What boggles my mind is that our tribe in Oklahoma, The Chahta (Choctaw) still have not awakened. As tribal members we get the newspaper from them. There is always an article or advertisement for shots. We can have all the legislative protections imaginable but if we don't exercise good sense and reject toxins, then it won't matter. Remember people were clamoring for it. Damn.

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I am an 88 y/o naturalist and attribute that to my longevity. I ride a bicycle to get to appointments and used to get my groceries on my bike before a card for groceries forced my shopping at Walmart.. A firm belief in natural foods/medicines supplied by our maker should should be a right of everyone.

Patricia P Tursi, PhD.

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Apr 2Liked by Sasha Latypova

This needs to occur in EVERY state! Thank you, Sasha!

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Apr 2Liked by Sasha Latypova

This appears to be a very worthy effort, so thank you to all who attended.

It is *remarkable* that multiple States Attorneys General have neglected to authorize investigations in their own jurisdictions... Pharmaceutical cartels are laughing all the way to the bank...

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Apr 2Liked by Sasha Latypova

I just shared your breathtaking painting of St Michael with some of our artist friends from Rachacha. They asked me to let you know how it moved them. I think eveyone is begnning to recognize we are in a (spiritual) war. Glimmers of awakening .... Powerful painting, Sasha! well done.

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I wish more state legislators would consider withdrawing funding to all the colleges that were spectacularly wrong on all important Covid points.

In my recent essay, I quantify the capture rate in American colleges, where 4,200 of them got ALL the important take-aways regarding Covid response spectacularly wrong.


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Apr 2Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you Sasha, for posting about this event in advance. Had you not done so and had I not been a follower to your Substack I would not have known and so would not have attended. The presentations were necessarily brief but all impactful. I'm very glad that we were moved to a larger room and such a beautiful room it was! The mural in that room was by an artist previously unknown to me, Thomas Gilbert White. It is the right panel of the triptych called "Pro Patria" commissioned by the oil man Frank Phillips and is fittingly called "The State Mourns the Memory of Her Dead" and dedicated on Armistice Day, November 11, 1928. Perhaps, one day in the future, we can all meet in the paired room across the main stairway where the left panel of the triptych hangs and which is called "The State Guards the Memory of Her Dead." Also, thanks for sharing your thoughts about the J&J DNA Covid-19 vaccine which was used by some in the military, especially those on flying status, who wanted to get the requirement over and done with.

For those interested in viewing the paintings by White, here is a link to the artwork and other pieces at the Oklahoma State Capital. The triptych is called "Pro Patria".


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Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you Sasha for coming to Oklahoma!

You and Katherine were the two that woke me up. The DOD killing it's own people with the help of mindless politicians. How crazy and tragic it all is.

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Apr 2Liked by Sasha Latypova

You simply have to read the book 'Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime : How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare' by Peter C. Gotzsche to realise to what extent this infamous Global Mafia's negative influence has maimed and put to eternal sleep oh so many millions of people.

Worse still, when they work hand in claw with the US Defense Department and other highly dangerous entities, the outcome can only be disastrous for those on the receiving end:((

On another subject connected to the US DOD, I clearly remember Donald Rumsfeld publicly stating on the 10th september 2001 that more than 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS were missing from the DOD accounts at the Pentagon.

The very next day, the investigative team at the Office Of Naval Intelligence at the Pentagon who were closely investigating this huge amount of unaccountable cash took a hit from a passenger plane piloted by Saudi Arabian hijackers who couldn't even fly small Cessnas and everyone was killed except for one person. All the investigative documents disappeared as well:(

A pure coincidence of course!!

Keep up your great efforts Sasha in spite of endless pushback.

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The NWO is on trial. Its only the beginning.

Laissez les bon temps rouler!!


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Apr 2Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you. Does this provide a legal written record of testimonies? Just curious.

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Apr 2Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha, how dare you!

How dare you have anything to do with a meeting at which 11 lawmakers were present and NONE were other than male?! Even more disgusting, it would appear that all these males appear to be of the cisgender variety. This is MORE than problematic, and you are hereby given notice that you have been reported. /sarc

Sarc off/ All of which goes to prove — as if more proof were needed — that despite the endless "elite"-directed divide and conquer constructs (think gender, think melanin/race, etc...), the only distinction that matters to sane humans is good vs bad. Thanks for keepin' it real!

PS: typo ... "David Harder", should be "David Hardin".

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So important to spread this info around as it inspires others to stay in the fight.

Influenza got its name as the "influence" of the stars, which are electromagnetic forces:


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Apr 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

Such amazingly good artworks, Sasha. Thanks so much for sharing them, Sasha. They make a great contrast to all the corruption-collapse news.

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Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

The testament of the lady whose husband was killed by medics is profoundly moving. I imagine that Marik, Kory and many others on the inside had very robust conversations with hospital administrators that led to them being where they are now passionately investigating, helping, caring, shouting from the rooftops so we all have been gifted so much knowledge. She had good medical knowledge yet alone, barred from being there, fighting fighting fighting. But, like Dr Marik did with his patients, watching her husband being killed while denied all the basic nursing, medical and appropriate drug care that we know he needed, and simple humanity, shows us we must continue to bare witness to this madness for our lifetimes to change it. And change it we must. 🙏

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Apr 2Liked by Sasha Latypova

i am loving the artwork from todays post!

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