Sasha, you are an absolute "WARRIOR" for good... You are an amazing women... Stronger and more braver then any so called men, who are no longer men but Jelly, and that is giving Jelly a bad name... These people will never ever be able to look anybody in the eye for the rest of their Miserable lives.. Its just so hard to believe that all the people in this pipeline, not one had the BRAVERY, knowing they were deploying our DOD against the very Americans who honored them and always " Thanked them For their Service".. When they look in the mirror, they have found the ENEMY, no need to go to any foreign soil.. You all have sold your souls, for less then a penny.. Your reward and punishment will come one day soon, and you will know then, that is was not worth it.. I am a Vietnam Veteran, and I cannot believe my friends died for these lousy cowards to do this to all Americans and the world... No more fighting in any wars for these no good cowards and murderers... They can fight their own wars from now on, like they fought against the American people.. A trillion dollar defense budget from our taxes to kill us and the world.. No more tax money for any of them..

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BRAVO BILL!!!! Thank you for your profound words! You stated it perfectly!

This is like getting a slap in the face and punched in the stomach all at the same time.

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Thanks I wish I could do some slapping and punching and more than that to these cowards, who would wet their pants if you looked at them to hard, much less B**** slap them, because that is what the so called men here need, and I apologize for my language.. PISSED... Died for these ASS**** and they reward us all with this..

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Jan 12, 2023
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We are all gazing at both wicked men AND wicked woman. However, I think it has been natural for most of us to look to the men who should ultimately stand up and shout, “enough already!” God looks at the heart and motives, so I feel we all agree to applaud ANYONE who is willing to put “self” aside and address the WRONG.

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Exactly my point, w know if both doing this and have stated such in plenty of posts..

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I agree 100% and have stated such in plenty of previous posts.. My point was just to send accolades to Sasha as compared to men who are suppose to lead, but now they are just followers..

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Your are correct, and I’ll add these people that could have come forward long ago and didn’t are either cowards, or treasonous traitors. I’m a retired defense engineer I developed weapons and psyop tactics… and when 8 years ago I saw our tactics being used on our country directed at President Trump I knew right away what was going on. It meant an attack was coming .. the level of panic from the left was too disproportionate and the attack on him was indicative of a animal about to attack and was interrupted by a formidable foe. I retired when I received zero response when I questioned this with key people… I’m disgusted and sick. My parents fled italy from communism and then fought in WWII , I spent my life thinking I was protecting my country only to see I’m living a lie

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That's why I am still hesitant to condemn Trump. He promoted alternative treatments, refused mandates and was betrayed by virtually everyone in his circle of power. Why the insane efforts to discredit and hamper him if he was a knowing part of the plot? Makes no sense to me. No more than saying Putin is part of the globalist plot because if he is "one of them" then we have effectively already lost because there is no opposition!

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Trump did more than any single person to make the plandemic and the Ukraine war happen. Read more of Katherine Watt's articles or skepticalheretic.substack.com. Or, if you have the stomach for it, read deeply into the Ukraine biolabs. That this hasn't galvanized the world against the west Is a mystery to me.

This infighting between Republican and Democrat is only a distraction. Now Biden can take the blame for Ukraine when Trump made it happen. Anyone who wants to defend Trump can blame Obama. And so I goes. Either way, the one calling the shots gets his way.

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I couldnt agree more!

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Men becoming feminized was done by design to prevent them from putting a stop to what is going on now. You must cripple the men when you are going to takeover/takedown a society. And make homosexuality common. Dr Phillip Valentine (uksnow.org) spoke about this, as well as many other topics like the elitists plan to depopulate the world via mass inoculation nearly 30 years ago.

Between family courts holding their kids hostage, being made to pay support (with post-tax monies) with no say in how the money is used, and maybe, (if you are good) the non-custodial parent may visit your kids one weekend a month. And no worries, the state will pick up the slack (with the power of an unlimited money printing press behind them). And this is just one example.

So many men have been "on strike" for some time now, and shaming them into compliance has less effect than it used to, so the elitist are just outright taking them out.

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The real problem is the “men” who are suppose to be teaching boys how to be men!

