Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Just saw a touching propaganda ad from Walgreens featuring a tender hearted pharmacist bullshitting his way into an 8 year old's malleable young mind....buttering him up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey....about the many benefits of getting jacked up on flu and covid shots. Of course, Mom - obviously a victim of second hand stupidity - was there sanctioning the whole sordid get together. It was sweet.

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And did you notice that this second ad (the first shows the parents using an app to schedule their flu/covid shots) shows that the mother of that little boy is PREGNANT!! Look at her when they show a side view of her.

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Yep caught that. In months to come she will be very noticeably pregnant.

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and then, after getting jabbed, likely no longer pregnant…

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Gotta get all those apps! So ‘convenient’ 🙄

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As if it couldnt get worse....

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I saw that ad too. It made me sick to my stomach.

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me too. threw something at the tv.

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Yes, nauseating! Mind control & programming.

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What is sad is that many mothers will smile feeling they are doing the best thing as they willingly force their babies to a life of sickness and suffering.

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Yes! A horrific lack of education, tragic.

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If you're watching TV, you're part of the problem.

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If there was no television during CONvid, it would have been more difficult to brainwash people.

I threw my television away over 20 years ago.

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Yes, but then there’s the internet…

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True, but I think many people, especially the elderly, watch too much television. They’re bombarded with propaganda (news, commercials, etc.). One of the primary targets was the elderly.

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I agree, Renee Marie. It’s both broadcast TV and the internet, via cell phones, tablets, laptops, amd desktops. And then there’s always print media such as magazine and newspaper ads. And every pharmacy (even the smaller independent ones) has signs posted everywhere about getting jabbed.

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Only if you can be brainwashed.

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Anybody can be brainwashed. Those who say they can't are particularly vulnerable.

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Absolutely true. Everyone has a weak spot, chink in their mental armor. Everyone.

The biggest one for those who don't think they are is the brainwashing coming from their own "team." From "allies." From those we're most inclined to trust the most. From our "tribe."

It's instinctive, instinctual. Tribal community. Pre-civilization days. Not "civilized" out of us. Something to do with finding safety in a tribe, akin to herd mentality in animals. In a dangerous world where we aren't the biggest, baddest predator on our own, with our own hands, where other animals and humans want something we have, including our flesh and blood we evolved to be communal, not solitary beings. Safety in a tribe.

So we will accept what our tribe tells us when we'd reject the same thing if it came from another tribe. Tribe in a modern sense isn't even genetics or ancestry - though in a full-on shit-show societal collapse studies show humans will devolve to that. But modern tribalism is politics, socioeconomic, profession, school, sports team, etc. A hard play by another team's player on the field is dirty. A hard play by our team's player is a part of the game.

Same concept. Imperfect, but the same tendency to be blind to information that comes to us from our own tribe. This feeds the "controlled opposition" method of shaping public opinion. Your own tribe wrangles you to go against your previous ideas and values, draws you closer to the "other" tribe's. New ideas and values you never would've believed or bought into if presented by the other tribe. Your mind protects you from "them." But is inherently vulnerable to the brainwashing from "us."

This is just one of the vulnerabilities that social scientists and psychologists, propagandists regularly exploit. There are others. Those who deny their own weaknesses are the most likely to be duped, "brainwashed." Their arrogance is also easily exploited, there's other tools in the manipulator's toolchest for them.

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yes well said . it also explains why I have evolved more and more , from a pretty social person into the Lone Wolf , circling around outside of the tribe mentality .

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Hello Freedom Fox. Excellent comment. In my opinion, tribalism is simply an extended concept of the (once traditional) family clan. Nationalism is yet a further perversion, generally supported by armed thugs, weaponry, and theft of property and rights. Everyone wants to "win" no matter the cost... It is indeed, a shit show...

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Well done. Thanks for watching out for the folks.

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I recently lost a longtime friend ....... when he repeated the standard narrative and I gently told him he was brainwashed . haha Maybe that is one of the hypnotic power words that was put into the experimental injection.

