I could read you for your writing without all the other brilliance.

The FDA has been slaughtering us for decades. Their leadership should be hung. Their employees should be stripped of their degrees and forbidden to work in science, government, or related industries on pain of death. They should be turned out into the street to watch their buildings burned and the ground they stood on sown with salt so that no evil crop would ever grow there again.

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Perhaps a better revenge would be to re-instate all the professionals to glory who have been punished for objecting to the actions of the FDA

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Aw c'mon, Doc, tell us what you REALLY think.

Laudatory sarcasm aside, I would only add that the hangings must, of course, only ensue from fair and speedy trials in courts of law. In a very real sense, hanging would be more merciful than these people deserve; life imprisonment is the harsher sentence and the more visible deterrent to others contemplating similar crimes.

The cost would be well worth it as a public good, and partially offset by the offenders' employment within the prison labor system.

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Can you please research a product called Valasta?


Thank you VERY much doctor Yoho.

I'm trying to find help for my (Pfizered) 27 year old son who was recently diagnosed with Posterior Necrotizing Scleritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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So sorry .I have vaxxed children who are captured too.

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"Captured" is the right word . But, unwilling to escape because they are imprisoned by a system which holds power over almost all they do. Or allowed to do ( without consequences) . It all starts at a very early age. Vaccinate or else. If one is not independently wealthy the choice to not vaccinate is almost no choice at all . Not if one wishes to live a "normal" life . A life in exile is what awaits the non conforming.

My daughter is a PHD, great at research and analysis. If she was still young and single maybe... just maybe I might be able to convince her never to vaccinate. But lets also be honest. Though I , and i think the MAJORITY of you, those who are reading Sasha now and have also seen firsthand what has happenned .. IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS..... now we are awakened ! Even though I never trusted authority from an early age, the "truth" about vaccines was never available .

No internet. No plandemic. No outspoken Drs.

Freeing the entrapped is almost impossible. Because the risk for them is too high. How will they survive ??

The only way it will ever happen is with new generations. And only if the OWNERS of all the corrupt and evil mandates and policies are thrown out forever..... and a NEW and truly healthful lifestyle is promoted .

Lots of wishful thinking ............

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Bosses son is paralyzed from Pfizer from the waist down with transverse myelitis. Organ failure as well!

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As pointed out in previous articles by L and W the buildings stand mostly empty and function as mere mail drops for the necessary paperwork. I know you are speaking metaphorically.

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Line the Capitol mall with guillotines and funeral pyres, then offer the FDA/CDC/NIH leadership the choice of being guillotined or burned at the stake in full view of the entire nation.

As Curley Howard once opined, "A hot stake is better than a cold chop." In all fairness, perhaps we should offer "being drawn and quartered" as a third option. Thoughts?

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I think all these tactics have been tried in places like Iraq, Libya, Yemen, and now Syria. Yet the beat goes on...

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Absolutely right, the ultimate Zion will be bulldozered and constructed on all the vaccine graves.

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Tared and feathered will be good also !!!!

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Dear friend and leader, please see comment by me in this thread. Dachsie

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The uniparty kills by constriction, squeezing when we exhale, they save energy that way. The Trump phase gets us to relax and breathe in the "freedom", then we exhale and the Biden phase begins and they squeeze.

We have to douse the head of the snake with something that repels it, like justice.

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good analogy.

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I liken it to the Broncobuster and the Horse Whisperer. Freedom is a wild stallion that's very hard to tame. Especially the American Freedom stallion. Break us as hard as they can, until we buck the Broncobuster off our backs. Send in the Horse Whisperer, "There, there, it'll be okay, I understand you, let's be friends. What, you don't want to be friends?" Broncobuster back in the saddle riding us hard. Horse Whisperer, "You don't want to go through that again, do you? If we can be friends that won't happen again." Rinse. Repeat.

Good Cop/Bad Cop. Many analogies. All expressing the same dynamic we're experiencing.

