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I feel a little sorry for John Campbell, he still has a hard time understanding that the NHS has been gutted and we are now owned by the USA. Boston University should be called Gates University the amount of money he has pumped into it. Aren't Pangolins so cute?!

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Save your sympathy for someone who deserves it. Nurse Campbell became a millionaire off the back of selling the lethal injections to his audience

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Few pushed the covid fear porn and need to wear masks harder than John Campbell. That anyone would give his voice any legitimacy is a mystery to me. Thank you Sasha for dragging this demon out into the sunlight. Hopefully he withers away and the winter rains will wash him back into the condemned sewer from whence he came.

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John Campbell, now retired from the medical community, got caught up in believing the (false) narrative about the pandemic, as nearly all in the medical community did; mostly understandable since the medical establishment was largely trustworthy, at least until the C19 jabs rollout. Once he saw through it all he apologized to us about his support of it and did a 180 and has stayed 180 ever since, which takes a man with a conscience, integrity, and balls to own up to his mistake and make corrections! Since his turn-around I've found his many videos very informative, truthful, and reliable, e.g., he's pro-ivermectin, vitamin D, etc., pro-everything that bigMed hates and has tried to censor.

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While it's good that he woke from his cucumber slumber, one has to wonder about his level of curiosity and intelligence when so many of us who have no medical training saw through the BS before the release of the toxic jab. The mask mandate should have woken the most ardent somnambulist... but it took John far too long to wake up while promoting the nonsense. The fact that these pharmaceutical monstrosities had been fined billions in years past, and were now pushing an untested product when mRNA technology had always caused significant harm, and was thereby never released was the first sign that something was array. Then there was the fact that 70% or more of mainstream media's ad revenue came from big pharma and any media pundits who questioned the big pharma narrative were shown the door should have made any "doctor" or nurse ask why?

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Yes, Dr John is not the brightest bulb out there, not the first to catch on, however, there are few who are pushing harder now to demand a look at excess deaths in various countries around the world than he is.

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Left brain hemisphere thinking. See Dr. Ian McGillchrist and also David Icke! The predominant neuronal functioning mode of the modern world writ large.

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He diligently analysed each piece of data as it came out. But you are correct, anyone who understood what informed consent was legally knew we were sold a crock of shit from the get go. That's the trouble, the chaos agents tell the truth in an incomplete and totally unhelpful manner.

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If he was such a good researcher why did he ignore the Diamond Princess data which indicated that covid wasn't lethal. I didn't watch him for long bc he pushed the vax but I'm not sure if he ever addressed that misstep?

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I think we know the answer now, those of us who took the time to understand John Ioannidis' work saw the lies stack up. We then knew we didn't need a vaccine for a coronavirus on it's 2/3rd wave.

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Yes the great Ioannidis was out by April 2020 if I recall with a calm down and this is going to look like flu message. And it does look like flu except badly treated flu exacerbated by terror. I especially like IoannidisтАЩ demolition of the RCT and scalding summary of the crap getting published as systematic review about a decade earlierтАж and his defense of the Cochrane cofounder who was savaged for challenging a vax SR. Why isnтАЩt he the director of NIH?

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It was shocking, he was the first world class scientist to be de-platformed for explaining that covid was a bad flu, dangerous only to the elderly.

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The тАШgreat IoannidisтАЩ?

So why did he push the jabs against a disease he knew wasnтАЩt a serious threat for most people?

So many of these тАШexpertsтАЩ clung to the blessed vaccine narrativeтАж

See my emails to Ioannidis:

- John Ioannidis urges Australia to "push for vaccination very fast..." Why? 17 September 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/09/john-ioannidis-urges-australia-to-_push-for-vaccination-very-fast..._-why_.pdf

- COVID-19 vaccination in Australia and John Ioannidis' advice, 1 October 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/covid-19-vaccination-in-australia-and-john-ioannidis-advice-1.pdf

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Elizabeth, thank you for sharing your email-I had no idea that Ioannidis had pushed the jabs for our nation.