A true man doesn’t put up with this shit!

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You are correct, the LGBTQ*********** agenda, as well as breaking up families, and a ton of other divisive agendas, are what they want.. Unfortunately we fall into their traps and fight to divide, instead of fight for UNITY.. They start us off with the BS agenda, and we follow and do the rest and they sit back and Laugh.

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That’s the problem…”we fall into their traps”…”we follow”…STOP! And that’s where the fight begins and ends!

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Exactly... I saw this video of them blocking the street so cars could not pass, and people got out and dragged them to the curb, it was awesome.. Then their handlers ran out, and did not know what to do because they had paid them to sit in traffic, so they were not prepared to be yanked to the side walk LOL.. It was awesome, people were not having it..

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That’s the way it was when I was growing up! People didn’t put up with nonsense.

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Me to...

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Yes listim just a citizen of America all of the bad history America may have done came from the corrupt in government each party ... even the military the soldiers are just good people I am a good person I disapprove of our government most of my life and soldiers they take orders so it is the government and the top brass in the military that your hate should go to.... the people just want good for all for the most part

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LOL.. No hate here LOL.. You are a little naïve, but I understand why..

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May I add the military are not the bastards. Just like the citizens are not. The government and those generals that were involved are guilty. A shame a few can make millions look guilty

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You think it's only a handful at the top that are the problem? In western countries 97% of everyone went along with this without questioning it. They are all responsible. The military, the government on all levels, educators, unions, corporations, police, media and medical science. They all ought to hang.

It was only in places like South Africa and India where there was any pushback and even there it was by ignoring the west, not fighting it.

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How will the rest of the world view us when they find out it is a DoD operation?

The US already bombed the shit out of the Middle East for at least the last 20+ years.

The US has overthrown democratically elected governments around the world for at least the last 75+ years.

We are no longer the good guys.

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We never were. What a wake up call for America.

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You are not kidding. I've been a skeptic and critical of the government in various way for my entire adult life (I'm 73), but I always thought most in government were basically good with good intentions, while I also realized there were a too-large number of truly evil and self serving people as well. The last couple of years has been a painful awakening to the reality of what this country actually does and is. I studied, lived and worked overseas in various places for about 15 years, including 2 years in Iran as I watched the U.S. clearly participate in overthrowing the Shah and allowing the Iranian revolution of 1979 to occur, followed by 8 years in Saudi Arabia. But what I realized through these past experiences was nothing compared to the crushing realizations I've got now. It's shocking. It's heartbreaking. It's depressing. This country is not at all what I always thought it was.

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We all lose our Ideals of what we thought American was. All illusions shattered.

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Americans are not defined by the corrpt dirtbags running the government.

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I hope people that may get angry over the developments realize the citizens of all country’s should not fight each other .. but hey if they want to come and wipe out the politicians I’ll applaud

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It seems they would prefer we have a civil war and be at each others throats. furthering depopulation and maintaining their niche power stranglehold.

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Ah, but they are! THEY represent us, don’t they? How did any of them get this far?

The time for being naive is definitely over, with due respect.

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Not my definition of American. Traitorsc

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When you add in - JFK assassination, man most likely did not walk on the moon, 911 was an inside job and the sinking of the Titanic was a insurance job Morgan ( of banking fame) and a way to get rid of his reserve bank foes - yep you are right!!

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3 bankers on the Titanic that were going to

Jekyl island to somehow prevent the creation of the federal reserve 1913

Don’t have time to go into details

No moon landing

911 inside job

JFK cia or global cabal

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Yep, once you see a lie you wonder how many more - as an Australian it’s not as disappointing as being an American but it’s a realisation how our lives have been shaped by propaganda.

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The Wizard of Oz and stranger things (the upside down) are two that keep coming back to me.Nothing is what we think it is and everything is inverted.

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I feel you- but every country went along with the deception.

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Idk Dr Mercola had a substack

I get his email updates. Precise info!

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260 Million American! That 7/10 people we meet. Every country or every government

That was bribed blackmailed or bullied.

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No -- once upon a time, we WERE the good guys. We slowly degenerated into this by being cowards and failing to question authority.

