"On July 13, Bouquet, who at that point was traveling across Pennsylvania with British reinforcements for Fort Pitt, responded to Amherst, promising that he would try to spread the disease to the Native Americans via contaminated blankets, “taking care however not to get the disease myself.” That tactic seemed to please Amherst, who wrote back in approval on July 16, urging him to spread smallpox “as well as try Every other method that can serve to Extirpate this Execreble [sic] Race.”
What Amherst and Bouquet didn’t know was that somebody at Fort Pitt had already thought of trying to infect the Native Americans with smallpox—and had attempted to do it.
William Trent, a trader, land speculator and militia captain, wrote in his diary that on June 23, two Delaware emissaries had visited the fort, and asked to hold talks the next day. At that meeting, after the Native American diplomats had tried unsuccessfully to persuade the British to abandon Fort Pitt, they asked for provisions and liquor for their return. The British complied and also gave them gifts—two blankets and a handkerchief which had come from the smallpox ward. “I hope it will have the desired effect,” Trent wrote.
This is an ignorant trope. The early colonists had no idea that blankets would transmit disease.
The incident you clipped happened 150 some odd years after the early colonists arrived. At the time, the the French were offering bounties to Indians who brought back scalps of Brits and colonists. I have not found any records of what the amounts were then, but shortly after this, after the French lost the war, the Indian tribes switched alliances and sided with the Brits. When the Revolution started, British officers offered similar bounties to Indians for attacking settlers. It was five pounds for a scalp from a woman, 10 pounds for a male scalp, and as much as 20 pounds for a fertile, female child near puberty or a teenager. The Indians generally killed all the men and teenage boys and scalped them. Some younger boys were also enslaved.
My first cousin, five times removed, and my 3rd great grandfather wrote about how it all went down at the time. This was from 1779:
"My cousin John, Finch, and I were at the mill during the time the murder was committed. We had been sent there by my father on an errand and were detained a day or two due to a rise in the creek's waters. The Indians had discovered the camp and ambushed it at daylight with tomahawks. We knew this as the bodies were all in or near the camp, except one who had run about fifty yards before being tomahawked and scalped. Among the victims were two named Devers, two Turners, and one Fulks. One Devers lay in the camp, slip-shod, stabbed in the left side, lying on his right with fingers over the wound. After the creek receded, we returned home.
The same morning, a man from a lower camp found the men killed and the women and boy missing. He alerted their friends ten miles away. The next day, we went to bury them. Ephraim Ralph, my father's cousin and a Lieutenant in Captain Laughery's company, was home on a visit and joined us. He urged the men to bury the bodies, reminding them of their own mortality. All were buried in one grave.
This was my first encounter with those killed by Indians, a dreadful sight, especially since some were my former schoolmates. The grief of William Turner over his two sons, George and William, and his daughter Betsey, a captive, was profound. His pain is indescribable but understood by tender parents."
Fight the Real Enemy: The American Indians/Nazi Germany/Commie Russians who helped us beat the Nazi Germany Baddies/Radical Muslim Terrorists who we created to beat the bad Commie Russians/the White Supremacists who we fomented in Ukraine to keep the Baddy Nazis and Commies at each others throats/ the Dangerous Germs which can emerge like bats to pangolins at any time.
Thank you, Finch, for your thoughts.
The Biowarfare is here and the NFL Star would very much like for you to get your Covid shot and your flu shots together. Two things at once.
Stay up to date or you are a grandma killer and we have too many people on Planet finch
...nope.. not even close.. the REAL TROLL, however, is the one you see in your mirror, along with the rest of your D.o D. lab-grown TROLLS here. Just remember: VA doesn't much take care of you "dixie cups" once you useful idiots have served your billionaire CCP-controlled Uncle Sam ;-)
Respectfully, "You are delusional." They produced the fungus in Europe. It was beta tested during the "Black Plague" and then it was exported to this land and unleashed upon my ancestors. It was put in blankets wrapped in skins for transport. My family was here, on this land, when your people arrived with their evil. "Don't make me "deep dive" your lies. They've BEEN using biological warfare. Don't make me prove it. I always bring receipts.
You had better come out of fairy tale land and get back to reality. Snap out of it! Unam Sanctum operations are real and they are evil, i.e. dum diversas, papal bulls, etc.
Yeah that's why you gotta research. It is mandatory you have "recipients." I do.
I have census records from 1790 on. Dawes records, Birth?death certificates, newspaper articles, library of congress, nat'l archives, history books. I KNOW my family history. Scholars have written about it. Books have been printed about it. Again, you are correct.