My suspicion is that this iteration of totalitarians who truly believe society needs a ruling class, there are too many of us, and castes are the most efficient societal structure are constrained by their self-image, not wanting to be seen in the same light as Hitler/Stalin/Mao figures. Their version of totalitarianism is kinder, gentler, they're "good stewards" of human chattel, not like their predecessors in history. They'd rather use mental weapons in MindWars to control us than brutish force that results in bloodshed. Convincing us to sterilize and kill ourselves is more cost-effective, too, none of the cost of imprisonment, gas chambers and body disposal, all shifted to surviving family members. The more they can convince people to integrate to their perfected caste system or have their "generations of imbeciles" (Buck v. Bell) bloodlines terminated the fewer the prisons and executions they'll have to commit...kinder and gentler stewardship like that. The Broncobusters and Horse Whisperers are the psychological weapons.

China's Communists drew from the martial arts to develop their system of population control. They call it the "Dual Discipline" method. Internal and External Discipline. Internal being the indoctrination, academic and cultural, familial, community values that the population is inculcated with from birth to grave. Focus on children, where life lessons and values are taught. External being police force, imprisonment, permission-based access to resources and necessities of life. All serving the state, totality, declaring independent thought and endeavor deemed selfish, dangerous, criminal.

In the US "cognitive infrastructure" has been declared a national security concern of the federal government. Our own ideas and thoughts requiring policing and submission to the state. Using Broncobusters and Horse Whisperers. This is the stated goal of the Uniparty criminal global cabal. Trump's "win" will be an illusion and lost final chance we have to derail this future planned for us. Unless we change the story. Not Trump. We. Us.

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Full disclosure: I am not, nor have I ever been, a Horse Whisperer... I do, however, talk to myself from time to time.

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I do, often. It's only times I have a back and forth conversation with myself that can be a bit worrisome for others in earshot.

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Celia Farber describes it similarly - "the anaconda."

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Its what Kit Knightly calls the undeclared world government


and David Hughes calls the transnational deep state

and Catherine Austin Fitts calls Mr. Global

and what Iain Davis calls the G3P, the global public private partnership

As Kit Knightly says, they're not going to declare themselves, they're not going to abolish nationhood, and there will never be an overt declaration of a change of system.

But the snake has a head, and the people will detach it with the guillotine.

After fair trials of course.

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I refer to it the spirit of Satan

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Its not a spirit or an idea, its a real live racketeering organization, made up of human beings, and the racket is going to be brought down through the actions of other human beings, i.e. us.

God willing.

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Exactly! Trumpie supporters don’t like when I say trumpie lulled his peps into a sleep for the c19 shenanigans to not be opposed, biden used to wake up and now with trumpie2 go back to sleep for the final blow. All a game how by now so many refuse to see, no words. Was told last night by a trumpie cultist that I will see trumpie will make it better. Ok copy that go back into the trumpie cult trance while walking off the cliff.

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💯. Classic pincer move strategy. Herding is right where they want us.

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Be funny if they got run over by a stampede.

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It seems like a well calculated psychological military op at the level of MK Ultra.

Those die hard Trump fans are already captured by the fake non Jewish Messiah.

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The countermeasures-for-complications-from-countermeasures cycle is identified in the EUA statute itself, 21 USC 360bbb-3(c)(2)(A)


"(c) Criteria for issuance of authorization...The HHS Secretary may issue an authorization under this section with respect to the emergency use of a product ...if...the Secretary concludes—

(1) that an agent referred to in a declaration under subsection (b) can cause a serious or life-threatening disease or condition;

(2) that, based on the totality of scientific evidence available to the Secretary, including data from adequate and well-controlled clinical trials, if available, it is reasonable to believe that—

(A) the product may be effective in diagnosing, treating, or preventing—

(i) such disease or condition; or

(ii) a serious or life-threatening disease or condition *caused by a product authorized under this section, approved or cleared under this chapter, or licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 262], for diagnosing, treating, or preventing such a disease or condition caused by such an agent*..."

Some of the times I wrote about it, I used the phrase "recursive loop" and "infinite recursive loop."

April 25, 2022 -


April 26, 2022 -


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Wow! It’s out there in plain sight! Counter measure for a counter measure.

I deeply regret any of the vaccines I gave my children. I was too afraid to trust my gut. Parents, please listen to your inner voice— it is there for a reason. Fortunately, by the time the COVID poisons came around, I was *a little* wiser and bolder. 🙏

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Thank you, Katherine, for all your thorough legal documentation of the extensive and varied government shenanigans that have masqueraded in the name of public health and pharmaceutical safety. You are a valuable information source, and I'm sure you have rewards awaiting you at your homecoming (which I hope is far in the future.)

