I love your preparation advice for the next pandemic - LMFAO.

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Ask your doctor if impaired hearing is right for you.

Side effects may include independent thinking, questioning authority, not watching the media, staying healthy and happy. This impairment device is safe and effective.

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May 31Liked by Sasha Latypova

Perfectly poetic. :)

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Also no need for a placebo group.

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How would you even do a placebo? I guess you could find some material that looks like and ear plug but doesn't block sound.

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha is a phenomenal human being with a an exceptional sense of humor! My wife already had ear plugs, so we're set! That was the funniest thing ever!! Me too LMAOOOOO!!!

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The very best way to plan for future pandemics is this: Expose the unfruitful works of darkness. MVP

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Woohoo, I broke 100 likes... :) Thanks Sasha, hope you don't mind I used your meme here:


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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

"Here’s my advice on how you can prepare for pandemics"

🤣🤣🤣 Best advice I've heard in 4 years 😁💪👍

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It took me a moment to understand what the pictures were about, but then I burst out laughing. 😆 😆😂😂

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Yeah, I had to do a double take too to get it.

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Just as well it was visually presented! I've been using them for sometime now, and would have missed the broadcast .

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I must concur!

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Buy Art💜

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

My heart goes out to that earthworm dying of bird flu. At least the bird could have eaten it before infecting it.

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I had to do a double take whether it was a real headline or a spoof. Impossible to tell nowadays. According to Google, a polar bear died of bird flu, while "cats went blind from drinking infected cow's milk", but no earth worms - yet.

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Wonder how many PCR cycles they had to run on the worm before they were able to definitively determine a positive bird flu diagnosis. Probably over 40 cycles.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

45 in Australia. https://www.bitchute.com/video/QeKdYHNyOgs/

a must read - https://www.arkmedic.info/p/one-flew-over-the-chickens-nest

but W.H.O.'s counting?

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: )

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May 29·edited May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

David Hughes has a very accurate perspective, I think:

"The decision by a numerically tiny transnational ruling class to use its control over the means of production to wage war against the rest of humanity is as desperate as it is audacious, and can only be understood in the context of 150 + years of transnational class conflict. The rise of inter- national socialism in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was met with ruthless methods of suppression, including world war, paramilitary brutality, fascism, and totalitarianism (van der Pijl, 2015, 2019; Sutton, 2016). After World War II, similarly ruthless methods were used to crush any sign of emergent socialism in “Third World” countries under the pretext of fighting a “Cold War” against the Soviet Union (McCoy, 2015; Ahmed, 2012, pp. 70–1; Hughes, 2022b). Social tensions mounted in the West, and following May 1968, when France was brought to the brink of revolution, low-level counterinsurgency methods came to be deployed against Western populations (Minnicino, 1974; Ganser, 2005; Hughes, 2022b). From that point on, it was clear that an ongoing, transnation- ally coordinated effort to suppress class conflict had to take precedence over rivalries between different ruling classes and that, ultimately, only a global scientific dictatorship can prevent worldwide social revolution. The ARPANET (the military precursor of the internet, created in 1969) has since evolved into a global surveillance dragnet collecting data on


everyone for counter-revolutionary purposes (van der Pijl, 2022, p. 73). The “War on Terror” was used to normalise the invocation of emer- gency powers (Agamben, 2005), militarise the domestic environment (Valentine, 2017), and hollow out liberal democracy.

The transnational ruling class now seeks to replace liberal democ- racy with technocracy. Historically, such fundamental sociopolitical and economic change has only been possible through world war. Thus, the global class war is synonymous with World War III, which, however, looks nothing like the two previous world wars, just as they did not resemble anything seen before (J. Corbett, 2020a). World War III is waged using the novel methods of Omniwar (see below), i.e. war waged across every domain, but clandestinely, so that the public does not recognise it as such. It amounts to a global counterinsurgency campaign, with dissidents replacing “terrorists” as the enemy using the infrastructure established through the “War on Terror” (cf. Valentine, 2017, p. 64). Deception is fundamental: the public must not get wise to what is happening, lest there be a surge in revolutionary activity. So far, physical fighting has not broken out, however, the largest psychological warfare operation in history—the “Covid-19” operation—has been waged against the public, and historically, psychological warfare serves as the prelude to physical war."