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Some people are more vulnerable to brainwashing (by that I mean the woo woo scientific stuff, not mere propaganda) than others. I think it has to do with genetics and biological factors. Is anyone totally immune? I don't know, but once one is aware of it, it is more difficult for the attempted brainwashing to work.

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"I don't know, but once one is aware of it, it is more difficult for the attempted brainwashing to work."

18 years ago I found YouTube. After having surfed there for a couple of hours I saw an airplane fly into a building in NYC. You know, the clip that was about NYC firemen, as far as I know, never made it to the TV screen. I read the comments below, and understood right there and then that I had been lied to.

In April of 2020 I heard an "expert" say on the evening news that it would take 2 - 2 1/2 years to develop a vaccine for covid. According to Sasha it actually takes more like 5 to 6 years. So, on New Years Eve that year when they rolled out the vaxxine here in Norway, the jig was up as far as I was concerned.

When at last you see and can admit to yourself that you've been lied to, the "spell" is broken for ever.

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Many of the ads Pfizer in particular are all over the internet, most notably YouTube. I haven’t seen so many very recently but they were constant since last summer . What I find amazing is that a good part of my time there is viewing videos by Dr Campbell and similar🙄

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Those propaganda pieces and of course Pfizer are run CONSTANTLY 😡

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The fearmongering and programming of minds continues.

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they have several commercials on this page

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Local news have also been pushing new flu and covid shots for a couple of weeks as well, from warm and caring anchors of course.

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Damn! What propaganda!

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

I have been boycotting both Walgreen’s and CVS since they continued offering Covid shots long after the truth of the dangers was revealed.

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

They don’t only offer they keep sending text messages to their customers to get a variety of vaccines making the customer feel like it’s a moral societal obligation to do so .

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They also have had the monkey pox shot for the sheep 🐑 for about a year now? Heard the HARMACIST offer it to an older man who wasn’t sure if he was up to date in all his shots!! 😳🤦‍♀️🤯 I shut my mouth and got outta there as if I had started in it wouldn’t have ended well! My husband is often known to say “Don’t get arrested” when I’m going out into ‘enemy territory’. We live in upside down world and yes I’ve come close when I started a large group over an obviously bad reassessment in our county. 😖

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Sep 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

Me too, boycots work, remember Bud Light.

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Thanks for the warning ! We used to have Riteaid and then it was taken over by Walgreens. Now we only got a private, local pharmacy left. In the next town over, there is CVS, where I stopped shopping after they lost a roll of pictures - my baby cats... they did not apologize, let go reimbourse the lost pics. There is only a Walgreens where I have not been since the take-over. WG used to be so good. Everything is running amok. I would not even think of going to Walmart pharmacy. 20 miles down the road is another private one - I would rather go there ! How is it possible, though, that stores get large sums to experiment on people? that is just outrageous - should be against the law!

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It probably is against the law. But our, the US, rules of law have been destroyed or ignored by the democrats. Every time they win an election they destroy our country, bit by bit.

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That's what communists do.

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>But our, the US, rules of law have been destroyed or ignored by the democrats.

You are half right - never forget that the republicans represent the same corporate class oligarchs too. They stink of fascism just as democrats do.

Presidents have been no better; Biden with his mandates, and Trump with operation warp speed. Both of these men should be imprisoned for crimes against humanity.

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Hello JMH. You stated: "You are half right - never forget that the republicans represent the same corporate class oligarchs too. They stink of fascism just as democrats do."

Correct. It IS corporate oligarchy and class warfare dressed up in political lipstick. No one (except myself) wants to call the corporate/fascist state out. Civil populations would rather 'invest' in their own destruction.

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Good point.

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You're absolutely right.

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‘Against the law’ doesn’t seem to mean much of anything any more.

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A year or two ago, we had a small, independent pharmacy in our small city, which was bought by Walgreens. I knew someone who worked there: staff had less than one hour notice that they had lost their jobs. Customers had zero notice…I received an after-the-fact letter from Walgreens notifying me that my medical records with the purchased pharmacy had already been transferred to Walgreens’ database. So much for patient confidentiality. I assume this is constantly happening all over the country.

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There's not been a private pharmacy here in probably 20/30 years or more, if ever.

