An oncologist explained to me how she receives 1/3 of the money on every chemo injection.

"Let's say that I give an infusion. We charge the patient or insurer $3000. I get to KEEP a grand!" she exclaimed. Me: "You mean you make $1000 for an injection that you don't even administer?!"

"Yes!! I make an extra half-million a year in chemo money alone on top of my salary ($240k)" 2010 numbers btw. But I watched as the oncologists went on to cut the middleman (hospital) out of the picture to keep more of the profits by ordering their own chemo. Chemo was regarded as the most profitable item in the system. Now with this move, pfizer and the others are cutting out the middlemen of the doctors and pocketing that 30% cut.

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Added to the “why I hate doctors” pile. My (former) friend’s a pediatrician. “Vaccines” are her bread and butter. “Wellness visits” my ass.

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Suzanne - definitely! When I was a child, no children went to the doctor unless they were very ill or severely injured (back then, parents would say, “I better not have to take you to the doctor!”). Wellness visits were, of course, invented in order to inject the children.

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It's always the same; measure and weight, a little checking the spine and chest and then time to defend, why I don't want the vaccines... It's really uncomfortable

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It’s literally harassment. I have a niece 18 months old. The descriptions of their OB-GYN appointments…wow. My brother and his wife declined all shots for her and her baby. She is very nonassertive; she left most appointments in tears. Makes me very angry.

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A simple "No, thank you' should suffice. You don't owe anyone whose mind is already made up against you.

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Absolutely and to be fair not all doctors in Sweden are that aggressive, but they still insist. We don't have the situation of litigation here or direkt bonus from pharmaceutical companies, but they are worried about job and career because of the equally concerning habit of turning each other in to the authorities, if someone starta using their own common sense. So their career could be ruined by way of character assassination. It's practically a communist society now, with 60% of laws coming Directly from the EU as directives; meaning they are not even discussed in parliament, but implemented as is.

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Very good to know! Taking the pulse of that part of the world...Thank you!!

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Now we know why they get so offended when you ask a question about the shot they're about to inject into your kid. God forbid you suggest you might be wobbly on the whole idea. They'll make you feel like bad daddy and bad mommy.

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Satans poisen…

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this will also help you understand their mindset and training....a doctor's confession and his dark trip through the system....https://debra152.substack.com/p/parting-gift

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I've often wonder if it is not just the obvious motivation of $$$ that causes these paradigms. (IE treat early, aggressively despite any nuance), but also a unintended (or is it intended?) consequence of an overly litigious society. It is a hard call. On the one hand you can have too LITTLE litigation with consequence free malpractice & on the other hand you can have a zealously litigious society where EVERONE in medicine is playing prevent-ball. NO ROOM for good faith judgement because even well considered good faith and judicious treatment calls WILL BE second guessed in the interest of $$$ when inevitably things go wrong because no matter what you do things in some cases will go wrong (they may have gone wrong with "standard of care" BUT, it's "standard of care")

What you end up with is an at once judicious and horrible "standard of care" system where in the end EVERYTHING if truth were told is to protect against litigation. No one loses a malpractice suit even if THEY KNOW it will kill the patient as long as it is "standard of care" or "best practice"

Just speculating but it does seem we have a system that maximizes $$$ and at the same time is designed to protect at all costs vulnerability to being sued. Where does the patient and the patient outcome come into the picture when you have those 2 driving forces? I don't know the answer but DO know it would be better if we had more mutual good faith on both doctor and patient parts and less adversarial money harvesting. Of course those are cultural and philosophical issues. If you know and trust your doctor and the doctor knows and trusts you and therefor BOTH know they would not intentionally be misled or gratuitously sued just because a payday was there ... maybe doctor patient relationships and the whole system would be better. But like I say those are pie in the sky cultural issues. What we have is doctor patient strangers driven by base $$$ instincts. NOT and easy issue to mitigate.

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There are so many good points here... This is an important discussion for us to be having!. This is a well laid out set of considerations...and helps clarify the issues! Appreciate your thoughtful contribution!

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I think I started thinking of these things in earnest during COVID.

People were being sent to die with lung bursting intubation and treated with Run Death is Near Remdesivir but the one certainty is they were untouchable because they were doing the sanctioned "standard of care" or whatever you might call it.