My 8 times removed Great Grandfather coming to New Orleans via French Merchant Ship to the U.S. from Ireland was saved by Native Americans and he ended up purchasing the land all lived on and both families shared it. When the time came for the 'Trail of Tears'; he hid the Natives and they all remain right here among all of the family today because we're all a tribe; a Community. Wouldn't know what life was any other way. NOT ALL MURDERED...ON EITHER SIDE.
There was a lot of mutual help and agreement among people outside the U.S. Govt.
It was the custom around the world for these Genocidal maniacs to do as they did...Hear of Ghengis Khan, Alexander the Great...Shoot, read The Bible. The Chinese and others in the western Pacific were about as evil as it got...Ever read 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu? How about Native American's with other Native American's? Man...HELL ON EARTH ALL THE WAY AROUND. As much as all seek to say so much has changed; it's all stayed the same because HUMAN NATURE stays the same. Advances in technology only make murder more efficient on larger and larger scales.
ONE OF MY FAVS!!! Love George Carlin...Rest in Peace for all those making us laugh as the B.S. You picked a good one as this is one of my picks with him. 😂🤣🙋🏻♀️🙏🏻
Who doesn't like George Carlin? I suppose they who "cancered" him didn't. Cancer has been weaponized. Who knows how many have been murdered this way but Carlin was one as was Aaron Russo. They have heart attack guns also. It's difficult to find info on this because every search engine is controlled by them. The following was on the 4th page of a DuckDuckGo search.
This has been used for decades. Are you kidding me? If there's a will, there is definitely a way for those wicked at the controls of this world. They have weapons against us that are not at all known and they wield them with cunning and expertise.
Put NOTHING past them. If it can be imagined, they are doing or have done it. If it works, they do it repeatedly.
Nothing like a MOLD-MILDEW-FUNGUS blanket... The devils have used toxic molds quite effectively throughout history. Especially on my ancestors here in the states united.
Have you seen the byproduct of whiskey production? They've BEEN knowing...
@Sage Hana, this story as you tell it appears accurate but it leaves out something very significant: there was already a smallpox outbreak among the local Indians before the attempted blanket transmission. It also neglects the question of how the people at Fort Pitt contracted smallpox to begin with. What we know is that Fort Pitt was under seige. Under these conditions they likely suffered from a lack of clean water for drinking or washing, lack of food and other amenities they had left behind when citizens of nearby Pittsburg escaped to the Fort for protection. In other words, just like the Indians, they were suffering under the conditions of war. Such conditions have persistetly been conducive to the outbreak of smallpox throughout the ages.
In 2000, historian Phillip Ranlet wrote a detailed article in Pennsylvania History investigating the actual available original documents--something many modern story tellers have failed to do. “The British, the Indians, and Smallpox: What Actually Happened at Fort Pitt in 1763?"
Well, FINALLY-- we have something to actually feel thankful for here, namely someone shining the light of truth on the situation and not just continuing The Fight That Can't Be Won (not the way "they're" fighting it, at least). Look, kids: Screaming in our (your favorite color to hate) ears, then clawing our faces with your angry festering hatred 1. WILL NOT solve your problem (ours either) and 2. just makes you look impossible to deal with, because you have NO intention of actually d-e-a-l-i-n-g. "Happy FUCKING Thanksgiving." Indeed. Disingenuousity and all.
Eve "made" Adam eat that apple but it's A-L-L that damned snake's fault, then Cain (the farmer) killed Abel (the hunter), because God liked farmers better, so the Hell with the hunter-gatherers. How far back does YOUR story go? We should just make a whole substack of generational grievances by ethnicities and see where that gets us. My prediction: NOWHERE USEFUL. Keep on fightin' them COLOR WARS, y'all. It's a g-r-e-a-t DISTRACTION!!!!
Don't forget to blame everything on the Devil. As if the Devil isn't already busy. A guy would think all that whipping, screaming, soul torture, and making sure there's plenty of coal, would be a serious distraction. The Devil must be a multitasking genius...
While reading this I couldn’t help but think of the scary giant Chinese bio(weapon)research lab “discovered” in California a few months ago. The lad seemed to have every scary thing that people would recognize, including Ebola and anthrax &c. It has gotten quite a bit of press and seemed tailor made to scare everyone shirtless while blaming the Chinese along with whoever it is in this country that’s supposed to know about and prevent such things. There’s a pattern here isn’t there. Great stack today!
yes, it's all PR for "pandemic preparedness" BS. There are 200 (!) lab leaks of "select agents" a year in the US, according to CDC. Yet, pandemics only happen when WHO/HHS decide so.
Mostly all of the pestilence humanity is afflicted with "virus-bacteria wise" is lab created within recent history, I believe. How did humanity function before the "experts?"
