John Campbell, now retired from the medical community, got caught up in believing the (false) narrative about the pandemic, as nearly all in the medical community did; mostly understandable since the medical establishment was largely trustworthy, at least until the C19 jabs rollout. Once he saw through it all he apologized to us about hi…
John Campbell, now retired from the medical community, got caught up in believing the (false) narrative about the pandemic, as nearly all in the medical community did; mostly understandable since the medical establishment was largely trustworthy, at least until the C19 jabs rollout. Once he saw through it all he apologized to us about his support of it and did a 180 and has stayed 180 ever since, which takes a man with a conscience, integrity, and balls to own up to his mistake and make corrections! Since his turn-around I've found his many videos very informative, truthful, and reliable, e.g., he's pro-ivermectin, vitamin D, etc., pro-everything that bigMed hates and has tried to censor.
While it's good that he woke from his cucumber slumber, one has to wonder about his level of curiosity and intelligence when so many of us who have no medical training saw through the BS before the release of the toxic jab. The mask mandate should have woken the most ardent somnambulist... but it took John far too long to wake up while promoting the nonsense. The fact that these pharmaceutical monstrosities had been fined billions in years past, and were now pushing an untested product when mRNA technology had always caused significant harm, and was thereby never released was the first sign that something was array. Then there was the fact that 70% or more of mainstream media's ad revenue came from big pharma and any media pundits who questioned the big pharma narrative were shown the door should have made any "doctor" or nurse ask why?
Yes, Dr John is not the brightest bulb out there, not the first to catch on, however, there are few who are pushing harder now to demand a look at excess deaths in various countries around the world than he is.
Left brain hemisphere thinking. See Dr. Ian McGillchrist and also David Icke! The predominant neuronal functioning mode of the modern world writ large.
John Campbell, now retired from the medical community, got caught up in believing the (false) narrative about the pandemic, as nearly all in the medical community did; mostly understandable since the medical establishment was largely trustworthy, at least until the C19 jabs rollout. Once he saw through it all he apologized to us about his support of it and did a 180 and has stayed 180 ever since, which takes a man with a conscience, integrity, and balls to own up to his mistake and make corrections! Since his turn-around I've found his many videos very informative, truthful, and reliable, e.g., he's pro-ivermectin, vitamin D, etc., pro-everything that bigMed hates and has tried to censor.
While it's good that he woke from his cucumber slumber, one has to wonder about his level of curiosity and intelligence when so many of us who have no medical training saw through the BS before the release of the toxic jab. The mask mandate should have woken the most ardent somnambulist... but it took John far too long to wake up while promoting the nonsense. The fact that these pharmaceutical monstrosities had been fined billions in years past, and were now pushing an untested product when mRNA technology had always caused significant harm, and was thereby never released was the first sign that something was array. Then there was the fact that 70% or more of mainstream media's ad revenue came from big pharma and any media pundits who questioned the big pharma narrative were shown the door should have made any "doctor" or nurse ask why?
Yes, Dr John is not the brightest bulb out there, not the first to catch on, however, there are few who are pushing harder now to demand a look at excess deaths in various countries around the world than he is.
Left brain hemisphere thinking. See Dr. Ian McGillchrist and also David Icke! The predominant neuronal functioning mode of the modern world writ large.