Mar 31·edited Mar 31Liked by Sasha Latypova

Oh, I've been so angry for so long!

At journalists in particular. They control the perception and the emotions of all those who cannot get mad. The journalists and tv hosts and radio guys and even the podcasters chose to side with evil. I hope some of them reverse their decision and do the penance they owe.

I think the father saying "please get mad!" perhaps blames bimself for not having been mad enough before her child was killed. Maybe he doesn't, but that kind of feelings are common in parents. His daughter made the wrong choice, and I can't blame her, because of all the propanda who mislead her. I blame those who spread and continue to spread the lies.

And I blame the doctors and nurses who have zero self-respect a know no reverence for life. If they had stopped this in 2020, many victims would be alive. They never stopped. I don't understand them: Doctors and Nurses are supposed to be smarter than Journalists.

Everything that's happened still feels incredible.

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Mar 31Liked by Sasha Latypova

Great post, Sasha. Hard to watch the video of the parents who lost their child. I want to cry with them. Love the short clip of Katherine's interview. It is so hard getting anyone who can't see it to see it. That has been the greatest difficulty I have faced so far. My daughters think my wife and I are crazy conspiracy theorists. There has been a tremendous fracturing of society as a whole including divisions in so many families. May God lift the scales from the eyes of the deceived, and give those of us awake tools to stop the madness. Thank you for using your voice to spread truth. God bless you and your family!

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Mar 31Liked by Sasha Latypova

Somehow hearing the abject grief rushing from that absolutely destroyed father made me feel like I can breathe again. I know it sounds weird but hopefully some of y’all will understand what I mean. For several years now, we have been bombarded with the obituaries from victims of “inexplicable sudden death” that read like trite high school year book comments. They almost all have that same monotone feel coupled with a brief litany of the positive attributes of a “life extinguished far too soon.” I keep wondering; WHERE is the RAGE, the unadulterated ANGER?? I have found the response to this obvious mass genocide to be almost as tragic and upending as the deaths themselves. It’s as if everyone is walking around in a trance and none of this is really happening. It’s enough to make you wonder if you might just be losing your mind. But, wow, when you listen to this dad spill his bloodied and broken heart out over the loss of the “apple of his eye” and “reason for living,” you cannot help but feel somehow hopeful that we as humans are not entirely lost for all time. It’s gut wrenching for sure and my heart goes out to those precious parents, but I really needed to hear that pain to believe that it still exists. It has to still exist.

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Beautiful article Sasha, thank you.

Thank God these beautiful parents spoke up, and that you were there to support them.

I am reminded of Ernesto Ramirez who is always in my prayers - he has resisted incredible pressure and blackmail at the hands of these vultures in order to speak the truth. Sadly, many succumb to the pressure.

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Mar 31Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you for choosing good Sasha! Also, for sharing the harsh truth of things, for example, the devil of what is layered in details/US codes/laws/policy of how our government is perfectly okay with killing its citizens. Lastly, you share your art which helps us turn to the light of what is good in humanity--which helps greatly after reading the aforementioned.

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I try, in my very small way, to send at least 200 emails every few days (I will send this one) about the horrors of the Department of Defense-engineered Plandemic and the rottenness of our crap medical system and bought and paid for doctors. I try to talk to at least 5 strangers a day about how dangerous is has been to believe our government and comply with the med/pharma system...the media lies, the corrupt educational system. If someone is willing to accept it, I try to send them nutritional information which may help them be their own doctor, and no longer be afraid of fairy-tale virus fear-porn. I send money to organizations that broadcast the facts, and sue the evildoers. It isn't enough. I should do more.

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Mar 31Liked by Sasha Latypova

Stirring words from Katherine saying how we need to clearly see the evil in order to combat it rather than live in comfort, ignoring it .... along with your constant work helping to educate us, together, what a combo !

Wishing you well today in all you do, xo

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Mar 31Liked by Sasha Latypova

Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.

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I lost my job in the plandemic as a nurse, I told all the staff DO NOT GET THIS JAB!! But no one took any notice, they were all gaslit by my brain dead bully of a boss one dead, loads ill and some with cancer!

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Mar 31Liked by Sasha Latypova

This is so sad. I saw the documentary regarding the Martins and I couldn’t hold it together either.

They murdered their baby girl! Who the hell can get over that🙏❤️🙏

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This is correct, without equivocation.

A solution A remedy To the Color of law governance on Oregon. It applies to all of us on the several states.