The colonists did NOT use blankets to transmit Smallpox. They knew nothing of the theory behind it and could not possibly have known the Indians did not have immunity. Further, their isolation would have assured their being killed in large numbers by any culture that learned to navigate ships and came upon them. Your point is leftist indoctrination.
Indeed, Finch. It is the Ward Churchill school of Leftist indoctrination. As you may know, Shortly after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, Churchill, then a Professor of "ethnic stuff" at Boulder, published a foul essay in which he called office workers who died in the World Trade Center "little Eichmanns." He was big promoter of the Small Pox Blanket Theory. He claimed Indian heritage that was never established and thus benefitted from affirmative action. Boulder fired him in 2007, but recently the Leftist media is attempting to rebuild him. Yet in reference to a recent trip to Boulder in Mother Jones, he states, “I don’t even recognize this fuckin’ place,” he said as he passed a new Barnes & Noble and condo towers. “It’d be nice to blow it up.”
Right. Perhaps he can be reinstated as a model for young people in Biden's America.
AFAIK he was not referring to office workers in the twin towers but to us all. We are all part of what keeps the machine going. It is harsh but a useful phrase to wake us tf up! Of course now, courtesy of the Jan 6th op they passed the Domestic Terrorism Act so acting is more difficult
You assume it was smallpox. That was one of the weapons used. Case in point Washington had his troops "inoculated" for pox. The preferable vector was blankets, hats, clothing and food items with fungus-mold-mildew. Toxic mold, you heard?
Thank you, Sasha, for your steadfast commitment and courage in this fight against evil!
Incredibly, the New York court holds up Governor Hochul’s desire to quarantine humans for “suspicion” of having a communicable disease
For all… I encourage everyone to cut/paste the below, or some facsimile there of, and share far and wide across this and all social platforms:
“I do pray that all of [Dr. McCullough] subscribers are paying close attention to the quarantine ruling in New York:
All who have serious doubts about the federally funded/mandated shot program should pay close attention to what New York has successfully pulled off (so far) in terms of quarantining humans for “suspicion” of having a communicable disease:
Senator Walczyk Denounces Court Decision To Reinstate Quarantine Regulations
I hope all will subscribe to the Bobbie Anne Cox Substack and/or contribute to her commitment to reverse this injustice and anti-Constitutional, anti-Hunan rights ruling in the currently lost state of New York!”
Hello David Glassman: I agree that readers should visit your linked pages. Thank you.
The problem I see with these "disclosures" is that the public has become lost in such seas of disclosure, and no Lawful actions are offered as valid response.
The Bobbie Ann Cox (and associates) lawsuit was poorly constituted at best, and was filed within the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division. These courts are not Common Law juristic courts. Courts flying the gold fringed pirate flag of America, are Maritime courts, period. They do not offer Jury observance, which is a clearly stated Constitutional objective.
*Supreme* courts are designed as commercial "settlement" courts. Lawsuits by ambulance chasers do not address multiple fraud and sanctioned acts of a traitor government...
All this stuff is an offer to contract. Unless you reject their offers in writing (preferably witnessed, if not notarised), they take your silence to be tacit agreement of their offer/s.
OMG! Talking complete sense in long form! You have made my day, week, month….life! I shall mail this immediately to my largest list of people who can listen! And it will make their lives.better, too! Hurray!
Yes indeed. And written with humour. But don’t quite understand why so many are focussed on the ‘infected blankets’ scenario. We need more of this clarity and big picture analysis.
Exactly. The perfect storm, in every way conceivable. Have us marching, heads down, silently clapping, half smiling, like guilty automatons, as if subhuman, to the gulag we have proudly built. Totalitarianism defined.
Quite the "lived experience", I'm sure, until death comes mercifully.
Those racist godless democRats, inheritors of the tenets of the KKK from which they morphed in 1866. Best ones to finish what the RINO globalists started.
The betrayal of the American citizen, taken up by the banksters via the capitalized name as "persons" in a contract parents were oblivious to, will go down in infamy as the longest played-out betrayal of human history. The freest nation on earth subjugated from the start by the cleverly greedy. Not capitalists. Just the galactically greedy.
Your comment about weaponized mice has had me laughing all day long. My 16 yr old tomcat has brought us many gifts over the years - mostly headless and gutted. But no weaponized mice so far. Anyhow, this is a great post. I learned a lot. Thx so much.
