When you add in - JFK assassination, man most likely did not walk on the moon, 911 was an inside job and the sinking of the Titanic was a insurance job Morgan ( of banking fame) and a way to get rid of his reserve bank foes - yep you are right!!
When you add in - JFK assassination, man most likely did not walk on the moon, 911 was an inside job and the sinking of the Titanic was a insurance job Morgan ( of banking fame) and a way to get rid of his reserve bank foes - yep you are right!!
Yep, once you see a lie you wonder how many more - as an Australian it’s not as disappointing as being an American but it’s a realisation how our lives have been shaped by propaganda.
When you add in - JFK assassination, man most likely did not walk on the moon, 911 was an inside job and the sinking of the Titanic was a insurance job Morgan ( of banking fame) and a way to get rid of his reserve bank foes - yep you are right!!
3 bankers on the Titanic that were going to
Jekyl island to somehow prevent the creation of the federal reserve 1913
Don’t have time to go into details
No moon landing
911 inside job
JFK cia or global cabal
Yep, once you see a lie you wonder how many more - as an Australian it’s not as disappointing as being an American but it’s a realisation how our lives have been shaped by propaganda.