Thank You, Sasha. I think your writing is brilliant. I wish there were a way to get the whole world to hear you and heed your warnings.

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I can't give you a ❤️like, it doesn't work! But you wrote what I thought! Thank you:)

Warmest wishes from over the ocean, Petra Rosemarie

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I can like from my phone but not my laptop. Go figure...

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I can't like on phone and Ipad!

Sending my best wishes this community! I am so grateful to have found Sasha and all of you

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Someone else in the “no can like club”. Not sure what is up with that. But seems the club is adding a few more to it.

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Yep I'm new here and I agree with you from what Little I've read up some of her posts. Being debilitated I have tons more time to read and listen to Substack and I started with Malone, Mikovits, John Campbell UK, Dr. Mobin Syed, FLCCC that is now IDM?,Dr Kory, Dr Nass, CHD,Midwestern doctor+++ & Dr Yoho, WCH, Terry HErholdt S Africa, Dr Tina peers, DrMcCullough, Dr Cole, Jessica Rose(brilliant), Jessica Wolf?, Of course Kennedy and all of his books, and so many more, and now this wonderful lady. Thank you for all that you do, please continue to be safe so you can continue to help OUR WORLD.

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Great selection

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If vaccines are safe and effective, why give the vaccine manufacturers liablity protection? Why did the cockroaches in Congress and the Senate exempt themselves from the safe and effective bioweapon shot?

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Maybe we could slap together some floor sweepings, bat guano, moldy leaves, and land fill exude with some week old bird bath water. Then force-inject it into congressional cockroaches to see if it works as a "safe and effective" anti-cockroach vaccine...

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and top it off with some cancer cells and posions!

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ABV also stands for alcohol by volume 😂

So ABV drinking game with 40% ABV Vodka shots.

BTW, have they done any studies on IQ vaxxed vs unvaxxed?

Leaded gas was another big factor into the 80s, like DDT for "polio" times.

They didn't care that lead increased violence because violence makes people support authoritarian shit like the war on drugs (which many drugs were brought in by the CIA etc).

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"BTW, have they done any studies on IQ vaxxed vs unvaxxed?"


I woul love to see one.

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I think I have an answer

to that:

Vaxxed once, shame on Them.

Vaxxed twice, shame on you.


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LOL, what a great sense of humor you have. I might have to go to the store tomorrow. Please forgive me if y'all know this about the IQ question, and very valid points made with other environmental and medical events mentioned (did y'all mention that Tylenol crosses the blood brain barrier in children in which no data safety has been done, and I think they kind of skipped the liver thing too, please forgive me if I'm wrong ), but even some of us unwaxed or un axed (don't you just love this upgraded IT voice to text software that doesn't recognize anything that goes against the narrative, personally I think they're burying themselves but oh well ) are screwed with SHEDDING so that needs to be added to the mix and #DATA, or at least considered. I had exacerbation of symptoms that I had 40 years ago come back and other symptoms that I've never had in my life that are kind of life-threatening in all Long-Haul areas except tinnitus start when I spent extended time with people recently vaccinated and or Boosted with Moderna/visor/JJ. I won't bore you with the symptoms. However, I used to specialize in cognition and this bio weapon is fantastic in that area too. It hits the executive functioning and memory areas where you are so messed up that you don't know what to do, or how to get help Especially when DHHS sets up firewalls(is that the correct term) to get you any help and for some odd reason they've decreased their staff by over 50% which are supposed to help people with disabilities to get help. But they can't get to your application for over a year. Throwing a cognitive disability on top of that ..... it's kind of like the poor doctors that have licenses suspended and court dates keep getting moved and changed for over 2 to 4 years. Sorry, I know I'm preaching to the choir. I don't mean to make light of a situation and what a blessing to have hope that it may be resolved, or the journey may start hopefully once Kennedy is added to the mix. Firsthand I have seen everything that y'all talk about and I'll never forget the blank stare That my father had the day after he got his second Pfizer jab when he had had Covid big time alone at home following zero precautions, two months prior, and a young lady on the stairs of a big medical complex that had just came out from an appointment And was totally lost. Me being me intervened, and she shared she got the jab and the next day symptoms just like my father of profound poor balance, didn't know what to do fell and hit her head, use to be a college student work part-time job with no problem And now can't do any of that and didn't know what to do. Of course I suggested ivermectin because it surely can't hurt or make things worse as I've used it and helped people through bad Covid with it. I truly honor what people feel they need to do as they're doing it With the best interest of their loved ones in mind, but we need to continue to plan the seeds of many of the alternative safe, effective, affordable repurposed drugs, supplements and natural agents out there that many scientist and doctors have proven work but I've been sabotaged by our own FDA Big Pharma and many other agencies. y'all stay safe, happy, healthy, and Whole and continue to do things in your life that bring you joy especially you Frontline workers and advocates ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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I commend RFK jnr knowledge, abilities, deep care for others, the environment and the sheer guts it takes to do what he's done this past 20+ years. And to always be polite and considerate of others. That takes some doing. When he moved to Trump his decision was beautifully explained, sincere and set him apart from all others. What mattered most he asked himself? Children. So he can do what he does for that one reason, nothing else matters. They are his shield to outrageous fortune and he to them.