From the beginning of fake pandemic I was wondering how all the officials could be completely doing everything wrong. After spending untold billions preparing for the pandemic threat they had nothing in their bucket of tricks except destroying the economy with lockdowns. The hospitals didn't have enough beds and the only PPE they had were shitty masks that had no chance of blocking a BSL 4 virus. Out of the trillions in spending did any hospital actual add any rooms to deal with a real pandemic? Doesn't seem like it. I have had several relatives who recently had non-covid events and were stuck in the ERs for days because there were no beds available. It's all a big scam. The hospitals stuff all the extra cash into the profit pile and did not invest anything in being prepared.
How does HIV know only to infect homosexuals? If it's a virus, it should be able to infect heterosexuals too.
AIDS is not caused by a virus. Fauci was installed to divert attention away from the real cause of AIDS by blaming it on an invisible boogeyman.
In the early 20th century, modern sanitation eliminated exposure of individuals to industrial toxins and actual pathogens, bacteria and parasites. Unprotected anal sex exposes participants to the very pathogens & toxin eliminated by sanitation. Have anal.sex with a dozen strangers, catch an STD, take a prescription drug to kill STD, repeat. Over and over and over until their immune system is exhausted and their body depleted of enough essential nutrients to recover. Interviews of the individuals in the first large group of homosexuals gathered for a study on AIDS revealed that they averaged over 1100 different sexual partners. Now I don't know about you, but this seems a little high, and risky.
Fauci's phony HIV cocktails killed just like his Remdesivir. What has been proven to work, to restore an exhausted immune function and the body to a healthy state? Abstinence (duh) which ends infections and thus ends consumption of toxins, restoration of essential nutrients & repletion of deficiencies, and rest. That's it. There's a lesson in this that can be applied to other illnesses and diseases.
For example, the symptoms of Long Covid and electrolyte deficiency are identical. Those with Long Covid are merely suffering electrolyte deficiencies that their deficient diet cannot replete quickly. What was all over the news in 2019 & 2020? That multivitamins are a waste of money. Now we know why.
Brent - I can tell you for a fact that fruit smoothies do wonders for elderly folk run down through a deficient diet for three months. My mother didn't want to get out of bed for more than 2hrs in March 2020, almost certainly due to struggling to cook adequately since Christmas.
I took over feeding her and my dad, fed her a daily fruit smoothie for breakfast (loaded as they are with potassium, sugars and other goodness) and the improvement in her vigour was palpable. I added a bacon and egg for breakfast three weeks later, replaced fruit smoothie bombs with nibbling grapes, bananas several times a day and after six weeks, she had gone from barely wanting to get up to being as good as you could expect an 85 year old to be.
Whether its vitamins, electrolytes, proteins, who knows: what I do know is that if you feed people simple healthy food like a daily soup made of home grown vegetables; egg and bacon for protein; fresh fruit for electrolytes, energy and vitamins; and a few other things besides, you see health returning in a shortish timeframe.
Of course, you can't patent the folk wisdoms known about for 200 years.
Sasha, you are no drunken Russian general. This is an enlightening and light-hearted (with a bit of lovely sarcasm/humor) of the discussion of is it or isn't it. As Mrs. Clinton said, "at this point, what difference does it make?" After all, she is a master of double-speak and confusion. As the victim of a mugging asked the criminal, "do I get a choice between a baseball bat (not be be mistaken for a Chinese bat) and a steel pipe?" We argue the minutia while the cabal continues to kill or enslave us.
I think I would have liked to have had a drunken enlightened colonel as an instructor when I was younger. Met a few when I was in the service later on in life, but they weren't enlightened LOL.
"On July 13, Bouquet, who at that point was traveling across Pennsylvania with British reinforcements for Fort Pitt, responded to Amherst, promising that he would try to spread the disease to the Native Americans via contaminated blankets, “taking care however not to get the disease myself.” That tactic seemed to please Amherst, who wrote back in approval on July 16, urging him to spread smallpox “as well as try Every other method that can serve to Extirpate this Execreble [sic] Race.”
What Amherst and Bouquet didn’t know was that somebody at Fort Pitt had already thought of trying to infect the Native Americans with smallpox—and had attempted to do it.
William Trent, a trader, land speculator and militia captain, wrote in his diary that on June 23, two Delaware emissaries had visited the fort, and asked to hold talks the next day. At that meeting, after the Native American diplomats had tried unsuccessfully to persuade the British to abandon Fort Pitt, they asked for provisions and liquor for their return. The British complied and also gave them gifts—two blankets and a handkerchief which had come from the smallpox ward. “I hope it will have the desired effect,” Trent wrote.
Then they all had some turkey or something.
This is an ignorant trope. The early colonists had no idea that blankets would transmit disease.