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And I would argue becoming a Godless country has been a real part of our own demise and decline

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Jan 12, 2023
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I don’t think you had bad intentions, but accuracy is important here. We were never perfect, but I’ve had a very “lived-in” life (tons of interaction with folks from many states), and 30 years ago, we were nowhere near this level of evil!

The primary degradation was led by Obama, who enchanted a horde of no- life losers into buying into the whole Woketard schematic.

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Jan 12, 2023
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Thank you.

We have a responsibility to know as much as we can.

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Actually, as a Canadian from European descent who lived in many countries around the world, I believe people are more willing to accept this as a DoD exercise than any other narratives. The USA hasn't been portrayed as a good guy for a long time in much of the world, with some exceptions. More like a war-crazy nation. This fits right into most people's view of the USA.

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I know many Americans are really pissed off and it gets worse every day. And we have no say. TPTB try to make it seem like we have a choice by voting, etc. What a bread a circus show. There are no words!!!!🤬And the average American is just trying to survive!

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Yes, we export war, sexual anarchy, moral relativism, and materialism. We use our freedom to be idiots. I am grieving for my former nation.

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Yes Sir! When I read my Bible in the early morning (Psalms), I see that people of ancient times had the same afflictions. It’s funny how human behavior (ego) rarely changes.

We see what happened there!

I am in the stage of acceptance. And, now what? I pray for God’s guidance and God’s will.

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But make no mistake this is a global conspiracy to deceive and overthrow all capitalist governments collapse the dollar in order to subjugate a new government system communism a transfer of wealth and a new world orde (tyranny) and killing millions of old and young destabilizing and dividing (to cause fighting in the population and then instill fear so that the population of the world will comply and assimilate… this is the largest possible scenario and act of war conceived. We can win… but we need to fight and wake up the conservatives are still in denial. President Trump should be with the military’s help by put in the presidency and arrest the entire left party and execute a military state

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I personally think that Trump knew exactly what was transpiring, simply by some of the EO he’s signed. I WAS a big Trump supporter. As I’ve stated before, I think he’s a sociopath.

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...and THAT is the key to our entire mess. Whether or not Mr. "T" fits into this category, the world will never know peace and prosperity while sociopaths are allowed to occupy positions of power. It really is that simple. Every citizen, as a part of growing up, MUST learn to recognize, call out, and defeat sociopathic behavior. This is not rocket science; it can be learned. We know from social scientists (Robert Hare, etc.) that 2-3% of the population demonstrates sociopathic traits. Those traits, unfortunately, allow such people to avoid the moral checks and balances that restrain most others from predation on other human beings. The sociopath will easily climb the ladders of business and political success, by stepping on the hands and faces of others. Such behavior is not invisible though. (Refer to Killary's cackling laugh after murdering Muammar Gaddafi.) There are millions of capable, honest, and humble people in the world, who would make good leaders. All we need to do is kick out the narcissists and let compassionate, wise leaders do their jobs.

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Hey lol we are all on the same side but I hope you’re wrong LOL it is key to surviving this

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I don’t involve myself with right or left anymore, or red and blue.

I look at everything as GOOD VS EVIL.

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Right. The DOD apparently managed the production and distribution of this poison all over the world.

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Kathleen, it’s like an act of war...it is war!

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It's a globalized Stanford Prison Experiment initiated by the King of Reality TV Shows.

A sting operation to expose all the bogus medical enterprises and their syphilitic presstitute corps.

A nightmarish Truman Show to wake the sheeples up.


Next episode: "Meet The Martian Time Travelers!!"

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From the attempted conversations I have had I would suggest the sheeples on the whole are far from awake and intend to stay that way👍

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Steve, did you mean to say "...the sheeples on the whole are 𝒇𝒂𝒓 from awake..."?

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My brain was ahead of my fingers and a word got missed👍

Hopefully the neural pathways will find more direct routes of communication🥂

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I do the same...brain moving faster than my fingers can type.

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If I get the same problems with my feet it will get messy😆

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US were never the good guys it started when you took the land from the natives, a nation founded on genocide can never be good and will go and commit genocide on the world. This corporate takeover of native lands is the same business model used on all the peoples living in the USA and the world, as you are aware by your history of destruction on the planet, the US corporation/government destroys everything, now all life itself.