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Thanks for the comment. I was unable to access your reference link to The Australian May 10 2021 article and am interested to see it. The 3 lines that appear in the search results of The Australian refer to his non support of lockdowns and other matters. I canтАЩt afford a subscription. Given his usual cautiousness, I would be interested to see the context and verbatim frame. If he was actually urging the vax тАФ not speaking theoretically about the dynamics of containment given certain assumptionsтАФ then I certainly take your point and recognize the passionate work you have done in any case. I note to you that a few articles come up on misrepresentation of Ioannidis (eg BuzzFeed) and I would like to see any confirmation of whatтАЩs said by him. I have met enough people in my life who were misquoted in the press and we all know the lies that were shoveled. Everything else the man said angered the mainstream and was brave so I donтАЩt know what to make of this claim or what affected his judgment. I was always deeply suspicious of the vax/ bioweapon and followed Bhadi and Pelach and RFK etc тАФ I lost track of Ioannidis after the Diamond Princess analysis and his first push back essays. I respected his work for many years prior to our current insanity because he challenged so much shoddy science. I loved him when he stood up to Cochrane to defend the Danish cofounder who was pilloried for criticism of a vaccine SR.

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The article is behind the paywall, hereтАЩs the text:

Lockdowns тАШnot reason for successтАЩ, says epidemiologist


8:07PM MAY 10, 2021

One of the worldтАЩs top scientists has questioned the benefits of lockdowns, suggesting shutting the international border тАФ and a lack of COVID-19 in the first place тАФ were better explanations for AustraliaтАЩs success than mandatory social distancing.

Stanford University professor John Ioannidis, among the worldтАЩs top epidemiologists, also said he couldnтАЩt rule out SARS-Cov2 ┬нhaving escaped from the Chinese virology lab in Wuhan, where the virus first emerged.

тАЬMy default position is it arose naturally but it is possible some sort of an accident occurred in the lab or that researchers were in┬нfected while collecting samples from natural habitats,тАЭ he told The Australian.

His comments come soon after a third lockdown in Perth and confirmation by Scott Morrison that AustraliaтАЩs border will remain shut тАЬindefinitelyтАЭ as the nation pursues what has become a highly popular тАЬzero COVIDтАЭ strategy.

Professor Ioannidis, whose 2005 research paper Why Most Published Research Findings are False is among the most-read academic articles in history, also urged Australia to тАЬpush for vaccination very fast (given) you have very few people infectedтАЭ.

тАЬOtherwise I donтАЩt see another way out. You will get your wave sooner or later,тАЭ he added.

Just over 10 per cent of the population has received at least one COVID-19 vaccination shot, compared to 45 per cent in the US, more than 50 per cent in the UK and over 60 per cent in Israel.

тАЬWhatтАЩs common to Australia and New Zealand and Taiwan, for instance, isnтАЩt lockdowns but probably a much lower seeding of the virus to begin with, and the ability to close international borders easily and promptly,тАЭ he said.

тАЬAlmost all the countries that did lockdown did very badly. Lockdown is not the common theme for the success stories.тАЭ

His latest research with Sydney University statistician Sally Cripps, looking at 11 European countries, found lockdowns had тАЬlittle or no benefitтАЭ as they were typically introduced after the тАЬr rateтАЭ, or the reproduction number, had already started declining.

Professor Cripps told The Australian that lockdowns were like a тАЬsledgehammerтАЭ and, if they had been appropriate early in 2020, they were not a few months later.

тАЬFrom then on we knew the age profile of this thing. All we had to do in Victoria was shut down all nursing homes and be very careful around other people, and we could have avoided the 800 deaths and the bad consequences of lockdowns,тАЭ she added.

Professor Ioannidis said: тАЬItтАЩs very likely these extra lockdowns (in Australia) are not helpful, but the problem is once something seems to have worked as a package, people donтАЩt want to ┬нremove any of the components.тАЭ

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Elizabeth- I have deleted a longer comment after finding this YouTube of Prof Ioannidis on camera saying a mild positive remark about the vaccine тАФ it does lend credence in the direction you are asserting. But, I do not like the journalistic standards of The Australian article for reasons I mentioned in the deleted comment - yet after seeing this video, I have to wonder what brought Professor Ioannidis to be less skeptical than he ought regarding the risks and harms of the vaccine (bioweapon). I believe that he is a person who was brave and took a beating for questioning the main narrative early and to good effect in the early days of pushing back - idk if a mild positive comment in this YouTube amounts to an endorsement to push vaccination тАФ I doubt he espoused a push especially in the ugly ruthless way the lawless governments have тАФ but it does show a weakness for being used for any positive comment without decrying the harms and for reasons you have pointed out in your letters. I would still like to see whatever advocacy of policy remarks he made presented in full and in context for the sake of a fair record. Among the things the video shows is a gentle and humble man and not the self righteous characters we saw on media beating the desk and demanding force and militarism. It also shows JI engaging many aspects of the propaganda narrative in a skeptical questioning way and a cautious way which does not support boosters based on faulty data and faulty analysis. This is a truth seeking discussion and worth seeing in full тАФ heтАЩs not Dr Bhakdi or Dr Zelenko but heтАЩs not an advocate of the propaganda either as I see it nor in the frame which the ugly political actors would have desired. In fact, the professor speaks against public health and political actors taking pride in making peopleтАЩs life hard for not taking the vaccinesтАФ he is very clear about this and it is a point that does not fit with JI being an advocate as so many others were. Thank you for posting the article you cited. I respect your work and understand the ground of agony from which it rises. Here is