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I always thought these peanut allergies were weird, never heard of them as a kid. And now we find out it is because they were used in the vaccines! It's also the difference between ingestion and injection. The latter totally bypasses our front-line defence systems!

If you have a link to an article linking peanut oil in vaccines to peanut allergies I would greatly appreciate that! I get so tired of having to 'prove' things to people who have their heads stuck in the sand! First person I told that to replied - prove it!

Another excellent article Sasha!

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One of the many odd things from the nascent "food advocates" is the inordinate time and focus spent on breakfast cereals. Now the likes of the Means Twins do talk about much else as do the others who have had their "come to Jesus" food moment but the sheer amount of time spent talking about cereal is wildly disproportionate to the damage this sugared-up crap causes.

Why is this?

Well beyond the theory that they just hate Froot Loops coloring agents, and for good reason, it might be that either they haven't looked into the overall topic of chronic disease very deeply or they are the anointed ones tasked with steering the big subject TOWARDS certain areas and AWAY from others.

We are in the midst of a mass poisoning event of unprecedented proportion. Those who address this issue in any meaningful way will start with the substances that are most toxic and have the most obvious direct impact on the overall degradation of health.

That MEANS, pun intended, taking an honest and in-depth look into the jaws of the 800 pound gorilla- vaccines.

If they're not featuring that taboo topic in their discussions, they still get to talk about the evils of Cap 'N' Crunch, then they are not worth listening to.

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Some of the integrative / functional health professionals aren’t much better . Just keep following the money 💰

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I no longer trust scientists; virologists, cancer researchers, climate scientists, astrophysicists, anthropologists, all appear to be paid to create a narrative intended to hide truth.

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'John Carroll seems to have a solid grasp of his audience - adult hysterical toddlers that would rather get a rare sudden cancer than face the truth.' Spot on, Sasha.

I just received news of two more friends who have developed cancers. Both were "vaccinated" and one lost his wife to turbo- cancer last year. No arrests of executive employed (Erm... deployed) within HHS, FDA, or CDC positions have been reported...

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At the end of the day getting a vax, of any kind, must be a personal choice. No to forced vaccination.

Please share widely. If you work or are a parent be aware that state legislation is being passed to "force vaccinate" your children and those that work. The main focus of this essay centers on talk of a coming Plandemc 2.0 and Trumps ongoing support for mRNA injections. The "forced vaccination" agenda is coming back. The right to refuse any vaccine, especially a mRNA injection, is a basic human right that we must fight to preserve. The second focus is the growth of the Anti-Globalist movement and the Globalists attempts to label us as Pro-Russia, Xenophobes and Racists which, of course is nonsense. The essays are for those that want an indepth analysis of current events. If you were to print it out it would be 61 pages. Don't do that.

Trump's Election Victory is major win for the Anti-Globalist Movement World Wide

But his recent statements about mRNA injections are concerning


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He's not anti globalist.... He's the fake opposition because why else appoint deep state and tech industry fools to his administration?

He's already got the right primed for biometrics to "fix" illegal immigration, ignoring the fact that since Reagan, employers of illegals like big ag get away with not even a slap on the wrist.

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That is exactly why I wrote the essay. Will Trump be a sucker for Plandemic 2.0 and then "force vaccinate" everyone. As the saying goes "trust but verify." What is most concerning is his continued support for the mRNA injection. He should know better if he's done any serious research. mRNA injections should be universally banned in my opinion.

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If trump did not support the mrna stuff he would not surround himself with the likes of Peter Thiel, Thiel puppets jd vance, vance’s business partner ramaseampy, elon musk, big pharma lobbyist Susie Wiles, Pam Bondi, Albert Bourla, etc. Don’t forget trump’s 2019 backing of mrna.

Trump’s executive order paving the way for years skipped trials and specifically includes the mRNA shots aka recombinant vaccines. Signed one day after Fauci participated in a Global Pandemic Monitoring Board event.