It’s really a select small group of elites (not just in the USA) that own governments and they implement their agendas. The age of corporate business is here, run for the elites, they own everything now, including your life. Unless every creed, colour, class unites together we have no chance. But of course, this is just a conspiracy theory.

Unfortunately we need billions of people to change this but we have only millions, and most people I talk say ‘well we took the jab to go on holiday, the theatre,’ how easily they gave their precious freedom away, at no point did they question when their neighbours were losing their livelihoods that this was wrong, that we should have medical freedom to choose what goes into our bodies that we can’t be held to ransom by ‘take the jab, or lose your job’- a jab that is experimental, where full liability lies with the person who took it. Where if you even speak about this, you are called a anti vaxxer, a conspiracy theorist, spreading misinformation/disinformation, or suspended from Parliament and called anti-Semitic/racist.

Too many people refuse to believe and are losing not only their lives in some cases but any prospect of a free life for our children, we must all rally, as Sasha says God help you if you don’t see the truth. For the truth is all there is.

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'the jabs' are one aspect of a wider eugenics program, which is why the fake plague entailed all kinds of nasopharyngeal swab gimmicks the real object of which is to harvest and sequence full genome DNA samples from each individual while matching the DNA findings with 24/7 data-mining of the individual's digital footprints together with the individual's actual footprints as obtained through facial recognition so as to create from each individual vast data bases of behavioral and genetic data to be fed into the Big Brother AI and crunched with the vast data from that individual's family and friends and co-workers for the benefit of improving humanity using the social and genetic engineering techniques endorsed by The New York Times Satanic & progressively criminally insane pedovores... just kidding, for the most part they're not cannibals in the literal sense.

Big eugenics program bigger than a moon shot. All the companies that do the sequencing of humanity's stolen genes are getting paid big bucks by the criminal syndicates masquerading as governments that's how all the governments even China were persuaded to act together in concert to orchestrate the fake plague cuz every ruling oligarchy is promised a 'cut of the action' which is access to the private genetic property even of the yet to be born and yet to be conceived. It's not nazis if you don't call it nazis.

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And what country do you live Ms. Innocent One?

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Well Kathleen Janoski, I thank everyday I am not an American, as for my country they were and are colonist, involved in slavery and the original East India company. What did your family line do Janoski?History is a powerful teacher, oh righteous one.

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You still didn't answer what country you live in.

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You might even say we are the original terrorist. That actually created more terrorism.

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Concur, and now our current communist invaders are supporting their comrades that are overthrowing Canada England Australia and now Brazil! That a mind fuck

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And Ukraine and all the while laundering money enriching themselves in the process

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Sometimes I worry too much. But probably everything will work out OK.

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Most of our worst fears never come to pass. Focus on what can be managed by you

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Plus our pipeline. Blown up, too. :(

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US Navy Explosive Ordnance types were in the vicinity just a few weeks before.


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The rest of the world will either seek another Nuremberg Trial, as they sequester away key figures to enable their own development. They will do this by signing with UN/WHO IHR-Amendments & intense proliferation of chemical/microbial weaponry will be assured via 1Health. If they do not the rest of the world's nations (all bankrupt) will be denied BIS funds, which is likely why this began in the States, because US government has always been bankrupt & the price for borrowing has increasingly become greater in lands & (including human) resources, under UN (diversified) subsidiaries.

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right! Just because the Nazi German government needed a lot of poison gas does not absolve Bayer of its responsibility for manufacturing that gas that killed millions. At least to me and to you it doesn't. But Bayer is still out there, still raking in the bucks doing what pharma companies do, right? So obviously Bayer survived. I believe the CEO was charged and convicted, but served only a few years in prison, then released for "good behavior". Murder millions of people, but let out of prison for "good behavior" :-\

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Bayer, Siemens, Volkswagen, BMW, etc., all involved in the Holocaust.

Here is a list of all companies and what concentration camps they operated in.