People making valiant reasoned good faith efforts to save lives in a new disease scenario and in many cases even when they DID save lives ..., those doctors were being sanctioned, ruined, and often losing their licenses to practice. It was EXTREMELY sobering when you realized that the control was so complete that PHARMACIES were unwilling to fill Ivemectin and HCQ If it is not a dangerous addictive narcotic or something with other strong contraindications why the hell were pharmacies getting involved?

I started to think about the idea of ...

I'd rather die at the hands of an earnest competent doctor making a good faith effort to save my life than at the hands of some intubating Remdesivir serving doctor WHO KNOWS HE'S PROBABLY GOING TO KILL ME. But also knows there is a pretty penny in it for him and the hospital. And he knows he is untouchable even though he's almost sure I will die and a good chance what he's doing is facilitating that outcome.

The outcomes are the same. Your dead. But somehow it just seems to be more dignified and more in the spirit of humanity to die at the hands of a valiant good faith doctor than at the hands of some death camp attendant wannabe blindly and safely following orders. Seeking only to maximize profit and personal safety by extracting the gold from your teeth because the regime said that is the guaranteed safe way to behave

When efforts to treat and TRY TO CURE illness are rewarded dramatically more negatively than efforts that you know are causing harm the system has gone wildly upside down.

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Thankyou. Perhaps I should go back and clean up the spelling and syntax. But people of good faith know what I meant. Certainly seems YOU understood what I was driving at:)

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— greed…

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Thank you SO much for sharing this. I study alternative cancer treatments as a retired RN. I hope to help others but most totally trust their doctors have their best interests in mind.

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The type of person who puts their faith in a physician, will end up like King Asa. And for those not familiar with what I am referring to, here ya go:

2 Chronicles 16:12 (KJV)

And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease [was] exceeding [great]: yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD, but to the physicians.

2 Chronicles 16:13 (KJV) And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign.

The very middle verse of the entire Bible says the following;

Psalms 118:8 (KJV) [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

Modern day doctors have become nothing more than drug dealers for Rockefeller Pharmakeia, and until they wake up to the fact that the Lord considers this stuff Sorcery and Witchcraft, they will perish for lack of knowledge.

Pharmakeia (G5331) - Strong’s Greek concordance

1. the use or the administering of drugs

2. poisoning

3. sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it

metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry

Let those who have ears to hear, receive this information without offense.

Luke 8:17 (KJV)

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither [any thing] hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

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You're very welcome... You're very right... We have been well-trained along those lines...

The following comes from a Doctor in his cancer journey-meant to help others understand how they're being rushed into chemo, etc. Feel free to share. .https://debra152.substack.com/p/parting-gift.

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a bit hastily put together, but I wanted you to have this.... https://debra152.substack.com/p/cancer-info-part-one

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Many years ago I read "The Magnesium Factor" by Mildred Seelig & Andrea Rosanoff. Following that read, Magnesium became a very important part of every patient's support system. On a parallel track, I learned how effective a 50% MgCl solution could be to resolve muscle cramps, and chronic muscle guarding as seen in sub occipital tension headaches. Very little was available commercially, so I bottled it myself in 2 oz spray bottles and gave it to patients at a little above cost.

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That book is the bible of magnesium!! Oh good for you!!! Are you an MT or PT by any chance? (I did the same thing 💖)

from: https://debra152.substack.com/p/topamaxdopamax

A migraine is a muscle spasm of an artery. (blood vessels are muscles, too.)

In the old days, a patient who landed in the ER with a debilitating migraine would be given what was then, a 12-cent injection of ‘mag sulph’, also known as Epsom Salts or magnesium sulfate…They would administer the injection and wait for about 3 minutes. The artery walls would relax and NO MORE MIGRAINE! Then the doctor would advise the patient to go home and soak in several pounds of Epsom Salts twice a week for a few weeks to build up their magnesium levels. Once your levels were restored, you would never suffer a migraine again as long as you lived!

I can personally attest to this. From age 32-40 I began to experience frequent headaches…finally progressing to an 8-year-long headache! Once I sorted myself out, I have gone nearly 30 years without a single headache. I didn’t know that was even possible!

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Close, Debra. I just retired from a 36 year stint as a chiropractor. I depended on PTs to strengthen my segmentally dysfunctional patients so they wouldn't have to keep returning for the same problems. As a PT, did you follow much of Janda's work? Once his methods surfaced, I found PTs, MTs, and DCs, and a few MD/DOs were all able to be on the same page and communicate more clearly, although McKenzie's work also became a unifier of observation to those of us that were certified by him.