David A. Hughes

“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Volume 1


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Funny how those oh so arch-socialist Bolshevik revolutionaries Lenin and Trotsky who took over Russia and deposed the Tsar were funded by Wall Street banker Jacob Schiff, himself being likely a front for European uber-capitalists and international finance moguls Max Warburg and the one and only Rothschilds clan. The best way to deal with the opposition is to control it.


History doesn't happen by accident.

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"Having subverted the Bolshevik Revolution and turned the Soviet Union into a giant opportunity to acquire financial control over nationalised industries on a model previously established in Latin America (Sutton, 1981), Wall Street looked to do the same in Germany. National Socialism, and Roosevelt’s New Deal were all forms of “corporate socialism,” in which the power of the state is made available to big business, thus elim- inating competition to an oligarchy of large corporations financed (and thus ultimately directed) by the major investment banks (Sutton, 2016, pp. 50, 121)."

--from the same book cited above:

David A. Hughes

“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Volume 1


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Your comment/link is excellent. I have faint recollection of reading the page many years ago. The majority of readers will fail to read the entire text, as their puny little cell phone screens are designed to dissociate textual content. The flawed cell phone format is intentional... Never the less, here's a quote from the article that boils down the situation:

"Oswald Spengler was one of the first historians to expose the connections between capital and revolution. In The Decline of the West he called socialism “capitalistic” because it does not aim to replace money-based values, “but to possess them.” H. G. Wells, it will be recalled, said something similar. Spengler stated of socialism that it is “nothing but a trusty henchman of Big Capital, which knows perfectly well how to make use of it.”

Very few persons wish to comprehend the obvious... Thank you for posting.

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During the phoney Cold War oil mogul Armand Hammer and the richest man in America David Rockefeller were red-carpet welcomed flying into Moscow in their private jets to meet with Kremlin bigwigs whenever the urge took them. Victor Rothschild, who headed MI6 in the UK during WW2, was effectively a triple agent passing intelligence secrets on to the KGB and what became Mossad. Anyone else would be hung for treason but those rules don't apply if your last name is Rothschild:). Shows who really controls the UKUSA. Don't know if you've heard of an English writer and geopolitical researcher named John Hamer, his books and podcast interviews really get to the truths behind the lies of history as we are taught.

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**The majority of readers will fail to read the entire text, as their puny little cell phone screens are designed to dissociate textual content. The flawed cell phone format is intentional...**

Just thought I'd emphasize your words.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

Thank you. Very few persons understand that cell phones are designed to dissociate context and ideation. Cellphones are extremely well designed military weapons...

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May 29·edited May 29

Thanks for the intelligent link, Tommy.

Here is another link to Hughes, an interview with Geopolitics and Empire.

David Hughes: Ruling Elites Working to Install Global Totalitarian State


Hughes has good credentials,

David A. Hughes is Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Lincoln. He received his undergraduate and master’s degrees from Oxford University and holds doctorates in German Studies (Duke University) and International Relations (Oxford Brookes University). His research focuses on psychological warfare, "9/11," "Covid-19," the deep state, technocracy, global class relations, and resurgent totalitarianism.

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Tommy——”The transnational rullng class” you mention are called Zionists and Talmudic Edomites. Call them out.

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Ear plugs are definitely a great prophylactic.

RSV can be contracted through the ears by listening to Globalists ass holes, in order to exercise caution, it's best to protect the primary pathway of infection. Propaganda can slip in anywhere 🤣 🤣😂

I love your humor Sasha 😎

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Ear plugs prevent infection by the kind of ear worms that can be killed by bird flu

Same principle as wearing masks

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Yes they are safe and effective aren't they?

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Pfizer is the sacrificial lamb/the fall guy.

Much of the focus for the “thought leaders” of the MFM has been on Pfizer not Moderna. Why is that? Why are both not getting the same level of scrutiny relative to the adverse impacts, data, filings with the FDA, etc.

Interestingly, quite a few of the people I know who got jabbed decided they wanted Pfizer because they felt it was not as prone to bad reactions. Wonder if that is the case…

Anyhow, have to wonder if baked into the psych op is having Pfizer be the poster child for satisfying the need for justice of the maimed and injured.

The mRNA platform is the focus of Moderna. It IS its business model. Prior to COVID it had never brought a product to market.

Whereas, Pfizer has an extensive product line, which suggests that it can be the sacrificial lamb—whereas, Moderna will become the sanctioned arm of the delivery of the DOD/NIH “recommended” and protected pandemic efforts.

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Moderna is Gates baby.

