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Completely disagree with you that "they" were "not (trying) to kill people on purpose."

There's more than enough evidence to prove that people worldwide have absolutely been killed intentionally through the use of mRNA jabs.

They've been trying to "further the ( mRNA )technology" for over a decade. The animal trials always fail. It's been established that this technology cannot be used without injuring or killing the recipient.

The DOD, pharma, the alphabet agencies, and the entities funding mRNA tech are all fully aware of this.

The greedy bastards behind this death program have more money than they'll ever need. They also have the technology, available only to themselves, for life extension.

What we're witnessing is the steady, purposeful depopulation of the world - something they've been working on for decades.

There are too many of us "useless eaters" for their liking.

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I do agree with your statements yet not everyone is sick and dying. Did they not give mRNA to everyone then? We’re they counting on the ability to give endless shots? I’m not vaccinated. I’m divorcing my wife for vaccinating our 3 daughters(21,19 ,16) without my consent. It is far too difficult for me to feel that they’ve been sentenced to die for her mistake. So until I see everyone who took the shot is sick or dead, I need to have faith that they will be ok. Fantasy? Maybe, but it gives me something to go on

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If you look into Brook Jackson's explanations of what did/didn't happen in the mfg process, you'll understand as other's have reported that the batches were not consistently processed correctly. Some had more mRNA and other ingredients, and some were weaker. Jessica Rose also talks about this fact. This could be the reason why we're not seeing more people injured or dying, yet. Those who keep taking the jab are playing Russian roulette. I hope that you can influence your children to not take any further shots. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I wish you and your daughters well.

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I have seen the presentation yet it created more questions for me. It is up for debate whether these differences were intended from the outset or a function of poor oversight. The presentation, to me, cannot prove one way or the other whether it was intended, only that this did happen. For this to have been as meticulously planned for such a long time does lend credence to doubting a screw-up at that level. I’m well aware of the failed animal studies. I was very sick for 2 weeks in March 2020, NYC area, and began researching as soon as I was upright. The first red flag that chilled my spine was a peer-reviewed study out of Columbia U from 2018, explaining how all animals died from mRNA treatments. As I referred back to this article a few times, I noticed only a month later there was a retraction by a pre-print out of a university in Wuhan. It seemed so obvious that this was complete bs, I knew instinctively to never get this shot.

I hope I’ve convinced my daughters to not get anymore shots.

At this point, I’ve mentally fast forward to where the true liability lies, and the desired outcomes.

The true legal liability lies at the feet of the US government, and therefore, the US taxpayer. Riots are guaranteed when the rug gets pulled. The US will be sued by every nation who signed these agreements. The US taxpayer will owe the world trillions of dollars. Of course the taxpayers will not stand for this and you will see martial law in US cities and highways and small towns. Then NATO/UN troops. It’s the end of the United States and that has been one of the main goals the whole time. There is no NWO while the US stands. No one can defeat the US militarily, but World Court is another story. It’s obviously my opinion, but it’s where I see all of this leading

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I hate to say it but I share your pessimism. All indications point to this very scenario. So sorry about your daughter; I have just one, whom I homeschooled so should know better but she took it, or them; I've no idea how many.

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I also have a son and a daughter that believed the lying Norwegian government when they said the gene-injection would stop spread of the (non-existing) virus. In addition to impair the physical condition, the injections also might impair the spiritual abilities. I contacted a medical doctor that also is highly skilled in "alternative" medicine/ traditional medicine. He recommended me to go in the forest and find red-belted polypore/red-banded polypore/red-belted conk. At least in Norway these can be found on old pine. He suggested that I make tea of this material and let them drink this tea for one month. So at least I will try...

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My dilema is convincing adult child she and her friends took a bioweapon just to go on holiday and calling me crazy! No immediate adverse reactions but it keeps me worrying.

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MargaritasattheMall, I kind of understand how you feel, the burden of not knowing, the burden of worrying about your jabbed loved one. I warned my 20 year old son incessantly since summer of 2020, & I recently learned he did not heed my warnings, & he caved & got two moderna jabs in 2022. I was so devastated & mad & now worried. I thought he believed me & trusted me, guess he thought I was being overreactive. It’s so disappointing on a personal level. However, I still feel partly to blame because for 18 years, I religiously went to the doctor’s offices & took him & his sister to get their annual vaccines, thinking I was doing the right & best thing. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤯 Now since Covid, I’ve been blown away about all the truths I’ve learned. But sadly, I raised my kids with the inaccurate belief that vaccines were safe, effective, & good for health! Now I know how wrong I was! So, I got my kid trusting in the system & believing vaccines were good instead of believing they were harmful. & I can’t erase that impression. Now I’m treating him with bromelain, NaC, serrapeptase, nattokinase, & activated coconut charcoal. & I ordered Ivermectin. & I’m praying! 😞

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yes we got our kids used to vaccines since the had so many when they were young. We didn't know the truth

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Not everyone died ............yet. A 20-year-old relative of mine, mandated to the vaccine by her university, is 2% away from menopause. What has died is her hope to ever have children.

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It would've been too obvious to have made all the shots so lethal that everyone who received one died immediately or soon thereafter. Even those who were true vax believers, would have caught on to that very quickly. The worldwide vax program would have come to an abrupt halt early on.

Craig Pardekooper's amazing study demonstrated that the effects of the vaxxes from batch to batch varied. Pfizer, Moderna and one other vax manufacturer coordinated their efforts to test the "results" - injuries and deaths - of the various batches. Absolutely chilling, but explains why some people suffered immediately, and why some 2 years out still show no ill effects.

Many researches also believe that a good percentage of the shots were saline and completely harmless.

The scamdemic has caused immeasurable suffering and heartache. Sadly, there's now a new reason for people to end a marriage. I'm truly sorry your family fell victim to the insanity.

You've probably already done this, but there are protocols to help people who've gotten vaxxed so please research that. I think America's Frontline Doctors may have information on it. There are definitely others.

Use brave.com to search.

God bless you and your daughters.

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Can't disagree. It was blatant.

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The inventors of mRNA, who worked under the order of the US Military, thought they were developing it for the 'repair of gene faults'. I wonder how they feel today seeing that they were 'used' and contributed to the long-term plan of the destruction of humanity.

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GerdaVS, excellent point.

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I fully agree.

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