In regards to HA, the work of Nicolai Bogduk's anatomical revelation about the trigeminal cervical nucleus routing of pain perception throughout the CN Vs distribution answered a lot of clinical questions that would arise.

I worked myself through undergraduate and my 4 years of Palmer as an x-ray tech, and as a medical assistant in a walk-in clinic. Migraine patients were all treated the same until I proved to the ER doc that cervicogenic, myofascial, and migraine can all appear similar in presentation. One patient presented with HA, and the usual treatment was Stadol and Vistaril, and 20 minutes in a dark room and then out the door. I discovered she had active trigger points in her Traps when I placed my hand on her shoulder to reassure her we would give her relief, and she said "Oh, that's what causing the HA!" I detailed to the ER doc why we didn't have a migraine patient at all, and why not--in order to speak his language--give her a muscle relaxer orally instead of the narcotics and anti-nausea meds.? He said, sure, let's try that. In a half hour we went to check on the patient and her HA had nearly subsided.

I wish, after your story, I would have known about the MgSO4 injections to help the hundreds of common and classic and cluster HAs we treated in that clinic! In my clinic we did find topical MgCl very helpful.

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What an elegant path to knowledge. You remind me of the very old doctors who were scientists, observing and learning in a variety of ways, pursuing benefit for their patients unceasingly with open minds. So wonderful that you were able to share your observations with the doctors! I think of a friend who was a Julliard-trained classical violinist injured terribly in a car accident that abruptly ended his career and left him suicidal and wheelchair-bound. A childhood friend reappeared in his life and sent him for a complete round of Rolfing therapy, after which he was able to walk again. Then the friend offered to send him through Rolfing training at his expense. Allen became the most sensitive and adept Rolfer I've ever met. He explained to me that the accident was not a tragedy as he'd thought. Rather it was a promotion. He lost his career as a violinist, but he went on to say "What finer instrument could one work with than God's creation...the human body?" You demonstrated that kind of care...

I am a Chiang Mai and Bangkok trained Thai therapist...profound modality! (will look into Janda's work in a bit.) Thank you for all you shared here!

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Great important work! Thank you!

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thanks for taking the time to read it! all the best!

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Hi Suzanne! Here's the follow-up. https://debra152.substack.com/p/cancer-info-part-two

Am enjoying your posts!!

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Hi Sue....here's the next part of that story...


Thanks for the inspiration!

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Do they know that chemotherapy does more harm than good? Or do they believe in it? Either way, this is horrendous. I am currently treating three cancer cases by using IVM, Fenbendazole, IV Vitamin C, and a peptide called Thymosin alpha 1. They are doing well. One case has a PSA at 150, which is now down to the low 30s. But every time they need to go to their oncologists to get PET scans, the oncologists would always push them to get chemotherapy. This is with them refusing it at the start.

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You should take a look at apricot kernels and chaga mushrooms for their anti-cancer properties. Very simple food products with wonderful benefits.

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Yes, Vitamin B17. The world without Cancer by J Edward Griffin

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a dying doctor explains what goes on behind the scenes of that push... https://debra152.substack.com/p/parting-gift

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Are we surprised. Nope, making sure everyone is sick is big money. Always follow the money. I do not trust any doctor that are left, they are nothing but drug pushers, nothing more.

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The way of this kind of harsh business....

Not all doctors by any means. It truly depends on their moral fiber. There are many bucking the system and fighting for what's best for their patients.

This one was addicted to money, unfortunately...one of the worst addictions. An addict will lie, cheat, steal, sell grandma down the river...anything to get more of what they're addicted to.

I hope you meet some worthy ones when needed...

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I think the ones that buck the system get weeded out early in training.

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By the looks of it now, the ones that could and would buck the system get weeded out even prior to entering the training system.

I know of at least two fine young gentlemen who would've made fantastic physicians who wasted their time by applying to med schools. Not one interview between them! On the other hand, I've know several incompetents who even managed to get licenses to practice medicine and surgery. Fortunately, one that I know of soon lost her license. It's a story that's hard to believe and it happened about 20 yeras ago. I would bet my right arm that it's much worse now.

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Oh goodness! I bet that's right! I've found the good ones among the older crowd and they are going through so much unbelievable opposition. Thanks for this Dan!!