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And remember….Gates controls the WHO….and Gates and Buffet went to China @2010 to pitch to the fin/tech elite their view and the value of “philanthropy.” Honestly, their model is to have the fin/tech elite take over governance under the guise of benevolence and “progress.” Hence the proliferation of NGOs, Foundations, etc. increasing funding the “wants and needs” of the people who are addicted to the technology that tells them what to think and value….even to the degree of ignoring certain realities they are actually experiencing or living. The disconnect is real.

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China controls them all.

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Maybe. Maybe not.

A while back I read that it was decided that China, the home of communism and cheap labor, would be the world power of the 21st century. So I don't know if China is controlling this, or if they're just the beneficiary of "The Plan."

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but since when did the Rothchild's let any cat off the hook?

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Yes….I know. Lots of big tech/fin elite supposedly invested HEAVILY in Moderna site unseen, meaning they did so on “theory” and a promise versus track record of results…..which begs a few questions, especially when you consider its associations with the military/industrial complex and the simple fact that we can assume some technologies in that space are far more advanced than our minds can likely comprehend.

So…if you consider long game….how does the build out by Moderna look then?

To me….it starts to force some questions about whether the supposed mRNA vaccines are a bridge in the making for the biodigital convergence.

Personally, I think they may be beyond “implants” etc…..I believe their research and certain areas (like Levin at Tufts) suggests that they have figured out or see that technology is “art which imitates life.”

Meaning, they are now seeing our biology as a computational machine and working on how to use energy and other biological entities (possibly colonizing bacteria) as a means of connecting biology/environmemt/living things up to their machines. So consider….has transhumanism and scientific discovery/theory advanced beyond the idea of merging man and machine to simply finding a way to hook our electrical and energy being up to their “calculators” with the idea that once that is done they have a feedback loop which allows them to manipulate biology without hardware?!?!

It’s a thought experiment worth considering when you consider quantum physics/computing, etc.

And if a global order is to be put in place….the value of what the Americans bring to the table is their worldwide military infrastructure.

As for the Pfizer/Israel connection….what the Israeli’s have as a stated goal is to be a leader in the cyber/infornation/tech security arena. They pride themselves on that. Look even at their advancing of drones that use AI and will be used for “security.” My belief is they want to dominate the digital landscape and the focus will be on what they offer relative to the “technical” demand and needs of any NWO. Look at who is advancing the smart cities in the US. And let’s face it, Israel has had motivation and opportunity to focus on technological advances. So the next natural step would be for them to focus on the technologies that put the biological world securely in the digital space.

Also, Israel already had data on its citizens that could be used in analyzing the adverse effects and outcomes due to the Pfizer jabs.

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Pfizer was the primary clot shot provider for Israel

No matter what the actual truth is on that situation I wouldn't expect transparency

I mean, why start now? Why start with this topic? Why start with ANY topic. Transparency is not part of the play book in regards to that region. Ever

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See my response to Karen below.

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AZ are quietly expanding production facilities in the UK - Liverpool and Cambridge. Worth keeping an eye on.

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AstraZeneca is the largest public company by stock market capitalization in the UK.

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Uh - speculate all you want - but both entities and the Medical Establishment as a whole - are GUILTY - proven guilty. I mean truly - you read here at Sasha's place, so presumably you read elsewhere - why spilt hair on guilt - both the entity of Pfizer and Moderna - and all the associated connected entities are guilty as HELL - and the time to start cutting strings is upon us - so split hairs all you want - but guilt is KNOWN - the guilty parties have been identified - and Lady Libra suffers no fools - cause she balances the scales of harmony - and tis time for JUSTICE deliberate, determined, and forceful....and the winds suggest this justice is going to be delivered with discrimination and ruthless precision.

If you think otherwise, please share your thoughts, but justice is demanded and karma takes no prisoners.

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As much as guilt is clear and justice demanded, I fail to see any mechanism through which it might be dispensed...

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Well wait and see - when Lady Libra and her minions deliver justice upon those who chose to come into the Cave of Wealth and Death.

Wait and see what happens - but doubt gets you nowhere....


As proof of that, lets take a trip back in time - shall we?


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The problem is that this is an international operation featuring blanket immunity for all the wrongdoers.

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The rich and powerful own all the governments. No accountability for any of them.

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There is no imunity for lies and fraud. Even under EUA. You and them saying so doesn't make it so.

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Maybe not officially but we'll see.

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That is NOT a problem - it is something that needs to be remedied. Since when do "International" operations take precedence over local matters - fuck them.