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Absolutely love Yellow Rose painting 💜🌟

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

A nice counterpoint to the subject matter.

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Me too. It's my flower, from my mother, as a child. She gave me the middle name of Rose of Sharon, but the hospital put down just "Sharon." There was argument, but my mom, still in the hospital bed, lost. So of course yellow roses are my favorite.

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When I wrote my mom was in the hospital bed, lost. I meant she lost the argument - lol

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

My wife went to Walgreens last week.

The person in front of her who was checking out had a coupon for a 20% discount on their purchases on the day of vaccination.

This is SOP nowadays for purchases of $20 or more for Walgreens customers. You get the poison jab and you get 20% off your Cheetos and toilet paper.

Built in subsidy for Pharma and classic predatory stuff. Destroy jobs and ramp up the cost of living then give an incentive to destroy health.

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

How is this legal??!

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Sep 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

I'm an attorney (and BTW disgusted with the profession's general lack of reaction to all the lawlessness). The USG has been ignoring financial management laws, specifically and not exclusively the ones related to audited financial statement requirements since I was on the financial advisory team at HUD in 1996. In 2018, the US financial statements effectively went dark with Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Board Statement 56, which allows the fudging of financial statements in the name of national security. They've also been failing to enforce the antitrust laws for years. What I'm saying is that we don't need more laws, we need enforcement of existing laws against the cabal, which, effectively, owns the government. We live in a lawless former democracy. But we are all compicit when we demand that we give the government a dollar and expect $1.20 back. It's organized crime that holds up the system as we know it. We would suffer if tomorrow all of that disappeared and the Congress reined in the administrative state and stopped the warfare. Jobs would be lost, we wouldn't have so much stuff, we'd have to live within our means and see the honest truth about how things work and which of our friends are deeply involved in the lawlessness and corporate moral decay and deceit about the products we use. In other words, the Empire/hegemon gives us the "prosperity" and convenience and big incomes (for those who cooperate) we enjoy, ultimately to our long term detriment and, possibly, destruction as a society.

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Thank operatives installed within the Department of Commerce for a job well done. The Department of Commerce is an 'official' racketeering and tax extortion operation, operating at the core of corporate dictate.

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Excellent comment, Carolyn. Thank you. Yes, the "National Security" ruse to conceal malfeasance & blatant lawbreakers on a massive scale.

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Sep 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

And Dunkin Donuts was giving away free stuff too- omg!

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A grocery store in a nearby city gives 20 cents per gallon off of gas if one gets their flu or Covid19 jab at their store. Yet one more form of coercion/bribery. They just do whatever works.

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Heh, heh... "Some" would call the discount effective racketeering, but I digress...

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Thanks for this very informative blog, Sasha! Those TV ads produced by Walgreens just make me so angry! They know the dangers of this toxic jab, het they push it on parents, pregnant women and little children. The depopulationists are on a roll as the destruction of humanity continues. I will never shop at Walgreens again -- or CVS for that matter. I don't take any prescription drugs because I believe they are dangerous -- so at age 77, I take vitamins and stay healthy! No reason to ever enter a "drug" store!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

My biggest health fear is "needing" to go to one of the mainstreet hospitals . If anyone really wants to do the best we can with these bodies (and minds) of ours.......... get really interested in researching what is available outside the pharmacide industry . You then have to accept that you will be doing the real "clinical trial" ..... on yourself ! (supplements,

natural remedies , and don't forget exercise/ enjoyment )

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Sep 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

Since when did we ever give pregnant women ANYTHING? Never until lately. Its Pharmacide.

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Pharmacide 💯

Love the word combo. I will use it too if you don’t mind. I made up BIGHARMA at beginning of cov. It’s a small way we can take out the anger and frustration and speak TRUTH! Thanks for Pharmacide! 💔😢👍👍👍

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"Pharmacide" means one is killing Pharma.... not Pharma is killing one.. (eg suicide = kill yourself, insecticide = kill the insect etc) I would consider "Pharmacide" an aspirational term - would love to bring Big Pharma to an end!

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Hey, thanks, spread it far & wide! It just popped into my head so out the mouth it came, so to speak :) I like BIGHARMA too, so on target!