Do you remember the question they would ask of generations of new med students? (don't know if they still do) "Rank in order of importance your reason for becoming a doctor...making money, prestige, helping people. In the old days, helping was #1, prestige was #2, making money was #3. Over time, the reasons shifted to what we have at present...#1 making money , #2 prestige, #3 helping people. A bit more on that here: https://debra152.substack.com/p/teach-me

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We should stop calling them “doctors”, and refer to them with a more fitting description these days, 🤔 something like “Rockefeller’s”

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I feel the same way…legalized drug dealers. I have some hope left in doctors who are leaving the system and turning to holistic and natural healing…with the objective of finding root causes and not just treating symptoms.

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Let’s talk about the profitability of radiation centers .

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The White coats are the most ruthless out of us all.

The hierarchy is a weapon system !

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That's what they want...$$$$.

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blood curdling. thanks for clearly laying out the racket.

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Yes, and those mega-pricey chemo drugs along with the jabs were pumped by the truckload into my wonderful sister’s body and took her precious life recently — and she humbly trusted and believed to the end that the doctors were intent on helping her. They will ALL answer to Almighty God for their avarice and poisonous destructive actions and insatiable greed.

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so horrible Susan...the most painful experience... You might appreciate this... https://debra152.substack.com/p/parting-gift

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OMG! We've come to this?? How does this person sleep at night?

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She doesn't.... see comment above. As I got to know her over several months, I told her I'd heard that oncologists do not use chemo for themselves or family. "Is that true?" I asked. She said 'Yes...it's true." "How come?" "We know too much." After that, I asked every kind of doctor that came through my door and got the same answer. https://debra152.substack.com/p/parting-gift (rumor has it that if you need a good doctor, consult a vet) Best to you!

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May these vampires burn in Hades.

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Terrifying! I wonder if that is also outside of the US , Europe f.i.

Thank you for this

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I am familiar with several docs in Asia. The surgeons are generally far superior to what you'd get in the states. Many of the other docs are excellent diagnosticians, but most have been "Rockerfellered" and are as brainwashed by big pharma as anywhere else. I have a friend who's a pulmonologist in the Balkans and he was on board with the COVID scam from the beginning. It's a topic we do not discuss, so I do not know his current opinion on the crimes. He's a pretty smart cookie, so hopefully, he's seen the light. He's young, so may be it'll take a while. Interestingly, he went to med school where Ioannidis has lectured...

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.You're quite right! I've had my best experiences at Bumrungrad in Bkk... I'll post on that experience soon.

I ran clinic in Sarajevo up until the travel shutdown, working on the survivors of the rape and concentration camps. Had dinner w/ my host family and the head of a hospital at the onset of covid. They had set up an isolation ward, but were still keeping things under wraps. Your friend is no doubt, brilliant, but they also endured trauma...so they doubt themselves. Yes, hopefully he's got his bearings now.

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As a moldy chronic Lyme patient, what’s sad is it’s dental holding me up. Need infected root canal extracted and dental cavitation sites cleaned out (where I had wisdom out in 86 when I was 16)

Nothing is covered under ins. Biodentist estimate before plandemic and bidenflation was $15K.

And I so want to get well and PROVE it to all the non believers. Bc I’m vocal 😂😂

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In most communities there will be some options....dental school, community dentist for low income (some kindly souls there. While they may not have all the bells and whistles, you can get your basics handled. I know people who have gone to Mexico. I have taken a poor student to Thailand for dentistry. 3 wk vacation w/hotel, meals, touring, FINE, gentle honest dentistry and $ left over from the $2500 that my next-door dentist charged a sweet little old lady on a fixed income for one crown.... Don't cave...get creative. All the very best! Maybe look into home ozone (Crazy Ozone Lady)

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Simply sickening, but do not get me wrong...Karma is a Bitch...Period

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In support of that... I got a call from the local hospital at 8:30 on a Sunday night. They wanted to send a doctor over asap (Hey, I'm just a massage therapist...but the nurses knew my work) 'But it's 8:30 on Sunday night", I whined. "Please take the doctor-we're afraid the doctor is going to stroke out!" "Ok! Send him over." 20 min later a 36 yr old woman...the oncologist... came through the door. And she was about to have a stroke. Her stress? Not enough money... I kid you not. One of the most miserable humans I have ever met... Destroyed from the inside out.