Moreover - they deserve no heed - no respect - no mercy. Fuck them to holy hell - let them reap what they have sown individually.

Hang man - hand me the rope.

I'll do the deed.

Really - these pompous ones are about to have the strings cut and then let them be lost in the wind.

Eff em - they cause harm to so many - there is response and that is on the way - discriminately and with precision.

You can bank on it and don't give them heed.


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'Since when do "International" operations take precedence over local matters' - since now, sadly. More and more 'treaties' being instituted all the time to ensure that countries everywhere lack sovereignty, no doubt to prepare them for just this kind of an eventuality. Again, I agree that the wrongdoers should be dealt with but given that all courts are owned and operated by governments and most of the (TV watching) public doesn't even realize there's a problem, who exactly is going to dispense justice?

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Yes. They are all complicit. Not making a case for giving either Moderna or Pfizer a pass.

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under the US Department OF Defense, they were just taking orders / sarcasm.

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all good points. moderna is a deep state creation

pfizer has other product lines which are not chemical weapons

when pfizer goes under it will take many subcontractors with it

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Moderna was. Partnered with NIH

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

mm like soon after the court case against Monsanto for roundup, that worker,black guy with cancer, it gets taken over by Bayer. https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/worst-deal-ever-bayer-s-market-cap-now-close-to-total-cost-it-paid-for-monsanto

"The white butler , over there, did it"

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Great watercolor!

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Seeing there never was a pandemic the first time, there wont be another one, Moderna is hedging its bet that people will freak out about "bird flu and run to be jabbed by another bioweapon but I think they're going to be surprised.

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they are using up all the money they got from the govt for the next scarecrow

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Does it even matter if the next batch of injectotoxins get used?

Does it matter any more than the possibility of PREVIOUS injectotoxin batches getting used?

If it has not been contracted already governments, states & municipalities can be coerced / blackmailed in to buying enough batches with enough mark up to cover any potential losses.

Saying it provides good jobs always is a good opening argument

More often than not my suspicion is somehow the correct people with hands on the purse strings see a reason for buying up a bundle of stuff. Perhaps after a bit of "convincing"

You know, "just in case"

Just in case of what you may ask if.

That is, if you're not simple minded enough to think "just in case of a fake pandemic you idiot"

Nope, it does not have to be "just in case" of a pandemic real or fake

How about, "just in case someone threatens to unleash the extortion/blackmail/coercion" that has a way of motivating our government players, "for the greater good" of course

Or maybe they endorse the purchases "just in case" this is the last time to cash in on indemnified grift.

Bottom line there ALWAYS seems to be ways to let money flow to "bridges to nowhere" or to fund indemnified hidden genocide or whatever. Because as Whitney Webb suggests in her title "One Nation Under Blackmail". If we can't convince you with reason we have other less pleasant reasons for you to be convinced. And trust them, it's easier to just sign off on the contracts and not ask questions

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Didn't Derrick Rossi, the cofounder of Moderna, work at DARPA doing mRNA research before starting Moderna? Would that explain some sort of inside track on what might be coming down the pike?

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Derek Rossi is also a Hollywood movie producer. What a Renaissance guy!

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

And is he also a tailor offering a fabulous cloth that only the Emperor and his special followers can see?

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Magic, deception and technology, the there pillars of the NWO.

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I can't wait for the movie he's going to make about the heroic Anthony Fauci. LOL

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Multi tasking. Predictive programming! He should hit up Musk for shares in "X". Broaden his Propaganda base no end.

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The Revolving Petri Dish / revolving door.

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

i work in biopharma

pfizer sent us a resume book of its mrna scientists in Jan '24 which they were laying off en masse. they were planning to go big in Pearl River, NY (legacy Wyeth & home of some of their vaccines R&D + mfg'ing) - that expansion was cancelled - seemingly.

pfizer's marketing shows a big pivot to cancer via ADC / antibody drug conjugate modality with their acquisition of seattle genetics

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Interesting. A resume book. They are so considerate and caring for their employees...

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Well, they did create special batches of mRNA just for their employees. Doesn't that show they care?

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Not ALL employees.

I know someone who got hired a few months into C0VID. Maybe May of 2020. She and many others just got their jabs at the pharmacy.

FYI... she got Moderna.

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I remember seeing reports - including testimony given by Australian pfizer employees that they received 'special' batches for pfizer personnel. to some degree one could argue there isnt anything nefarious about it...but why not just tell staff to go get it from their local pharmacy?