YouTube from 2 years ago according to description (?) where Professor Ioannidis is on camera saying a number of things - . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YvEOwKUyur0&pp=ygUPam9obiBpb2FubmlkaXMg

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Re: "I have to wonder what brought Professor Ioannidis to be less skeptical than he ought regarding the risks and harms of the vaccine (bioweapon)."

It seems to me Ioannidis has always been less skeptical than he ought about vaccines...

In the scientific and medical establishment vaccines are a blessed thing, it is pure heresy to question them...and a career killer...ask Andrew Wakefield.

Consider an article by John Ioannidis, published in 2016: Evidence-based medicine has been hijacked: a report to David Sackett. (Journal of Clinical Epidemiology)/

In this article Ioannidis says: тАШтАШI felt that I had to take sides in this evolution. This is

why I thought that prevention is a great idea, trying to find ways to make people to improve their health, wellness, and well-being at large [38]. After all clinical epidemiology was first defined as тАШтАШthe basic science of preventionтАЩтАЩ [39]. Yet, I am aware that prevention (e.g., unnecessary screening) can also sometimes harm more people than therapeutic medicine. тАШтАШThere are also so many quacks ranging from television presenters and movie stars turned into health trainers [40] and pure science denialists (e.g., climate, HIV, vaccine denialists, and religious fundamentalists) that one has to tread carefully. We should avoid a civil war on how to interpret

evidence within the health sciences when so many pseudoscientists and dogmatists are trying to exploit individuals and populations and attack science. However, too much medicine and too much health care is already causing harm."

See his reference there to "pure science denialists" - including 'vaccine denialists'...

There's just some 'science' that mustn't be questioned...e.g. The blessed Church of Vaccination.

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And he got himself injected too.

The hunter is becoming hunted (or haunted perhaps more precisely).

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NEVER heard him push the jab. If anything he had bottle of Vit/K3 on ledge.

He only told us what he had done which he humbly acknowledges he regrets.

Humility seems sorely in short supply of late

I never intended to get the jab yet 20/21 followed him for data. Just that simple. Only one I saw who covered IVM early with evidenceтАФnewspaper clips from India.

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He pushed it hard, I have seen the clips

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Yeah he did push it - and I had been watching him and stopped for quite a time after that... but when he 'saw the light' and started questioning things I saw some references to it and started watching some of his videos again. He does have a big and loyal audience - and many of the comments were often quite good guiding him along. I do feel that Dr John is honest and caring and learning now...

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Graphene - not sure he is so legit - Too much money to be had with his millions of followers

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It's quite clear that you're investing in your own income as disinformant. It's hilarious how disinforming tactics show up these days.

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I don't forgive him. People were screaming at him from the comments section, yet everyday he would sit there and calmly go over the stats never thinking they may be falsified.

Yeah, right....he KNEW like many of us did, but instead, he continued to line his pockets. This was a dastardly deed.

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That's a downright lie, and you know it. How much are you paid for your job, as virtual mercenary? John Campbell, like many more who move from complete trust in the medical world, through an awakening process, are relatively gullible at the start of it.

John informs British people who are often left in the dark by health- authorities, and the government. (I've lived 5 years in the UK)

John works with African doctors, to help relief health hazards, and trains nurses.

His support of Andrew Bridgen, an MP in the British government, has lead to a turn of minds in 17 other MP's who now acknowledge the factual truth of the huge number of excess deaths in the UK.

Britain is, with Holland, France, and Belgium in the top 5 of highest number of excess deaths.

Our Dutch party FvD made many efforts, discussing this topic in parliament, in recent years.

They were met with disdain, ridicule, and denial, by the parliament and in the Dutch press.

I bet you know of those tricks of the game, as a player in it.

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Lol. You are either under deep mind control or a paid disinfo agent. Get in the sea with your retarded hot takes

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His arrogance is breathtaking. He led many to the slaughter.

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And Pangolins eat ze bugs!

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We will all eat ze bugs unless we tell ze WEF et al where to stick it.

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