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I don't remember reading your post ......... but i see that you wrote Pharmacide before i used it . wow, must be a very apt description to have found its way into my subconscious . Hopefully it will enter more and more as they regain some conscious thought ....

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It was a reply to a post, strange too, I've necer used that term, never seen it used but it popped into my head & I thought bingo that is what this atrocity really is. As you say, maybe the Truth is making its way into the human consciousness as a ray of light into darkness.

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Stunning. It is hard to really conceptualize the level of evil that this indicates about our Ruling Psychopathy. Depressing.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Realizing the truth about the "covid" scam was mind-blowing.

Once I understood that governments worldwide were actively and intentionally maiming and killing their citizens, including infants, with toxic jabs, nothing after that shocks me.

At this point, why wouldn't pharmacies be involved?

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Thankfully but not luckily I learned it the hard way after being in and trusting the US Army and an experimental vax they gave me in 1975 a form of weaponized mycoplasma. It’s the root of all their evil “Venter” & his synthetic mycoplasma and others mycoplasma based bioweapons as well. I haven’t trusted the government since! My health is really trashed and all my 4 children are affected too. Cov vax is just starting to show its evil effects. I’m almost 50 years since mine and still have very High titers in my blood! 💯👿

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Yup. Horrible.

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Well... Erm... The levels of evil are indicated by our follow the leader class... Yes. Very depressing.

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"In 1995, Judge Sandra Beckwith ruled in the case In Re Cincinnati Radiation Litigation (874 F. Supp 1995) that the Nuremberg Code may be applied in criminal and civil litigation in the Federal Courts of the United States."


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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thanks for this. Beckwith started out in the Hamilton County courts and if I remember correctly, was one of the few judges who were assigned complex corporate cases (meaning she understands business issues). Good judge as far as I know, though the Sixth Circuit is not a distinguished court for the most part (notwithstanding that I personally got a big judgment against a village in my only and last jury trial ever).

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Great comment! Lest we forget...

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Ah but it doesn’t do the slightest bit of good if things are run by a sock puppet Marxist government like nearly ALL Western governments are controlled by currently. The WEF has spent a lot to set this all up and so far it’s working☠️. Get rid of the Marxists in power as well as their RINO associates and the problems will fade away. Once that starts to happen we the people can start getting our well deserved justice.

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^^Here we go with the Marx bashing again. It isn't Marx that's waging an Omniwar against us. It's a technocratic transnational deep state that is fascist at its roots.

"This, again, is an intellectually dishonest form of argumentation, which, in any case, rests upon a lazy right-wing conflation of Marxism and Stalinism"


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Thank you for the reminder. After this read, we definitely need to become laser focused on Deep State technocrats and elitist class warfare with govt. complicity as the enemy, not Marxism/Communism takeover theories.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

While shopping at my local Shaw's grocery store, we customers are urged by the public address system to get the latest shots, in return for a discount at the checkout. As outrageous as this is, it is probaby evidence of the Kroger influence as they have bid to acquire Albertsons which owns the Shaw's and Star Market chains. The customer is also incentivised to let the chain track their food purchases when they enter their phone number at the checkout. Heaven only knows where that data will end up or for what purpose. It looks like we're seeing a bio-digital concentration camp being built around each one of us.

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Sep 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

The public needs mobile megaphones to counter the messages. Preach while you shop! “All vaccines are unsafe and ineffective. Your own God-given immunity is superior. Vaccines destroy it.”

Or has free speech died? Call security!

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

I don’t see how this is legal. Pharma companies can only provide USD 25 of value (ie a meal) per doctor per year.

But they can buy off patients? And for more than the legal limit for HCPs?

This cannot be legal.

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Sep 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

Not much of this is. Lawlessness prevails at the moment.. and previous several years.

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

From Sasha's post:

"Adding pharmacies and pharmacy technicians to the PREP Act "covered persons" and “qualified persons” lists was an important part of PREP Act declarations and amendments.

It's another example of the bait-and-switch, hidden in plain sight crimes.

Retail pharmacies are not medical facilities regulated the way hospitals, clinics and doctors’ offices are.

