these days I'd almost wish the NPCs were screeching... instead I find a bunch of silent, compliant robots who act like COVID never happened, like they never actively tried to force poison on others and have dissenters removed from social media, work, and life in general :/

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The "Great Reset" goes on, though the MSM doesn't use those words anymore.


The "assassination attempt" on Trump was obviously faked and nobody said a word. Is anyone surprised that they then continue to steamroll over us?

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“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.”

― Lord Acton

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@NeoFeudalism has pointed out


that apparently it doesn't appear in any of his published writings.

I pointed out that I got it from


and Goodreads.com is Amazon owned, and you can trust Jeff Bezos because he drives a pickup truck and wears a cowboy hat and a t shirt and there are pictures to verify that, although his wife looks kind of skanky.

But apparently


although that's assuming Wickapedia is right.

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I was thinking that yesterday. The plan unfolds and people take up various roles in the game. :( . what actually steers it elsewhere ? :( . One of my favourite energy healer , earth energy , philosophy guys just got turbo cancer despite being unvaxed . Its not even working out well for the awakened folks :( .

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non sequiturs here...

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They have no bullet for evidence. Why would that be ?

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I followed Off-Guardian for about two years, and concluded the British mindset was so defeatist and morose it stunk of diaper ooze. The readers whine and complain and whine and complain, then whine some more. The Off-Guardian rag is a meme machine...

The British populace still embrace pomp and royalty, and refuse to clue that their deployment of Parliamentary scam systems (alleged democracies) have ruined every country they've invaded in the last four hundred years... Ah well...

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All hail the UK Monarch, King Chuckles the Turd!

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Besides the diaper ooze smear of the "mindset" of an entire country, do you have any quarrel with the contents of the off-guardian article itself?

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Yes. A short clip from the article: "The people at the apex of the pyramid literally spent two years talking about this. Telling you it was the plan and how great it was going to be.

Then, when it didn’t take, they spent two more years pretending they never said it and distracting you with other things like UFOs. Taylor Swift. ChatGPT. Race-baiting." [End quote]

As in many OffGuardian articles, the article points toward obvious problems and issues which *ought* to inflame the response of readers. Yet... The constant repetition of "government bad, elite bad, Bill Gates bad, future bad," etc. only serves to mesmerize. Like a pendulum swinging back and forth, the mesmerizer fades into the background and the victim continues to focus on the swinging watch. The audience is left awaiting actionable instructions which never arrive... Rinse and repeat...

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Incidence of predictive word usage are exploited by writing programs such as "Grammarly". Grammarly was allegedly designed to "guide" the writer toward better use of formal grammar, and/or consistent expression of "tone". Jeeze! How the Hell did Shakespeare get by without using Grammarly? How about Poe, Keats, and 100's of others?

I once fancied myself as a poet, and relied upon shifts in rhythm or syntax to intentionally stress or affect certain areas of the piece. When Grammarly (and other such word salad programs) were first offered on the web, I couldn't resist my level of disgust. Ah well... Illiteracy is...

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"...we spend hours talking about the science ... at the crime scene.."

Forget the crime. Let's talk about the science. Perhaps we should talk about the science of rabbit holes. Opening question. Do they have exits?

So many different thoughts and topics in this podcast. But that first quote grabbed me because so much of what goes on feels like we're debating semantics and syntax and all sorts of things while the bodies are dropping and the world is crumbling around us.

Good tool of the protection racket and the plausible deniability operation that keeps us paralyzed and the lawyers well fed is the crawling down rabbit holes while at the crime scene. By the time you crawl out, if ever it's too late to do anything and most of the surface rabbits are dead or disabled.

Really enjoyed this free range interview. Probably need to give it another listen. Lots to chew on. Engaging and entertaining

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Unusual to find such artistic talent packaged with such intellect. Sasha is really one of a kind amazing with personality!

Dr.Don Hall, N.D.

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so glad you went off-topic. the best thing is, you laughing, your sang froid intact. that's a marvellous model. very comforting. so enjoyed your riff on Large Language Model as applied to Covid-Brain, or inability to break free of dogma. I get stuck in frustration and lose my sense of humor. it's important not to take this stuff too seriously, while remaining vigilant. that's panache.

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I share ALL your columns! You are the absolute expert on the whole Covid debacle. And, you are unafraid to speak up about it. BTW: you are a very good artist. Keep it up.

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For me, the jury is out on this former successful mainstream channeller. But thanks!

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i loved how Rich d hall dealt with his question about flat earth . lol. Journalists are journalists, they have to live for attention .