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the silence was wrong, all you said is true but the silence has damaged him...he is bigger than that...I hope the real RFK Jr. comes back!

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Sorry I don't understand 'the silence'? What is that please? 🙏

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I can't watch it. But I'll take a shot* anyway, to deal with the agony of these fake hearings. *In a shot glass, not in my arm.

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Yeah I know, thanks for reminding me of the fake hearings. I sat through a lot of Meryl Nassas hearings and it just spoke to the narrative and you just wanted to reach out and smack them, and I'm not a violent person.... nope never hit anyone. I think it might be healthier for me to do something more productive like pray for Kennedy safety, health and for him to shine like he's never shown before so our world can see who he is and listen to the synopsiseses from this site, and the other people that I trust and respect and follow. I just have to mention Dr. Jackie Stone who helped thousands of people along with Dr. Martin Gill of S Africa with early intervention that worked before the jab and she went through the same crap but Africa like China is a different beast to deal with and when I can stop crying every time I look at my Facebook picture I may change it. Dr. Meryl Nass had the same situation in Maine I think goodness for CHD picking her up is the outcome as much different and she is still able to use her gifts .

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🎯💥 I pray for all of it. 💕

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That RFK is seen as some sort of "radical" or is considered to be "too out there" isn't because he is either of those rather it is because the entire politburo and media system of the US is in the stranglehold of the corporate medical cartel which keeps the conversation going in the direction they want it to go.

That the conversation stays on the fringes of "making vaccines safe" is illustrative of how completely insane the entire discussion is. "Kinder, gentler" poisons for the kids. That's the extent of the "allowable dissent" and this is simply unacceptable.

The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is beyond the scope of my imagination.

Sometimes I think the conversations we have around the edges serve to confuse. All vaccines are highly toxic and should be banned.

Point blank they are poison- all of them. Children are being injected with poisons by the individual who is suppose to be watching out for their health. It's pretty wild when you think about it.

The barbarism of this industrial practice will cause people to shake their heads and wonder, "why did those people poison their children?

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If parents wanted "Kinder, gentler" death wishes for their children, they'd just shoot 'em up with heroin or some nice clean Brazilian flake... The kids would stick much closer to home, and wouldn't be so 'affected'...

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Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?

Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted


Microscope Proves , chicken flu, Fraud.


More fakery from the wizards

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government


Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever


They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.







Dr Jane Ruby explains the genocidal Globalist agenda a must watch


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@susrust it would be great if investigative journalists took the time to critically examine the claims being made, rather than simply accepting the official narrative. No H5N1 "virus" has ever been directly purified, isolated from fluids, & scientifically proven to be pathogenic.

Here are resources to help your investigation:

1. Lack of purification/isolation.


2. No H5N1.


3. Genomic tricks.


4. The necessary scientific evidence required.


5. The fallacies of virology.


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All of this. I appreciate your narrative, thinking out loud and coming to good points.

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My 21-yo regressed into (severe) autism after her MMR. She lost her social babbling and many other skills and abilities. We gained a farm where we grow all our own food since then. No amount of organic food, physical labour or shoveling sh*t will result in our daughter gain back what she lost because of that MMR jab. ABV: All Because of Vaccines. Proost!

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I am very sorry. I hope we can get through to the next generation of people to stop injuring the children with injected poison.

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So so sorry.😢

I witnessed the same change in my tenants beautiful happy little girl after her shots. She completely retreated into herself - no more smiles. Heart breaking.

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Thank you. It's a fine line we're treading because I fear the future they have in store for vax-injured people, is government assisted suicide. Food didn't cause the (lifelong) injury but food can often be used to mitigate the conditions caused by the jabs and make life liveable again.

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Look into chelation for pulling out the heavy metals the childhood vaccines may have introduced (mercury…), and plasmaphoresis is showing to help with autoimmune problems.

There are some places that offer it outside of the medical sphere.

I know Dr Mark Hyman hosted a Los Angeles former surgeon who offers plasmaphoresis to help Lyme disease , and other autoimmune disease.


I have heard podcasts from some mothers whose autistic children have responded well to chelation but that would be something you would have to research and conclude yourself .

I went through chelation myself recently due to an ER visit for an abscess, that a week later resulted in me being barely able to walk, burning pins and needles in all my nerves, muscle twitching, hands and head bobbing around, and could barely talk without stuttering (Brain injury) possibly from FLAGYL and whatever else I was given or done to me inside that facility . Those symptoms have lasted for almost a year now. I did not have any of those symptoms except pain from the abscess prior to entering the ER.

And then when they did a heavy metal test on me a few weeks later it showed my Mercury levels were through the roof. CHelation has helped bring my levels down. I’ve still got another 3 IV treatments to go and I’ll be within normal range again. It’s frightening what’s going on within the medical world currently.