Pharmacists aren't trained, supervised and regulated the same way doctors and nurses are, and pharmacists don't have any professional ethical obligations to protect individual patient health and safety, such as the classic Hippocratic Oath, whose main precept is often paraphrased as "first do no harm."

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Agree. Yet they are marketing medicines (and giving freebies) for Pharma. Like WTF. The 25 limit applies to Pharma as an industry , and am pretty damn sure that limit covers pharmacists too. It covers all HCP whether doctor, nurse etc.

So the “get a vaccination today for a discount on groceries” is indeed illegal. As it includes FDA approved injections.

This should be investyo

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Sep 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

See my comment above about the lawlessness. I did work on legal compliance Medicare Part D contracts with pharmaceutical companies back in the 2006 or so period. My client was a major consumer products corporation that had a pharmaceutical division, since sold off (my theory being they were not dirty enough to compete with the likes of Merck and Pfizer). If you think the $25 limit on meals to doctors represents real regulation, you are sorely mistaken. The payoffs by Pharma are enormous and are done with impunity, although there have been some whopping awards in whistleblower suits. That's just the cost of doing business to Pharma. Then there's the $150K/year the government health regulators can make on pharmaceutical patents they help develop (at taxpayer expense)..... I cannot begin to describe fully how riddled with conflicts of interest the system is. Which is why you can't believe a word of the the propaganda coming out of the government health agencies and Pharma. And why there's very little good research into the harmful effects of pharmaceutical and other products -- all the money is either government or Pharma grants. The big universities bring in more money from research grants than from tuition. The medical schools are totally controlled by Pharma and AMA, so the doctors no longer even understand nutrition and think the solution to everything is medicine. Vaccines are not even regulated as medicine, and even less so if under Emergency Use Authorization. As Sasha and Katherine Watt have explained for several years now.

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I agree they stopped much “influence” of drug companies bringing in meals for staff in the ER I worked at it was almost daily ( we were thankful as staff with non stop influx of patients ) but I’m seeing at one of my drs a neurologist office every time I go they are Loaded with the same incredible meals!! 💲💲💲🤷‍♀️

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Fry’s is another Kroger and the jab announcements are nonstop.

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Kroger's, the largest grocery store chain in the US and headquartered in Cincinnati, where I live, sends me regular texts promoting the various vaccines. My concern is that there has been so much money spread around by the feds through CARES Act and otherwise (I believe some of it is expiring soon or at the end of the year) that if/when the largesse/money printing stops, there are going to be some real financial problems with pharmacies, local health departments, schools, and others who budgeted around that flow of dollars.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova


I receive the same here in Arkansas from my local Kroger. They have already had two unexpected deaths of middle aged employees in the last couple of years based on posters in the store asking for money contributions to help pay for their funerals and medical expenses.

I guess they can’t connect the dots.

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I agree but what is not making sense is IF we are actually printing all this money WHY have I not been able to see one bill of any denomination printed since 2017? Not one bill 💵 My bank says nope they’ve seen none either?!? 🤷‍♀️🤔😳

We are surely living in strange times.

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Sep 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

Alexis, it's complicated, but when they speak of "printing money" they aren't talking about physical bills, which make up a tiny portion of the money supply. The way the system works is that commercial banks are the source of most of our money -- they create it out of thin air, literally. If you want to understand more about this, read Richard Werner's work -- I think he has a substack and there's an article about the three theories of the creation of money. He's a central banking expert on our side and was the author of *Princes of the Yen* about the financial crisis in Japan. [See this by way of introduction to him: https://home.solari.com/the-profits-of-economic-shock-case-studies-with-richard-werner/ and https://home.solari.com/blast-from-the-past-week-of-april-17-2023-prof-richard-werner-the-case-for-abundance/] It is ultimately through the Federal Reserve actions that money is "printed." Werner says that if the "extra" money created is used for productive purposes, that is not inflationary, but it's not generally and so we usually experience inflation from the "printing" of so much money. The expansion of the money supply during COVID would have been even more inflationary that what we experienced had there not been offsetting deflation from the closing down of small ("non-essential") businesses during the so-called COVID Pandemic. Trillions of dollars were created when the government bought assets directly from non-bank institutions in late 2019 to stave off a financial crisis, as BlackRock proposed as part of the "Going Direct Reset." Then there's the trillions of dollars of CARES Act money that was used to buy off the schools, hospitals, pharmacies, local health departments and people who lost jobs when their companies shut down. Why did "they" go along with the COVID scam? Because they were paid off!