It is not about peace and justice. We may be able to go thru this time without a fight. It is unlikely that evil will retreat without a struggle. Justice is not available. Remedy is the goal. There is no justice for all the evil we have acquiesced to since March 1861. "They" are killing us and incarcerating us. We are they. My brother is on the de facto side. It will not be peaceful until the medical, military and judicial tyrants are gone. That could be a while.

Meeting our responsibilities to ourselves and our progeny is a remedy program not a peace program.

We need a few definitions to start with. Mindset!! Nomenclature!! Definitions and the proper source for your definitions!!. Assume the mantle of a man or woman with our progeny. Your provenance, unique on Earth, from the “unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,” read the opening paragraph again.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to

(1) dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and

(2) to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should

(3) declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Punlished 1776. Then the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union's articles stiled The United States of America's Constitution 1859 prior to 1861. The United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. is the de facto: operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be.

We are sovereign!!!

(see https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/bouvier/bouvier.htm ) all of us are Sovereign. Only us and kings, and other governments. See also de facto page 416 Black's 6th edition) illegal and illegitimate. We are de jure lawful and Constitutional page 416. They changed the definition in Blacks 11th edition.

So, only you can obtain and hold the mindset, no one can do it for you; we cannot do it alone. Use the proper names for everything and spell it out. Then definitions: Bouvier 1856 is the only Constitutional dictionary. We have Black's 1st edition 1891, 4th, 5th, 6th 1991, 11th current. Words are important, use them correctly, as best as you can. It will take a conversation or maybe 10 to get comfortable with what causes Cognitive Dissonance, Stockholm Syndrome et alia.

The solution is written out, read and follow the prompts, no interpretation needed. We have the documents, close enough the originals are hidden or destroyed, we have the dictionaries, good enough, now for the mindset. The initial conversion to implementing your move to the III%. Then the perseverance and determination to see it through www.orsja.org.

Lincoln’s E.O 100 Lieber Code https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Lincoln%27s+EO+100+Lieber+code&atb=v382-1&ia=web, It is still in effect 2018 US Army’s Martial law plan.

Ex parte Milligan https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ex+parte+Milligan&atb=v382-1&ia=web,

Mookini 303 https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mookini+303&atb=v382-1&ia=web, They hid our Article III courts.

The United States of America https://duckduckgo.com/?q=The+United+States+of+America&atb=v382-1&ia=web, That is our name for the several states named in 1777. Britannica lies on this link

United States located in Washington District of Columbia, forts, ports and needful buildings the government service company for the several states. It has morphed into United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc

It took www.orsja.org 4.5 years as a social compact. By taking it one step at a time as we figured it out. The paperwork to establish a Constitutional de jure provisional government on each of the several states and commonwealths and territories can be accomplished in 30 days by Jural Assemblies of 5 people on each state; 15 hours of work; 100 bucks for postage and 40 bucks for a seal. ARTICLE I Section 1 Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —

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Christos voskres!

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I just deleted a chat group with 57 college friends. One of their wives just "died suddenly" after a cardiac procedure. And nobody will touch it. And yes we have "medical doctors" in the group. Enough.

They know how to reach me: https://outsidein51.substack.com/p/pro-vaccine-safety-in-2023-where

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha - "“Each one of us has a role that Providence has entrusted to us, and which it would be culpable to shrink from." - Abp Vigano

Our hearts must vibrate to that iron string. A special place in hell awaits these reprobates.

Happy Easter!

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Apr 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

My brother was viciously assaulted by Astra-Zenica and today is having his second leg removed because he cannot stop clotting. I curse these money grabbing parasites to an eternal black hole, failing which, I hope they are reincarnated with the most brutal of deformities as a measure of repentance.

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Mar 31·edited Apr 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

Like “Agent Roger” I too have been angry for so long!! Every time someone close to me dies from these jabs I get more furious - and sad. First it was my half-sister who got it in 2021 and 2 weeks later the hospital immediately put her on a vent - she died 2 months later. Then my dear friend from high school. Not sure how many shots he had, but I begged him when she died to get no more. He died last May from a stroke. Just the week before his PCP had told him he was in excellent health. Now my good friend who lives in my community is dying of Turbo Cancer after having been sick with what he thought was "Long Covid" for nearly a year. He received 5 shots. I tried to tell him to contact FLCCC for help. He didn't. Another neighbor who was adamant that everyone get all the flu, Covid, etc. shots (to protect her of course) died last summer from a stroke. And several friends had terrible side effects from their ONE shot - thankfully they got better. I often wonder how many people are telling these kinds of stories - or will over the next few years be telling them.

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