19 Sep 2019

Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in US to Promote Nat Security & Pub Health


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Yup. EO 13887:


By November, 2019 Fauci was pimping on CNN for it, portraying fictional character Guinea Pigs as heroic, caring, compassionate "Pioneers" volunteering to get injected with bioweapon elixirs:


A Trump "win" and naming of RFK Jr to head HHS has resulted in many in the Health Freedom movement relax, go back to life as normal in the belief that all's been fixed. But it hasn't. All his win did was give us a chance, a fighting chance to change the course ahead that's been plotted and schemed over decades for us to follow. Relaxing and going back to life as normal is the surest way to be herded into that dystopia.

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The lulled to sleep peps in this mess has been a bigger fear than a trumpie loss. I have to wonder how much is going on behind the curtain in this theater production. I would not be surprised if rfk jr named is all a con. A good trumpie game if rfk jr not senate approved them trumpie can escape saying “I tried”. I trust nothing from that conman. Djt already dumped rfk jr once and betrayed the parents of vaccine injured children. Trumpie’s loyalties are not to the plebs, his appointments and nominees are a good signal yet the trumpie cult is still out their following their pied Piper.

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I supported Trump in all three elections he won. Even the win they stole from the majority of Americans who voted for him in 2020. Supporting doesn't equal trusting. He set in motion most all that has happened to freedom since 2020. I can never forget or forgive that. His opponents took what he put in motion and have run with the full-on totalitarian surveillance police state agenda since. I can never forget or forgive that.

Why/how could I support Trump in 2020 and again in 2024? What he set in motion actually exposed the snakes in the grass, the deceivers, all of the tentacles of the criminal cabal, R, D, U, no "side" cleaner than the other. Had it just been him he'd be easy to dismiss. He succeeded in exposing the rot, how insidious and complete it has rotted every single institution in the world. Government, corporate, tech, academic, judicial, religious, entertainment, every single organization and industry is controlled by the corrupt and wicked, world-wide.

As much as Trump may be the Horse Whisperer trying to corral and break the wild stallion of American Freedom, us, I believe we have a better chance of provoking a stampede out of the pens and stables than had we suffered a Clinton/Obama/Biden/Harris administration. Or a Bush/Cheney/DeSantis/Haley administration. Broncobusters.

But we, the American Freedom stallions have to take this opportunity to provoke that stampede. This is it, end game. As Trump whispers to the domesticated broken-in horses in the stable we must do all we can to rekindle their spark of freedom that all are born with, all huddled yearning to be free. How? Be free. Live free. Be the change we wish to see. (H/T Barry).

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scott gottlieb warming up in the bullpen

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I would say at the end of the day cut the government funding, make the manufacturers liable for damages (as is the case for all other products on earth) and the problem disappears as do ALL toxic injections, aka vaccines, due to the Pharma cartel exiting the no longer profitable market as was happening leading into the 1986 Act.

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The congress passed 1986 Act Reagan signed would need to be revoked through legislation. Good luck with that since the congress happily accepts lots of pennies from pharma.

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Even easier, no more mandates allowed as there is no informed consent.

Even if the shots were perfectly safe, informed consent means that you can deny the treatment without repercussions.

Obviously, any and all mandates violate that!

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Messy-divorce advise I gave to a parishioner...

"Next time she says something like that, tell her 'I might be fat, but you're stupid, and I can go on a diet'".

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Churchill said something like that when a woman at a party said, Mr Churchill, you are drunk. He replied, I’m drunk and you are ugly. Tomorrow I will be sober

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Trump 1.0 was a big PharMaffia puppet and so far he has ALSO hired a lot of pro Big Pharma shills. The new Dutch health minister Fleur Hagema (who was against the C19 vaccines when an opposition MP) admitted that it’s NATO pulling the strings behind the “pandemic.” Get ready for more Warp Speed from the Orange JabFather.


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If NATO pulled the strings of the pandemic, why did Russia and China go along with it?

It's odd that the East fell for the Western con-vid sham.

Remember, Russia's shot was as bad as Astra Zeneca.

Russia also had regional mandates.

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Russia and China went along with it, because they also want to racketeer and traffic in bioweapons and sell their bioweapons to their sphere of influence (India, Africa, etc). So they played the same game with their own versions of this. It all makes sense. Russia just knocked off AZ tech. China brewed their own shit, but now has partnerships with Moderna to build more mRNA factories.

