Great forbearance is needed when so many in power have lost the ability to really represent the American people. Feels like being lost in an altered universe where truth is always and forever negotiable - where deaths and maimings are not just disputed but ignored and then the new VP Vance says we need more babies- can’t happen if you destroy fertility or new borns die of turbo cancer as a result of mRNA technology.Meanwhile these folks in power are continuing to invest in mRNA technology - mind boggling.
Our leaders are deluded psychopaths who clearly don’t have our best interest as their goal but amassing power, control and wealth- good old America - every man for himself.
The whole lot of them are leading us right into the beast system. That whole StarGate crew’s exposé was nauseating. 500 billion dollars for the humanity to be further surveilled and enslaved and to submit themselves to an unending round of mRNA mutagenic transformations and electromagnetic frequency assault. Then China launching their AI DeepSeek at a fraction of the cost. A lot of speculation that the murder of the OpenAI whistleblower Suchir Balaji last month in SF was a theft of his work and that was sold to the Chinese. Yes, it does feel like we are living in an altered timeline. Ignoring these psychopaths and just conducting our affairs doesn’t seem to be an option.
Hello Karla. Our current 'representatives' are not deluded, and know which side of the toast the butter is applied to...
Alas, leaders have never represented the best interest's of the civilian public. They pomp around in suits and ties (or dresses) and impress one another in the throes of totalitarian agenda. The scent of the *perfume* and artificial rank hasn't changed in 8000 years. It stinks... Best regards.
I agree that RFK may be "sincere and knowledgeable", but I think if he
meant business, he wouldn't have quickly made sure to announce he wasn't in the anti-vaccine group and that he generally approved of vaccines. A man of solid convictions is never "forced to equivocate"his position. That's a bad sign to me. We need men and women to stand firmly in their convictions no matter the consequences. What else will RFK equivocate on? One more point, I read today that RFK is heavily invested in CRISPR technology. Perhaps that's hearsay.
The investment is NOT a "heavy" investment by any stretch of the imagination. A few thousand bucks in some CRISPR startup. LOL. There are gazillion of these around. And CRISPR is a fake technology anyway. it does nothing but poisoning, same as mRNA.
Sorry. A "man of solid convictions" has become an anachronism. Many persons have 'convictions' but end up living in vans down by the river... Jus' sayin'...
Please post a reliable reference to Mr Kennedy's investment in CRISPER technology.
Hi, Paul. Are you insinuating that one lives his life without convictions? I believe you're convicted that a man shouldn't have convictions. I have no "reliable reference" for RFK being involved in CRISPR technology. Define "reliable reference."Thanks for your reply.
Hello Eric. I wasn't suggesting persons should abandon their sense of conviction, nor should they become wishy-washy or deceitful. I believe voicing convictions have a place and time. I've lost more than a few jobs voicing my 'convictions' at appropriately *inopportune* times...
I see "reliable" reference as Mr Kennedy's brokerage listings and number of shares therein. Of course this is an impossibility...
Sorry if you misunderstood my assessment of current social standards...
No problem. I was jesting with you a bit. RFK may be playing it cool until he is confirmed. I'm a bit black-pilled these days and am skeptical of all politicians making good on anything they say. I appreciate your comment, and we'll hope for the best. Have a good evening!
Sasha I have been following you for the past few years and finally obtained a paid membership. I was watching Tulsi Gabbard negotiate the Congressional hearing and a reference to the "Havana syndrome" came up. I then wondered if this Havana Syndrome may be as a consequence of the required vaccinations forced on our military members. Have you looked into the possible vaccination etiology of this? I believe the "Gulf War Syndrome" was clearly a result of the anthrax vaccine and thus wonder what the vaccine schedule was prior to the time these cases of Havana Syndrome appeared
I apologize in advance if you have already addressed this and I missed it
Correct. I was once in contact with Beatrice Golomb prior to establishment of her San Diego Golomb Research Group. I believe this was early 2014. >>>
The conversation was long and her insights into Gulf War syndrome were revealing. Ms Golomb's research and support staff are second to none. You may enjoy a conversation with her...
I have read those theories and in this tech age I guess it sure is a possibility. I respect you opinion but have to ask Why are you sure it isn't a vaccine induced ailment? The Gulf syndrome stands as proof vaccine side effects come with a wide variety of presentations. I remember my days in the military and going thru the vaccination line where they utilized pneumatic vaccinators to deliver a wide variety of vaccines. I suspect that the vaccine requirements vary as to where the individual unit is set to be deployed. Has anybody looked to see if any relationship exists?
