic in my reach of friends and acquaintances that has gotten sucked in the most. He seems to speak the language that captures many people's support of all ages and he is certainly more appealing than the alternative candidate was, so I understand how this happened. But people of all age groups support as well as do not support him. I should definitely have left that out because it's just not that important and it has really offended some people. It was just a careless side comment when I thought about the people that I know. He was the chosen one to win by those in charge of running the psy-ops and it worked really well for them.
What if they plan to rinse and repeat?
I think enough people have caught on that they won't be able to do the same thing twice... Probably. But I do think something will happen and that it will follow a similar pattern of 1. emergency (real or perceived) 2. lip service to doing the right thing 3. giving in to the pressure to do something detrimental to our freedoms and rights (shut down the economy again? cashless society and digital currency only? Online digit ID? Who knows.).
There is also the possibility that Trump has a different task, such as creating a single state for a certain Middle East government. War with governments opposed to this direction perhaps? Guess we find out soon.
The problem with Trump is that he is not the “saviour” that so many think he is. If anything, he could be the opposite. He has not walked back “my beautiful vaccines” or OWS narratives. He never “drained the swamp”. There are one or maybe two good picks in his current nominations but I see most are deep state or pro-lockdown/mask/vax shills. They are not pro-freedom with very few exceptions. I find that Mike Yeadon is very perceptive and rarely wrong. Under Trump and with Musk at his right hand, a digital gulag is a real possibility.
Democrat president would be 100 times worse than trump all of you know it
The problem is, they both do very, very bad things and we just point our finger at the "other" party saying that they are worse.
I look back at Reagan's 1986 vaccine act that protected vaccine companies from liability while they were maiming and killing children. And I think about all the spending that took place during his presidency that put us further in debt and devalued the dollar. Bush's Dessert Storm. Then there was Bush W's Patriot Act and 'war on terror', TSA, etc and more inflationary spending. Bombing Middle East countries for bogus reasons. And also the PREP ACT, which allowed the Covid fiasco to happen decades later. And then Trump appoints a pharma guy to head HHS (do big pharma guys drain the swap? no), Trump shuts down the entire economy, and allows children to be forced out of schools, suspends property rights. And then he signs Operation Warp Speed that not only ended any chance of early treatments but it also killed people from a dangerous experimental gene therapy. And he handed billions of dollars to the pharmaceutical companies to develop that thing, which they can never be sued for. And he's proud of it. And he awarded Anthony Fauci with a presidential award at the end of his presidency.
I don't have to list the terrible things the democrats do because we can all see them. It's just for some reason, we excuse what the republicans do because they "aren't as bad". But we always end up in the same place. They all steal money from the economy and oppress the people. Trump lowered taxes on the rich right before he shut down the economy for the middle class. Did Mark Zuckerberg suffer from the lock downs? Did Jeff Bezos suffer from the lockdowns? How about the owners of Google? big Pharma? No. They all got filthy rich under Trump. But republicans are like, "Trump was good with the economy! Don't talk about his fourth year, that doesn't count because the media was mean to him." Basically when a democrat does it, it's because they are evil, when a republican does it, it's because the democrats are evil too.
Years ago, I actually thought the republicans would save the day from all the horrible things that the democrats did while in office. Now I see that it's a good cop/bad cop scenario. We think they (republican presidents) are on our side but they aren't. They just say what we want them to say, do a few things we like, and then when it counts, they betray us. That's how the democrat party operates too. Both parties put in the SAME financial hucksters.
Peter Thiel created JD Vance. Ramaswamy got rich starting a pharmaceutical company. Musk is a transhumanist who makes most of his money from government contracts. Trumps chief of staff is a former pharmaceutical lobbyist. I have no doubt good things will happen for a while, until they don't.
The lobbyists/big industries are too powerful. The power and money is too tempting. Three letter agencies are clearly more in charge than the president.
And in case you hadn't thought this through...They are smart enough to steel the election in 2020 but not four years later? Seems unlikely. It was not an accident that they waited until it was too late to hold a democratic primary to reveal that Joe was senile. Everyone knew for the last 2 to 3 years yet they acted surprised. They waited because they wanted Kamala to be the competition. You don't install Kamala to be the candidate because you want her to win. You instal her because she cannot win. Thus the reason they didn't need to do much to influence the election results. It was the intended result.
And now we wait to see what the plan is during the next four years. They will not repeat the same fraud because people caught onto it so it will be something different. I have ideas of what the plan is but it's just a guess at this point. We will know soon.
