Last week whilst checking in online for my return flight from Mexico, a pop up from the CDC appeared and I was required to accept contact tracing in order to continue the check in process! What the hell!!

Probably should have done manual check in at the airport but it was getting close to departure time.

Upon re-entry, I told customs agents not to scan me or my young son and she said OK. Most people don’t know that they can refuse the face scan.

Probably won’t make a difference since I have already populated a large portion of my surveillance profile....

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Thank you for that info. Had no idea.

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You mean 'Andromeda Strain' and all the other Sci-Fi threats in the movies weren't actual events? NO-O-o!

Very sad about it being necessary to help people in our society to determine fiction from fact.

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I’m even told the moon landing in 1969 was fake. And I WATCHED IT as a high-school kid. You can’t even believe what your lying 🤥 eyes 👀 tell you.

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Yes, clearly faked. NASA is a cleverly designed front for military applications research and massive money laundering.

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I believe it now. I was clueless for most of my life about practically EVERYTHING, but always thought space travel and exploration were a huge waste of money. What did they bring us except Tang, Velcro, Bic pens and higher taxes?

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I can never be sure about the moon landing, too many people worked on that thing. I'm not talking about typists in cubicles. Thousands of very sharp people - designers, engineers, mathematicians, computer experts - you're saying that they were unaware that Stanley Kubrick was the endgame? Or that they knew, and ALL these people lied to their kids and grandkids for 50+ years? And passed away never spilling the beans? I just find that incomprehensible.

The moon landing isn't a small, closed system run by as few people as possible, like JFK or 9/11.

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When you see the flag flying, as if there is wind or a breeze, KNOW IT IS FAKE

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Or actornauts with shadows going in different directions from multiple studio lights instead of the same direction from a single light source; the sun. Or the reflection of studio lights in the faceplate of an actornauts' helmet...and the list goes on and on.

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That was easy to debunk. Here, I’ll do it for you know. There is a fucking frame to support it. Wow.

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Up your ass, punk

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Yes, exactly. I'm flabbergasted that anyone could believe that the moon landing was faked. Chalk it up to ignorance and a carried-away belief system.

Putting a man on the moon was something you could do in 1969 if you threw enough money at it. And throw money at it they did.

The life support technology was there from submarines and aviation. The rocketry had been worked on for years, and the physics was classical physics known for ages.

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Began to wisen-up with 9/11 when both buildings and another less spoken of FELL WITHIN THEIR OWN FOOTPRINT in downtown Manhattan. Were it not so murderous, and devastating for so many people and families...As well as the culture of the whole country; it would be hilarious to imagine the goons to believe the whole world so stupid to believe their B.S.

Wonder what they'll do when 'The People' raise-up to fight back and remove the demons they've chosen as well as their possessed human souls from the Earth to place them in hell where they belong.

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And that video of Silverstein talking about "making the decision to pull it". In the chaos of lower Manhattan, on 9/11, you got the manpower, materials and equipment together to outfit a 47-story building for controlled demolition? In a couple of hours? Right.

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Do believe this is what you're referring to.


As though any building falling into its own footprint didn't already raise suspicion.

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That's the one. 👍🏻

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As usual, I was clueless until about 2022. Government lies and sheepish people make very strange bedfellows. Glad (and sad) to be awake now.

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It's simply fact, 'We are all born ignorant but it takes hard work to remain stupid."

It's also a fact that Mentally Disabled persons in families of love are happier than those of greater intellect...There is joy in NOT knowing the truth. If there were not joy in stupidity, people wouldn't practice the Ostrich and place their heads in the sand to choose it.

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I don’t know if this is pertinent to your conversation Blaze, but I felt compelled to share this with you. :)

I just watch a video (don’t remember where it was sourced) that was discussing how we view time. As children, everything is so new to us that what we experience in a single day makes time go by so slowly as we interpret and interact with this strange new world. As adults, most of what we see and do is conditioned and expected and just so automatic that time seems to move faster as we don’t question anything until something goes awry.