I am sure because 6 shots of absolute shit that those "anthrax" vaccines were will absolutely cause the symptoms described as Gulf Syndrome. Nothing else comes close to eliciting that type of very characteristic autoimmune attack. I am willing to bet $1M I am right. I am sorry they used you as a guinea pig, and I am sorry they injected you with poison. Vaccines have never been regulated. Since 1902, they are explicitly carved out from the US law regulations of pharmaceutical or medical products because it is impossible to make biological mixtures to any "recipe". They are just shit. Poison. Nothing else. Not 100% of the people get affected, but it is a death/disability lottery. The more you play, the higher chance of death/disability.
I watched it last night over on Sarah’s channel and thought the exchange was excellent. It does explain a whole lot. I am still confused if our Constitutional Rights have been suspended/ made null and void are we in a COG under military rule or have we been in a coup for this number of years? Processing all this is rather overwhelming.
we are under military rule. The government is denying it but at the same time behaving as in a military rule. The courts refuse to discuss cases that challenge any "pandemic" related crimes as constitutional violations. And of course the J6 political prisoners were handled by a military dictatorship repression methods.
Hello Devi. American civilians have been living under military occupation since the declaration of Civil War by Abraham Lincoln. The 14th Amendment enslaved the entire populace under pretense of liberty. Our history was rewritten by those who won...
Any links or positive information would be lost on most readers. Sorry.
Hi Paul, I responded to your comment last night but it vanished when I sent it. Basically, it is my understanding that in 1871 we lost our Constitutional Republic due to bankruptcy and became a corporation and a vassal state of England.
Hello Devi. There are a number of interpretations regarding the theft of our Republican form of governance. Here's a brief definition of the original status and intent. District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801 >>>
The Q narrative fails to recognize the roles of "Incorporated" law, Laws Merchant, Uniform Commercial Code, and Mercantile agency. All these are utilized as alleged ownership rights to civil populations.
And that one went off early. The Q narrative talks of Donald Trump becoming the 19th President when our Republic is reclaimed and the US founding documents, the Charters of Freedom, are restored. So with Lincoln as the 16th President, Johnson the 17th and Grant the 18th before our country was corporatized in 1871, that would fit the Q narrative that regaining our country with a President, that would be the 19th President in that succession.
Sasha is incredibly diligent in her reporting/research. Her and Katherine Watt are a must listen. As to being disappointed in doctors through the plandemic, that's what you get from a profession that sold their soul to pharma decades ago. They've been pushing vaccines and chemicals for far too long with disastrous results without much questioning. Looks like income meant more than Hippocratic oath.
These senators who are "grilling" RFK are the ones who vote yes for the federal budget every year.
And what is the leading category of federal funding? Medical. It's more than defense or Social Security. The medical budget is 1.7 trillion every year. Medical makes up 25% of the federal budget!
And what does this massive federal largesse fund? Drugs, drugs, and more drugs, and of course a multitude of vaccines These Senators who are pounding Kennedy have been voting for these death pharmaceuticals for years, all in the name of "following the science." And Americans are getting sicker and sicker while these fatcats are enriching themselves. As John Rappaport states: "In the new society, these senators have become ruthless salesmen. These senators are SELLING--meaning they know Americans want medical treatment and it's the most marketable product in the country.
People demand it. Yearn for it. Insist on it. So the Senators keep selling it, and thus keep getting elected and keep promising more drugs and vaccines."
So that's who RFK is facing in these hearings. A bunch of lecherous, greedy, and yes, murderous miscreants. Let's just face it. RFK is not going to radically change the status quo, and until more people turn away from these pharmaceutical poisons, and look after their own health, nothing much is going to change. We don't need MAHA to tell us this!
Great interview with Sarah Westall. Sarah comes off as very down to earth and allowed plenty of time to verbalize your position(s). How refreshing after witnessing the debacle of Mr Kennedy's nomination hearings. Thanks again Sasha.
At 0h 55m 35s - Sarah Westall speaks of her disappointment with the Medical profession... She can't get past it
She shouldn't get past it. The medical profession has for many generations chosen profit over providing true health care for their patients.