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big pharma wants to turn our immune systems into a subscription service

(well, those of us they don't kill)

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One of the numerous aspects of the Covid operation is to invent a new market for Pharmaceuticals. It is impossible to underestimate the value that Pharma and the medical cartel bring to large financial investment firms. Pharmaceuticals and the "health management system" in the US is currently the largest sector of the US economy.

It is also impossible to overstate how severe the economic crash of 2019 was for the Pharma Industry. Fortunately for these parasites a phony Pandemic magically appeared in 2020.

The problem facing Pharma is that they need new diseases (which they create with their products) and blockbuster drugs to continue their Ponzi schemes. This at a time when they are hitting patent cliffs for multiple blockbuster drugs across industry.

Vaccines play an enormous role in this as they are one of the largest ROI "drugs" in the Pharma playbook as they get subsidized, have captured customers via CDC vaxx schedule and receive indemnification. Without "blockbuster" drugs the Pharma Industry essentially falls apart.

The plan is for the mRNA "vaccine" cash cow to be much bigger than Covid. The plan is to use similar mechanisms against any imagined viral pathogen in existence and now that they've gotten the tech to market they'll start going down the list using their readily "downloadable" mRNA platforms for these new "diseases" that they perpetually invent.

Another aspect of the Covid Operation is to codify a mechanism that allows Pharma to sidestep lengthy and costly clinical trials with this new "Pharma model" as they are deemed no longer necessary with this "new" delivery system. This allows for greater profiteering as Phase 3 clinical trials make up to 80% of all R&D costs for approved drugs.

Governments will try to mandate the shots (or short of that, will use every form of coercion available to them) for entire populations. Every human being on earth, every human body to be an endless source of revenue.

The plan is to implement a subscription model for endless mRNA injections and turn us into human pincushions in order to line the pockets of The Pharma Cartel.

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Allen - your comment is a good synopsis illustrating that the Pharmaceutical Industry has zero to do with health, and everything to do with profits.

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They kill people eventually…for the most part, the slower the better, to keep that revenue stream going as long as possible.

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Gov subsidized corporate 'Merika at it's finest!!!

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Love your art! Magnificent

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These companies -- even CVS and Walgreen's are pushing the jab with new TV commercials. Walgreen's latest ad shows a mother and father and a little boy who looks to be about 5, sitting at table with the parents looking at their cell phones talking about making their appointment to get a their covid-flu shots. The mother pushes an instant scheduling button her phone -- one and done!

I saw part two of this Walgreen's ad last evening. The little boy and the mother are at Walgreen's with the pharmacist talking to the little boy to ease his fear about getting a shot. Next it shows the pharmacist putting a band-aid on the little boy's arm, then the camera pans up to include the mother in the last scene with a band-aid on her arm and a side-view of her -- she's PREGNANT! All of these people are criminals. They know they are killing and disabling thousands of people every day, yet the continue to push this toxic stuff on little children and pregnant women!! They won't stop until the prescribed number of people (per the global elitists) are dead. Hopefully, as more people see their friends and relatives, as well as other well-known entertainers, etc. dying from they jab, there will be fewer people falling for this scheme. Obviously, the new jabs aren't doing well. We can only hope that many more people refrain from this horrid experiment and more people will lose their Big Pharma jobs.

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Walgreens is despicable. When I go to their site, there’s a picture of a smiling lady getting a Band Aid on her arm..the Band Aid has a big “W” on it. Their announcements all are pushing some type of pharmaceutical/shot.

Talk about brainwashing!

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I never cross the thresholds of CVS or Walgreens. They’re evil to the core.

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That is utterly sickening. When this is all upended, the production companies producing these horror scripts will also end up in jails imo.

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If no one complied out of fear, the house of cards would fall.

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Dream on. If only. I’m sorry, Suzanne, but we have to stop it with the wishful thinking.

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Sep 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Since the last time I commented on here, my father has prostate cancer. My uncle also has cancer. My father took 3 shots or more and my uncle I believe 2 shots.

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Sep 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

My other uncle has Afib and another person in my family is on dialysis for the rest of his life. 1 week after the shot.

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Question is, are more people starting to connect the dots? Ask questions? Or would that be too painful?