Trump's focus was world PEACE AND economic PROSPERITY. Successful on both, re-election a given. Then covid hit taking everyone by surprise. Trump already had several impeachments tried on him, & would likely have been brought up on impeachment and murder charges if he was accused of denying the decades long scientific 'experts' at the time that were hailing life saving, state of art medical treatment.
RIGHT TO TRY (Trump's goal) WAS TO SAVE LIVES BY MAKING ALL OPTIONS, INCLUDING THOSE THAT HAD NOT GONE THRU CORRUPT FDA APPROVAL, BE MADE AVAILABLE AS CHOICE. ~ Trump's goal was always to have ALL options available & let individuals decide. Trump's goal was FREEDOM OF CHOICE in medical care. Listen as Trump advocated for HCQ ~ If Trump was 'in on it', why would he advocate for ALL options, FREE CHOICE, to combat illness ?
Trump talked about early treatments, but under his administration, almost all early treatments were prevented from being used in the medical industry. Fauci directed the NIH recommendations, which were not to use any early treatments and then to administer remdesivir and to use ventilators. These NIH recommendations were adopted by hospitals because there were monetary incentives for following the NIH recommendations, as well as liability protection.
Trump met with Fauci almost daily to strategize the government’s response. Trump thought Fauci did such a great job during the pandemic that he gave him a presidential award. (And then pretended like he didn’t know who gave Fauci the award)
Trump could have signed a bill to fund early treatment research, but instead he signed Operation Warp Speed, which essentially gave billions of dollars to big pharma to develop a new novel gene therapy injection that was labeled as a vaccine. And then big Pharma sold this products back to the government. Wow! Very profitable for big pharma. And, the pharmaceutical companies got complete liability protection. Double wow!
When he signed Operation Warp Speed, he essentially guaranteed that no early treatments would ever be allowed because it would interfere with EUA of a Covid “vaccine”.
Almost everyone in the US has stopped taking the injections because they have figured out that they don’t work and they are dangerous. Yet Trump is still pushing the “vaccine” and bragging about it saving millions of lives. The evidence shows that it actually cost millions of lives.
His rhetoric sounded good but his actions were not.
That is also my conclusion.
I’m not sure I fully understand your question. If you could add qualifiers or other details, I would be happy to try my best to answer.
Blue Electric Hater,
You’ve got a whole lot to say on this thread, but it mostly reflects an angry and negative attitude. Are you being paid to spread negativity or do you just get a lot of jollies doing so?
I wasn’t blaming everything on Boomers. I was pointing out that they are the age group that is the most ardent Trump supporters. He speaks to them in a way that they love. At least the conservative boomers. That is my experience in my circle of friends.
Maybe I am wrong and he is loved more by gen x or z? I haven’t looked at research into what age group is supporting him the strongest so it was more of my best guess.
My dad was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and was willing to sacrifice his life for what he perceived to be a war against evil. I love my dad and his bravery and will always be grateful for his example in my life. He is literally the best person that I know and would do ANYTHING for anyone who needed his help and often spends hours a day, everyday, helping others. But it makes me sad that he voted for Trump. Why did he vote for Trump? Not because he is a bad person. It is because he is a trusting person. Because he is unable to perceive that his TV was controlling his mentality and FOX news painted Trump to be a hero. Just like all the liberal media paints Biden as a hero to their viewers. It’s a powerful PSY-OP and they can’t perceive it.
My apologies for offending. I should have worded my comment to not be offensive as other people have been offended by it as well.
Have a great day.
What you are explaining is my exact experience. My husband’s grandparents and parents watch liberal corporate media all day long. My parents watch FOX news all day long. All of those people are the salt of the earth. But none of them suspect that they are being lied to endlessly. While not all boomers fall for corporate media, the majority seem to. They still believe that the MSM is doing their job and exposing corruption but the MSM IS the corruption. Or at least they are one of the most essential parts of the current corruption spreading across the globe. I actually chalk it up to the fact that most boomers are really good people that can’t fathom the depth of depravity throughout large industries.
My apologies are sincere and directed at those who misunderstood my comments because I did not do a good job explaining what my meaning was, as you have done so here. So thank you.
There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. Not every Boomer (left or right) is still dependent upon corporate media for their news. Kennedy does have plenty of Boomer supporters who are fully awake to the Uniparty grift and stopped following corporate media long ago. But they tend to be people who’ve been independent thinkers all their lives, those who always questioned authority.
Trump’s base is, unfortunately, comprised of many who are blindly loyal to party. They’ll only vote red no matter how much evidence they’re shown that both blue and red are controlled by the same masters. Perhaps I see it clearly because I was once a loyal blue voter, who became a loyal red voter when I discovered blue was corrupt beyond repair. Imagine my dismay to discover the same is true of the red party after I fell for Trump’s “drain the swamp” shtick.
