
Yes, this destroyed any confidence I had in Rand Paul. Cosplay is a brilliant adjective for his behavior;

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

“... the next pandemic will be deadly, 5% to 50% mortality” -- Rand Paul

How can anyone possibly know this with a degree of confidence that would allow it to be stated as fact?

“Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.” --Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize-winning physicist. Now THAT is a statement that can be made with confidence.

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Mr Paul is utilizing that new Gain of Fiction vernacular... The bullshit gets deeper every day... Be sure to wear hip boots.

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This is why nobody involved with any secret society should be allowed to represent the people of the United States of America. What’s worse…a wolf, or a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

This guy is a Freemason, and everyone who knows the truth about this organization should easily be able to discern what is going on here.

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Dr. Jane Ruby says she discovered that Rand Paul and Marjorie Taylor Green are both invested financially in Big Pharma!

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Hey Sahsa, are you married? Asking for a friend! This stuff would all be so completely unbearable if we did not keep this light touch that you seem to have mastered so completely! When I moved here from Holland in 1979, I thought I was moving away from Eurosclerosis and the USSR, but gradually I realized that I was living in the Soviet republic of New York, at least by around 2000, I had figured that much out. And yet, amidst all the turpitude I am so grateful for the many voices that are speaking with great clarity, yours among them... there will be a way through the mess, somehow. Thanks as always.

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Happily married for 25 years now :)

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Congrats... Meanwhile, to my amazement, among some of my friends who were denizens of the former USSR, and even there, although some are quite critical, and I think have an advantage in terms of a distrust of government, but far too many buy it.

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Eurosclerosis LOL. Europe has now become full blown USSR. That is what I fled in 2003. But I went to the south, first AZ and now in GA. At least here are some sane people left. Not all, but if you pick carefully, there are still quite a few. And a few waking up. But then again, yesterday at the garage someone with a mask on... trying to talk to me, of course I pretended not to understand, gave an answer way out of the road, and then she stood up, left, and sat down way on the other side of the room LOL

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Aug 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Masks, indeed. Our strategies are similar when they are encountered. "I'm sorry, I can't understand you with that mask on, please remove it if you wish to speak".

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Aug 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Or DEMAND they tell if they have reason to think they’re infectious, get louder and louder (Americans know how) and threaten to call the police : aren’t they obviously physically/medically threatening you? I think this is what we might call turning the tables. Gosh, it ought to make people think … if it’s still possible. We’ve got to start moving the dial people … anyone? [not bots ䷉ or shills, SVP] anyone?

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Aug 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

While this isn't always the rule, most appear afraid of infection from their surroundings. These sad cases had significant psychological harm from the constant fear porn, mandates, and validation from like-minded associates. They gleefully submit to the newest round of shots, and are often quick to agree with Pharma-funded studies that suggest most healthy behaviors and non-toxic interventions are without merit, if not downright dangerous.

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Aug 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

Well, I think the point I’m stressing is the irrationality of the mask-wearing by attacking it (like a "microagression") using the appearance of decorum in the most jarring way possible. If we don’t collapse this stupor of docility, Smiley-faces and "acceptance" … we’re all gonna die! …worse, there will be no more reality !

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A lot of it was/is snobbery and chasing social clout. Their vanity led to living in terror. At some level they want to live in isolation with masks--viewing all other people as walking diseases--until they die. They automatically dismiss all evidence that disproves their narrative.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 27

I truly cannot hear what they say when they wear a mask. Most are still wearing masks even to this day in California .

Ands it’s not very reassuring when FEAR is a physical manifestation (the non protective mask), all over a person who is supposed to care about the patient FIRST - not themself.

It’s madness in a doctors office to not understand what they are saying - not that much of what they say makes much sense these days anyway…

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Aug 19·edited Aug 26Liked by Sasha Latypova

Hello from Georgia, US !👋 We escaped Germany😀

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The Soviet Republic of New York? Ohh, let’s call it what it really is according to the Bible: Mystery Babylon!!!

See Revelation 18 for reference.

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Or maybe a subscription to NewYokskaya Pravda.

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Eurosclerosis....!! Now it's USAitis..there is a vaxx for that but few can afford it.