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I would like to know how many jews got theirs from a jewish doctor. aka sayanim.

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They (Pfizer) knows why.

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like not turning up to work on 911 .

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

yes, they just ooze goodwill.

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova


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Well of course they're going big with cancer drugs.

It's what their mRNA vaxx is causing.

/how convenient for them!

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I saw Statistica, which I hear is a spook site…reported 3 or so years ago, Keytruda would be the most widely used drug by 2026. So Pfizer gets the cancer after effects of the maderna.. surely maderna has cancer in their platform.

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i am sure the surge in cancer cases is just missed screenings during lockdowns...right?

ed dowd covered this - the missed screenings argument may be applicable for the 60+ yr olds, but multiple forms of cancer are suddenly on the rise in younger age cohorts.

i am already seeing propaganda from health ins & biopharma 'news' sites attempting to argue the rise in cancer among the young started back in 2012...

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The other day I read that "tattoo ink causes cancer."

True, or just another lie to cover up vaxx injuries?

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May 30·edited May 30


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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

I screen shot your Pandemic Preparedness and shared it on my Instagram & Facebook! 😉👏🏼

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

I would suggest it be put up with the caption embedded in it, " how to deal with' etc. which I have done here


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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

On the surface it would appear that what is going on here is a market rationalization in which there are winners and losers, for no other reason than the precipitously declining market for jabs will not support the installed base. This was true starting as far back as 2022 but the capacity reset didn’t keep up with the collapse in demand. That process is continuing and it appears that Moderna is the winner in the King of the mRNA Hill game, at least for now. Something similar is going on in many other industries, for the same fundamental supply-demand rebalancing reasons. This would include EVs, the entire medical industry, Big Tech(especially if you exclude government subsidies), construction….. much of this for economic reasons. Government spending is artificially supporting so many things, has been, and the government remains a distorter and perverter of economic activity. The American economy is on a path that cannot end well.

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Is there a national economy on a path that could end well?

If not then the Great Reset and the NWO are needed to save the bacon.

Depopulation is needed so there will be more bacon for the elites to share.

Bacon comes from pigs!

Guess the greedy pigs will have to learn the hard way!

The people will enjoy stripping the bacon off the pigs!

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The rational relationships of product supply and demand no longer apply. Investment in physical assets and infrastructure are disjointed from risk assessment and collateral base. Capital investments are now tied to selling product *ideation* and marketing programs. The fools rush in. I agree it will not end well.

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Damn it. Now I can't eat ze verms anymore either.

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Excellent pandemic preparedness advice. I would go a step further and never watch the TV news or engage with mainstream social media news or read any newspaper or magazine. Listen to no proclaimed medical experts as they are all baffled beyond repair.

The next fake pandemic is only a WHO/gates mandate away. I still think there are enough scardy cats out there to inflame that will get another decent fake pandemic rolling. During a recent family gathering after the conversation drifted to covid, I am convinced that well over 50% of the public still have no clue.

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99.9% of the people I talk to still have no clue: no exaggeration!

The only person I know who does was alerted by a close friend and a family member who both work in hospitals and are seeing the by now very obvious vaxx injuries.

And a few people have listened to my warnings, but didn't get their by themselves.

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Even if a person has died and/or become injured because of the vaxx, they'll blame anything but the vaxx.

And, when you talk about vaxx issues, they proclaim "I'm fine." No matter what, they're "fine."

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Even most conservatives refuse to see how rotten the structure is. They insist that getting Trump back in will save America. Roll their eyes at my "conspiracy theories." Get all their news off Fox, Newsmax. Only go online to use Facebook or Google. Multiply boosted with the "Trump shot." Boomers.

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Fizzers ( Pfizer Fizzers, lol )

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Sasha ~ I've been consistently appreciating how calm you are whilst reporting from the center of IT. This post brings a sense of relief as in IT being crushed out of existence. Thank you very much.

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Brave Sasha ⬆️⬆️⬆️

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May 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Terrified; simply paranoid and dysfunctioning...

By going to the barn to ride my horse, curry it in our

music and feeding her an Apple with some nice oats

for being such a lovey.

Pray and connect with God, Laugh, Eat well, detox, take supplements, sleep,


as the best prescription for all life.


as well as Geo-Engineering POISONS INTO THE ENVIRONMENT

and stimulation of POISONS IN BODIES through frequencies on Electronics Devices/WiFi/Towers.

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