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pretty sick that the companies survive. just like Pharma today, how many billions had they been fined for harming people with their drugs prior to covid. Founders of US had the right idea regarding corporations: when US was founded one corporation could NOT own another corporation, there were NO limited liability corporations (a.k.a. no corporate shield, people in corporation break the law, THEY pay the price), and corporations had to renew their charters every 5 years. We need to roll back corporate law to where it was when US was founded.

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IBM too

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IBM developed the punch cards used in Auschwitz to track prisoners.

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Have never seen or heard of this. So what would ford or ibm be doing to contribute to the camps..?

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Ford made the engines for Nazi Germany.

IBM developed the punch cards to document and keep track of prisoners in the concentration camps.


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Nazis are truly back in KOSOVO! Like for real. Supported by USA.

#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 During World War II, Xhafer Deva, an Albanian and a Nazi, served as a reliable pillar first for Italian fascists, and later for German Nazis in the Albanian part of Yugoslavia. A notorious war criminal, a proponent of punitive expeditions and a ruthless executioner, he sent Jews, Slavic and Roma people to German concentration camps and organised the SS Skanderbeg Division. He was also an accomplice to Heinrich Himmler’s special representative, SS-Gruppenführer Josef Fitzthum.

This man built a bloody career during the occupation. Moreover, he was a radical Islamist who declared not just genocide, but an outright jihad against non-Muslims in occupied Yugoslavia. He was the local embodiment of evil in its absolute form.

It's little wonder that in 1945 he entered into contact with US intelligence and was later recruited by the CIA. His ties to the Nazis and later to CIA operatives enabled him to avoid punishment and happily settle in California, where he lived in peace into old age and died in the 1970s.

The current authorities in Kosovo, a separatist territory, decided to perpetuate Xhafer Deva’s memory against the backdrop of an escalation between Pristina and Belgrade. Pristina is ready to spend 300,000 euros to restore a small three-storey building where this Nazi collaborator and war criminal lived during occupation. This is happening despite the protests voiced by Jewish associations and even the German ambassador. However, Pristina could not care less, and its patrons – the United States, Great Britain and the EU – have been silent. It is not that they are embarrassed; they are actually very glad.

After all, all those Kurti, Zelensky and others who like chanting Glory to Ukraine only pretend that they object to being labelled neo-Nazis. I think that they will soon say: Yes, we are Nazis, but what can you do about it if the EU sponsors us while the United States supplies us with weapons?

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That makes me sick Bibi and thank you for the information. But, the more I read and go down the rabbit hole, the more the pieces come together!

I read Annie Jacobsen’s book, “Operation Paperclip-The secret intelligence program that brought Nazi scientists to America”…excellent book! But, I definitely don’t look at America in the same light when I was a kid. Not after what I’ve learned! What country am I living in?

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I understand what you mean. I finished my highschool in Piedmont San Francisco Bay Area. I too dont look at America in the same light as I did when I was a kid.

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Wow! I’m a 3rd generation San Franciscan. I was born and raised in SF (it’s not the same city at all and I no longer live in the city).

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I agree! Funny how cities change in ways we've never would have anticipated...I lived in Piedmont. Went to Piedmont High. Spend weekends mostly in SF.

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I went to an all girls Catholic school-Mercy High School, which just closed recently. Plaid skirt for four years-lol! Change is an understatement!

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Wow being ruthless pays well and amazing just how the underbelly perpetuates this death cult.

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This is similar except on an exponential scale. We need to first convince the left supporting citizens that they’ve been played, so we can stop the internal fighting we need all the citizens together to beat this. Then focus our attention on removing all government officials . The only way we can is a military movie ve with President Trump who is actually president but the people have been acting like idiot. Any supporters stil of the left today are like the poor Jewish people Hitler told to line up for a bath… as he gassed them we need to act but smart and in steps

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Nazis killed no one with Zyklon B let alone millions. Communist propaganda. It was a delousing agent. I suppose you will shave hair and give a new set of clothes to those you will be gassing? The ghetto Jews were nasty with even a prominent American general saying after the war when he had to oversee their well-being that they would crap in the corner rather than use a provided latrine.