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Aug 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Posit: Anthony Fauci is a monster. He aided and abetted and underwrote and promulgated HIV/aids when in point of fact there was no evidence that there was any relationship between HIV and aids. Aids was a condition of deteriorating and deteriorated and adulterated immunity, and yet Fauci knowingly recommended AZT, which actually killed them.

Posit: there is no evidence whatsoever that any virus was involved in the AIDS epidemic. It was behavior with an amyl nitrite(poppers) sex with multiple partners sleep deprivation, multiple preventative antibiotics and multiple other different prescription and illicit drugs that destroyed their immunity. The "AIDS epidemic" in Africa was poor, living conditions, poor hygiene, hydrocarbons, and insecticides, and protein calorie malnutrition.

Posit: there was no COVID-19 epidemic. It was a complete and total psychological warfare operation. It was a PCR test epidemic and had nothing to do with a virus. The deaths such as they were were the same recorded deaths in the same age groups for what used to be calledseasonal flu whatever that is ;is it really viral in origin? Doubtful most likely related to EMR, poisoning the atmosphere with heavy metals, gates, destroy immunity from childhood vaccinations, etc.

Qui bono so far? Big Pharma, all of the big asset managers which have enjoyed the plunder and yes there he is again Satan's minion Anthony Fauci.

So what conclusions should we come to: there are no viruses that have been truly unequivocally isolated most likely. Vaccines are a ready way for the Georgia guide stones to be effectuated by thinning the herd getting us down to that coveted 500 million population.

Scream at the top of your lungs or at least plant the seed as best you can that vaccines are death or destruction, and they have been a bane of our existence for over half a century.

I am a proud card carrying member of the anti-VAXer anti-Covid soldiers of God.

Yes, Anthony Fauci is a monster a modern day, Adolf Eichmann

I will close with Ephesians chapter 6: put on the whole armor of God so that you might stand against the wiles of the Devil, for we struggle not with flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities against the rulers of the darkness in this world against spiritual wickedness in high places .

I wish you all peace and happiness and joy. God is in charge. He is the alpha and Omega he always has been. He always will be and he has never not been. He does not like what he sees and there will be a reckoning. Lord in your mercy, please hear our prayer.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️

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Don't insult Eichmann this way. He was only a peon following orders and routing trains. The British and US knew there was ONE rail line going to Oswiecim and they NEVER even tried to blow it up. Fauci and Daszek and Baric and Hotez and batwoman knew what they were doing.

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You should take the time to watch this documentary called: HIV = AIDS; Fauci’s First Fraud

It reveals the exact same playbook was rolled out for both fake pandemics, and the same monster “Fauci” using a PCR test to deceive people into believing a lie.

I watched this thing during the rolling out of COVID and it opened my eyes as to what was going on….the information in this thing is invaluable, and should be bookmarked for future reference.

Everyone should take the time to watch this:

HIV = AIDS - Fauci’s First Fraud


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Aug 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you Sasha for bestowing the term 'useless eaters' on those who most deserve it.

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Aug 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

The only Senator without an AIPAC hanger on is the great Thomas Massie. The rest sadly are under the oligarchy’s thumbs☘️

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Aug 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Except he's in the House.

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Correct. Thank you.

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Aug 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Ron must be wondering where he went wrong.

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I love Ron Paul but never trusted his son. Lots of yelling, but does not seem to do anything but word salad. HM, I hope that 'quality' is not a virus LOL ! It certainly goes round in the WH.

Sasha for president (but I don't think there is any will to go into politics there)

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Yes exactly Ingrid C Durden….

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Well... Apparently, Afghanistan isn't the only place where we should have pulled out...

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Little known fact: if you are familiar with the work of Dr. David Martin; he exposed the work of Fauci who began working on the corona virus back in 1999. In 2002, Sars Cov 1 was released into the wild, 4 months prior, a patent was granted for a vaccine for said SARS Cov 1. Martin documented over over 4000 patents filed by Fauci on the virus. Dr. Martin created and supplied to both Ron Johnson and Rand Paul all the evidence he found for the history of SARS Cov-*. What did these two yahoo's do with the info?? File 13. The political hacks are nothing more than actors acting out a script. Pay NO attention to anyone in govt.!