How can you have any faith with the Medical profession that since the early 1900s has promoted as the ONLY CANCER CURE/TREATMENT, chemo, surgery, radiation.
Sadly on both sides of my family our grandparents died from cancer or rather cancer treatments such as radiation.
Since the late 1960s and on I have had no faith at all in Western medicine unless I am in a train wreck. Even then I don't have faith, because I have no money. If I am not wealthy there is no sound treatment for the poor or lower middle class (what is left of it).
So Sarah's disappointment surprises me. Has she not been paying attention. Medicine has been owned for a very long time.
Perhaps Sarah can do a deep dive into the history of Western medicine to discover when it became owned. Certainly it was before both sides of my family's grandparents died of cancer. Then the show could put on to inform the public.
While being banned on LinkedIn is bad. If you speak clearly and honestly about why cancer is happening and the truth that chemo, radiation, and surgery are not treatments of a means of fleecing what wealth you may have and facilitating your death, you go to jail. Whatever means you may of had is confiscated. Your destroyed in every way possible.
Back in the 1970s I was told the easiest way to take over this country was via a medical emergency that covers the country. Seem far fetched to me.
ON AN APPRECIATIVE NOTE: I appreciate Sarah having you on. She seems awake to a large extent. Thank you Sarah.
You continue to make history, Sasha. Your spreading of the Covid Crime knowledge will lay the groundwork for Kennedy to clean out the rot in the health care system. Even if he isn't confirmed, there is no turning back.
Sasha, I have to laugh...Bug-eyed Bernie, THE CREEPY COMMIE, wailing over the onesies,... and then you present 'Winter at the Ranch". Old cowboys wore the onesies...Bernie is old, yes...but hardly a cowboy...yet my mind conflated these two in a spectre of hilarity. Seriously...Bernie has not hidden all of his receipts from Pharma very well...I'm guessing did he not have time to prepare a serious question for the hearing because he was busy surfing the net for the latest infant wear...coincidentally RFK's former marketing campaign idea caught his eye and foreclosed on his imagination. I'm also guessing that Bernie took the real jab, (by accident)...not the saline his colleagues got...that would explain his neurological outcome. Come to think of it, his head seems to be precariously mounted on his stooped he...(do I dare say it) of those "transhumans" the WEF is bragging about. It is clear that ol' Bernie is not big on makin' America healthy again. Git along li'l DOGE. Oh...the nostalgia is intoxicating...remembering back when there were real beef cows, and real cowboys, and real statesmen. ALL DISAPPEARING UNDER BERNIE'S WATCH. Kinda dredges up thoughts of Pocahontas...
"Hot spots" of death might be partly explained as follows ~
*R. Delgado says: The non-existent, non-isolated, non-purified, non-cultivated SARS-CoV-2 presented to us in the official version, and its variants, is actually graphene oxide introduced knowingly in the flu vaccine campaign of 2019-2020. In other words, the disease, relabelled COVID-19, is simply a graphene-enhanced acute irradiation syndrome. The first artificial wave targeted elderly in nursing homes; whose vaccination rate is close to 100%. Our elderly were previously vaccinated with this substance, and then irradiated with cell phone antennas.
*The UK spike in nursing home deaths, wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020, was due to widespread use of Midazolam injections as a policy of systemic euthanasia. { (February 2024) ~ Wilson Sy}
* Killing off the elderly is the low-hanging fruit because it liquidates the pension obligations they (governments) otherwise have to pay {A. LeRoy}).
Great interview Sasha. And beautiful picture. I always love the way you depict cows, one of my favourite animals. I"ll try to get hold of the book you talked about, it sounds very interesting. I thought you looked tired. You were in good form so I hope you are all right. Thank you very much for your hard work, so helpful. We need your intelligence and analytical skills in these scary times.
It still feels like a weird inversion of the left that the progressive left is now such staunch protectors of pHARMa and the medical industrial complex
Great forbearance is needed when so many in power have lost the ability to really represent the American people. Feels like being lost in an altered universe where truth is always and forever negotiable - where deaths and maimings are not just disputed but ignored and then the new VP Vance says we need more babies- can’t happen if you destroy fertility or new borns die of turbo cancer as a result of mRNA technology.Meanwhile these folks in power are continuing to invest in mRNA technology - mind boggling.
Our leaders are deluded psychopaths who clearly don’t have our best interest as their goal but amassing power, control and wealth- good old America - every man for himself.