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I have already warned my Russian friend about this. She and her guru were disseminating the image that Mr Prez would protect them from pharmaceutical attacks from the West.

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Yes exactly: they all have the same mindset and the same countermeasures, whereby Russia and China are more exposed genetically. Is it therefore strange that China remained in a lockdown for much longer than the West and Russia?

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China used the event to tighten their control and pave the way to a totalitarian regime.

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I have to agree with you. I've been seeing the same things.

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We can go even deeper down in the rabbit hole: is the ultimate goal of these pandemics and mRNA vaccines + mass migration to genetically mix the entire world population?

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I would add, another means of depopulation.

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I think depopulation is a big part of it. They've actually said that. The rest, I just don't know about.

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I truly hope Kennedy burns these mofos and their three letter temples of corruption and genocide to the ground, along with the pharmaceutical industry so that John D Rockefeller screams out from the grave.

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The Rockefellers have more tentacles of influence than a mutant octopus.

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John’s article is reminiscent of an outraged toddler whose pacifier has been thrown away because they’re too old for it 😂

If they are so worried, they should get a head start on the expected safety studies and create departments of transparency. But no. They just want to continue grifting and scheming! Lining their pockets with taxpayer dollars. Absolutely not!

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Going back a bit in time.

This documentary is about the HIV epidemic, many similarities to c-19. Fauci is interviewed.

House of Numbers | DocumentaryTube


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Two other docos - HIV=AIDS Fact or Fraud? https://www.bitchute.com/video/hZVIcsjxIQe1/

The Other Side of AIDS https://www.bitchute.com/video/D0v0CA6bdaoG/

What I like about the latter is that it opens with the actual footage of the press conference on April 23, 1984 (ha!) where HHS Secretary Margaret Heckler (a lawyer) and NIH researcher Dr Robert Gallo announce that a virus called HIV was the " probable cause of AIDS ". Science by press conference instead of evidence.

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I watched to second link, will watch first link this weekend. Excellent info, thank you for sharing. Fauci first test was excellent for the 2020 test. No surprise Kary Mullis needed to take a dirt nap in Aug 2019, a month before trump signed the EO that paved the way for his “beautiful” shots.

Celia Farber posted this interesting bit of him. Based on her previous research she caught the quick Kirm name in the recent Owens interview. Not a norm who I listen to but bravo to her giving the USS Liberty a voice. Would never had guess there could be ties to AIDS. Farber’s substack


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What struck me with the Means twins on Tucker was their horror over the current cases of "pre- diabetes".

Always wary of labeling new diseases.

Not diabetes itself? No respect for good old diabetes.

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Yes, it's a known marketing technique to increase the available market. Oh, you don't have cancer? We will diagnose you with pre-cancer! and treat you with chemo and then you will have cancer!

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pre-crime is next

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Which is probably over diagnosed. They also emphasize their mother's "preventable" death from pancreatic cancer (I believe) which was most likely caused by injections. If they had mentioned THAT as the culprit I'd take them seriously!

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yes, they drive the message (which is sadly people fall for by repetition) that everything causes cancer and disease EXCEPT vaccines. It's evil AF.

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John Carroll warns of the “considerable anxiety in senior biotech ranks that an upheaval in the agency could trigger both an exodus of veteran staffers and a loss of credibility with the public”.

This is what I call DragonSpeak. [ as in apocalypse 12:9 “the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world” ]

People’s minds and speech become taken over by the Dragon, so that their every thought is only to twist, distort, deceive and set up, in other words, lie, steal, kill and destroy.

When you hear DragonSpeak, I pray that you are a person who recognizes it instantly and chooses to glorify God in your response action. He will protect you.

When I think of United States Department of Health and Human Services, formerly Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), I know because I learned the hard way how not one of our government’s ostensible efforts to serve and protect “humans’ ” health, education, and general welfare did so or does so or plans to do so.

The system can get foiled now and then and actually render true service to true humans, but from my experience that happens only when an individual employee of the system does a reckless random act of kindness and courage as controlled by the Holy Spirit to make the service happen.

2 Timothy 1:7

For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.


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