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I seriously thought people would GET it by now. It’s mind blowing!🤯

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I think so, but my sample size is small and living in Lancaster County, PA, atypical: a lot of Amish & Mennonite and former Amish and former Mennonite.

In my church there are a lot of home schoolers & anti vaxers, however I mentor a younger doc who is aware of jab harms.

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Very interesting.

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Rhiannon - only a very, very few, it seems. I don’t think they can face the horror of it all. So tragic.

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The denial is very strong.

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Theme from M*A*S*H



Through early morning fog, I see

Visions of the things to be

The pains that are withheld for me

I realize and I can see

That suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please

The game of life is hard to play

I'm gonna lose it anyway

The losing card I'll someday lay

So this is all I have to say

Suicide is painless (suicide)

It brings on many changes (changes)

And I can take or leave it if I please

The sword of time will pierce our skins

It doesn't hurt when it begins

But as it works it's way on in

The pain grows stronger, watch it grin

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please

A brave man once requested me

To answer questions that are key

"Is it to be or not to be?"

And I replied, "Oh, why ask me?"

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please

And you can do the same thing if you please


3% of people vaccinated against Covid-19 'died suddenly'

Overview of a recent study on Covid-19 vaccination and mortality




The vaccination-related mortality rate stands at approximately 3 % of those who received the vaccine, with the majority of cases occurring among individuals under the age of 60, who were not hospitalized and had received their initial vaccine dose."

C'est la guerre. It's the war. The Omniwar.

Omniwar Symposium


"We have yet to mount a defense" --Patrick Wood

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I think just like the many decades of SIDS deaths never blamed on vaccines, so the "medical" profession refuse to consider the current shots as the cause of any harms....and people really want to believe their doctors.

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Every time I open the 'news' in Australia it is story after story of young people with cancer.

I just had someone in my family die of turbo cancer. His doctors gaslit him the entire time and said the bruising on his limbs after his AZ jabs was due to 'fish oil tablets.' He kept jabbing with Pfizer. I was not allowed to attend the funeral.

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I am very sorry especially that you were not allowed to attend last rites.

Hopefully he is interned where you can visit.

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"It’s a non-starter for an online prescription business to have no insurance coverage"

OMG, Pfizer is really doing this? I needed this laugh this morning. They'll get rent-a-docs who will prescribe Pfizer products preferentially, and clinically dead pharmacists who will dispense anything and bypass all drug interaction or clinical alerts.

I give it 3-6months.

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They can streamline and cut costs by replacing the rent-a-docs and brain-dead pharmacists with AI.

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All I can tell you they’ve tried to replace pharmacists with techs, robots and AI for years. No success so far. I’ll wait.

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Was just going to make that point! 😂😞

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

My healthy Aunt suffered cardiac arrest a week after the 2nd shot and died. My step brother was in remission from a glioblastoma brain tumor for 13 years. But soon after the 2nd shot his MRI lit up like a Christmas tree and he passed away.

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I am sorry!

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My condolences

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I am so sorry!

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Sep 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Until fizer is crumbling into dust, none of us are safe from its evil and destructive drugs, not just vaccines and mRNA poisons.

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Remember that Pfizer is the delivery method, this scam is run by the US Depart of Defence, a gen-oc-idal organisation.

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Sep 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Cynical me likes the idea. I spent many years protesting DTC marketing and getting shouted down by colleagues, administrator MBAs, MPHs and patients who "know their bodies". Now I say make every drug and biological OTC. Let the consumer beware and learn the hard way. I would much prefer the consultative role to being a vendor / gatekeeper.

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I made that pitch to an advisory group to government. Exempt narcs and antibiotics. Kiosks using AI to diagnose. Choice of drugs pro/con to choose. Preliminary supply auto dispensed. Let’s see how it works. The bureaucrats had vapours.

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Sep 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Awesome water colour.

Ffizer needs to be out of business.

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seems like they first killed all the old chickens, sterilized the young chicks, so they won't lay eggs and now they are going for the adult chickensThese are very stupid farmers because soon they will have no income at all anymore. But oh wait, some military chickens might still be around. The ones that are in fact roosters...

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The idea is that they no longer need us to buy things once they own everything and can just keep around a few peasants for lab rats and possible transitioning or backups in case their machines don't work. Most are bad at designing technology (Bill Gates) or hire others to do it for them. A bunch of parasitic monsters who want to kill or imprison everybody else in the world and run everything for themselves. A civilization designed by sociopaths, governed by sociopaths for an exclusively sociopathic population. Hmm.