The incident you clipped happened 150 some odd years after the early colonists arrived. At the time, the the French were offering bounties to Indians who brought back scalps of Brits and colonists. I have not found any records of what the amounts were then, but shortly after this, after the French lost the war, the Indian tribes switched alliances and sided with the Brits. When the Revolution started, British officers offered similar bounties to Indians for attacking settlers. It was five pounds for a scalp from a woman, 10 pounds for a male scalp, and as much as 20 pounds for a fertile, female child near puberty or a teenager. The Indians generally killed all the men and teenage boys and scalped them. Some younger boys were also enslaved.
My first cousin, five times removed, and my 3rd great grandfather wrote about how it all went down at the time. This was from 1779:
"My cousin John, Finch, and I were at the mill during the time the murder was committed. We had been sent there by my father on an errand and were detained a day or two due to a rise in the creek's waters. The Indians had discovered the camp and ambushed it at daylight with tomahawks. We knew this as the bodies were all in or near the camp, except one who had run about fifty yards before being tomahawked and scalped. Among the victims were two named Devers, two Turners, and one Fulks. One Devers lay in the camp, slip-shod, stabbed in the left side, lying on his right with fingers over the wound. After the creek receded, we returned home.
The same morning, a man from a lower camp found the men killed and the women and boy missing. He alerted their friends ten miles away. The next day, we went to bury them. Ephraim Ralph, my father's cousin and a Lieutenant in Captain Laughery's company, was home on a visit and joined us. He urged the men to bury the bodies, reminding them of their own mortality. All were buried in one grave.
This was my first encounter with those killed by Indians, a dreadful sight, especially since some were my former schoolmates. The grief of William Turner over his two sons, George and William, and his daughter Betsey, a captive, was profound. His pain is indescribable but understood by tender parents."
Fight the Real Enemy: The American Indians/Nazi Germany/Commie Russians who helped us beat the Nazi Germany Baddies/Radical Muslim Terrorists who we created to beat the bad Commie Russians/the White Supremacists who we fomented in Ukraine to keep the Baddy Nazis and Commies at each others throats/ the Dangerous Germs which can emerge like bats to pangolins at any time.
Thank you, Finch, for your thoughts.
The Biowarfare is here and the NFL Star would very much like for you to get your Covid shot and your flu shots together. Two things at once.
Stay up to date or you are a grandma killer and we have too many people on Planet finch
🤣🤣🤣 Truly crazy times 🤡🌎
Amazing how the TROLLS come out of the woodwork here ;-)
"Troll Hunter" is a troll. Ironic.
...nope.. not even close.. the REAL TROLL, however, is the one you see in your mirror, along with the rest of your D.o D. lab-grown TROLLS here. Just remember: VA doesn't much take care of you "dixie cups" once you useful idiots have served your billionaire CCP-controlled Uncle Sam ;-)
How? Rebut something.
Respectfully, "You are delusional." They produced the fungus in Europe. It was beta tested during the "Black Plague" and then it was exported to this land and unleashed upon my ancestors. It was put in blankets wrapped in skins for transport. My family was here, on this land, when your people arrived with their evil. "Don't make me "deep dive" your lies. They've BEEN using biological warfare. Don't make me prove it. I always bring receipts.
How long has Whiskey been produced in Europe? That's how long they knew. That's how long it was used for warefare.
You had better come out of fairy tale land and get back to reality. Snap out of it! Unam Sanctum operations are real and they are evil, i.e. dum diversas, papal bulls, etc.
Yeah, "biological warfare."
Ahh, but fairy tales come in every color ;-)
Yeah that's why you gotta research. It is mandatory you have "recipients." I do.
I have census records from 1790 on. Dawes records, Birth?death certificates, newspaper articles, library of congress, nat'l archives, history books. I KNOW my family history. Scholars have written about it. Books have been printed about it. Again, you are correct.
Bad...No doubt.
My 8 times removed Great Grandfather coming to New Orleans via French Merchant Ship to the U.S. from Ireland was saved by Native Americans and he ended up purchasing the land all lived on and both families shared it. When the time came for the 'Trail of Tears'; he hid the Natives and they all remain right here among all of the family today because we're all a tribe; a Community. Wouldn't know what life was any other way. NOT ALL MURDERED...ON EITHER SIDE.
There was a lot of mutual help and agreement among people outside the U.S. Govt.
It was the custom around the world for these Genocidal maniacs to do as they did...Hear of Ghengis Khan, Alexander the Great...Shoot, read The Bible. The Chinese and others in the western Pacific were about as evil as it got...Ever read 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu? How about Native American's with other Native American's? Man...HELL ON EARTH ALL THE WAY AROUND. As much as all seek to say so much has changed; it's all stayed the same because HUMAN NATURE stays the same. Advances in technology only make murder more efficient on larger and larger scales.