In short, I listened to FOX too before I woke up to their controlled op role.
I’m now voting for Kennedy and nothing I’ve heard from the “he’s part of the cabal too” propagandists has made a dent in my enthusiasm for him. It’s all ad hominem attacks and flat out lies about his positions. Kennedy is more pro Constitution and pro 2A than Trump, who unconstitutionally locked us down, bankrupting millions of businesses without due process, banned bump stocks, sought red flag gun laws, wanted to raise the age for buying long guns, and more.
Anyone who’s listened to Kennedy, who knows the personal hell he survived and all he’s accomplished to date, can see he’s the real deal. Those who can’t are still hypnotized by the left-right WWE show.
I find your comment here hilariously ironic and lacking in self reflection. Enjoy your day.
The main thing that keeps me from believing this theory is the fact that every bureaucrat in Washington and "every orifice of the mainstream media" hates him with undying passion. It's one thing to believe that Trump is an "award winning actor", but quite another to imagine the government/media being possessed with anything resembling talent.
I think you're right. One of my friend's best friends was a very high-ranking official in Trump's WH. I had the opportunity to spend time with both. The former Trump official regrets getting vaccinated and is very well aware of the devastating side effects. He is very alarmed at the Democrats' descent into unreality. Trump was snookered.
If Trump was snookered by an obvious play that millions of us saw through what does that say about him?
And for four years…and still currently duped… not buying it. No one is that stupid for that long. And many of his close advisers have informed him of the disaster it’s been. He knows. He has known for a long time. He’s lying to his constituents faces.
Agree. To me, a defining moment of Trump was when I watched live as he touted hydroxychloroquine. I immediately though "I hope he's ready for the tsunami that's coming his way from Pharma and their minions in the media". Any moron knew that would be coming. But no, he seemed caught flatfooted, never had an effective response. For a long time I thought that was evidence of his lack of depth and intellect. I've changed my mind. It makes more sense that was orchestrated, with him as the star, to discredit hydroxychloroquine, and set up the takedown of anything similar, like Ivermectin. As you say, he CAN'T be that stupid, and his advisors too.
Yes, completely agree. Same with masking, lockdowns, basically, everything. He would first give a weak protest and then fold on it. Every. Single. Time.
Why didn’t he sign an Operation Warp Speed that looked for early treatments instead of a novel gene therapy? The pandemic would have been over in a heartbeat. But that was never in the plans to end the pandemic before they had the chance to roll out mRNA technology. So here we are. And he’s still bragging about it, even though the crowd boos him for it. Everyone in the United States knows except him? Give me a break.
He was as naive as the rest of us. We had no idea that the swamp was as corrupt, evil, and ruthless as it is. Trump, to his credit, exposed a lot of that.
Naive as the rest of us? Speak for yourself. Naivete is a sign of weakness and stupidity. We're all somewhat susceptible to it (human nature, herd instinct), that's obvious, so to not be aware of one's OWN susceptibility and on guard is just dumb. I recognized as a teenager in the 60's the authorities can never be trusted. Why so many think otherwise I find strange. The founding documents of the USA are based on that timeless truth - our founders were not naive at all, resulting in almost 250 good years. I agree Trump deserves credit for a lot. I'll be voting for him and I hope desperately that he wins. That doesn't change the fact that everything he did COVID related was a huge fail. He's our best choice, but to trust him is just more unwarranted naivete.
I think you missed the Debra Birx power play article. It’s quite compelling to understand how he was snookered by Dr Birx amid a full court press against him by a highly coordinated MSM and the Democrat leadership.
I've ready plenty about Birx, not sure what article you're referring to. How is that an excuse? Just because Pharma, and the deep state is very good at what they do is supposed to make it OK to be "snookered" by them? Of course they have some effective techniques, why would anyone expect otherwise? As far as the MSM and Democrat leadership, I wouldn't say they're good at misleading, at all. Their BS is transparently ridiculous - to be fooled by them would be cause for great shame.
Lol, of course back to duper donny was misled crap.
Looking more like it all the time to me. Either way, the verse that's quoted so much in these times "By their fruits so shall you know them" or something like that, should be kept close.
I think he was.
It’s the boomerang effect or Streisand effect—take your pick. Western Democracy is falling, and people’s trust in elected officials is basically at zero right now. When the bureaucrats and MSM are all holding hands to point out what an awful person he is, it only makes him more popular and strengthens his political base. It’s a legitimate political tactic in troubled times, and keeps the same families in power for good.
Who in Trump’s family has ever been in power in the US?