The technocratic NWO is nihilistic, and I don't believe it's sustainable. Which is good.

By its nature evil is short sighted and self-destructive.

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What you say is certainly true, but I would add that the proletariat are not free of guilty participation in their own demise - just look around you.

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Normalcy bias is killing many people I love. They will not ask questions or consider anything called "fringe" by their TV stations.

Watching them destroy themselves has caused me so much emotional distress that my own health is broken.

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Like most big corporations in all fields they have been cannibalizing the profits since corporate taxes were cut.

Higher taxes are an incentive to reinvest in labor and equipment etc.

Pfizer is no different, as they made record profits with minimal actual work with the con-vid shots.

What exactly are they cutting when they're mostly a skeleton company? Obviously the profits are being funneled out into the hands of executives and stock buy backs.

As much as people blame socialism for issues, this end stage capitalism is also broken.

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end stage capitalism is mid-stage socialism meets fascism.

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Yep, socialism for the wealthy.

Rugged capitalism for the working class.

The worst of both worlds.

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Excellent summation, Sasha!

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Sep 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

I am amazed people still buy into Pfizer after the covid scam vax but then I have a friend who zoned out some time ago and reads nothing. I can’t imagine being so disengaged but then again that is not how I operate. When people who have literally been trained to be addicted to the next new thing be it food or drugs they appear to have shut off their capacity for rational thought just needing big plucked Pfizer to help them navigate access - their new drug dealer writ large. How Pfizer can appear in public and say the things they do beggars the question- how insane is our culture. Everyone within Pfizer appears to have drunk the kool aid and thinks marketing is the answer and presenting Pfizer as their customers “friend” is the way to garner customers. How do they recruit and screen for employees willing to maim and kill for a paycheck. There is so much evil contained in this prospect it is hard to get one’s head around the utter audacity of these psychopaths. There should be a skull and crossbones on their packaging to warn folks - new Pfizer logo. Used to be you got a list of all potential side effects when visiting the pharmacy to secure your drugs-going direct to Pfizer will eliminate this process but then who reads anyway - oh, you don’t have to read the pharmacist will explain how to take the drug and point out issues re interaction with other meds you take - making everyone along the chain complicit in murder. My advice drink a glass of water and don’t buy the drug and don’t call Pfizer for advice re their drug. What Pfizer is doing is called a conflict of interest; it is a conflict of interest to promote and sell a product that needs a third parties oversight but then again how would the masses know this they don’t read and get AI advice from the Pfizer algorithm - how to maim client/patient so they need other Pfizer drugs to cure the side effects that will then cause other side effects that will need treatment- welcome to the endless Pfizer merry go round. The term iatrogenic means brought on by treatment Pfizer’s reason for being. Remember 33 percent of deaths every year in America are brought on by treatment-maybe the percent is higher post covid vax but who can assess that since we aren’t allowed to know what’s in the vax and there are no truly factual statistics. Remember - The life you save may be your own.

Thanks for always keeping it real Sasha.

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Remember all medical systems are complicit with DoD, HHS etc. ;, Kaiser Permanente a huge health system touts covid vaccines and various boosters are reviewed in their Kaiser news publication. You cannot make this up - this is the world we live in - follow the money. Science what science- in the post-modern world science is a belief system not based on facts but emotions and manipulation, medicine is about profit; the AMA is a huge marketing arm that pushes doctors to behave in a certain way or have their license threatened. Their is no institution in the US that we formerly may have trusted that hasn’t been captured by the capitalist cabal - only reason for being is profit. The whole system is so corrupt it should collapse under its own weight but no it has become the norm. Thinking, rational people are becoming extinct.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

I am very careful of pitting capitalism against socialism, the root of the problem is insatiable greed - which happens under both systems.

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Corruption thrives in both systems.

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Sep 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

"That last part tells me this new plan will be a grand failure. It’s a non-starter for an online prescription business to have no insurance coverage, because those who believe their health comes at the end of the needle or in a pill also believe it’s all free." That is so true! I never thought of that. The reason they think it's free is because they think the system cares about them and wants them to be alive and healthy.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

May I suggest they start going door-to-door?....."Say hello to my leettle friend!" ......Kindly Pfuck off!

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pfucked indeed

The Magician And The Uniparty Scam


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