ONE OF MY FAVS!!! Love George Carlin...Rest in Peace for all those making us laugh as the B.S. You picked a good one as this is one of my picks with him. 😂🤣🙋🏻♀️🙏🏻
Who doesn't like George Carlin? I suppose they who "cancered" him didn't. Cancer has been weaponized. Who knows how many have been murdered this way but Carlin was one as was Aaron Russo. They have heart attack guns also. It's difficult to find info on this because every search engine is controlled by them. The following was on the 4th page of a DuckDuckGo search.
https://www.globalresearch.ca/cia-targeted-assassinations-by-induced-heart-attack-and-cancer/5326382 (see third paragraph)
This has been used for decades. Are you kidding me? If there's a will, there is definitely a way for those wicked at the controls of this world. They have weapons against us that are not at all known and they wield them with cunning and expertise.
Put NOTHING past them. If it can be imagined, they are doing or have done it. If it works, they do it repeatedly.
Nothing like a MOLD-MILDEW-FUNGUS blanket... The devils have used toxic molds quite effectively throughout history. Especially on my ancestors here in the states united.
Have you seen the byproduct of whiskey production? They've BEEN knowing...
They produced the fungus Pro Re Nata. Whose next?
@Sage Hana, this story as you tell it appears accurate but it leaves out something very significant: there was already a smallpox outbreak among the local Indians before the attempted blanket transmission. It also neglects the question of how the people at Fort Pitt contracted smallpox to begin with. What we know is that Fort Pitt was under seige. Under these conditions they likely suffered from a lack of clean water for drinking or washing, lack of food and other amenities they had left behind when citizens of nearby Pittsburg escaped to the Fort for protection. In other words, just like the Indians, they were suffering under the conditions of war. Such conditions have persistetly been conducive to the outbreak of smallpox throughout the ages.
In 2000, historian Phillip Ranlet wrote a detailed article in Pennsylvania History investigating the actual available original documents--something many modern story tellers have failed to do. “The British, the Indians, and Smallpox: What Actually Happened at Fort Pitt in 1763?"
Well, FINALLY-- we have something to actually feel thankful for here, namely someone shining the light of truth on the situation and not just continuing The Fight That Can't Be Won (not the way "they're" fighting it, at least). Look, kids: Screaming in our (your favorite color to hate) ears, then clawing our faces with your angry festering hatred 1. WILL NOT solve your problem (ours either) and 2. just makes you look impossible to deal with, because you have NO intention of actually d-e-a-l-i-n-g. "Happy FUCKING Thanksgiving." Indeed. Disingenuousity and all.
Okay, everyone, top T-H-I-S!!!!
Eve "made" Adam eat that apple but it's A-L-L that damned snake's fault, then Cain (the farmer) killed Abel (the hunter), because God liked farmers better, so the Hell with the hunter-gatherers. How far back does YOUR story go? We should just make a whole substack of generational grievances by ethnicities and see where that gets us. My prediction: NOWHERE USEFUL. Keep on fightin' them COLOR WARS, y'all. It's a g-r-e-a-t DISTRACTION!!!!
Don't forget to blame everything on the Devil. As if the Devil isn't already busy. A guy would think all that whipping, screaming, soul torture, and making sure there's plenty of coal, would be a serious distraction. The Devil must be a multitasking genius...
I think the Devil is mainly just skilled at delegating.....the Devil lets others worry about the details....
Well said.
Yes, I get sick of the whining babies. Whining comes in every color.
While reading this I couldn’t help but think of the scary giant Chinese bio(weapon)research lab “discovered” in California a few months ago. The lad seemed to have every scary thing that people would recognize, including Ebola and anthrax &c. It has gotten quite a bit of press and seemed tailor made to scare everyone shirtless while blaming the Chinese along with whoever it is in this country that’s supposed to know about and prevent such things. There’s a pattern here isn’t there. Great stack today!
yes, it's all PR for "pandemic preparedness" BS. There are 200 (!) lab leaks of "select agents" a year in the US, according to CDC. Yet, pandemics only happen when WHO/HHS decide so.
Mostly all of the pestilence humanity is afflicted with "virus-bacteria wise" is lab created within recent history, I believe. How did humanity function before the "experts?"
Yep. If they had bioweapons working, it would not need advertising to be known like with anthrax and con-vid.
The research into bioweapons fails because the germ theory of disease doesn't work.
Like you said, chemical weapons do cause sicknesses, but they're easily detected.