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Indeed, a script was released into the wild and became virulent, poisoning minds and fattening the releasers' wallets.

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Dr Martin at the EU summit walking through the criminal behavior evidence and timelines.

Well worth your time to know what has occurred, and his experience in this sector.

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Aug 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

I stopped fooling myself about Rand long ago.

I don't know his game, but it's not truth and freedom, and that's enough for me to know.

Thanks girl.

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Aug 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

Rand is not Ron. He is a fraud. The real tell, of course, was his claim to be "board certified" in Ophthalmology. The "board" proved to be a fictitious one of his own creation. Had I known that the path to board certification was so simple, I could have saved myself a lot of time, money, and worry... LOL.

Rand is a performance artist and not a great one.

Thanks for this latest, Sasha.

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I never knew that TnDoc , and another one .. Doctor Jill ☠️

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They’re both frauds, but unlike Rand, Ron is a master at his craft. I figured out along time ago what was going on, and it had everything to do with the family’s ties to Freemasonry.

I’ll just wrap this comment up with a quote from a famous mason:

“Whenever people need a hero, we shall supply him”- Albert Pike

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Interesting. Did not know this about Ron. Sad.

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Wonderful to see you mentioning and quoting from the book “Dr. Mary’s Monkey.” It is a wonderful gateway to understanding what your news tells you is not at all what is happening. It is a great gateway to getting “red pilled” to borrow from THE MATRIX. But then your substack is as well and why I urge those unfamiliar with it to read it. Thank you again for great work and great art.

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Brilliant -- have to reread as so packed with info and analysis, but in the meantime restacked with this note:


Sasha Latypova nails it in forensic detail.

The GoF-bedwetters on “our side” are part of the problem.

The “bioweapons” programs (lol) should be ended not because they are dangerous, but because they are part of a gigantic RACKET - which Rand Paul plans to extend.

RFKJ promotes fear of the “Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race” (book subtitle!!) “under the pretext of vaccine development” (his words!) - as part of Controlled Opposition.

In reality, the (fake) pretext for vaccine development is the (fake) risk of so-called “Dual Use Research of Concern”. This “concerning” GoF research - and the “insider threat” - is why you must take the magic “medical countermeasures”.

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“People like to make poison. If you don’t understand this you will never understand anything.”

― Margaret Atwood, Murder in the Dark

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Aug 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

Rand Paul is just not Dr. Ron Paul, who is a firm believer in End All Government Agencies and STOP stealing from us. I wish Ron Paul Liberty Report would interview you, not to bash his son, but the DOD reality check I think he already sees.

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Aug 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

Another Monday, some more bs from the DC gang.

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Aug 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

Right on Sasha. The cadaver making business is booming, and needs yet more government oversight to provide more "investment opportunities" for the same old crowd of miscreants. P.s. Sasha, tell van what's his name to get in at the back of the line...some of us 'have friends' too...who know very well that you are happily married...and they try to live a normal life in spite of their profound disappointment. 'My friends' say they can manage as long as they know that you are happy. Thanks for making the world a better place...say, have any of the YGL's applied for the new oversight positions yet?

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Aug 18Liked by Sasha Latypova

It seems like Kennedy and Paul have yet to discover this thing called a cover story. So when they concluded that Fauci's story didn't even have Fauci to believe it, they automatically assumed the inverse claim must be true. Do they still teach logic in college?

Of course they both know the all the intricate methods for lying to the public. When the truth would challenge your relevance, the truth takes a seat toward the back. These are sophisticated cowards. They need to spend a few years pumping out septic tanks, or pursuing some other non-ego-building career, to get over themselves.

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"It seems like Kennedy and Paul have yet to discover this thing called a cover story. So when they concluded that Fauci's story didn't even have Fauci to believe it, they automatically assumed the inverse claim must be true."

Brilliant! And so many quotable quotes be Sasha too.

PS. "The Wuhan Cover Up - and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race" is the best book title RFKJ could come up with in the wake of the Covid Crime!!

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It isn’t about ego or logic…Fauci is a Jesuit, and Rand a FreeMason.

They’re both liars and deceivers, and both will stand before Jesus Christ one day and give account for their actions.

I see lots of lava drinking in both of their futures. Perhaps they can say hi to Kissinger for me.

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