We rarely stop to gaze at a flower blooming or study the ants marching in a row along the sidewalk and most couldn’t even tell you how many stop signs there are between their home and workplace. Most adults are on autopilot with the amount of distractions and details that fill their days checking the clock for this or that appointment or timer for dinner plans. Children, on the other hand, have no concept of time which allows them to absorb even the tiniest of details, something every adult should consider when raising up these wee ones.

“You will never “find” time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.”

Charles Buxton

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”

William Penn

“Life teaches us to make good use of time, while time teaches us the value of life.”

Author Unknown

“Time is relative; it’s only worth depends upon what we do as it is passing.”

Albert Einstein

I believe the happiest and most satisfied adults take the time to revisit those things that not only made life simpler and easier (ie: sitting in a lawn chair taking in the sights and sounds and aromas of their environment) which allows much reflection and renews the attention to matters of the soul and head and heart. When we take a moment to look outside of ourselves at all of God’s creation, it reminds us that though we are individually a tiny speck in the bigger scheme of things, it is He who dwells within us, who is guarding and guiding our lives and time, that becomes our focus and foundation to begin anew each day. Being enjoined with His constant presence allows us to seek out and search and understand His desire for how we need to spend the time that He has allotted to us. Once one begins to comprehend we get to live for His purposes, not our own, time takes on a whole new spiritual meaning into our lives.

As it is written in Ecclesiastes 3:

There is a right time for everything ~

A time to be born;

A time to die;

A time to plant;

A time to harvest;

A time to kill;

A time to heal;

A time to destroy;

A time to rebuild;

A time to cry;

A time to laugh;

A time to grieve;

A time to dance;

A time for scattering stones;

A time for gathering stones;

A time to hug;

A time not to hug;

A time to find;

A time to lose;

A time for keeping;

A time for throwing away;

A time to tear;

A time to repair;

A time to be quiet;

A time to speak up;

A time for loving;

A time for hating;

A time for war;

A time for peace.

What does one really get from hard work? I have thought about this in connection with all the various kinds of work God has given to mankind. Everything is appropriate in its own time. But though God has planted eternity in the hearts of men, even so, many cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. So I conclude that, first, there is nothing better for a man than to be happy and to enjoy himself as long as he can; and second, that he should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of his labors, for these are gifts from God.

And I know this, that whatever God does is final—nothing can be added or taken from it; God’s purpose in this is that man should fear the all-powerful God.

Whatever is has been long ago; and whatever is going to be has been before; God brings to pass again what was in the distant past and disappeared.

Moreover, I notice that throughout the earth justice is giving way to crime, and even the police courts are corrupt. I said to myself, “In due season God will judge everything man does, both good and bad.”

And then I realized that God is letting the world go on its sinful way so that he can test mankind, and so that men themselves will see that they are no better than beasts. For men and animals both breathe the same air, and both die. So mankind has no real advantage over the beasts; what an absurdity! All go to one place—the dust from which they came and to which they must return. For who can prove that the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of animals goes downward into dust? So I saw that there is nothing better for men than that they should be happy in their work, for that is what they are here for, and no one can bring them back to life to enjoy what will be in the future, so let them enjoy it now.

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Now that is one thoughtful comment or response...A rare occurence in these here parts. Need some time to digest what you've written because it's my nature 'to play the devil's advocate'; to disagree and persuade into creation of a more flexible mind. Don't wish to do this here...It's just NOT necessary.

Considering God is NOT inside of time...A creation or gift given to humanity on Earth by which to measure in a linear fashion and this is based upon a 'Relativistic and Humanistic Philosophy'...Both modern ideas; require a bit of time to form a response. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME FOR THIS EVER.

So, will comment further later.

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Can’t happen soon enough.

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I love your Joan of Arc!

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All fear porn so people would willingly take the jab / Bioweapon . Looking forward to January. Thanks Sasha .

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It’s all been staged fakery from a deadly virus to the moon landing. While billions of dollars are confiscated and needless death and destruction.

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So sacrificing those three astronauts in the fire was just part of the plan?