What they're doing is poisoning, but blaming it on a virus, like they did with remdesevir and the shots.
"War is a racket"..all wars are bankers wars...Cui Bono and kaching kaching.
The colonists did NOT use blankets to transmit Smallpox. They knew nothing of the theory behind it and could not possibly have known the Indians did not have immunity. Further, their isolation would have assured their being killed in large numbers by any culture that learned to navigate ships and came upon them. Your point is leftist indoctrination.
Indeed, Finch. It is the Ward Churchill school of Leftist indoctrination. As you may know, Shortly after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, Churchill, then a Professor of "ethnic stuff" at Boulder, published a foul essay in which he called office workers who died in the World Trade Center "little Eichmanns." He was big promoter of the Small Pox Blanket Theory. He claimed Indian heritage that was never established and thus benefitted from affirmative action. Boulder fired him in 2007, but recently the Leftist media is attempting to rebuild him. Yet in reference to a recent trip to Boulder in Mother Jones, he states, “I don’t even recognize this fuckin’ place,” he said as he passed a new Barnes & Noble and condo towers. “It’d be nice to blow it up.”
Right. Perhaps he can be reinstated as a model for young people in Biden's America.
AFAIK he was not referring to office workers in the twin towers but to us all. We are all part of what keeps the machine going. It is harsh but a useful phrase to wake us tf up! Of course now, courtesy of the Jan 6th op they passed the Domestic Terrorism Act so acting is more difficult
I will ask my Native friends and what their understanding is. Here only non Native talking.
I also learnt syphilis was one of the weapons used to reduce the population bk then.
You assume it was smallpox. That was one of the weapons used. Case in point Washington had his troops "inoculated" for pox. The preferable vector was blankets, hats, clothing and food items with fungus-mold-mildew. Toxic mold, you heard?
It wasn’t the colonists. It was the British Army, and they knew small pox was contagious. They even admitted their plan.
Thank you, Sasha, for your steadfast commitment and courage in this fight against evil!
Incredibly, the New York court holds up Governor Hochul’s desire to quarantine humans for “suspicion” of having a communicable disease
For all… I encourage everyone to cut/paste the below, or some facsimile there of, and share far and wide across this and all social platforms:
“I do pray that all of [Dr. McCullough] subscribers are paying close attention to the quarantine ruling in New York:
All who have serious doubts about the federally funded/mandated shot program should pay close attention to what New York has successfully pulled off (so far) in terms of quarantining humans for “suspicion” of having a communicable disease:
Senator Walczyk Denounces Court Decision To Reinstate Quarantine Regulations
I hope all will subscribe to the Bobbie Anne Cox Substack and/or contribute to her commitment to reverse this injustice and anti-Constitutional, anti-Hunan rights ruling in the currently lost state of New York!”
Hello David Glassman: I agree that readers should visit your linked pages. Thank you.
The problem I see with these "disclosures" is that the public has become lost in such seas of disclosure, and no Lawful actions are offered as valid response.
The Bobbie Ann Cox (and associates) lawsuit was poorly constituted at best, and was filed within the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division. These courts are not Common Law juristic courts. Courts flying the gold fringed pirate flag of America, are Maritime courts, period. They do not offer Jury observance, which is a clearly stated Constitutional objective.
*Supreme* courts are designed as commercial "settlement" courts. Lawsuits by ambulance chasers do not address multiple fraud and sanctioned acts of a traitor government...
All this stuff is an offer to contract. Unless you reject their offers in writing (preferably witnessed, if not notarised), they take your silence to be tacit agreement of their offer/s.
It's all commerce, including the courts.
Stop contracting with them.
OMG! Talking complete sense in long form! You have made my day, week, month….life! I shall mail this immediately to my largest list of people who can listen! And it will make their lives.better, too! Hurray!
Yes indeed. And written with humour. But don’t quite understand why so many are focussed on the ‘infected blankets’ scenario. We need more of this clarity and big picture analysis.
Great post, as always, Sasha. The fact that the virus is fake and the vaccine is real in terms of a weapon make sense to me on another level:
1. Given that they have not been able to come up with effective vaccines for these illnesses,
2. It would make no sense to release a pathogen that could kill its creators. Therfore
3. Make and hype a fake pathogen, and kill with the vaccine, easily avoided by the perpetrators of the scam demic.
Exactly. The perfect storm, in every way conceivable. Have us marching, heads down, silently clapping, half smiling, like guilty automatons, as if subhuman, to the gulag we have proudly built. Totalitarianism defined.
Quite the "lived experience", I'm sure, until death comes mercifully.
Those racist godless democRats, inheritors of the tenets of the KKK from which they morphed in 1866. Best ones to finish what the RINO globalists started.
