To add more to the child vaccine commentary, surprisingly, here’s some info from Meta AI when I asked it about a study I recall seeing years ago:

“There's a pilot study comparing the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children in the United States, specifically looking at allergies and other health outcomes. The study, conducted by Mawson et al. in 2017, found that vaccinated children were more likely to have allergies and other health issues compared to unvaccinated children ¹.

The study surveyed over 400 children aged 6-12 and found that vaccinated children were more likely to have:

•⁠ ⁠Allergies: 22.2% of vaccinated children had allergies, compared to 6.3% of unvaccinated children

•⁠ ⁠Eczema: 9.5% of vaccinated children had eczema, compared to 3.6% of unvaccinated children

•⁠ ⁠Learning disabilities: 5.6% of vaccinated children had learning disabilities, compared to 1.2% of unvaccinated children”

It’s funny that RFK Jr’s own CHD shows the danger of vaccines, but he wants to “make Americans trust vaccines again” (Thanks Peggy Hall for shedding light on this)

It definitely sounds good and we all agree with “making America healthier again,” but as I just called out in my newest article, it’s up to US not THEM to change the country for the better: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-the-democrats-are-destroying

Link to the study: https://www.oatext.com/Pilot-comparative-study-on-the-health-of-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-6-to-12-year-old-U-S-children.php

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I think you may find that by working towards ‘trusting vaccines again’, they will be abolished. I just don’t think that at this point in the race things can be called out quite that nonchalantly yet. And yes it will come from us saying NO rather from top down, but a top down clean up help may help I would think?

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wrong...its a game now...I know the game, I was deep inside. and its perverse

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12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Vaccines- Chemical poisoning- Water poisoning- Soil degradation- Air filled w/metals, Sedentary screen junkies- etc....

Ultimately these are all directly connected to policy issues. Until the Pharma stranglehold is shattered, agricultural policy is completely transformed, education systems overhauled etc. it will be business as usual.

Anyone who thinks this is simply a matter of too many fast food burgers and too many twinkies going down the throats of doped up Americans is naive.

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Our political systems are mirror image of our environmental systems, and environmental states are a perfect reflection of our intellectual conditions. >>> https://www.pinterest.com/pin/300mile-swim-through-the-great-pacific-garbage-patch-will-collect-data-on-plastic-pollution--519321400792368144/ Quote: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch covers an area twice the size of Texas or three times the size of France.

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That's a hoax. The "garbage patch" is the size a Cruise ship or the military regularly dumps in the Ocean. The do this so that John Kerry can push the "Save the Oceans" project, which ban's 2/3 of the Ocean from human use.

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The "hoax" has been photographed and widely reported for decades. The Pacific gyre is only one of several vastly polluted areas of the oceans. Let's deny ALL industrial pigsty's created by man, and blame politicians for our disease and sickness.

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Pirate consumer capitalism at its finest!

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12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Aaaaand (Nicole Shanahan's misdirecting video) it's gone. Or maybe "something went wrong" is just what X looks like to me. Some things are definitely going wrong.

Maybe it was getting community-noted to death. =/

Thank you for keeping their feet to the fire! No one does it better than you!

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Probably removed it because it showed the syringe for 1 second. Needed to scrub that "little less" promise out of the campaign...

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10 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Definitely hit a "sore spot"😉 Excellent piece- love the plain speaking translation of suggested policies- people need less BS in their lives, and not many can cut through the pretty packaged garbage. Btw, the long-term studies you were discussing, even after the unblinding, there are still trials ongoing. Pfizer finish their pregnancy one in 2026, and their very final c19 trial (assessing myocardial function post vax) finishes in 2027. As per the requirements for the EUA. Dr Ealey in Hawai'i covered it early on. Now, that's just a document, whether Pfizer ACTUALLY did the trials...🤷‍♀️🤐😤🙄

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I'll read this carefully later. From what I have observed so far this push is decidedly and forcefully on the offensive against the poison factories as part of the criminal blob. Kennedy is acting strategically and we should too IMO. He wants to get Trump elected. Then we can move the Overton window on vaccines. This is our only option at the moment.

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If he was truly strategic, we have nothing to worry.

But last time Trump denied him and Aaron Siri access to the vaccine data link because Bill Gates said it wasn't a good idea. 🤡

What says Trump won't do this again?

Remember how Trump couldn't get the troops home from Afghanistan for months and months, then Biden comes into office and somehow he was able to bring them home in a horrible rush job?

Trump is the biggest bullshitter when it comes to why he can't do this or that. Will that happen again? Hope not

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Sounds like you’re voting for Harris?