The whole lot of them are leading us right into the beast system. That whole StarGate crew’s exposé was nauseating. 500 billion dollars for the humanity to be further surveilled and enslaved and to submit themselves to an unending round of mRNA mutagenic transformations and electromagnetic frequency assault. Then China launching their AI DeepSeek at a fraction of the cost. A lot of speculation that the murder of the OpenAI whistleblower Suchir Balaji last month in SF was a theft of his work and that was sold to the Chinese. Yes, it does feel like we are living in an altered timeline. Ignoring these psychopaths and just conducting our affairs doesn’t seem to be an option.
Hello Karla. Our current 'representatives' are not deluded, and know which side of the toast the butter is applied to...
Alas, leaders have never represented the best interest's of the civilian public. They pomp around in suits and ties (or dresses) and impress one another in the throes of totalitarian agenda. The scent of the *perfume* and artificial rank hasn't changed in 8000 years. It stinks... Best regards.
I know - still wish it weren’t so.
Heh... The least they could do is change their brand of scent... Maybe take a shower once and a while...
RFK is sincere and knowledgeable. He is forced to equivocate in this venue.
I agree that RFK may be "sincere and knowledgeable", but I think if he
meant business, he wouldn't have quickly made sure to announce he wasn't in the anti-vaccine group and that he generally approved of vaccines. A man of solid convictions is never "forced to equivocate"his position. That's a bad sign to me. We need men and women to stand firmly in their convictions no matter the consequences. What else will RFK equivocate on? One more point, I read today that RFK is heavily invested in CRISPR technology. Perhaps that's hearsay.
The investment is NOT a "heavy" investment by any stretch of the imagination. A few thousand bucks in some CRISPR startup. LOL. There are gazillion of these around. And CRISPR is a fake technology anyway. it does nothing but poisoning, same as mRNA.
Sorry. A "man of solid convictions" has become an anachronism. Many persons have 'convictions' but end up living in vans down by the river... Jus' sayin'...
Please post a reliable reference to Mr Kennedy's investment in CRISPER technology.
Hi, Paul. Are you insinuating that one lives his life without convictions? I believe you're convicted that a man shouldn't have convictions. I have no "reliable reference" for RFK being involved in CRISPR technology. Define "reliable reference."Thanks for your reply.
Hello Eric. I wasn't suggesting persons should abandon their sense of conviction, nor should they become wishy-washy or deceitful. I believe voicing convictions have a place and time. I've lost more than a few jobs voicing my 'convictions' at appropriately *inopportune* times...
I see "reliable" reference as Mr Kennedy's brokerage listings and number of shares therein. Of course this is an impossibility...
Sorry if you misunderstood my assessment of current social standards...
Hi, Paul.
No problem. I was jesting with you a bit. RFK may be playing it cool until he is confirmed. I'm a bit black-pilled these days and am skeptical of all politicians making good on anything they say. I appreciate your comment, and we'll hope for the best. Have a good evening!
Sasha I have been following you for the past few years and finally obtained a paid membership. I was watching Tulsi Gabbard negotiate the Congressional hearing and a reference to the "Havana syndrome" came up. I then wondered if this Havana Syndrome may be as a consequence of the required vaccinations forced on our military members. Have you looked into the possible vaccination etiology of this? I believe the "Gulf War Syndrome" was clearly a result of the anthrax vaccine and thus wonder what the vaccine schedule was prior to the time these cases of Havana Syndrome appeared
I apologize in advance if you have already addressed this and I missed it
I don't think Havana syndrome is vaccines, it's probably an energy weapon. But the Gulf syndrome is definitely anthrax injections.
Correct. I was once in contact with Beatrice Golomb prior to establishment of her San Diego Golomb Research Group. I believe this was early 2014. >>>
The conversation was long and her insights into Gulf War syndrome were revealing. Ms Golomb's research and support staff are second to none. You may enjoy a conversation with her...
I have read those theories and in this tech age I guess it sure is a possibility. I respect you opinion but have to ask Why are you sure it isn't a vaccine induced ailment? The Gulf syndrome stands as proof vaccine side effects come with a wide variety of presentations. I remember my days in the military and going thru the vaccination line where they utilized pneumatic vaccinators to deliver a wide variety of vaccines. I suspect that the vaccine requirements vary as to where the individual unit is set to be deployed. Has anybody looked to see if any relationship exists?