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His tweets (probably now long deleted) during the height of the Covid shitshow were very revealing of the man’s character. The kindest way to put it is that he behaved like a terrified fanny. Did he ever address this? I mean if you followed the data and actually looked around you… only the most vulnerable were succumbing to ‘whatever’ it was unless you were unfortunate enough to be murdered in a care home…

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Dunno about that: Delingpole wasn't a "Covid Bedwetter", as far as I know...


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He spent much of his Twitter time blocking 🚫 those who disagreed with him. The only person I block on there is Elon Musk.

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I had to delete the app as it seems to be designed as a rage bait gulag. For the few tweets I’m curious about I use the hack of xcancel.com instead of x.com so I can view comments. It’s a handy hack.

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I’m just basing it on what I read. I always stand to be corrected. What I saw didn’t paint him in the dissident light he would like to be seen in.

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James admits himself that he's learnt a great deal since the Covid scam. He's a clever guy who's hungry for truth.

I used to read James in the Telegraph, going back over 15 years ago. He constantly called out the global warming scam and was very passionate about it, yet he was not at all receptive to my many comments about chemtrails as he was ignorant about the subject back then. He certainly knows a lot more today.

Credit where credits due!

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"Science" has evolved into a religion complete with a god (the Blob that funds it all - the pirate corporatist states of the West), priests ( the academics, MDs, PhDs, etc.), acolytes (government apparatchiks , media, etc. - who all keep the candles lit, the incense burning, and the choir on the same page of music), and, of course, faithful congregants (who sacrifice their reason, lives, souls, and treasure to Holy Evidence-Biased" Science).

The monster is so massive that one despairs that this can ever be changed, but Human history is littered with the remnants of previous empires and their "religions". This will happen here in time - just would love to be around to see the far side of collapse...

Thanks for your voice, Sasha! May your hoildays be filled with joy and rest.

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Is there no limit to which the corrupt 'Establishment' will not go to depopulate humanity?

Strangely, 'Bovaer' seems to be another of Bill Gates's surreptitious plans to depopulate the planet by smuggling poison into the human food chain under the guise of minimising 'carbon' emitted from cattle and other farm animals FARTING! In reality, it is designed to poison the population by making males infertile!

Bovaer has absolutely nothing to do with Cows farting!

Boycott all Bovaer-poisoned food = Arla products contain Bovaer! Say NO to Arla products!

Another Gates product is Apeel which is a poisonous coating that supposedly slows down the deterioration of fresh fruit and vegetables. This material remains on the skins and cannot be washed off. Whether it permeates the skin is as yet unknown! Beware!

There is already a high awareness that Arla products are unsafe - if not population-reducing. We must raise awareness of all food products using this formulation to facilitate planet depopulation. Please check all grocery for these poisons being used in or on the foods you buy.

Gates recently bought a Dutch ARTIFICIAL MEAT company called Picnic. Who knows what is contained in this 'food source'?

Beware of all ARLA products and boycott them if they include any materials that might be harmful to humans as they could reduce the population by causing infertility.

By now you should recognise that we are in a war for survival.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer by avoiding all food which Bill Gates has contaminated!

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Excellent conversation with excellent humor and wit.

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Those persimmons are beautiful Sasha and looking forward to your discussion with JD. 💐💐

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Brilliant discussion ! Thanks for sharing.

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Podcast was 10 days ago. I haven't watched/listened to many pods but gave my hour+ to your link.

PrepAct extended, as expected, right?

Sasha, I am glad to hear your melodious voice, which is much as i expected from reading your posts.

Delingpol is quirky, leading subjects roundabout (Virginia's DOT is enamored of that traffic construct to my dismay) but you stuck to the salient truth of Western civilization:

Models. Analysis. History.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Tools. We are becoming tools.

The convenient larceny of individual initiative.

Do not comply!

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Fast mode: "Safe............. and Effective"

Was it Stalin who said, "We will rule by Slogans" ?

Most MD's learned very little about vaccines in med school except that they are 'safe and effective'. The less they are taught, the less they will question. Taking a vaccine is a sacrament in our western culture, you just have to 'believe' it, because the alternative is too frightening to consider.

Our religion as westerners is to not question the experts.

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Oh, sorry...late to the party...but here's the Toynbee "coffee table book" Sasha mentioned.

Free download...use a VPN if you have one, just in case...recommend Slow Partner Server #2. You may have to wait a few minutes before getting the "Download Now" signal, but SPS#3 is quite slow on books this size.


You might be able to piece together all (11?) volumes of this Toybee work at annas-archive, but it doesn't look like you can download them all as a single file.

Happy hunting...but I hope James cancelled his plans and listened to a book or two instead.

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