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Not my plan but apparently so. If you believe we went to the moon, then they lost the data to get back and nasa is doing space I’d say nasa is theater not some space exploration outfit. I’d say based on what has taken place during

911 and Covid people are considered expendable even 3 Astonots.

But if you believe nasa, I have a bridge to sell you. Just part of the plan.

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You obviously don’t live any where near central Florida. Lol.there’s a reason it’s called the space coast, and it isn’t Disney. Yikes.

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911 - The collapse mechanisms have been figured out for the towers & WTC building 7.

There's no doubt now about how it's possible to recreate those kind of symetrical collapses where buildings drop into their own footprint without explosives in those types of buildings. For building 7 it's a kind of structural zipper effect started after a combination of debris caused structural damage from the adjacent tower & a few hours of fires at certain locations in building 7.

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India & China are now faking putting stuff on the moon are they? The Apollo hardware & large rockets were originally intended for military/ weapons delivery use. They had plans to send astronauts around the solar system using a nuclear bomb powered propulsion system. Enough people objected to get it cancelled.

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Dec 27, 2023
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The US put stuff on the moon before they put people on the moon. If stuff can be put on the moon then putting people on the moon is exceedingly easy.

There were a lot of US people at the time who didn't want to bother sending people, they just wanted to send stuff.

The only reason people weren't sent after Apollo by the US or anyone else is no one who might be capable wants to get involved.

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I have close family that was hospitalized at the very beginning of this thing. BEFORE Trump touted HCQ, and docs were networking globally to find whatever worked. Zev Zelenko, Didier Raoult in Marseilles, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell in NYC and his video talking about the vents killing people.

My family members were SICK. Not seasonal flu sick, hospitalized sick where it could go either way. They were given Zelenko's HCQ/Azithromycin protocol, with nebulized budesonide - in the hospital in blue New Jersey - and managed to walk out of there in a week plus. They lost a son on a vent.

So please spare me the nonsense that January 2020 covid was theater. It was not.

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It was theater poisoning. Spare me

There is no virus. Sorry to hear of your crisis.

All theater all fake.

No virus isolated.

How do you get a variant from a virus

That does not exist.

It was poison. Not virus.

Event 201 theater

Mask theater

Six feet apart theater

Pandemic theater

mRNA shots not theater



Dr Z

All theater dangerous sad tragic

Not real but the poisoning of innocent


Then poisonous vaxxines which are not vaxxines

Cant change your mind

My mind is made up

Theater 🎭

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Erm... About the 'billions of dollars are confiscated' issue. Not so. Billions of dollars are *reassigned* via the Bank for International Settlements, the Deutsche Bank AG (Frankfurt, Germany) - M.M.Warburg & CO ( Hamburg, Germany) - Kuhn, Loeb & Co (New York) - Barclays Bank (UK) - UBS Group AG (Switzerland) - and the International Monetary Fund owned and operated by assigns of Baron David René James de Rothschild...

The billions you mention are pocket change...

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And ?

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Erm... Kind of an open question... The only way out of the grip of incorporated murder for profit, is to Revoke ALL forms of corporate Charter, corporate syndication, and corporate franchise. The demystification of human value, and attendant destruction of resource wealth, hinges upon a reassessment of how *value* should be defined. Bad ideas only possess value as bad ideas - unless they prove to be profitable...

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You still here? 😂

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A dose of reality is powerful medicine. And it’s free!

As with good quality coffee, (which I have almost given up anyway) it’s better and healthier if you sip slowly and don’t mask the bitter taste with milk and refined sugar. Let yourself be informed by what it is telling you.

I used to work. It was and is a 20,000 employee hi tech company. Take the cover off your cell phone, almost any brand, and you will view what they make, just one division. In 2021 their headcount dropped abruptly by 20 to 30. I knew one of them personally. The rest ... an estimate based on national statistics.

My bosses were very gracious to me right up to the mandate deadline. I give them that. But I still harbor the image of my boss’s boss sitting in her office alone with mask on during WebEx meetings. One of her tasks was propaganda transmission to other employees. She obviously thought she was doing the right thing. She even gave me an exit interview ... a nice person who took my blunt answers to her questions about the company with thoughtful acknowledgements. But we did not touch on the mandate policy at all, why I was leaving.