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No. I'm in a blue state and my vote doesn't matter here.

I'm just saying that I don't trust Trump based on his past actions.

Remember he wanted to clean the swamp but instead put neocons like Bolton and Pompeo in.

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I’m in a blue state too and you are right about Bolton, Pompeo, Pence, DeVos, Nikki Haley, Alex Azar…

This is the real Trump


Kamala is just as bad if not worse.

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It's amazing how Trump is pumping up the Iran connection to the assassination attempts.

Both cases were only possible with inside info or purposely ignoring the threat.

The latest one, somehow the crazy Ryan guy knew about him golfing there, even though it was not public.

Would Iran know this inside info? NO!

But Trump pushes the bullshit Iran connection? I don't think he's that stupid, so he sold out to some interests.

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Harris is worse, and I think Trump has had plenty of time to consider his failures in the past. I’d like to believe that bringing in Bobby, Tulsi and Elon is just the beginning of that evolution.

Trying to make Sasha’s vaccine concerns the centerpiece now, a month before the election will never see the light of day. We need to have some leverage over the agencies and media first. Otherwise her comments just create confusion.

Harris has no beliefs. She’s good at being a puppet.

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I'm also skeptical of the voting system in general. Electronic voting machines are closed source that only is accessible to the company. The company can easily change the code to count differently.

But oddly enough, the complaints from Trump was about mail in ballots and illegals voting instead of the elephant of the room with the machines black box...

I've not heard either party talk about this, instead focusing on other issues.

It makes you think it's more of a selection than an election.

In that case this whole hype competition is merely there to make us think that the choice is up to us, even though it's not.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

For my entire life, the politicians that have talked about things I supported have 'acted strategically' and as a result not one single problem has ever been fixed. If they promise they will do something, they usually don't. If they don't even promise they will do something but maybe, kinda, sorta hint at it, do you really think anything will get done?

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foolish thinking since trump will kill you for his boss, israhell

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Right on brother - Israel calls all the shots - and can’t wait for Trump in office - Jared will no doubt reappear as Israel ambassador.

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I have noticed comments like

'he will wipe out white Americans. He will send white Americans to Israel to be butchered.'

Whether or not that's gonna happen, it just shows there is a level of concern amongst Americans about Trump's relationship with Israel.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Yes, this is the major question I had as I read the above: "So, what are we going to do about Trump?"

I guess Kennedy/ Shanahan is our best, if not only hope, given that Kennedy is now on Trump's transition team and Kennedy has stated that Trump told Kennedy that Trump did not know who to appoint to various cabinet (and other) positions and followed the bad advice of his advisors who told him who to appoint.

So, the question is whether Trump will follow Kennedy's advice or will Trump make the same mistake of listening preferably to his billionaire acquaintances.

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Kennedy will not save us investing hope in one individual as is misguided - recent sexual allegations against himunderlines Kennedy’s vulnerability to scandal. This use of Kennedy by Trump is just an election ploy - politics as a game all day every day while the deep state writes Constitutional Laws that impose mandate vaccines which are really counter measure bio weapons read Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News whom Kennedy never cites- wake up

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Same with Tulsi who states that she is anti war whilst she has been serving in the military for 20 years. She always goes on about her brothers and sisters who kill poor people in countries that the parasite class sends them to so the parasites can steal their resources.

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If I remember correctly Katherine Watt stated she had approached RFK Jr but no res.

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Telling me to "wake up" is rude. KMA...

And, who are you going to vote for? Kamala? Or, since you don't want to put your hopes in "one individual", who are you going to invest your hope in? Let's hear your words of wisdom.

And, how do you know that I don't read Watt? Most people who read Sasha, also read Watt, dummy...

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Ppl forget that RFK Jr fiercely supports the climate change narrative.

Overall I feel he is in the swamp too.

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Looks like the Kamala trolls are watching for anything about Kennedy, so they can pump misinformation at potential Trump voters.

Kennedy does NOT fiercely support the climate change narrative. Read the following MSNBC piece from April 24, 2024.

Opinion | RFK Jr.'s surprising pivot on climate change should have Trump worried


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Oh and I don't do idol worshiping.

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Haha I am not a 'joyful' Harris fan.

Let's make it simple rather than pay too much attn to the details.

RFK Jr's aura is not so great either (if you can read energy.)

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I can read BS...and you're full of it. How about that? (-:

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Cheers. Will see what happens after the election. Then let's talk again shall we :-) Good luck!