My personal experience so far is that The chelation seems to be helping with my tremors and have helped my weakness in movement, and my cognition is returning.

I avoid traditional allopathic model like the plague and go natural as possible personally. And eat organic, WHOLE foods. I bake my own “goodies” and never buy off the shelf. I grind my own einkorn organic glyphosate free berries to make flour , and buy local fruit and veggies .

I currently am doing an experiment of an apple I purchased from a local grocery store called VONS in California, and it has now been on my counter for over 7 days and there is NOT ONE BLEMISH on it and ZERO deterioration in its skin and flesh! Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with this picture.

What have they done to this fruit to PREVENT natural breakdown?

It is ORGANIC…yet it is not breaking down with exposure to oxygen.

Think about what will occur inside your intestines if you eat that fruit…

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Thank you. We've been doing therapies (from detoxing using Andy Cutlers' low dose, slow protocol to HBOT and everything in between). We started farming to be able to give our kids the best, freshest food and future possible and we have avoided ALL allopathic healthcare for 15+ years now. (In fact, we're in Canada and not even registered in the healthcare system here :-) ) It all helped but (BUT) much of the brain damage is irreversible. But life is good. Our daughter has a good life. On a side note: Mark Hyman promoted the Covid jab in 2021. Be careful.

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I am sorry if this is redundant, and obviously you’ve done amazing things helping your daughter. My son was moderately affected and moderately improved over time. Just in case you still search sometimes, MAPS- Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs at medmaps.com there are many holisitic and integrative providers reversing and improving symptoms there.

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That’s exactly why I stopped paying attention to Dr Hyman! I am willing to bet he took NO Covid jab. That and the little health camp(s?) he had for the rich and famous. So many hypocrites.

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Yikes! Didn’t know that about mark and the jab. Thanks for the info.

So glad to hear you taking good wholesome steps to help your family be well and improve your daughters condition. It all helps for sure.

We love canada. Love hiking around bannf and whistler. (Just wary of the grizzlies😁)

Love Victoria for English feel and architecture.

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Yes, thanks for confirming Dr. Hyman promoted the scam jab. I saw a video of him promoting it but haven’t heard anything about it since. Now, he’s trying to ride the coat tails of the MFM. Tucker interviewed him and been seeing him everywhere.

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stop doing IV chelation! Find out about the Andy Cutler protocol.

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Thanks, I looked into it but it seems so complicated with all the timing and waking up at early hours of the morning for Alpha Lipoic acid protocol etc.

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That’s fine. It is a pain in the ass to follow it is true. But those IVs will wind up killing you. So at least stop those!

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I dont know what age you are, but using a hormone patch could help you recover from your symptoms.

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Hormones have been checked and are fine. 😊

Thanks for the suggestion though because Low or too high estrogen can have negative effects on the body and brain.

I suspect Guillain Barre/Miller Fisher/FLAGYL damage from the ER visit in California…caused my symptoms .

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This is a piece of brilliant writing. Thank you, Sasha.

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"At a minimum, “vaccination” as a condition of attending school, securing employment or participating in society must be permanently removed." — Bang on!

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I guess it's a bad week for giving up sniffing glue.

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Or mainlining hero-in (made from purest hopium)

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Ha! That's damn funny! Thanks!

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Should be interesting as ACT2, SCENE 1 of the Trump Resurrection where Bobby will confirm yea or nay to where he really stands on vaccines. Another piece of evidence pointing to 'it's all a charade' is the video from a week or so ago where Klaus Schwab and the WEF capitulate to the resurrection of Trump. Really? Since when does Schwab and the great reset capitulate so easily?? I smell another rat that points to Trump as the pied piper of the Trump Resurrection. I'll bypass the shot and go straight to the 26er!

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На здоровье!

I will have a few glasses dreaming, not even hoping , that maybe working from within could help RFK eroding this cartel!

But to really believe in it, I would need to finish the entire bottle 🤣 thank you Sasha for your brilliant article and beautiful painting!

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...., and the day after you wake up a non-believer with a terrible hangover.

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The WEF, WHO, NIAID, & NIH, have gotten very bold and impatient in their multi-decade eugenics mission. One of the most interesting ploys is using the old “hair of the dog that bit you” which in old times meant that if you drank huge amounts of alcohol and got sick with hangover, you should drink some alcoholic brew to treat the hangover. Nowadays, If you get horrible turbo cancers from having mRNA gene editing shots you should get some AI generated brew of mRNA shots to treat your malady. Their approach is Not safe, but it Is effective when you consider the real mission. I am not a big fan of these people.

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Sasha, you are the best. The fight is a lot more fun with you on our side.

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It would be good to know how many of these reps. decline vaccinations for their children and grandchildren. He should show up with a cooler of adult vaccines and a "healthcare professional" to administer them to those who push the "safe and effective" BS.

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I think Mr Kennedy would have to show up with a cadre of military (or fat police). You know. Policies the asshats in charge approved of four years back...

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Word of the day!


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