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Very astute, Carolyn. The federal (small capital) Reserve can print all the money they want, but if the 'money' isn't printed as currency, it is not in retail circulation. Therefore, the 'money' is of zero net value in the consumer market place...

The alleged 'money' was simply adjusted accounting utilized within Bonds and Trusts industries. It's all ponzi banking within a large private circus, and we're not running the show...

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Good info. One quibble. The Hippocratic Oath isn't a thing anymore. Hardly any doctors take it these days, fewer than 15% of doctors. But they're good with us thinking and believing they do. Makes us more compliant to imagine they won't harm us. Experience since 2020 should be enough to disabuse us of such notions. But the abandonment of the non-harm standard of care precedes the harms being inflicted today by most medical professionals.

Culture of death : the assault on medical ethics in America

Wesley A Smith, 2000


Smith's Follow up book:

Culture of Death, The Age of "Do Harm" Medicine

Discovery Institute, 2016


"Smith warns that future troubles could be tied to the fact that only 14% of doctors today report having taken the Hippocratic oath to “do no harm.” Smith even recounts episodes of doctors recommending that the old or sick be denied basic treatments which might potentially save life. This enlightening book unmasks unexpected occurrences in the present practice of medicine, and shines light into a future that many of us might not like."

FF - Until this BARDA change you'd be better off listening to your pharmacist than your doctor in many cases. Maybe it's time to check out of the allopathic model of health "care" entirely and enter the world of natural healers, homeopathy, Ayurveda, naturopathy, herbalism, TCM, energy healers, etc. Their care has a much lower fatality rate than allopathy's proven iatrocide resume (2nd leading cause of death in US is death by doctor.)

In a sane world Walgreens and CVS would be out of business. Claims about "life-saving drugs" are overblown. Most who rely on them would be better off using natural remedies. But Big Pharma and Big Medical have indoctrinated most to believe real healers are "quacks" (Bernays legacy). Classic projection.

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

>The Hippocratic Oath isn't a thing anymore.

In this country the 'hypocritical oath' is the new normal.

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Sep 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

Didnt they have to take the "do no harm" part out when they legalized abortion eons ago?

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Walgreens branches are already depopulation nodes.

They sell tobacco, and then they sell "medicine" for the harms they caused.

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Don't worry about it. Tobacco is a choice. No doctor is prescribing and no one is putting it in needles.

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Yeah, a "choice" that was scientifically engineered to be as addictive as possible, and then marketed to impressionable children using modern brainwashing techniques.

Begone, demon!

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Bullshit. Tobacco was used for thousands of years by Native Americans. The addictive qualities were introduced by American and European manufactures in the early 1900's. Anti-tobacco persons are the most brainwashed morons I've ever met.

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Aren't we quite the little tobacco industry troll!

Back to Hell you go 😘

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"Don't worry about it. Tobacco is a choice."

Yes, it is. So is believing all the official conspiracy theories the fear mongerers of the world are bandying about. In particular the one about a novel virus that is so harmful you have to get tested to even know you have it, and the vaxxine is so safe you have to be coerced and threatened into taking it. (Thank you for that one, Elon)

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Yep. Have addicts that were positively groomed for it in HS. They know it’s bad. And the vapes make it worse. But they are 100 percent addicted.

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Same thing they do to food products.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Are you tired of having to chew old fashioned food to get your nourishment?

Then try new Fude(tm)!

Don't setttle for eating dirty plants out of the ground and dead bloody animals.

Fude(tm) consists or large food proteins that are simply injected into your bloodstream whenever you are hungry.

And be sure to try our other product line for anaphylaxis!

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Coming to a WG near you SOON! New plant based (mostly) vvaccines*. They're actually pretty good!