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Dream on - trust no politician they are owned by billionaire corporate owning greedy people - oligarchs who are really running the show. and whose only motivation is their bottom line. Thus all the laws enable these blood suckers. It is a show believe nothing it is all smoke and mirrors preying on your gullibility. Wake up - an election changes nothing - the deep state - oligarchs run this show and own the senate and congress and the president - country run as a mafia

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In my experience, the two worst inventions ever made by man were the La-Z-Boy recliner and the television.

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Now I know why my parents didn’t allow us to watch the TV very much.

They would say, go outside and play or go read a book. The TV won’t teach you anything except how to be lazy.

How true is that?

Excellent point David

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Vaccine injuries, trauma, cuts, and scrapes, the body has an incredible way of mending itself. It needs clean water, whole food, sunlight, and blood flow, daily.

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It does, but how far and how early do you want to set it back, with the multitude of jabs (and other ill-advised medical interventions) given to a virtually all youngsters, rendering a significant percentage needing caregiving for extended periods of time if not for a lifetime?

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In the UK, good luck getting *real* sunshine. There's not much except from about early May to mid August, or 6-8 weeks either side of the summer solstice.

Bear in mind that the southern UK is at latitude 52 degrees north. Atlanta or Los Angeles are at 34 degN.

Vitamin D3 pills help, taken all year in my case. 'Proper' sun lamps, i.e. emitting adequate amounts of UV-A and UV-B, *not* just visible light, would be better still.

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And the Internet. We’d be better off without it.

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I take issue with both your suppositions. I for one appreciate a good recliner - and Lazy-Boy makes some nice ones!

As for TV - it is nothing but communication modern - and ought be no harm in it - so lets distill it down a bit:

the worst two inventions are "devices" folks stare into and devices folks recline within lazily - but that don't mean TV is problematic in and of itself nor does it cast aspersions upon a fine recliner - and we all need some time of rest easy.

So - don't spend all your time watching TV or staring into a device - and rather than sit around lazily reclining get out in the daytime and do something outside!




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12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Dear Jesus please open blind eyes and open deaf ears to see and hear what is actually happening. That children and old people are an acceptable sacrifice since blind adults realized the dangers to themselves.

We can’t but you can. Rescue the children! Our eyes are upon you, where our true real help comes from. Amen

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9 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Trump says he is about "making Israel great again". 😒

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Bait/ switch 😥

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Sasha, I totally share your intense frustration with policy misdirection. To me, the most frustrating aspect are the lemmings who are excited by the razzle dazzle and hopium. It is heartbreaking, and I am just one tiny voice screaming in the wilderness. I truly believe it is both a spiritual and maturity issue.

The lemmings want daddy to fix things, and so will not admit that daddy beats them. Those doing the misdirection are likely posessed and desperate for fame - they cannot profit off a system that has been burned to the ground.

For what it is worth, here is the WSJ article without paywall: https://archive.li/bFDeW

Thank you for re-posting that excellent figure with VAERS pre- and post-mandate. This should be shared in every thread every time someone says "but he didn't mandate it."

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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

100% agree with you regarding vaccines - any vaccine or anything masquerading as vaccines.

Will Trump/Kennedy be able to do anything? That remains to be seen.

Imho, there are still too many "vax" supporters and deniers of issues - politicians, regular people, medical community, etc - for Trump to come out and say anything negative until after the election. Sometimes one has to start small before going full out to win the game. This could be a strategy. If Trump doesn't get elected, now that Kennedy is supporting him, there's still opportunity after.

Is this entire situation frustrating and worse? Yes. For those of us who are vaccine injured (TDap for me) and know countless re cv shots - some who know and some still in denial - it adds a different level of complexity.Are we all tired of pumping out information to wake people up? I am but keep going anyway as I'm sure many of us do.

Nurse friend in NYC has colleagues connected to Trump who say his child is vax injured. If true, this gives me pause to think that something positive might happen.

I choose to remain as positive as possible that change will happen - however that may occur. Never giving up either restoring my body to the hell it experienced 10 years ago now on the anniversary time of my injury.

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Nurses were among the first to wake me up. If they are present and really watching in their jobs, they see what is happening. They are some of my best and most interesting friends.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Seasoned pharma reps that had been in the industry 20+ years were among the first to wake up, as well. They know how corrupt pharma is.

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My daughter is a surgical RN. She managed to keep her job (with much difficulty) while refusing the jab. There were a very few other nurses who did the same (some simply quit and moved on to other vocations). But the vast majority of the nurses she works with got jabbed.

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"Will Trump/Kennedy be able to do anything? That remains to be seen."