The point is these were some of the most educated people in the world, but they could not or chose not to filter out the lies from

the agencies and MSM. And yet, per Dr. McCullough’s estimate, 25% of voters refused the shots. I don’t think that number at all applies to my former employer. The reason is likely that they had too much to lose. This biased their reasoning to embrace the fear propaganda as an excuse to pigeon hole inconvenient data in favor of the path of least resistance. Hope was hanging on legitimacy of the shots.

There was a pretense of “community” effort. But it was not a community effort. It was status quo acquiescence that best served preservation of one’s job. Understandable to a degree. There was no NI or testing alternative.

A REAL community effort would have been mass noncompliance that WOULD HAVE forced a change of policy. But that scenario is pure fantasy. Clouds in one’s coffee.

Thanks again Sasha!

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Merry belated Christmas Sasha. I love your style

You mince no words. In the darkest there shines the brightest! Thanks for keeping an eye on the

Vipers. And sharing your thoughts, we God wins

But I didn’t realize that it would take so long.

Everything law, medical, educational, financial have come under some flood lights and it has been one big eye opener, just how evil Evil is!!

God Bless you and your family!!

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Love this painting/idea!


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Love your artwork of the shepherd, 'Joan of Arc'. Would like to relay my appreciation for what you do; and thank you for all your hard work...from 'down-under'.

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Gorgeous painting. I love the sheep gathering around Joan. This modern depiction of Joan is great.

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I really like your Joan of Arc painting. :)

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Talk about a Mickey Mouse operation!

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Thanks Sasha, Be not afraid the best gift anyone could give us is your maxim -BE NOT AFRAID now pass the gravy let’s celebrate freedom from fear every day in the coming year! Bless you Sasha

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Dear Sasha. Thank you for the tribute to our modern day "Joans"--one who stands out and above the 'sheeple.' I am especially aware of the numbers of strong women who are emerging from the population to question and stand against the narrative being shoved down our throats. She looks a little like Greta Thunberg. I'd like to think that Greta might be on our side if we'd gotten to her early in the plandemic--but who knows. They were working on her very diligently from early on. At any rate, I am grateful for the thought behind your "Joan" piece. Whatever the thought, "Joan" was my choice of heroine when I was raised in Catholicism and I still appreciate the empowerment she provides for women--especially in this Age of Women sheroes.

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Great post (as usual) and an incredible painting! You really are quite an amazing artist…look at her fingertips…you can even see her fingernails. The first thought that came to my mind was that it was a self portrait! That painting is certainly the way I see you!

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I too like many of your followers loved the modern day Joan of Arc painting. I need to practice my skills. The link to the JJ Couey presentation is currently not available. Anyone here have it downloaded? I would like to see it.

What continues to disturb me is how silent almost everyone in the medical freedom space is about the legal fortress surrounding the entire Covid-19 injection deployment. Who else besides you and Katherine is taking this on? Edit: I haven’t seen this discussed anywhere else - I have looked. I truly think this is crux of the issue.] I for one think it is the path to pursue and to work at repealing and de-activating the entire corpus of legal protections that permit the DOD to attack the citizens they are sworn to protect. We will all need to be our own Joans of Arks. [substantive edits in brackets]

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JJC makes the same presentation in all his twitch steams, pick any recent one. Re legal cage - not only they are not talking about it (with few exceptions), many are actively fighting us on this. I had several hours of email exchange yesterday with one "expert" (who really is an expert, so there is no excuse of not knowing) - who was twisting into pretzels to deny the obvious written in black and white in the law. And will keep denying it which only serves to continue the crime with no justice.

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Anyone not acknowledging your and Katherine’work is controlled opposition. Remember the house and senate members were exempted from taking the kill shot/bio weapon. Why would they fight for their constituents when they can cover for the government so effectively. Talk about payola, wow. We are doomed to hell when the powers that be have no incentive to help us. Every person is on their own, up the creek without a paddle.

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