* May still contain Al, Hg, Pb and fetus parts.

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Riiiiiight! ......., and protein has no business being inside the blood stream.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Amerika is the only country I know of where pharmacies sell tobacco and liquor. And where we have drive-thru liquor stores. These are the kinds of freedoms that brought Sasha to America.





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Pharmacy in Greek = Pharmakia

Pharmakia in English = Witch craft.

THAT's why you have liquor and tobaco products in pharmacies. Pharmacies are not about keeping you healthy, or making you healthier. Neither is Big Pharma. ....., but you already know that.

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deletedSep 16
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our UK pharmacies are full of aspartame, corn syrup etc .. they sneak muck into everything they can . Its shocking. the natural products are removed one by one.

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No corn syrup or tobacco, but plenty of adulterated, toxic prescription meds

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deletedSep 16
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That's quite a difference from the US. The majority of American MD's regard natural alternatives like they're witchcraft.

Still, things may change in the EU and elsewhere. Alternatives may be phased out, or be compromised, unfortunately.

I suggest people on both sides of the Atlantic stock up on natural remedies, or learn to make their own, just in case.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Yeah, I've not only lived in Tchoimany, I was born and grew up there until age 10. My loving German relatives made my childhood and adolesence miserable and eventually stole the house I inherited from my grandmother from me, simply by making my life in Tchoimany unlivable and forcing me to leave.

Nice people.

Also, Tchoimany does not represent Europe.

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Remember when Walgreens partnered w Theranos? Hopefully this will be just as fruitful a collaboration!

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Get off Big Pharma meds if you can! Find alternative treatments if at all possible. We all know we’re just a cash-cow to them. Do your research. Ask yourself if statins are so wonderful, for instance, and the most widely prescribed medication in the world, why is heart disease going up and not down? Etc, etc, etc…..

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Sep 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

"Let us...

...Help you..."

..."we care about your community..."

...'sign here, an X is fine...,'

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Early in the pandemic, when I first heard IVM was coming under fire, I called my local, previously trusted Walgreens pharmacist (not in a diverse neighborhood) and asked whether he would fill a prescription for IVM if I needed it. He said no, he "could not." I asked why and requested to speak with his boss. Never heard from either one again. I haven't stepped foot again in Walgreens or any major chain pharmacy -- or Costco pharmacy which also continues pushing shots.

We need to vote with our pocketbooks and not buy ANYTHING from chain pharmacies. And be sure to tell the managers why we won't purchase there. Simply not going in won't help much, as the store or chain will explain the loss of business as "just baffled!"

Also, beware of signing HIPAA agreements and other invasive forms. They do not protect YOU from anything and they do not guarantee privacy (https://www.consumerreports.org/health/health-privacy/guess-what-hipaa-isnt-a-medical-privacy-law-a2469399940/).

A Costco optometrist recently refused to do an eye exam unless I signed a HIPAA agreement and other forms that requested medical and personal information they did not truly need for a simple eye exam. I told them I would pay cash and bypass insurance. Still, they required the forms. So (in a small room where others were obediently filling out their forms), I said I would not have an exam if I had to fill out the forms and explained why. Needless to say, I left without getting an exam -- I'm hoping my old glasses will be good enough for a while.

Here's some unsolicited advice: If you can find a trustworthy doctor and you are on prescription meds, see if the doc will help you get off as many of them as safely possible. If your doctor simply refuses to work with you at all, find another one.

A Midwestern Doctor recently mentioned that when conscientious doctors took patients off unnecessary or harmful prescriptions, studies showed an INCREASE in longevity -- a very significant increase. (Look near the Story at a Glance section here: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/stomach-acid-is-good-for-you and at this study: https://www.ima.org.il/FilesUploadPublic/IMAJ/0/46/23017.pdf)

Note: I previously was naive and took all my shots like a good little doggie, never dreaming my doctor or pharmacist would LIE to or try to HURT me. Some didn't know better, until they did and no longer cared. I didn't know better, but now I do care -- a LOT!

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I saved my mom's life by taking her off a bunch of meds I knew she didn't need and were interacting. She turned around in a day!

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