I am sure because 6 shots of absolute shit that those "anthrax" vaccines were will absolutely cause the symptoms described as Gulf Syndrome. Nothing else comes close to eliciting that type of very characteristic autoimmune attack. I am willing to bet $1M I am right. I am sorry they used you as a guinea pig, and I am sorry they injected you with poison. Vaccines have never been regulated. Since 1902, they are explicitly carved out from the US law regulations of pharmaceutical or medical products because it is impossible to make biological mixtures to any "recipe". They are just shit. Poison. Nothing else. Not 100% of the people get affected, but it is a death/disability lottery. The more you play, the higher chance of death/disability.
And the Stockholm Syndrome .
I watched it last night over on Sarah’s channel and thought the exchange was excellent. It does explain a whole lot. I am still confused if our Constitutional Rights have been suspended/ made null and void are we in a COG under military rule or have we been in a coup for this number of years? Processing all this is rather overwhelming.
we are under military rule. The government is denying it but at the same time behaving as in a military rule. The courts refuse to discuss cases that challenge any "pandemic" related crimes as constitutional violations. And of course the J6 political prisoners were handled by a military dictatorship repression methods.
Hello Devi. American civilians have been living under military occupation since the declaration of Civil War by Abraham Lincoln. The 14th Amendment enslaved the entire populace under pretense of liberty. Our history was rewritten by those who won...
Any links or positive information would be lost on most readers. Sorry.
Hi Paul, I responded to your comment last night but it vanished when I sent it. Basically, it is my understanding that in 1871 we lost our Constitutional Republic due to bankruptcy and became a corporation and a vassal state of England.
Hello Devi. There are a number of interpretations regarding the theft of our Republican form of governance. Here's a brief definition of the original status and intent. District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801 >>>
This arrangement was allegedly superseded by the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 >>>
Here's a short explanation given by Bill Foust - District of Columbia Act of 1871 Defacto formed 1 – YouTube >>>
The Q narrative fails to recognize the roles of "Incorporated" law, Laws Merchant, Uniform Commercial Code, and Mercantile agency. All these are utilized as alleged ownership rights to civil populations.
And that one went off early. The Q narrative talks of Donald Trump becoming the 19th President when our Republic is reclaimed and the US founding documents, the Charters of Freedom, are restored. So with Lincoln as the 16th President, Johnson the 17th and Grant the 18th before our country was corporatized in 1871, that would fit the Q narrative that regaining our country with a President, that would be the 19th President in that succession.
Sasha is incredibly diligent in her reporting/research. Her and Katherine Watt are a must listen. As to being disappointed in doctors through the plandemic, that's what you get from a profession that sold their soul to pharma decades ago. They've been pushing vaccines and chemicals for far too long with disastrous results without much questioning. Looks like income meant more than Hippocratic oath.
These senators who are "grilling" RFK are the ones who vote yes for the federal budget every year.
And what is the leading category of federal funding? Medical. It's more than defense or Social Security. The medical budget is 1.7 trillion every year. Medical makes up 25% of the federal budget!
And what does this massive federal largesse fund? Drugs, drugs, and more drugs, and of course a multitude of vaccines These Senators who are pounding Kennedy have been voting for these death pharmaceuticals for years, all in the name of "following the science." And Americans are getting sicker and sicker while these fatcats are enriching themselves. As John Rappaport states: "In the new society, these senators have become ruthless salesmen. These senators are SELLING--meaning they know Americans want medical treatment and it's the most marketable product in the country.
People demand it. Yearn for it. Insist on it. So the Senators keep selling it, and thus keep getting elected and keep promising more drugs and vaccines."
So that's who RFK is facing in these hearings. A bunch of lecherous, greedy, and yes, murderous miscreants. Let's just face it. RFK is not going to radically change the status quo, and until more people turn away from these pharmaceutical poisons, and look after their own health, nothing much is going to change. We don't need MAHA to tell us this!
I've located freshly printed copies of the book "Pasteur and Rabies", by Thomas M. Dolan, M.D. I bought two for me, from a seller on abebooks.
The original was published in 1890, by G. Bell & Sons, London. 106 pages.
thanks! I was wondering how to get hold of a copy
Great interview with Sarah Westall. Sarah comes off as very down to earth and allowed plenty of time to verbalize your position(s). How refreshing after witnessing the debacle of Mr Kennedy's nomination hearings. Thanks again Sasha.
