Keep enlightening those masses Sasha!

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Current Congress members have legal authority and moral agency to stop vaccine-mediated mutilation and killing programs worldwide.

That's why so many people work so hard to make it difficult for Congress members to understand the authority they hold in their hands, and to use it.


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Apr 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

"These products have never been compliant with pharmaceutical law, they have always been adulterated and misbranded poison." — THIS should be plastered on all media worldwide, and replace all the bullshit context-notice-box-rot/misinformation-warnings.

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Apr 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

Criminals in a system controlled by criminals stopping at nothing to impose their crimes on the vulnerable.. It's all coming out how very evil and lethal man can become toward their fellow man and the planet. Good luck with your efforts, but it seems no matter how much proof you show, it will be overridden in this corrupt system. We will all do what we can to resist and protect ourselves from this danger to our lives. That's what happens when God is declared dead.

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Apr 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

Some pig.

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Look at all the Esquires and talking about the Constitution

Our benevolent form of martial law with a pretend adherence to our Constitutions created the best form of governance on the planet for decades. The BAR attorneys and Bankers from London started this greedy, power hungry malevolent governance we have. That dates to before Rothschild that perfected this evil.

Had it not turned to malevolent we would have remained like frogs in the pan of water. I did until 2014 and the US Navy determined I was very smart at 18. Not so much anymore. It was thought that the force for the malevolent takeover would come from the military and judiciary. It appears to be coming from the medical adherents to the Josef Mengele School of medicine.

On Oregon the fix by the Esquires, many were attorneys, like Frank Benson that corrupted our Oregon Constitution in 1910. When, ARTICLE VII (Amended) was added, unlawfully, to the Constitution. I’m told not all members of the Oregon State Bar know this. The OSB confers the title of nobility, Esquire, to its members. ARTICLE VII (Amended) is the Judiciary clause the judges and attorneys use to defraud the people. It could be that some Sheriffs and police are unaware of this deception. I’m told that some legislators do not know of this fraud upon the people. Many do not even know what a lawful oath and bond of office is.

LEOs ask for legal help from attorneys and judges and get mis and dis information. They are the ones that are aware of the misprision of felony and they continue to perpetrate this evil on us after 113 years. Although, we know the fix was in from the time of Lincoln. The powers that be on Oregon from 1860 corrupted our government when they agreed to the fraud of Matthew Deady and his two state authorized books, containing the lie that Amendment XIII the anti title of nobility amendment was not part of our statehood documents. Doctor, Mister, Gentlemen, Sir, Lady, Lord and Esquire are all titles of nobility not just honorifics. But, it is homage to the British royalty and nobility a deference to our betters. Did you think it was just being polite like you were taught?

So there it is! They are the two major frauds upon the people both to the advantage of the BAR (British Accreditation Registry) the attorneys of the Oregon State Bar and their ilk on Oregon. The people, our Sheriffs, Legislators and others say, “let me ask my attorney.” The fraud is perpetuated. Unfettered advice from Counsel does not include Oregon State Bar members. As, they all have an oath to an ARTICLE VII (Amended) Court. They are registered or unregistered foreign agents. It’s complicated and people turn off and consider important issues. What is for dinner, is the football game on? Our churches become 501 C3 and give their allegiance to the state before God and their congregation. And so it goes.

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Apr 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

Beautiful, beautiful pig.

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Apr 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha: You're such a credit to; yourself, your family and ALL of humanity ... because you're quite obviously sacrificing so much of your time and energy in trying to inform us ALL of the nefarious actions of governments and their 'controllers'. Bully for you! Encore!

Please don't interpret this as a criticism because it is NOT ... but do take a little time to pace yourself during your prezzies because your information is of such high impact and value that one struggles to digest and percolate ;-) through aged 'filters' ...

Suffice it to say that, if you lived in the UK, you would have been 'knighted' by now.

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Excellent presentation, Sasha.

I guess there are no RC's for pigs and cows? So much for the WHO's "One Health".

I wonder if the EPA is monitoring shedding into wild ecosystems.