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No. it’s not communist propaganda. At least not according to IG Farben (who owned the patent on Zyklon B) board member Baron Georg von Schnitzler. He admitted they used Zyklon B to murder people: “Yes, it is known to all the IG directors in Auschwitz,” von Schnitzler said. “Operation Paperclip”, Annie Jacobsen, p. 154 (and he says more)

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A “delousing agent”…what a euphemism! Lol!

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I, too, have never understood how Zyklon B could be used to kill. It is not toxic except to lice, yes?

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Hey guys! Focus your watching the same thing as Hitler gassing 6M people! But these communists did it with a virus ! Killed the same number to date. Focus…. the war is on all countries … and one collective communist regime under the guise of every county’s democratic party are the ENEMY

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so the Bayer CEO was falsely convicted? I believe he also worked with the Nazi's regarding the "camps" in other ways.

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Bayer is a subsidiary of IG Farben, who had a major role in chemicals used to murder people.

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Jan 12, 2023
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Totally. Bourla said it too, israel being the choosen experimental lab for the vax. Now N. wants more


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I assure you the Israelis did not get any hot lots. Some of their scientists are using cya so it won't become obvious. As small as the State of Israel is if there were problems they would be screaming a vaccine 'holocaust' and Pfizer would be paying them billions.

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Dear Sasha, Malicious intent is Screaming from the mountain tops, these planned countermeasure Bioweapons are killing people in broad daylight as the Majority are sleep walking. Thank you wonderful woman for cutting to the chase by saying the truth without compromise.

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Integrity and honor is lost today… at least we whom still lives by morals beliefs and our integrity is in tact can come together thousands of miles between us and still be powerful and fight this. We should see the divisions to best see the big picture and then we can make good decisions… I see the civilian division here in America as the people that know what’s going on (people like you) the people that inside see but are in denial (afraid to fight) the people (and the biggest challenge )that are completely backwards in understanding what’s happening they are whole heartedly brainwashed into thing everything is reverse. And we are the enemy… and the enemy keeps them loyal by feeding them all with lies 24/7, and reversing every truth, and telling them we the citizens that SEE the true enemy as the demons they are actually supporting.

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I'm horrified by Karen Kingston's behavior and her accusations. She was at it again today on TRUTHSocial. I stood up for you in my newsletter today:


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WOW! I just pulled out my “Behold a Pale Horse” book...Chapter 9...💥!

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Good Book.

R.I.P. Bill.

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Thank you for this, Alexandra. A while back I'd seen Kingston in a conversation with Stew Peters where she got very agitated over the suggestion that Pfizer had some very "bad" people working in it working on stuff they had no business working on. (I'm paraphrasing.) Kingston went into a bit of a tirade (might be too strong a word) about how she knows a lot of these people and "they're good people!" Honestly, I thought, "What??" Now for her to call Sasha and Katherine "shills"? WITA?

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I've never seen KK be like this! Talk about a psyop!

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Thank you, Alexandra. It's really unfortunate -- and the last thing we need.

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One claim doesn't necessarily obviate the other. They could have done crap trials (I remember some contractor whistleblowers who were doing this work indirectly) and also be subject to DoD contract language. Money for trials will be flowing from somewhere... perhaps from the many billions they obtained from each and every government in the world? A pittance in comparison.

By the same token, both the Pfizer trials and the Dod info. could be psyops. It doesn't have to be one *or* the other. The SPARS exercise provided for the public finding out the injections were no good.. so anyone could be scripting anything right now.

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The gist of the DoD contracts have been proven with FOIA and court case discovery. The mystery covid injections are authorized under EUA as a covered countermeasure in a pandemic declared by the SecHealthHS.

And none of the "trials" that they present are required to meet any kind of scientific method standard or be accurate with any minimum margin of error. The SecHealth mainly just has to believe that "the product MAY be effective in diagnosing, treating, or preventing....."blah blah blah [emphasis added]

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What did she say? I’m a little upset with Twitter and truth . They are giving me a hard time over my posts because they are true and can cause trouble for the communists. Twitter even locked me out for 11 hours making suicidal comments when all the comment was to a communist politician “go play in traffic” lol nothing about suicide… weird

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