The betrayal of the American citizen, taken up by the banksters via the capitalized name as "persons" in a contract parents were oblivious to, will go down in infamy as the longest played-out betrayal of human history. The freest nation on earth subjugated from the start by the cleverly greedy. Not capitalists. Just the galactically greedy.
"Thank you, <Sasha> for your unfailing ability to provoke and incite critical thought and discussion amongst your readers. God Bless! "
Your comment about weaponized mice has had me laughing all day long. My 16 yr old tomcat has brought us many gifts over the years - mostly headless and gutted. But no weaponized mice so far. Anyhow, this is a great post. I learned a lot. Thx so much.
From the beginning of fake pandemic I was wondering how all the officials could be completely doing everything wrong. After spending untold billions preparing for the pandemic threat they had nothing in their bucket of tricks except destroying the economy with lockdowns. The hospitals didn't have enough beds and the only PPE they had were shitty masks that had no chance of blocking a BSL 4 virus. Out of the trillions in spending did any hospital actual add any rooms to deal with a real pandemic? Doesn't seem like it. I have had several relatives who recently had non-covid events and were stuck in the ERs for days because there were no beds available. It's all a big scam. The hospitals stuff all the extra cash into the profit pile and did not invest anything in being prepared.
You are a breath of fresh air! Thank you so much for your sane input.
Wow. The more you write, the better you get. I couldn't agree more. Fear and stupidity are contagious.
How does HIV know only to infect homosexuals? If it's a virus, it should be able to infect heterosexuals too.
AIDS is not caused by a virus. Fauci was installed to divert attention away from the real cause of AIDS by blaming it on an invisible boogeyman.
In the early 20th century, modern sanitation eliminated exposure of individuals to industrial toxins and actual pathogens, bacteria and parasites. Unprotected anal sex exposes participants to the very pathogens & toxin eliminated by sanitation. Have anal.sex with a dozen strangers, catch an STD, take a prescription drug to kill STD, repeat. Over and over and over until their immune system is exhausted and their body depleted of enough essential nutrients to recover. Interviews of the individuals in the first large group of homosexuals gathered for a study on AIDS revealed that they averaged over 1100 different sexual partners. Now I don't know about you, but this seems a little high, and risky.
Fauci's phony HIV cocktails killed just like his Remdesivir. What has been proven to work, to restore an exhausted immune function and the body to a healthy state? Abstinence (duh) which ends infections and thus ends consumption of toxins, restoration of essential nutrients & repletion of deficiencies, and rest. That's it. There's a lesson in this that can be applied to other illnesses and diseases.
For example, the symptoms of Long Covid and electrolyte deficiency are identical. Those with Long Covid are merely suffering electrolyte deficiencies that their deficient diet cannot replete quickly. What was all over the news in 2019 & 2020? That multivitamins are a waste of money. Now we know why.
Right, exactly. AIDS is what it says - destroyed immune system. Microbiome is the immune system, and it resides mostly in the lower gut.
Brent - I can tell you for a fact that fruit smoothies do wonders for elderly folk run down through a deficient diet for three months. My mother didn't want to get out of bed for more than 2hrs in March 2020, almost certainly due to struggling to cook adequately since Christmas.
I took over feeding her and my dad, fed her a daily fruit smoothie for breakfast (loaded as they are with potassium, sugars and other goodness) and the improvement in her vigour was palpable. I added a bacon and egg for breakfast three weeks later, replaced fruit smoothie bombs with nibbling grapes, bananas several times a day and after six weeks, she had gone from barely wanting to get up to being as good as you could expect an 85 year old to be.
Whether its vitamins, electrolytes, proteins, who knows: what I do know is that if you feed people simple healthy food like a daily soup made of home grown vegetables; egg and bacon for protein; fresh fruit for electrolytes, energy and vitamins; and a few other things besides, you see health returning in a shortish timeframe.
Of course, you can't patent the folk wisdoms known about for 200 years.
Not what Fauci wants to hear, of course.
Sasha, you are no drunken Russian general. This is an enlightening and light-hearted (with a bit of lovely sarcasm/humor) of the discussion of is it or isn't it. As Mrs. Clinton said, "at this point, what difference does it make?" After all, she is a master of double-speak and confusion. As the victim of a mugging asked the criminal, "do I get a choice between a baseball bat (not be be mistaken for a Chinese bat) and a steel pipe?" We argue the minutia while the cabal continues to kill or enslave us.
I think I would have liked to have had a drunken enlightened colonel as an instructor when I was younger. Met a few when I was in the service later on in life, but they weren't enlightened LOL.