Not a chance. Big pharma is the biggest lobbyist group or the 2nd to big defense and there’s no way they will give up their power. It’s a nice dream, but it will never happen. Presidents don’t have that power. But I’d love to be proven wrong.

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Interesting comment there. You mean Barron? That could also lead to DT feeling guilty and the tendency to deny further. His family would need to intervene and Barron himself could be influential.

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11 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Trump is one of the best conmen out there. If he was concerned about the shots doing any damage to any of his kids he would not have betrayed parents of vaxcine injured children during his first term.

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Trump is a skilled Carnival Barker. A great traveling show. Witness all of the rallies he speaks at......for years. He loves the attention.

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Well stated Kevin.

Seems duper donny has gobbled up the recent “attempts” attention.

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He’s a politician - define politician - self serving, egotistical, righteous, disassembler, disingenuous always bending the “truth” to serve his personal and political needs, always seeking re election, following his enablers - the deep states orders- this is just the tip

Of the ice berg. Policies reflect who president works for - not the citizens but the deep state and its old garchic masters.

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I do not disagree with your comment. And, will add that sometimes, unfortunately, things are all about timing. I believe the world is now a lot more open to hearing about vaccine injury than ever before.

Recommend seeing Vaxed III: Authorized to Kill. Online premiere, free Oct 4 https://vaxxed3.childrenshealthdefense.org/?

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Thank you for sending the link. Will mark the Oct 4 date on the calendar and share link prior ro then.

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Yes, Barron. I can see your point also.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

I am more for Bobby than you are. I think if given a chance he will go after the vaccine schedule, but it’s not the junk food that is causing the crisis. Kids may have more junk food in their diets and there is no reason to put all that creepy dye in everything. Still, it is the vaccines. But here in California, it would be a relief to get at least one vaccine off our required kid schedule—hep B. And I predict that will go down with the food dye. Then, we need to get antigen testing and that lawsuit is coming up in November… pray. You, know of course, that after the mandated vaccines, which are about five, the rest fall into philosophical exemption. The real problem here is that you need 5 Dtaps (horrible vaccine, I agree), 3 hep Bs, 2 or 3 measles, and so on. If we could get antigen testing like everywhere else it might be 1 measles, 1 Dtap, (zero hep B), 1 polio. Of course, it would be great to get rid of all of them but the politics aren’t there. We’re stuck.

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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha - Do No Harm? What part of FOR PROFIT have we forgot? Mo Shots, Mo Clients, Mo Money, Mr. Mulder.

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No Military Industrial Complex, No Medical IC, No MAGA, No MAHA, No JOY, No Ukraine, No Israel, No WHO, No WEF, No UN, No NATO,…the list is endless when there are NO VACCINES but we will have a true healthy life, a life when can’t even dream of.

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The temptation to get super-rich and rule over is being opted for and that's what we are witnessing. Might be part of the plight of this planet/realm. It might even be thought to be necessary and justified as such. Theoretically it does not need to happen but what have we seen for thousands of years?

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We haven’t seen anything yet, we only thought that we had seen everything and that’s our greatest illusion

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11 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

I agree that this emphasis confuses me. The MAHA thing? It sounds like a laugh meme. But I still wonder if this is to get around some things that I would rather think more about. Trump has openly said digital i.d.'s for everyone blaming it on massive migration. It is not like RFK Jr. hasn't been absolutely clear about the vaccine injuries. No one else has come even close. A lot to digest but, yes, watering down the truth for the public digestion or misdirection?

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11 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Brilliant! One of the most insightful explanations of what is happening penned to-date. Of course, 4 more years of Dems in the White House will guarantee the death & destruction will continue, while some hope remains that MAHA is political messaging, or if not, that RFK Jr. and others will have freedom to address the issues in your post w/ Trump in office. RFK Jr., yourself, and others will be sensored or worse if the Dems get their way. Voting third-party or not voting for Trump will help elect Dems and expedite the destruction.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

What if it is all of the above?

I like your thinking and reasoning. Would they ever possibly point to the actual problem? That would be too helpful. And at this point it would be insanity to think they are helping.

It is like the executives who work for let’s say PepsiCo or some other huge brand that don’t allow their kids to consume the Pepsi, chips or other BS brands they own. I’ve heard those stories umpteen times. Or the tech exec who doesn’t let their kids use tech. Same difference.

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My belief for many decades is that it IS all of the above. Health is synergistic, not static. Health is complex and dynamic and there are tolerance levels to many toxins and poisons. Add one more poison or adjunct to the mix, and the wheels fly off the wagon. Just sayin'...

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