The CDC loves stirring the wastewater pot, probably should be interested in natural water purity of spreadable contaminants to.

I will keep a eye out for news of local UTAG groups that may be monitoring Utah water quality/impact o flora? as well as fauna and fish who might be swimming in circles like they are off the Florida coast.

I will aslo keep a eye for which States are further down the road of poisoning their livestock (ad plants?) with mRNA process contaminants.

Wee done oce again - clear, concise and strong speaking (less of the "ands" haha!)

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Apr 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

So the lawyers get paid win or lose? I don't think so.

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Apr 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

I really like your watercolors

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Well done.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

Well. Seems like we have still some way to go until our governments understand that they are killing us as well as themselves.

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Apr 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

Exposure and emphasis of corporate intent is exactly what needs to take place on a mass scale. There corporate intentions (trespass/remedies) are not founded in research.

They are based on enrichment of the pharmaceutical industries, while intending to destroy the health of mankind whom are not party to their PRIVATE corporations.

If one ganders at the legal definition of the term authority the definition is "permission". They do not have permission, they forge forward operating under the presumption of authority. They will continue to do so until the presumption is challenged.

Presumption is a key mode of operation. If the trespassed do not challenge or negotiate a counter offer to the corporate offer to contract, (note their asserted presumptions are offers to contract) if they are not challenged on paper (remember they only exist on paper) the officers, agents and the like acting in behalf of the corporation (fictional entity) will presume the offer has been accepted.

If you take a gander at the legal term accept it reads " to receive with intent to retain." So when you receive an offer and one does not counter negotiate the offer it is presumed accepted. Pretty tricky huh, it kind of like the game of tag, or hot potatoes. If there is no response it is presumed by ones silence to be a tacit acquiescence.

There in lies the reason we find ourselves presumed to have accepted their offers. That is exactly what is going on with the W.H.O. so called text negotiations, those engaged expressing by means of pleas, protest and partitioning. Have not served (negotiated) a counterclaim in the form of an affidavit. Pleas, protest and partitioning will not exist as a part of the record when it is all said an done.

We were taught a bunch of frivolous stuff in skool, we were not taught to understand the actual machinations of how to operate in commerce, nor were we informed that everything is commerce. EVERYTHING OCCURS IN COMMERCE AND COMMERCE ONLY! When they say it's only business believe them, in those instances they are telling what is true.

Keep in mind that all that is legal is by agreement. So the question should always be how are they

moving to form an agreement, adhesion or otherwise? If they become the holders in due course of a title, you consented knowingly or unwittingly. But agreed non the less.

If you think back to skool we were taught to argue, protest, and conduct sit-ins. All of these acts are acts of dishonor in commerce, because there is no controversy in commerce. When you go to controversy you've lost right out of the gate.

To find the rules/statutes the thing to study is the Uniform Commercial Code. One of the Uniform Laws drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws governing commercial transactions (sales of goods, commercial paper, bank deposits and collections, letters of credit, bulk transfers, warehouse receipts, Bill's of lading, investment securities, and secured transactions). The U.C.C. has been adopted by all states, except Louisiana.

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Apr 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yet more informative presentations revealing behaviours which leave me both perplexed and more than worried.

Zooming out from the INSANE Covid-19 hoodwinking criminal enterprise, I'm trying to get my head around WHY, beyond the obvious billions of dollars profit motives, would supposedly decent health officials, government representatives, Colonel Matt Hepburn at the United States DOD who apparently PLANNED all of this C-19 Military Exercise with ONLY NON-CONFORM injections being the solution to a nation which was deemed to be under an enemy biological attack, was this global 'Catalysing Event' EVILLY imposed on billions of Media-Frightened people!?

Calin Georgescu, an ex-member of what he calls the OLIGARCHY, revealed that this greatly exaggerated crisis would have happened sooner if Donald Trump hadn't shockingly won the 2016 US election!!

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Apr 19Liked by Sasha Latypova

Excellent Presentation will be passing it around and hope others do the same

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