Good Day Sasha,
Very much appreciate this candid discussion.
At 0h 55m 35s - Sarah Westall speaks of her disappointment with the Medical profession... She can't get past it
She shouldn't get past it. The medical profession has for many generations chosen profit over providing true health care for their patients.
How can you have any faith with the Medical profession that since the early 1900s has promoted as the ONLY CANCER CURE/TREATMENT, chemo, surgery, radiation.
Sadly on both sides of my family our grandparents died from cancer or rather cancer treatments such as radiation.
Since the late 1960s and on I have had no faith at all in Western medicine unless I am in a train wreck. Even then I don't have faith, because I have no money. If I am not wealthy there is no sound treatment for the poor or lower middle class (what is left of it).
So Sarah's disappointment surprises me. Has she not been paying attention. Medicine has been owned for a very long time.
Perhaps Sarah can do a deep dive into the history of Western medicine to discover when it became owned. Certainly it was before both sides of my family's grandparents died of cancer. Then the show could put on to inform the public.
While being banned on LinkedIn is bad. If you speak clearly and honestly about why cancer is happening and the truth that chemo, radiation, and surgery are not treatments of a means of fleecing what wealth you may have and facilitating your death, you go to jail. Whatever means you may of had is confiscated. Your destroyed in every way possible.
Back in the 1970s I was told the easiest way to take over this country was via a medical emergency that covers the country. Seem far fetched to me.
ON AN APPRECIATIVE NOTE: I appreciate Sarah having you on. She seems awake to a large extent. Thank you Sarah.
You continue to make history, Sasha. Your spreading of the Covid Crime knowledge will lay the groundwork for Kennedy to clean out the rot in the health care system. Even if he isn't confirmed, there is no turning back.
Sasha, I have to laugh...Bug-eyed Bernie, THE CREEPY COMMIE, wailing over the onesies,... and then you present 'Winter at the Ranch". Old cowboys wore the onesies...Bernie is old, yes...but hardly a cowboy...yet my mind conflated these two in a spectre of hilarity. Seriously...Bernie has not hidden all of his receipts from Pharma very well...I'm guessing did he not have time to prepare a serious question for the hearing because he was busy surfing the net for the latest infant wear...coincidentally RFK's former marketing campaign idea caught his eye and foreclosed on his imagination. I'm also guessing that Bernie took the real jab, (by accident)...not the saline his colleagues got...that would explain his neurological outcome. Come to think of it, his head seems to be precariously mounted on his stooped he...(do I dare say it) of those "transhumans" the WEF is bragging about. It is clear that ol' Bernie is not big on makin' America healthy again. Git along li'l DOGE. Oh...the nostalgia is intoxicating...remembering back when there were real beef cows, and real cowboys, and real statesmen. ALL DISAPPEARING UNDER BERNIE'S WATCH. Kinda dredges up thoughts of Pocahontas...
"Hot spots" of death might be partly explained as follows ~
*R. Delgado says: The non-existent, non-isolated, non-purified, non-cultivated SARS-CoV-2 presented to us in the official version, and its variants, is actually graphene oxide introduced knowingly in the flu vaccine campaign of 2019-2020. In other words, the disease, relabelled COVID-19, is simply a graphene-enhanced acute irradiation syndrome. The first artificial wave targeted elderly in nursing homes; whose vaccination rate is close to 100%. Our elderly were previously vaccinated with this substance, and then irradiated with cell phone antennas.
*The UK spike in nursing home deaths, wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020, was due to widespread use of Midazolam injections as a policy of systemic euthanasia. { (February 2024) ~ Wilson Sy}
* Killing off the elderly is the low-hanging fruit because it liquidates the pension obligations they (governments) otherwise have to pay {A. LeRoy}).
I did not have any flu vaccines. Nor did my husband. So no, it's not graphene oxide in flu shots. Chemical poisons were used.
Great interview Sasha. And beautiful picture. I always love the way you depict cows, one of my favourite animals. I"ll try to get hold of the book you talked about, it sounds very interesting. I thought you looked tired. You were in good form so I hope you are all right. Thank you very much for your hard work, so helpful. We need your intelligence and analytical skills in these scary times.
It still feels like a weird inversion of the left that the progressive left is now such staunch protectors of pHARMa and the medical industrial complex